Getting Started With Knative

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Getting Started

with Knative
Building Modern Serverless
Workloads on Kubernetes

Brian McClain & Bryan Friedman

Getting Started with
Building Modern Serverless Workloads
on Kubernetes

Brian McClain and Bryan Friedman

Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo

Getting Started with Knative
by Brian McClain and Bryan Friedman
Copyright © 2019 O’Reilly Media Inc. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA
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[email protected].

Editors: Proofreader: Nan Barber

Virginia Wilson and Nikki McDonald Interior Designer: David Futato
Production Editor: Nan Barber Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery
Copyeditor: Kim Cofer Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest

March 2019: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition

2019-02-13: First Release

The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Getting Started
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The views expressed in this work are those of the authors, and do not represent the
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to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate,
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including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or
reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this
work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains
or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of
others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such
licenses and/or rights.
This work is part of a collaboration between O’Reilly and Pivotal. See our statement
of editorial independence.

Table of Contents

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

1. Knative Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What Is Knative? 1
Serverless? 2
Why Knative? 3
Conclusion 4

2. Serving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Configurations and Revisions 6
Routes 9
Services 14
Conclusion 15

3. Build. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Service Accounts 18
The Build Resource 20
Build Templates 22
Conclusion 24

4. Eventing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Sources 25
Channels 29
Subscriptions 30
Conclusion 32

5. Installing Knative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Standing Up a Knative Cluster 33
Accessing Your Knative Cluster 37
Conclusion 38

6. Using Knative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Creating and Running Knative Services 39
Deployment Considerations 42
Building a Custom Event Source 48
Conclusion 52

7. Putting It All Together. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

The Architecture 53
Geocoder Service 55
USGS Event Source 58
Frontend 61
Metrics and Logging 63
Conclusion 66

8. What’s Next?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Building Functions with Project riff 67
Further Reading 69

vi | Table of Contents

Kubernetes has won. Not the boldest statement ever made, but true
nonetheless. Container-based deployments have been rising in pop‐
ularity, and Kubernetes has risen as the de facto way to run them. By
its own admission, though, Kubernetes is a platform for contain‐
ers rather than code. It’s a great platform to run and manage contain‐
ers, but how those containers are built and how they run, scale, and
are routed to is largely left up to the user. These are the missing
pieces that Knative looks to fill.
Maybe you’re running Kubernetes in production today, or maybe
you’re a starry-eyed enthusiast dreaming to modernize your OS/2-
running organization. Either way, this report doesn’t make many
assumptions and only really requires that you know what a con‐
tainer is, have some working knowledge of Kubernetes, and have
access to a Kubernetes installation. If you don’t, Minikube is a great
option to get started.
We’ll be using a lot of code samples and prebuilt container images
that we’ve made available and open source to all readers. You can
find all code samples at and all container
images at You can also find handy
links to both of these repositories as well as other great reference
material at
We’re extremely excited for what Knative aspires to become. While
we are colleagues at Pivotal—one of the largest contributors to Kna‐
tive—this report comes simply from us, the authors, who are very
passionate about Knative and the evolving landscape of developing
and running functions. Some of this report consists of our opinions,
which some readers will inevitably disagree with and will enthusias‐

tically let us know why we’re wrong. That’s ok! This area of comput‐
ing is very new and is constantly redefining itself. At the very
least, this report will have you thinking about serverless architecture
and get you feeling just as excited for Knative as we are.

Who This Report Is For

We are developers by nature, so this report is written primarily with
a developer audience in mind. Throughout the report, we explore
serverless architecture patterns and show examples of self-service
use cases for developers (such as building and deploying code).
However, Knative appeals to technologists playing many different
roles. In particular, operators and platform builders will be intrigued
by the idea of using Knative components as part of a larger platform
or integrated with their systems. This report will be useful for these
audiences as they explore using Knative to serve their specific

What You Will Learn

While this report isn’t intended to be a comprehensive, bit-by-bit
look at the complete laundry list of features in Knative, it is still a
fairly deep dive that will take you from zero knowledge of what Kna‐
tive is to a very solid understanding of how to use it and how it
works. After exploring the goals of Knative, we’ll spend some time
looking at how to use each of its major components. Then, we’ll
move to a few advanced use cases, and finally we’ll end by building a
real-world example application that will leverage much of what you
learn in this report.

We would like to thank Pivotal. We are both first time authors, and I
don’t think either of us would have been able to say that without the
support of our team at Pivotal. Dan Baskette, Director of Technical
Marketing (and our boss) and Richard Seroter, VP of Product Mar‐
keting, have been a huge part in our growth at Pivotal and wonder‐
ful leaders. We’d like to thank Jared Ruckle, Derrick Harris, and Jeff
Kelly, whose help to our growth as writers cannot be overstated.
We’d also like to thank Tevin Rawls who has been a great intern on
our team at Pivotal and helped us build the frontend for our demo

viii | Preface
in Chapter 7. Of course, we’d like to thank the O’Reilly team for all
their support and guidance. A huge thank you to the entire Knative
community, especially those at Pivotal who have helped us out any
time we had a question, no matter how big or small it might be. Last
but certainly not least, we’d like to thank Virginia Wilson, Dr. Nic
Williams, Mark Fisher, Nate Schutta, Michael Kehoe, and Andrew
Martin for taking the time to review our work in progress and offer
guidance to shape the final product.
Brian McClain: I’d like to thank my wonderful wife Sarah for her
constant support and motivation through the writing process. I’d
also like to thank our two dogs, Tony and Brutus, for keeping me
company nearly the entire time spent working on this report. Also
thanks to our three cats Tyson, Marty, and Doc, who actively made
writing harder by wanting to sleep on my laptop, but I still appreci‐
ated their company. Finally, a thank you to my awesome coauthor
Bryan Friedman, without whom this report would not be possible.
Pivotal has taught me that pairing often yields multiplicative results
rather than additive, and this has been no different.
Bryan Friedman: Thank you to my amazing wife Alison, who is cer‐
tainly the more talented writer in the family but is always so suppor‐
tive of my writing. I should also thank my two beautiful daughters,
Madelyn and Arielle, who inspire me to be better every day. I also
have a loyal office mate, my dog Princeton, who mostly just enjoys
the couch but occasionally would look at me with a face that implied
he was proud of my work on this report. And of course, there’s no
way I could have done this alone, so I have to thank my coauthor,
Brian McClain, whose technical prowess and contagious passion
helped me immensely throughout. It’s been an honor to pair with

Preface | ix
Knative Overview

A belief of ours is that having a platform as a place for your software

is one of the best choices you can make. A standardized develop‐
ment and deployment process has continually been shown to reduce
both time and money spent writing code by allowing developers to
focus on delivering new features. Not only that, ensured consistency
across applications means that they’re easier to patch, update, and
monitor, allowing operators to be more efficient. Knative aims to be
this modern platform.

What Is Knative?
Let’s get to the meat of Knative. If Knative does indeed aim to book‐
end the development cycle on top of Kubernetes, not only does it
need to help you run and scale your applications, but to help you
architect and package them, too. It should enable you as a developer
to write code how you want, in the language you want.
To do this, Knative focuses on three key categories: building your
application, serving traffic to it, and enabling applications to easily
consume and produce events.
Flexible, pluggable build system to go from source to container.
Already has support for several build systems such as Google’s
Kaniko, which can build container images on your Kubernetes
cluster without the need for a running Docker daemon.

Automatically scale based on load, including scaling to zero
when there is no load. Allows you to create traffic policies for
multiple revisions, enabling easy routing to applications via
Makes it easy to produce and consume events. Abstracts away
from event sources and allows operators to run their messaging
layer of choice.
Knative is installed as a set of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
for Kubernetes, so it’s as easy to get started with Knative as applying
a few YAML files. This also means that, on-premises or with a man‐
aged cloud provider, you can run Knative and your code anywhere
you can run Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Knowledge
Since Knative is a series of extensions for Kubernetes, having some
background on Kubernetes and Docker constructs and terminology
is recommended. We will be referring to objects like namespaces,
Deployments, ReplicaSets, and Pods. Familiarity with these Kuber‐
netes terms will help you better understand the underlying work‐
ings of Knative as you read on. If you’re new to either, both
Kubernetes and Docker have great in-browser training material!

We’ve talked about containerizing our applications so far, but it’s
2019 and we’ve gone through half of a chapter without mentioning
the word “serverless.” Perhaps the most loaded word in technology
today, serverless is still looking for a definition that the industry as a
whole can agree on. Many agree that one of the major changes in
mindset is at the code level, where instead of dealing with large,
monolithic applications, you write small, single-purpose functions
that are invoked via events. Those events could be as simple as an
HTTP request or a message from a message broker such as Apache
Kafka. They could also be events that are less direct, such as upload‐
ing an image to Google Cloud Storage, or making an update to a
table in Amazon’s DynamoDB.

2 | Chapter 1: Knative Overview

Many also agree that it means your code is using compute resources
only while serving requests. For hosted services such as Amazon’s
Lambda or Google’s Cloud Functions, this means that you’re only
paying for active compute time rather than paying for a virtual
machine running 24/7 that may not even be doing anything much of
the time. On-premises or in a nonmanaged serverless platform, this
might translate to only running your code when it’s needed and scal‐
ing it down to zero when it’s not, leaving your infrastructure free to
spend compute cycles elsewhere.
Beyond these fundamentals lies a holy war. Some insist serverless
only works in a managed cloud environment and that running such
a platform on-premises completely misses the point. Others look at
it as more of a design philosophy than anything. Maybe these defini‐
tions will eventually merge, maybe they won’t. For now, Knative
looks to standardize some of these emerging trends as serverless
adoption continues to grow.

Why Knative?
Arguments on the definition of serverless aside, the next logical
question is “why was Knative built?” As trends have grown toward
container-based architectures and the popularity of Kubernetes has
exploded, we’ve started to see some of the same questions arise that
previously drove the growth of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solu‐
tions. How do we ensure consistency when building containers?
Who’s responsible for keeping everything patched? How do you
scale based on demand? How do you achieve zero-downtime
While Kubernetes has certainly evolved and begun to address some
of these concerns, the concepts we mentioned with respect to the
growing serverless space start to raise even more questions. How do
you recover infrastructure from sources with no traffic to scale them
to zero? How can you consistently manage multiple event types?
How do you define event sources and destinations?
A number of serverless or Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) frame‐
works have attempted to answer these questions, but not all of them
leverage Kubernetes, and they have all gone about solving these
problems in different ways. Knative looks to build on Kubernetes
and present a consistent, standard pattern for building and deploy‐
ing serverless and event-driven applications. Knative removes the

Why Knative? | 3
overhead that often comes with this new approach to software-
development, while abstracting away complexity around routing
and eventing.

