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All rights are reserved in favor of Punjab Text Book Board, Lahore.

Prepared By:
Sindh Text Book Board -Jamshoro

Approved By:
Federal Ministry Of Education (Curriculum Wing) Islamabad.

The sole Text Book for Pakistani Schools.

Letter No. F-3-3/94-S.S/II

Writer: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hassan Shiekh

Eng. Translation By: A .D M A K E N

Editor: K.M. Bilal

V/C Printing: Muhammad Anis Shiekh

Mehr Safdar, Waleed Safdar

Layout & Composing: Muhammad Akbar Khanzada

Publisher: Khalid Book Depot, Lahore.

Printers: Nasir Baqir Printers, Lahore.





1- Introduction of Civics
2- Individual and Society
3- State
4- Government
5- Citizen & Citizenship
6- Rights & Duties


7- Two Nations Theory & Emergence Of

8- Pakistan Appears On The World Map
9- Constitutional Development In Pakistan
10- Constitution Of Pakistan-1973
11- Local Government System In Pakistan
12- Pakistan & Outer World




According to the famous philosopher Aristotle, the man is a social animal.

Human life is blended with typical characteristics of Social Discipline. In fact the
very existence of human life depends upon mutual interaction and cooperation,
because many of his social and physical needs can only be met collectively.
Hence there is always a possibility of mutual conflict while collective and
individual attempts are made to develop a society. So civics is bound to provide
sense to man to maintain balance between the individual and the society and to
develop healthy relationship between each other.
The man is born in society and has to remain dependent upon others till
long. Hence he develops a tendency of living in a society and in this way, till the
last moment of his life he remains dependent upon others for majority of his
needs. His social and physical needs expand as he grows and consequently he
develops a habit of cooperation with others and hence proves to be a good and
helpful member of society. Only one thing hinders this peaceful cooperation and
that is an unlimited lust of physical facilities. Some social principals, as a result,
are defined in the form of a just distribution of rights and duties among people.
To lead a peaceful life it is must for a man to abide by these principles and laws
and consider, others too, while applying those. This is CIVICS, which teaches us
to develop a disciplined society.


The word CIVICS has been derived from two Latin words CIVITAS &
CIVIS, which means citizens or citizenship. It means CIVICS is a discipline of
knowledge dealing with day-to-day affairs of the state and its citizens.
CIVICS claims that an individual must be aware of his rights, duties and
social responsibilities to create better society. Various thinkers have defined
CIVICS as under:

1- According to F.J Gold, civics is a discipline of knowledge, which deals

with institutions, habits, activities and sentiments, which provide an
individual irrespective of gender, with a moral force to pay his duties and
to enjoy a sense of belongingness with an organization.

2- E.M White defines Civics as a useful discipline of human knowledge,

which deals with every aspect of human life covering his past, present and
future aspects at local, national and global levels.
3- Patrick Gaddis declares Civics as a study of Civic life and its related
4- According to some social philosophers Civics deals with the social aspect
of human life; and all social, moral, political and religious institution are
included in it. It also involves the study of local, provincial and federal
We can conclude through, The above quoted definitions the
CIVICS is a branch of Social Studies which studies the human character,
habits, traditions, political organization, mutual relations of state and
citizens and the structure and working of local, provincial and federal
governments. Briefly speaking, it encircles all aspects of human social life
explaining the Society where a man lives and works for its welfare.


In the present age of Sciences and Technology, the man has made progress in
every walk of life. Due to extra ordinary advancement in the means of transport
and communication in almost all parts of the world, people of the world have
become a family. But the development has increased human duties and
responsibilities, as an individual, now a days, is not only a citizen of his own
homeland but also a member of global community. This has widened the
meanings and the scope of Civics. This has included local and global issues in the
social, political and economic problems of a man. In this way CIVICS covers the
study of almost all aspects of human life, such as:

a) General Aspects:

This includes social, cultural, economic and political aspects,

society reflects as a collective approach of individual and citizen and
better the mutual understanding and cooperation between individual,
better will be strength and the impact of society. The social aspect of
CIVICS reflects family, tribe, village, city, state, various associations and
organization. All these institutions or organizations are involved, directly
or indirectly, in the welfare of the man. Infect a clean and peaceful social
environment is a blessing not only for an individual but also for the state
itself, with all the possibilities of happy and prosperous life.
For bare life, a man needs food, clothing and shelter but as a
member of any society/ community, he also needs, along with these basic
needs, a just distribution of opportunities with the rational balance
demand and supply. CIVICS, for studying economic aspect of life, in

involves any of the prevalent economic systems such as, Imperialist,

Mixed or Islamic Economic system. However, all a strong economic
system, irrespective pf the type, is the basic need of a dependable and
sustained progress and prosperity:
A man’s political attitude plays an important role in prosperity and
welfare pf a society. To meet this need, CIVICS studies various aspects of
human liberty and scientific system of his rights and duties. Additionally
it also studies types and theories of the system of Government.

b) Historical Aspect:

Under his aspect, the critical study of the historical past of the
social development is studied. While studying past, it is must to consider
the historical background of man, society and state, with special reference
to the environment and helm of affairs through which the individual and
the state had to pass before reaching to days situation. This study helps in
better future planning. Presently this type of study includes national and
international institutions, relations and political theories. The future study
of the society, to much extent, depends and bases upon the past
experiences and present observations which reflect both positive and
negative features.
And, hence, the future strategy, can be designed basing on the past

c) Geographical Aspect:

To this day almost 189 states have acquired the membership of the
United Nations. This community of Nations, not only, plans for the
betterment of human society but also brings the same in practice. These
member states make a global society. It is natural to have special
sentiment for the uplift of one’s homeland (birth place). This purpose is
served through the system of local governments, which is also a subtopic
of CIVICS. This system also preserves as nursery for high-level leadership,
better administrative output and creates self-confidence and the zeal of
self-reliance in the general public. As the federal government has
unlimited powers, so, naturally, general public is more interested in the
formation of this government and they want constructive relationship
with it. In civics, at national level, constitution, governmental structure,
political parties and internal politics is brought under consideration. In
addition, this subject deals with all national affairs such as: social justice,
education and job opportunities and rights of freedom are brought under

Citizen of a state, today, is also a citizen of a global society.

Consequently directly effected by international affairs and incidents. Same
is the case with the foreign policies of various states. The main objective of
international studies is to find the scope of any security measures for
regional solidarity, defense of national interests and increasing National
Strength. It also includes the study of United Nations and other global



The man has to solve his problems and settle his matters himself in
this age of democracy. Hence people need the formation of such a society
in which, every individual is well aware of his rights and duties. This
makes him bound to study CIVICS. Some of the most important
advantages of CIVICS are:


Many of the social issues have direct impact on human life.

So the knowledge of various other social sciences supplement the
study of CIVICS to much extent. This subject gives, its student, a
sense of social issues along with the strong urge for their solution.


CIVICS emphasizes and exclusive study of human rights

and duties / responsibilities. None can get any benefit out of his
rights unless he is well versed with the knowledge of a sound
distribution of rights and duties. After this awareness an individual
can execute his citizenship effectively.


People are involved in decision making about national

politics and system of government. This is the demand of this age
of democracy. They can play a positive role in this regard only if
they have a sound knowledge and full awareness about the
political theories and their practical aspects about their country.
This is the study of CIVICS, which equips them with the required
knowledge as it encircles voting system, system of government,
types of elections (direct or indirect) and the responsibilities of

elected government. Hence a man can better execute the

responsibilities of voting, abiding by national rules and regulations,
only if he has a sound CIVIC background.
The present scientific and technological advancement has
much increased the mutual relations of the citizens of different
states. A global community has been developed and its significance
is increasing everyday. Economical, political and cultural relations
between various counties are getting stronger and stronger. This
concept of global citizenship helps an individual in getting rid of
regional and local prejudices and makes him an effective member
of global society. This helps him in the development of the zeal of
coordination and cooperation with the people of the other nations.
The knowledge of the international affairs, issues and institutions
required for this purpose come from a sound study of CIVICS.


CIVICS enables a person to know about economic issues of

his own country along with those of other nations. This discipline
provides a person with the basic information about the economic
affairs directly influence the person. The study of various global
economic concepts and theories are very much therein the canvas
of CIVICS. This helps a man in learning about dignity of labor the
just means of earning livelihood.


The study of CIVICS enables a person to believe in

brotherhood, virtues, sympathetic approach and unity. In this way
this subject includes good habits among individual highlighting his
good characteristics and, develops him into a healthy personality.


The study of CIVICS develops feelings in the individual

about social welfare and consequently the man gets prepares to
cooperate with the government in related activities. This further
leads towards development of a healthy society, which is possible
only when individuals, for any virtue, do not wait for the advice or
the orders of government, rather they help the government


Social life, these days, has become vast and complicated: As a member of a
community an individual has to play a variety of roles for satisfying his relations
with it. This bounds him to be extremely careful about the fulfillment of his
needs in the light of these relations. Hence the subject of CIVICS gathers more
and more importance for having this capability. Its importance is further
elaborated through the following points:


Civics leads a man towards the basic knowledge about Political

process such as voting, elections system & responsibilities of government.
This also helps man bout the detailed knowledge of rights and duties of
individuals within a society.


An individual and a society are inter-dependent. Civics explains

the linkages between individual and various social institutions. A good
society, ultimately, depends upon good individuals, and this is CIVICS,
which modifies collective approach and attitudes. This creates the
sentiments of mutual cooperation, partnership, sacrifice an sympathy
among individuals, and plays an effective role in eliminating moral
problems and issues.


Democracy has a special significance among various political

systems. It is required for the success of democratic process to teach this
subject to the individuals of the society so that they can develop into good
citizens through enlightenment about the system of the rights and duties.
The success of democratic system depends upon the people charged with
the emotions of social service, civic sense and dutifulness. To make it a
success, CIVICS plays a vital role.


Good and Bad both force are present in a man’s person, stronger of
which forces him to be inclined to a particular character. Additionally his
environment also influences his behavior. This is the study of the CIVICS,
which highlights and analyses the causes of drawbacks and hence helps
mending those.
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This subject has the potential of solving social and cultural issues.
With the help of this knowledge, people can keep their civic and material
environment neat and clean, because it teaches man to lead a life acceding
to healthy tradition. This inculcates, among peoples, such capabilities,
which enables them to curb all types of social evils.


Government cannot solve many of the problems without public

cooperation. Health and cleanliness, promotion of education, eliminating
unemployment and support of needy people are the best examples of such
problems, because these directly influence collective life and hence, hinder
national progress. CIVICS helps man in solving such problems by
teaching him self-support and taking it as the back force for the solution of
various Social and economic problems.


Scientific advancement has brought people of various corners of

the globe closer to each other. Now, they are in better position to help each
other in national uplift. The citizens of the day are also reluctant to keep
their affairs to be limited to their selves. He rather wants to be updated
with the global matters. This is CIVICS, which enables him to contribute
in maintaining world peace through the development of healthy relation
with international communities.



Both these social sciences are closely related to each other. History
brings, past incidents, affairs and their basses, under discussion. This
subject tells us how the man has passed as a race through a variety of
hardships before approaching to the present comfortable era. Formation
of various states and success and failures of various governments can be
seen only through the pages of history recorded by man himself. Civics,
similarly provide previous sociological and anthropological experience
through which man can become good citizen which is the soul objective of
Civics. A man can better execute his duties and responsibilities only if he
is fully aware of the process of the basic principles on which these duties
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are based. Hence it is decided that the historical information plays as a

basic need for future development. Inspite of being so closely related, both
the subjects maintain their individuality and identification. A student of
Civics, hence, has nothing to do with the whole knowledge of history,
rather he has to deal with the events directly related to common people
within the defined citizenship. History, secondly, is limited to the past
events only while civics has to cater much for future. It does not study
events with historical sequence. Actually it puts light upon the past only
to learn a lesson for future studies and planning.


Ethics is a social science, which deals with high quality human

character. This subject enables us to differentiate good from evil. Hence
the study of ethics is the basic need to highlight and reform human
characteristics. Civics also involves ethics in the defining and designing of
students of society. A good citizenship becomes evident automatically
when laws and regulations of society base upon high moral values. This is
why majority of social rules are derived from Ethics. Hence Civics is
indebted to the Ethics for many of its basic principles. Ethics deals with
the basic types of human characters while Civics studies an individual’s
role as a citizen. More over Civics covers simply the moral theories related
to the specific community. Moral values need to be divine but the social
values spring out from local environment.


Geography is a subject which consists of information about

physical features (relief), natural resources, climate, details of earth
surface and demography etc, of a place.(This place can be a region, a part
or whole of the country or the world at large). All these geographical
features do have a clear influence on the individual and collective
character and habits of a region. This fact indicates a close relationship
between CIVICS and Geography. The impact of geographical features,
upon human caricature is obvious from the example that the people living
in plains are less hardworking as compared to those of mountain areas.
Hence the variance in the social structure of a community bases upon its
geographical features of the area where it exists. CIVICS, while studying
the habits of certain individuals, do consider the geographical
environment they live in. Even the strength of a state, to much extent,
depends upon its geography, which special includes its location and
natural resources. United States American and United Kingdom are great
Nations only because of their distinct location. Such physical and
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geography environment decides the major component of the

government’s structure and freedom of people. This further proves that
national policies and civic life mostly depend upon geographical features
of the country. The only distinction between geography and CIVICS is
due to some basic features. For example CIVICS defines life standard and
teaches love for good and avoidance form evil, while geography has to
study only the physical features and has nothing to do with good and evil
aspects of certain values.


1. The significance of CIVICS cannot be defined these days. Explain the

2. Explain the relationship of CIVICS with the following subjects:
a) History b) Ethics c) Geography.
3. “Study of CIVICS is necessary for every citizen.” How can you explain
this statement?
4. Define CIVICS as discipline and express its scope in the modern world.

5. Fill in the blanks.

a) According to the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle, man has been

born _________.
b) The English word CIVICS has been derived from two Latin words
__________ and ___________.
c) Ethics is related to high human____________.
d) CIVICS creates sentiments of social __________ in ___________.
e) An individual and a ___________ are ___________ to each other.

6. Answer briefly.

a) What is the theme of CIVICS?

b) How does E.M.White define CIVICS?
c) What are the basic needs of human life?
d) What says Aristotle about the nature of man?
e) Give the number of the member countries of United Nations.

7. Tick ( ) the correct statements while cross ( ) the wrong ones.

a) CIVICS deals with the daily affairs of a citizen and state.

b) CIVICS and history do not have any mutual relationship.
c) CIVICS is a branch of Social Studies.
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d) Man has no specific needs in the modern world.

e) Geography studies the physical features, climate, natural resources,
land features (relief) and demography etc, of a country.

Practical Work.

1. Arrange a discussion in your school on the “ Significance and

Scope of CIVICS.”
2. Write a note why did you opt this, subject (CIVICS)?
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Any person who lives in a State (Country) and abides by the regulations
imposed by the government is called a citizen of the state. Right from the ancient
times an individual has been considered to be a member of a state society,
bearing certain political responsibilities and he could or had to participate in
governing process. Even in the modern age, a person is considered to be an
individual of a state provided they possess political, social and economic rights.


Family is the basic unit of a social setup. No doubt, a man needs the
existence of a family and a society at a time. Family comes first because of its
states as a natural unit. It is going to sustain forever. A family basis upon genetic
relations and provides a legitimate ground for producing children and
upbringing them. Aristotle declares a family as natural basic social unit, and an
integral part of society.


A slight distinction is always found in the basic structure of a family living in

distinct parts of the world with special reference to duties of a family member
and objective of a family itself. How ever majority of the family features are the
same worldwide because of its status of basic natural unit of a society. Its
significance, individual duties and objectives can be expressed as under:


The top most objective of a family is reproduction and existence of

human race, regularized by certain principles.


Parents having natural love for their children can bring them better
in a family environment where they can execute their responsibilities of
providing them with healthy livelihood and basic education and training
for life.
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This is a family, which provides congenial environment for the

growth of social traditions. A child takes its family environment as basic
units of his cultural heritage, which be protects while growing and at a
stage transfers it to his next generation.


A family is responsible for the education of a child. Consequent

upon good basic social training at home and formal education at a good
education institution, a person can be a useful citizen.


A family is not only a social institution but also a unit responsible

for the economic support of an individual. Family members do support
each other financially without any obligation and can depend upon each
other in this regard. They can further explore fresh financial resources
using their existing ones.


Most of good moral characteristics of an individual are the fruit of a

healthy family environment. Family member do have the sentiment of
mutual love, sacrifice, and sympathy for each other. These characteristics
provide a dependable foundation to a strong and everlasting social


Parents do much about the provision of food, clothing and shelters

to their family. This has proper influence upon children, who reciprocate,
when grow up and take the charge of domestic responsibilities, in the
form of rendering their utmost services to their parents.


In a family, all members feel protected and take up mutual

protection as a responsibility. Bringing up little kids, respect and service
to elders and care for sick people are included. Family is also responsible
for the religious grooming of youngsters. This is the family, which provide
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its members with a sense of religions believes, discrimination between

good and evil, as well as that of justice and tyranny.


Family is the smallest administrative unit within social sphere.

Father is the head of this unit. A child learns administrative sense from his
father through administrating family responsibilities. This basic training
leads him towards executing his responsibilities at national level.


Family provides its members with the basic training of mutual

relationship. Family goes on growing through inter family relations.
Marriages between boys and girl, from different families, bring both the
families together. This is the responsibility of the family to search for
suitable spouses for their boys and girls.


A community is a group of people living in vicinity having some common

life styles and habits .Mac Iver defines community as, “Where ever a small or a
large group of people live in such a way that there is some common interest
among them and they share there life with other members of the group.”


1. A community consists of individuals of an unspecified number.

2. A community must be associated with a specific piece of land.
3. There must be some common principles and practices about
performing certain activities as well as celebration of festivals,
among the community members.
4. Members of a community have sentiments of mutual sacrifice for
which they form various organizations.


There are two major types of community.

1. Urban Community
2. Rural Community
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a) People of cities are so involved in their routine business

of life that they have scarcely any information about their
fellow community members with a very small exception.
b) Urban people live congested and lead highly busy life so
they indulge with others when it is unavoidable and
need based. They lack in sincerity. Mostly urban people
are divided into three classes, i.e. high, middle and low
c) In old days people used to live concentrated on
riverbanks or seacoast so that they could use water as a
means of transportation for internal and external trade.


a) A rural community is a classical example of a collective

human life. It exists since first man started agriculture for
achieving food from plants and grain. For this purpose
he was first bound to settle somewhere. There is, now a
days, a variety of people in a rural community, such as, a
blacksmith, a potter, a hairdresser and a carpenter etc.
b) The environment of rural community is neat and simple.
People of this community are divided into two classes
only. Upper class and lower class. This community has a
tendency of shifting to towns for want of better jobs and
c) Rural community lacks in various basic facilities as
compared to urban community such as that of education,
health and transportation (communication). People of
rural community as compared to those of urban, are
more conservative.


Society is an English word derived from a Latin word socius, which

means companion or companionship, so the society stands for such a group of
people where all the members live with mutual cooperation and with certain
common aims of life. According to Mac Iver Society is a system of social
relationship, which enables us to lead a comfortable and peaceful life.
Society is the fourth group of community, which consists of an individual,
family and community. Society is the gathering of people who have got together
for certain common purposes. It is important to mention that common objectives
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are the strongest force behind a society. And it should be strong enough to be
recognized as a separate society on the basis of its customs and lifestyle. In fact
an individual and society are inter dependable .So none of these two can be
sustainable alone. Another condition of society is a collective approach and
common attitude of its member about various aspects of life.
As a community is a natural institution, every sensible individual can
become its member automatically. Another characteristic of society is its
dependence upon individuals. So it is a permanent factor and influences all
aspects of the life of its members. It does not discriminate amongst people on the
basis of color and creed.


As it has already been stated, an individual and the society are inter-dependable.
Both cannot sustain alone. On this basis Aristotle had said, “A man aloof of
society is either a god or an animal.” A man remains associated with a society to
such an extent that Aristotle hat to declare,” A man is a social animal.”
According to A.W. Green, society is a playground for individuals who are bound
to abide by its rules while playing the life role.
Following features help us to assess the significance of the mutual relation
of an individual and society.


An individual cannot be separated from a society as both have

evolved together. A society can be good, only on the basis of good
individuals, and bad in case its member (individuals) are bad. A good
society can only be maintained by developing individuals as men of


A child cannot survive if its parents do not attend to its up-

brought. A society enables parents to up bring their children properly.


An individual can gain a capability of speaking only if he has a

chance to live to line in a society. A child learns his parents’ language and
specially mother’s. This is why mother language has much significance in
one’s life.
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A child learns social traditions form a society only. After an

individual has been provided with initial training, it is an educational
institution, which prepares him for practical life.


Only a society can provide a man with an environment where his

culture can develop. In a society only, he can learn a language, and can
invent and innovate through his mental development.


It is impossible for an individual, living apart from a society, to

protect his life. The knowledge, which is the best source of protection,
comes from a society only. A man could conquer the universe only
because of his social growth.


A moral & spiritual training of an individual is possible only if he

remains attached with society, as he cannot satisfy his needs because of
the principles of division of labor.


In a society, one can spare sufficient time (due to the division of

labor), which he can spend in leisure. This leisure time provides him
opportunities of achieving his life targets properly.


The significance of a society can better be judged by this fact that in

it, a man can develop cooperation and love-based relations with others. It
eliminates selfishness and class bois among various people. The whole
scientific development made by the man is the result of his social bonds.
On the contrary its tremendous innovations have transformed the world
in to a community.
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The world “nation” has been derived from a Latin word Natio
which means “Race or Birth”. In other words, “Nation” is a collection of
such people who belong to the same race. Various scholars and
philosophers have defined a “Nation” as under:
Lord Bryce says, “ A nation is such a nationality who have
organized themselves politically whether they are free or have an usage
for freedom.”
According to Hayes, “ when a nationality unites to an extent that it
gets hold on independent governance, it becomes a nation”. In other
words, a nation is such a collection of people, who have a tendency of
collective approach spiritually and psychologically and have a sense of
their unity, consciously or unconsciously.
Gilchrist has declared a nation as a blend of state and nationality.
Garner Says! “ A nation is such a social collection of people, who have a
common culture and possess a strong desire to maintain the unity of their
spiritual life and expression. In a sense, a nation is a gathering of such
people who live in specific geographical features, which makes, this
region an entity and they have achieved or are enduring to achieve
freedom. Moreover they have common race, culture, traditions,
customary, religion and language etc.


The word “Nationality” has also been derived from Latin

and means the same as birth or race. In a sense, a nationality, also, has the
characteristics of such a group of people who belong to same race.
Politically such people must also be inhabitants of the same region and be
followers of same religion, having common language, literature, customs
and traditions.
Lord Bryce defines nationality as “a community which is united on
the basis of certain relations such as those of language, literature,
philosophy and traditions which provide a base of distinctions with
respect to such other groups.”
J. S. Mill has declared nationality as such a group of people who
have clear and strong sentiments of sympathy and brotherhood for other
members of the group and these sentiments cause their mutual
cooperation and coordination.
The international court of justice has defined nationality as: “ a
legal bond which bases upon social reality and guides towards common
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fitting interests and existence and where duties and rights are clearly
The great Muslim philosopher Ibn-e-Khulduon declares the
emotion of nationality as a bois, which gives a group of people a sense of
belongingness with the group.
Nationality is a moral and spiritual state of mind, which unite the people
of a region together. Many of sentiments and traditions are common in
these people.


The most important common features, which create a sense of cooperation

and coordination amongst some people to transfer them into a nationality, are:


Having common creed on the basis of their forefather’s serves as a

base to national feelings. The common creed, in many of the cases, causes
mutual love and belongingness but this is not the only basic requirement
for a nationality. Muslims believe in a nationality on the basis of common
belief and religion. Nowadays many races have mingled up to an extent
that they have lost their racial identity. For example in United States
people belong to one nationality but come from a variety of races.
Similarly people of one nationality can be of various races and can have
variety of occupation. In this connection the examples of France, Italy and
Spain can be quoted.


Living in the same region can prove to be a big source of producing

sentiments of nationality. After living together of some people for quite a
long time can create a common cultural and social approach among them.
This unity is produced due to common language and literature and plays
an important role in transforming these different groups into a single
nationality. But it is not a must. Example of Hindus and Muslims living
together in the subcontinent for centuries and that of Jew living in various
parts of the world can be quoted. Sub-continent always remained divided
into various (at least two) nationalities while Jews of the world could
never mix with any other nationality of a different religion. This proves
that the factor of common homeland can mobilize the process of
transferring people into a nationality but is not a compulsory factor, as it
can remain ineffective.
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Language and literature is that means of expression, which unify

people with respect to their national feelings, through a common cultural
heritage. This sense of unity developed through common language and
literature can soon be shaped into a feeling of nationality, but despite of its
significance as a helpful factor, such expected result cannot be considered
as a compulsory one. For example in Switzerland there are many states
but all of them make one nationality. Similarly many regional languages
spoken in Pakistan but these have no negative impact on nationhood.


Every nation possesses a separate set of traditions and culture. The

cultural values of such people are the basic force behind the development
of nationhood. When different people living in a region do posses same
traits and basic thought of time, arts and poetry etc; these factors lead
them towards a feeling of nationality.


Secular States are a practice of the day. The significance of religion

in making of nation has, now, been minimized. Nowadays there is a
tendency of people following religions to have a common struggle to
achieve certain political goals. It does not, however, mean that religion
cannot play a role of helping factor of national integrity. Pakistan came
into being on the basis of this factor, and the history justifies the
significance of religion for making of a nation. For example in 1830
Belgium got separated form Poland on the basis of religion. In India,
today, Sikh separatist movement is also going on religions basis.


When people are involved, in a religion, in similar political

situation, they are bound to have common objectives and they feel for
achieving these objectives, this bounds them to unite and move in the
same direction. this proves to be the very first step towards the
development of a nationality. People of the United Stats got united
consequent upon their common struggle for independence from British
- 23 -


A set of common interests of various groups brings them together,

usually, to form a nationality. In majority of the cases, people unite,
strongly, to get rid of foreign hold. This also leads towards the
development of a common nationality. In 1903, Scotland and England got
united because of common economic needs. However a set of common
interest is not solely sufficient for nationality development. Canada, for
example, has a strong economic need common to rest of North America
but the need of political unity has never being felt in this region.


Developing a strong sentiment of nationhood, within a state,

always demands political organization. Every state reserves its reasonable
resources to keep the people united into one nation so that political
integrity and stability can be maintained. But this political organization,
too, cannot be considered as an unavoidable factor of nationality. Muslims
went on ruling Spain for more than seven centuries but they never tried to
develop a common nation going with local christian population.


Sentiment of national unity is a psychological fact. This is the

strongest of all factors, and for example a nation lacking in this sentiment,
cannot sustain the state of Nationhood till long. when people think to be
one, they automatically become a nation. It is useless to try to find out the
basis of nationalism in geographical entity, race, history or economic
factors. These factors are no doubt important in a sense that these can
influence the minds and beliefs of people and hence strengthen the
thought and feeling of nationalism but do not provide the scientific base
for that. In some cases, the expantionalist sentiment of some people is
exploited to transform them into a strong nation. Germany’s Hitler and
Italy’s Masolini provided the best examples.


The base of common history among a group of people, plays an

important role in the development of a nationality. This sentiment was the
strongest force behind the creation of Pakistan. This force was based upon
the common history of the people of the sub-continent. Many of the
people of different parts of the world are bound in the bond of a nation
- 24 -

due to a common history. United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and

Japan are the best examples.


Islam presents the concept of UMMAH in place of a Nation. This

concept does not involve any commonality of Color, creed or language
and culture, but it simply bases upon a common belief. In Western theory
of nationalism, no group of people can become a nation unless they have
common distinction from other such groups and unless they dwell in a
region having specific geographical features. They can be called a nation
on satisfying these conditions only. Religion has nothing to do with the
western theory of nationalism. On the contrary Muslim concept (theory)
of nationalism (Ummah) entirely and purely bases upon a common belief.
Almighty Allah has said in the Holy Book (Quran)

“ O people! Allah created all of your from a man and a woman and then
divided you in tribes so as to make you distinctive. But before Allah, best
of you is he, who is the most pious.”

The Holy Prophet, at the eve of the last Hajj, expressed in his
address; “Behold, you are all out spring of Adam. Who was created from
the clay. Hence no priority is allowed to an Arab onto a Non-Arab or to a
white onto a black but the real superiority of an individual bases upon the
level of his piousness.”

Following are important characteristics of Islamic concept of Ummah:

1. Members of Muslim Ummah do not bend before any power but

Allah Almighty.
2. No regional, racial or color prejudices are allowed in Islamic Ummah.
3. Muslim Ummah is free of all sentiments of color and creed or the
worship of homeland etc.
4. Muslim Ummah is based upon equality of opportunities.
5. It presents the concept of global brotherhood.

Islam does not believe in any concept of regional nationalism. All

men have been created by Allah and are sent to this world to follow his
path. It is necessary for them to continue following Allah’s commands. All
- 25 -

men irrespective of color & creed, language, culture and life style are
bothers. But those who have deviated form Allah’s path are not to be
considered for any relationship.
Pakistan came into being on the basis of the very basic concept of
Islamic Ummah. In this modern world there can be different nations and
homelands on the ground of regional boundaries but all of them are
bound to be individual administrative units and do not disturb the basic
concept of Islamic Ummah at all, specially when they fallow a common
code of Ethics and are bound together with the basic concept of Ummah


1. What is the significance of a family in social life?

2. Define society and express the relationship between an individual and
a society.
3. What is the basic difference between a Nation and a Nationality?
4. What factors play a role in the development of a Nationality?
5. Explain the difference between Western and Islamic concepts of
6. What is a community? Explain its various types.
7. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence:

a) Some ______________ are imposed on an individual, by a state.

