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Technical Manual

SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 2 System Description ..................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Overall Structure ................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Hardware Description ........................................................................................................ 2-3
2.2.1 MITU........................................................................................................................ 2-4
2.2.2 SRCU/SOCU........................................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.3 LCIM........................................................................................................................ 2-6
2.2.4 TODI........................................................................................................................ 2-7
2.2.5 TSOU ...................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.2.6 LFOU....................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.2.7 CCOU...................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.2.8 TDRV....................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.3 Software Architecture ........................................................................................................ 2-9
2.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 2-9
2.3.2 Host Software........................................................................................................ 2-10
2.3.3 Maintenance and Administration Software ........................................................... 2-11
2.4 Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics ....................................................................... 2-14
2.4.1 Cabinet .................................................................................................................. 2-14
2.4.2 Frame .................................................................................................................... 2-14
2.4.3 Connectors, Wiring and Cables ............................................................................ 2-15
2.4.4 Mechanical Processing Technique ....................................................................... 2-15
2.4.5 Printed Circuit Board ............................................................................................. 2-15
2.4.6 Power Supply System ........................................................................................... 2-15
2.4.7 Cooling System ..................................................................................................... 2-15
2.4.8 Requirements on Power Supply............................................................................ 2-16
2.4.9 Environmental Requirements................................................................................ 2-16

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

Chapter 2 System Description

This chapter introduces the hardware and software architecture of the SYNLOCK V3.
This chapter covers the following contents.
z Overall Structure
z Hardware Description
z Software Architecture
z Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics

2.1 Overall Structure

Figure 2-1 shows the system architecture of the SYNLOCK V3.

MITU Remote alarm

(E1//T1/1 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz)

Line input (64 kbit/s)
(8 kHz/16 kHz/64 kHz)
Line input
LCIM 时钟和卫星板 LFOU
(内置 GPS或
Time input )


TDRV 定时信号驱动板
Expansion frame

Expansion frame


Figure 2-1 SYNLOCK V3 system architecture

The hardware system consists of the following modules.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

I. Control module

The control module consists of one main processor and several unit processors.
The main processor is the MITU. When the MITU is faulty, the clock unit will manage
the system instead. However, the clock unit can connect to the NMS. The unit
processor is a single chip, which is used to collect information and control operations.
The main processor and unit processors communicate with one another through the
control bus. The main processor sends commands to the unit processors to query the
unit status and receives the information reported by them.

II. Input and measurement module

The LCIM is slot-compatible with the output unit. The LCIM receives and measures the
terrestrial input signals. The accessed signal can be set to input signal or measurement
signal by the system.
The system can accommodate up to 10 LCIMs, which are able to measure all input
signals and send the results to the clock units for majority voting.

III. Clock module

The clock module includes SRCU and SOCU, which work in the mutual backup mode.
The clock module receives the signals processed by the LCIM, and sends them to the
output unit after filtering, phase-locking and driving. Besides, the clock module also
receives four channels of terrestrial input signals, which can be used as the input
reference source for the whole system or the test signal for clock units.

IV. TODI module

Time Of Day Interface (TODI) module realizes the time synchronization. There are
various types of TODI outputs, with a time base of high quality and high timing

V. Output module

The output module outputs the timing signal, and performs the functions of driving,
isolating, matching and anti-interference for the output signal. Besides, the output
module can measure the signals generated by itself, and switch to the standby unit in
case that the active becomes faulty. The output module has the following types:
z TSOU: outputs E1 (2048 kHz)/T1 (1544 kHz)/1 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz clock signals
z CCOU: outputs 64 kbit/s clock signal
z LFOU: outputs 8 kHz/16 kHz/64 kHz clock signals

VI. Alarm module

The alarm module consists of alarm interfaces, alarm processing part in the NMS, the
MITU, and alarm indicator on the front panel of the unit.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

VII. Power supply module

In the SYNLOCK V3, both the SOCU/SRCU and the MITU have the power supply
modules. The power supply module in the SRCU/SOCU supplies power not only for
itself, but for the output units. All the power supplies have backup systems, meeting the
Electronic Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements.
Figure 2-2 shows the power supply module.