Now that we have a good handle on what Knative is and why it was
created, we can start diving in a little further. The next chapters
describe the key components of Knative. We will examine all three
of them in detail and explain how they work together and how to
leverage them to their full potential. After that, we’ll look at how you
can install Knative on your Kubernetes cluster as well as some more
advanced use cases. Finally, we’ll walk through a demo that imple‐
ments much of what you’ll learn over the course of the report.

4 | Chapter 1: Knative Overview


Even with serverless architectures, the ability to handle and respond

to HTTP requests is an important concept. Before you write some
code and have events trigger a function, you need a place for the
code to run.
This chapter examines Knative’s Serving component. You will learn
how Knative Serving manages the deployment and serving of appli‐
cations and functions. Serving lets you easily deploy a prebuilt
image to the underlying Kubernetes cluster. (In Chapter 3, you will
see that Knative Build can help build your images for you to run in
the Serving component.) Knative Serving maintains point-in-time
snapshots, provides automatic scaling (both up and down to zero),
and handles the necessary routing and network programming.
The Serving module defines a specific set of objects to control all
this functionality: Revision, Configuration, Route, and Service. Kna‐
tive implements these objects in Kubernetes as Custom Resource
Definitions (CRDs). Figure 2-1 shows the relationship between all
the Serving components. The following sections will explore each in

Figure 2-1. The Knative Serving object model

Configurations and Revisions

Configurations are a great place to start when working with Knative
Serving. A Configuration is where you define your desired state for
a deployment. At a minimum, this includes a Configuration name
and a reference to the container image to deploy. In Knative, you
define this reference as a Revision.
Revisions represent immutable, point-in-time snapshots of code and
configuration. Each Revision references a specific container image
to run, along with any specification required to run it (such as envi‐
ronment variables or volumes). You will not explicitly create Revi‐
sions, though. Since Revisions are immutable, they are never
changed or deleted. Instead, Knative creates a new Revision when‐
ever you modify the Configuration. This allows a Configuration to
reflect the present state of a workload while also maintaining a list of
its historical Revisions.
Example 2-1 shows a full Configuration definition. It specifies a
Revision that refers to a particular image as a container registry URI
and specified version tag.

Example 2-1. knative-helloworld/configuration.yml

kind: Configuration

6 | Chapter 2: Serving
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default
- name: MESSAGE
value: "Knative!"

Now you can apply this YAML file with a simple command:
$ kubectl apply -f configuration.yaml

Defining a Custom Port

By default, Knative will assume that your application listens on port
8080. However, if this is not the case, you can define a custom port
via the containerPort argument:
- name: MESSAGE
value: "Knative!"
- containerPort: 8081

As with any Kubernetes objects, you may view Revisions and Con‐
figurations in the system using the command-line interface (CLI).
You can use kubectl get revisions and kubectl get configura
tions to get a list of them. To get our specific Configuration that we
just created from Example 2-1, we’ll use kubectl get configura
tion knative-helloworld -oyaml. This will show the full details of
this Configuration in YAML form (see Example 2-2).

Example 2-2. Output of `kubectl get configuration knative-helloworld


kind: Configuration

Configurations and Revisions | 7

creationTimestamp: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
generation: 1
labels: knative-helloworld knative-helloworld
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default
- apiVersion:
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: Service
name: knative-helloworld
uid: 9835040f-f29c-11e8-a238-42010a8e0068
resourceVersion: "374548"
selfLink: "/apis/\
uid: 987101a0-f29c-11e8-a238-42010a8e0068
generation: 1
creationTimestamp: null
name: ""
resources: {}
- lastTransitionTime: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
status: "True"
type: Ready
latestCreatedRevisionName: knative-helloworld-00001
latestReadyRevisionName: knative-helloworld-00001
observedGeneration: 1

Notice under the status section in Example 2-2 that the Configura‐
tion controller keeps track of the most recently created and most
recently ready Revisions. It also contains the condition of the Revi‐
sion, indicating whether it is ready to receive traffic.

The Configuration may specify a preexisting container

image, as in Example 2-1. Or, it may instead choose to
reference a Build resource to create a container image
from source code. Chapter 3 covers the Knative Build
module in more detail and offers some examples of

8 | Chapter 2: Serving
So what’s really going on inside our Kubernetes cluster? What hap‐
pens with the container image we specified in the Configuration?
Knative is turning the Configuration definition into a number of
Kubernetes objects and creating them on the cluster. After applying
the Configuration, you can see a corresponding Deployment, Repli‐
caSet, and Pod. Example 2-3 shows the objects that were created for
the Hello World sample from Example 2-1.

Example 2-3. Kubernetes objects created by Knative

$ kubectl get deployments -oname


$ kubectl get replicasets -oname


$ kubectl get pods -oname


We now have a Pod running our application, but how do we know

where to send requests to it? This is where Routes come in.

A Route in Knative provides a mechanism for routing traffic to your
running code. It maps a named, HTTP-addressable endpoint to one
or more Revisions. A Configuration alone does not define a Route.
Example 2-4 shows the definition for the most basic Route that
sends traffic to the latest Revision of a specified Configuration.

Example 2-4. knative-helloworld/route.yml

kind: Route
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default
- configurationName: knative-helloworld
percent: 100

Just as we did with our Configuration, we can apply this YAML file
with a simple command:
kubectl apply -f route.yaml

Routes | 9
This Route sends 100% of traffic to the latestReadyRevisionName
of the Configuration specified in configurationName. You can test
this Route and Configuration by issuing the following curl com‐
curl -H "Host:"

Instead of using the latestReadyRevisionName, you can instead pin

a Route to send traffic to a specific Revision using revisionName.
Using the name parameter, you can also access Revisions via address‐
able subdomain. Example 2-5 shows both of these scenarios

Example 2-5. knative-routing-demo/route.yml

kind: Route
name: knative-routing-demo
namespace: default
- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00001
name: v1
percent: 100

Again we can apply this YAML file with a simple command:

kubectl apply -f route.yaml

The specified Revision will be accessible using the v1 subdomain as

in the following curl command:
curl -H "Host:"

10 | Chapter 2: Serving
By default, Knative uses the domain, but
it is not intended for production use. You’ll notice the
URL passed as a host header in the curl command
includes this default as the domain suffix. The format
for this URL follows the pattern {REVISION_NAME}.
The default portion of the subdomain refers to the
namespace being used in this case. You will learn how
to change this value and use a custom domain in
“Deployment Considerations” on page 42.

Knative also allows for splitting traffic across Revisions on a per‐

centage basis. This supports things like incremental rollouts, blue-
green deployments, or other complex routing scenarios. You will see
these and other examples in Chapter 6.

Autoscaler and Activator

A key principle of serverless is scaling up to meet demand and down to
save resources. Serverless workloads should scale all the way down to
zero. That means no container instances are running if there are no
incoming requests. Knative uses two key components to achieve this
functionality. It implements Autoscaler and Activator as Pods on the
cluster. You can see them running alongside other Serving components
in the knative-serving namespace (see Example 2-6).

Example 2-6. Output of `kubectl get pods -n knative-serving`


activator-69dc4755b5-p2m5h 2/2 Running 0 7h
autoscaler-7645479876-4h2ds 2/2 Running 0 7h
controller-545d44d6b5-2s2vt 1/1 Running 0 7h
webhook-68fdc88598-qrt52 1/1 Running 0 7h

The Autoscaler gathers information about the number of concurrent

requests to a Revision. To do so, it runs a container called the queue-
proxy inside the Revision’s Pod that also runs the user-provided
image. You can see it by using the kubectl describe command on
the Pod that represents the desired Revision (see Example 2-7).

Routes | 11
Example 2-7. Snippet from output of `kubectl describe pod knative-

Container ID: docker://f02dc...
Container ID: docker://1afcb...

The queue-proxy checks the observed concurrency for that Revi‐

sion. It then sends this data to the Autoscaler every one second. The
Autoscaler evaluates these metrics every two seconds. Based on this
evaluation, it increases or decreases the size of the Revision’s under‐
lying Deployment.
By default, the Autoscaler tries to maintain an average of 100
requests per Pod per second. This concurrency target and the aver‐
age concurrency window are both changeable. The Autoscaler can
also be configured to leverage the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod
Autoscaler (HPA) instead. This will autoscale based on CPU usage
but does not support scaling to zero. These settings can all be cus‐
tomized via annotations in the metadata of the Revision. Check the
Knative documentation for details on these annotations.
For example, say a Revision is receiving 350 requests per second and
each request takes about .5 seconds. Using the default setting of 100
requests per Pod, the Revision will receive 2 Pods:
350 * .5 = 175
175 / 100 = 1.75
ceil(1.75) = 2 pods
The Autoscaler is also responsible for scaling down to zero. Revi‐
sions receiving traffic are in the Active state. When a Revision stops
receiving traffic, the Autoscaler moves it to the Reserve state. For
this to happen, the average concurrency per Pod must remain at 0.0
for 30 seconds. (This is the default setting, but it is configurable.)
In the Reserve state, a Revision’s underlying Deployment scales to
zero and all its traffic gets routed to the Activator. The Activator is a
shared component that catches all traffic for Reserve Revisions
(though it can be scaled horizontally to handle increased load).

12 | Chapter 2: Serving
When it receives a request for a Reserve Revision, it transitions that
Revision to Active. It then proxies the requests to the appropriate

How Autoscaler Scales

The scaling algorithm used by Autoscaler averages all data points
over two separate time intervals. It maintains both a 60-second
window and a 6-second window. The Autoscaler then uses this data
to operate in two different modes: Stable Mode and Panic Mode. In
Stable Mode, it uses the 60-second window average to determine
how it should scale the Deployment to meet the desired concur‐
If the 6-second average concurrency reaches twice the desired tar‐
get, the Autoscaler transitions into Panic Mode and uses the 6-
second window instead. This makes it much more responsive to
sudden increases in traffic. It will also only scale up during Panic
Mode to prevent rapid fluctuations in Pod count. The Autoscaler
transitions back to Stable Mode after 60 seconds without scaling up.

