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Lecture notes on ridge regression

Version 0.20, August 23, 2018.

arXiv:1509.09169v3 [stat.ME] 23 Aug 2018

Wessel N. van Wieringen1,2

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center
P.O. Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Mathematics, VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]

This document is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike li-
Mark A. van de Wiel commented on various parts of this document, thus contributing to its improvement.

This document is a collection of many well-known results on ridge regression. The current status of the
document is ‘work-in-progress’ as it is incomplete (more results from literature will be included) and
it may contain inconsistencies and errors. Hence, reading and believing at own risk. Finally, proper
reference to the original source may sometimes be lacking. This is regrettable and these references (if
ever known to the author) will be included in later versions.

1 Ridge regression 1
1.1 Linear regression 1
1.2 Ridge regression 4
1.3 Eigenvalue shrinkage 7
1.3.1 Principal components regression 9
1.4 Moments 9
1.4.1 Expectation 9
1.4.2 Variance 10
1.4.3 Mean squared error 12
1.5 Constrained estimation 14
1.6 Bayesian regression 17
1.7 Degrees of freedom 19
1.8 Efficient calculation 20
1.9 Choice of the penalty parameter 20
1.9.1 Information criterion 21
1.9.2 Cross-validation 21
1.10 Simulations 23
1.10.1 Role of the variance of the covariates 23
1.10.2 Ridge regression and collinearity 25
1.11 Illustration 27
1.11.1 MCM7 expression regulation by microRNAs 27
1.12 Conclusion 31
1.13 Exercises 32

2 Generalizing ridge regression 34

2.1 Moments 35
2.2 The Bayesian connection 36
2.3 Application 37
2.4 Generalized ridge regression 39
2.5 Conclusion 40
2.6 Exercises 40

3 Ridge logistic regression 42

3.1 Logistic regression 42
3.2 Ridge estimation 44
3.3 Moments 46
3.4 The Bayesian connection 47
3.5 Penalty parameter selection 48
3.6 Application 49
3.7 Conclusion 51
3.8 Exercises 51

4 Lasso regression 54
4.1 Uniqueness 55
4.2 Analytic solutions 57
4.3 Sparsity 60
4.3.1 Maximum number of selected covariates 63
4.4 Estimation 63
4.4.1 Quadratic programming 63
4.4.2 Iterative ridge 65
4.4.3 Gradient ascent 66
4.4.4 Coordinate descent 68
4.5 Moments 68
4.6 The Bayesian connection 69
4.7 Comparison to ridge 71
4.7.1 Linearity 71
4.7.2 Shrinkage 71
4.7.3 Simulation I: Covariate selection 72
4.7.4 Simulation II: correlated covariates 72
4.8 Exercises 73
1 Ridge regression

High-throughput techniques measure many characteristics of a single sample simultaneously. The number
of characteristics p measured may easily exceed ten thousand. In most medical studies the number of
samples n involved often falls behind the number of characteristics measured, i.e: p > n. The resulting
(n × p)-dimensional data matrix X:
   
X1,∗ X1,1 . . . X1,p
   .. 
X = (X∗,1 | . . . | X∗,p ) =  ...  =  ... ..
. . 
Xn,∗ Xn,1 . . . Xn,p

from such a study contains a larger number of covariates than samples. When p > n the data matrix X
is said to be high-dimensional.
In this chapter we adopt the traditional statistical notation of the data matrix. An alternative
notation would be X⊤ (rather than X), which is employed in the field of (statistical) bioinformatics. In
X⊤ the rows comprise the samples rather than the covariates. The case for the bioinformatics notation
stems from practical arguments. A spreadsheet is designed to have more rows than columns. In case
p > n the traditional notation yields a spreadsheet with more columns than rows. When p > 10000
the conventional display is impractical. In this chapter we stick to the conventional statistical notation
of the data matrix as all mathematical expressions involving X are then in line with those of standard
textbooks on regression.
The information contained in X is often used to explain a particular property of the samples involved.
In applications in molecular biology X may contain microRNA expression data from which the expression
levels of a gene are to be described. When the gene’s expression levels are denoted by Y = (Y1 , . . . , Yn )⊤ ,
the aim is to find the linear relation Yi = Xi,∗ β from the data at hand by means of regression analysis.
Regression is however frustrated by the high-dimensionality of X (illustrated in Section 1.2 and at the
end of Section 1.5). These notes discuss how regression may be modified to accommodate the high-
dimensionality of X. First, however, ‘standard’ linear regression is recaputilated.