(Rights and Duties, Principles, Laws)
b) The famous Greek Philosopher Aristotle has declared a family
as__________. (Political Institution, social Institution, Natural
c) This is the fourth group of human community ___________.
(Nation, Nationality, Society)
d) A sentiment of national unity is __________ elements. (Natural,
Psychological, Conscious)

8. Tick the correct statements and cross the wrong ones.

a) A family is the very first and basic unit of social life,

b) A family is responsible for upbringing a child.
c) There is lack of Education and other facilities in rural areas as
compared to the urban one.
d) Islam present a concept of Ummah is place of nationality.
- 26 -



When a group of people is permanently inhibited in certain piece of

land and has established a government system of their own in order to
lead a peaceful life, such people coming under that particular government,
form a state. So a state has an authority through which it establishes an
order in its boundaries. The government makes laws to keep every thing
in order and to watch individual character of people. People’s Mutual as
well as their relationship with the government is maintained through
these laws and regulations. Aristotle declares man as a social animal.
According to him a good and peaceful life can be lead only under the
umbrella of government. He says that the government is formed to
enables people to fulfill their social and political needs. Its integrity is a
must for an everlasting peace in a nation.
Various scholars have defined state as under:


A state is a healthy composure of families and villages

where life is completely self-sufficient.


State is the unity of people in certain piece of land for the

objective of maintaining law and justice.


A state is a living organism having regular components and

features. It completely resembles to a living body.


A state is a regional community, which consists of

government and people and enjoys a supremacy over other
institutions within its political boundaries.
- 27 -

5- Hell:

A big crowd of people who posses a piece of land and they

are united in a manner that the opinion of majority overwhelms all
other forces.


A state can be called an organized group of people living on

a particular territory of land, free of foreign rule and having a
government bound by certain rules and regulations, which, not
only, has a right to constitute laws but also a power to execute


A state is a collection or a gathering of such people living in

a particular territory, free of any foreign suppression, and having
an organized government, which is obeyed by the majority of
people as a habit.


Following are the essential elements of a state:

1. Population
2. Territory
3. Government
4. Sovereignty


A population is a necessary component of a state. A

population of state consists of all those people who posses certain
rights and have to perform certain duties. In an ancient Greek
concept, population consisted of both people and slaves.
According to Aristotle the population must, at least, be of the
number that a ruler can be distinctive from those who are ruled. It
should not, according to him, such a large one that the process of
governance is out of control. Plato, according to the situation of his
times, has fixed an ideal population as five thousand and forty
only. Rousseau also agrees to the concept of limited population.
- 28 -

According to him, lesser the population more protected it feels.

Nowadays (in the modern world) no limit can be imposed on
population because now in many of the cases it is in hundred of
millions such as China, India, USA, Russia, Pakistan etc, and on the
contrary some states have their population to some thousands.
Monaco and Dominica are the examples.


Every state needs certain territory where it can execute its

powers and the population can dwell. This area can be more or less,
but at least it should be wide enough to accomode the whole
population. The area of a state cannot necessarily be a symbol of
economic growth and power, because there are certain states
having limited area but a huge economics status (Japan is an
example). However a state having larger area feels comfortable in
exploring more and more economic resources (Human recourses
are well recognized these days). Now it is easy to maintain law and
order in vast areas with the help of the latest means of
communication such as Radio, Telegraph, Telephone, Television
and Internet etc. A territory consists of mountains, rivers (and to
some extent sea) and air territories in addition to a piece of land.
While identifying boundaries between tow countries the
rising issues are not limited to those of army and defense, it rather,
in addition, involves international law and foreign relation. On
land, certain ground signs are used for demarcation of boundaries.
If there is a river on the boundary of two countries, the middle of
the stream of the river will be considered a boundary. In case of a
mountain between two countries the central peak of it is identified
by marking it watching same water flow, and is declared as a
boundary sign. Coastal boundary is usually considered up to
Eleven Kilometer from the seashore. (Rest of the seas comes under
international territory). Before the invention of aircrafts, there was
no concept of aerial territory of any state, but after that from the
earth surface to the sky is the accepted aerial territory of a state.


A government is an institution, which enjoys the sovereignty

and powers on behalf of the state. Its three major departments are
(1) legislative (2) Executive and (3) judiciary. Which perform the
role of government. A state can retain and sustain only in the
pressure of the presence of a government but in fact a government
- 29 -

and a state are not one and the same thing. Firstly a government is
only an organ of a state and secondly government can be changed
but the state remains constant. Internationally, state remains
accepted ever after the change of government. The government
executes its power in the light of national constitution.


A state enjoys quite a unique status as compared to other

political organization, only on the basic of sovereignty. The
sovereignty is the strongest force behind a state used in making
laws and their enforcement. State enjoys its supremacy over other
institution on the basis of sovereignty. Due to this supremacy and
status, a state is considered independent of all foreign influences
and suppressions.
The famous French philosopher Bodin, defines sovereignty
as a status where the state law is the central source of all powers
within the boundaries of the state. For example, the subcontinent of
Indo. Pak, before freedom did not have any sovereignty although
having all the other three organs of the state (territory, population
& Government) because the sovereignty rested with United
Kingdom at that time.


The functions of a state are of two types:

1- Compulsory function
2- Optional functions


This is included in the compulsory functions of the

state for which the state maintains a trained professional


Keeping law and order situation under control in a

state, it is another compulsory function, which is required
for the protection of civil society. For this purpose the state
maintains an organization, which is called “ police “. State
- 30 -

has to constitute laws, which discourage criminal attitudes

of certain individuals by penalizing then according to the
prescribed legal framework. The law and order situation is
needed to be kept controlled for any kind of economic
development and prosperity.


The existence of an independent judiciary is the most

demanded organ of the state, so that deprived people can
take remedy from a court of justice. There must be a rule of
law in a state, and every body should be equal in the eyes of
national laws. In a state, judiciary is free of any influence of
the legislative and executive institutions, because its
independence ensures peace and justice in the society. In an
Islamic state peace and justice is always given high priority.


The mutual relations between various states are called

“International Relations”. In this modern world no state can
exist without having healthy relations with some other
states. Developing countries need foreign economic aid for
the economic growth, while developed nations, too, need to
have good relation with others, for consumption of their
products and industrial goods, as their markets. They need
such relations also to be used in international politics. For
developing and maintaining such relations, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs is maintained at Federal level. National
interests are given the highest preference in developing and
designing a Foreign Policy.



A state is duty bound to manage system of education

for its population because the whole of its development,
growth and prosperity depends upon the educational level
of its people.


- 31 -

After industrial revolution, the industry has

completely taken over the place of agriculture. So in this
modern age industry is considered to be the basic force
behind general uplift of a state. In this connection a balance
has to be maintained between imports and exports. Rights of
labor are to be protected and a healthy competition needs to
be generated among various industrial organizations. An
industrial education set up needs to be devised to meet the
needs of technical manpower of the national industry from
local resources. Hence the significance of this function is, by
no means, less than that of defense and general governance.


Provision of healthy seeds, management of irrigation

resources and protecting the rights of formers are among the
basic functions of the state. The state has to meet these needs
to achieve the status of self-sufficiency.


Means of communication and transportation do play

an important role in the economic development of a country.
Better communication facilities ensure the development of a
state. The state maintains Railway system for this purpose.
In addition to that roads and bridges are constructed, postal,
telegraphic, radio and television organizations are managed.
Without such arrangements a state can suffer internal chaos.
In the modern world air transport is to be given highest


Planning for public health is an important secondary

function of a state, because no progress can be imagined
without maintaining general health of people. So the state
accepts the responsibility of public health. Providing free
medical support to the people, is another important
responsibility of a state.


- 32 -

A state convinces its public to acquire habits of saving

through national saving schemes.


A state is morally bound to ensure social and political

safety of public providing them with job opportunities and
taking steps for eliminating poverty form the country.
Moreover a state has to maintain Bait-ul-Mal (national
treasury). Industrial homes and poor houses for social
welfare and takes various steps for social and moral reforms
of its people.


The terms of government and state are used confusingly in general,

and the sense of both is usually mixed while, in fact, both of these are
quite independent entities. John Locke was the first man to distinguish
between state and government. Following points can further clarify this

1- State is a social organization having four organs of population,

territory, government, and sovereignty; while government is one of
these four organs of the state. The government has a responsibility
of enforcing law and maintaining law and order situation.
2- State is a constant entity while government changes from time to
time (generally at a regular frequency).
3- Sovereignty is the strongest force behind the right of legislation and
its enforcement. Government, on the contrary, is only one
administrative unit of the state having specific powers given by the
4- A state cannot exist without a land while government can exist
even in exile, although temporarily. For example during second
world war when Germany and Italy captured territories of many
European countries, their governments got exiled to London and
went on working there.
5- No citizen has any rights against state but has many rights against
6- A state is in just a conceptual form and executes its powers through
a government.
- 33 -


In ancient Greece, a state and a society were synonyms of each

other. But today’s student of civics has to understand the slight difference
between both the terms.
1- A state is a legal organization, which determines the
powers of the government and rights of individual. This
manages political, economic and cultural relations
amongst people. While society is a wider organization. It
relates to various economic, social, political and other
types of activities of various individual. These relations can
exist either within a state or inter-states.
2- A state is a regional organization. It has certain defined
territories, while a society is above territorial limits. Its
circle can be even extended to many states. For example an
Islamic society is extended from Indonesia to Marakish.
3- A state is a ruling organization and has a permanent and
compulsory organ of government, which organizes various
state responsibilities and exercises them. No state can
achieve its targets and objectives without government.
While in a society, there is always a variety of organized
and unorganized groups of people. All cultural and social
organizations are a part of a society but the government is
never a compulsory organ of the society at large.
4- Membership of a state is a must requirement and every
individual has to be the member of one state or another.
When an individual foregoes the membership of a state, he
acquires that of another one. While a membership of a
society is optional. An individual can, anytime, get
membership of a society and can leave it at another time.
5- The very concept of the state emerged after the emergence
of a society. A state emerged when a distinction between
ruling and ruled took a shape of government, while a
society had already taken its place in human life.
6- A state bases upon the laws constituted by the government
and the people of the state are to obey them, and are
penalized if they disobey. While society depends upon
customs and traditions which the people fallow habitually.
The power is not applied against those who disobey social
norms but it is the social pressure, which compels people
to obey those norms.
7- State has been created by the man consciously governed by
human mind and actions while a society develops
- 34 -

naturally. When and where human beings start living

together, this results in the creation of a society.


According to Islam, sovereignty rests with Allah, who is the

Supreme power of the universe and He Himself has created it. In an
Islamic state sovereignty is exercised by the Head of the state but as a
custodian only, which he is bound to exercise according to a discipline
prescribed by Allah through the Holy Quran or the teachings of the Holy
Prophet. The basic concept of an Islamic state is to consider Allah the
Supreme power and enforce the laws (Shariah), in the country, as his
representative (Kahlifa). Following are the principles of an Islamic state:
1- God made laws are enforced in the state, which a man,
how much powerful he may be, cannot change nor
2- Teachings and examples set by the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) will be basis of the governance process.
3- Westernized and an unlimited liberty cannot be
enjoyed by the people of an Islamic state. They will
have to enjoy only a limited sovereignty and controlled
4- To maintain the concept of Allah’s sovereignty is the
foremost duty of the state. People in such a state are to
be stopped, by force, from had deeds which are
prohibited by Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) so that an
environment of brotherhood can be maintained, based
upon justice and equality and people should be
sympathetic to each other to help mutually in fulfilling
their basic needs with natural cooperation.
5- The sole and supreme objective of the Government of
an Islamic state is to maintain a situation of peace and
justices as well as law and order in the state, where
people are preached to say prayers, pay Zakat and
follow the teachings of Islam related to the social aspect
of life.
6- In an Islamic state, the head must be a Muslim and
elected by the people. He is duty bound to maintain
justice and equality and protecting the life and honor of
the people by enforcing the teachings of Islam
7- The head of an Islamic state is bound to take advice
from a group of representative of a general public
(Majlis -e- Shurah)
- 35 -

8- People are given a right to revolt against the sitting

government strictly on the basis of the one principle
that the government deviates from the defined
guidelines of the Islamic system of life. This can, at
some stage, create a situation of deference between
government and the people. In such a situation, every
dispute is to be resolved by the stale in the light of the
guidance of the Holy Quran and Sunnah because
sovereignty rests with Allah only and the government
is bound to follow His orders.
9- To keep the people’s animal instincts in control, they
are to be made subject to Allah’s teachings, (Islamic
Teachings) so that a healthy Islamic society is
10- In an Islamic state people are ensured to be provided
with justice and equality, which leads to a completely
balanced society. No man or a group, in a state, has any
right or power to modify any law defined by Islamic
principles. This is accepted to every individual in an
Islamic state that the actual source of laws is Allah


1- Define a STATE and explain its components.

2- Distinguish between the following:
a. State and Government b. State and Society.
3- Explain the functions of a STATE!
4- In an Islamic state, the sovereignty rests in Allah. Explain!

5- Fill In The Blanks:

a. There are four organs of a state , ,
and .
b. Government is a of a state which maintains

c. Sovereignty is the most important of a state

which constitutes and implements
d. Sovereignty, in Islamic state rests with .

6- Tick the correct sentence and cross wrong ones.

a. Aristotle declares the man as a social animal.
b. A state is a regional society.
- 36 -

c. Plato has fixed the limit of the population of a city state as ten
thousands and forty.
d. The area of a state serves as an indicator of economic power and
e. A state is not a conscience creation of man.

7- Fill In The Blanks After Selecting The Most Suitable From The
Given Words.
a. A government constitutes law to tackle the wrong practices of
the and monitoring the character of the
individual (city, society, state).

b. The is a constant institution (state, government,

c. The is a temporary institution (government, state,
d. In an Islamic state, source of is Allah
(Sovereignty, existence, source).
e. A state is a organization (political, social,
- 37 -

C H A P T E R – FO U R



It has already been given that the government is one of the four
organs of a state. A government is in fact an agent of a state, which serves
its objectives. In other words, it is an organization of state, which is
responsible of executing the constitution of state and implementing its
legislation to keep the law and order in society. National law and
legislature ensures the integrity and safety of the state and serves as a
source of sound and natural execution of the responsibilities of the state
and keeps people’s attitude in right direction. In a sense, the law is the
soul of a state without which it is difficult for any government to execute
its responsibilities properly. We come to know while thinking upon the
philosophy of the government, that a government constitutes law and
legislation through which it maintains law and justice in the society. Three
different deportments perform for the achievement of above quoted
objectives of the government. These are legislative assembly, Executive
(civil service) and judiciary. The legislative assembly formulates laws, the
executive executes these laws and when there is any practical difficulty in
legal procedure, there is Judiciary, which explains it.
In ancient governments although all the three departments (organs
of the government) used to be in place but the king had to be over all in
charge of all these organs and hence, practically enjoyed the supreme
power because every department of the government was answer able to
the king only. But with the promotion of democratic system of
government the concept of the independence of these three basic
components, got more and more strengthened everyday. Even today, in
majority of the states, these three organs function separately and


The most important function of the legislative is to

frame the constitution of a` country or to update it through
amendments, but it has also to perform some other functions
as well. The legislation is the most important of all the three
organs as the legal framework approved by the legislative,
governs the functioning of the rest of two. It is a must for the
- 38 -

legislature assembly to be constituent upon elected public

representative with powers to function independent of all



As the legislative assembly represents the whole

nation, so it is essential to ensure the representation of all
walks of life. But the overall number should be limited
enough to make the discussions and debates practicable. So
that certain decision can be made smoothly, conveniently
and collectively.


The second most important feature of the constituent

assembly is its duration or tenure. It must not be brief to an
extent that the assembly cannot do any type of legislation,
nor should it be so long that the objective conditions in
which the representation had been elected, go changed.


The principles of representation has been given

preference in the modern democratic world and hence,
various classes of the society have been given right of vote.
According to this principle of representation, the whole
population of the country is evenly distributed among
various constituencies considering its population and
mapping. In this way every constituency can send its
representative to the legislative assembly.


Formulating constitution of the state and updating it, is the

most important function of the legislative. But in the modern age,
legislative has also to perform some additional functions /duties. It
depends upon the type of the government existing in the state. Following
functions are performed by a legislative in the modern democratized
- 39 -


Legislation is a highly sophisticated task and involves

much thinking. Most of the time of legislative assembly is
spent for this purpose. The members of the constituent
assembly are people representative. So they have to execute
their responsibility carefully and honestly keeping the
interests of people in view. Various draft laws are presented
before legislative, which considers every point of the draft
and approves it as a law or an act after a thorough
investigation or rejects it, if it is against the morns. An
addition of formulating law, it also updates all previous
laws, according to the most modern and the latest needs of
the society.


Executive needs funds to ensure the functions of the

government, but the expenditures are approved by the
legislative. The executive can neither impose any taxes nor
can spend funds without an approval of the legislative. The
executive for this purpose puts up annual budget before the
legislative, which approves it with some modifications,
based on mutual thinking. In this way the legislature
empowers government to generate and spend government


A legislative, in a democratic society has to perform

certain executive functions too. The cabinet, in a
parliamentary system of government, is answerable before
legislative. Cabinet is formed by the Prime Minster, in
consultation with the assembly out of the members of the
legislative. In a presidential system of government the
president (head of state and government) has to consult
legislative before making appointments on key posts,
announcing a war or getting into some international treaties.
In America (USA) the president has to seek approval of the
senate before all such decisions.
- 40 -


The legislative usually performs judicial

responsibilities/functions as well. For example, American
(USA) senate has a power of impeachment of the President
and federal judiciary. In UK a privy council, constituent
upon seven members of the House of Lords (collectively)
functions as the supreme (the last) court of the country.

In additions to its functions of legislation, it also takes

up the responsibilities of amending the constitution to make
it updated. The nation, where a written constitution is
available, the legislative is empowered to amend it.


The legislative the most important body of the

government, is responsible for bringing public complaints
into government’s notice. Its members are free to
communicate in the session of the assembly, about anything
related to social and political aspects of life. They opt many
procedures to bring public issues into government’s notice.
They can attract the government attention to any important
public issue through a motion. They can put up a proposal
and get it approved through a resolution passed by the
members. In this way government can be made convinced to
attend to and make decisions about the problem


After the legislative have formulated laws, the second organ of the
government i.e. executives, takes the responsibilities of implementing the
same. It is also responsible for the practical implementation or the
illustration of law.
An executive in general sense, is constituent upon all civil
employees including a foot constable of police to the president but in its
real sense, it consists of the highest authorities of various department. For
example in a parliamentary system of government, the head of the
government (Prime Minister) along with his cabinet is called executive of
the country.
- 41 -


The most important functions, of the executive of the present

democratic states, is to implement the constitution and maintain the
discipline in the country, it has to perform certain additional duties as
well such as:


An executive implement the regulation formulated by
the legislature and to run the country in the light of these
regulations. To defend all types of the boundaries of the
countries from foreign offence and to maintain law and
order situations internally, all includes in the functions of an
Executive. It also organizes armed forces and police.


A head of executive (The Prime Minister) the powers

to call and postpone / adjourn the sessions of the legislative
and even to dismiss it. He can also issue ordinances for
executing some urgent and immediate responsibilities
during the period when the legislative is out of sessions. In a
Presidential system of government, the president can amend
the law formulated by the legislative and even can
disapprove/reject it.


The head of the executive of the country (Prime

Minister) has the powers to appoint the judges of High
/Supreme Courts. He has also the powers to reduce, to
suspend or to remove the punishment imposed by the
Supreme Court to a person, if the appeal is made in this


In the modern democratic governments, the

legislative approves yearly budget. Preparing this the
budget the duty of the Ministry of Finance which is a part of
the executive. So Ministry of Finance presents the annual
- 42 -

budget in the National Assembly for approval. The

executive then runs the financial matters of the government
according to this approved budget.


To design the foreign policy on sound grounds and

then to execute it according to the best national interests, is
another important function of the executive. Arranging
agreement Treaties with foreign governments and keeping
the policy in line with the national Interests without
damaging the concept of sovereignty, is among this
functions of Foreign Ministry.


Judiciary is the third basic organ of the Government.

Having justice and equal opportunities, is one of the basic
rights of individuals. Islam developed an ideal welfare
Islamic State in Arabia some fourteen centuries ago in which
(first time in human history) judiciary was given
independence from executive. In system, head of the state or
that of the government had to stand answerable in the Court
of Law. Now a days to judge the status of civic sense of a
nation, it is to find to what level is its judiciary free of
influences and is independent in functioning. A free and
independent judiciary, only, can ensure the preservation of
the basic rights of individuals. The organization of this
judiciary of country is like a huge tree, which has vast
spread branches being fed through its main trunk. Supreme
Court is, hence, the highest judiciary institutions in a
government, which supervises and monitors the whole
judiciary system of the country. Under the Supreme Court,
there are High Courts in all the Provinces, while district and
local courts function under the umbrella of High Courts.


A Judiciary, in a present democratic state, in addition to its judicial

functions, performs some special functions too. For example:
- 43 -


The most important function of the judiciary is to

maintain justice in the state. Courts are free to examine the
cases impartially and to punish the criminals and to release
the innocent alleged individuals. Higher courts by
examining the proceedings of lower court, can pass their
own decisions / decrees. If the judiciary is free of influences
this prevents the governments from making wrong
decisions. People of a country can contact courts in case of
the violation of their basic rights. In this way a judiciary,
also, functions as a guard of basic public rights.


When the prescribed law appears to be ineffective to a

particular case, the court has the responsibility of illustrating
it how it can govern the justice in it. The judges, hence,
provide such precedents, which are considered by future
judges to make decision in similar situations. These
decisions (precedent) are considered like national law.


The constitution explains the powers and duties of

federal and provincial governments. If there is a dispute
between two leveled governments, the Supreme Court of the
country decides it and its decision is considered final.


In the state where written constitution is available, the

courts can modify the rules made by the legislative. If the
Supreme Court notices itself or it is brought to its notice that
any law formulated by the legislative contradicts the basic
philosophy of the national constitution, and if the Supreme
Court finds facts behind the report, can amend or modify the
law. This is called judicial review. Many Supreme Courts
including that of United States of America enjoy this power.
- 44 -


In some of the cases the head of the state or that of

government needs the assistance of Supreme Court
regarding the explanation of certain legal point. He executes
such law with the consent of the court (Supreme Court). In
writing an executive is not bound to fallow the advice of the
judiciary but he usually honors it.



Today, there are many types of government, functioning in the

world. The kingship, Dictatorship, and Democracy are most important
types of government. Democracy, in the modern day, is the most popular
form of government. Almost all the nations of the world consider
democracy as the best possible form of government.


In general sense, democracy means people’s government. This

word “ Democracy” comes from two Latin words “demos” and “Karats”.
Demos means people and karats means power or government. So
democracy generally means government of the people. Various scholars
have defined democracy in different words.


Abraham Lincoln was an ex- president of USA. He defines

democracy as a government of the people, by the people for
the people.
2- Professor Seley Says,” Democracy is a form of government
in which every body shares the power.
3- Gettell defines democracy as a system of government in
which a major part of general public has a right to
participate in using the power given by sovereignty.
4- According to Herodotus, democracy is a system of
government in which powers of the government are not in
the hands of any selected component of the population. It is
rather with the society in general.
- 45 -

5- Lord Bryce suggests that the democracy is a form of

government in which the majority of the public
representation enjoys the powers and really rules the


Let us consider the merits and demerits after we have defined




Many rulers, mentioned in history, had treated man

like animals. But at present, democracy has given the man
an honor of the master of his own fate and he can decide
much of his life himself. Democracy has served much in the
process of the development of a healthy society. This has
given, the man, awareness about basic human rights and has
guided him for preserving them. This is why, today, even a
dictator cannot be blind enough to be cruel to people. Hence
democracy has enhanced dignity of the people.


Democracy has informed people about their basic

rights and consequently has given them a right to criticize
government with proper justifications so that political
leadership gets acquainted with its flaws and can remove
them. This guides a nation to prosperity. People, in a
democratic setup have a right to topple government through
peaceful and just means if they are not satisfied with its


Democracy has brought all citizens, irrespective of

their economic status to a singular society. Now, no body
can consider himself above law. In this system of
government, every individual has equal opportunities for
the legal remedies as he needs.
- 46 -


The main objective of this system of government is to

provide basic facilities to all individuals and plans for their
betterment. In this system, every individual can work for the
benefit of society with full zeal and zest, because he knows
that in a democratic society, working for others, is working
for oneself.



A democratic system highlights educational, mental

and ethical characteristics of a man and, hence, works as a
force behind the development of a healthy society. This is
because of the fact that it provides full opportunities of
mutual discussion and making decisions collectively.


When the whole population will be involved in the

government functions and will have to observe all national
and international affairs. They will automatically judge how
properly there representatives are performing. This will help
them for rejecting ineffective representatives in the next
elections. Through this process the government will become
more and more responsible and strong.



In a dictator’s regimes, the people, even, knowing that

the government is not functioning, properly, cannot change
it through political, peaceful and legal means and not even
to think like that in a democratic system of government as
many legal means for changing government are inbuilt in
this system.
- 47 -



Allama Iqbal has expressed about democracy as a

system in which people are simply counted in number. Their
intellectual worth is not considered. The majority, which
lacks in wisdom, cannot solve national problems wisely.


In some cases majority of representative can make

legislation against minorities as no power in the system can
stop them. In such a situation a difference is considered as a


As, majority governs this system,, and the majority is

always consisting upon ordinary people, so such
government bases upon temporary sentiments, rather then
wisdom. Leadership in such a case is in the hands of
ordinary people. Consequently the legislation becomes sub-
standard and defective.


It is admitted that majority of common people is

usually unaware of political process. So the people having
lust for power, can easily exploit them, and after grabbing
the power, in some of the cases, concentrate mostly on the
ways and means to prolong their power regime.


Democracy is impossible with multiple political

parties. In some of the cases, due to large number of parties,
no single party can win majority, and is compelled to form a
combined government. Such government is always weak
and the change of government always remains an easy
possibility. Even if a party gets majority, opposition
emphasizes mostly to attract the members of government
- 48 -

party so that a motion of no confidence can be passed

against them.


Democracy cannot respond to an emergency,

properly as such situations demand quick and fine decisions,
but in democracy every decision demands public
concurrence which is impossible in case of an emergency,
due to slowness of its working. When democratic decision is
made, the emergency situations get worse and worse and a
crisis is developed.


In presence of political parties, within a democratic

system, everybody is bound to follow the party discipline
and hence individual distinction in thinking and innovation
is faded out.


In this form of government every representative

wants to prolong his tenure of representation by hook or by
crook. So he uses all right and wrong means to please his
voters. Consequently all types of favoritism flourish.


“Dictator” is a Latin word meaning a government having ultimate

powers. So dictatorship means a government in which all powers are in
the hands of a single person (Dictator) who does not like to consult
anybody else. He considers his ideas as rules and laws. He cannot tolerate
oppositions of any type and level. Usually a dictator acquires power
through army and continues to be a ruler till the army is with him. A
dictator exploits every just and unjust means to prolong his power and
considers him self to be sole liberator of he country. He desires to be
praised by every one all the times so he does not allow and tolerate even
the slightest opposition and difference of opinion. All political parties are
diminished/eliminated and a singular party exits, which favors the
dictator. The dictator enjoys 100% powers. Everyone is answerable to him
while he is answerable to none (not even to himself).
According to Austin, what ever a dictator thinks, is a law.
- 49 -


1- A dictatorship can use inefficient work force in favor of the

government (the state to some extent), which is impossible
in case of democracy. For example Germany had totally
collapsed and Hitler, as a dictator, rebuilt it into a strong
nation. It is because singular advice gets work done quickly
and no time is wasted in parliamentary discussions.
2- This type of government has no opposition so the policies
sustain and can continue and the national development
programs run uninterrupted.
3- Due to collective approach and strong zeal of nationalism,
people work more hard. But if the dictator is astray and
corrupt, then people hate him and can stand against him.
4- In dictatorship, attempts are made to utilize the national
wisdom (through scholars) at a large scale. So the progress is
realistic and dependable.


1- In dictatorship the basic rights of people are withdrawn and

the possibilities of the peace of mind of the people remains
2- Power is the basic source of dictatorship and is used in
sustaining it ruthlessly, which creates a state of terror in the
state. This causes damages to the economic status of the
3- In dictatorship, there is no scope of dialogue and discussion.
Consequently, leadership can see only one side of the
picture. Mistakes, hence, are repeated and no remedies are
considered. This leads the country, in the long run, to
4- As general public, in dictatorship rule, is accustomed to the
orders of bureaucracy, the creativity and innovative
approach is gradually eliminated and finally the country is
deprived of independent opinion makers.
5- Dictatorship is always a product of emergency and
uncertainty. So its apparent advantages are also temporary
and the system is injurious for future.
6- Taking general public into confidence is a must requirement
for any type of growth and progress, while in dictatorship
public has simply to obey the orders. This proves to be the
- 50 -

biggest hurdle in the national development. It is always a

threat to global peace as well.


Federation means unity. Federal Government is actually such a

united government in which all the provinces participate equally. In such
a system there is always a balances between federal and provincial
are the examples of the states with federal system of government. Various
scholars have defined federal system of government as under:
1- According to Hamilton, this type of government generates
new federations.
2- Montesquieu declares it as such a conversion through which
similar states agree to join an overall union.
3- Garner: Federal form of government is a unified form of
provincial governments according to which both central and
provincial governments are united under one sovereign
authority and both are independent and autonomous in
their functioning in the light of the national constitution.



The constitution, in a Federal form of government is

compulsorily in written form as it consists of the distribution
of powers between central and provincial governments. It
helps both the levels of government to function within the
prescribed circle of their power.


