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Facts Application of Law

Elenita  Eduardo Dewara (Eduardo) and * Art. 163. The payment of debts
Dewara v petitioner Elenita Magallanes contracted by the husband or the wife
Spouses Dewara (Elenita) got married before the marriage shall not be
Lamela (Under the Civil Code) and charged to the conjugal partnership.
eventually separated. Elenita went
to work in the US while Eduardo
stayed in the Philippines.
Art. 161. The conjugal partnership
 Eduardo, while driving a private
jeep registered to the name of shall be liable for:
Elena, hit respondent Ronnie (1) All debts and obligations
Lamela. Ronnie filed a criminal case contracted by the husband for the
and the MTCC found Eduardo guilty
benefit of the conjugal partnership,
and sentenced him to suffer
and those contracted by the wife, also
imprisonment and pay a fine.
 Since Eduardo had no property to for the same purpose, in the cases
satisfy the writ of execution. He where she may legally bind the
requested to levy the property of partnership;
Elenita in his name. The property
(2) Arrears or income due, during the
was sold at a public auction.
marriage, from obligations which
 Elenita claimed that the levy of
constitute a charge upon property of
execution was illegal her property
and it cannot be used to answer for either spouse or of the partnership;
the mistakes of her husband. (3) Minor repairs or for mere
 The Court ruled in favor of the preservation made during the
marriage upon the separate property
of either the husband or the wife;
major repairs shall not be charged to
the partnership;
(4) Major or minor repairs upon the
conjugal partnership property;
(5) The maintenance of the family and
the education of the children of both
the husband and wife, and of
legitimate children of one of the
(6) Expenses to permit the spouses to
complete a professional, vocational or
other course.

The enumeration above-listed

should first be complied with before
the conjugal partnership may be
held to answer for the liability
adjudged against Eduardo.

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