1.1 Linear regression

Consider an experiment in which p characteristics of n samples are measured. The data from this
experiment are denoted X, with X as above. The matrix X is called the design matrix. Additional
information of the samples is available in the form of Y (also as above). The variable Y is generally
referred to as the response variable. The aim of regression analysis is to explain Y in terms of X through
a functional relationship like Yi = f (Xi,∗ ). When no prior knowledge on the form of f (·) is available, it
is common to assume a linear relationship between X and Y. This assumption gives rise to the linear
regression model :

Yi = Xi,∗ β + εi (1.1)
= β1 Xi,1 + . . . + βp Xi,p + εi .

In model (1.1) β = (β1 , . . . , βp )⊤ is the regression parameter. The parameter βj , j = 1, . . . , p, represents

the effect size of covariate j on the response. That is, for each unit change in covariate j (while keeping
the other covariates fixed) the observed change in the response is equal to βj . The second summand on
the right-hand side of the model, εi , is referred to as the error. It represents the part of the response
not explained by the functional part Xi,∗ β of the model (1.1). In contrast to the functional part, which
is considered to be systematic (i.e. non-random), the error is assumed to be random. Consequently,
2 Ridge regression

Yi1 ,∗ need not equal Yi2 ,∗ for i1 6= i2 , even if Xi1 ,∗ = Xi2 ,∗ . To complete the formulation of model (1.1)
we need to specify the probability distribution of εi . It is assumed that εi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) and the εi are
independent, i.e.:
σ if i1 = i2 ,
Cov(εi1 , εi2 ) =
0 if i1 6= i2 .
The randomness of εi implies that Yi is also a random variable. In particular, Yi is normally distributed,
because εi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) and Xi,∗ β is a non-random scalar. To specify the parameters of the distribution
of Yi we need to calculate its first two moments. Its expectation equals:

E(Yi ) = E(Xi,∗ β) + E(εi ) = Xi,∗ β,

while its variance is:

Var(Yi ) = E{[Yi − E(Yi )]2 } = E(Yi2 ) − [E(Yi )]2

= E[(Xi,∗ β)2 + 2εi Xi,∗ β + ε2i ] − (Xi,∗ β)2
= E(ε2i ) = Var(εi ) = σ 2 .

Hence, Yi ∼ N (Xi,∗ β, σ 2 ). This formulation (in terms of the normal distribution) is equivalent to the
formulation of model (1.1), as both capture the assumptions involved: the linearity of the functional part
and the normality of the error.
Model (1.1) is often written in a more condensed matrix form:

Y = X β + ε, (1.2)

where ε = (ε1 , ε2 , . . . , εn )⊤ and distributed as ε ∼ N (0p , σ 2 Inn ). As above model (1.2) can be expressed
as a multivariate normal distribution: Y ∼ N (X β, σ 2 Inn ).
Model (1.2) is a so-called hierarchical model. This terminology emphasizes that X and Y are not on
a par, they play different roles in the model. The former is used to explain the latter. In model (1.1)
X is referred as the explanatory or independent variable, while the variable Y is generally referred to as
the response or dependent variable.
The covariates, the columns of X, may themselves be random. To apply the linear model they are tem-
porarily assumed fixed. The linear regression model is then to be interpreted as Y | X ∼ N (X β, σ 2 Inn )
Example 1.1 Methylation of a tumor-suppressor gene
Consider a study which measures the gene expression levels of a tumor-suppressor genes (TSG) and two
methylation markers (MM1 and MM2) on 67 samples. A methylation marker is a gene that promotes
methylation. Methylation refers to attachment of a methyl group to a nucleotide of the DNA. In case this
attachment takes place in or close by the promotor region of a gene, this complicates the transcription of
the gene. Methylation may down-regulate a gene. This mechanism also works in the reverse direction:
removal of methyl groups may up-regulate a gene. A tumor-suppressor gene is a gene that halts the
progression of the cell towards a cancerous state.
The medical question associated with these data: do the expression levels methylation markers affect
the expression levels of the tumor-suppressor gene? To answer this question we may formulate the
following linear regression model:

Yi,tsg = β0 + βmm1 Xi,mm1 + βmm2 Xi,mm2 + εi ,

with i = 1, . . . , 67 and εi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). The interest focusses on βmm1 and βmm2 . A non-zero value of at least
one of these two regression parameters indicates that there is a linear association between the expression
levels of the tumor-suppressor gene and that of the methylation markers.
Prior knowledge from biology suggests that the βmm1 and βmm2 are both non-positive. High expression
levels of the methylation markers lead to hyper-methylation, in turn inhibiting the transcription of the
tumor-suppressor gene. Vice versa, low expression levels of MM1 and MM2 are (via hypo-methylation)
associated with high expression levels of TSG. Hence, a negative concordant effect between MM1 and
MM2 (on one side) and TSG (on the other) is expected. Of course, the methylation markers may
affect expression levels of other genes that in turn regulate the tumor-suppressor gene. The regression
parameters βmm1 and βmm2 then reflect the indirect effect of the methylation markers on the expression
levels of the tumor suppressor gene. 
1.1 Linear regression 3

The linear regression model (1.1) involves the unknown parameters: β and σ 2 , which need to be
learned from the data. The parameters of the regression model, β and σ 2 are estimated by means
of likelihood maximization. Recall that Yi ∼ N (Xi,∗ β, σ 2 ) with corresponding density: fYi (yi ) =
(2 π σ 2 )−1/2 exp[−(yi − Xi∗ β)2 /2σ 2 ]. The likelihood thus is:
Y 1
L(Y, X; β, σ 2 ) = √ exp[−(Yi − Xi,∗ β)2 /2σ 2 ],

in which the independence of the observations has been used. Because of the concavity of the logarithm,
the maximization of the likelihood coincides with the maximum of the logarithm of the likelihood (called
the log-likelihood). Hence, to obtain maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of the parameter it is equivalent
to find the maximum of the log-likelihood. The log-likelihood is:
√ 1 X
L(Y, X; β, σ 2 ) = log[L(Y, X; β, σ 2 )] = −n log( 2 π σ) − 2 (yi − Xi,∗ β)2 .
2σ i=1
After noting that i=1 (Yi − Xi,∗ β)2 = kY − X βk22 = (Y − X β)⊤ (Y − X β), the log-likelihood can
be written as:
√ 1
L(Y, X; β, σ 2 ) = −n log( 2 π σ) − 2 kY − X βk22 .

In order to find the maximum of the log-likelihood, take its derivate with respect to β:
∂ 1 ∂ 1
L(Y, X; β, σ 2 ) = − 2
kY − X βk22 = 2 X⊤ (Y − X β).
∂β 2σ ∂ β σ
Equate this derivative to zero gives the estimating equation for β:

X⊤ X β = X⊤ Y. (1.3)

Equation (1.3) is called to the normal equation. Pre-multiplication of both sides of the normal equation
by (X⊤ X)−1 now yields the ML estimator of the regression parameter: β̂ = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y, in which
it is assumed that (X⊤ X)−1 is well-defined.
Along the same lines one obtains the ML estimator of the residual variance. Take the partial derivative
of the log-likelihood with respect to σ 2 :
∂ n 1
L(Y, X; β, σ 2 ) = − + 3 kY − X βk22 .
∂σ σ σ
Equate the right-hand side to zero and solve for σ 2 to find σ̂ 2 = n kY − X βk22 . In this expression β is
unknown and the ML estimate of β is plugged-in.

With explicit expressions of the ML estimators at hand, we can study their properties. The expec-
tation of the ML estimator of the regression parameter β is:

E(β̂) = E[(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y] = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ E[Y] = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ X β = β.

Hence, the ML estimator of the regression coefficients is unbiased.