Details are given, in black and white, in the

constitution of this type of government, about the powers of
central and provincial governments, for example local and
provincial governments have the power of legislation about
local and provincial subjects, respectively, which they
implement through their respective Executive. Similarly
central/federal government enjoys the power of legislation
about the federal subjects and the same is implemented
through federal execute. This distribution of powers never
means that both levels of government cannot intervene in
- 51 -

each other’s matters, rather the functioning of both the

Governments bases upon mutual cooperation. Federal
government, mostly, deals with subject related to national
safety and integrity.


To decide any disputes regarding distribution of

powers among provincial and federal governments, there
exists an independent and powerful judiciary, which serves
for the national welfare. Such powers, in Pakistan, rest with
the Supreme Court and both the governments are legally
and morally bound to honor the Supreme Court’s decisions
in this regard. According to an American writer Munro,
Supreme Court is the steering wheal, which keeps the
government machinery in required (right) direction.



This form of government provides smaller states

(within a country) an opportunity of maintaining and
supporting such a national government which preserve the
common causes and interests of its people. In this way both
can benefit from each other’s resources. They, consequently
remain united while functioning independently in their
internal matters.


This type of government encourages the growth of

political institutions on democratic lines. This proves to be
the lost substitute of unitary form of government. Federal
government, in his system, feels light due to the proper
distributions of responsibilities. This is the most appropriate
type of government for the state spread over a vast
geographical areas. People feel happy to cooperate with the
federal government because of their independent support to
the national integrity, regarding their internal/local matters.
This proves to be a big
- 52 -


This system of government gives political sense to its

individuals because they enjoys an opportunity to keep an
eye upon internal /local and national political scene. People
observe party manifesto before deciding to vote for them.
People, having direct linkage to the local problems do attend
to the national trends and hence feel concerned about
national issues. This provides them a base for their political


This type of government proves to be very effective

from administrative point of view. So the governments get
rid of petty issues and save much time to address national
aspects of Provincial governments regarding internal as well
as external issues?


This type of government proves to be helpful in the

economical development of the country because agricultural
land and mineral resources are, usually, proportional to the
area of the country.


Some of the philosophers and social scientists do

express that Federal type of government provides a sound
base for the development of a global political set-up.


Due to proper distributions of powers and

responsibilities between federal and provincial government
no intervention in each other’s functioning is found. This
creates an environment in which individual enjoys more
freedom. In the presence of an independent and powerful
judiciary, such freedom becomes more secure. .
- 53 -


1- The most important demerit of Federal form of government

is the complicated procedure for the constitution
amendments, which proves dangerous in case of emergency.
Moreover, the distribution of power between federal and
provincial government needs to be up dated at a regular
frequency, which is impossible without constitutional
2- Federal from of government is based on some complicated
philosophy and in many cases even educated people do not
clearly understand on what grounds the powers have been
3- In this form of government people have to pay double taxes
as both of the Federal and Provincial governments do exist
simultaneously and need funds to function.
4- Bond between federal and provincial governments is week
enough and a constant danger of the separation, of any
province, from Federation do exist and this makes
Federation very weak.
5- In Federal form of government people have to serve double
loyalty one with federal government and other with the
provincial. Keeping balance between both is a hard task and
strengthening one at the cost the other becomes the practice
of the day. According to Dicey, Federal form is a weaker
form of government as it has limited powers. Provincial
governments can intervene in the functions of the federal
government and create a threat to the federation.
6- As in federal form of government both federal and
provincial government exist, so their functioning circles
overlap at many points and cause the development of a
misunderstanding between them. It weakens federation and
hence the judiciary finds points to intervene as a pattern of
the constitution.


In unitary form of government the country is considered as a unit,

and the center is the main source of power. Some powers, however, are
transferred to local government. In this form of government all areas are
under direct control of the Center, which decides about their
administrative needs and powers. The constitution, in this form of
government, needs not to be written and rigid because there is no, as such,
- 54 -

power distribution well decided in it. All governmental matters are

decided by the center. So much so that the center amends the constitution
without consulting local governments. Such types of government exist in
UK, France and Italy.



The major advantage of this type of the system is the

strongest government because the central government holds
full powers, hence it can opt any policy without any fear of
contradiction and opposition.


A written constitution is not compulsory in this form

of government, so the constitution can be amended easily in
case of emergent need. It also coops with emergency and
crisis because quick decisions are possible without any
opposition or hurdle.


In unitary type of government, there is single system

of judiciary, executive and legislative in every state
(component). It saves government expenditures and people
need not to pay heavy taxes.


Because there is only one type of government is the

country, hence people are to be loyal to only one system.
This enhances and strengthens patriotism among then.


This is a very simple and easily understandable type

of government. Every individual can comprehend the
process and structure of government. It is not like federal
type of government, which due to various levels of
government, is much complicated, and is not
understandable for even many literate people.
- 55 -


1- Unitary type of government usually consists of smaller

components, which cannot defend themselves easily.
2- A unitary method based government has to tackle all minor
and major as well as internal and external problems all
alone. This is why many of the problems remain unsolved
and the rate of progress slows down. Such system can be
useful only in small countries. This is not suitable fro a
country of vast territory.
3- To solve all types of issue, every one has to look to the center
and hence, much time is wasted.
4- In this system, the whole attention of the government is
concentrated to the center. So most of the local problems are
ignored and government remains ignorant about them.
5- In this type of government all functions are carried out by
the center, hence, local leadership is discouraged and has no
chance for promotions.
6- Central government, in this typed, gets so strong that
unconsciously ignores local issues.


The control, of the government of this form, is in the hands of the

Prime Minister and his cabinet. So this is also called a government of
ministers. This can remain in power till it enjoys the favor of the majority
of the parliament. In case of no confidence, it has to go. Or the Prime
Minister has to dismiss the parliament and new elections are conducted.
The party, which gets majority of the seats in the National Assembly, has
to form the government (Cabinet) and comes to power. So, in this type of
government, the most important feature is to get majority in the National
Assembly. Following are important and salient features of this type of


In this type of government, all powers rest with the

cabinet of the ministers, which is lead by the Prime Minister.
- 56 -


In such a form of the government, the formal head of

the state is formally elected President or the king or the
member of Royal family. All functions of the government are
carried in his name but he enjoys only symbolic leadership
while actual power is in the hands of the Prime Minister.


Ministers, in this form of government, are answerable

to the legislative (National Assembly & Sensate), which
keeps their performance under strict observation, and
criticize it openly. This makes the ministers alert and, hence,
they work with responsibility. They try to win the
confidence of the legislative because the no confidence of the
majority of the members of legislative can bring the power of
the government to an end.


Ministers of this form of government have to be the

members of elected legislative. They belong to the majority
party of the lower house (National Assembly in case of
Pakistan). This majority party, internally, elects its leader of
the house and the same is to be the Prime Minister. The
Prime Minister selects the ministers on his own will. If no
party, in this house, has a clear majority then more than one
parties make a collision to form government. The
parliamentary form of government exists is UK,
many other countries.



In this form of government, there exists, close

coordination and cooperation between legislative and
Executive. The prime minister and the cabinet, with
cooperation of the members of the parliament get the acts
approved. On the other hand, members of the National
Assembly closely watch the working of the executive and go
- 57 -

on imposing their opinion upon then. Both having close

relations, scarcely oppose each other.


In this form of government, administrative powers

are with the members of the legislative or the parliament,
which is an elected, represented body. They are answerable
to the general public whom they represent. This is why they
perform efficiently on public issues. If they do not perform
to the satisfaction of their voters, they have to loose their
political career. They have also to respond to the motions
put up by the opposition benches of the parliament. So they
are bound to perform to the best of their capabilities.


In this form of government, people take part in the

political process more enthusiastically. So they get well
trained politically. People get approach to the highest
political institutions on the basis of their capabilities, and
participate in the debate on national issues and consequently
influence others.


The role of the Prime Minister is central in this form

of the government. He is, on one hand, leader of the house
and has to explain his policies before the house and on the
other has to head the meetings of the cabinet. He is
responsible for the party discipline as a leader of the party. If
the Prime Minister resigns, the cabinet is automatically



This form of government remains, mostly, unstable.

The sword of “No confidence” always hangs over its head.
So the parliamentarians look always busy in political games.
Consequently the executive performs very passively.
- 58 -


In such a form of government, the executive, usually,

plays in the hands of the legislative because they have to be
answerable before it for every single activity. It cannot,
effectively, respond to an emergency and hence the integrity
of the country always remains exposed to a threat.


It has usually been observed that many

parliamentarians change their parties for petty objectives
and in this way try to keep the political balance in their
hands. In this situation governments are formed and
dismissed and formed again, which makes the government


In this form of government, Prime Minister is bound

to select minister out of the Parliament’s elected members
and has to consider their choice for allotment of the
departments. This, in many of the cases, creates havoc.


In case, no party can have clear majority in the

national assembly, they are bound to make collision
government, which proves to be injurious for the country
and in many of the cases governments have to discontinue.


All executive powers, in the presidential form of government rest

with the president, who himself appoints the ministers of various
departments, to run the government. President himself is elected for a
specific period tenure. Unlike parliamentary form of government, in this
system, President and his ministers are not answerable before legislative.
There is no condition of being parliamentarian to be appointed as a
minister. This system of government is functioning in USA and Latin
America. Some salient features of this form of government are:
- 59 -


In presidential form of government, general public

elects the president directly or indirectly. Various political
Parties, nominate their presidential candidate. The public
elects the president, either through some specified electoral
college, or directly. Same procedure is repeated for new
elections of the president for the next tenure.


The division of powers between the Executive and the

Legislative is clearly explained in the constitution. President,
however, has a very wide range of powers. He is free from
legislative council/ assembly’s influence for administration
and policy formulation. On the contrary, legislative has
unlimited powers for legislation. As the ministers are not
elected representatives, they have nothing to do with the
legislation and hence keep themselves limited to executive
powers only.


As it has already been expressed, in presidential form

of government, president and his cabinet are not answerable
to the legislative, and are to depend upon general public’s
opinion. So the legislative cannot launch any movement of
no confidence against them. Hence they work free of any
pressure, and use their powers freely.



As the president and his cabinet ca not be dismissed

before completion of the tenure, so it reflects a stable
political process in the country.


The legislative, in this form of government, is totally

autonomous regarding legislature. No executive can press it
- 60 -

in any case. So much so that the President’s own party (if

there is any such thing) cannot influence the legislative.


If the country falls in an emergency, the president is

in power to take any decisions being head of the
administration and executive. So no time is wasted in
emergency decision making.




As the executive and legislative, in presidential form

of government function quite separately so there is naturally
a gap developed between them, which minimizes mutual
cooperation and coordination. This issue is stronger in case
the president’s party is in minority in the legislative. In such
a case, the executive usually does not cooperate for
implementation of the regulations formulated by the
legislative. Similarly the legislative can formulate
regulations against the will and administrative needs of the
executive and can, hence, hurdle the execution of their



The president, in presidential form of government,

has unlimited executive powers and can apply their powers
according to his own wish or against national interests. On
the contrary there is no formula, in this system, to remove
the president before completion of the tenure, so his
misgivings are to be borne unwillingly (A president can be
removed through accountability which a process highly
complicated and has no practical utility).
- 61 -



The president has almost full powers of appointing

ministers, ambassadors, judges and other important
personnel, so at the time of fresh presidential election can
use these powers and in this way right men can never be
given right jobs, when merit is ignored, specially while
making postings against key posts, the system gets spoilt.


1- Define government and explain the functions of an

2- What are the responsibilities of a legislative in a democratic
from of government?
3- What the significance and duties of judiciary in a democratic
society are defined?
4- What is democracy? Express its merits and demerits?
5- Highlight the merits and demerits of Dictatorship?
6- What do you understand by federal form of Government?
Put light on its merits and demerits.
7- What is the difference between unitary or Federal form of
government? Express merits of any one of the forms.
8- Differentiate between parliamentary and presidential forms
of government and give merits and demerits of any one of
those systems of government.
9- Fill in the blanks.
a. The word Democracy has been derived from two Latin
words _______ and ________ and it means _________.
b. Democracy is a form of government in which people
or_________ not _________.
c. Dictatorship means _____________ form of government.


1- Arrange a debate in your class on the topic of parliamentary

Vs Presidential forms of Government.
- 62 -




According to the dictionary meanings, a citizen is a person living in

a city-state, but in civics all those individuals are citizens who live in a
state. They have all civil, political and economics rights. In this way all
those come under the definition of a citizen, who have a right to
participate in political and social activities of the state. In the ancient
Greek States, slaves were not considered citizens, because they did not
have political rights. In modern world such discrimination does not exist.
Now every individual is a citizen except foreigners. Hence a citizen is an
inhabitant of a state, irrespective of rural and urban discrimination, who
abides by the duties imposed by the state.



It has already been mentioned that all individual have all political,
civil and economic rights in state are called citizen. Nationals are the
people inhabitants of the state but those are not given full rights of
citizens. For example they do not have the right to vote and to participate
in elections. This difference widely exists in France, where minors are not
considered to be citizens, as they do not have a right to vote. In some
countries women do not have right of vote. So they are nationals and not
citizens. Similarly in USA, foreign repatriated people are given nationality
but not given the right of citizen ship so they can neither vote nor contest
an election.


Some of the people do live in a state with governments permissions

and enjoy some of the social rights but not political. They are called aliens.
They are citizens of those countries where they basically and permanently
live because in that country, he enjoys all types of rights. When he lives,
temporarily, in another country for a job or trade, then, he is simply a
foreigner or an alien. Aliens are not obliged those duties which are
imposed by the state to its citizens. Aliens are garneted only social rights,
- 63 -

which can be withdrawn any time. They are obliged to pay taxes to the
country they live temporarily in and reciprocally, government has to
protect their lives and property.
Usually two types aliens do live in a country. One is the type, who
comes to the country on a visit or a specific objective and goes back after
completion of the assignment. Second type is of those aliens who are there
for trade or job and have to live there for an unlimited time. Ambassadors
or diplomats are included the second category. There is slight difference
even in diplomats and ordinary aliens, because diplomats are given some
specific facilities, which ordinary aliens do not have.


A citizenship is a state of affairs, according to which, individuals

enjoy all political, social and economic rights and they are obliged also to
certain duties and responsibilities imposed by the state. For example when
we say, such and such person has been granted American citizenship, it
means he has been given all social, civil, political and economic rights
through which he can prosper in all respects but on the contrary he has
been given certain responsibilities such as to abide by the national rules
and regulations through which he can participate in the progress of
United States and in its prosperity.


In the days of present scientific and technological advancement, the

strength of a nation or a state depends upon its citizens. If a citizen
possesses good qualities of citizenship, he can play role in the prosperity,
strength and honor of his state. Lord Bryce has indicated three major
qualities of a good citizen. These are:
1- Wisdom
2- Self Discipline
3- Broadmindedness
If all these three qualities in are there in an individual, he can prove
to be having all qualities required for a good citizen and can play a role for
up righteousness of his country. These good characteristics are explained
as under:


According to Lord Bryce wisdom that quality through which

the citizens must be able to think and understand the affairs related
to their country. They should be enlightened to such on extent that
- 64 -

they possess a confidence of decision making. This helps them in

having proper understanding about the needs of their homeland
and can properly use their right of voting to elect honest and
capable people, who can shoulder the political responsibility. Their
wisdom helps them in proper selection of the representatives to the
legislative. By showing sensible approach towards national affairs,
people prove to be good citizens and ensure a successful political
process in the country.


Self-discipline is the second most important quality of a

good citizen. An individual (citizen) has to prove to be self
disciplined in many ways at many occasions. For example ebiding
by the state regulations, preferring national interests over personal
ones, using legal process to win public opinion and many similar
activities need self-discipline of a citizen.


According to Lord Bryce, broadmindedness is one of the

three basic characteristics required by a good citizen. Broadminded
citizens pay all their national duties with a high sense of
responsibility, honesty and vigor. With this quality all other
responsibilities can also be executed properly and readily. A good
human being only, can be good citizen and the broadmindedness is
the most basic characteristic of a good human being. If the citizens
of a state are of high moral and conscious approach, other required
qualities of a good citizen can automatically be inculcated in their
person. These are basic characteristics of a good citizen and make
him a sensible, dutiful and respectable individual.


While studying the required good characteristics of a good citizen,

we come to know, that producing such individual qualities, is not a child
pay. This can be easy if we remove all possible hurdles of the way. So the
knowledge of this hindrance is necessary. The factors, which can hinder a
good citizenship, are given below:
- 65 -


When moral standards of a society deteriorate, the members of

such society cannot be good citizens. Patriotism, honesty, devoted
labor, selfless thoughts, practicality and above all proving to be
broadmindedness is possible only if people honor moral values and
prepared to mend their attitudes in accordance with those moral
principles. Morally low mentality has a tendency of denial from
national duties. Such people can scarify national objective for petty
personal gains. Dishonesty, breach trust, voting for material gain,
committing crimes etc are not impossible for such low mentality
people. So expecting good citizenship from such individuals is not


Knowledge is light which gives vision and wisdom to men.

A person equipped with knowledge and awareness about rights
and duties, can equip himself with the qualities of a good citizen,
while person having no clear idea about rights and duties, and
knowing nothing about his national issues is just a burden on the
country. Hence ignorance and illiteracy are the biggest hurdles in
becoming good citizens. Being ignorant none can improve his
wisdom and political awareness, neither can he develop his
qualities of selflessness, self-discipline and honesty.


Many citizens take very little interest in national polities

despite of being educated became they prefer their individual
interests to national objective. A major factor behind this attitude is
passiveness and lethargy. This is an important hurdle in achieving
the status of good citizenship, and on the back of this lethargy is
lack of knowledge. In a society where education is limited only to
the objective of passing examinations, to be able to get jobs, mental
and moral growth of individual, lack in creativity. Consequently
people are deprived of the capability of thinking about and
understanding national issues. This makes them passive
individuals of the state. In Pakistan, such people are in large
number who, despite of having degrees and certificates, have not
any awareness about national matters. So much so that they cannot,
even, properly use their right of vote.
- 66 -


The people, who are depressed of basic needs, will remain

entangled in economic problems and scarcely have any time to
think over national issues. It is basic requirement for development
of political sense in the citizens, that the government must develop
such a balanced economic system in which this basic needs of
citizens are fulfilled so that they can spare some times, at least, for
national issues.


No individual can become a good citizen unless he can

scarify his personal interests on those of the nation. Self-discipline
is the most crucial requirement for being good citizens. Those who
opt dishonesty for petty and personal gains against national
interest, cause the destruction of social and political life.


Political parties are a necessity of democratic form of

government, which are supposed to be a source of achieving
national objections. So the political parties should be used for
meeting the national objectives and not for any personal ones,
having being above all the biases. If in a society individual
differences are made a base for grouping and mutual hatred, this
situation leads toward chaose. In this way political parties cause a
big hurdle in becoming good citizens.


Usually there are two method of acquiring citizenship of a state.

1- By Birth 2- By Naturalizations
Through first method, natural citizenship is achieved, while
through the second method, one can achieve Nationality. Following
are the details of both the processes.

1- By Birth:

There are two basic principles of having citizenship by birth.

1- On the basis of Father’s/Forefathers birth

2- On the basis of Residence.
- 67 -

On any of the above principles natural citizenship is

This principle (law of blood relationship) is called “ Jus
Sanguine” in Roman Language. This principle expresses that a
child born anywhere in the world, can have the citizenship of the
country where his parents live. This citizenship is awarded on the
basis of “Blood Relationship”. This principle exists in Pakistan,
Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and Italy etc. The child
born to foreigners living in this country cannot get citizenship of
their parents.
The second principle of the citizenship is called “Law of
Place of Birth”. In Roman language it is called “Jus Soli”. According
to this rule, an individual can be citizen of a country if he was born
there, no matter their fathers are the citizen of that country or not.
This principle is applied in USA. Every child born there is
considered to be US citizen. In USA and UK child born to
foreigners, while they were living in that country, becomes their
citizen automatically.


The question of double citizenship arises when a child born

in any other country gets its citizenship automatically. For example
a child born with Pakistani parents in UK, will become citizen of
Pakistan by Blood Relationship while he gets citizenship of UK by
the principle of “Place of Birth”. When such children get mature,
they have a choice to opt the citizenship of any of the two countries.


Foreigners can be made citizen of any country by granting

them special rights. The person, who gets citizenship by this
method, is called Natural Citizen. Some condition’s imposed by
newly opted country, are to be accepted for getting its citizenship.
These conditions are different in different countries. Following are
the conditions commonly imposed by various countries for
awarding citizenship.


A person living in a country since long, can, on the basic of

his stay, apply for the citizenship of the country he is living in. For
- 68 -

example, in case of living in UK for five years continuously, makes

an individual eligible of applying for UK citizenship. Every state
has a right to specify the required period for citizenship.


If a man gets married to some foreigner lady, the

woman is granted the citizenship of the country of his
husband. For example a German woman gets married to a
UK citizen, automatically gets citizenship of UK and vice-
versa. Similarly a Pakistan man gets married to an American
woman, she automatically is granted citizenship of Pakistan.


If a man adapts a foreigner child, the latter gets

citizenships of his new parents.


When a foreigner is employed in some country or its

embassy abroad, gets right of citizenship of that country.


In some of Latin American states, if a foreigner

purchases some promptly, gets the right of citizenship of
that state.


If some state conquers some other state completely or

is annexed to it, the people of annexed or conquered state
become citizen of conqueror state, automatically. When
Alaska annexed with USA as fiftieth state, the people of that
state, became, automatically, the citizens of USA. Similarly
when in 1948, India conquered the state of Hyderabad
Dakkan, the people of Hyderabad got the citizenship of
India automatically.
- 69 -


A citizen of a state can loose its citizenship due to any of the

following reasons.


When a grown up man gets citizenship of another state, he

has to loose the citizenship of previous one, because he can he loyal
to one state at a time.


In some of the states there is a prescribed law that on the

basis of long absence from that state without any defined reason,
the individual looses, automatically the right of the citizenship of
the state. The period of the absence, in this regard, is different in
different states.


A woman married to a foreigner, getting the rights of the

citizenship of her husband’s country looses, automatically, the
rights of the citizenship of the previous state.


If a person is granted sentence of exile on the basis of some

Capital offence, he automatically looses the citizenship of the state.
Such capital offences include murder, conspiracy or a treachery.


If some one, on political basis, takes political refuge in some

other country as a result of self imposed exile, he looses the
citizenship of his own country.
- 70 -



If some one accepts military or civil job of some other

country without a permission granted by his original country, he
looses citizenship automatically, similarly as one looses his
citizenship on acquiring or having citizenship of an other nations.


If some individual flees from military job, he looses his

citizenship automatically.


1- Define citizenship? Express various ways of gaining

citizenship of certain nation.
2- What are the characteristics of good citizenship?
3- What are the hurdles in the way of good citizenship?
4- Differentiate among citizen, national and an alien.
5- How can an individual loose his citizenship?

6- Fill in the blanks.

a. A citizen is such an individual of a state who enjoys all
types of __________ rights.
b. No alien has a right of _______ and ________.
c. If the citizens of a state are ____________ they can
perform their duties properly and honesty.
d. There are two rules of getting citizenship on the basis of
birth.1)_____________ .2)_____________.
- 71 -




Rights are those genuine demands of the citizens, which are accepted by
the State, which takes the responsibilities to fulfill them, for example, the
demand for providing basic life facilities, demand of job and expression etc.
These are the basic rights of the citizens of a state. If the government commits to
fulfill them, the demands turn into basic rights. Various thinkers have defined
“Rights” as under:


“ Rights are those basic conditions of a social life without which an

individual cannot let himself to grow into a perfect personality

“ A right is the power of an individual, through which he can

advise other to being patient and performing other duties.”


“ Rights are the essential conditions for the completion of the

personality of individuals and their meaningful life.”


“ Rights are the capability of an individual through which he can

press upon other’s duties not through his personal power but that
given by the society or the public opinion.”


Following are the characteristics of “Rights”.

1- Rights are the basic conditions without which the grooming of the
personality and capabilities of an individual remains impossible.
2- This is a common opinion about the rights that these are the basic
requirements of a good social life, society and the state.
- 72 -

3- Rights are granted to all individuals of the state on the basic of

equality. No discrimination between various citizens can be
observed regarding basic rights.

In the modern states, every citizen has a variety of social and political rights. In
the constitution of almost all states, some fundamental rights are well defined,
because these are the basic need of the betterment of individual’s life. If
government, in any form, denies these rights, the judiciary of the state, preserves


Rights, in any society, are of two types:

i). Moral Rights
ii). Legal Rights


Although, the state does not guarantee the provision of these

sights but these are pressed up by the public opinion. People get
these rights because of social pressure and these are considered also
by the state as “Rights”. The moral rights of any society base upon
its the social norms and values. Almost all moral rights base upon
the prevalent values. For example parents have a right to be served
by the children. Good dealings with neighbors, is a mutual right. It
is a right of a husband that his wife should be loyal and respectful
to him and the wife has a right of being dealt with love and
kindness and he comforted. There are some of other similar rights,
not granted by the state nor it punishes any individual on violation
of such rights but the society and the family discipline presses upon
these duties. Public opinion is also a force, which presses upon the
execution of these moral duties properly.


These are the rights which can be accepted by the state in the
constitution, and legislate for their implementation. All the citizens
of the state are legally bound to observe these rights. If some one
violates these rights, the courts declare him as a criminal and
impose a penalty on him in accordance with the volume and effects
of the crime. Legal rights are probated by the state and the
individual who violates these rights is considered to be a subject to
penalty. The right of the protection of life and property, right of
- 73 -

freedom of writing and speaking, trading and selecting an

occupation etc are included in fundamental legal rights. Legal
rights are further divided into two types.

1- Social Rights
2- Political Rights


Social rights are the ones without which cultural life

becomes impossible. Such rights relate to the life, property,
religion, marriage and mutual relationship etc. No civic
society can be established without preserving these rights.
The social rights, awarded to the citizens by the modern
democratic states, through the constitution, are the


Life is the very fundamental right of an individual.

Extending any threat to any other’s life cannot be allowed.
The respect of life appears through the fact that suicide is
legally prohibited. The state imposes certain laws and
regulations to protect the human life and who so ever
violates them is liable to be punished accordingly.

All individuals of the state have a right to arrange an

accommodations or a dwelling in any part of the state. No
one can be exiled or deprived of this right of devilling unless
he commits a mutiny or revolts.


Under the shelter of this right, every individual can

have his personal property and can dispose it off, as and
when he likes. But to snatch some one’s property by force is
not allowed to any one. As a man needs some property to
full fill his requirements of life so the state is morally and
legally bound to allow him to have some property.
- 74 -


A state must, not only, protect its nationals within the

state boundaries, but also manage their protection in other
countries, too, provided they have gone there with the
permission of their own country. Or this purpose, every
state appoints some staff in its embassies aboard so as to
mange the protection of its citizens there.


According to his right, every individual can get

married according to his will (but corresponding to the
religious bindings) and enjoys freedom in his family matters.
None can intervene in his family affairs nor can anybody be
deprived of the benefits of family including his right of


People are rightful socially and economically to strive

for earning for life. Thy can have any occupation for that
purpose. State is also bound to provide reasonable jobs to its
citizens or provide them substitute opportunities to earn the
living. However the state has to impose certain condition on
economical activities to keep the national economy balanced.


Under the umbrella of this right, every individual can

opt any religion and belief. He can worship and perform
rituals according to his belief, however a state cannot allow,
in the modern world, such rituals, which contradict to its
basic national objectives or those, which hinder the rituals of
other belief followers.


In a democratic state all individuals do enjoy the basic

right of expressing his views verbally or in writing. An
effective public opinion can be developed only if such basic
rights are extended to the individuals. Every individual of
the state can freely express himself, can criticize the
- 75 -

government and can put up his complaints to the relevant

agency without any fear of opposition. For this purpose he
can use any of the media such as radio, press, television etc.
This freedom of expression serves as an instrument to make
the government attentive to its original responsibilities.


People, sometimes, formulate certain associations to

achieve certain objectives comfortably which are helpful for
their progress and collective attempt of advancement. Many
useful social activities can be performed through these
associations. However no state can extend a right to
formulate such an association, which can become a threat to
nation’s integrity or it can hinder national progress and


Every individual is rightful to take steps to protect his

language and cultural norms. This right has much
significance in those states where exists such a minority
which has a religion or language quite different from the
national one. In such cases the majority tries to force the
minority to leave and loose their distinction and join the
majority. The same situation is being faced by the Muslims
of India but this is quite against the basic principles of
democracy, because every individual, in a democratic state,
has a right to opt for any language or accepted social /
cultured norms.


Having an opportunity of being educated, is a

fundamental right of all individuals and it is state’s
responsibility to provide this opportunity to all of them,
without any charges. A movement is being run on
international from to ensure this public right. Pakistan also
provides free education to all individual up to secondary
(metric level).
- 76 -


The right of contract is the compulsory off shoot of

the right of property. When some body has a right of
property, he must be free to sell, purchase or rent it out. So
he will have to enter into a formal contract with some body
for that purpose. So every citizen must be having such right,
and the state must accept the responsibility of protecting this
right. Without a surety of contract no economic system, in
any state, can remain undisturbed.


A state has no right to restrict the movement of its

citizens to certain prescribed zones. People can move freely
to any part of the community. Similarly according to the
basic right of movement, none can be arrested without
proving any crime against him. If anywhere this right is
violated and any body is arrested without assigning any
reasons, citizen can request a court to issue “ Habeas
Corpus” in his favor.


Every individual, in a state, enjoys equal status

socially and economically. His occupation, family,
community or tribe cannot disturb his social status because
all are equal in the court of law.


