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This template is for reporting on results for the whole agreement period 2012-2014.
It is also for reporting on activities and results for 2014. It will provide the Palme Center
with the necessary information for reporting of the whole period to Sida.
Note: At the last page of this template you will find a check-list with all the necessary steps
and documents that in addition to this narrative format are part of the reporting to the Palme
Center. Please follow this check-list carefully.

ALL Reporting documents are to be sent by post in two versions: 1 signed

original and 1 copy to:
Palmecentret, Box 836, 101 36 Stockholm, Sweden.

An Electronic copy of THIS narrative report shall be sent by e-mail in word-

format to your programme officer at Palme Center.

Dates for submission of the report are:

 February 1st 2015 (for partners directly supported by OPC)
 March 1st 2015 (for Swedish OPC member organizations).

Instructions for reporting

Who should fill in the template and submit the report?
The template is to be filled in electronically by the implementing organization in the project
country with support of the Swedish member organization (when applicable).

The Palme Center´s contractual partner (either the implementing organization in the project
country or the Swedish member organization) is responsible for submitting the report to the
Palme Center.

Necessary documents for reporting

The application for 2012-2014 is the basic document for this report. These documents are all
necessary to have in front of you when working with the report:

 Project application(s) for the period 2012-2014 including budgets.

 Results matrix of the project.
 Yearly Project reports for 2012 and 2013 (if your project is on-going since then).
 The risk matrix for the project.
 Other relevant protocols, evaluations and documents with project information from
this project period.
We recommend that you have a results workshop or invest time in discussions within
the organization(s) and other relevant stakeholders to gather all achievements and lessons
learnt for the period. This can also serve as a good starting point if you are going to apply for
a project in the next agreement period.

The structure and logic behind the CSO narrative report template
This template has been developed to collect information about many different aspects of your
work. The purpose is both to contribute tolearning of the Palme Center and to fulfil Sida´s
reporting requirements.

The template is divided into two parts:

Part 1 covers the whole project period 2012-2014:
 Results and lessons learnt
 Cross cutting perspectives and risk management
 Comments and recommendations for the Palme Center

Part 2 covers only the year 2014:

 Project activities that were carried out during the year and explanation of any
deviations from the original plan.
 Results achieved from project activities carried out this year (use the results matrix)

2014-10-20 2
 Narrative explanations regarding financial deviations from plan (if any)

A short results vocabulary

When reporting to Sida, the Palme Center will use the commonly used results vocabulary of
results achieved on output- outcome and impact levels. Here is a short explanation of what
these words mean:

Impact level: Long-term effects, more permanent and on a higher societal level. For
example, that an organization or the target group has increased its influence in society and
has contributed to positive change for development.

Outcome level: medium-term results in terms of changes in behaviour and relations of the
people that the project relates to. Changes in their ability to participate in society, access to
human rights, power and influence, etc.

Output level: Concrete short-term results of project activities. For example increased
knowledge or an increased ability to apply knowledge following a training course.

2014-10-20 3
About the project
Project title:

Project number:

Project country:

Year that the project


About the implementing organization in the project country

Name of

Project manager:

Telephone: E-mail:

Financial manager:

Telephone: E-mail:

About the Swedish member organization (if applicable)

Name of

Project manager:

Telephone: E-mail:

Financial manager:

Telephone: E-mail:

Official signature of the contracting partner

Signature, official person 1 Signature, official person 2

Name in block letters Name in block letters

Place and date Place and date

2014-10-20 4
PERIOD 2012-2014
Results and lessons learnt
1. Please describe (in your own words) which positive changes/results you think that
this project has contributed to for the target group during the period of 2012-2014
(for example positive changes in their living conditions, their access to human rights
and agency to influence their society). Have there been any unexpected positive or
negative results?

Please write your description here:

2. Describe if the project cooperation has contributed to an internal development of

the implementing organization in the project country during 2012-2014 (e.g.

2014-10-20 5
increased capacity of your staff, better working methods, developed processes and
routines etc).