The variance of the ML estimator of β is:

Var(β̂) = E{[β̂ − E(β̂)][β̂ − E(β̂)]⊤ }

= E{[(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y − β] [(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y − β]⊤ }
= (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ E{Y Y⊤ } X (X⊤ X)−1 − β β ⊤
= (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ {X β β ⊤ X⊤ + Σ} X (X⊤ X)−1 − β β ⊤
= β β ⊤ + σ 2 (X⊤ X)−1 − β β ⊤ = σ 2 (X⊤ X)−1 ,

in which we have used that E(YY⊤ ) = X β β ⊤ X⊤ + σ 2 Inn . From Var(β̂) = σ 2 (X⊤ X)p −1
, one obtains
an estimate of the variance of the estimate of the j-th regression coefficient: σ̂ 2 (β̂j ) = σ̂ 2 [(X⊤ X)−1 ]jj .
4 Ridge regression

This may be used to construct a confidence interval for the estimates or test the hypothesis H0 : βj = 0.
In the latter σ̂ 2 should not be the maximum likelihood estimator, as it is biased. It is then to be replaced
by the residual sum-of-squares divided by n − p rather than n.

The prediction of Yi , denoted Ybi , is the expected value of Yi according the linear regression model
(with its parameters replaced by their estimates). The prediction of Yi thus equals E(Yi ; β̂, σ̂ 2 ) = Xi,∗ β̂.
In matrix notation the prediction is:
Y = X β̂ = X (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y := HY,

where H is the hat matrix, as it ‘puts the hat’ on Y. Note that the hat matrix is a projection matrix,
i.e. H2 = H for

H2 = X (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ X (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ = X (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ .

b is an orthogonal projection of Y onto the space spanned by the columns of X.

Thus, the prediction Y
With β available, an estimate of the errors ε̂i , dubbed the residuals are obtained via:

ε̂ b = Y − X β̂ = Y − X (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y = [I − X (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ ] Y.

= Y−Y

Thus, the residuals are a projection of Y onto the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by the
columns of X. The residuals are to be used in diagnostics, e.g. checking of the normality assumption by
means of a normal probability plot.

For more on the linear regression model confer the monograph of Draper and Smith (1998).

1.2 Ridge regression

When the design matrix is high-dimensional, the covariates (the columns of X) are super-collinear. Recall
collinearity in regression analysis refers to the event of two (or multiple) covariates being highly linearly
related. Consequently, the subspace spanned by collinear covariates may not be (or close to not being)
of full rank. When the subspace (onto which Y is projected) is (close to) rank deficient, it is (almost)
impossible to separate the contribution of the individual covariates. The uncertainty with respect to the
covariate responsible for the variation explained in Y is often reflected in the fit of the linear regression
model to data by a large error of the estimates of the regression parameters corresponding to the collinear
Example 1.2
The flotillins (the FLOT-1 and FLOT-2 genes) have been observed to regulate the proto-oncogene ERBB2
in vitro (Pust et al., 2013). One may wish to corroborate this in vivo. To this end we use gene expression
data of a breast cancer study, available as a Bioconductor package: breastCancerVDX. From this study
the expression levels of probes interrogating the FLOT-1 and ERBB2 genes are retrieved. For clarity of
the illustration the FLOT-2 gene is ignored. After centering, the expression levels of the first ERBB2
probe are regressed on those of the four FLOT-1 probes. The R-code below carries out the data retrieval
and analysis.
Listing 1.1 R code
# load packages
library ( Biobase )
library ( breastCancer V DX )

# ids of genes FLOT1

idFLOT1 <- which ( fData ( vdx ) [ ,5 ] == 10211)

# ids of ERBB2
idERBB2 <- which ( fData ( vdx ) [ ,5 ] == 2064)

# get expression levels of probes mapping to FLOT genes

X <- t ( exprs ( vdx ) [ idFLOT1 , ] )
1.2 Ridge regression 5

X <- sweep (X , 2 , colMeans ( X ) )

# get expression levels of probes mapping to FLOT genes

Y <- t ( exprs ( vdx ) [ idERBB2 , ] )
Y <- sweep (Y , 2 , colMeans ( Y ) )