Figure 2-2 Power supply module

VIII. Maintenance and management module

The maintenance and management module can manage and maintain the SYNLOCK
V3 remotely, providing the functions of alarm, topology, configuration and remote
program loading.

2.2 Hardware Description

Table 2-1 describes the functions of the units in the SYNLOCK V3.

Table 2-1 Unit functions

Unit Full Name Function Description

Maintain The MITU communicates with the units in the system,
MITU Interface and provides the NMS interface so as to control the running
TOD Unit of the SYNLOCK V3.
z receives the satellite timing signal, four channels of
line input signals or terrestrial input signal
processed simply by the LCIM
SRCU Receiver and z synchronizes the output frequency with the input
Rubidium frequency accuracy after filtering and phase-locking
Clock Unit z synthesizes the corresponding frequency signals,
and sends them to the output unit after driving
z provides the power supply for the TSOU, LFOU and

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

Unit Full Name Function Description

signal The SOCU has the same functions as the SRCU,
SOCU Receiver and except that its oscillator is the high steady crystal
OXCO Clock oscillator, not the Rubidium oscillator.
Line Clock z extracts the timing signal from the reference timing
LCIM Input and signals, such as E1, 2048 kHz, 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 1
Measure unit MHz and so on for the SRCU/SOCU
z monitors the external reference timing signal
z provides time synchronization interface
z receives input signals, such as DCLS (TTL/RS232),
1PPS and satellite receiver
Time Of Day extracts time synchronization signals of DCLS from
Interface unit the clock module
z receives NTP input signals from the external
synchronization interface (the first four channels)
z outputs NTP signals through the network port in the
front panel
Each TSOU outputs 20 channels of timing signals
compliant with ITU-T Recommendations G.703, G.704
Timing Signal for the use of other digital equipment.
Output Unit The types of the output signal include E1 (T1), 2048
kHz (1544 kHz), 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 1 MHz.The clock units
may work in the active-standby mode.

Low Each LFOU outputs 20 channels of low frequency

Frequency analog timing signals.
timing signal The types of output signals include 8 kHz, 16 kHz, and
Output Unit 64 kHz.
z outputs Composite Clock (CC) signals (64 kbit/s)
Composite compliant with the North American requirements
CCOU Clock Output
Unit z outputs all timing signals same as the TSOU
There are 20 lines of jumpers for selecting the types of
output signals, such as the CC signal or other signals.
The TDRV drives the timing signal from the main
Timing Signal
TDRV control frame and sends to the output unit in the
Drive Unit
expansion frame.

2.2.1 MITU

Unit Full Name Slot

MITU Maintenance Interface Unit 11

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

The maintenance and administration of the SYNLOCK V3 is controlled by the MITU

and the NMS terminal. The MITU communicates with the NMS terminal through
Ethernet interface and serial port. The MITU can configure data, query alarms, track
and monitor the status of units in real time.
z Provides two Ethernet ports: locating on the frame panel. Connects with the
monitoring system and local maintenance terminal, communicating with the NMS
over the TCP/IP/Telnet/TL1 protocol.
z Provides two maintenance serial ports: locating on the frame panel. Connects with
the maintenance terminal through RS232 connector, communicating with the
maintenance terminal over the TL1 protocol.
z Supports active/standby switchover.
z Monitors two channels of –48 V power inputs and two channels of 3.3 V power
supplies that the SRCU/SOCU outputs to the TSOU. Generates over voltage
alarm and under voltage alarm.
z Supports online loading.
z Provides an RS232 serial port on the front panel for debugging.