As social rights are very important for civilized life of the citizens,
similarly their political rights play an important role in the development of
progressive and democratic environment in political sphere of life. Political
rights are given only to the citizens. Aliens are deprived of such rights. Following
political rights are granted to the citizens:


These days, population of various countries, have

become so large that direct elections of National leadership
have become impossible. So the indirectly democracy has
replaced direct democracy. The governance system of the
- 77 -

state is run through the public representatives, who are

elected from a prescribed constituency. These
representatives are responsible for legislations. This gives
much importance to the right of voting. All citizens can vote
freely, for the people of their choice, without any
discrimination. These representatives are elected on the basis
of majority voting.


Along with the right of voting, individuals of the state

are also granted right of representation according to which
they can contest election for public representation.


All citizens qualified for government job, irrespective

of their color, cast and creed, if otherwise possess required
and prescribed qualification (academic and professional) for
that job.


Every individual of the state, has automatically, been

given a right to put up his opinion again any government’s
wrong policy or mistake, in writing or verbally, if he
considers such policy against national interest. For this
purpose, press, radio, T.V and processions or meetings can
be opted as a means of expressions. But it is citizens’ duty to
use this right for constructive purpose only.



Political parties have to play a very important role in

a democratic form of government. They also provide the
foundation of a systematic political order in a state and
trained its citizens. Hence no country can claim to be
democratic state unless is gives it citizen, aright of
organizing political parties.
- 78 -


Every citizen has a right to put up an application to

government against any injustice or discrimination imposed
by any governmental agency against him, so that he can
attract the attention of the government for the legal remedy.


The citizens are obliged to pay certain duties against the rights they have been
guaranteed. None can be a good citizen without performing duties. Following are some
important duties of the citizens;


It is the most basic duty of a citizen to be loyal to his

country. He must cooperate with the government and should never
participate or cooperate in the treachery against the nation and
should always remain prepared to scarify anything including his
life for the country.


It is both moral and legal duty of a citizen to abide by the

regulations imposed by the state. He should avoid law breaking. If
some regulations contradict national interests or social norms, these
can be changed through legal procedure.


It is the duties of a citizen to pay all taxes imposed by the

government. No negative tactics are to be applied to avoid paying
taxes because the country can run smoothly if all individuals pay
taxes honestly.


To use one’s right of voting properly, is among the basic

responsibilities of an individual. One should vote for him who
really deserves it on the basis of his qualities.
- 79 -


Every citizen of a democratic country is, morally bound to

do social services to contribute in the betterment of the society. He
should cooperate with other citizens, and avoid doing harsh and
wrong things to them.


Every citizen is both normally and legally bound to get

educated him self and provide this opportunities to his children,
because without education, no individual can be a good citizen nor
a good society can be maintained.


It is the duty of every individual to prefer national interests

over to his own. He should avoid all such activities, which go
against the national interests.


None of citizens should have a tendency not to work and

prove to be a burden to a nation. He should always remain busy in
doing something not only for himself but also for his nation.


It is needless to say that rights and duties are essential to each other as
well as interdependent. So they can never be separated from each other
completely. Imposing duties upon individuals without giving them certain
rights. Giving rights to an individual, is always associated with some duty or
responsibility which is compulsory to perform morally and legally. In fact a right
of an individual is duty of others and vice-versa. These rights and duties need to
be balanced. The society, where the balance between duties and rights is missing,
meets with tyranny, cruel approach and injustice. It is necessary for an
individual to self impose certain duties against the rights that he enjoys so that
the rights of others are preserved.
- 80 -


The history of fundamental rights started with the French Revolution

occurred in 1789 AD, which actually founded human rights. On this occasion a
regular charter of a fundamental rights of the individual was issued. When in the
modern world, tradition of the formulation of human rights, was initiated, every
country, following the example of France, gave it proper weightage in the
constitutions. A chapter now is given in the constitution with the heading of “
fundamental human rights”. The rights, formally, are termed as fundamental
right in the constitution.


Fundamental rights have following characteristics.

1. Fundamental rights are granted by the constitution.

2. Even the governments cannot violate fundamental human rights
and if do that a court can take legal steps.
3. Constitution grants and protects the fundamental rights. Even the
majority party cannot amend the chapter of human rights
4. Fundamental rights are comprehensive in sense. If national
assembly legislates against fundamental right, the individual can
approach judiciary for legal remedy.
5. Fundamental rights are more important than legal rights, and all
governmental departments respect them. These are protected by
the constitutions and legislature. However these are not final. If the
state is in danger in any respect, the head of the state can declare
emergency and can suspend human fundamental rights
temporarily. The duration of emergency is not clearly defined in
the constitution.


Consequent upon the attempts of the united nations, a commission for

human rights was constituted in 1946, and was submitted before the general
assembly in order to formulate the basic charter, the united nations and yhe
commission have to face many difficulties because of a clear distinctions amongst
the religious traditions, political theories, legal systems and the economic, social
and cultural processes of 58 members countries. Hence to suggest a set of human
rights acceptable to all the 58 countries was really a hard task, but luckily on
December 10, 1948, the leaders of the member countries of the commission could
- 81 -

put up “international charter of human rights” in such a form which was

accepted by all the member countries unanimously, and it gave honor, dignity
and respect to the human beings.
Some important features of the human rights charter are given below:

1. All human beings are born free and are equal with respect to right
and honor Allah gave wisdom and intelligence to all of them, and
they should be treated brotherly.
2. Every individual deserves those rights and freedom, given in the
charter, in respective of their color, creed, gender, religion, political
point of view, belief, nationality, culture, wealth or family
background. None can be treated badly only on the basis of his
political or religious difference and whether the region is in any
part of the world or it is free or under political control of some
other state or some embargo has been imposed on it.
3. Every individual has a right to protect his freedom, life and honor.
4. None can be made or kept slave. The trade of slaves in any form
will remain strictly prohibited.
5. None can be disgraced, nor tortured or punished unjustifiably.
6. Every human being has a right that his person should legally be
7. All are equal in the court of law, and every body has a right of legal
remedy without any discrimination.
8. Every individual has a right to contact the court for legal aid
against any violation of his fundamental rights.
9. None can be arrested dictatorially, nor can he be house arrested
and exiled.
10. Every individual has a right to be tried regarding allegations
against him in an open court and impartial jury in justified manner.
11. (i) Every individual, who has been alleged for a crime, has a right
to be considered innocent unless the offence is proved. He will
be given full chance to defend himself.
(ii) None, who communicated such an act, can be involved in a
crime, which at the time of incidence was not considered as a
12. No dictatorial interference in one’s private life, family, home and
correspondence will be allowed, nor will his honor and dignity be
attacked. Every individual has a right to go to court against any
such offence, for legal remedy.
13. (i) Every individual has a right to move around and make a
dwelling in any part of the state.
- 82 -

(ii) Every individual has a right to go to live in any state other

than his original homeland. Similarly ha has a right to come
back on his will.
14. Every individual has a right to take refuge in any other country to
get rid of any threat of torture. In case of the given refuge, he has a
right a to be given all related facilities.
15. Every individual has a right of nationality in a state where he was
16. After maturity (after reaching puberty) every individual has a right
to get married to a woman or a woman to man, irrespective of the
discrimination of race, nationality or religion, and develop a family.
Men and women will have equal rights about getting into or
getting rid of marriage.
17. Every individual has a right to make some property singly or in
collaboration with others.
18. Every individual enjoys the freedom of thought, conscious and
19. (i) Every individual has a right to be involved in any peaceful
gathering and making a party or an association.
(ii) None can be forced to join a particular political party.
20. Every individual has a right to participate in the governance
process of the country through a representative or directly and
21. Being a member of a society, every individual has a right of social
22. Everybody has a right to labor and adopt an occupation of his own
choice. He also enjoys a right of getting into a businesses deal and
attempting against unemployment.
23. Every individual has a right to acquire suitable standard of life for
the health, welfare and prosperity of his children.
24. Every individual has a right to be educated properly.
25. Every individual has a right to participate in national culture,
benefit from literature and getting advantages of scientific progress
and its natural benefits.


Islam is a natural code of life. A natural code of life is one, which satisfies
all natural demands, and needs of a man with a balanced approach. There are
many natural social requirement and basic needs of an individual about which
Islam has attached much importance to him. Islam has granted an individual,
many rights of which he had, previously, been deprived, nor can any future
religion provide any better rights. It is important to note that Islam has granted
- 83 -

these rights to man almost fourteen centuries ago when out of Islamic State not
the slightest concept was prevalent. These rights were given to man without any
demand or a movement there about. National conference of human rights
commission was needed. Rather these rights were bestowed upon man by Allah
Almighty, on the simple basis of their manhood and were ensured through
Quran (a constitution) and Sunnah (a legislation). None can limit, suspend or
cancel these rights because these are religiously declared sacred.
It is necessary to mention duties along with the rights. In fact Islam simply
defines duties so much so, to avail defined rights also becomes a duty. Islam has
not encouraged leaving one’s right because it can imbalance the society. Some
people are habitual of exploiting other’s rights by force and their subjects feel
helpless in protecting their rights.
Allah is the sole owner and ruler of the universes who bestows his
blessing on noble and pious families, and societies, which leads towards both
material and moral prosperity. In an Islamic state, two types of citizens are there
1. Muslim citizens.
2. Non-Muslim citizens.
To facilitate the study, rights and duties of both the types of the citizens
are given below.


These rights are further distributed among three groups.

1. Social Rights
2. Economic Rights
3. Political Rights


1. Every Muslim citizen has a right of protection of life, which is

respectable to every other citizen.
2. Right of respect ad honor has been given to every citizen.
3. Every citizen has social freedom, which means no restriction can be
imposed upon his movements and social relations with other
4. All citizens are equal. None can be given preference on the basis of
color, creed, wealth or language except on the basis of piety and
5. Every citizen has freedom of written and spoken expression.
6. Every citizen has freedom of conscience and belief.
7. Every citizen has a right to marriage and maintain a family.
8. Every citizen has a right to be educated.
- 84 -

9. Every individual has been protected from cultural and sectarian

10. Every citizen has a right of justice and equality.
11. Every citizen has been granted with the right to protect his life,
property and honor.
12. Every citizen has freedom of cooperating in good and prohibiting
from wrong doings.
13. Every citizen is free of the responsibility for what some body else
has done.
14. Every individual has a right to struggle against slavery.
15. Every citizen has a right to react against tyranny.


1. Every citizen is free to make property through justified means and

to dispose it off.
2. Every citizen is free to choose any occupation for earning his
livelihood. (Except those which are prohibited in Islam)
3. Every citizen is equally rightful to get government (state) service
(provided he otherwise qualifies for it)
4. Every citizen has a right to be paid fully for his work and labor.
5. Every weak, old, helpless child and woman has a right to be paid
an allowance out of government/ public exchequer.


1. Every Muslim citizen can be the Head of the State.

2. Every citizen can express politically in writing or verbally.
3. Every citizen has right to participate in political activities.
4. Every citizen has a right to criticize the performance of every
government servant including head of government.
5. Every citizen has a right to “Say Truth before the Ruler”.
6. Every citizen has a right to disobey a cruel ruler.
7. Every citizen can inquire about the official duties of a public
servant. So that the process of accountability continues and the
process of governance.


1. Every citizen is bound to act upon the teaching of Quran and

Sunnah and promote Islamic education.
- 85 -

2. Every citizen should consider only Allah as a Sovereign Authority

and himself being his representative and should properly use the
power, wealth and the status as a sacred trust and not to misuse it.
3. Every citizen should obey the legitimate ruler.
4. Every citizen must pay all taxes fully.
5. Every citizen has a duty to preach and promote goodness.
6. Every citizen has a duty to look after parents, children, relatives,
and travelers, sick people and disabled. Such people must be
treated well and be helped.
7. Every citizen must cooperate and facilitate his neighbor to his best
8. Every one should say his prayers regularly and punctually, he
should fast, pay Zakat, perform Hajj and participate in Holy war
9. Every citizen has a duty to seek knowledge.
10. Every citizen has a duty to pay his role positively in society and
participate in daily practices.



Non-Muslims, in an Islamic state are called “ Zimmies” (minorities)

and have the following rights:


In an Islamic state, Non-Muslims have a right of the protection of

life just equal to the Muslims. If a Muslim kills a Non-Muslim, a Qisas will
be imposed upon the Muslim equal to which was liable to be imposed
upon him, who killed a Muslim.


Every Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state has a right to lead his

life according to his own religion, performing rituals and establishing
worship place and to protect them.


Except certain defined and specified posts, every Non-Muslim

citizen of a Muslim state, has a right to be posted against a post (if
otherwise, he qualifies for that) and to opt any occupation.
- 86 -


None (Muslim or a Non-Muslim) can attack the property and

honor of a Non-Muslim. The government is obliged to protect it.


Every Non-Muslim has a right to decide about his personal matters

related to religion, traditions, customs, and personal law. If the matter
goes to a court, the judge has to decide the case in consideration with the
personal law of the parties along with keeping their traditions in view.


Every Non-Muslim has a right to be relaxed in the payment of

capitation tax if he has become poor. Widows disabled and unemployed
Non-Muslims can have such concession.


Every Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim State has a right of being

educated managed by the government.


1. They should be loyal to the Muslim State.

2. They should pay the relevant taxes to the government including
capitation tax (if applied).
3. Non-Muslims have to avoid using such things openly which are
prohibited in Islam or these hurt the majority. However they can use such
things and act upon their religious teachings and traditions in an
enclosure or in their specific areas.
4. Non-Muslim citizens of a Muslim State are bound to work fro the integrity
and prosperity of the state, and have to consider the enemies of the state
as their enemies, too.
5. Non-Muslim citizens of a Muslim State are duty bound to avoid all type of
mutiny and disturbance and anti-unity activities, which can destabilize
the state.
- 87 -


1. Define “Rights” and explain their types.

2. Discuss the social rights and duties of citizens in a modern
democratic state?
3. What is a “Duty” Explain various duties of the citizens?
4. When did the history of “Fundamental Rights” start? Express basic
characteristics of “ Fundamental Rights”.
5. What is the mutual relationship of “Rights” & “Duties”?
6. Express some salient feathers of the “Inter National Charter of
Human Rights”.
7. State briefly the rights and duties of Muslims in a Muslim state.
8. Express the rights and duties of Non-Muslims in a Muslim State.

9. Put the tick again true and cross against the false statements:
a. Right means the demands of the citizens, which are accepted,
by the state. ( )
b. Legal Rights are divided into 5 types. ( )
c. The history of fundamental right starts from the French
revolution in 1789 AD. ( )
d. Rights and Duties are mutually interdependent. ( )
e. Human Rights Commission was founded consequent upon
the efforts of UNO in 1950.

10. Fill in the blanks.

a. Fundamental Rights have been granted by ____________.

b. On December 10,________ , human rights charter was
approved by the UNO.
c. Islam is a _____________ religion.
d. In Islamic tradition Non-Muslim citizens of a Muslims State
are called_____________.
e. Social rights are ones without which _____________ life
remains impossible.

- 88 -


- 89 -




On August 14, 1947, Pakistan appeared on the world map as an

independent Muslim state. Muslims of the subcontinent had to scarify
much for this achievement. The question is, why Muslims of the
subcontinent demanded for a separate homeland after living for centuries
together with Hindus. What were the reasons behind Muslims thought of
independence? To understand it we need to study the historical
background of the struggle for Pakistan. First of all we will try to know
what the ideology of Pakistan is.
Two nations theory was the basis of Pakistan. It meant, there were
two major nations living in the subcontinent. Hindus and Muslims, and
these were quite different from each other. They had differences of every
thing including religion, language, civilization, history and traditions. So
to establish a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent was
a requirement, where they could lead a life according to the teachings of
Islam. This two-nation theory became the basis and destination of the
Muslims of the subcontinent. What were the main reasons behind this
idea of separate home land, are given below:


Muslims had taken over the power in India, defeating

Hindus and then ruled this region for almost a thousand years.
Hindus had never forgotten this historical fact although Muslim
rulers had collectively shown mush broadmindedness to the Hindu
subjects. But the Hindus did not leave any stone unturned to
oppose Muslims and to harm them as a community. They got the
best golden chance to harm and oppose Muslims during the British
rule in the sub-continent. British also helped Hindus who made
new records of tyrony in the name of religion. They started many
movements out of which SHUDHI & SHANGHTEN are the most
famous. The main objectives of these movements were to force
Muslims to convert to be Hindus or they should be forced to
migrate from the Sub-continent to the Middle East or at least they
- 90 -

should only be allowed to live in India as simple subjects to Hindu

To achieve these objectives, Hindu-Muslim dissension was
managed to impose oppression upon the Muslims of the
subcontinent. Muslim belief and mosques was disgraced and they
were kept deprived of social justice. The intrigues were launched to
keep the Muslims deprived of educational facility. Persian was no
more official language of the government machinery. Muslim
“Madaris” were closed by force and Hindi started taking place of
Urdu. Due to the brisk extortion and injustice towards Muslims,
developed hatred for British. Muslims, because of this British
attitude, came to the conclusion that their culture, education system
and religion is being rooted out. This developed a natural
resistance of Muslims against English language and their system of
education. But there was a sensible class of Muslims who wanted to
give their children modern education but they could not do it
because of economic weakness and other types of undeclared
embargoes. Resultantly, Muslims of the subcontinent became more
and more backward. On the contrary, Hindus, because of the
economic prosperity, availed the opportunity of modern (English)
education, after establishing many modern schools and left
Muslims much behind in almost all fields of life. They occupied
maximum proportion of government jobs. Hindus proved to be
much narrow minded in the field of education as they established
such institutions, which could suit only to Hindu religion, and so,
Muslims avoided sending their children to these institutions.
Christian Missionary schools, also, followed the Hindu practices. In
facts door of modern education were completely closed upon
Muslims. At this stage Muslims started establishing their own
modern educational institutions. Aligarh College, Darul-Uloom
Devband, Anjman-e-Himayat-e-Islam schools and Sindh Madrash-
tul-Islam Karachi, were the result of this attempt. These educational
institutions played central role in the establishment of Pakistan,
creating many Muslim leaders who could strive for achieving the
destination of Pakistan, where Muslims of the subcontinents could
established complete Islamic Society and let their religious
traditions be flourished.


At the end of the war of independent of 1857,as a failure, the

opportunist Hindus and British blamed the Muslims for this revolt.
As a reward of this, Hindus were awarded many service and trade
- 91 -

facilities while the Muslims were deprived of them. Through

official orders Muslims were denied government jobs and Muslims
traders were imposed heavy taxes.
Muslims of Bengal were well to do because of their grip on
agriculture. This kept them economically sound. But after British
invasion in this region, they were forced to hand teir lands over to
Hindus. In a short span of time, through out Bengal, Hindus
captured all economic resources. They got monopoly over trade
and commerce and the Muslims got more and more poor and
resource less. This made the Muslims demand for a piece of land
where they could avail economic resources along with religious
liberty to be able to lead a prosperous life.
At the end of nineteenth century, the British government
decided to establish certain democratic institutions in the sub-
continent. Hindus favored this proposal strongly but famous
Muslims leader Sir Syed Ahmed Khan opposed it. He resented
democracy because it could give advantage to the majority only,
and in the sub-continent, majority was with Hindus. This decision,
hence, could establish Hindu supremacy over Muslims forever.
When after this Muslims leaders found that the establishment of
political institutions was unavoidable, they demanded the system
of separate Electoral College for Muslims. Hindus opposed this
demand strongly as they had been determined to deprive Muslims
of their political rights. When in 1937, under the government of
India act-1935, congress governments were established in majority
of the provinces, they started to suppress Muslim minorities. This
assured the Muslims about the fact that in the United India, they
are simply going to serve as slaves. This forced them to demand
that the Muslim majority provinces/regions, may be unite to make
a separate Muslim State.
Due to Hindu religions prejudices and supremacy in the
areas of politics and culture, Muslims felt their civilization,
language and religion under sever threat, and hence, they started
thinking to get rid of Hindu Supremacy along with British rule.
Muslims actually, wanted to protect their style of life, historical
heritage, civilization and culture. They had a completely different
stature from Hindus, in this respect. This was the basic foundation
of the two-nation theory on the basis of which, the Muslims of the
subcontinent demanded the division of India into a Muslim and a
Hindu State.
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The name of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan will remain alive forever in the
history of the Muslims of the South East Asia. They proved to be a ray of
hope of the Muslims of this region in his times. When the Muslims of
India had met the lowest end of their deprivation, he taught them to coop
with the changing time. This was his attempt, which inculcated in
Muslims of the region, the sentiments of nationalism and political
awareness. This was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who really founded the two-
nation theory in India.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born on October 17,1817 in Delhi. After
the death of his father he joined the service of East-India Company. Due to
his hard work and integrity he rose to the position of “Sadar Amin” in
1846. He was transferred from Delhi to Bijnore in 1854. He was at Bijnore
when the “War of Independence” broke out, where he saved the lives of
many English men and women purely on humanitarian ground. Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan had, actually, developed the justified opinion that the
Muslims of the subcontinent will remain under suppression and hardship
unless the hatred between English and the Muslims of the region ends.
According to him this was in favor of Muslims to produce certain
adjustment in their attitude towards their relationship with British
invaders. For this purpose he, also, tried to remove British doubts against
Muslims. He wrote a book in 1857 AD on the Topic of “ The causes of
India Revolt” in which he discussed critical the real cause of the War of
1857 AD. He very boldly expressed that this revolt was caused by the
injustice of Company’s rule imposed upon Indian people some people,
particularly Hindus had exploited the differences between British and the
Muslims and had given unwanted publicity to it. This was propagated
that the Muslims consider fighting against English as a holy war and it is
the duty of Muslims to fright against them. Sir Syed had to remove these
misunderstandings through his writings. He explained that Jehad
becomes duty only in case, rulers hurdle Muslims in performing their
religions activities. He rather highlighted the common features of
Christianity and Islam.
After getting proper political strength in India, the English replaced
Persian by English as an official language. Muslims considered English
language against their belief hence they remained illiterate and were
deprived of government jobs. On the other hand, Hindus opted for
English and got government jobs of all level. So it was moral duty of Sir
Syed to educate Muslims of the region that they could coop with the time
requirement only through modern education and that, the Western
education was, by no means, against Islam. He pressed the Muslims to
- 93 -

prefer modern education upon everything else. He also organized a

“Scientific Educational Society” which took the responsibility of
translating Scientific Articles written in English into Urdu.
In 1869, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan went to England with his son Syed
Mehmood, and on return, he announced to start an educational institution
at the pattern of Cambridge University. He opened “Mohammedan Anglo
Oriental College” at Aligarh, which rose to the status of University in
1920. Now it is called Aligarh Muslim University. This institution had
been the center of political movement of the Muslims of South Asia and
no doubt, has played an effective role in social, cultured and political life
of the Muslims of this region.
Sir Syed had advised the Muslims to remain isolated from practical
politics and should, first, concentrate on achieving education because it
was no doubt a need of the day that the Muslims should not remain
behind Hindus in any field of life (specially in education). He was well
aware of the hatred and prejudice of English against Muslims, and knew
that they would release the whole rage, in case of any political emergence,
on the Muslims. Congress had started demanding the implementation of
Western Democracy in the Sub-continent but Sir Syed opposed it on
logical grounds. He knew that such democracy would automatically bring
Hindus to power. He expressed that political and demographical features
of this region were not in favor of western democracy as there were two
major nations living in this region Muslims & Hindus. So the Muslims
were forced by the situation to remain aloof from this idea. Sir Syed, while
addressing in first annual session of Mohammedan Educational
conference, said:

“ I do not agree with those who consider discussing

political matters, urgent for the prosperity of Muslims.
Rather, I believes that the education and only education
may cause us progressing.”

On the same basis he prohibited Muslims from joining Indian

National Congress. In the beginning Sir Syed was not against Hindus
rather they were represented in the society established by him. He
considered Hindus and Muslims as two eyes of a bride and both the eyes
should be equally powerful. But Hindus of Banaras, started movement
against Urdu, it changed his views about them, and finally came to realize
that Hindus can newer he sincere to Muslims and they really wanted to
deprive Muslims, of their cultural and civilization heritage. Consequently,
he reserved his rest of life for the Muslim cause and preached two-nation
theory. After that he always pleaded that Hindus and Muslims can never
- 94 -

live together peacefully. This two-nation theory of Sir Syed later proved to
be base of Muslim independence struggle and politics.


In 1905, in England, Labor Party came into power. During their

election campaign, Labor leaders had announced their program about
giving some part of governance to the local people (Hindus & Muslims) so
just after taking over the government they announced their program of
introducing some political reforms in India. Hindus were worried after
the division of Bengal as some Muslim Bengali leaders were getting
popularity. On the other hand, Congress had launched the demand of
Western Democracy to be imposed in India. Muslims were well aware of
the fact that such political institutions could establish Hindu supremacy in
the region, which could be injurious to the cause of Muslim minority.
On September 16, 1906, Nawah Mohsin-ul-Mulk and some other
leaders assembled at Lucknow, and critically analyzed the events of the
division of Bengal, opposition of Hindus to the Muslims demand of
separate Electoral College, Hindus demand for parliamentary democracy
and the issue of competitive examination for entering into government
service. In this session, it was decided that a high-powered Muslim
delegation should see the viceroy and put up the Muslim demands,
through him to the British Government. This meeting was arranged
through Mr. Archivolt, the principal of M.A.O- College on 1st October
1906 and a delegation of 35 leading Muslims in the leadership of Sir Agha
khan, met the Viceroy Lord Manto at Simla and discussed the following

1. Muslims of the subcontinent, may be given separate representation

to the political institutions on the basis of the historical and political
significance and marshal services of the Muslims of this region,
proportional to their population.
2. Separate electoral constituencies may be announced for Muslims
and hinders and separate Electoral College system must be
3. A quota should be fixed for Muslims regarding the government
jobs. Muslims judges must be appointed the various courts and in
local institutions, seats for the Muslims be fixed.
4. Muslims must be given suitable representation in the viceroy’s
Administrative Council.
5. The Muslim University Aligarh may be issued reasonable grants.
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6. A few seats in the syndicate and senates of the Universities may be

fixed fro Muslims.

The Viceroy attended to the Muslim demands very patiently and

promised to consider them. It was a great political achievement for the
Muslims to get such a promise from Viceroy. Consequently, separate
electoral system for Muslims was accepted in Minto Morly Reforms.
Hindus started sever propaganda against Simla Delegation and
said that the English encouraged the Muslims to arrange such a program.
They referred as logic of their blame, that the convenership of Mr.
Archibald for this meeting, while he had contacted the secretary to
Viceroy on the demand of Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk.
Archibald, being the Principal of Aligarh College, had very good
relations with Muslims. Hence his recommendation for such meetings has
no status of a proof that meeting was really initiated by the English
Rulers. The political thinking of the Muslims was much changed in 1906.
Consequent upon the efforts of Sir Syed, an educated class of the Muslims
of south Asia had emerged which could understand the latest political
scenario of the region. Moreover a sentiment of nationalism was emerged
in Muslims. This educated class of Muslims was very enthusiastic about
the revival of the respect and honor of the Muslims of South Asia. On the
contrary, British also started considering the significance of separate status
of Muslims population. They had started realizing that without
considering Muslims no political issue of the region can be solved. On the
others hand Hindus were determined to oppose any decision which could
benefit Muslims and give importance to there separate identity. Every
attempt of the Muslims, in this regard, was interpreted by the Hindus as
disruption and as an act of menials to government.


The province of Bengal, being the largest province of India was

divided into two parts on administrative grounds. It had already been
under consideration of the government and was finalized, ultimately, by
Lord Kurzen, and as a result the province was divide it into East and West
Bengal. Hindus opposed this division and succeeded to get it cancelled.
This was, in fact, an attempt to deprive Muslims of the economic benefit of
this division. Hindus’ opposition made Muslims suspicious about the
objectives of the former. This was the attitude of the Hindus and the
constitutional reforms introduced by the government forced the Muslims
to take a few steps further and they started realizing that without a
separate political representation, they could not have better rights. So a
session of Mohammedan Educational Conference was called at Dhaka on
- 96 -

December 30, 1906. One of its sessions was held under the chair of Nawab
Salem Ullah of Dhaka where a proper and formal resolution was put up,
which stated as under:

“ It has been decided that this session of the conference which is

represented by various parts of the country, has agreed
to from a political party with the name of “ All India Muslim
League,” with the following objectives:

1. Protection of the benefits of the Muslims of the sub-continent

2. Try to eliminate the misunderstanding between the Muslims and
the British and to develop an environment of mutual
3. Cooperation with other political groups of the country without
damaging the above objectives.”

After the foundation of the “All India Muslim League, the Muslims
of the sub continent got a platform to depend the rights of the Muslims of
this region. This forum made a remarkable achievement within a few
years by getting the separate electoral right accepted. In fact the
foundation of the Muslim League can be considered as the most important
incidence in the history of the Muslims of the sub continent. This made the
Muslims, capable of the defense of their rights and an effective
representation. This played a double role. It protected Muslims’ political
rights and proved a separate Muslim identity as a nation.
In an annual meeting of All India Muslim League, in 1910 AD,
pressed upon separate Muslim quota in government jobs and succeeded
in this respect to much extent. After that, as a result of some national and
international events, the attitude of Muslim League changed. In the 1913
annual meeting the League passed a couple of resolutions, which brought
some basic and fundamental changes in it manifesto (in objectives and
duties) of Muslim League. The achievement of the right of self-
government under the umbrella of Great Britain was included in its
objectives but it was clearly stressed that all the objectives will be tried to
achieve through peaceful means. In an other resolution it was decided to
cooperate with other groups for common interests. In this way sufficient
equation was developed between India National Congress and All India
Muslim League. Both the parties’ leadership felt the need of working
together. Later, this was, proved by Lucknow Pact.
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5. LUCKNOW PACT - 1916

The division of Bangal, was cancelled, by the British government,

in 1911. The Muslims felt extremely uncertain due to this cancellation.
And the manifesto, which the League had announced appeared to be
impracticable. They started realizing that the British were executing in the
South Asia, their notorious policy of “ Divide and Rule”. The Muslim
League thought over it and decided to cooperate with the Congress just to
make the British policy a failure. At this moment Mr. Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, an important member of Congress offered his services for Hindu-
Muslim unity. Majority of the Muslim Leaders unanimously announced
that they would oppose the rulers’ policy openly, as they had understood
their tricks. As a result of unanimous decision of Muslim Leadership the
Headquarter of the Muslim League was shifted from Dhaka to Luknow.
Here the League got good works and active leadership. Mr. Muhammad
Ali Jinnah joined the All India Muslim League at this stage. The manifesto
of the League met with the change. The new manifesto appeared in 1912,
which included:

1. The All India Muslim League will keep on its struggle for the
achievement of a responsible government and better rights for
Muslims, unless, till the success.
2. The Muslim League will strive for the religious, political and social
benefits of All Indian Muslims.
3. Muslim League will apply all its energies and its resources to unite all
nationalities living in the sub-continent with Muslims.
4. Muslim League will also strive to develop brotherly and friendly
relations with the Muslims of other countries.

