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Grade 4 MTAP Sample Problem Set 1

1. What is the place value of the underlined digit in 583, 235?

2. Write two hundred eighty five thousand three in figures.
3. If 1 is included, how many common factors do 30 and 48 have?
4. The sum of two numbers is 19 and their product is 84. What are they?
5. How many 18th are there in 5/6?
6. Change to improper fraction.
7. If 15/20 = N/100, what is N?
8. Anna bought dozens of eggs and used dozens to make lecheflan. How many eggs were left?
9. The ratio of girls to boys in a class is 3:5. If there are 40 pupils in the class, how many are boys?
10. There are 1200 Grade 4 pupils in Kalayaan Elementary School. If 45 % of them are girls, how many are boys?
11. What is the supplement of the complement of a 42-degree angle?
12. The radius of a circular park is 52 meters. If you jog around its edge, how many meters would you have jogged?
Use .
13. What is the area of the circular park in 12?
14. Trees are planted 5 meters apart a long a straight line 135 meters long. How many trees are there?
15. The total surface area of a cube is 216 square meters. How long is its edge?
(1) ten thousand (9) 25 boys
(2) (2) 285, 003 (10) 660
(3) four (11) 132 degrees
(4) (12) 326.56 meters
(5) fifteen (13) 8450.56 square meters
(6) 55/8 (14) 28 trees
(7) 75 (15) 6 meters.
(8) 11 eggs
Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 2
1.) What must be the largest value of N so that the number 97N is divisible by 2?
2.) If N – 3 = 6, what is N + 3?
3.) Fill in the blank: 7 hundreds = ____ ones
4.) What is 2345 rounded to the nearest hundreds?
5.) How many edges does a cube have?

6.) What is the perimeter of a rectangle with length 8 and width 3?

7.) Amy and Bella have 150 pesos in all. Amy give 25 pesos to her brother and Bella 10 pesos to her sister. How much
money left do Amy and Bella have together?
8.) What is the sum of 2 532 + 1 255 in the nearest thousand?
9.) What are the multiples of 8 from 81 to 100.
10.) Complete the pattern:
7 x 2 = ___
7 x 20 = ___
7 x 200 = ___
7 x 2000 = ___
11.) Complete the pattern
A, 4, C, 7, E, 10, __, ___
12.) The sum of two numbers is 16 and their difference is 4. What are the numbers?
Answer Key
1. 8 7. 125 pesos
2. 12 8. 4000
3. 700 9. 88 and 96
4. 2300 10. 14, 140, 1400, 14000
5. 12 11. G, 13
6. 22 12. 10 and 6

Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 3

1.) How do you write this number in digits: six thousand fifty?
2.) Aaron spent 216 pesos for buying notebooks. Each notebook costs 12 pesos. How many notebooks did she buy?
3.) Fill in the blank: eight 15 minutes = ____ hours.
4.) How many hours is 1/3 of a day?
5.) Look at the following numbers:
0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1
Which of them has difference 0.7?
6.) How many edges does the figure below including those that cannot be seen?

1. Alice bought a head band for 35 pesos and 25 cents. She gave a 50-peso bill. How much is her change?
8. Heptagon is a polygon with ____ sides.
1. What numbers go into the blanks: 3.8, 3.9, ___, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, ___, 4.5?
2. Which of the following graphs is best used to show the number of students who passed the exam and the number of
students who did not pass the exam?
a.) bar graph
b.) line graph
c.) pictograph
d.) double bar graph
11.) Complete the following patterns:
4 x 6 = ____
4 x 60 = ____
4 x 6000 = ____
12.) Find the rules in the table below. What is the value of a and b?
1. 6050 7. 14.75 pesos
2. 18 8. 7
3. 2 hours 9. 4.0 and 4.4
4. 8 hours 10. pictograph
5. 0.8 and 0.1 11. 24, 240, and 24000
6. 12 12. 6 and 22 (out is larger by 11 than in)

Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 4

1.) I am number. I am greater than 70 but less than 80. I am divisible by 4 and by 3. What am I?
2.) What property of addition is shown in the sentence ?
3.) Find the missing number in the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, ___, 32.
4.) What is the in lowest terms?
5.) Mila bought pack of chocolates which contain 50 chocolate bars. She wants to divide the chocolates equally to her 15
students and take home the remaining chocolates. How many bars would she be able to take home?
6.) Which of the following numbers has a difference of 0.7?
0.5, 0.2, 1.2, 1.5
7.) How many sides does a hexagon have?
8.) What is Php 487.27 rounded to the nearest 10 cents?
9.) The perimeter of a square is 22 centimeters. What is its area?
10.) Write <, >, or = in the blank: 0.9 ____ 0.90.
11.) What fraction of a day is 8 hours?
12.) The sum of two numbers is 22 and their difference is 6. What
1. 72 7. 6
2. identity 8. Php487.30
3. 16 9. 30.25 sq. cm.
4. 3/8 10. =
5. 5 11. 1/3
6. 1.2 and 0.5 12. 14 and 8.
Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 5
1.) Fill in the blank with the correct answer: 8 hundred = ___ tens.
2.) What numbers in the list below add up to 146?
84, 23, 62, 133, 19, 137
3.) Write 11/3 as mixed number.
4.) Which of the following numbers is a not a factor of 26?
1, 13, 26, 52
5.) What goes into the blanks in the pattern below?
8, B, 12, D, 16, F, ___, ___
6.) What mixed fraction is the same as 7 halves?
7.) This 3 dimensional figure has 6 identical square faces. What is it?
8.) What is the standard form of
9.) Jay drew a polygon with 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles. What polygon did Jay draw?
10.) The length of the rectangle is 4 more than its width. Its perimeter is 48 centimeters. What length?
11.) What term describes lines that do not meet?
12.) Aris received Php500 from his uncle and Php200 from his aunt. He spent Php150 in buying school supplies and Php120 for
lunch. How much money he has left?
1. 80 7. a cube
2. 84 and 62 8. 3.58
9. parallelogram
4. 52 (52 is a multiple of 6) 10. 14 cm
5. 20, H 11. parallel lines
12. Php430
Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 6
1.) Write the expression from 22 subtracted from x.
2.) Place <, >, or = in the ___ below.
0.6 __ 0.7
3.) What is the product of 3 and 6, 540 to the nearest thousands?
4.) What is the least of the following fractions?