Unit Full Name Slot

Satellite Signal Receiver and OXCO Clock
SOCU 0, 12

Satellite Signal Receiver and Rubidium

SRCU 0, 12
Clock Unit

Both the SRCU and the SOCU are clock units, which have the same components
except the oscillator. The clock unit works in the active-standby mode.
The SRCU and the SOCU have the following features:
1) Satellite signal processing
z Detects and keeps up with the communication rate of the satellite receiver
automatically. The SRCU or SOCU provides one channel of input satellite timing
signal, and may receive the GPS or GPS/GLONASS signals by replacing the
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) receiver.
z Monitors the number of tracked satellites and the signal gain in real time,
measures their changes and generates alarms. Besides, the SRCU or the SOCU
supports the position hold mode.
z Supports the switching between GPS and GLONASS, and supports pure GPS,
2) Input source processing

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

z Selects the input clock source according to the work status of the LCIM, and
obtains the SSM of the clock source from the LCIM.
z Detects the absence of each channel of timing signal.
z Calculates the frequency deviation between two free-running oscillator signals by
the active clock unit.
z Sets the MTIE and the TDEV thresholds. The thresholds of the MTIE and TDEV
correspond to the observation interval $, up to ten threshold points can be set.
z Generates alarms when the MTIE or TDEV of the measured signal is higher than
the thresholds.
z The default measurement duration of frequency deviation is 100s, 1000s, 10000s
or one day, or is customized by users. The alarm threshold of every point can be
set, too, and alarms will be generated if the threshold is exceeded.
z Deletes the degraded input clock source according to the majority voting result
based on the frequency deviation measured by the LCIM and the SRCU/SOCU.
3) Software phase locking
z Traces the selected clock source by using the software phase locking algorithm.
The clock source may be in the free-running, holdover, fast locking, or locked
z Manual and automatic reference source switching modes. In the automatic mode,
the reference source is selected and switched automatically; while in the manual
mode, only the reference source specified manually shall be traced.
4) Output interfaces
z Outputs the 1PPS signal to the backplane, which will be the 1PPS timing output
signal of the system.
z Outputs the IRIG-B timing signal to the backplane.
z Provides the time information to the MITU, and adjusts their real-time clocks.
z Supports the active-standby switching. When either the active or standby clock
unit is plugged out, the system output timing signal won’t be affected.
z Provides the converted power supply for the system.
z Provides an RS232 serial port on the front panel for debugging.

2.2.3 LCIM

Unit Full Name Slot

LCIM Line Clock Input and Measure unit 1–10

The SYNLOCK V3 can accommodate two LCIMs for reference source input working in
the active/standby backup mode, or up to 10 LCIMs for measuring.
The LCIM has the following features:
z Every LCIM has eight input channels. The input signals can be E1/T1, 2048
kHz/1544 kHz, or 1 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

z The LCIM measures the frequency deviation, TIE, MTIE, TDEV for the input signal.
The primary reference for the measurement may be a specified external input
signal, output signal or oscillator signal.
z The LCIM can measure the parameters of LOS, OOF, CRC, BPV, AIS for E1/T1
input signal. The LCIM can extract the SSM from the E1 channel so that the
system is able to connect with the digital Stored Program Controlled (SPC) switch
and SDH equipment.
z The waveform of input E1 signal shall comply with ITU-T Recommendation
G.703/6, and the jitter threshold shall comply with the requirements of Table 2 in
ITU-T Recommendation G.823.
z Isolation circuit is used between each input channel and external line to protect the
equipment against damages caused by lightning or by contact of the input line with
220V mains or –48V program-controlled power supply.
z Other analog input interfaces of the LCIM also have isolation circuits, both
sinusoidal and square waves can be input.
z The LCIM can monitor the input signals in real time for each input channel so that
it is able to respond quickly to the change of input signals.