After this announcement a bit peace reflected in Indian

environment. In the beginning both the political parties looked at each
other with certain doubt, but when the attempts of leaderships of both the
countries seriously analyzed, it appeared (after 1913) that there were some
clear sings of Hindu-Muslim unity. Congress leaders started participating
in Muslim League sessions. Similarly, with brotherly sentiments some
prominent Muslim Leaders did participate in Congress sessions. In 1915
both parties called their annual meetings at a time at Bombay. After these
meetings in a common announcement, it was demanded from the British
Government, the right of self-rule. This common demand brought both
the parties closer to the extend that the meetings of the executive council
starting being held in Luknow at Mr. Motilal Nehru’s residence. On the
December 30, 1915, in the common session of both the parties at Bombay,
Congress president Mahatua Gandhi, Mrs Sarojni Nido and other
- 98 -

prominent leaders participated while Mr. Mazhar-ul-Haque giving his

presidential address, pressed upon open mindedness of various religions
and their separate Electoral College. In the second session Mr.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah put up a resolution to form a committee to reform
the manifesto of the Muslim League to the extent that it gets closer to that
of Congress. Moulvi Fazal-ul-Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Azad seconded
this proposal, while the Muslim League accepted it unanimously.
Similarly an other resolution was passed by the Congress, which meant
that British government must bring their longstanding promise of
democracy in India to an action. Muslim League and Congress untidily
announced to hold a join sessions of both parties at some prominent place
and should transform the unity of opinion on different points into a pact.
Consequently a common session of both the parties held in 1916 at
Lucknow, which was presided by Sarender Nath Bewrji. From Muslim
League Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Raja of Mehmood Abad
participated. After a detailed discussion, both the parties agreed on certain
points and accepting those agreed points legally named it as a pact, which
was later, called “ Lucknow Pact”. Following points were incorporated in
this pact:

1. Muslim will enjoy, on the basis of separate electoral the representation

in various province as a following detail:

a. Punjab = 50%
b. Bengal = 40%
c. UP = 30%
d. Bihar = 25%
e. Madras = 15%
f. CP = 15% and
g. Bombay = 33%

2. In the central council, Muslims will be given One-third representation.

3. No such private bill will be brought under consideration which is
rejected by ¾ of the sect. About which it was put up.

The most important impact of this pact was that Hindus officially
accepted Muslims as a separate nation (entity). Due to the natural
mischievous attitude the pact, soon, started being quoted in wrong sense
by the Hindus and Maulana Muhammad Jinnah and Maulana Shaukat Ali
(his brother) started opposing it openly. On the Congress side Hindu
Mahasabha was very strongly against it and could not tolerate this unity
at any cost. They started expressing that the concept expressed through
the pact between Congress and Muslim League, was not accepted to the
- 99 -

Hindus of India. In spite of all these oppositions, the environment of the

unity sustained till 1921 AD.


Congress constituted a committee in the leadership of Mr. Motilal

Nehru after by cutting the Simon Commission, and recommendations put
up by the committee were named, “Nehru Report”.
The majority of the recommendation put up in this report was against
the benefit of the Muslims rather it was like an open challenge to them.
The report recommended that the rights of separate electoral college, for
the Muslims, would be withdrawn although Congress, itself, had
approved it in the Lucknow Pact. It was also recommended to replace
Urdu as an official language with Hindi. The number of seats specified for
Muslims in the Central legislative (1/3) was recommended to be reduced
to 1/4. In fact Hindus wanted to establish such a Hindu rule in the
country, which could keep the Muslims slaves forever. This report
eliminated the Muslims internal differences and united them into a single
political power. Resultant to the attempts of Sir Shafi and Sir. Fazal
Hussain, all parties Muslim Conference was held on December 31, 1928 to
criticize the Nehru report but the Muslim League could not participate in
it and the conference was held again in March 1928 and it was decided to
attempt to reunite the Muslim League split into two groups. So after the
two years long differences both the groups of the Muslim League (Shafi
League and Jinnah League) reunited again into a single party. Nehru
report was expressed as a Hindu report and in response to it Muslim
demands were formulated by Mr. Jinnah and were called (in the history
later) “ Jinnah’s Fourteen Points”. These were highly appreciated by the
Muslims of India. These points are given below:

1. The form of future constitution should be Federal in with the

residuary province vested in the provinces.
2. A uniform measure of autonomy should be granted to provinces.
3. All legislation in the country and other elected bodies should be
constituted on the definite principle of adequate and effective
representation of minorities in every province without reducing the
majority in any province to a minority or even equality.
4. In the central Legislature, Muslims’ representation should not be
less than one third.
5. Representation of communal groups should continue to be by
means of separate electorates as at present, provided it should open
to any community, at any time, to abandon its separate electorate in
favor of joint electorate.
- 100 -

6. Any territorial redistribution that might at any time, be necessary

not, any way, affect the Muslim majority in the Punjab, Bengal and
7. Full religious liberty, i.e. every individual should have full freedom
of belief, worship, propaganda, association and education, should
be guaranteed to all communities.
8. No bill or resolution or any part thereof should be passed in any
legislature or any other elected body if three-fourth of the members
of any community in that particular body opposed such a bill,
resolution or part thereof on the ground that it would be injurious
to the interests of that community; or in the alternative, such other
method should be devised as may be found feasible and practicable
to deal with such cases.
9. Sind should be separate from Bombay Presidency and given the
state of a free province. N.W.F.P should be given all rights like
other provinces.
10. Reforms should be introduced in the N.W.F.P. and Baluchistan on
the same footing as in other provinces.
11. Provision should be made in the Constitution giving the Muslims
an adequate share along with other Indians in all the services of the
state and in local self-governing bodies having regard to the
requirement of efficiency.
12. The Constitution should embody adequate safeguard for the
protection of Muslim culture and for the protection and promotion
of Muslim charitable institutions and for their due share in the
grants-in-aid given by the State and by the self-governing bodies.
13. No cabinet either Central or Provincial should be formed without
their being a proportion of at least onethird Muslim Ministers.
14. No change should be carried out in the Constitution by Central
Legislature except with the concurrence of the States constituting
Indian Federation.


When Mr. Jinnah put up his 14 points in response to Nehru’s

Report the Muslims of the Sub-continent, got more confident about their
leadership who was ready to respond to any Hindu move. Secondly, this
was established that there were two (at least) different nations living in
the Region (Muslims and Hindus), who could never live together
peacefully. The British government also started considering how could
they let Muslims of the Subcontinent be given the benefit of freedom after
the British decide to go back. Allama Iqbal was well aware of the anxiety
- 101 -

of the government circles and knew that it was the most appropriate time
for the Muslims to get united. So he joined Muslim league for the uplift of
this Sentiment of unity. He clearly announced that in the region, there
were two major nations, which had the differences of all type and having
a clear contrast in the social, religious and ideological aspects, their unity
was out of question. On the same time it was impossible for the Muslims
to accept the status of a minority and to play in the hands of Hindu
majority. English government was, also, convinced to give Muslims the
right of proportionate representation. Allama Iqbal preached these
Muslim ideas so widely that it totally disturbed the political circles of
A general body meeting of All India Muslim League was held on
December 30, 1930 at Allahabad presided by Allama Iqbal. The
presidential address was an important political development but also
considered as a milestone in the Muslims struggle for freedom. It was
openly expressed to Hindus that a strong religious power, was behind the
Muslims which enabled them to achieve what they desired.
Allama Iqbal clearly said that the time had come for the British
rulers as well as majority claming Hindus that the Muslims of the sub-
continent were fully united and awakened and ready to prove their worth.
So none including British government should be mislead to believe that
the Muslims could be subjected to slavery. If the Hindus could claimed an
independent homeland then the Muslims also deserved for demanding a
separate Muslim State and had clear and strong arguments for their claim.
Presenting the geographical aspect of the suggested independent
Muslim state, Iqbal expressed that it was unavoidable to solve Hindu-
Muslims differences permanently, to separate Umbala Division, a Hindu
majority area, from Punjab and then to unite rest of the Punjab with
NWFP, Baluchistan and Sind to make a separate Muslim State, as the
majority of these provinces was Muslim. Similarly in Bengal the Muslim
majority areas could be combined to make a separate state for Muslims
while the areas where Hindus were in majority could be given under
Hindu control where they could protect their traditions and religions
values. Only that could eliminate Hindu-Muslim differences in the region.
He said that he had minutely observed and found that a separate state,
could ,easily, be visualized to be emerged in the North Western and Easter
part of the sub-continent, which nobody would be able to prevent. This
would appear as a Muslim state and could earn the status of a unique
honorable Muslim state. People of this state would be able to lead pure
Islamic code of ethics collectively. Iqbal’s such ideas were actually a
forecast for the emergence of this state, which later appeared on the world
map as PAKISTAN. On the other hand Hindus had to plan defaming and
demoralizing the Muslim League by the developing differences among
- 102 -

Muslim columns. To meet this objective congress stated poisonous

propaganda but it remained ineffective to the Muslims and they, steadily,
went on moving towards their destination.
The ideas of the Muslim league were getting, in those days,
popular among the Muslim students studying in England. In 1930, Indian
Muslim students of Cambridge issued a pamphlet, under the title, “Now
or Never.” This stated the proposal of establishing a separate Muslim state
“Pakistan” in the sub-continent. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali was very
prominent in this group. This pamphlet played a role in the popularity of
the idea of Pakistan given by Allama Iqbal without name of the state.


Congress, in 1937, made its governments in seven out of eleven

provinces, under the government of India act-1935.
The Muslim League became more active, politically, after Congress’
success in seven provinces. It was decided in a meeting of the Muslim
League on August27, 1937 AD, that the Muslims of India should be united
to get an important political status in the region. When, due to the Second
World War, English government requested the famous Muslim leader Mr.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s cooperation against Germany, the leader
promised to cooperate tremendously. A working committee of the Muslim
League drafted resolutions, which was passed. It expressed as under:

“ In India, there must be an independent Muslim state where the

Muslims of the region can live, at equal status, with religious,
political, cultural, social and economic rights successfully”

Viceroy India Lord Linlithgo announced the government policy

about this issue, which was very ambiguous. It stated that the issue of
independence and the constitution would be taken up when the war was
over. If the matter was, however, discussed after war the discussion
would base upon the government of India act-1935 only. The possibility of
the amendment would remain open but formulating quite a new
constitution would be impossible. This announcement was against the
attempts of the Muslim League. So a meeting of the party was held to
respond to this statement and to pass a resolution in this regard. In its
session, on one side, the British government was appreciated for negating
the Congress stand for the sole representative ship of the people of the
subcontinent, but simultaneously, it was regretted that the government’s
approach, on the issue of the constitution, was not encouraging.
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After the world war had started, the Congress Minster resigned in
December 1939, under protest and argued that the government had not
taken the congress into confidence before declaring war against Germany.
The Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah advised Indian
Muslims to celebrate the day of deliverance on December 22, 1939, as they
got rid of the tyranny and injustice of Hindu Ministers. The two years
tenure of Hindu Ministries had proved Hindus to be a highly prejudiced
nation. During these ministries, Muslim students, of government schools,
were forced to recite “ Bande Matrum” a pure Hindu religions song.
Moreover sectarian Riots had become the practice of the day. This was the
moment when Muslims strongly realized the need of a separate
Homeland, where Islamic teachings could be practiced freely.
Now Muslims tended to leave congress and join Muslim League.
That strengthened League. As soon as the war started, Viceroy Lord
Linlithgo talked to both Mr. Gandhi and Jinnah on the regional political
issues. Muslim League succeeded to make the Viceroy believe that the
congress was Purely a Hindu representative party, in which a few
Muslims had been trapped for very special objectives. Government was
well aware of the poisonous effect of the thoughts of Congress and
particularly that of Mr. Gandhi. It was not, even, hidden for Muslims.
On 3rd of February 1940, Muslims league held a meeting in which it
was decided to hold Annual Meeting of Muslim League on March 23, 1940
at Lahore in which a separate Muslim state might be demanded to
practice Islamic code of life. The government as well as Hindus was much
worried because of this decision.
On the March 23, 1940, after Friday Prayer, almost one hundred
thousand Muslims gathered in Iqbal Park and held the meeting, which
was presided over by the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After the
welcome addressed presented by Mr Shah Nawaz of Mamdote, the
Quaid-e-azam addressed this historical gathering which made a history in
the region. The Two-Nation theory was explained and Mr. Jinnah
announced, it was the most appropriate time to claim fro a separate
Muslim state. He also expressed that the Muslims wanted to be a separate
unique nation and declared that they could not live under Hindu
dominance. The matter needed to be considered internationally. The
religion, life style, civilization, culture and literature every aspect of these
two nations was quite different so their unity was out of question. The
Muslim wanted to have an independent life with religious, financial,
political and economic freedom. So they could never accept any
constitution, which could not ensure the protection of the rights of the
The 23rd of March 1940 A. D; is the most important and glorious
day of the history of he Indian Muslims. On this day a Muslim league
- 104 -

leader, Maulvi Abul-Qasim, Fazal-ul-haque represented the historical

resolution before the Muslims coming from all over India, which was
latter called Pakistan Resolution. The draft of this resolution is given


“Resolved that it is the considered view of this Session of the All-India

Muslim League that no constitutional plan would be workable in this country or
acceptable to the Muslims, unless it is designed on following basic principles,
viz., that geographically contiguous units are demarcated, into regions which
should be so constituted, with such territorial adjustment as may be necessary,
that the areas in which Muslims are numerically in majority as in the North-
Western and Eastern Zones of India should be grouped to constitute
Independent States in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and
“That adequate effective and mandatory safe guards should be
specifically provided in the constitution for minorities in these units and in the
regions for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political,
administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them in other
parts of India. Where the Musalmans are in minority adequate, effective and
mandatory safeguards shall be specifically provided in constitution for them and
other minorities for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political
and administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them__”
It was also resolved in the same meeting that:
“This Session of All-India Muslim League held on 22 to 24 March,
approves the steps of the All-India Muslim League Committee and its Executive
Body which appears from their resolutions passed on August 27,September
17_18 and 22, and February 13, 1940 that All India Act 1935 is absolutely
unacceptable. This Session is of the opinion that the announcement made by the
Viceroy on behalf of the Queen is satisfactory to the extent that the basic plan of
the Government Of India Act 1935 will be reconsidered in consultation with the
related religious groups. But the Muslims of India cannot be satisfied unless the
whole plan is reconsidered.”


1. What is Two-Nation Theory? Express it in the light of the two-

nation concept of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
2. Describe the background and some salient features of Simla
3. When and why was Muslim League founded? Explain.
- 105 -

4. What is the significance of Lucknow Pact? Mansion its important

5. What were the Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam? Express in detail.
6. Explain how Allama Iqbal expressed the concept of Pakistan.
7. Discuss the Lahore Resolution.
8. What role did Quaid-e-Azam play in the Lahore Resolution?

9. Fill in the blanks given in the following sentences.

a. Two nations theory was first presented by ____________.

b. _____________ Muslim leaders were there in Simla Delegation.
c. _____________ lead the Simla Delegation.
d. The lucknow Pact was the result of the attempts of ___________.

10. Put a tick in front of a correct statement and a cross against


a. Muslims had taken over the power in South Asia from Hindus.
b. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the founder of Two-Nation theory in
South Asia.
c. Mohammedan Educational Conference was held at Dhaka in 1915
d. All parties Muslim Conference was held on December 31,1928.
e. The day of 23rd March 1940 is a glorious day in the Muslim History
of the Sub-continent.




Emergence Of Pakistan And The Role Played By Quaid-E-Azam

Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great Muslim leader and a political
thinker. He run a movement after uniting the Muslims of the subcontinent under
the flag of Muslim League, which demanded a separate independent Muslim
state on the basis of Two Nations Theory and lead this movement to the
- 106 -

destination in spite of the opposition of the English government and Hindu

intrigues. Consequently, Pakistan came into being.
Quaid-e-Azam started his political career in 1906 as a private secretary to
the president of Indian National Congress. He was elected as a member of
Imperial Legislative Council from Bombay Constituency after India Act-1909. He
was the central figure behind the Lucknow pact of 1916, signed between Hindus
& Muslims. He was of the opinion that violence could not facilitate peaceful
political solutions. So he remained passive during Khilafat movement. He also
opposed when Mr. Gandi was instigating people for violence Latter events
proved the Quaid-e-Azam’s approach was absolutely correct. After the failure of
Tehrik-e-Khilafat, Quaid-e-Azam took over the Muslim leadership. In 1928,
Nehru Report reflected a specific Congress attitude and the points which
congress had already accepted in Lucknow pact were also set aside. To respond
to the Nehru Report and reflecting Muslim point of view, Quaid-e-Azam
presented his famous Fourteen Points in 1929. These proposals reflect Quaid-e-
Azam’s foresight and futuristic thinking. He opposed every Hindu move against
Muslim interests very effectively and bravely in the round table conference.
Quaid-e-Azam had not accepted the Federal part of India Act-1935
because it could cause Hindu dominance. Hence only the provincial part of the
Act-35 could be made effective which resulted in Congress ministries in seven
provinces in 1937 and the Muslims interests in these provinces had severely been
damaged. At this critical moment, the Muslims had many expectations with
Quaid-e-Azam. He faced the situation boldly and toured the whole country for
strengthening and reorganizing Muslim League. These were his attempts, which
revitalized the league and made it an effective party and a universal movement
against imperialism. He plained Muslim opinion against Congress propaganda
and resultantly Muslims started gathering under Muslim league flag. In the
subcontinent the period from 1940 and 1947 was a period of sever tussle between
congress and the Muslim League. Congress refused the fact that the Muslim
League represents Muslim of the Sub-continent, while in 1946 elections; it was
proved that the Muslim Leaguer was the sole representative of the Muslims of
the sub-continent. Finally the rulers as well as congress leadership had to accept
the leagues demand of Pakistan and so, Pakistan appeared on the world map.
Muslims succeeded in establishing an independent Muslim state and Quaid-e-
Azam became its first Governor General.
Quaid-e-Azam as a Governor General, repeated the statement in many
speeches that Pakistan would be an Islamic Republic. He condemned all type of
racial and linguistic discriminations as well as regional prejudices and taught the
Pakistanis a lesson of “Faith, Unity & Discipline.” Quaid-e-Azam is among few
international figures, which fought long against imperialism but controlled every
type of violence. His health was badly affected during this struggle. Even after
creation of Pakistan he worked day and night for the constriction of a new
- 107 -

independent state. This made him ill seriously and he died of the same illness on
September 11, 1948.


Hindus and English rulers had not accepted the emergence of Pakistan
right from the beginning. They had signed its draft half-heartedly. When after
Partition, Pakistan had to be given its part of official assets, both English and
Hindus hinder severely. Almost 550 Million rupees (Pakistan’s share) were
usurped by India. The only objective of this activity was to lead Pakistan towards
economical bankruptcy. British representatives in India proved highly partial
regarding division of military assets. They army shared by Pakistan was
ineffective with reference to defense capability, because most of the relevant
equipment was held by Bharat (Hindu Part of India). Pakistan integrity was,
consciously made exposed to threat be giving some strategically important
Muslim majority areas to Bharat. This unjust demarcation is known as the
bloodiest demarcation in history. Although it had clearly been written in the
declaration of the Independent of India that the Hindu majority areas will join
Indian union while the Muslims majority areas be made part of Pakistan but this
clause was consciously violated. District Gurdaspur, which was clearly a Muslim
majority area was knowingly given to India (Bharat). Both Lord Mountbatton
and the chairman boundary commission Lord Red Cliff were involved in this
intrigue. Actually this area was highly fertile and an easily accessible approach to
Kashmir was through this District. There was hydel power station in the district,
which supplied electricity to Lahore and adjacent area Headwork of the upper
Bari Doab is also located in this district. Similarly a river Band near Kasur on the
river Sutlij was handed over to India and the main objective of this activity was
to make Pakistan barren. More over it caused Canal water dispute between India
and Pakistan.


In the areas, which now made Pakistan, Hindus and Sikhs were much
ahead of Muslims in almost every walk of life. Hindus had dominated in
government jobs and had completely manipulated industry in the region. After
partition when Hindus and Sikhs left this region, a vacuum was created
regarding industrial and administration to an extent that to rum government
became a problem for Pakistan. The newborn Pakistan, at that time, was short of
office building as well as qualified and experienced manpower so much so the
office Stationary was not available for government offices. Industrial set-up was
lying out of order, because Hindus and Sikhs, at the time of their departure, took
- 108 -

main parts of industrial units with them. Experienced officers were not available.
For meeting this need, junior officers were given prompt promotions, and fresh
people were recruited. Similarly fresh people were trained to run the industry.


Arrival of refugees at a much greater scale as compared to those who left

Pakistan proved to be a huge problem. As soon as the partition was announced,
riots broke out through out India and the Muslims of Indian side of the country
had to face tyranny, looting and mass murders. Their homes were put on fire (in
many cases along with its inhabitants) and they were pushed into Pakistan. They
started pouring into Pakistan at a rate of thousands a day as refugees. Their
arrival created many problems, the most important of which was to
accommodate and feed them. The economy of Pakistan, due to this jerk, came
under stress. The government tackled this problem very patiently. The refugees
were settled on the properties left be Hindus and Sikhs and were provided with
the very basic needs. Pakistani nation played a very generous role in this
connection, who helped their refugee brother whole heatedly and share their
shelter and food with them. As compared to India, Hindus in Pakistan were
treated much better. They were allowed to take every thing with them, which
they could. Majority of the people who migrated, were from West Pakistan while
from the East Pakistan very few Hindus were disturbed (this finally went against
Pakistan, because were Hindus of Eastern wing who planned for separation of
this wing as Bangladesh).


Quaid-e-Azam was like a light tower for the Muslims of the world of the
first half of twentieth century.
The way, he volunteered himself for South Asian Muslims was really
exemplary. He worked so hard right from the beginning of the Pakistan
Movement to the emergence of Pakistan and his sincere efforts gave a new
vitality to the Muslims movement for freedom. He defeated the imperial motives
with is practical efforts and after emergence of Pakistan took up the
responsibility of the first Governor General of Pakistan. To address the problems
of infant Pakistan, he worked very hard. He appointed ambassadors to other
countries for introducing to them the newborn Muslim State of Pakistan.
Regarding internal economic requirement he established State Bank of Pakistan.
This hard work (at the age of more than seventy) put him ill. After an illness he
departed for his eternal home just a year after the establishment of Pakistan. His
personality was in fact an asset to Pakistan and he played as a key pin for its
unity and integrity. So his death proved to be an irreparable loss to Pakistan.
- 109 -



Resultant to the Act of the Freedom of India 1947, the Federal Legislative
Council was divided into two parts. The part, which became the legislative
council of Pakistan, consisted upon the members who were elected during 1946
elections from the areas, which latter came under Pakistani Flag. This assembly
started functioning as the first legislative council of Pakistan. The main issue of
legislation was to determine the distribution of powers among federal and
provincial councils of Pakistan. The system of government had already been
agreed by all political leaders (from both East and West Wing) to be Federal.
However there were slight differences on the distribution of powers between
Federation and the provinces. Some of the representatives wanted more powers
with provinces while others were in favor of a strong center of the federation.
Some of these leaders preferred provincial interests upon those of the federation.
Pakistan’s both wings (East and West Pakistan) were one thousand miles apart
(hawing Indian territory between them). With respect to area, the western part
was much larger but with respect to the population, the Eastern Wing was ahead
of the western wing .The language of the East Pakistan was Bengali while
different regional languages were spoken in the Western Part, however, Urdu
was popular throughout the country as a national language. People of Pakistan
had an idea right from the movement to replace English with Urdu as a National


Pakistan’s economy, at this initial stage, had to face the jerks of the
transfer of population and administrative problems and was not in good from. In
this situation, ensuring employment, agricultural settlements, industrial and
commercial advancement, and establishment of new Banks, were the problems
which needed concentrated attention. Industries, in Pakistani territories, were
quite nominal. Agricultural production was little due to insufficient irrigating
system. Before partition, Hindus enjoyed monopoly on industry and commerce
after their departure both areas were affected badly. Pakistan lacked in technical
experts. So the government had to take a number of steps to boost the economy,
and reduce the problems.



Because of the low profile of Pakistan’s economy and Industry, the

farmers and the landowners of the country cold not make remarkable progress.
More over, intentionally or unintentionally the territories of united India were
- 110 -

divided in a way that the sources of almost all rivers and distributaries remained
in Bahart. Capturing Kashmir by India had an idea behind to cripple Pakistan’s
economy to an extent that it should be forced to request for reunion. To tackle the
problems, Pakistan, not only, went to talking with Indian government but also
made many local arrangements.


It was decided officially among the British government and Indian and
Pakistani representatives that the armies along with the machinery and
equipment will be distributed gradually and step by step. It had also been
decided that the Commanders In Chief of both the countries would work under
the British Chief Commander till the distribution process is completed. The
armies, hence, were distributed quickly but the assets had yet to be divided
when India, violating the agreement captured the whole assets and the main
objective was to weaken Pakistan’s fighting might. This is, why, Pakistan was
forced to get in to a military agreement with USA.


With the announcement of India’s freedom, it was declared that the states
would be free to join any one of India and Pakistan, as the will of the majority of
the population. Kashmir’s Muslim majority had natural relations with Pakistan,
but when the Dogra Raja, ignoring all these facts announced the annexation of
Kashmir with India, a waver of rage arose among Kashmiri Muslims against this
cruel decision. They stood up for Jehad against Dogra regime and consequently
Dogra ruler opened a new chapter of terror on Muslims majority of the State.
India tried to occupy the state by force but Kashmiri Mujahidin fought back
bravely and got some territory of the state freed and established their
government there as Azad Kashmir. On the constant protest of Kashmiries and
stress of Pakistan, the issue was taken by India to the United Nations. Meanwhile
India attacked Kashmir under the blame of Pakistani mujahidin helping
Kashmiri people. This was a very critical moment for Pakistan. So some defense
forces were deplied on Pakistani border. This rift ended due to UN mediation on
Indian request, and the UN suggested plebiscite in Kashmir so that Kashmiris
could express their opinion. This decision was put in to dustbin and India was
encouraged to occupy the valley by force. UN, later tried repeatedly for
medication. Pakistan also pressed upon plebiscite but India remained unmoved
and went on violating UN advice. In addition to Kashmir, India also engulped
some other Muslim majority states or those rules by Muslim Rulers such as
Junagarth, Manaodar and Hyderabad. Hindu majority in Hyderabad was made
logic of annexation while the same rule was ignored in Kashmir. This reflected
- 111 -

Indian enmity to Pakistan to an extent that they tried to bring it to the point that
it could not sustain independently.


1. What part did Quaid-e-Azam play in the creation of Pakistan? Explain

2. What were the initial problems of Pakistan? Explain
3. Describe briefly the life history of the Quaid-e- Azam.

4. Fill in the blanks.

a. Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was ___________ of the 20th Century.

b. ____________ was the chairman of boundary commission.
c. ____________ were nominal in the areas which constitutes Pakistan.
d. Kashmiris were attached to __________.




- 112 -

The administrative policy of any country is reflected from the rules

and principles applied to the disciplinary setup applied there. Pakistan was
facing constitutional problem along with others. Pakistan had to formulate its
constitution according to the Freedom of India Declaration – 1947. It opted,
temporarily, the India Act-1935 with minor amendments, New assembly was
constituted as advised in the liberation law-1947 but no progress could be
made on constitutional development. The India Act -1935 being temporary
arrangement demanded immediate constitutional development. For this
purpose, the Prime Minister Khan Liaquat Ali Khan presented an objectives
resolution before the legislative council, which was approved on March 12,
1949. This objectives resolutions, at least defined the features of the Islamic
constitution. Its clear principals are as under:

1. Allah is almighty. The actual sovereignty rests within and the man has to
execute this responsibility as a sacred trust.
2. Democracy, civic justice and social principles will remain under the
umbrella of Islam.
3. All civil laws will be transformed according to Islamic approach so that
people can lead pure Islamic life.
4. Government will execute its programs and powers through elected
5. People of Pakistan will be provided with basic needs, and their rights will
be protected.
6. Minorities will enjoy equal rights, which will properly be protected.
7. Judiciary will remain independent of Executive so that it can execute its
responsibilities freely.
8. It was decided that the official language of Pakistan would be Urdu.
9. The resolution declared Pakistan an Islamic state.