Figure 2-2 shows how the Autoscaler and Activator work with
Routes and Revisions.

Figure 2-2. How the Autoscaler and Activator interact with Knative
Routes and Revisions.

Both the Autoscaler and Activator are rapidly evolving

pieces of Knative. Refer to the latest Knative documen‐
tation for any recent changes or enhancements.

Routes | 13
A Service in Knative manages the entire life cycle of a workload.
This includes deployment, routing, and rollback. (Do not confuse a
Knative Service with a Kubernetes Service. They are different
resources.) A Knative Service controls the collection of Routes and
Configurations that make up your software. A Knative Service can
be considered the piece of code—the application or function you are
A Service takes care to ensure that an app has a Route, a Configura‐
tion, and a new Revision for each update of the Service. If you do
not specifically define a Route when creating a Service, Knative cre‐
ates one that sends traffic to the latest Revision. You could instead
choose to specify a particular Revision to route traffic to.
You are not required to explicitly create a Service. Routes and Con‐
figurations may be separate YAML files (as in Example 2-1 and
Example 2-4). In that case, you would apply each one individually to
the cluster. However, the recommended approach is to use a Service
to orchestrate both the Route and Configuration. The file shown in
Example 2-8 replaces the configuration.yml and route.yml from
Example 2-1 and Example 2-4.

Example 2-8. knative-helloworld/service.yml

kind: Service
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default

Notice this service.yml file is very similar to the configura

tion.yml. This file defines the Configuration and is the most mini‐
mal Service definition. Since there is no Route definition, a default
Route points to the latest Revision. The Service’s controller collec‐
tively tracks the statuses of the Configuration and Route that it
owns. It then reflects these statuses in its ConfigurationsReady and

14 | Chapter 2: Serving
RoutesReady conditions. These statuses can be seen when request‐
ing information about a Knative Service from the CLI using the
kubectl get ksvc command.

Example 2-9. Snippet from output of `kubectl get ksvc knative-

helloworld -oyaml`

kind: Service
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default
- lastTransitionTime: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
status: "True"
type: ConfigurationsReady
- lastTransitionTime: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
status: "True"
type: Ready
- lastTransitionTime: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
status: "True"
type: RoutesReady
domainInternal: knative-helloworld.default.svc.cluster.local
latestCreatedRevisionName: knative-helloworld-00001
latestReadyRevisionName: knative-helloworld-00001
observedGeneration: 1
domainInternal: knative-helloworld.default.svc.cluster.local
- percent: 100
revisionName: knative-helloworld-00001

Example 2-9 shows the output of this command. You can see the
statuses along with the default Route all highlighted in bold.

Now you’ve been introduced to Services, Routes, Configurations,
and Revisions. Revisions are immutable and only created along with
changes to Configurations. You can create Configurations and
Routes individually, or combine them together and define them as a

Conclusion | 15
Service. Understanding these building blocks of the Serving module
is essential to working with Knative. The apps you deploy all require
a Service or Configuration in order to run as a container in Knative.
But how do you package your source code into a container image to
deploy in this way? Chapter 3 will answer this question and intro‐
duce you to the Knative Build module.

16 | Chapter 2: Serving

Whereas the Serving component of Knative is how you go from

container-to-URL, the Build component is how you go from source-
to-container. Rather than pointing to a prebuilt container image, the
Build resource lets you define how your code is compiled and the
container is built. This ensures a consistent way to compile and
package your code before shipping it to the container registry of
your choice. There are a few new components that we’ll introduce in
this chapter:
The custom Kubernetes resource that drives a build process.
When you define a build, you define how to get your source
code and how to create the container image that will run it.
Build Templates
A template that encapsulates a repeatable collection of build
steps and allows builds to be parameterized.
Service Accounts
Allows for authentication to private resources, such as a Git
repository or container registry.

At the time of writing, there is active work to migrate
Builds to Build Pipelines, a restructuring of builds in
Knative that more closely resembles CI/CD pipelines.
This means builds in Knative, in addition to compiling
and packaging your code, can also easily run tests and
publish those results. Make sure to keep an eye on
future releases of Knative for this change.

Service Accounts
Before we begin to configure our Build we first face an immediate
question: How do we reach out to services that require authentica‐
tion at build-time? How do we pull code from a private Git reposi‐
tory or push container images to Docker Hub? For this, we can
leverage a combination of two Kubernetes-native components:
Secrets and Service Accounts. Secrets allow us to securely store the
credentials needed for these authenticated requests while Service
Accounts allow us the flexibility of providing and maintaining cre‐
dentials for multiple Builds without manually configuring them
each time we build a new application.
In Example 3-1, we first create our Secret named dockerhub-
account that includes our credentials. We can of course then apply
this like we would with any other YAML, as shown in Example 3-2.

Example 3-1. knative-build-demo/secret.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: dockerhub-account
# 'echo -n "username" | base64'
username: dXNlcm5hbWUK
# 'echo -n "password" | base64'
password: cGFzc3dvcmQK

Example 3-2. kubectl apply

kubectl apply -f knative-build-demo/secret.yaml

18 | Chapter 3: Build
The first thing to notice is that both the username and password are
base64 encoded when passed to Kubernetes. We’ve also noted that
we’re using basic-auth to authenticate against Docker Hub, mean‐
ing that we’ll authenticate with a username and password rather
than something like an access token. Additionally, Knative also ships
with ssh-auth out of the box, allowing us to authenticate using an
SSH private key if we would like to pull code from a private Git
repository, for example.
In addition to giving the Secret the name of dockerhub-account,
we’ve also annotated our Secret. Annotations are a way of saying
which credentials to use when connecting to a specific host. In our
case in Example 3-3, we’ve defined a basic-auth set of credentials to
use when connecting to Docker Hub.

Are My Credentials Secure?

Encoding our credentials using base64 encoding is not done for
security, but rather a means to reliably transfer these strings into
Kubernetes. On the backend, Kubernetes provides more options on
how Secrets are encrypted. For more information on encrypting
Secrets, please refer to the Kubernetes documentation.

Once we’ve created the Secret named dockerhub-account, we must

then create the Service Account that will run our application, so that
it will have access to the credentials in Kubernetes. The configura‐
tion is straightforward, which we can see in Example 3-3.

Example 3-3. knative-build-demo/serviceaccount.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: build-bot
- name: dockerhub-account

Here we’ve seen that we create a ServiceAccount named build-bot,

giving it access to the dockerhub-account Secret. In our example
Knative uses these credentials to authenticate to Docker Hub when
pushing our container image.

Service Accounts | 19
The Build Resource
Let’s start with our Hello World app to get started. It’s a simple Go
application that listens on port 8080 and responds to HTTP GET
requests with “Hello from Knative!” The entirety of its code can be
seen in Example 3-4.

Example 3-4. knative-helloworld/app.go

package main

import (

func handlePost(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%s", "Hello from Knative!")

func main() {
log.Print("Starting server on port 8080...")
http.HandleFunc("/", handlePost)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

We’ll also write a Dockerfile that will build our code and container,
shown in Example 3-5.

Example 3-5. knative-helloworld/Dockerfile

FROM golang

ADD . /knative-build-demo
WORKDIR /knative-build-demo

RUN go build

ENTRYPOINT ./knative-build-demo

Previously in Chapter 2, we built the container locally and pushed it

to our container registry manually. However, Knative provides a
great way to do these steps for us within our Kubernetes cluster
using Builds. Like Configurations and Routes, Builds are also imple‐
mented as a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) that we

20 | Chapter 3: Build
define via YAML. Before we start digging down into each of the
components, let’s take a look at Example 3-6 to see what a Build con‐
figuration looks like.

Example 3-6. knative-build-demo/service.yaml

kind: Service
name: knative-build-demo
namespace: default
serviceAccountName: build-bot
revision: master
name: kaniko
- name: IMAGE

Prior to the Build’s steps, we also see the source section where we
define the location of our source code. Today, Knative ships with
three options for sources:
A Git repository that can optionally take an argument to define
the branch, tag, or commit SHA.
An archive located in Google Cloud Storage.
An arbitrary container image. This allows users to write their
own sources so long as it places the source code in the /work
space directory.
There’s only one additional component we’ll need to install, which is
the Build Template. We’ll cover these more in depth in “Build Tem‐

The Build Resource | 21

plates” on page 22, but for now, we’ll go ahead and just install the
one that we’ve defined to use in our YAML, which in this case is the
Kaniko Build Template (see Example 3-7).

Example 3-7. Install the Kaniko Build Template

kubectl apply -f https://

With our template applied, we can deploy our Service configuration

just like we have in our Serving examples (see Example 3-8).

Example 3-8. Deploy our application

kubectl apply -f knative-build-demo/service.yaml

This build will then run through the following steps:

1. Pull the code from the GitHub repo at gswk/knative-helloworld.

2. Build the container using the Dockerfile in the repo using the
Kaniko Build Template (described in more detail in the next
3. Push the container to Docker Hub at gswk/knative-build-demo
using the “build-bot” Service Account we set up earlier.
4. Deploy our application using the freshly built container.

Build Templates
In Example 3-6, we used a Build Template without ever actually
explaining what a Build Template is or what it does. Simply, Build
Templates are a sharable, encapsulated, parameterized collection of
build steps. Today, Knative already supports several Build Templates,
Build container images inside a running container without rely‐
ing on running a Docker daemon.
Build container images for Java applications.

22 | Chapter 3: Build
Automatically detect the application’s runtime and build a con‐
tainer image using Cloud Foundry Buildpacks.
While this isn’t a comprehensive list of what’s available, we can easily
integrate new templates developed by the Knative community.
Installing a Build Template is as easy as applying a YAML file as we
would a Service, Route, or Build configuration:
kubectl apply -f
Then we can apply Example 3-6 as we would any other configura‐
tion to deploy our application and start sending requests to it like
we did in Chapter 2:
kubectl apply -f knative-build-demo/service.yml

$ curl -H "Host:"


Hello from Knative!

Let’s take a closer look at a Build Template, continuing to use Kaniko
as a reference in Example 3-9.

