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Taylor Lam

Penn Alexander School

K/1 Lessons

1.5 - Rhythmic Notation + Tempo

1. Students will sing with healthy vocal technique and posture.
2. Students will perform physical movements in a steady beat to selected songs.
3. Students will notate basic rhythmic patterns using quarter note + rest.

National Standards Addressed:

1. MU:Cr.1.1.Ka: With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic
2. MU:Cr1.1.Kb: WIth guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives)
3. MU:Pr4.2.Ka: With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music concepts in a variety
of music selected for the performance
4. MU:Re.7.2.Ka: With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept is used in music
5. MU:Cn10.0.Ka: Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and
intent when creating, performing, and responding to music

1. Class review of examples - Asking for individual volunteers to give answers
2. Teacher will observe individuals throughout the lesson and make adjustments/give reminders as

1. Piano
2. Classroom percussion
3. Projector w/ Speakers
4. “Bones” (short rhythm sticks)
Procedure - 45 minutes

Time Activity/Task Notes:

5 minutes Classroom Entrance Procedure N/A

Students should enter the classroom calmly, quietly,
and sit in their assigned spots. Students who do not
remember where they sit should sit in the center of
the carpet.

5 minutes Hello There + Who’s name is... Students should be seated

Review both songs using call/response. Discuss the on the carpet with proper
difference between high/low voice. posture.

5 minutes Don’t You Worry Bout’ A Thing (SING) + Tempo Students should keep the
Discuss the vocabulary word tempo - how fast/slow steady beat on their bodies
the steady beat is. Students should watch the video while watching the video.
and listen to see if the tempo changes slow-fast, or

5 minutes Bow-wow-wow Movement Activity N/A

Review rest and play movement game. Play once at a
slower tempo, and once at a faster. Review tempo
with students.

10 minutes Intro to Rhythmic Notation Limit examples to 4 beats.

Using whiteboard, introduce rhythmic notation for ta For a challenge, students
and rest. Write rhythms on the board, students should may perform/dictate 8
perform them using body percussion. Time permitting, beats.
students may play the rhythms using classroom
percussion as well. Introduce rhythmic dictation,
asking for volunteers to write what they hear on the

5 minutes Down by the Bay N/A

Review echo songs with students. Ask for student
leaders to sing at the microphone

5 minutes Doggy-Doggy Game N/A

Select “doggy” based on student behavior during class.
All students should be actively engaged.

5 minutes Little Ghosty + Classroom Exit Procedure N/A

Review exit procedures and sing Little Ghosty

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