, ,
5.) What is 8.913 rounded to the nearest whole number?
6.) If 4 × 8 = 32, and 4 × 80 = 320, what is 40 × 80?
7.) The sum of two numbers is 28 and their difference is 14. What are the two numbers?
8.) In the calendar below, what month and date was the last Thursday before August?

9.) Place <, =, or > int he blank below.

1 meter ____ 100 centimeters
10.) One number is twice the other number. Their sum is 60. What are the numbers?
11.) Miko finished his lunch and looked at the clock below. What time did Miko finish lunch?
12.) Miko will go home 2 hours after the time shown above. What time will he go home?
1. x – 22 7. 21 and 7.
2. < 8. July 28
3. 20 000 (multiply first before rounding off) 9. =
4. 2/5 10. 20 and 40
5. 9 11. 12:40 pm
6. 3200 12. 2:40 pm

Grade 4 – MTAP Reviewer Set 7

1.) Which property of multiplication is shown in 8 × 1 = 8?
a. associative
b. commutative
c. identity
d. zero
2.) The number 6 hundred and 3 tens is equal to 300 + ___?
3.) Which of the following fractions is less than 5/10?
a. 1/2
b. 3/4
c. 5/9
d. 4/10
4.) The sum of two numbers is 20. Their quotient is 3. What are the two numbers?
5.) The fraction 3/5 is the sum of 3 unit fractions. What is this unit?
6.) A picture measuring 30 cm by 20 cm is to be placed at the center of a frame 34 cm by 24 cm. How large is the area not
occupied by the picture?
7.) What is the perimeter of a rectangle with length 18 cm and width 5 cm?
8.) What is the sum of 0.8 + 4.5 + 3.6?
9.) Find the number: 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, ___?
10.) There are 20 children in a bus. In a bus stop 4 children got on and 5 children got off. How many children are there in the
11.) What is the product of 2 and 3/5?
12.) The number 46a is divisible by 3. What is a?
Answer Key
1.) c 7.) 46 cm
2.) 330 8.) 8.9
3.) d 9.) 2.0
4.) 15 and 5 10.) 19
5.) 1/5 11.) 6/5 or 1 and 1/5
6.) 216 sq. cm. 12.) 2 or 5 or 8
Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 8
1.) The quotient of two numbers is 3 and their difference is 10. What are the two numbers?
2.) Add 23 to the product of 11 and 18.
3.) What is the largest 3-digit number divisible by 3?
4.) The product of 12 and 15 is 180. By what number should you multiply 12 to get 1800?
5.) If 2/5 of a number is 18, what is twice the number?
6.) The sum of two prime numbers is 30. What are the two numbers?
7.) What is the equivalent of 0.125 in fraction in lowest terms?
8.) The ratio of three numbers is 3:4:5. If the largest number is 60, what is the sum of the three numbers?
9.) If June 12 is a Friday, what day is June 7?
10.) Which is greater, 3^5 or 5^3 and by how much?
1.) 15 and 5 5.) 90 9.) Sunday
2.) 221 6.) 19 and 11, 7 and 23, 10.) 3^5 is greater than 5^3 by 118
3.) 102 7.) 1/8
4.) 150 8.) 228
Grade 4 MTAP Reviewer Set 9
1.) The quotient of two numbers is 3 and their difference is 16. What are the two numbers.
2.) What is the next number in the pattern 8, 11, 15, 20, 26, ___
3.) The surface area of a cube is 24 square centimeters. What is its volume?
4.) How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 20?
5.) The length of a rectangle is twice its width. Its area is 72 square meters. What is its length in meters?
6.) What is 23 + 32?
7.) What is 8 – 3/2?
8.) What is 0.8 + 3.02 + 1.5?
9.) If March 30 is a Tuesday, what day is April 3 of the same year?
10.) Yesterday, Jenny did her homework for one and a half hour, watched TV for 45 minutes, and then slept immediately after
watching TV. If she started doing her homework at 7:00pm, what time did she sleep?
Answer key
1.) 24 and 8 6.)23 means 2 times 2 times 2 which is equal to 8. 32 means
2.) 33 3 times 3 =9. Therefore, 8 + 9 = 17.
3.) 8 cubic centimeters. 7.) 6 1/2
4.) Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by 1 and 8.) 5.5
itself. There are 8 prime numbers between 1 and 20. They 9.) Saturday. March has 31 days.
are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. 10.) 9:15 pm
5.) 12. Solution can be done by listing: 1 and 2, 2 and 4, 3
and 6, and so on. We can see that if we get to 6 and 12,
their product is 72.

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