Example 3-9.


kind: BuildTemplate
name: kaniko
- name: IMAGE
description: The name of the image to push
description: Path to the Dockerfile to build.
default: /workspace/Dockerfile

- name: build-and-push
- --dockerfile=${DOCKERFILE}
- --destination=${IMAGE}

Build Templates | 23
The steps section of a Build Template has the exact same syntax as a
Build does, only templated with named variables. In fact, we’ll see
that other than having our paths replaced with variables, the steps
section looks very similar to the template section of Example 3-6.
The parameters section puts some structure around the arguments
that a Build Template expects. The Kaniko Build Template requires
an IMAGE argument defining where to push the container image, but
has an optional DOCKERFILE parameter and provides a default value
if it’s not defined.

We’ve seen that Builds in Knative remove quite a few manual steps
when it comes to deploying your application. Additionally, Build
Templates already provide a few great ways to build your code and
remove the number of manually managed components. As time
goes on, the potential for more and more Build Templates to be built
and shared with the Knative community remains possibly one of the
most exciting things to keep an eye on.
We’ve spent a lot of time on how we build and run our applications,
but one of the biggest promises of serverless is that it makes it easy
to wire your Services to Event Sources. In the next chapter we’ll look
at the Eventing component of Knative and all of the sources that are
provided out of the box.

24 | Chapter 3: Build

So far we’ve only sent basic HTTP requests to our applications, and
that’s a perfectly valid way to consume functions on Knative. How‐
ever, the loosely coupled nature of serverless fits an event-driven
architecture as well. That is to say, perhaps we want to invoke our
function when a file is uploaded to an FTP server. Or, maybe any
time we make a sale we need to invoke a function to process the
payment and update our inventory. Rather than having our applica‐
tions and functions worry about the logic of watching for these
events, instead we can express interest in certain events and let Kna‐
tive handle letting us know when they occur.
Doing this on your own would be quite a bit of work and
implementation-specific coding. Luckily, Knative provides a layer of
abstraction that makes it easy to consume events. Instead of writing
code specific to your message broker of choice, Knative simply
delivers an “event.” Your application doesn’t have to care where it
came from or how it got there, just simply that it happened. To
accomplish this, Knative introduces three new concepts: Sources,
Channels, and Subscriptions.

Sources are, as you may have guessed, the source of the events.
They’re how we define where events are being generated and how
they’re delivered to those interested in them. For example, the Kna‐
tive teams have developed a number of Sources that are provided
right out of the box. To name just a few:

GCP PubSub
Subscribe to a topic in Google’s PubSub Service and listen for
Kubernetes Events
A feed of all events happening in the Kubernetes cluster.
Watches for events in a GitHub repository, such as pull requests,
pushes, and creation of releases.
Container Source
In case you need to create your own Event Source, Knative has a
further abstraction, a Container Source. This allows you to
easily create your own Event Source, packaged as a container.
See “Building a Custom Event Source” on page 48.
While this is just a subset of current Event Sources, the list is quickly
and constantly growing as well. You can see a current list of Event
Sources in the Knative ecosystem in the Knative Eventing documen‐
Let’s take a look at a simple demo that will use the Kubernetes Events
Source and log them to STDOUT. We’ll deploy a function that lis‐
tens for POST requests on port 8080 and spits them back out,
shown in Example 4-1.

Example 4-1. knative-eventing-demo/app.go

package main

import (

func handlePost(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

defer req.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)

fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%s", body)

log.Printf("%s", body)

func main() {

26 | Chapter 4: Eventing
log.Print("Starting server on port 8080...")
http.HandleFunc("/", handlePost)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

We’ll deploy this Service just as we would any other, shown in

Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. knative-eventing-demo/service.yaml

kind: Service
name: knative-eventing-demo

$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml

So far, no surprises. We can even send requests to this Service like
we have done in the previous two chapters:
$ curl $SERVICE_IP -H "Host: knative-eventing-demo.default." -XPOST -d "Hello, Eventing"

> Hello, Eventing

Next, we can set up the Kubernetes Event Source. Different Event
Sources will have different requirements when it comes to configu‐
ration and authentication. The GCP PubSub source, for example,
requires information to authenticate to GCP. For the Kubernetes
Event Source, we’ll need to create a Service Account that has permis‐
sion to read the events happening inside of our Kubernetes cluster.
Like we did in Chapter 3, we define this Service Account in YAML
and apply it to our cluster, shown in Example 4-3.

Example 4-3. knative-eventing-demo/serviceaccount.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: events-sa
namespace: default

Sources | 27
kind: Role
creationTimestamp: null
name: event-watcher
- apiGroups:
- ""
- events
- get
- list
- watch
kind: RoleBinding
creationTimestamp: null
name: k8s-ra-event-watcher
kind: Role
name: event-watcher
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: events-sa
namespace: default

kubectl apply -f serviceaccount.yaml

With our “events-sa” Service Account in place, all that’s left is to
define our actual source, an instance of the Kubernetes Event Source
in our case. An instance of an Event Source will run with specific
configuration, in our case a predefined Service Account. We can see
what our configuration looks like in Example 4-4.

Example 4-4. knative-eventing-demo/source.yaml

kind: KubernetesEventSource
name: k8sevents
namespace: default
serviceAccountName: events-sa

28 | Chapter 4: Eventing
kind: Channel
name: knative-eventing-demo-channel

Most of this is fairly straightforward. We define the kind of object

we’re creating as a KubernetesEventSource, give it the name k8sev‐
ents, and pass along some instance-specific configuration such as
the namespace we should run in and the Service Account we should
use. There is one new thing you may have noticed though, the sink
Sinks are a way of defining where we want to send events to and are
a Kubernetes ObjectReference, or more simply, a way of addressing
another predefined object in Kubernetes. When working with Event
Sources in Knative, this will generally either be a Service (in case we
want to send events directly to an application running on Knative),
or a yet-to-be-introduced component, a Channel.

Now that we’ve defined a source for our events, we need somewhere
to send them. While you can send events straight to a Service, this
means it’s up to you to handle retry logic and queuing. And what
happens when an event is sent to your Service and it happens to be
down? What if you want to send the same events to multiple Serv‐
ices? To answer all of these questions, Knative introduces the con‐
cept of Channels.
Channels handle buffering and persistence, helping ensure that
events are delivered to their intended Services, even if that service is
down. Additionally, Channels are an abstraction between our code
and the underlying messaging solution. This means we could swap
this between something like Kafka and RabbitMQ, but in neither
case are we writing code specific to either. Continuing through our
demo, we’ll set up a Channel that we’ll send all of our events, as
shown in Example 4-5. You’ll notice that this Channel matches the
sink we defined in our Event Source in Example 4-4.

Example 4-5. knative-eventing-demo/channel.yaml

kind: Channel
name: knative-eventing-demo-channel

Channels | 29
kind: ClusterChannelProvisioner
name: in-memory-channel

kubectl apply -f channel.yaml

Here we create a Channel named knative-eventing-demo-channel

and define the type of Channel we’d like to create, in this case an in-
memory-channel. As mentioned before, a big goal of eventing in
Knative is that it’s completely abstracted away from the underlying
infrastructure, and this means making the messaging service back‐
ing our Channels pluggable. This is done by implementations of the
ClusterChannelProvisioner, a pattern for defining how Knative
should communicate with our messaging services. Our demo uses
the in-memory-channel provisioner, but Knative actually ships
with a few options for backing services for our Channels as well:
Handled completely in-memory inside of our Kubernetes clus‐
ter and does not rely on a separate running service to deliver
events. Great for development but is not recommended to be
used in production.
GCP PubSub
Uses Google’s PubSub hosted service to deliver messages, only
needs access to a GCP account.
Sends events to a running Apache Kafka cluster, an open source
distributed streaming platform with great message queue capa‐
Sends events to a running NATS cluster, an open source mes‐
sage system that can deliver and consume messages in a wide
variety of patterns and configurations.
With these pieces in place, one question remains: How do we get
our events from our Channel to our Service?

We have our Event Source sending events to a Channel, and a Ser‐
vice ready to go to start processing them, but currently we don’t

30 | Chapter 4: Eventing
have a way to get our events from our Channel to our Service. Kna‐
tive allows us to define a Subscription for just this scenario. Sub‐
scriptions are the glue between Channels and Services, instructing
Knative how our events should be piped through the entire system.
Figure 4-1 shows an example of how Subscriptions can be used to
route events to multiple applications.

Figure 4-1. Event Sources can send events to a Channel so multiple

Services can receive them simultaneously, or they can instead be sent
straight to one Service

Services in Knative don’t know or care how events and requests are
getting to them. It could be an HTTP request from the ingress gate‐
way or it could be an event sent from a Channel. Either way, our
Service simply receives an HTTP request. This is an important
decoupling in Knative that ensures that we’re writing our code to
our architecture, not our infrastructure. Let’s create the Subscription
that will deliver events from our Channel to our Service. As you can
see in Example 4-6, the definition takes just two references, one to a
Channel and one to a Service.

Example 4-6. knative-eventing-demo/subscription.yaml

kind: Subscription
name: knative-eventing-demo-subscription
kind: Channel
name: knative-eventing-demo-channel

Subscriptions | 31
kind: Service
name: knative-eventing-demo

With this final piece in place, we now have all the plumbing in place
to deliver events to our application. Kubernetes logs events occur‐
ring in the cluster, which our Event Source picks up and sends to
our Channel and subsequently to our Service thanks to the Sub‐
scription that we defined. If we check out the logs in our Service,
we’ll see these events start coming across right away, as shown in
Example 4-7.

Example 4-7. Retrieving the logs from our Service

$ kubectl get pods -l app=knative-eventing-demo-00001 -o name


$ kubectl logs knative-eventing-demo-00001-deployment-f4c794667

-mcrcv -c user-container
2019/01/04 22:46:41 Starting server on port 8080...
2019/01/04 22:46:44 {"metadata":{"name":"knative-eventing-demo-00001.
15761326c1edda18","namespace":"default"...[Truncated for brevity]

These building blocks pave the way to help enable a rich, robust
event-driven architecture, but this is just the beginning. We’ll look at
creating a custom source using the ContainerSource in “Building a
Custom Event Source” on page 48. We’ll also show Eventing in
action in Chapter 7.

32 | Chapter 4: Eventing
Installing Knative

Before you can begin using Knative to build and host workloads,
you need to install it. You should also run a few commands to vali‐
date that it’s up and working as expected. This chapter walks
through the necessary steps for installing and validating Knative
from a Mac or Linux shell.