2.2.4 TODI

Unit Full Name Slot

TODI TOD Interface Unit 1–10

The TODI provides four Ethernet ports on the front panel for outputting NTP. The later
16 channels output time synchronization signals, such as IRIG-B, DCLS, RS232 and
z Supports time inputs including the DCLS (TTL/RS232) signals, 1PPS and satellite
z Receives NTP input signal. Or receives DCLS signal from the clock unit or the first
four channels of time input.
z Provides an RS232 serial port on the front panel for debugging.

2.2.5 TSOU

Unit Full Name Slot

TSOU Timing Signal Output Unit 1–10

The TSOU and other output units are slot-compatible, and can be configured flexibly
according to the actual requirements. Each channel of signal is hot backed up between
output units. This enhances the system reliability.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

z Provides 20 channels, and the system in full configuration can reach 300 output
z Receives the signals such as 10 MHz, 2048 kHz/1544 kHz, 8 kHz, 2048 kbit/s or
1544 kbit/s from the SOCU/SRCU, and outputs the signals after driving according
to the user configuration, such as 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 1 MHz, 2048 kHz/1544 kHz,
2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s.
z Receives the E1/T1, 2048 kHz/1544 kHz signals directly from the LCIM, and
output them after driving and isolation.
z Provides an RS232 serial port on the front panel for debugging.

2.2.6 LFOU

Unit Full Name Slot

LFOU Low Frequency Signal Output Unit 1–10

The LFOU and other output units are slot-compatible, and can be configured flexibly
according to the actual requirements. Each channel of signal is hot backed up between
output units. This enhances the system reliability.
z Provides 20 channels, and the system in full configuration can reach 300 output
z Receives the signals from the SOCU/SRCU, and outputs low frequency signals
after driving according to the user configuration, such as 8 kHz, 16 kHz, and 64
z Detects the output signals, which should be comply with the ITU-T
Recommendations G.703.
z Provides an RS232 serial port on the front panel for debugging.

2.2.7 CCOU

Unit Full Name Slot

CCOU Composite Clock Output Unit 1–10

The CCOU keeps all the output signal types of the original TSOU, but add the 64 kbit/s
output signal. The CCOU provides 20 groups of jumpers for signal type selection.
Load matching modes of the CCOU are as follows:
z The 10 MHz, 5 MHz, and 1 MHz signals adopt 50 ohm resistance.
z The 2048/1554 KHz and E1 signals adopt 75 ohm resistance. The T1 signal
adopts 100 ohm resistance.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

z The 64 kbit/s signal adopts 110 ohm resistance.

2.2.8 TDRV

Unit Full Name Slot

TDRV Timing Signal Driving Unit 0, 12

The TDRV locates at the expansion frame, for communication forwarding and clock
z Receives two channels of RS-485 serial signals from the main frame and
communicates with the MITU or the SRCU/SOCU in the main frame.
z Supports active/standby hot backup. Clock output will not be affected when you
plug in or out the active/standby TDRV.
z Receives the 10 MHz, 2048 kHz, 1544 kHz, 2048 kbit/s, 1544 kbit/s or 8 kHz
signals from the clock boards, and forwards to the output board in the expansion
frame after driving.
z Adopts centralized power supply, providing +3.3 V power supply for all boards in
the expansion frame. The TDRV can monitor the power voltage and generate an
z Provides an RS232 serial port on the front panel for debugging.

2.3 Software Architecture

2.3.1 Overview

Figure 2-3 shows the software architecture of the SYNLOCK V3.

Figure 2-3 Software architecture of the SYNLOCK V3

The host software, running on the MITU, is the communication and control bridge
between the system and the maintenance terminal. The host software communicates
with the units, collects their running status, configures their parameters and controls
their performance. Besides, the host software stores the historical status data of the

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

system for the query at the maintenance terminal, adjusts the time from the satellite
card. The host software provides the TL1 interface, which supports multiple
maintenance centers being connected simultaneously with the NMS center for the
purpose of system maintenance.
The maintenance and administration software offers the maintenance staff the
interfaces on monitoring, maintenance and administration. The maintenance and
administration terminal shows the running status of the system graphically, and shows
the performance data from the units with the curves. The maintenance terminal is able
to maintain multiple devices simultaneously through multiple communication modes,
such as serial port or network interface.