Please write your description here:

3. Describe if there has been an increase in external cooperation/networking with

other organizations and/or relevant stakeholders within the framework of this project
during 2012-2014.

Please write your description here:

4. Describe the activities and methods used in the project during the period 2012-2014
that you think have been most effective for achieving the project
objectives - and why you think they worked out well.

Please write your description here:

5. Describe how you worked to include the target group and other relevant actors
in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the project during the project
period 2012-2014. Any difficulties or success stories you want to share regarding this?

Please write your description here:

6. Have there been any particular difficulties in your work to reach the target group?
Have you reached the target group to the extent that you wanted? If not -why? Has
the target group responded to your activities in the way that you hoped for? If not –
why? Any difficulties or success stories you want to share regarding this for the period

Please write your answer here:

7. Describe how the results of your project can be sustainable (live on after your project
co-operation has ended)? For example changes in legislation increased awareness
among target group that can be used after the end of the project.

Please write your description here:

8. If the project involves a Swedish member organization: Describe in what way the
Swedish member organizations has been included in the planning, implementation
and evaluation of the project during 2012-2014. What has been the most important
contribution from the Swedish member organization to the project during
the project period 2012-2014? What have been the strengths and weaknesses of the

Please write your answer here:

2014-10-20 6
9. Describe in what way the Palme Center has supported/contributed to the planning,
implementation and evaluation of the project during 2012-2014. What has been the
most important contribution from the Palme Center during the project
period? What have been the strengths and weaknesses of the partnership so far? Any
recommendations for the future?

Please write your answer here:

10. Looking back at the project period 2012-2014 – what are your overall conclusions
from working with the project, and what are the most important lessons learnt?
What have been most important success factors and obstacles according to your view?
What experience would you like to share with the Palme Center and other
organisations currently setting up similar development projects?

Please write your answer here:

2014-10-20 7
Cross-cutting perspectives and risk management

11. Describe how you have worked for gender equality and non-discrimination
within your project during 2012-2014. What have been the main successes and
difficulties? Can you see any results of this work? Any examples/success stories you
want to share? (For example changes in power balances, responsibilities for men and
women within the organization or target group, participation of discriminated groups

Please write your description here:

12. Describe how you have worked with HIV and AIDS within your project during
2012-2014. (Only if applicable) What have been the main successes and difficulties?
Can you see any results of this work? Any examples/success stories you want to
share? (For example how equal participation of people living with/affected by HIV
and AIDS has been assured, how eventual risks related to HIV/AIDS have been
handled etc).

Please write your description here:

13. Describe if and how environmental issues and sustainable development have
been a part of your project during 2012-2014. (Only if applicable).

a. Has your project, organization and/or target group in any way been affected
by issues related to environment and sustainable development (for example
climate change, health issues related to pollution and chemical waste,
agricultural pesticides etc). If so – in what way? How have this been handled?

b. Has your project tried to influence or contribute to sustainable development

(for example by political action, information campaigns, trainings, internal
capacity development of staff, development of policy documents etc). If so –
in what ways? Any results achieved?

Please write your description for question 10 a) and/or b) here:

14. Describe how you have worked with risk analysis and risk management during this
project period. Have any of the risks that you listed in the application occurred? How did
you handle them? Have any unforeseen problems and risks occurred in the project and
how were they handled?

Please write your description here:

2014-10-20 8
Other comments or recommendations to the Palme center
15. Additional information, comments or recommendations regarding the project or the
relation to the Palme Center that you wish to share.