Standing Up a Knative Cluster

To start with, you’ll need a Kubernetes cluster. Knative requires
Kubernetes version 1.11 or newer. You must enable the MutatingAd‐
missionWebhook admission controller on the cluster. For a simple
start, you can use Minikube on your local machine or get a cluster
up and running in the cloud.

Why Are We Installing Istio?

We haven’t discussed Istio at all so far, but all of a sudden it shows
up as part of the install. What is it and why do we need it for Kna‐
Istio is a service mesh that provides many useful features on top of
Kubernetes including traffic management, network policy enforce‐
ment, and observability. We don’t consider Istio to be a component
of Knative but instead one of its dependencies, just as Kubernetes
is. Knative ultimately runs atop a Kubernetes cluster with Istio.
The purpose of this report is not to detail the inner workings of
Istio. Pretty much everything you need to know about Istio in order

to work with Knative is covered in this chapter. If you’re looking for
more, start with “What is Istio?” and the Istio documentation.

There are many options for standing up a Kubernetes

cluster. Deciding which one to use depends on your
requirements and level of comfort with the provider’s
specific set of tools. Reference Knative’s installation
documentation in the GitHub repository for certain
provider-specific instructions.

On your local machine, make sure you have installed kubectl v1.11
or higher. Set the context to point it at the cluster you’ve set up for
Knative. You will use kubectl to apply all the necessary CRDs in the
form of YAML files.
Once your cluster is up, set up Istio using the following two com‐
kubectl apply --filename

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

The first command imports all the necessary Istio objects into the
cluster. The second part enables Istio injection in the default name‐
space. This ensures that Istio injects each Pod in this namespace
with a sidecar at creation time. (You will notice that all Pods will
have at least two containers as a result. One will be the user-
container; one will be the istio-proxy.) Knative depends on the
Istio components. Validate the Istio install with the following com‐
mand until all the Pods show as Running or Completed:
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Now that you’ve got your cluster running with Istio, you can begin
installing Knative. Use the kubectl command to apply the Knative
core components starting with Serving and Build. The YAML decla‐
rations are available from Google Storage or the Knative GitHub
repo. You may target a specific version or reference the latest
release. The following commands will apply the latest release from
Google Storage:
kubectl apply --filename

34 | Chapter 5: Installing Knative

kubectl apply --filename
Again, validate that these objects were imported correctly. Monitor
them with the following commands until all the Pods show as
kubectl get pods --namespace knative-serving --watch

kubectl get pods --namespace knative-build --watch

Lightweight Install
If you are installing Knative on your local machine or
just starting out, you may wish to install it without
some of the built-in monitoring components. In this
case, you can use the following command to install
Serving instead:
kubectl apply --filename
This avoids installing any components in the monitor‐
ing namespace. For more information about what this
provides, see the “Metrics and Logging” on page 63.

Once Serving and Build are up and running, follow similar steps to
get the Eventing module going:
kubectl apply --filename

kubectl get pods --namespace knative-eventing --watch

Finally, you may choose to install any Build Templates that are
required. This step is exactly as you saw in Chapter 3. Here are the
commands to install the templates for Kaniko and Buildpacks:
kubectl apply -f

kubectl apply -f


Standing Up a Knative Cluster | 35

If you plan to use the Build module to package your
source into an image, you need a container registry to
push it to. Along with installing Knative, consider set‐
ting up access to your container registry of choice.
Publicly hosted options like Docker Hub or Google
Container Registry work well, or you can set up your
own private registry if you prefer.
Refer to Chapter 4 on the Build component for more
information on accessing and pushing images to your

You can validate that the Build Templates were installed successfully
with the kubectl get buildtemplates command. This will return
a list of all Build Templates installed in the default namespace:
$ kubectl get knative
buildpack 1m
kaniko 1m

Deleting Knative Objects

You may wish to remove certain Knative components after adding
them. Any Knative objects can be removed from the cluster using
the kubectl delete command. Just as you reference the YAML file
with kubectl apply, you can do the same with kubectl delete:
kubectl delete -f

The Kubernetes cluster is up. Istio is installed. You’ve applied the

Serving, Build, and Eventing components. You might have added a
Build Template or two. You’re almost ready to start using Knative.
All that’s left is to grab some information about how to reach it on
the network.

36 | Chapter 5: Installing Knative

Alternative Install Methods
The steps in this chapter show how to install the Kna‐
tive components individually using the native kubectl
apply commands. However, some serverless frame‐
works built on top of Knative may also include short‐
cuts to installing the system. For example, Project riff
provides a one-liner for getting Knative installed and
running on your Kubernetes cluster:
riff system install
This requires the riff CLI and a Kubernetes cluster
already set up with kubectl pointing to the right con‐

Accessing Your Knative Cluster

After your Knative cluster is all set up, you are ready to deploy apps
to it. Except you’ll need to know how to reach them. How do they
get exposed on the cluster? Knative uses a LoadBalancer object in
the istio-system namespace. Use the following command to get its
external IP address listed as EXTERNAL-IP:
$ kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway --namespace istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer
As you’ll see in Chapter 6, this IP address, along with the correct
HTTP Host Header, can be used to make requests to an app on the
cluster. For easy reference, you may wish to set an KNATIVE_INGRESS
environment variable for this external IP:
$ export KNATIVE_INGRESS=$(kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway
--namespace istio-system
--output 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Now, using a similar curl command to what we saw in Chapter 2,

we can use this variable as follows to make a request to a Service
hosted in our Knative environment:

Accessing Your Knative Cluster | 37

curl -H "Host:"

No External Load Balancer?

If your Kubernetes instance has no external load balancer option
(in the case of Minikube or a bare metal cluster), the command will
be a little different because the EXTERNAL-IP field shows as <pend
ing>. Use the following command to return the NodeIP and Node
Port instead:
$ export KNATIVE_INGRESS=$(kubectl get node
--output 'jsonpath={.items[0].status.addresses[0]
$(kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway
--namespace istio-system
--output 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==80)]

Now that you’ve got everything set up, you’re ready to deploy your
apps to Knative! In Chapter 6, you will see some examples for differ‐
ent methods of doing so. You will also learn about more robust
methods for exposing your cluster by setting a static IP and a cus‐
tom domain, and configuring DNS.

38 | Chapter 5: Installing Knative

Using Knative

With a solid grasp on what components make up Knative, it’s time

to start looking at some more advanced topics. Serving offers quite a
bit of flexibility in how to route traffic and there are other Build
Templates that make building applications easy. It’s even easy to
make our own Event Source with just a few lines of code. In this
chapter we’ll take a deeper look at these features to see how we can
make running our code on Knative even easier.

Creating and Running Knative Services

The concept of a Knative Service was introduced in Chapter 2.
Recall that a Service in Knative is the combination of a single config‐
uration plus a collection of Routes. Under the Knative and Kuber‐
netes covers it is ultimately 0 or more containers within a Pod along
with the components to make your application addressable. All of
this is supported by a routing layer with robust options for traffic
Whether you think of your workload as an application, container, or
process, it runs as a Service in Knative. This offers flexibility to han‐
dle many scenarios, depending on which assets make up the soft‐
ware. This section provides another alternative that Knative
provides you to build and deploy your software.

Using the Cloud Foundry Buildpack Build Template
You saw in Chapter 3 that the Kaniko Build Template lets you build
container images using a Dockerfile. This method tasks you with the
responsibility of writing and maintaining that Dockerfile. If you pre‐
fer to remove the burden of container-management altogether, you
may wish to use a different Build Template. The Buildpack Build
Template is responsible for the base image as well as bringing in all
the dependencies required to build and run an application.
Cloud Foundry, an open source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), lever‐
ages buildpacks to ease development and operations alike. In Cloud
Foundry, buildpacks will examine your source code to automatically
determine what runtime and dependencies to download, build your
code, and run your application. For example, with a Ruby applica‐
tion the buildpack will download the Ruby runtime and run a bun‐
dle install on the Gemfile to download all the required
dependencies. The Java buildpack will download the JVM and any
required dependencies for your application. This model is also avail‐
able in Knative through the use of the Buildpack Build Template.
As with the Kaniko Build Template, you must bring the Buildpack
Build Template CRD into the environment:
kubectl apply -f

When Should I Use Builds?

Knative Services rely only on the Serving component. The Build
module is not required to deploy and run a Service in Knative. So
why would you embed a Build in your Service? How do you know if
it’s a good idea for a given situation?
It’s important to consider your software development lifecycle pro‐
cess. Do you have an existing, mature build pipeline for generating
container images and pushing them to a registry? If so, you proba‐
bly don’t need Knative Build to do the work for you. If not, defining
a Build method within your Knative Service will likely make things
Deciding which Build Template to use also requires examining how
you want to package up your code and dependencies. For heavy
users of Docker with established processes for managing Docker‐
files, Kaniko is a great option. Users of Cloud Foundry or develop‐

40 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

ers who prefer to write the code only and worry less about
infrastructure will choose the Buildpack Build Template. Experi‐
enced Java users may already be familiar with Jib for building Java
containers, making that the right choice. No matter your process,
Knative offers some nice abstractions while allowing you to choose
the method that works best for you.

In Knative, the Buildpack Build Template will use the same build‐
packs that Cloud Foundry uses, including automatically detecting
which buildpack to apply to your code. If you refer to Example 6-1
you’ll see that much like the Kaniko Buildpack, you only define the
location of the code and where to push the container image. The
biggest difference is that there is no need to supply a Dockerfile.
Instead, the Build Template knows how to build the container for
this application.

Example 6-1. knative-buildpack-demo/service.yaml

kind: Service
name: knative-buildpack-demo
namespace: default
serviceAccountName: build-bot
revision: master
name: buildpack
- name: IMAGE

Other than the path to the code and the container registry, the only
difference from the Kaniko build in Example 3-6 is that the name of
the template has been changed from kaniko to buildpack. In this

Creating and Running Knative Services | 41

example the git repository is a Node.js application hello.js, as well
as a package.json file that defines the dependencies and metadata of
the application. In this case the Build Template will download the
Node runtime and npm executable, run npm install, and finally
build the container and push it to Docker Hub.