These few points and basic principles expressed in the objectives resolution
were the basic foundations of the future constitution of Pakistan. All later
constitutions were based on this objectives resolution while in the constitution of
1973 A.D. this resolution was made part of it


The Prime Minister Khan Liaquat Ali Khan constituted a committee of

assembly members, after getting the objectives resolution approved, to report
about compiling principles of the constitution on the basis of the Objectives
Resolution. The report of the committee was given much consideration when
- 113 -

Liaquat Ali Khan was shot dead on 16th October 1951, in a public gathering at
Rawalpindi. Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din who was the second Governor General of
Pakistan after Quaid-e-Azam, was made Prime Minister and Mr. Ghulam
Muhammad took the portfolio of the Governor General. Khawaja Nazim-ud-din
was no doubt a true Pakistan and a simple and sincere individual. He left no
stone unturned to execute his official and political responsibilities and started
constitutional development process very fast. Very unluckily, at that time, in
Pakistan, there was a situation of a tug of war between political groups and
opportunist individuals. Consequently some irresponsible individuals, in the
field of politics started preferring their personal interests on national ones. When
Khawaja Nazim-ud-din presented the report of the committee constituted be
Liaquat Ali Khan, it was not appreciated on the supposition that the proposals
can cause imbalance of power in favor of the federation. When khawaja Nazim-
ud-din pressed upon Urdu to be the official language of Pakistan, he had to face
opposition from Bengali members. But he continued his attempt to get the
constitution drafted.
The Governor General, in Pakistan, in those days, was simply
constitutional head of the state while all political and administrative powers
rested with the Prime Minister and his cabinet. In the beginning Mr. Ghulam
Muhammad did not intervene in the process of governance so Mr. Nazim-ud-din
could get the constitution drafted. But Mr. Ghulam Muhammad had intensions
of his dictatorship and when he found that the constitution would limit his
powers, he, misusing powers, dismissed Nazim-ud-din Government on April 16,
1953. Muhammad Ali Bogra, took over the port follow of the Prime Ministry. At
that time he was Pakistan’s ambassador in USA and was specially called back for
this purpose. All this was done in spite of the fact that Khwaja Nazim-ud-din
had the favor of majority in the constituent assembly.


Mr. Muhammad Ali Bogra completed the constitutional activity soon

and put up his report. Meanwhile, in East Pakistan, Muslim League met with a
defeat in provincial elections and consequently the authenticity of the National
Assembly members from East Pakistan Muslim League came under dispute and
the concerned members were demanded to resign. Governor General Ghulam
Muhammad was simply a constitutional head and had nothing to do with the
government process but when he started misusing his authority to intervene the
process, the parliamentary and democratic norms came under direct thereat. So
the legislative assembly put up a bill to limit the powers of the Governor
General. This bill was approved and was decided during the session to
implement new constitution on December 25, 1954. Due to the above-mentioned
reasons, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad, through an order, dismissed the legislative
assembly. This was the second ant constitutional offence of Malik Ghulam
- 114 -

Muhammad due to which the eight years long struggle for constitution
development went in vain and a political chaos appeared. Second legislative
assembly came into being in 1955 without a clear majority of any party. Hence a
combined government took seat and Chaudhry Muhammad Ali took over as a
Prime Minister reliving Mr. Muhammad Ali Bogra.


Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, now, had the responsibility of constitutional

development. He, though, took proper interest in executing this responsibility but
the government, soon, came to realize that the biggest hurdle in the approval of
the constitution was the division of the country in many parts, which created the
serious issue of provincial autonomy and proportion of powers. There were four
province and many states in West Pakistan while there was only one province in
the Eastern Wing. This made the distribution of powers among the provinces on
the basis of population proved to be a serious problem. This was, why, the One
Unit was made. Pakistan One Unit act was approved on September 30, 1955 and
was implemented on October 14, 1955. According to this Act, the provincial
assemblies were dismissed and all the four provinces of the Western Wing,
including certain states were amalgamated into one province (West Pakistan) and
hence there remained two provincial and one central assembly. The central
assembly was equally represented by both of the provinces. In both the province,
province governments were constituted which started governing their relevant
provinces under the central control.
The objectives mentioned as a cause of the “ One Unit” were not met.
Expenditure were not controlled and limited, additionally some related issues
arose. Remote areas of the country were totally ignored and some local problems
emerged with high intensity.
Actually the objectives of One Unit could not be achieved; rather the
powers concentrated in few hands, hence the demand of the restoration of small
provinces (Baluchisten and NWFP) came up through various movements.
Consequently, on July 1, 1970, President General Yahya Khan, cancelled One Unit
and the Previous status of the Western Provinces, was, restored.


Chaudhry Muhammad Ali concentrated much upon the constitutional

development and resultantly the efforts of some assembly member and other
experts, made it possible that the draft constitution of Pakistan was presented in
the legislative assembly on January 8, 1956, which was approved on January 29,
1956 and implemented on March 23, 1956 (on Pakistan Day)


- 115 -

1. The country, according to the constitution was declared an Islamic

Republic of Pakistan.
2. Constitution was of Federal Type. The Federation consisted upon
too provinces (East and West Pakistan) headed by a governor each.
Provincial powers were limited and well defined in the
3. The president of the country had to be head of the state and
compulsorily a Muslim and was given the powers of dissolving
provincial assemblies provided that the Prime Minister requested
for that. He could himself dismiss the cabinet.
4. Parliamentary system of government was introduced in which
provincial assemblies had to be elected by the public and the
majority party was given a right to from government. All powers
were given to the Prime Ministers and his cabinet, keeping the
president as a constitutional head only.
5. The house of the Parliament consisted upon 300 members.
6. It was made clear in the constitution that law, contradictory to
Quran & Sunnah, could not be approved.
7. Singular Citizenship principle was applied and all individuals were
declared to be the citizen of Pakistan.
8. A balance was maintained in the powers of all the three
components of government i.e. Executive, Legislative and
Judiciary. Freedom of judiciary was ensured and a Supreme Court
was established.
9. Guiding principles were introduced for the government in which,
democracy, equality, social justices and the Rights of Minorities
were taken care of.
10. Urdu and Bengali, both were declared official languages of the
The most important feature of this constitution was to declare
Pakistan an Islamic Republic became it had been achieved for
Islam. This constitution remained effective for two and a half years
only and it was cancelled after imposing Material Law in the


1. After a long gap of nine years when the first constitution was
formulated, the people of Pakistan felt satisfied and expected the
political solidarity of the country but no tangible change could be
- 116 -

observed. Mr. Ghulam Muhammad (Governor General) was replaced

by Sikandar Mirza, and took the Oath as the First President of
Pakistan. This started a new era of political tussles and disputes. With
increasing anarchy, the Prime Minister Ch Muhammad Ali resigned
from his post and Mr. Hussain Shaheed Soharvorthy replaced him. He
tried to handle the situation but was strongly interference by the
opportunist politicians who wanted to remain in power by hook or by
crook. Mr. Sikandar Mirza wanted himself to be most powerful so he
dismissed Mr. Suharworthy and Mr. Ismael Chundrigar took over as a
Prime Minister of Pakistan but his government also had to resign and
be replaced by Mr. Feroze Khan Noon. He was also the president of
the Republican Party founded by Mr. Sikandar Mirza himself. Due to
fast and frequent change of ministries, corruption invaded the political
process. Smuggling, bribery, black marketing and inflation encircled
the country’s environment.
2. The political parties went on shuffling their interests and allies, hence
went away from internal discipline, and the in genuine struggle for
power put the country under integral threats.
3. Central government started intervening provincial governments at a
large scale. These created differences, between the Center and the
Provincial Governments and the situation got more and more sever.
4. Mutual differences deviated both central and the provincial
governments from certain basic issues and consequently, the Kashmir
issue and issue of water distribution went to the background.
5. The people lost their confidence upon the government and developed
hatred against the ruling class as they had brought the country to a
6. The Elections under the constitution of 1956 A.D. were due. But as the
public at large was not in equation with the government, so, Mr.
Sikandar Mirza found it required to post pone the election by any
excuse and finally to keep the power in hand. He, therefore, imposed
martial law appointing General Muhammad Ayub Khan, the then
commander in Chief of Pak army, a Chief Martial Law Administrator.
All assemblies were dissolved and an emergency was declared in the
country. Consequently the constitution of 1956 was terminated. This
shattered the effects of public efforts for national constitution 1956 and
the nation was, once again, in the dark politically. He was forced to
resign on October 27, 1958. General Ayub Khan became the President
after him.

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After taking over as a president, Gen. Ayub Khan appointed

(constituted) a commission to put up their report after analyzing the
previous political experience, which may serve as a foundation for new
constitution. A new constitution was constituted resultant to thinking
over the recommendations of the committee, and making a few
amendments here and there. This constitution was implement in June


Following are the salient features of this constitution.

1. This was a Federal constitution. It declared Pakistan as a federation;

constituent upon two provinces (East and West Pakistan) .The
government would be unitary which meant that policies and
legislation made by the federation would have an ultimate superiority.
No provincial government would have a right to contradict or criticize
these laws and policies. The Federal Government would enjoy full
2. Basically the Serenity will rest in Allah, and the power will remain a
sacred Trust of Him. The Country will be governed with social justice,
equality, and democracy keeping the rights of minorities and
fundamental rights of people intact.
3. The Parliament of Pakistan will have single house consisting 156
members. Equal members will be taken from both the provinces. It was
a unique parliament in the world.
4. The judiciary will be an independent and effective institution. The
highest court of the Country (Supreme Court of Pakistan) was given a
power to dissolve differences between two provinces (if any) in the
light of law and justice.
5. The National Assembly would make an amendment with 2/3
majorities but the approval of the president will be compulsory for
such amendments.
6. Constitutionally both Urdu and Bengali were given the status of
National Languages, but the officially, English was kept under use.
7. Islamabad would be National Capital but Dhaka would serve as the
Headquarter of the National Assembly.
8. The system of government would presidential and to be a Muslim was
the basic condition for a President with a lower age limit of 35 years.
80,000 representatives elected directly by the people of Pakistan would
elect the President. President could not be removed before the
completion of 5 years tenure. President would have full powers to
select his cabinet not compulsorily from the members of the Parliament
- 118 -

and could not vote during it’s sessions. The post of the president was
the most important one in the light of the constitution of 1962 who had
unlimited powers to play a central figure in the whole political set-up.
His basic duty was to run the governance system of the country. He
enjoyed the powers of all final decisions.
9. People were given the (new) system of “ Basic Democracies”. This was
a new experiment through which Union Councils for rural villages,
Town Committees for small towns and Municipal Committees for
larger cities were established. In addition to that District and
Divisional Councils were also established. The sole objective of these
councils was the uplift of their local areas (rural or urban). The people
through these committees and councils could make development
programs and get these implemented.
The people had to elect the representatives of basic democracies
directly. These were elected for a tenure of five years. They used to be
80,000 in number, elected equally from both provinces. These basic
democracies served as the Electoral College for the election of the
President as well as the legislative (National) assembly. This system of
basic democracies started getting unpopular because it was against the
democratic principles to elect president and the assemblies, as it
showed no importance in democratic process.
The constitution of 1962 remained in force till 1969 till the system
fell in anarchy and consequently martial law and enforced again and
the assemblies were dismissed.


Following were the reasons of the failure of this constitution.

1. The most important objection on this constitution was about its

democratic status as it was not prepared by elected assemblies and
was imposed by the will of a single person.
2. The people had a strong objection against the method of Electioneering
as they were nor given the right of electing their representatives in
assemblies directly. They could elect only the members of the basic
democracies who had to elect assemblies and the president further.
People started feeling, due to this situation, that they did not have any
say in the political process and this gave the people and the
government was no more there.
3. The president Ayub Khan, in his opinion had confirmed the continuity
of his power firmly. But when he tried to grab almost hundred percent
powers to become a dictator by all means, the people stood up against
him, and started opposing him openly.
- 119 -

4. At this stage unjustified emergency was imposed. People’s anger and

hatred increased due to this injustice.
5. Constitution was rigorously amended according to the will of the
political party (founded by the president himself) in power. All legal
drafts were prepared and approved it and the people’s opinion was
completely ignored.
6. Apparently the provinces were given autonomy (well stated in the
constitution) but in practice, all powers were in the hands of the center
and used by a single person. So much so, that the provincial
governments, even, could not solve the local problems without center’s
7. President Ayub Khan was personally involved in the people rigging
through procedure and the Tashqand Declaration became the
immediate cause of unrest and a countrywide movement started
against the government. People got against the president and started
rioting openly. So the president Ayub resigned under the people’s
pressure and breaking the self-made constitution, handed the power
over to his subordinate Gen. Yahya Khan. So the control of the
government, once again, went into the hands of military. A new
martial law was imposed on March 25, 1969 and Gen. Yahya Khan
took over the power as a Martial Law Administrator.

Gen. Yahya Khan announced immediate elections, after coming in to

power, so that the democracy is revived and the power is
transferred / handed over to the peoples representatives. Political
activities were allowed for general elections and the One Unit was
dissolved after announcing the general elections. October 5, 1970
was declared as general elections day. The Political process started
in the country after this announcement. All the parties presented
their respective manifestoes before the people but inspte of all
positive preparations, the Elections could not be held as per
schedule because of severe floods in the East Pakistan and the same
could be held on December 7, 1970. Resultant to these elections
Peoples Party won majority in West Pakistan while Sheikh Mujeeb-
ur –Rehman’s Awami League won overwhelming majority in
the East Pakistan. (This was so because of the boycott of the largest
political party in Pakistan, which was Mualana Bhashani’s National
Awami Party). As it has already been expressed that in he past
governments stressed upon the provincial autonomy and equality
but this approach remained limited only to the slogans written in
manifestoes but ignored completely while their attempts for the
- 120 -

continuity of their power. The need of resolving petty differences

among the province was completely ignored. The lack of attention
to the provincial issues the people of the provinces felt deprived.
More over some group’s started stressing upon language and racial
integrity as compared to the national interests. This situation
strengthened provincial prejudices. The most of the effect provinces
was East Pakistan. The Eastern and Western flanks of the country
were almost 1500 km apart from each other (separated by a dead
enemy country which was more than vigilant to exploit any of the
weaknesses in the mutual relations steps of both the wings) while
the Capital and the government offices were located in the Western
Wing. So the East Pakistani people starting feeling inferior. When
in this situation, the elections were announced, Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-
Rehman could exploit it fully. He started announcing publically
that the West Pakistan was exploiting East Pakistan. Actually Sheik
Mujeeb-ur-Rehman was backed be India and other anti-Pakistan
powers and he had a hidden objective of braking Pakistan. He was
right from the beginning, trying to create a situation, which could
help him in highlighting the possibilities of creating Bengladesh.
He began to mislead Bengalis by developing hatred in their minds
against West Pakistan. Bengalis were unduly influenced be this
propaganda. This resulted in the sweeping success of Awami
League in the East Pakistan. After winning the election (and of
course before the transfer of power) he addressed a huge crowd at
Race Course Ground Dhaka, and presented his 6 points, included
i8n it was the point of provincial autonomy. Actually it was
Mujeeb’s treacherous game, which was covered with the famous 6
points. From the West Pakistan Zulfiqar-Ali-Bhutto demanded a
mutual settlement on the basic constitutional issues, before the
session of newly elected assemblies. He also demanded a share in
power (as being the most successful party of the West Pakistan).
Talks, for the required settlement, were held between Bhutto and
Mujeeb but remained fruitless. Hence the formulation of an
acceptable constitution became more problematic. The assembly,
according to the legal framework given be Yahya Khan, when no
compromise could be actualized between Bhutto and Mujeeb,
Yahya Khan postponed the assembly session. This was strongly
reacted in East Pakistan and the disturbances encircled the whole
province. The Awami league workers and notorious Mukti Bahini
activists started murdering non-Bengali people living in the
province. Government property was damaged and the life and
honor of none was safe. Law was violated as a routine and hurdles
were created in its execution. And Bangladesh flags were hoisted
- 121 -

here and there. At least Pakistan Army was given power to control
the law and order situation. India started giving statement, which
could instigate Bengali people against Pakistan Army. These
statements interpreted the feeling that Pakistan army was imposing
atrocities on armless people of the province. When the whole
situation went out of control, Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman was
arrested. As India was a big associate with Mujeeb-ur-Rehman in
the intrigue so they lamented a lot on Mujib’s arrest. They
patronized their agents fleeing from East Pakistan and presented
and strengthen their propaganda on this basis. When Indians felt
their failure in propaganda campaign, they attacked East Pakistan.
Pakistan Army fought bravely and laid their lives for the integrity
of their homeland. If they could be allowed to continue fighting
they might have defeated their enemies but due to wrong
government policies and unqualified leadership forced them to
surrender. Consequently, East Pakistan got secession from the
greater Pakistan and called Bengladesh later. This happened
because of the treasury of Awami League associated with Indian
aggression. This was the most painful incident for true Pakistanis
irrespective of their devilling in East or West Pakistan. This also
brought Yahya’s power to an end. He handed the powers over to
the majority party leader of the rest of the country Mr. Bhutto and
resigned from the post. Mr. Bhutto took over initially as a first (and
perhaps the last) civil martial law administrator and president of


1. Write a note on the Objectives Resolution of 1940?

2. Was the dismissed of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din’s government legal or
illegal? Explain.
3. What was the legal position of the dissolution Order of the first
legislative Assembly?
4. Express salient features of the constitutions of 1956 and 1962?
5. What were the causes of the failure of the constitutions of 1965 and
6. Give a detailed account of the Elections-1970 and the Secession of East

7. Fill in the blanks of the following statements.

- 122 -

a. The Objectives Resolution was presented in the legislative

assembly by the Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan which was approved
b. The government of khawaja Nazimi-ud-Din was dismissed be
Governor General __________ on April 6, _________.
c. The unit was announced on __________.
d. One Unit was announced on __________.
e. Under the constitution of 1956 the name _____________ was given
to the country.
f. ______________ Imposed Martial Law in the country on
October 7,1957.
g. The first country on October 7, 1958 General Elections were held on




The members of the National Assembly of West Pakistan, afterwards

called Pakistan, constituted a committee on April 17,1972 to restart the
constitutional development process. The committee prepared a draft of the
- 123 -

constitution and put it to the assembly on February 2, 1972, which came under
thorough discussion and was finally approved by the assembly April 14, 1972
and was enforced by the President on August 14, 1972.
Following are the salient features of this constitution:


The official religion of the state under this constitution was

declared Islam and was ensured that all legislation will be done in the
light of Quran and Sunnah. For this purpose, Islamic advisory commission
was constituted to guide the government and the legislative assembly so
as to transform the lives of the Muslims of Pakistan according to the
Islamic teachings. The President/Prime Minister of the state would
compulsorily be a Muslim. This was also added in the constitution that
government would be responsible for compulsory teaching of Quran and
Islamic studies and will ensure correct printing and publication of the
Holy Quran.


The constitution declared Pakistan as a Federation. In the

constitution, two different lists of the subjects on which legislation will be
required are given out of which one is federal and the second one is
associated list of subjects. National Assembly, in the constitution, has been
given a right of legislation on any of the subjects given in the federal list.
On the subjects of the associated list, both National and Provincial
Assemblies can legislate but if any regulation approved by the provincial
assembly, contradicts with that of National Assembly, the National
Assembly regulation will have supremacy. However, on the subject, not
given in either of the Federal and associated list, only the provincial
assemblies can legislate.
Another characteristic of the Federal type of government is that the
Federal legislative consists of two houses, i.e. National Assembly and the


The subjects given in the Federal list are of National interests, while
in the provincial matters, provinces enjoy full autonomy. All the provinces
participate in the Federal matters (through the equally represented
Senate). The federal constitution of 1973 A.D; constitutes a council of
common interests, equally represented by the Provinces. This council
formulates policies about federal subjects such as Railways etc. there is a
- 124 -

National Finance Commission as an organ of the Federal Government

which recommends the distribution of the texes among provinces.
Another council exists in this constitution and it is National Economic
Council under the direct chair of the Prime Minister. This council looks
after the economic status of the country and guides federal and provincial
governments for the planning in the economic, social, financial and trade
areas. Due to these steps, the provinces, now, are in the better position to
enjoy maximum autonomy.


According to the constitution 1973, the government is of

Parliamentary type in which the President is just a constitutional head and
the real powers are with the Prime Minister and its cabinet. It means that
the president, in this system, is the head of state, while the Prime Minister
is the head of government. Prime Minister is elected by the Parliament
and stands, along with his Cabinet, answerable before the Parliament.


Urdu has been declared official language of the government and

the country. This would be managed to be applied as official language
within the fifteen years of the Implementation of the constitution. The
Provinces were given a power to use their regional language as a medium
of Education and its promotion through proper enactment.


In a federal government, the independence and supremacy of the

judiciary is of prime importance. This defends constitution and
fundamental rights of people. The judiciary system and its functions are
properly defined in this constitution and through it judges are given the
security of job and person, which their duties demand, for impartial


Fundamental rights, in fact, protect the real freedom of the people.

These are given in detail in this constitution. Slavery has been prohibited.
Individuals are given proper protection against arrest and, freedom of
movement, not only within the country but, but also through the world
and have been granted with the freedom of writing and speech and the
right of Education. It is also expressed that the laws contradictory to the
- 125 -

fundamental rights will be declared ineffective. No fundamental rights

can be withdrawn through any unconstitutional means.


Principles of the policy are for guiding the nation and to follow
those, is government’s most important duty. The policy principles
introduced in the constitution express the promotion of Islamic way of
life, elimination of language, sectarian and provincial prejudices,
protection of family life, safety of minorities, social justice and getting rid
of social evils as a government duty. According to these principles it was
government’s duty to eliminate ignorance and prostitution and promotion
of justice and technical education along with free education up to
secondary level. Moreover, it is government’s duty to full fill all the
fundamental needs of the people.


According to the constitution our national economy will neither be

imperialistic nor communist, rather it will in accordance with the ideology
of Pakistan. This is called mixed economy. Every citizen can do any
business or service provided the work is not prohibited in the national
law. Public sector will also be established along with the private section of
economy. Corporations are founded for trading and export of many
products and material. National sector industries are, gradually, being
transferred to the private sector. Privatization commission is responsible
for the transaction.


This is a written constitution containing an introductory part

consisting upon 280 articles and Six Schedules/Tables, which have been
divided into 12 parts. In these parts the powers and responsibilities of all
the three organs of the government are explained because the constitution
of a state is the protector of the people’s rights so it must not be flexible
enough to be changed rapidly. Similarly present constitution has been
majority of the National Assembly, subject to the approved of the Senate.


- 126 -

According to this constitution, the act of terminating the

constitution will be considered a serious disloyalty and the Parliament has
been given the right to punish such person.


According to this constitution, Pakistan is a Federation of four

provinces i.e. Punjab, Sindh, N.W.F.P and Baluchistan, Federal Capital
Islamabad and Federally administered areas. So there will be one Federal
and four provincial governments in it.


Government has been divided into three departments such as

Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.


The legislative has a central role in all the three organs of the
government. The most important duty of this organ is law making
(legislation) but it also performs some other duties. For example it passes
budget and discusses important issues facing the nation etc. The
legislative of Pakistan consists of two houses, lower house or the National
Assembly and the upper house or the Senate. The members of the
National Assembly are elected directly by the people while senators are
elected indirectly.


After the October 1978 amendment, the number of the parliament

has been fixed as 217, which is divided as under:

Punjab, Sindh, NWFP, Baluchistan, FANA/FATA,

115 46 26 11 8
Federal Capital Total
1 207
Minorities are given seats as under:

Christians, Hindus, Sikhs & Parsis, Qadyanis & Lahori Group, Total
4 4 1 1 10
- 127 -

The distribution of the National Assembly seats amongst provinces bases

upon their population. Voters of National Assembly are to fulfill the
following conditions:
1. Voter must be a Pakistani citizen.
2. He must be not less than 21 years.
3. His name should be included in voter’s list.
4. He should be mentally healthy.
The tenure of the national assembly has been fixed 5 years. It will
automatically be dissolved after this tenure but the president can dissolve
it even before the expiry of the tenure (on the basis of reasons prescribed
in the constitution). All decisions, in the assembly are made on the basis of
majority. The corium of the session is ¼ of the total members. The
speaker can postpone the session if the corium is less than ¼.


Speaker and Deputy Speaker preside over the session of the

National Assembly. Following are their functions:
a. To preside over the session.
b. Maintain the discipline during the proceedings of the
c. Implementation of the rules during the proceedings of the
session and to explain the rules where required.
d. In case of equal votes on issue, to use his vote as a casting
vote. His decision is considered final.
If any member wants to address the session, or to present certain draft, the
permission of the speaker is sought. In the absence of the speaker, the
Deputy Speakers has to preside over the session.


The election of Senate is indirect and the numbers of its members is

87. All provinces are equally represented in the senate. All provinces are
given 14 regular and 5 special seats of the Senate. The special seats are
filled with the religions scholars, professionals and experts of the relevant
Capital while & seats for FANA & FATA.
Senate is a permanent institution and it cannot be dissolved. The
tenure of the senators is 6 years. The tenure of half of the Senators ends
after three years and new members are elected against their seats. In seats
- 128 -

also decision are made on majority basis and the required corium like the
National Assembly is ¼ of he total members.


Senate elects Chairman and Deputy Chairman during its very first
session. This need, compulsorily, to be the senate members. Both are
elected for three years. The Chairman Senate functions in Senate as the
speaker in the National Assembly. In the absence of the president, the
Chairman acts as the President. The Senate and the National Assembly,
collectively, are called Parliament.


Parliament legislates for the country. They have to be
responsible for the welfare of the people. So while legislating, this
responsibility is to be kept in mind. Parliament has full powers to
legislate about the subjects given in the federal list. If some
regulation imposed by some province contradicts the rules of the
Parliament then the rule passed by the Parliament has a clear
Supremacy over the provincial rule.


In addition to the legislation, the Parliament also supervises

the Executive. In a parliamentary system, the Prime Minister and
his cabinet is answerable before the Parliament, So the legislators
can question the performance of the Executive during the Question
Hour. In this case the Executive has to explain its performance. The
cabinet can perform till it enjoys the confidence of the Parliament.
Otherwise they or any one (target of no-confidence) has to resign.


Parliament is also responsible to supervise financial matters

of the government. Executive presents annual budget in the
beginning of every financial year, which reflects the annual
estimates of the income and expenditure. No government can
spend even a penny without the approval of the Parliament.
Similarly the government has to seek approval from the parliament
regarding new taxes, devising principles about financial discipline
to present a balanced budget.
- 129 -


Parliament has certain judicial powers as well, such as all the

judges of the Supreme Court are appointed with parliamentary


In common practice, no low can be in forced unless it is

approved by the parliament but when the parliament is out of
session and some emergent decisions are to be made, such laws are
called emergency laws or ordinances. President can issue an
ordinance for emergent need if the parliament is out of session.
These are to be put up before the parliament to be transformed
from an ordinance to a law.


According to the constitution, the Executive consists of the

President, Prime Minister and the cabinet. The President is state
while the Prime Minister is head of the government and Executive.


According to the constitution 1973, the President is the head

of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and is a sign of
national/democratic integrity. He is compulsorily to be a Muslim
and Citizen of Pakistan. He should qualify for the membership of
the Parliament and not less than 45 years of age. President is
elected collectively by both the houses of the Parliament as well as
by the provincial assemblies. His tenure is 5 years, however, he can
resign before the completion of the tenure or otherwise can be
terminated through a special process of accountability.


Following are the powers and responsibilities of the

President, in a parliamentary system of government:
- 130 -

a). As a result of the 8th amendment, the powers of the

President and the Prime Minister have been made balanced
to much extent. The President is no more, simply a
constitutional head. Rather this post has been made active.
Now the President enjoys highest executive powers, which
he can apply in consultation with the Prime Minister and his


The President can call the session of any of the houses

of the Parliament (or both) any time. He has an authority to
address to both the houses at a time. President can dissolve
national assembly with or without the consultation of the
Prime Minister. He verifies the bill approved by the National
Assembly. However a bill converts into a law automatically
if the President cannot verify it within seven days.


When the National Assembly is out of session but

some emergent situation demands some legislation, the
president in the light of nature of affairs issues an ordinance
or ordinances, which remain effective for a period of Six
months. After this period either these ordinances are no
more effective or turn into a bill and gets approved by the
National Assembly to become a law. The assembly can
disapprove the bill, however, if finds necessary.


If the political or law an order situation in the country

demand so, and if otherwise, the integrity and freedom of
the country is under threat, the president can impose an
emergency and is bound to call a joint session of both the
houses of Parliament and put this emergency order before
them. If the Parliament does not approve it, the emergency is
automatically lifted after two months. During the emergency
period the fundamental rights of the citizens remain
suspended. If some provincial government fails to execute
- 131 -

power, and cannot be allowed to continue, the president can

impose presidential rule in the province after dissolving the
government and takes the charge of the provincial
administration himself.



According to the constitution, the president can

appoint, the Provincial Governors, Justices and Chief Justice
of Supreme Court of Pakistan, Justices and Chief Justices of
provincial High Courts, Attorney General of Pakistan,
Auditor General of Pakistan, Chief of Army Staff and
Commanders of all the three forces, Chairman of the Federal
Public Service Commission and its members, Ambassadors
to foreign countries, and the members of council of Islamic
Ideology and Common Interests. He can also decide about
the salaries, fringe benefits and other conditionalties of these
executive appointments.


As it has already been narrated that the President can

appoint Chief Justices of Supreme and High Courts, and
other judges, in consultation with the chief justices. The
President has also the powers of decreasing, increasing or
terminating the punishment given to anybody by any court.
He can seek advice of the Supreme Court about the legal
analysis of any political situation.


The President can issue any advice, which he finds

useful to the economic conditions of the country. All such
bills, which relate to amendment in the amounts of funds
released to provincial government, can be implemented only
after presidential approval.
- 132 -


According to the constitution, in a Federal System of government,

the Prime Minister is the head of Executive and holds most of the
executive powers. Before electing the Prime Minister, the national
assembly elects Speaker and Deputy Speaker during the very first session
of the first meeting and then announces a Muslim candidate for the Prime
Minister ship, and elects one of them. The leaders of the party winning
more favorable votes in assembly become Prime Minister. It is necessary
that he should win more than half of the total NA member’s votes. After
this election, the president issue formal permission to the Prime Minister
to hold the office of the head of the executive (as a prime minister). Before
this moment he takes oath before the president.