2.3.2 Host Software

The host software communicates with the units over two serial ports with the
all-purpose master-slave node protocol. The two serial ports back up each other, and
automatic switching will be done between them in case of failure. The relationship
between the MITU and other units is simple: the units are just monitored by the MITU,
without active-standby switching.
The host software consists of three main parts:
z The BSP module interfaces the operating system to the hardware, and controls
the hardware.
z The unit communication module implements the master slave communication
protocol, so that the MITU can communicate with the units.
z The service processing module implements the unit functions.
Figure 2-4 shows the functional structure of the host software.

Figure 2-4 Host software structure

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SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

The host software is designed to be driven by event, scheduled by task, without main
control module. One task may involve multiple modules, and tasks communicate with
one another over signal traffic and messages. In this way, events can be responded in
real time, and the CPU processing capability be fully utilized. To control the
simultaneous access to the resources, the exclusive control, such as signal traffic, is
used in the system.

2.3.3 Maintenance and Administration Software

The terminal software is the maintenance and administration software based on

Windows, including:Main frame module
z Communication module
z Monitoring and maintenance module
z Data configuration module
z Log module
z Alarm module
z User management module
z Performance module
z Network management module
Figure 2-5 shows the relationship among these modules.

Log User management

Data configuration Main frame Performance

Maintenance and
NE management

Figure 2-5 Relationship among the terminal software modules

I. Main frame module

The main frame module coordinates other modules to work together. The main frame
module, together with the communication module, administrates the communication
between the terminal software and the SYNLOCK V3.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

II. Communication module

The communication module is responsible for the communication between the main
frame and the SYNLOCK V3.
The main frame is the bridge for the communication among other modules. The
communication process is as follows.
1) The main frame sends communication information between the modules and the
SYNLOCK V3 to the communication module.
2) The communication module sends back the response to the main frame.
3) The main frame forwards the response to every module.

III. Maintenance and monitoring module

With the maintenance and monitoring module, you can monitor and maintain the units,
reference sources, ports, and system running status.
The module includes four sub-modules, as shown in Figure 2-6.
z Unit maintenance module: queries the unit running status, and maintains the units
if necessary.
z Reference source monitoring module: reflects the status of the reference sources
in real time.
z Port monitoring module: reflects the status and attributes of the input/output ports
in real time.
z System data query data: queries the system data in real time.

Maintenance and monitoring

Board maintenance

Reference source

Port monitoring

System data


Figure 2-6 Maintenance and monitoring module

IV. Data configuration module

With the data configuration module, you can configure the parameters of units,
reference sources, test signals, and the system. The system works as required by
these parameters.
The module includes four sub-modules, as shown in Figure 2-7.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

Data configuration module

Unit configuration


System data
Test signal
Test signal

Figure 2-7 Data configuration module

z Unit configuration module: configures the unit data, where, the setting to the unit
data shall affect the reference source or test signal connected to the system
through the unit.
z Reference source configuration module: configures the data of the reference
z System data configuration module: configures the data of the SYNLOCK V3.

V. Log module

With the log module, all sensitive operations which may affect the system running
status are recorded into a database. You can print the log report.

VI. Alarm module

With the alarm module, you can query, print, filter and make statistics on both real-time
alarms and history alarms.

VII. User management module

With the user management module, you can manage the rights of terminal users, and
the list of the devices that are authorized to each user.

VIII. Performance module

With the performance module, you can monitor the performance indices of the input
and output timing signals. The performance data can be saved into the database for

IX. Network management module

With the network management module, you can add, delete and modify an NE. The
properties of all authorized NEs are displayed in a list.