Getting All Knative Objects

You may find that you have applied a lot of YAML files
and aren’t sure all of the Knative objects that have been
created. There’s a handy command to help you with
just that. Simply type kubectl get knative -n {NAME
SPACE} to return a categorized list of all Knative
objects in a given namespace or use kubectl get
knative --all-namespaces to return all Knative
objects that exist on the cluster.

Deployment Considerations
Knative also offers different methods of deployment depending on
what scenario best fits your Service. We showed in Chapter 2 how a
Knative Route can be used to send traffic to a specific Revision. The
following sections will detail how Knative Routes allow for blue-
green deployments and incremental rollouts.

Zero Downtime Deployments

In Chapter 2, you saw how to point a single Route to multiple Revi‐
sions and how it enables zero downtime deployments. Since Revi‐
sions are immutable and multiple versions can be running at once,
it’s possible to bring up a new Revision while serving traffic to the
old version. Then, once you are ready to direct traffic to the new
Revision, update the Route to instantly switch over. This is some‐
times referred to as a blue-green deployment, with blue and green
representing the different versions.
Example 6-2 revisits the Route definition from Chapter 2.

Example 6-2. All traffic is routed to Revision 00001

kind: Route
name: knative-helloworld

42 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

namespace: default
- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00001
name: v1
percent: 100

As mentioned in Chapter 2, you can access Revision knative-

routing-demo-00001 at both knative-helloworld.default.exam and Let’s
consider a scenario where you’ve added a few new features or fixed a
few bugs in your code, then built and pushed it up to Knative. This
results in a new Revision named knative-routing-demo-00002.
However, before you start sending live traffic to the application, we
want to ensure it’s up and running correctly. In Example 6-3, there is
a new Route named v2, but no live traffic routed to it.

Example 6-3. A new Route named “v2” for our new Revision

kind: Route
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default
- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00001
name: v1
percent: 100
- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00002
name: v2
percent: 0

These Revisions have been named as v1 and v2 (though you may

choose any name such as blue and green). This means you can access
the new Revision at v2.knative-helloworld.default. exam but the live Route will still only send traffic to Revision
00001. Before changing the traffic over, access the new Revision and
test it to make sure it’s ready for production traffic. When the new
Revision is ready to receive live traffic, update the Route one more
time as in Example 6-4.

Deployment Considerations | 43
Example 6-4. Send all live traffic to our new Revision

kind: Route
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default
- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00002
name: v2
percent: 100

Once applied, the new configuration traffic will instantly start rout‐
ing to Revision 00002 without any downtime. Discover a new bug in
your code and need to roll back? It’s just as easy to update the Route
configuration again to point back to the original Revision. Since
Revisions are immutable but simple, lightweight YAML configura‐
tions, Knative will store past Revisions and you may route to them
at any time. That includes the reference to a particular container
image, configuration, and any build information related to the Revi‐

Incremental Rollouts
Another pattern for deployment supported by Knative Routes is to
deploy a new version of code incrementally. This could be used for
A-B testing or for rolling out features to a subset of users before
unleashing it for everyone. In Knative, this is achieved by using
percentage-based routing.
Though similar to the blue-green deployment example in
Example 6-4, you can see in Example 6-5 that instead of routing 0%
of the traffic to v2, we have evenly split the load across both v1 and
v2. You may also choose to use a different split like 80-20 or even
split across three Revisions. Each Revision is still accessible via the
named subdomain, but user traffic will be split as indicated by the
percent values.

Example 6-5. Partial load routing

kind: Route
name: knative-helloworld
namespace: default

44 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00001
name: v1
percent: 50
- revisionName: knative-routing-demo-00002
name: v2
percent: 50

Custom Domains
Every example covered thus far has used a generic example domain.
This is not a great URL to use for production applications. Not only
that, but it’s not possible to route to Thankfully, Kna‐
tive provides the option to use a custom domain. Out of the box,
Knative uses the {route}.{namespace}.{domain} scheme for every
Route and a default domain of
Using the knative-custom-domain example as a starting place
shown in Example 6-6, by default it receives a Route of knative-

Example 6-6. knative-custom-domain/configuration.yaml

kind: Configuration
name: knative-custom-domain
namespace: default
imagePullPolicy: Always

Since we’ve defined this as a Configuration rather than a Service,

we’ll also need to define a Route to our application, as shown in
Example 6-7. Having these two configurations separate will afford
us a higher level of customization such as those we say when discus‐
sing zero downtime deployments, but will also let us update our
domain and Route without needing to redeploy the entire applica‐

Deployment Considerations | 45
Example 6-7. knative-custom-domain/route.yaml

kind: Route
name: knative-custom-domain
namespace: default
- revisionName: knative-custom-domain-00001
name: v1
percent: 100

As expected, this will create a Service and make a Route at knative- Now take a look at how to
change the domain in the default URL scheme from to
something you can actually route to. This example uses a subdo‐
main for this book’s website, This can be easily
done by updating the config-domain ConfigMap, which is config‐
ured by Knative by default, as shown in Example 6-8.

Example 6-8. knative-custom-domain/domain.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: config-domain
namespace: knative-serving
data: ""

Knative should eventually reconcile the changes made to the

domain. Re-creating the Route will speed up the process:
$ kubectl delete -f route.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f route.yaml
Taking a look at the route after the change, you’ll see that it is now
given the updated URL of If your ingress gateway is publicly accessible (i.e., set
up on Google’s GKE or a similar managed Kubernetes offering), you
can create a wildcard DNS entry for * to route to
your Knative install and access your Services and functions directly
over the internet, as shown in Example 6-9.
$ kubectl get route knative-custom-domain -oyaml

46 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

Example 6-9. knative-custom-domain Route represented as YAML

kind: Route
- name: v1
percent: 100
revisionName: knative-custom-domain-00001

You may also want to have different domains for different deploy‐
ments. For example, by default you may want everything to be
deployed to your development domain, and then after testing pro‐
mote it to a production domain. Knative provides a simple mecha‐
nism for enabling this, allowing you to define multiple domains and
label Routes to determine which domain they’re placed on. Let’s set
up another domain used for production, *, by
updating the config-domain ConfigMap one more time, as shown in
Example 6-10.

Example 6-10. knative-custom-domain/domain.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: config-domain
namespace: knative-serving
data: |
environment: prod ""

In Example 6-11, we’ve defined that any Route with the label envi
ronment: prod will be placed on the domain,
otherwise it will be placed on the domain by
default. All you need to do then to move your application to this
new domain is update your Route with this new label in the meta
data section of your config.

Deployment Considerations | 47
Example 6-11. knative-custom-domain/route-label.yaml

kind: Route
name: knative-custom-domain
namespace: default
environment: prod
- revisionName: knative-custom-domain-00001
name: v1
percent: 100

Once applied, your Route is automatically updated and, assuming

your DNS is properly configured, immediately accessible at the new
domain. You can verify this by ensuring the domain entry matches
when retrieving the Route CRD, as shown in Example 6-12.
kubectl describe route knative-custom-domain

Example 6-12. knative-custom-domain Route description

Name: knative-custom-domain
Namespace: default
Kind: Route
Domain Internal: knative-custom-domain.default.svc.cluster.local

Building a Custom Event Source

Let’s say that we want our application to receive events from a source
that we don’t have an Event Source for. For example, maybe we want
to periodically check a fileserver for new files, or make a request to a
URL to watch for changes. It’s pretty easy to put together some code
to do this, but then what’s the best way to run it? It doesn’t make
sense to run this like we would other Knative applications since it
needs to run perpetually, but if we run it outside of Knative, then we

48 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

would have new components that we need to manually manage and
Knative addresses this by making it easy to create your own Event
Source using the ContainerSource Event Source. Using this Event
Source, we provide Knative a container, and Knative will provide the
container a URL to POST events to. We can write our Event Source
in any language we like so long as we meet just a couple of require‐

1. It can be packaged up as a container and has an ENTRYPOINT

defined so it knows how to run our code.
2. It expects to take in a --sink CLI flag, which Knative will pro‐
vide along with a URL to the configured destination.
Let’s take a look at how this works by building an Event Source that
will emit the current time on a given interval, called the time-event-
source. First, let’s look at the code for our Event Source in
Example 6-13.

Example 6-13. time-event-source/app.rb

require 'optparse'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

# Default CLI options if omitted

options = {
:sink => "",
:interval => 1

# Parse CLI flags

opt_parser = do |opt|
opt.on("-s", "--sink SINK", "Location to send events")
do |sink| options[:sink] = sink

opt.on("-i", "--interval INTERVAL", "Poll frequency")

do |interval| options[:interval] = interval.to_i

# Send the current time on the given interval

# to the given sink
uri = URI.parse(options[:sink])

Building a Custom Event Source | 49

header = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
loop do
http =, uri.port)
request =, header)
request.body =
response = http.request(request)
sleep options[:interval]

This Ruby app, after parsing the CLI flags, enters an infinite loop
that continually POSTs the current time to the URL provided by the
--sink flag, and then sleeps for the number of seconds provided by
the --interval flag. Since this needs to be packaged up as a con‐
tainer, we also have a Dockerfile that we use to build it, shown in
Example 6-14.

Example 6-14. time-event-source/Dockerfile

FROM ruby:2.5.3-alpine3.8

ADD . /time-event-source
WORKDIR /time-event-source

ENTRYPOINT ["ruby", "app.rb"]

There’s not much surprising here. We use the official Ruby image as
a base, add our code, and define how to run our code. We can build
our container and send it up to Docker Hub. Before we run our
Event Source, we need a place to send events. We’ve gone ahead and
built a very simple Knative app that logs the body of all HTTP POST
requests that it receives. We’ll apply the YAML shown
in Example 6-15 to deploy it, named logger.

Example 6-15. time-event-source/service.yaml

kind: Service
name: logger

50 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

kubectl apply -f service.yaml
All that’s left then is to get our Event Source running in Knative. The
YAML for this follows the same outline as other Event Sources,
which we can see in Example 6-16.

Example 6-16. time-event-source/source.yaml

kind: ContainerSource
labels: "1.0"
name: time-eventsource
- '--interval=1'
kind: Service
name: logger

There’s a couple of things to take note of here. First, we’ve provided

Knative the location of our Event Source container in the image
argument, much like we do when we deploy a Service. Second, we’ve
provided the --interval flag in the args array, but we’ve omitted
the --sink flag. This is because Knative will look at the sink that
we’ve provided (in this case, our logger Service), look up the URL
to that resource, and automatically supply it to our Event Source.
This means that, internal to our Event Source container, in the end
our code is invoked with a command that will look similar to the
ruby app.rb

We’ll deploy it with the usual kubectl apply command that we’ve
come to expect:
kubectl apply -f source.yaml
Soon, we’ll see a new Pod spun up, but with the important difference
that it will run perpetually rather than scaling up from and down to
zero. We can take a look at the logs from our logger Service to verify
that our events are being sent as expected, shown in Example 6-17.