A Prime Minister is a very important executive post in the federal

System of government. Following are the powers and responsibilities of
the Prime Minister.


Ministers are members of the Parliament (any of its two houses).

Only one fourth of the ministers are taken from the Senate. Ministers
supervise the functioning of their respective deportments. It is the cabinet,
which make decisions about important national issues after an exclusive
discussion. All ministers are answerable before the Prime Ministers as
well as the legislative, for their performance. The Prime Minister has to
maintain the unity and harmony among the ministers. If some minister
disobeys the orders or the well-announced policy, the prime minister can
dismiss him from the cabinet.


The Prime Minister is the source of all the executive powers and
hence, is responsible for the discipline in the governance system of the
country. As he is taken from the National Assembly, he is the spokesman
of the whole nation. He has to apply all his capabilities to maintain law
and order in the country and should try his best to establish a welfare
society. It is also a prime ministers duty to decide about the defense of the
country or to declare war against some power. Winning the popularity of
his party among people is to be managed by the Prime Minister as a duty.
- 133 -


Being a leader of the majority party in the house, the Prime

Minister plays the role of the leader of the house. He explains
government’s policies when required or demanded by the house
and also responses to the criticism against these policies. He is
empowered to make announcement or give statements on behalf of
the government. His most important responsibility is to keep the
Party united. He is more facilitated as compared to other house
member, for speaking and making explanations in the house. The
President calls or calls off the assembly meeting in consultation
with the Prime Minister.


The Prime Minister manages the programs of legislation.

The draft of every important law is prepared by the Prime minister
and his cabined after thorough discussion. The assembly soon
approves such drafts because the Prime Minister already enjoys
majority party’s leadership.


It is government’s duty to put up a balance budget, which

gives proper relief to the majority of the people. So the Prime
Minister guides the house about al financial bills, presents or asks
the finance minister to present the annual budget in the beginning
of the financial (fiscal) year in the assembly, where it is discussed
point to point. No such financial bill or its draft can be presented in
the assembly without the permission of the government, which by
any means can influence the expenditure of the central collective


Deciding about the steps of defense or responding to war

imposed by some country is the responsibility of he Prime Minister,
for which he keeps all the three forces ready for action any time. It
is government’s duty to ensure national defense and taking steps
for the safety and integrity of the country.
- 134 -


The Prime Minister decides about various factors of Foreign

Policy and maintains or establishes good relations with other
countries. He also appoints representatives in United Nations and
other international agencies.



It is Prime Minister’s duty to develop a harmony and mutual

active coordination among the three organs of the government,
which are legislative, executive and judiciary so that their functions
cannot contradict each other. The prime minister keeps the
president updated with the latest helm of affairs of the government
functioning and keeps on advising him.


In addition to the president, Prime Minister, and the national

cabinet, makes decisions about the postings and appointments of those
officers who also come in the circle of the Executive, and who are
responsible for the execution of the government policies and programme.
They are called Civil Service Employees. The Federal Public Service
commission recommends their appointments. The formulation of the
federal public service commission has been mentioned in the article 242 of
the constitution of 1973. The President decides the number of its members
in consultation the Parliament. The Parliament has the powers to appoint
special commission for the recruitment of the employees in various
department of the Federal Government, which also decided about the
service structure and conditions of employment of such people. Federal
Public service commission holds entry tests for the whole set up of civil
service and helps the government in deciding about various service
matters of such services. The commission prepares a report every year,
which is submitted in the National Assembly through the President.
While making appointments against various executive posts, transfers and
deciding about related service matters; the government seeks advice from
the commission. Similarly the disciplinary rules of various departments
are also formatted in consultation with the commission.

- 135 -

This organ of the government enjoys very important status in the

political and social life of the nation. The performance of the government
depends upon its system of justice. The judiciary not only provides justice
to the citizens but also imposes a threat of punishment upon wrongdoers
due to which people are made bound to obey the law. The independent
judiciary only, can protect the freedom and the fundamental rights of the
people. Under the constitution, Supreme Courts serves as the Highest
Court a the Federation, while high courts as the highest court at provincial
level. The Supreme Court possesses high constitutional status in the
federation while the High Court decides provincial issues.


Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and a number of judges.

This number is decided by the parliament while the President selects the
Chief Justice and rest of the judges are posted by him in consultation with
the Chief Justice. For a judge of Supreme Court, the following
qualifications are required.

i) He must be a citizen of Pakistan having at least an

experience of 15 years as an advocate of any High Court.
ii) Or he must have at least 5 years experience as a High Court
iii) The High Court judge can serve till the age of 65 years but
he can resign even before reaching his date of super
anuation/ retirement.
iv) Decisions given by the judges are considered final and
cannot brought under discussion.


Supreme Court is the Highest Court of the Country. Its powers and
functions are as under:


The Supreme Court can hear the cases basically, which relate
to the issue between Federal and Provincial Governments or
between two Provincial Governments.


- 136 -

Supreme Court hears the petitions/appeals against the

decisions of High Courts.


If the president needs Supreme Court’s advice regarding

some matters of national importance, it provides its advice
however the president is not bound to follow the advice. Supreme
Court is an empowered institution and supervises the functioning
of the High Court. Every body is bound to accept the decisions
made by the Supreme Court which cannot be challenged however
it has itself, the powers to revise its decision{s} due to improved
information to remove the mistakes occurred by chance.


A Supreme judicial council has been formed in the constitution,

which consists of he Chief Justice of Supreme Court, two Judges of
Supreme court and two Chief Justice of High Courts.


If the President notes that a judge of Supreme Court or a High

Court, has been unable to function properly due to some physiological or
mental illness or he has committed some serious corruption, he orders the
supreme Judicial Council to prove about the facts through investigation.
Council will put up the report of his findings to the president. If the report
agrees to the fact that the said judge should not continue with his duties,
the President issues the orders about his removal from service.


According to the Constitution of 1973 (Which still exists) there are

four provincial Governments divided like the Federal Government into
three major organs, which are legislative, executive, and judiciary.


There are four provincial assemblies in the country according to the

constitution. The number of the members of the Provincial Assembles is
decided according to the population of the provinces and detailed below:
- 137 -

Province Muslim Seats Minorities Total

Punjab 240 8 248

Sindh 100 9 109
N.W.F.P 80 3 83
Baluchistan 40 3 43
People elect these members through direct elections. Its tenure is 5 years
(Elected for a five years term). However the Governor can dissolve provincial
assemblies in consultation with the Chief Minister.


Like National Assembly, provincial assemblies also elect their

Speakers, and deputy speakers during their first session of the first
meetings. Speakers play the same role as described under the functions of
the speaker of National Assembly. The powers of both are also similar.



The provincial assemblies legislate about provincial issues.

The assemblies can legislate only on the subjects given in the
supplementary list. Both the National and the provincial assemblies
can legislate about the subjects of this list but only the national
assembly can take up federal list subjects. Additionally Provincial
assemblies can legislate about all those subjects, which are given
neither in the federal list nor supplementary one. If any law
constituted at provincial level, contradicts with one made by the
National assembly, in this case, the National assembly law will
carry supremacy.


Provincial assemblies can monitor and question about the

functioning and performance of the Provincial Executive, and can
demand explanation about the Provincial Government’s
performance, policies and programs. If the Provincial assembly,
- 138 -

with simple majority shows “No confidence” against the Chief

Minister and his Provincial Cabinet, they will have to resign their


The Provincial assembly approves (or disapproves) the

budget put up by the government in the beginning of the financial
(fiscal) year. This budget shows the suggested income (including
taxes) and expenditures separately. Expenditures are given under
two heads
i) Expenditures out of collection provincial
ii) Out of other funds.
The assembly can discuss the expenditures out of collective
Provincial fund but does not have the power of voting. Assembly
can also discuss other expenditure, which are presented by the
government as financial proposal. It can plus or minus the proposal
after discussions. More over no new tax can be imposed without
the approval of the provincial assembly.


i) Assembly can change the ordinance into a law after

thorough discussion.
ii) If the assembly comes in session before the expiry of
the ordinance, it can cancel the same and legislate


The Provincial Executive consists of the Governor, Chief Minister

and the Provincial Cabinet. Governor’s powers are limited while the chief
minister enjoys full powers of the Provincial Executive.


The Governor is the head of the Province as president is the Head

of state. He is actually the representative of the President in the Province.
While the Chief Minister is the head of Provincial Government and
represents the Prime Minister in the Province.
- 139 -


Following are the powers and the functions of the Governor.

1. Governor can call an assembly session whenever he

requires, and can call the session off. He has the powers of
dissolving the assemblies in consultation with the Chief
Minister. The bill passed by the assembly is put up to the
Governor for approval, and he is bound to approve it within
seven days.
2. If the law and order situation is out of the control of the
provincial government, or there is a dead lock in the political
process and seems impossible to be resolved through
ordinary means, the President can dissolve the assembly and
takes the power over himself, on behalf of the Presidents and
makes suitable arrangements for betterment of the situation.
3. Governor can issue ordinance(s) if needed urgently and
immediately (Especially when the assembly is out of
session). This ordinance enjoys the status of law for a period
of three months. Within this period it is necessary to present
it in the assembly for consideration.


The Chief Minister is the head of the provincial executive. He is to

be an assembly member and represents the majority party of the
provincial assembly and is elected during the first meeting of the
assembly after the elections of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker. When
the Chief Minister gets elected, the Governor hands the powers over to
him. The Chief Minister can continue to be the Executive head till he
enjoys the confidence of the majority of the assembly members.


Following are the powers and the functions of the Chief Minister:

1. The Chief Minister forms his cabinet after taking oath of his
post. Cabinet members (ministers) are selected out of
provincial assembly members, who perform their duties as
advised by the Chief Minister. Generally the whole cabinet
- 140 -

works with mutual cooperation and coordination, and is

responsible and answerable before the assembly, about their
2. As a majority party leader he has also to perform as a leader
of the House. He explains the viewpoint and policies of the
government in the assembly. He is consulted before the
governor is to dissolve the assembly. Similarly calling and
calling off the meetings of the assembly is done in
consultation with the Chief Minister.
3. It is his duty to present the bill in the assembly. Financial
proposals are also prepared under is advice.
4. The Chief Minister is responsible for law and order in the
province. He develops an environment of mutual
cooperation amongst various departments. The Chief
Minster is bound to updates the Governor about his
government’s performance, and the general situation of law
and order.


Like Federal Government, the provincial government also appoints

officers to the execute responsibilities and duties in the province. The
Provincial Public Service Commission makes the selection of such officers.


According to the constitution 1973, there is a High Court in each

province, which is responsible for justice about provincial issues. High
Court consists of a Chief Justice and some judges. The president in
consultation with the Governor appoints the Chief Justice of the High
Court while the Judges are posted in consultation with the chief justice.
The president also fixes the number of judges of the High Court. The
maximum age of retirement of a High Court Judge is 62 years. To be a
judge of High Court, it is necessary for a candidate, to be of above forty
years and a citizen of Pakistan. He must possess an experience of 10 years
as a practitioner advocate of High Court or as working for ten years on a
judiciary post.


Following are the powers and functions of the High Court.

- 141 -

1. High Court possesses much power to protect fundamental

rights of the people.
2. High Court supervises the lower courts and devises rules for
their functioning. Lower courts are bound to act upon the
advice issued by the High Court.
3. High Court hears the petitions/appeals against the partial
decision of the District & Secession Courts as well as other
and criminal courts.
4. If it comes to the notice of the High Courts that some body
has been kept under unlawful custody, or the person
concerned applies about it, the High Court orders his
presence in the court or issues order about his production to
the Court, so that his case may properly be investigated.
5. High Court can take action against every such person, who,
ignoring his duties consciously, causes harm to the general

Some subordinate courts have been established in the provinces,

which include, civil, criminal and District and Sessions Courts.


Q1. Express important features of the constitution 1973?

Q2. What are the powers and functions of the Parliament in
Q3. Analyze the election & powers of the President of Pakistan?
Q4. Describe the election, powers and functions of the Prime
Q5. Supreme Court is the Highest Court in Pakistan? Explain.
Q.6 Discuss the duties of Provincial Chief Ministers?
Q7. What are the Power & functions of the Provincial Assembly?

Q8. Tick the Correct Sentence.

i) There are 87 Members of Senate.

ii) Muslim seats in Punjab Assembly are 132.
iii) The President is elected for tenure of 5 years.
iv) The Chief Minister of the Province needs compulsorily be
the provincial assembly member.

Q9. Fill in the blanks with correct words.

- 142 -

i). According to the 1973 constitution, there exists________

system of government in Pakistan.
ii) The Number of National Assembly members is ________
iii) The number of the members of Senate is __________ (87/63).
v) Governor is the head of the Province who is posted for a
period of ________ years (5/6).
vi) The Supreme Court Judge retires at the age of ________
years while the High Court Judge retires at the age of
_______ years. (65/62 and 60/70).





The institution of local governments in Pakistan has passed

through certain stages and periods. The history of the local government
and executive is long in South Asia. In the ancient South Asia, the Village
- 143 -

Headquarter used to be the center of executive, and was responsible for

managing the social and economical progress. Basically this region was a
rural area. For centuries, in this region, the life mostly remained based on
agriculture, and the village punchoit was the most important political
The act of Local Government was issued by the Viceroy of India
Lord Rippon in 1882. That was called Local Government Act-1882. In this
act, basic principles for the local government were given. According to
this act, there were two major functions of the local governments.
1. A means of extending Executive powers to the local population and
dissolution of financial issues.
2. Establishment of the educational and political set up through which
the solution of increasing problems could be sought.
He also recommended the representation of the local government into the
central government of India under British Crown. Rippon’s resolution could
not be implemented fully because his proposal of political training was
hurdled by the beaurocracy. A few years later, in 1909, the Royal
Commission made it clear about the decentralization, that the national
institutions were to be developed democratically. According to the Indian
Governments Act 1919, the department of the local governments was counted
in transferred departments and their functioning was given to the Elected
Minister. This provided, Indians, a chance to experience self-government. The
concept, of the self-government seams to be very old in South Asia. Its nature
however, went on changing with the passage of time.
Pakistan came into existence in 1947 after the partition of the
subcontinent. Right from its very emergence, a situation/state of uncertainty
was created blended with some social, political and economical complication.
There was chaos through out the country. So the institution of the local
government also became complicated. Although there existed Punchoit
System, Local Boards, and District Councils in the rural areas while,
Municipal Committees and Municipal Corporations existed in the Urban
areas, but due to political instability central and provincial governments
could not spare time to attend to the emergent issues of the local government
system. After all, some social experiment was carried out, in the rural areas,
about the social and economical progress of the local people.
Under this programme, a member of a village used to carryout activities
as a chairman of 5 rural units. This institution could play a vital role in the
rural development. But this program was closed on the stoppage of foreign
aid. During the period from 1951 to 1958, Pakistan suffered serious political
unrest and crisis. The governments were changed with shorter frequency.
Which caused hurdles in social and cultural uplift. And consequently, the
institution of the local government suffered more instability and uncertainty.
After 1958, coming into power through martial law, General Ayub Khan,
- 144 -

founded a quite new system, called basic democracies. This helped in

establishing, on one side, a strong presidential government and on the other
hand introduced a new local government system under the name “Basic
Basic Democracies had two-fold functions. On one side it was a
management structure, which performed certain duties form lower to higher
level. Ayub Khan introduced Union Councils in Villages, (rural areas), Union
Committees in small urban units and town committees in towns. On higher
level, Tehsil Councils and District Council were introduced. The local
government program introduced by General Ayub Khan, proved much
successful in the context of the progress of the country. But he had to resign
from President ship due to the failure of his political programs. Yehya Khan
could not spare any time for the basic democracy or local government
programme as he was stuck up in the crisis of national politics. Mr. Bhutto
also suffered national political complications although he was very serious
about development and welfare of rural population. He simply dropped the
basic democracies programme. Although under the constitution of 1973, the
Bhutto Government promoted this system through local government
ordinance 1973, anew, but it could not succeed. The Bhutto government was
dismissed unlawfully in 1977. General Zia-ul-Haque, like General Ayub
Khan, felt the significance of basic democracies to prolong his power and
gave many ordinances, orders and martial-law regulations regarding self help
programs for rural development.


1973 - 1979 AD

1. Rural Council 2. Circle Council

3. People’s District Council 4. People’s Municipal Corporations
5. People’s Municipal Committees 6. People’s Town Committees
7. People’s Ward Committees.

The government of Pakistan formulated laws about local

governments in 1979, which are as under:

1. Punjab Local Government Ordinance 1979.

2. NWFP Local Government Ordinance 1979.
3. Sindh Local Government Ordinance 1979.
4. Baluchistan Local Government ordinance 1979.
5. Federal Capital Areas Local Government ordinance 1979.
6. Northern Area Local Government Ordinance 1979.
7. Azad Jammu & Kashmir Local Government Ordinance 1979.
8. FATA Local Government Ordinance 1979.
- 145 -

9. Cantonment Act 1924.

The laws of local government are equal for rural and urban areas,
so that a harmony between rural and urben areas can be ensured and the
interpretation of law remains simpler. In the local councils, farmers,
laborers, women and minorities were given representation. All local
councils elect their chairman internally, and approve budgets and
proposals for taxes.


Government has divided local government institutions into rural

and urban as under.


a) Union Council:

Union Council is established in a Village of the

population of 2000 people. Seven members, out of the local
population of this unit, are elected as representatives, who
are called councilors. 9 members are elected in case of the
population of 3000 people. Similarly the Union Council of
the population of 5000 people consists of 11 members. Rural
councilors elect one of the members as a Chairman.


A teshil or Taaluqa Council (Sindh) covers the area of

many village or union councils. The member of the members
is equal of the member of the Union Councils constituting
this Tehsil/Taaluqa Council. The chairmen of the union
councils are the members of Tehsil/Taaluqa Council, who
elect a Tehsil Council Chairman, out of themselves.


The rural areas of a district, except urban areas, are

included in District Council. The number of the members of
a District council is according to the councils in it. The
chairmen of Tehsil Councils are the members of the District
Council who elect their chairman and vice chairman.
- 146 -



Urban population has been divided into town

committees. The distribution of the population in accordance
with the number of the members is similar to rural councils.

Municipal Committee is constituent of many words
or mohallas of a town. There are 15 members of the
municipal committees in case of population up to 20
thousands. It becomes 20, if the population increases.
Afterward, for every one hundred thousand people, the
number of representatives increases by 15, which can be 60
maximum. These members elect a chairman of the municipal


Municipal Corporation is formed in large cities of huge

population. This consists of many municipal committees. The provincial
government fixes the number of its members.
1. Equal to one third of the union council members are farmers,
laborers and artisans.
2. In Tehsil Council, farmers, artisans, laborers and women are
given additional representation in Tehsil Councils.
3. In district councils and Municipal Corporation, farmers,
laborers and women are given 5% more representation.
In local government, the voting age is 21 years for all men and
women provided their name is entered in the voters’ list of the ward
where they want to poll. For contestants the age limit is also 21 years.
The chairman of a union council, town committee and a Tehsil
Council are honorary while those of District Council, Municipal
Committee and Municipal Corporation are full timers and draw salaries.
Every chairman is answerable before its institution’s members. If 2/3 of
the members of a committee, council or corporation pass a vote of no
confidence against the chairman, he seizes to be in office anymore.


- 147 -

Urban Areas Rural Areas

Town Municipal Union Tehsil District

Committee Corporation Council Council Council
(Big City)

Municipal Metropolitan
Committee Corporation
[City or Town] (Karachi)
All the three institutions
Have equally powerful

Lahore, Rawalpindi,
Multan, Faisalabad,
Hyderabad, Sukkar,
Sargodha, Sialkote, Important
Gujranwala,Peshawar, Duties responsibility of
Quetta small project
Such as: Such as:
Roads, Hospitals, Hospitals, katcha Roads,
Educational institutions Community Centers etc.



Union Council works as a rural Punchayat, which resolves minor

disputes of the people and maintains social justice and peace. Union
Councils do have some judiciary powers, through which, they can
- 148 -

penalize the criminals of lower level and impose fine upon them,
Moreover, and these Councils have to perform all functions, assigned by
the District Councils.


Tehsil/Taaluqa Councils works under the advice of District.

Council. They can organize rural union force for the protection of people.
They can also establish centers for training of Civil Defense and using
simple arms. Arrangement of drinking and washing water with the help
of wells, ponds, etc, is the responsibility of the Tehsil Council. More over
they have to maintain the streetlight, record of death and births, and
cooperating with police to arrest criminals. Tehsil Councils have also to
cooperate with the health deportment regarding epidemic control, and
establishing hospitals and maternity homes, parks for the recreation of the
people, sports arrangements, reading rooms and libraries, looking after
primary schools of the area, establishing centers for adult literacy,
managing agricultural model farms, and promoting the movement of
mutual cooperation are also amongst the responsibilities of the Tehsil


Health and education, social welfare activities & programs, such as

construction, agricultural development, food supplies, drinking water
supply, sanitation and drainage, establishing dairy farms, cattle farming,
forestry, poultry farming, arranging industrial fairs and exhibitions etc,
are the responsibilities of the District Council. The duties specified for
other municipal institutions are also included in it.


Town committee is given the task of social welfare of the wards

within the committee; the members of town committees also work to the
pattern of “ Punchoit”, and settle the disputes among the people. It also
executes the assignments given by the municipal committee. Town
committee can also execute judiciary powers to a certain limit.

- 149 -

The compulsory and optional duties of the Municipal Committee

resemble those of the town committee. It has to manage the following:
i) Construction and look after of the roads within municipal
ii) Management of permanent and temporary markets.
iii) Protection of land and buildings
iv) Provision of water for drinking and other purposes.
v) Supervision of slaughterhouses.
vi) Arranging street light and light for other public places.
vii) Recording deaths and births.
viii) Protecting graveyards.
ix) Decorating and maintaining recreation points.
x) Supervision and look after of Educational Institutions.
xi) Promoting Culture and Civilization.
xii) Eradicating and preventing diseases.
xiii) Supervising octroy posts.
Municipal Committee can also maintain a Municipal police Force.


Municipal Corporation, being a big organization, is divided into

many municipal committees. These committees have to take up the
construction work, maintaining and developing new public parks and
water works etc. Similarly Public Health Committee has to supervise the
works related health and hygiene. Market Committee looks after markets
and bazaars with in the municipal limits.


The expenditures of the rural and urben local government institutions are
met through the following taxes:
1. Octroy duty on various goods coming to town or councils
limits for trade.
2. Sales tax imposed on shops.
3. Tex on shops and residential buildings.
4. Sales and purchases of property.
5. Vehicle registration fee.
6. Sales and purchases of animals in markets and temporary
7. Tex on recreation points. (Cinema etc)
8. Tax on exhibitions and temporary trader bazaars.
9. Tax on the building plan approvals.
- 150 -

10. Tangos, Rickshaws, carts, carriages, bullock’s carts

registration tax.
11. Taxes/toll on bridges.
12. Income from the property of the Organization.
13. Income from trees and grass (used as fodder).
14. Water tax.
15. Income from selling the garbage as a fertilizer.
16. Taxes on special occupations (such as medical Practice etc).
17. Taxes /tall/rent of slaughterhouses.
18. Various types of fines.
19. Grants issued by the government.


The funds generated through the means mentioned above are spent
on the following.

1. Salary of the employees.

2. Repair and fresh construction of roads, buildings streets and
drainage system etc.
3. Street lighting and electrification of public places.
4. Spending upon poor houses.
5. Expenditure on the maintenance of recreation points.
6. Developing and maintaining “ Reading Rooms”.
7. Installation and maintenance of Tube Wells.
8. Maintaining Fire Brigade.
9. Construction and maintenances of pools, ponds and wells.
10. Managing exhibitions and temporary bazaars.
11. Expenditure on maintaining and developing municipal
12. Awarding scholarships to outstanding and needy students.


1. Due to this system, the local management becomes easy and

realistic, and the government burden is released to much
2. People full fill their moral, social and political
responsibilities and their management capabilities are
3. People get political awareness and they can play their role
effectively in self-help programs.
4. The sentiments of social service are developed and satisfied.
- 151 -

5. A working coordination, collaboration and cooperation are

developed among government and local organizations.
6. The Democratic attitude is developed among people.


A coordination committee has been constituted in every district,

which consists of Chairman Municipal Committee and District heads of
various departments. The Chairman of the District Council is the
chairman of this committee. In the meetings of the coordination
committee, the members of provincial assemblies (MPAs) and the
members of National Assemblies (MNAs) also participate (in general).
Their participation in this committee makes them aware of the problems
and progress of their constituencies regarding various development
programs underway there. The main objective of the coordination
committees is to develop a harmony among various government and local
organizations and departments. It also manages successful and foolproof
execution of the development activities running in the district.


Q1. Discuss the evolution of local Governments in South Asia?

Q2. Explain the local government ordinance-1979?
Q3. What are the functions of local government institutions?
Q4. What are the objectives and benefits of local governments?

Q5. Fill in the blanks of the following statements.

a) ___________ was the founder of local government in

South Asia.
b) Local governments were started by __________ in
c) Local governments were ended by __________ in
d) _________ issued local government ordinance 1979.
e) In the system of basic democracies, the election of the
president was ___________.
- 152 -



According to the statement of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali

Jinnah, our relation with the external world bases on friendship and
Goodwill. We do not have any aggressive designs against any state,
because we believe in honesty and justice regarding international relations
and are well prepared for cooperation in and support of international
- 153 -

efforts for global peace and prosperity. Pakistan will leave no stone
unturned to help the oppressed and deprived people of the world and
will always cooperate with the United Nations for such programs.
Every country, duly designs its foreign policy to develop and
maintain healthy relations with other countries. Before designing and
formulating such policies, national objectives are determined, which are
constantly and compulsorily considered while making any advances in
the relationship with certain country or group of countries. The foreign
policy of a country reflects its ideological basis as well as economic and
strategic interests. National interests are given the top most priority while
designing foreign policy. Pakistan has four closest neighbors. These are
India, China, Afghanistan and Iran. Pakistan is an Islamic state so its
relations with the Muslim Countries are of much importance. The basic
principles of the foreign policy of Pakistan are as under due to specific
1. Promoting peace and protection in South Asia and developing
good relations with immediate neighbors.
2. Improving constantly the relations with all countries.
3. Acting upon the charter of the United Nations.
4. Promoting an environment of international peace and mutual
5. Attempting to promote just international economic system in which
rich and technically advanced countries cannot exploit poor and
developing countries.



The mutual relations between India and Pakistan have, right from
the very beginning, been tensed. Pakistan emerged on the basis of two
nations theory considering Muslims of the Sub continent as quite a
separate nation. India refused to consider then as a separate nation and
still insists on its decision. It has always been very important for
Pakistan to protect itself against Indian aggression. After Pakistan’s
unpreventable emergence, India started raising hurdles in its way.
India forced millions of people to leave their property and to migrate
to Pakistan which created huge settlement problem for the new born
country and it remained till long an economic problem for it.
Kashmir is the most basic and sensitive issue between Pakistan and
India, which is actually an economic, religions, linguistic and cultural
part of Pakistan but is occupied by India on the basis of force and
aggression. At the time of the partition of India, lord Radcliff,
- 154 -

chairman of boundary commission was heavily bribed by India

through lord Mountbatten the last viceroy of India and handed
District. Gurdaspur to India despite of its 90% Muslim Population.
This provided India with a route to Kashmir directly. India got
Kashmir annexed with it through the Hindu Maharaja on the
recommendation of Mountbatten. Due to this Indian aggression a war
broke up between Indian Army and Kashmiri Mujahidin in 1948. India
put this issue up to the Security Council of the United States on seeing
the occupation of whole Kashmir a hard task. The Security Council
managed ceasefire on January 1, 1949 and passed a resolution of
plebiscite in the Valley. But India itself deviated from this decision and
is still deviant. Pakistan and India have already fought three wears on
Kashmir issue. Nowadays Kashmiri Mujahidin are at war with India.
India has deplied about .7 million of its solders in Kashmir and had
deprived Kashmiris of their basic right of self-determination, and also
has plans for holding river water by constructing dams or other means,
so as to push Pakistan towards economic disaster by converting the
fertile Pakistani lands into barren. But due to the intervention of the
World Bank, an agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in
1960, which has been recorded, as “Indus Basin Treaty” Hence this
issue of canal water was resolved peacefully. But after Elections of
1970 A.D, Indian started interfering the Pakistan’s internal affairs. It
mislead Bengali people first, and then forced them to take refuge India.
Consequently India well propagated the issue and received huge
foreign aid in foreign exchange, in the name of Bengali Muslims. After
some days, observing Pakistan’s uncertain situation India attacked
East Pakistan. In this way India committed aggression against
Pakistan’s internal affairs. USSR supplied arms to India is very heavy
volume and imposed embargo on East Pakistan and consequently East
Pakistan got separated from Pakistan as Bangladesh.
After that a pact was signed between both the countries in 1972 A.
D. which was latter called Tashkant Agreement. Both countries
promised in this agreement that they will resolve all disputes
including Kashmir issue, through peaceful means. But India did not
consider this sentiment of Pakistan and is occupant of Kashmir even
till today. The peace in South Asia, no doubt, depends upon the
peaceful solution of the Kashmir Issue, which India is constantly


Peoples Republic of China is another big neighbor of Pakistan.