Please write your answer here:

16. Comments/recommendations for improving this reporting template.

Please write your answer here:

2014-10-20 9

Project activities and results for 2014

17. List the activities carried out in 2014 within the frame of the project in the table below.

Activities carried out in 2014

Type of activity* Relate to Number of When during How was the Type of No. of No. of Total
intermediate activities the year did results of the target women men number
objective implemented. the activity activity group*** of
take place? verified/evalu particip
ated**? ants










Total number of women and men reached:

*For example trainings/workshops, seminars, study circles, conferences, lectures, networks, public events, performance, campaigns, etc., necessary to reach the intermediate objectives.
Also include activities connected to internal capacity building, planning, follow up and evaluation.
** Concrete methods to follow up afterwards whether activities contributed to objectives, for example: questionnaires, interviews/meetings, statistics, pre/post tests, observations, other
*** As described in the application, for example: workers, organisation/party members, organisation representatives, students, young people, local level public officials, civil society
organisation members and/or representatives, under-represented groups (specify), etc (keep in mind that several activities or types of activities can have the same individuals as

2014-10-20 11
18. Did you carry out all planned activities? If not; explain the deviations from the project
plan and how it has affected the project and the fulfilment of objectives.

Please explain any deviations here:

19. Please fill in the Results matrix below regarding the year 2014. In the first and the
second column, fill in the objectives and the indicators as stated in the approved LFA-
matrix for the project. In the third and fourth column, describe the results and how
the results have been measured.
Log Frame – results 2014

How was the results measured (base this

Copy the project objectives and the intermediate Copy the indicators from the approved
Results of the project on the planned means of verification stated
objectives from the approved LFA-matrix . LFA-matrix.
in the project application.?

Project Objective Indicators Results of the project Means of verification

Intermediate Objective 1 Indicators Results of the project Means of verification

Intermediate Objective 2 Indicators Results of the project Means of verification

Intermediate Objective 3 Indicators Results of the project Means of verification

Financial reporting and administration

20. If there have been any deviations in the financial reporting from the planned budget –
please list the deviations one by one below and explain the reason for the

Please answer here:

21. If any equipment (computers or other goods) has been purchased in the project,
please list the purchases below. If the contracting partner is a Swedish organization –
is there an agreement between the Swedish organization and the implementing
organization in the project country that regulates who owns the equipment after the
project is ended?
Please answer here:

22. Did any purchases of goods or services you made within the project exceed the Palme
Center´s limits for procurement1? If so – please describe how the procurement/s were
Please answer here:

For services and goods for the amount of SEK 75 000 or above, a written price comparison shall be made.
For services and goods for SEK 284 000 or above shall be procured in competition. NOTE! If the national
laws (in the project country) calls for stricter procurement regulations, these are to be followed. Guidelines for
procurement can be downloaded at the Palme Center homepage:
Appendix: Check-list for reporting

Follow the steps of the check-list carefully. If any of these steps/documents are missing, your
reporting is not complete. Please make sure to tick all the boxes before sending your report to
the Palme Center.

Check list for implementing organization in the project/program country

The Narrative report template has been filled in.

The Expenditure Specification has been based on the approved budget for the
financial year 2014, and is signed by an authorized signatory in the organization as
well as by the auditor.

The form Accounts in Local Currency has been filled in and is attached.

The Auditor Report according to ISA 805 (according to the Palme Center audit
instruction), is attached and has been signed by the auditor.

The Management Letter (according to the Palme Center audit instruction), is

attached and has been signed by the auditor.

A Certificate verifying the title of the auditor (CPA, CA, or equivalent according to
national law) is attached.

All the documents mentioned above have been submitted to the Swedish OPC
member organization (only when the Swedish OPC member organization is the
contracting partner to the Palme Center).

Checklist for attached documents for the Swedish member organisation (if
applicable). This checklist is to be completed by the Swedish organisation before
submitting the report to the Palme Center):

The Narrative report received from the partner organisation has been reviewed,
complemented (if needed) and signed by the authorized signatories in the Swedish

The Expenditure Specification has been based on the approved budget for the
financial year, and is signed by an authorized signatory in the organisation as well as
by the auditor.

The form Accounts in Swedish kronor has been filled in and is attached.

The form Accounts in Local Currency has been filled in and is attached.

The Auditor Report according to ISA 805 (according to the Palme Center audit

instruction), is attached and has been signed by the auditor.

The Management Letter (according to the Palme Center audit instruction), is

attached and has been signed by the auditor.

Certificate verifying the title of the auditor (CPA, CA, or equivalent according to
national law) is attached.


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