Building a Custom Event Source | 51

Example 6-17. Retrieving the logs from our logger Service

$ kubectl get pods -l app=logger-00001 -o name pod/logger-00001-


$ kubectl logs logger-00001-deployment-57446ffb59-vzg97 \

-c user-container
2018/12/26 21:12:59 Starting server on port 8080...
[Wed 26 Dec 2018 21:13:00 UTC] 2018-12-26 21:13:00 +0000
[Wed 26 Dec 2018 21:13:01 UTC] 2018-12-26 21:13:01 +0000
[Wed 26 Dec 2018 21:13:02 UTC] 2018-12-26 21:13:02 +0000
[Wed 26 Dec 2018 21:13:03 UTC] 2018-12-26 21:13:03 +0000
[Wed 26 Dec 2018 21:13:04 UTC] 2018-12-26 21:13:04 +0000
[Wed 26 Dec 2018 21:13:05 UTC] 2018-12-26 21:13:05 +0000

This simple abstraction allows us to quickly and easily provide our

own Event Sources. Not only that, but much like Build Templates,
you can envision how these Event Sources can be easily shared with
the Knative community since they’re so easy to plug into your envi‐
ronment. We’ll also look at another custom Event Source in Chap‐
ter 7.

We’ve covered quite a bit of ground so far, from basic fundamentals
to advanced use cases, but we’ve only looked at these concepts on
their own, showing off one feature at a time. If you’re like us though,
what really helps is seeing it all put together in a real-world example
and observing how each component interacts with each other. In the
next chapter, we’ll do just that and build an application that lever‐
ages much of what we’ve learned!

52 | Chapter 6: Using Knative

Putting It All Together

Let’s put everything we’ve learned to use and build something! We’ve
put together a demo that leverages much of what you’ve learned and
made a Service to visualize earthquake activity throughout the
world by consuming the USGS Earthquake data feed. You can find
the code that we’ll be walking through in the gswk/earthquake-
demo GitHub repository.

The Architecture
Before we dive into the code, let’s take a look at the architecture of
our application, shown in Figure 7-1. We’re building three important
things here: An Event Source, a Service, and a frontend.
Each of these components inside of Knative in the diagram repre‐
sents something we’ll build leveraging something we’ve learned so
far, including a Service that will use the Kaniko Build Template and
a custom Event Source that will poll for our data:
USGS Event Source
We’ll build a custom ContainerSource Event Source that will
poll the data provided by the USGS at a given interval. Packaged
up as a prebuilt container image.

Figure 7-1. Architecture of our application. Events come in from the
USGS Earthquake feed into our Event Source, which triggers our Geo‐
coder Service to persist events. Our frontend will also use our Geo‐
coder Service to query for recent events.

Geocoder Service
This will provide an endpoint for the Event Source to POST
events to, and will use the provided coordinates to look up the
address. It will also provide an endpoint for the frontend to
query and retrieve recent events. We’ll use the Build Service to
build our container image. Communicates with a Postgres data‐
base running on Kubernetes.
A lightweight persistently running frontend to visualize recent
earthquake activity.
We can set up a Postgres database on our Kubernetes cluster easily
using Helm, a tool that makes it easy to package and share applica‐
tion packages on Kubernetes. Make sure to refer to Helm’s docu‐
mentation for instructions on how to get up and running on your
Kubernetes cluster. If you’re running on Minikube or a Kubernetes
cluster without any specific permissions requirements, you can set
up Helm with the simple command:
$ helm init
For clusters such as Google’s GCP with deeper security configura‐
tions, refer to the Helm Quickstart Guide. Next we can set up a Post‐

54 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

gres database and pass it some configuration parameters to make
setup a little easier:
$ helm install
--name geocodedb
--set postgresqlPassword=devPass,postgresqlDatabase
=geocode stable/postgresql
This will create a Postgres database in our Kubernetes cluster, set the
user password to devPass and create a database named geocode.
We’ve named our Postgres server geocodedb, which means from
inside our Kubernetes cluster we can reach this server at geocodedb-
postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local. Now let’s dive into the code!

Geocoder Service
As shown in the architecture diagram, both our Event Source and
our frontend will be sending requests to our Geocoder service,
which will be communicating with our Postgres database. This puts
our Service right in the heart of our application. HTTP POST
requests to our Service will record events to the database and GET
requests will retrieve the events that occurred over the last 24 hours.
Check out the code for our Service in Example 7-1.

Example 7-1. geocoder/app.rb

require 'geocoder'
require 'json'
require 'pg'
require 'sinatra'

set :bind, ''

# DB connection credentials are passed via environment

# variables
DB_HOST = ENV["DB_HOST"] || 'localhost'
DB_USER = ENV["DB_USER"] || 'postgres'
DB_PASS = ENV["DB_PASS"] || 'password'

# Connect to the database and create table if it doesn't exist

conn = PG.connect( dbname: DB_DATABASE, host: DB_HOST,
password: DB_PASS, user: DB_USER)
conn.exec "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events (
id varchar(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
timestamp timestamp,
lat double precision,

Geocoder Service | 55
lon double precision,
mag real,
address text

# Store an event
post '/' do
d = JSON.parse(
address = coords_to_address(d["lat"], d["long"])
id = d["id"]

'INSERT INTO events VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)')
conn.exec_prepared("insert_#{id}", [d["id"], d["time"],
d["lat"], d["long"], d["mag"], address.to_json])

# Get all events from the last 24 hours

get '/' do
select_statement = "select * from events where
timestamp > 'now'::timestamp - '24 hours'::interval;"
results = conn.exec(select_statement)
jResults = []
results.each do |row|
jResults << row

content_type 'application/json'
headers 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "*"
return jResults.to_json

# Get the address from a given set of coordinates

def coords_to_address(lat, lon)
coords = [lat, lon]
results =

a = results.first
address = {
address: a.address,
house_number: a.house_number,
street: a.street,
county: a.county,
state: a.state,
state_code: a.state_code,
postal_code: a.postal_code,
country_code: a.country_code,
coordinates: a.coordinates

56 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

return address

We’ll have Knative build our container image for us, pass it the
information needed to connect to our Postgres database, and run
our Service. We can see the how this is all set up in Example 7-2.

Example 7-2. earthquake-demo/geocoder-service.yaml

kind: Service
name: geocoder
namespace: default
serviceAccountName: build-bot
revision: master
name: kaniko
- name: IMAGE
- name: DB_HOST
value: "geocodedb-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local"
value: "geocode"
- name: DB_USER
value: "postgres"
- name: DB_PASS
value: "devPass"

kubectl apply -f earthquake-demo/geocoder-service.yaml

Since we’ve passed all of the connection info required to connect to
our Postgres database as environment variables, this is all we’ll need
to get our Service running. Next, we’ll get our Event Source up and

Geocoder Service | 57
running so that we can start sending events to our newly deployed

USGS Event Source

Our Event Source will be responsible for polling the feed of USGS
earthquake activity on a given interval, parse it, and send it to our
defined sink. Since we need to poll our data and don’t have the
option to have it pushed to us, this makes it a great candidate to
write a custom Event Source using the ContainerSource.
Before we set up our Event Source, we’ll also need a Channel to send
events to. While we could send events from our Event Source
straight to our Service, this will give us some flexibility in the future
in case we ever want to send events to another Service. We just need
a simple Channel, which we’ll define in Example 7-3.

Example 7-3. earthquake-demo/channel.yaml

kind: Channel
name: geocode-channel
kind: ClusterChannelProvisioner
name: in-memory-channel

$ kubectl apply -f earthquake-demo/channel.yaml

Just like when we built a custom Event Source in Chapter 6, ours is
made up of a script, in this case a Ruby script, that takes in two
command-line flags: --sink and --interval. Let’s take a look at this
in Example 7-4.

Example 7-4. usgs-event-source/usgs-event-source.rb

require 'date'
require "httparty"
require 'json'
require 'logger'
require 'optimist'

$stdout.sync = true
@logger =

58 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

@logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

# Poll the USGS feed for real-time earthquake readings

def pull_hourly_earthquake(lastTime, sink)
# Get all detected earthquakes in the last hour
url = "" \
+ "summary/all_hour.geojson"
response = HTTParty.get(url)
j = JSON.parse(response.body)

# Keep track of latest recorded event, reporting all

# if none have been tracked so far
cycleLastTime = lastTime

# Parse each reading and emit new ones as events

j["features"].each do |f|
time = f["properties"]["time"]

if time > lastTime

msg = {
time: DateTime.strptime(time.to_s,'%Q'),
id: f["id"],
mag: f["properties"]["mag"],
lat: f["geometry"]["coordinates"][1],
long: f["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]

publish_event(msg, sink)

# Keep track of latest reading

if time > cycleLastTime
cycleLastTime = time

lastTime = cycleLastTime
return lastTime

# POST event to provided sink

def publish_event(message, sink)"Sending #{message[:id]} to #{sink}")
puts message.to_json
r =,
:headers => {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'},
:body => message.to_json)

if r.code != 200
@logger.error("Error! #{r}")

USGS Event Source | 59


# Parse CLI flags

opts = Optimist::options do
banner <<-EOS
Poll USGS Real-Time Earthquake data

ruby usgs-event-source.rb

opt :interval, "Poll Frequenvy",
:default => 10
opt :sink, "Sink to send events",
:default => ""

# Begin polling USGS data

lastTime = 0"Polling every #{opts[:interval]} seconds")
while true do
@logger.debug("Polling . . .")
lastTime = pull_hourly_earthquake(lastTime, opts[:sink])

As usual, Knative will handle providing the --sink flag when run as
a ContainerSource Event Source. We’ve provide an additional flag
named --interval that we’ll define ourselves since we’ve written
our code to allow users to define their own polling interval. The
script is packaged as a Docker container and uploaded to Docker‐
hub at gswk/usgs-event-source. All that’s left is to create our source’s
YAML shown in Example 7-5 and create our subscription to send
events from the Channel to our Service shown in Example 7-6.