Pakistan had accepted China only a couple of months after its freedom.
- 155 -

Pak-China friendship went on increasing constantly after 1953 both

politically and trade wise. China has proved its friendship to Pakistan
through thick and then. In 1961, General Muhammad Ayub Khan,
President of Pakistan, after India’s aggression and USA’s cold shoulder,
modified his foreign policy. The objective of this modification was also to
get closer to the socialist countries in spite of some international defense
pacts with western powers. Pakistan and China signed a boundary
agreement in 1963 due to which their relation’s got closer. China till today
is providing industrial and technical assistance to Pakistan. General
Muhammad Ayub Khan, president of Pakistan made a historical visit to
China in 1964. China has always favored Pakistan on Kashmir issue on all
international forms.
US became impartial and stopped military support committed to
Pakistan during 1965 war between India and Pakistan, but China
provided military and financial support to Pakistan at this crucial
moment. China also provided technical and financial help to Pakistan in
the field of industrial development. The best examples of this support are
Texila Heavy Mechanical Complex and Machine Tool Factory of Landhi
Karachi. Both countries have been connected through the famous
international road called “Silk Rout” or the “KaraKuram Highway” This is
an open proof of the Pak-China friendship. Both countries are also linked
through airways. Pakistan constantly favored China regarding its UN
membership till in 1971 A.D; when China got this membership. Pakistan
also played on effective role in bringing China and USA closer to each
other. The increasing trade relation between China and Pakistan are an
open sign of their dependable friendship. The progress, which China has
made in the areas of Economic, Industrial and Technical field has proved
to be much beneficial for Pakistan’s progress. The economic, political,
trade, industrial and technical relations of Pakistan and China are getting
stronger and stronger every day.


Pakistan and Iran enjoy historical racial, religions, geographical and

cultural relation’s since centuries. R.C.D (Rural Cooperation for
Development) still exists known, now as E.C.O (Economic Cooperation
Organization). This has brought both the countries even closer and both
are enjoying brotherly relations. Both respect territories and integrity of
each other. Pakistan appreciates much, how Iran helped it during 1965
war. Both countries have been members of Baghdad pact, which latter
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turned into CENTO. Both countries cooperate each other economically

trade wise and in education extension in the area of technology.
The King of Iran (at that time) was the first head of State who,
Officially, visited Pakistan. He remained well-wisher for the integrity and
the prosperity of Pakistan. A common ministerial commission exists to
take care of common interests of both the countries. Iran extended a loan
of 580 million dollars to Pakistan for meeting the needs of internal
development and external payments. These two countries have presented
and still, are a good example of neighborly relationships regarding
regional cooperation. This is a happy result of such cooperation that both
are moving fast on the track progress and prosperity. Iran possesses
mineral oil wealth on the basis of which it tries constantly to reduce the
economic burden of Pakistan. Pakistan has highly skilled manpower in
abundance. This power blended with Irani wealth can play an effective
role in economic development and progress of both the countries.
Pakistan is also a great well-wisher of Iran and wants to see it prosperous.
Both countries have come even closer after Islamic revolution of
Iran and they are cooperating in all the developments and progress more


Afghanistan, like Iran, is another neighboring Muslim country. In

addition to their Muslim identity, Pakistan & Afghanistan enjoy common
religious, cultural, racial and historical background and relationship based
on these links. Due to the misguiding effect of India on Afghanistan, it
opposed Pakistan’s inclusion in UN and also refused to accept Duerand
line (a defined boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan) and
continued propagating Pakhtoonistan by different means but Pakistan
took it very patiently only because of the commonality of Islam and
neighborhood. Pakistan had extended (right from the very beginning
trade facilities to Afghanistan who’s maximum trade was done through
Pakistan, specially through Karachi Port and this is because of the
brotherly religious relations between both the countries.
In 1959, the diplomatic relationships between Afghanistan and
Pakistan got suspended, which were revived the same year on the basis of
approbation sentiments. During 1965 war between India and Pakistan,
Afghanistan announced to remain impractical on the issue of Kashmir
between both fighting countries, and proved this impartiality throughout
the war period.
A military revolution took place in Afghanistan in 1972. The leader
of this revolution was Sardar Dawood Khan, the brother in law of the king
Zahir Shah. He captured the power through army and declared the
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country as a democratic state, ending the kingdom. He energized the

Paktoonistan propaganda and declared Pakistan as the only country
having political dispute with Afghanistan.
Pakistan tried its best to keep friendly relations with Afghanistan
without any monitory gain. Rather Afghanistan is the sole beneficiary of
this facility. These facilities have been extended by Pakistan, based simply
upon its goodwill sentiments. Afghanistan is a landlocked country and
needs Pakistan’s constant help for trading through sea routs. Pakistan is
determined to continue its help to Afghanistan in this regard, in future
In 1976, Prime Minister Z.A Bhutto visited Afghanistan and
expressed the utility of the cordial relation of the two countries. Sardar
Dowood, the President of Afghan visited Pakistan the same year. These
mutual visits resulted in an agreement between two countries about
mutual respect of solidarity and not interfering in each other’s internal
affairs. But another insurgency irrupted in Afghanistan according to
which Sardar Dowood was killed with his family members.
After this move, the socialist minded Noor Muhammad Taraki
became President of Afghanistan backed by the USSR who appointed
many military units and technical personal in this country on the name of
technical assistance. Through an other revolt in September 16, 1979,
Hafeezullah Amin because President of Afghanis and occupied the post of
Prime Minister as well. But he, too, could not achieve the blessings of
USSR and was murdered on December 2, 1979, and Babrak Karmal,
another USSR recommended person, was given powers as President. He
was in Russia at that time and his message was broadcasted from Radio
Moscow. This was how USSR committed aggression upon an impartial
Muslim Country.
In December 1947 USSR armed forces entered Kabul and Joined
Najibullah to fight against Mujahidin. Babrak Karmal was removed from
power on May 4, 1986, replaced by Dr. Najib Ullah. Finally according to
an agreement signed between Afghanistan and Pakistan in Geneva, USSR
forces left Afghan territories. But very unluckily mujahidin are still
fighting with each other. There is no peace is Afghanistan. Pakistan has
already accommodated 3 million Afghan refuges, and is trying its best to
bring peace to this unlucky part of the world. Taliban are now, ruling
maximum part of Afghanistan. (The latest development in this respect is
apparent from what USA has done in this country, ignoring the
sentiments of the whole Muslim World)


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The independent Muslim states of Central Asia are Tajikistan,

Uzbekistan, Karghesistan, Kazakistan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.
Before independence, these were part of USSR. The whole Union of Soviet
Socialist Republic consisted upon 15 states. Due to economic crisis and
administrative weaknesses, the USSR was dissolved on December 8, 1991,
and the states became independent to decide about their political future.
The above-mentioned six Muslim states also got freedom in this process.
The Islam was introduced in the Central Asian States during
Umayyad period. Consequently Smarkant, Bukhara, Kashgar, Khutan and
Kugand are the famous cities of medieval ages, which enjoyed the status
of international centers for Islamic Culture and civilization. Many scholars
of Quranic & Hadith Education had been living in this area, who wrote
many valuable looks on these subjects. The books are becons of
knowledge for even today. Between the area, which comprises Pakistan,
now, and those of Central Asian states there had, for the centuries, been
religious, trade, cultural and racial relations. Most of the historians agree
to the point that these were the central Asians, who migrated from these
areas due to unfavorable geographical conditions and settled in the South
Asian Sub-continent specially the part, which is now Pakistan. During
Muslim period, this Central Asian region was occupied by the Turk
Muslims, who continued attacking India (North West) off and on and
established large Muslims States here. The founder of great Mughal
Regime in India, Muhammad Zaheer-ud- Din Babar was also from
Farghana (Uzbukistan).
The famous Muslim Scholars who compiled the famous
compilation of Hadith, “Sahi-Al-Bukari”, named Abu Abdullah
Muhammad Bin Ismael (Imam Bukhari), compiler of “Shamael-e-Tirmizi”
Abu Essa Muhammad Bin Essa (Imam Tirmizi), the compiler of “ Sunan-
e-Nisai”, Abdur Rehman Ahmed Bin Sheeb (Imam Nisai), and compiler of
“Suman-e-Ibne-Maja”, Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Yazid Ibu-e-Maja
(Imam-e-Maja) all were born in Central Asian Muslim states. Similarly,
some famous Muslims Scientist, such as, Abu Ali Al-Hussain Bin Sina
(Bu-Ali Sina), Mathematician & and physicist, gastronomist and historian
and Muhammad Bin Muse (Al- Khawarzmi) were also born in this region.
The famous families, such as, Afghan, Ghaznavies, Bukharis,
Chaghtaies. Durranis, Mughals, Baig, Saljukis, and Khiljis etc, living in
various parts of the subcontinent, come from this region.
In the same way, our religious thoughts, eating habits, life style,
marriages, death ceremonies and other social and cultural traditions are
much influenced by the Central Asian Muslims.
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This is why, between this region and our people, closer relations,
visits, religion, trade and cultural etc are very much common. These
relations were disturbed much by two reasons.
1. Arrival and empowerment of British in India &
2. USSR occupation of Central Asia
This made the people of both regions quite stranger. After the
freedom, these state are getting closer to Pakistan very rapidly. Mutual
embassies have been opened, and the heads of states are visiting each
other’s countries. Agreements in the fields of oil, gas, electricity,
transportation, banking industry, trade, and culture, have been and are
being signed. Delegations of journalists, travelers and traders are rapidly
being exchanged. In the mutual cooperation of Turkey and Pakistan, these
six newly freed states are being invited to join the organizations of
economic cooperation. Briefly we are getting to be related more strongly
with our northwestern Muslim states.


Pakistan had been established for the protection of the Islamic way
of life so, naturally, the foreign policy of Pakistan was founded on this
principle. One of the most important characteristics of Pakistan’s foreign
policy is to develop closer relations with the Muslim World. In all the
constitutions (three) of Pakistan, the relationship with Muslim countries
was incorporated with special emphasis. Government of Pakistan has
always tried to maintain good relations with all the Muslim countries, and
have considered Muslim World’s problems as its own and have tried its
best to solve them. Pakistan had always been trying to get them resolved.
Pakistan has always-preferred Arabs over Israel and has favored their
rights and national identity. More over it has played an important role to
strengthen the Islamic Conference and making it popular in Pakistan.


In July1964, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, with mutual agreement,

founded and organization, which was initially, called RCD (Regional
Cooperation for Development), which, now, has transformed into
Economic Cooperation. In these neighboring countries there are centuries
old relations of religion, civilization and culture. This organization has the
sole objective to extend these relations to the areas of economy, industry,
trade and education.
The basic objectives of this organization are as under:
- 160 -

1. Promoting movement of trade items, freely in these

2. Preparation and execution of joint projects for development.
3. Implementing postal and telegraphic rates in member
countries at their internal rates.
4. Linking the Chambers of Commerce and Trade of these
countries, closely, to build a joint chamber.
5. To improve means of communication and transport among
these countries.
6. Cooperating each other in the field of shipping and
establishing a Joint Shipping Company.
7. Promoting tourism facilities between the countries and
removing visa system for this purpose among member
8. Cooperating with each other in industry and technology
9. Developing close relations in the areas of Education and

This organization has constituted a regional planning council, which is

responsible to take necessary steps to develop harmony in the process of
development planning in member countries for betterment of the
transport facilities among them. To develop better transport system
among these countries the construction of a highway has been suggested.
This highway already joins Karachi to Tehran and Ankara.
In 1979, just after Islamic Revolution, Iran had to concentrate its
attention to its internal affairs, and proper attention could not be given to
this organization and this inattention continued for a few years. Iran
contacted Pakistan and Turkey in 1984 to activate this organization afresh.
Both the countries agreed to Iran’s proposal and secretary general of the
Organization, after touring the member countries contacted related
officials and after required mutual consultation, in 1985 this organization
was revitalized with a new name Economic Cooperation Organization
On February 16, 1992, two days summit conference of the member
countries held in Tehran. In this session, 4 newly freed states of Central
Asia. Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan were given
membership of this organization. One of its meetings held at Islamabad
(Pakistan) on November 1992, which extended the membership to
Afghanistan and rest of the two Central Asian Muslim states of
Kazakhstan and Kirghezistan. Now it is a Ten Member’s Organization.
Pakistan intends to develop an environment in which these ten
brotherly countries can share each other’s experience in economics,
- 161 -

industry, trade and culture. With the development of this new

relationship, the pace of economic, technical and technological
development will improve due to which the people of member countries
will be able to excel in all fields of life, and the concept of universality of
Islamic Ummah will get promoted automatically.
The Third meeting of E.C.O held on February 6, 1993 at Quetta,
Pakistan, and approved a development agenda of 29 items, which is now
known as Quetta Action Plan. In this meeting various technical
committees such as those in the fields of Trade & Commerce,
Transportation & Communication, Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Culture
and Education were constituted. These are responsible for developmental
cooperation of relevant areas. Government of Pakistan has already
extended all sorts of cooperation in this regard.


It was an old desire of the Muslim States to provide such a

platform, at which they can sit united to find out the solutions of their
collective problems, increase inter-state cooperation and devise strategies
to unite the Muslim world against common external threats. A united step
for such objectives was taken in August 1969 when the Jews put the Al-
Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem, on fire. The Arab Foreign Ministers proposed
an Islamic Summit Conference for having a common strategy on the issue.
The responsibility of making this conference feasible was assigned to the
Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia and Marrakech. They mutually
discussed the issue and constituted a seven members action committee to
hold such conference. Pakistan was also member of this committee. After
consulting all related Islamic Countries, this committee managed to hold
this Conference at Rabat, the capital of Marrakech. This is, how the
Organization of Islamic Conferences was founded. 24 Muslim countries
participated in this first Islamic Summit Conference. The issue of the
freedom of Palestine and that of Al-Aqsa Mosque were brought under
The highest-powered component of Islamic Conference is that of
Islamic Summit Meeting. Consequent upon the decision made in the
Conference of 1981. Now it will be held at a regular frequency of three
years. The second most important component of this organization is the
conference of Muslim Foreign Minister’s, which meets at least once a year.
Till the middle of 1989, Seventeen regular meetings of Foreign Minister
Conference had already been held and special and extra ordinary
meetings are in addition. The Headquarter of the Organization of Islamic
conference is situated at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which is headed by a
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Secretary General. Islamic Conference has constituted many sub-

organizations as under:
1. Islamic Development Bank.
2. International News Agency.
3. Islamic Organization of Broadcasting.
4. Organization of the Capitals of Islamic Countries.
5. Islamic Unity Fund.
6. Al-Quds Funds.
The idea of Islamic International Court of Justice is also under
The Second Islamic Summit Conference was held in 1974 at Lahore,
which was attended by 40 Delegations. This was a huge success of the
Foreign Policy of Pakistan and the credit goes to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The
Muslim World problems which were brought under discussion in this
conference, were as given below:
1. The peace problem of the Middle East especially Palestine
Liberation issue.
2. Driving Israel out from the occupied Arab areas including
3. Steps to be taken for eliminating poverty and ignorance from
the Muslim World.
4. Ending the Continuous exploitation of the Muslim World by
the Developed Countries.
5. The Need of mutual cordial relationship of the Muslim
The third summit meeting of the Islamic Organization was held in
Taif, Sandi Arabia in 1987. Thirty-Eight members and many
observers participated in this conference. At the end of the
conference a joint communiqué was issued which is called “ Makah
Declaration”. The problems faced by the Muslim World were
brought under discussion in this meeting and it was decided that
the internal problems of the Muslim World must be resolved on the
ground of justice, brotherhood and the principle of non-
interference in the internal matters of any Muslims country. It was
also decided that to meet the military and defense needs of the
Islamic World, a military wing should be added in the Secretariat
of the Islamic Conference Headquarter.
The fourth Islamic Summit Conference was held in
Marrakish at the city of Casa Blanka in which 42 members and
observers participated. In the joint communiqué issue at the end of
the conference as “ Casa Blanka Declaration”, the resolutions
passed on the issues of economic, political and defense problems,
faced by the Muslim World were covered. This conference, in one
- 163 -

of the meetings, also declared that no such solution of the Palestine

problem, would be accepted in which “ Palestine Liberation
Organization-PLO,” is not considered the sole representative of
Palestine Muslims, and the separate independent state of
Palestinians in not guaranteed. The evacuation of Russian Armies
from Afghanistan was also demanded. Iran and Iraq were
requested to stop fighting. On the Cyprus’s issue, the guarantee of
the preservation of the rights of Qabrasi Muslims was demanded.
Egypt was allowed to rejoin the conference, in this meeting.
The fifth Islamic Summit Conference was held in January
1987 in Kuwait. This conference stressed Muslim countries to
cooperate each other regarding mutual differences at international
level and should try to resolve these issues with brotherly
The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference was held in December
1991 at Dakar, the Capital of Senegal in which 45 Muslims
countries participated. Many resolutions were passed in this
conference including those on the issues of Palestine, Afghanistan
and Kashmir (Indian Occupied).
The conferences of the heads and foreign ministers of the
Muslims States have left positive impressions on the Islamic world.
. All Muslim countries have found chances to gather at one
platform and to discuss the collective problems and to promote Muslim
unity at world level. According to the resolutions passed in these
conferences, the Muslim countries, being united, are trying to overcome
the impacts of Israeli aggression, to get the Arab territories liberated,
getting the independent status of Palistine accepted internationally, and to
get right of self-determination accepted. The voice of the Muslims has
become more effective in various international institutions. In the light of
the decisions of the Islamic Summit Conference, in the areas of economics,
the countries rich of oil wealth, have started helping the poorer Muslim
countries so that the pace of progress in these countries may be enhanced.

Islamic conference also supported Pakistan’s standpoint on

the issued of civil war and Russian Invasion in Afghanistan.
Pakistan accommodated 3 million Afghan refugees in its territories
with all possible facilities on purely humanitarian ground. Round
got defeated in Afghanistan, and was dissolved in pieces, but and
was dissolved in pieces, but Mujahidin in Afghanistan are still
fighting with each other.
Pakistan is trying its best to support in maintaining peace in
Afghanistan. An emergent session of ten to Muslim Heads of states
met at Dakar on January 11,1993, in which the issue of the
- 164 -

evacuation of 4 Pakistanis, murder of Bosnian Herzegovina,

disgrace of women, genocide of Kashmir, Muslims by India and
negation of basic rights by Indian forces, were brought under
discussion. The immediate solution of these issues was stressed
upon, and a unified strategy in this regard was suggested.
Seventh Islamic summit conference was held in Casa Blanca,
the capital of Marrakesh. Many resolutions were passed in this
conference, including Kashmir and Bosnia Herzegovina issues.


Eighth Islamic Summit Conference was held in December at

Tehran, the capital of Iran, in which the heads or the representatives of 55
Muslim Countries participated. On this occasion 142 resolutions regarding
the problems of the Muslims World were passed. Tehran declaration was
also issues at the end of this conference. In which the complete support for
the right of self determination of Kashmir’s, dissolutions of an differences
and tension between Muslim countries, through dialogue and peaceful
means, establishment of common trade market of the Muslim World.
Representation of O/C, in the Security Council, prevention of Civil war in
Afghanistan forming a broad based government there, declaring Middle
East a nuclear free zone, condemning Israeli occupation in Palestine, and
preparing international statement to stop violation of the respect of the
Holy Prophet, was pressed upon.


The Second World War Broke out in 1939 A.D; in which million of
people lost their lives, and the buildings and monuments of the worth of
billions of rupees were destroyed. In this war, the humanity had to suffer
such a destruction and upheaval, that the man was bound to think
preventing war at any cost. This led the world to have such an institution,
which could work to prevent future wars. Hence, after the war had come
to an end the United Nations Organization was founded on October 24,


According to the UN charter, it has the following aims.

1. Maintaining World Peace.

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2. Developing brotherly relations among the nations of the

3. Eliminating poverty, ignorance and diseases from the world
and to work united for this purpose, respecting the integrity
of other nations.
4. Playing a central role in developing harmony among people
of the world for achieving such objectives.

It is compulsory for all member countries to respect the

independence and sovereignty of all other nations and try their best to
settle their mutual issues peacefully. They must avoid using power for
this purpose. They must also, respect and obey the UN charter.


Following are the important Organs of the United Nations.


This is the most important and effective organ of the United

Nations. This also called global parliament. All the member
countries of the UN are also members of the General Assembly.
Every country can send five of its representatives to the General
Assembly but in case of voting, they have to cast only one vote. The
meeting of the general assembly should be held at least once a year,
however, special meetings can be called. All the decisions are made
in its meetings on majority basis. Till today the number of the
members of general Assembly is 185 and its president is elected for
a period of one year only.


i. General Assembly can discuss all issues under the UN

Charter and also can, bring any issue of the world peace and
cooperation, under discussion. It can also discuss
international problems of political, economic and social
nature, and has powers to pass resolutions in this regard.
ii. The General Assembly selects the members of Security
Council (Temporary only) and Trusteeships Council. It also,
selects the judges of the International Court of Justice, in
collaboration with the Security Council
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iii. It appoints the Secretary General of he General Assembly on

the recommendation of the Security Council, and approves
the membership of new members.
iv. It prepares the annual budget of the United Nations and
supervises its financial matters.


The Security Council is the second most important organ of the

United Nations and has the status of an Executive. The number of the
Security Council members is 15 including 5 permanent (Veto Powers)
members, which include USA, Russia, UK, France and Peoples Republic
of China. Rest of the ten non-permanent members, are selected by the
Central Assembly for a period of tow years. The meeting of the security
Council and be called any time, the president of the Security Council can
remain in chair for a month only and every members has only one vote.


The most important duty of the Security Council is to maintain

peace in the world. When ever, there arises a depute between two or more
countries and can prove to be a threat to world peace the Security Council
intervenes, and force the parties to settle their issues peacefully through
dialogue. Two types of matter can be brought to the Security Council.
(1) About the general methodology (of maintaining peace
(2) Urgent Issues
The matter of the first type are decided on the basis of majority vote,
but the urgent matters after being decided on majority vote, are to be
recorded by the Veto Powers (All of them). The Security Council can use
military and economic resources for getting its decisions acted upon. This
can impose embargo or can settle the issues through UN Peace Force


The members of these councils are 54 in numbers, which, the

General Assembly selects for a period o three years. One third of the
members of this council get retired every year. This council also, decides
on the basis of majority vote. Its meetings are held thrice a year.


- 167 -

The most important function of this council is to conduct researches

about economic, social, educational and cultural issues and to put up the
report to the United Nations. It takes following steps for this purpose:
1. Taking steps about improving the life standard of the
people of the world.
2. Taking steps for eliminating joblessness and
providing job opportunities to the needy ones.
3. Developing cooperation between member countries
in the areas of education and culture.
4. Taking steps about the prosperity of the people of the
5. Try to preserve human rights without any
discrimination in the light of the world charter of
Human Rights.
6. Holding international Conferences, for achieving the
targets, had been a common practice of this council.


Its duty is to manage the system in the areas under the control of
the UN.
The members, who are responsible for the management of the areas
under UN control and those who are not responsible for that constitute
this council.
In addition to that, some members are elected for a period of three
years to bring, the number of managing trust area and those who are not
involved in such management, at par.
Trust areas are those, which have not yet been declared free and
some other countries keep those under their administrative control. It is
the responsibility of the controlling countries to promote political and
cultural activities in those areas so that those can be set free.


The Headquarter of this court is at Hague, the capital of

Holland. This court consists of judges whom, the General Assembly and
the Security Council Select jointly for a period of 9 years. Judges are
selected from the member countries. Two judges of one country cannot be
there in the court. The decisions are made on the basis of the opinion of
the majority of sitting judges. If there is a difference of opinion and
member of the judges on both sides, is equal, then the Chief Justice’s vote
serves as a casting vote. The Chief Justice is selected for a period of three
- 168 -


This is the only institution with in United Nations, whose decisions

are final and no appeal can be launched against those. Every member
country can take any of the issues to this court and all members do agree
that they will abide by the decisions of this court.
This court has the powers to decide any of the international issues,
provided these issues are put up as court cases. This court, also explains
international laws. Every organ of the United Nations can have advice
from this court. It also explains international pacts.


The secretariat has been established to monitor the functioning of

all UN offices and Sub-organizations. This consists of a secretary General
and many Deputy Secretary Generals. Mostly the secretary General is
taken from an impartial country. The Security Council and the general
Assembly, jointly select the secretary general for a period of 5 years. While
the secretary General selects rest of the staff according to the rules
constituted by the General Assembly. A Deputy Secretary General looks
after the functioning of each sub sector of the UN. The staff is selected
from all the member countries.


The most important function of the secretariat is to look after the

working of all agencies of the UN, managing its correspondence and
keeping the record of its proceedings . More over it is responsible to enter
all the pacts signed between various countries through the Security
Council, in the secretariat office


The special agencies of the UN are serving humanity at a large

scale. Some important agencies are.

ii. W.H.O
iv. IMF
v. FAO and
- 169 -

i) The W.H.O

The institution had been established in 1948. Its foremost

duty is to eradicate disease from the World and to try to improve
the mental and physiological health conditions of all individuals of
the world. It also helps the individuals and organizations of the
member countries for research and studies in medical science so the
better medical remedies are found.
It also, provides finances to the developing countries for the
training of doctors and nurses. If, unluckily, some epidemic disease
breaks out in any country, this agency helps the country in fighting
against it. It plans internationally for the eradication of various
diseases from the world, and implements the same in cooperation
with the relevant countries.
The W.H.O provides special food for making up the
deficiencies of nutrition and vitamins of the people of poor
countries. It establishes special medical centers for the children of
the third-world countries.


The most important function of the UNICEF, which was

established in December 1946, is, helping the poor and developing
countries in planning for providing better opportunities, growth
and family welfare. This institution helps the poor countries in the
planning of health, nutrition, education and family welfare. It also
helps the same in implementing such plans.

iii) UNESCO:

This institution was founded in 1946. Its most important

function is to promote international cooperating through out the
world in the areas of educational, scientific and cultural
development. This world should not only improve the general life
standard but would also increase mutual confidence and friendship
of the global comity. UNESCO also manages to establish teacher
training centers in the Third-World countries and provides extra
help in the provision of books and educational equipment and
technical support. It advises various governments how to full fill
the economic and social needs of scientific and educational
awareness. It also manages the exchange of technical experts
among various countries.
- 170 -

iv) IMF:

This institution was established in 1944. This agency

provides help and technical support in maintenance at
international level, of the foreign exchange process and mechanism.
This also supports in conversion of the currency of one country into
that of other. It is IMF’s responsibility to maintain the rates of
exchange of money from one currency into another, and providing
advice to governments in such problems.


This institution was founded in October 1945. This is

responsible for promoting mutual cooperation among member
countries, in the areas of the development of agriculture, fisheries
and forestry. It also provides financial and technical support to the
countries for this purpose. It promotes the application of modern
technology in agriculture and sends its experts to various countries
for helping in the areas of seed development, looking after the soil,
protecting crops from natural calamities and the improvement of
irrigation system. It also provides financial support in agricultural
development and preservation of food.


This bank was established in December 1945. This provides

loans and other types of financial support to the member countries
for economic growth and prosperity, to be helpful in the
improvement of deprived areas/countries. It also supports the
international investment. In addition to that, it helps the
individuals and organization on the recommendation of the
relevant governments, in the form of technical and financial


Pakistan has always given commendable and effective service

regarding the execution of various functions of the UNO. The most
important function of this organization is to keep the world peace and
save it from the destructive effects of war. Pakistan has always tried to
fight against terrorism of all types, and to practice the peace plans of the
UN, have sent its troops and supporting teams to West New Guinea,
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Ghana, Kango, Somalia and Bosnia and has also provided its share of
financial help.
Pakistan has always played its role in the committees of the various
organs of the UN. Pakistan has remained judge and the member of the
Security Council, Economic Council, Drug Control Board, Human Rights
Commission, Population Commission, Statistics Commission, FAO and
the International Court of Justice. Pakistan has, right from the outset,
opposed all sorts of colonialism, hence has supported the independence
movements of Indonesia, Libya, Tunis, Marrakesh, Al Jazzier, Somalia,
Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Brunei. Pakistan has always appreciated all
proposals of the reduction of the arms. It believes in complete bann on
nuclear testing, for the maintenance of this World Peace. It is strongly in
favor of the nuclear free South Asia. Pakistan strongly recommends the
establishment of the independent state for Palestinian Muslims in the
Middle East and has managed to make their success a reality to some
extent. It has been a strong promoter of Afro Asian Unity under the UN
charter, Pakistan is desirous of solving Kashmir Issue in the light of UN
Resolution, but the same is getting more and more sever everyday due to
the narrow mindedness of Indian Government, and is proving to be threat
to world peace. Pakistan has played an exemplary role in the agencies of
the UN.


1. Why are the relations of Pakistan and India so tense? Discuss

2. Explain Pakistan’s relations with the following countries:
a. China b. Iran c. Afghanistan
3. What are the Aims and Objectives of the United Nations?
4. When the Organization of the UN emerged in Physical Form.
Write a note on its basic (Six) organs?
5. What a role is Pakistan performing in United Nations. What has
been its continuous and constant stand on Kashmir?
6. Write brief notes on ECO and OIC?

7. Fill in the blanks of the following statements.

a. __________ is the biggest bone of contention between India and

b. __________ was the Chairman of the boundary commission
between Pakistan and India.
c. The trade between Pakistan and China is carried out through
d. The Islamic Revolution of Iran took place in the year__________.
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e. __________ was the only country which opposed the Pakistan’s

membership of UN.
f. The Russian Forces went back from Afghanistan according to
the agreement signed at__________.
g. The UN was founded at an American city of __________ on
h. The number of the permanent members of the Security Council
is __________.
i. __________ was the first country, the head of which visited
Pakistan officially.
j. There are __________ members in the international Court of

8. Tick the right and cross the wrong out of the following.

a. The Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan took place in

b. The Islamic Revolution of Iran took place in the year__________.
c. The World Bank was founded in __________.
d. Eighth Islamic summit conference was held in __________ at
Tehran, the capital of Iran.
e. The UNICEF was founded in __________.


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