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

2.4 Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics

2.4.1 Cabinet

The SYNLOCK V3 can be installed in the EIA 19’’ cabinet, ETSI standard cabinet or in
its own cabinet.
The cabinet dimensions are required as follows:
600 mm (Width) × 300 mm (Depth) × 600 mm (Height)
Weight of main frame in full configuration: 18 kg
Weight of expansion frame in full configuration: 15 kg
Power consumption for main frame in full configuration: 200 W
Power consumption for expansion frame in full configuration: 90 W

2.4.2 Frame

The frame is made of metal materials, with excellent shielding performance, integrity,
and strong anti-interference. Figure 2-8 shows the outline of the SYNLOCK V3.

Figure 2-8 Outline of the SYNLOCK V3 master frame

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

The system includes one master frame and up to two expansion frames.
The appearance and dimensions of the master frame are the same as the expansion
frame, except that their units are different.
The frame dimensions are 575 mm (13U, height) × 436 mm (Width) × 275 mm (Depth).
Each frame has 17 slots, and can be configured with up to 13 units (Each clock unit
occupies three slots). Indicators and interfaces are located in the front panel of units.

2.4.3 Connectors, Wiring and Cables

Input and output cables adopt BNC coaxial cables with sub-miniature B (SMB)
connectors. SMB connector has a firm structure, can be plugged in and out easily.
Internal cables between frames inside the rack are also connected over connectors.
The connectors are equipped with positioning and locking devices. For detailed
description on cabinet wiring, layout of power cable, grounding cable and cables, see
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Installation Manual.

2.4.4 Mechanical Processing Technique

Technical parameters such as the sizes and surface fineness of the components
comply with the requirements specified in the design documents. Surface painting is
sustainable to corrosion and moth-proof under severe environment and weather

2.4.5 Printed Circuit Board

Board size: 322.25 mm (Height) × 220 mm (Width) × 2 mm (Depth)

Backplane size: 553 mm (Height) × 410 mm (Width) × 3 mm (Depth)
All the components on circuit boards are welded by advanced surface mounting
technique and cleaning solution-free wave soldering technique. Front panel is
equipped with a locker, which not only eases the plugging, but also firms the board in
the frame. Unit name and indicator name are also marked on the front panel.

2.4.6 Power Supply System

The system adopts intra-office –48 VDC power supply. The DC distribution is done on
the backplane. After filtering, load-sharing and lightning protection, the input power
supply is distributed down to the frames, and then goes to the lightning protection and
filtering circuit and –48 VDC combiner for processing. After that, the power supply shall
be distributed to the units.

2.4.7 Cooling System

The SYNLOCK V3 adopts large-scale integrated circuit Complementary

Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistor (CMOS) parts in circuit design, and the power

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Technical Manual
SYNLOCK V3 BITS (SSU, SASE) Chapter 2 System Description

consumption and heat radiation of the system is rather low. A natural cooling system is
adopted, so as to avoid the noise and dust brought by fans. Moreover, with power
module of high performance and auxiliary system, the system can work for a long time
under the environmental temperature and the relative humidity within a specified range.

2.4.8 Requirements on Power Supply

The SYNLOCK V3 requires the DC power supply.

z Positive polarity grounded
z Nominal input voltage: –48 VDC
z Allowed range of input voltage: –40 VDC to –70 VDC

2.4.9 Environmental Requirements

I. Grounding

Set working ground, protection ground and lightning protection ground separately.
z Working ground resistance ≤ 3 ohms
z Protection ground resistance ≤ 3 ohms
z Joint grounding resistance ≤ 0.5 ohms

II. Environmental Conditions

1) Conditions for long-term operation

Temperature: 0oC to +40oC.
Humidity: 5% to 90%.
2) Conditions for short-term operation (within 24 hours)
Temperature: –5oC to +55oC.
Humidity: 5% to 95%.

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