Example 7-5. earthquake-demo/usgs-event-source.yaml

kind: ContainerSource
labels: "1.0"
name: usgs-event-source
- "--interval=10"

60 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

kind: Channel
name: geocode-channel

$ kubectl apply -f earthquake-demo/usgs-event-source.yaml

Once we apply this YAML, the Event Source will spin up a persis‐
tently running container that will poll for events and send them to
the Channel we’ve created. Additionally, we’ll need to hook our Geo‐
coder Service up to the Channel.

Example 7-6. earthquake-demo/subscription.yaml

kind: Subscription
name: geocode-subscription
kind: Channel
name: geocode-channel
kind: Service
name: geocoder

$ kubectl apply -f earthquake-demo/subscription.yaml

With this subscription created, we’ve wired everything up to bring
our events into our environment with our custom Event Source and
then send them to our Service, which will persist them in our Post‐
gres database. We have one final piece to deploy, which is our front‐
end to visualize everything.

Finally we need to put together our frontend to visualize all the data
we’ve collected. We’ve put together a simple website and packaged it
in a container that will serve it using Nginx. When the page is
loaded, it will make a call to our Geocoder Service, return an array
of earthquake events including coordinates and magnitude, and vis‐
ualize them on our map. We’ll also set this up as a Knative Service so
we get things like easy routing and metrics for free. Again, we’ll

Frontend | 61
write up our YAML like other Knative Services and use the Kaniko
Build Template, shown in Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. earthquake-demo/frontend/frontend-service.yaml

kind: Service
name: earthquake-demo
namespace: default
serviceAccountName: build-bot
revision: master
name: kaniko
- name: IMAGE
- name: EVENTS_API
value: ""

$ kubectl apply -f earthquake-demo/frontend-service.yaml

We define the EVENTS_API environment variable, which our front‐

end will use to know where our Geocoder Service is. With this last
piece in place, we have our whole system up and running! Our
application is shown in action in Figure 7-2.

62 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

Figure 7-2. Our demo application up and running!

As requests come into our frontend application it will pull events

from the Geocoder Service, and as new events come in, they’ll be
picked up by our custom Event Source. Additionally, Knative pro‐
vides a few additional tools to help you keep your apps and Services
up and running by providing some great insight, with built-in log‐
ging, metrics, and tracing.

Metrics and Logging

Anyone who’s ever run code in production knows that our story isn’t
done. Just because our code is written and our application deployed,
there’s an ongoing responsibility for management and operations.
Having proper insight into what your code is doing with logs and
metrics is integral to that operational process and luckily Knative
ships with a number of tools to provide that information. Even bet‐
ter, much of it is tied into your code automatically without you
needed to do anything special.
Let’s start with digging into the logs of our Geocoder Service, which
are provided by Kibana, installed when we set up our Serving com‐
ponents of Knative. Before we can access anything, we need to setup
a proxy into our Kubernetes cluster, easily done with a single com‐
$ kubectl proxy
This will open up a proxy into our entire Kubernetes cluster and
make it accessible on port 8001 of our machine. This includes
Kibana, which we can reach at‐
We’ll need to provide an indexing pattern, which for now we can
simply provide * and a time filter of timestamp_millis. Finally, if

Metrics and Logging | 63

we go to the Discover tab in Kibana, we’ll see every log going
through our system! Let’s take a look at the requests going to our
Geocoder Service with the following search term and its results, as
shown in Figure 7-3.
localEndpoint.serviceName = geocoder

Figure 7-3. Kibana dashboard with logs from our Geocoder Service

What about at-a-glance metrics though? Seeing how certain metrics

like failed requests versus response time can offer clues into solving
issues with our applications. Knative also helps us out here by ship‐
ping with Grafana and delivering an absolute boatload of metrics—
everything from distribution of response codes to how much CPU
our Services are using. Knative even includes a dashboard to visual‐
ize current cluster usage to help with capacity planning. Before we
load up Grafana, we’ll need to forward another port into our Kuber‐
netes cluster with the following command:
$ kubectl port-forward
--namespace knative-monitoring $(kubectl get pods
--namespace knative-monitoring
--output=jsonpath="{}") 3000
Once forwarded, we can access our dashboards at
3000. In Figure 7-4, we can see the graphs for requests sent to our
Geocoder Service, looking nice and healthy!

64 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

Figure 7-4. Graphs showing successful versus failed requests to our
Geocoder Service

Finally, Knative also ships with Zipkin to help trace our requests. As
they come in through our ingress gateway and travel all the way
down to the database, with some simple instrumentation we can get
a great look inside our application. With our proxy from earlier still
set up, we can access Zipkin at‐
ces/istio-system/services/zipkin:9411/proxy/zipkin. Once in, we can
see how GET requests to our Geocoder service flow through it,
shown in Figures 7-5 and 7-6.

Figure 7-5. Simple trace of a request to our Geocoder Service

Metrics and Logging | 65

Figure 7-6. Stack breakdown of how our requests flow through our

There we have it! A full-fledged application complete with our own
custom-built Event Source. While this largely concludes what we’ll
learn in this report, there’s still more that Knative can offer. Also,
Knative is constantly evolving and improving. There’s a lot of
resources to keep an eye on as you continue your journey so before
we wrap up, let’s make sure we cover a few other references in Chap‐
ter 8.

66 | Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

What’s Next?

There’s still so much more in the young Knative ecosystem, and

more is constantly being added. There is already work being done to
bring other existing open source serverless frameworks onto Kna‐
tive. For example, Kwsk is an effort to replace much of the underly‐
ing Apache OpenWhisk server components with Knative instead.
Other open source serverless projects have been specifically built
with Knative in mind and have even helped contribute upstream to
the Knative effort. For example, Project riff already provides a set of
tools to help ease building functions and working with Knative. This
chapter will take a brief look at what it’s like to build and run func‐
tions on Knative using some of the work from the Project riff team.

Building Functions with Project riff

The Hello World examples in Chapter 2 showed how easy it is to
deploy an existing image from a container registry to Knative. The
Kaniko example in Chapter 3 as well as the Buildpack method
in Example 6-1 demonstrate how to both build and deploy a simple
12-factor app to Knative. The examples so far have focused on con‐
tainers or applications as the unit of software. Now think back to
Chapter 1 and the mention of functions. What does it look like to
deploy a function to Knative? The answer is that it looks pretty
much the same. Thanks to the Build module, Knative can take your

function code and turn it into a container in a similar way as it does
with any application code.

What Makes It a Function?

Applications are code. So are functions. So what is so special about
a function? Isn’t it just an application? An application may be made
up of many components from a frontend UI to a backend database
and all the processing in between. In contrast, a function is usually
a small piece of code with a single purpose that is meant to run
quickly and asynchronously. It is also typically triggered by an event
as opposed to being called directly by a user in a request/response

Recall the Cloud Foundry Buildpacks example from Chapter 6. The

service.yaml file shown in Example 6-1 references a full-fledged
Node.js Express app that is explicitly written to listen on a given
port for a GET request and then return a Hello World message.
Instead of a Hello World app, what if our program was a function
that accepted a numerical input and then returned the square of that
number as the result? This code might look something like what we
see in Example 8-1.

Example 8-1. knative-function-app-demo/square-app.js

const express = require('express');

const app = express();'/', function (req, res) {

let body = '';
req.on('data', chunk => {
body += chunk.toString();
req.on('end', () => {
if (isNaN(body))
else {
var square = body ** 2;

var port = 8080;

app.listen(port, function () {

68 | Chapter 8: What’s Next?

console.log('Listening on port', port);

We could use the same Buildpack from Example 6-1 to build this
function and deploy it to Knative. Consider instead Example 8-2,
which shows a function also written in Node.js. Instead of a full
Express application, it consists only of a function and does not
include any additional Node.js modules.

Example 8-2. knative-function-demo/square.js

module.exports = (x) => x ** 2

Knative supports this because of its flexibility as provided by the

Build module. To build and deploy code like this to Knative, a cus‐
tom Build Template is used to turn this simple function-only code
into a runnable Node.js application. The code in Example 8-2 uses
the programming model specifically supported by the function
invokers that are part of Project riff.
Project riff is an open source project from Pivotal built on top of
Knative that provides a couple of great things: a CLI to install Kna‐
tive and manage functions deployed on top of it, as well as invokers
that enable us to write code shown in Example 8-2. These invokers
are responsible for taking literal functions like the Node.js example
we’ve seen, or Spring Cloud Functions, or even Bash scripts. Much
like Build Templates, invokers are open source and the list continues
to grow as riff matures. Make sure to check out‐ for more!

Further Reading
There is an absolute plethora of documentation, samples, and
demos built around Knative to read and reference as you continue
on. The best place to start is of course the Knative Docs GitHub
repository. Not only does this contain detailed notes on how every
piece of Knative works, but there are also even more demos to read
through and links to join the community, such as the Knative Slack
channel or the mailing list.
We really appreciate the time you’ve spent with our report, and hope
that it was helpful to start getting up and running with Knative. The
best advice that we can leave you with is just to get your hands dirty

Further Reading | 69
and start building something, no matter how big or small. Explore
and learn by doing, by making mistakes and learning how to fix
them. Share what you’ve learned with others! The community
around Knative is very young but growing very fast, and we hope to
see you become a part of it.

70 | Chapter 8: What’s Next?

About the Authors
Brian McClain is a Principal Product Marketing Manager for the
Technical Marketing team at Pivotal. Brian has always had a passion
for learning new technology and sharing lessons picked up along the
way, and comes from a mixed professional background including
finance, technology, and entertainment. At Pivotal, he gets to do
what he enjoys most: building demos and writing about technology,
built both inside and outside of Pivotal. You can find him on Twitter
at @BrianMMcClain for a mix of tech discussion and bad jokes.
Bryan Friedman is a Product Marketing Director on the Technical
Marketing team at Pivotal. After more than ten years working in a
many different information technology capacities, he crossed over
into the cloud product space with the desire to help others improve
their IT organizations and deliver real value to their business. With
a background in computer science and a powerful sense of curiosity,
he feels lucky to be working at Pivotal in a role where he’s able to
combine these passions to write about and work with new technolo‐
gies. Find Bryan on Twitter at @bryanfriedman.

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