# regression analysis
summary ( lm ( formula = Y [ ,1 ] ~ X [ ,1 ] + X [ ,2 ] + X [ ,3 ] + X [ ,4 ] ) )

# correlation among the covariates

cor ( X )
Prior to the regression analysis, we first assess whether there is collinearity among the FLOT-1 probes
through evaluation of the correlation matrix. This reveals a strong correlation (ρ̂ = 0.91) between the
second and third probe. All other cross-correlations do not exceed the 0.20 (in an absolute sense). Hence,
there is collinearity among the columns of the design matrix in the to-be-performed regression analysis.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.0000 0.0633 0.0000 1.0000
X[, 1] 0.1641 0.0616 2.6637 0.0081 **
X[, 2] 0.3203 0.3773 0.8490 0.3965
X[, 3] 0.0393 0.2974 0.1321 0.8949
X[, 4] 0.1117 0.0773 1.4444 0.1496
Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1

Residual standard error: 1.175 on 339 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.04834,Adjusted R-squared: 0.03711
F-statistic: 4.305 on 4 and 339 DF, p-value: 0.002072
The output of the regression analysis above shows the first probe to be significantly associated to the
expression levels of ERBB2. The collinearity of the second and third probe reveals itself in the standard
errors of the effect size: for these probes the standard error is much larger than those of the other two
probes. This reflects the uncertainty in the estimates. Regression analysis has difficulty to decide to
which covariate the explained proportion of variation in the response should be attributed. The large
standard error of these effect sizes propagates to the testing as the Wald test statistic is the ratio of
the estimated effect size and its standard error. Collinear covariates are thus less likely to pass the
significance threshold. 
The case of two (or multiple) covariates being perfectly linearly dependent is referred as super-collinearity.
The rank of a high-dimensional design matrix is maximally equal to n: rank(X) ≤ n. Consequently,
the dimension of subspace spanned by the columns of X is smaller than or equal to n. As p > n, this
implies that columns of X are linearly dependent. Put differently, a high-dimensional X suffers from
Example 1.3 Super-collinearity
Consider the design matrix:
 
1 −1 2
 1 0 1 
X = 
 1

2 −1 
1 1 0
The columns of X are linearly dependent: the first column is the row-wise sum of the other two columns.
The rank (more correct, the column rank) of a matrix is the dimension of space spanned by the column
vectors. Hence, the rank of X is equal to the number of linearly independent columns: rank(X) = 2. 
Super-collinearity of an (n × p)-dimensional design matrix X implies∗ that the rank of the (p × p)-
dimensional matrix X⊤ X is smaller than p, and, consequently, it is singular. A square matrix that does

∗ If the (column) rank of X is smaller than p, there exists a non-trivial v ∈ Rp such that Xv = 0 . Multiplication of
this inequality by X⊤ yields X⊤ Xv = 0p . As v 6= 0p , this implies that X⊤ X is not invertible.
6 Ridge regression

not have an inverse is called singular. A matrix A is singular if and only if its determinant is zero:
det(A) = 0.
Example 1.4 Singularity
Consider the matrix A given by:
1 2
A =
2 4

Clearly, det(A) = a11 a22 − a12 a21 = 1 × 4 − 2 × 2 = 0. Hence, A is singular and its inverse is undefined.

As det(A) is equal to the product of the eigenvalues νj of A, the matrix A is singular if one (or more)
of the eigenvalues of A is zero. To see this, consider the spectral decomposition of A:
A = νj vj vj⊤ ,

where vj is the eigenvector corresponding to νj . The inverse of A is then:

A−1 = νj−1 vj vj⊤ .

The right-hand side is undefined if νj = 0 for any j.

Example 1.4 Singularity (continued)
Revisit Example 1.4. Matrix A has eigenvalues ν1 = 5 and ν2 = 0. According to the spectral decompo-
sition, the inverse of A is:
1 1
A−1 = v1 v1⊤ + v2 v2⊤ .
5 0
This expression is undefined as we divide by zero in the second summand on the right-hand side. 

In summary, the columns of a high-dimensional design matrix X are linearly dependent and this super-
collinearity causes X⊤ X to be singular. Now recall the ML estimator of the parameter of the linear
regression model:

β̂ = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y. (1.4)

This estimator is only well-defined if (X⊤ X)−1 exits. Hence, when X is high-dimensional the regression
parameter β cannot be estimated.

Above only the practical consequence of high-dimensionality is presented: the expression (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
cannot be evaluated numerically. But the problem arising from the high-dimensionality of the data is
more fundamental. To appreciate this, consider the normal equations:

X⊤ Xβ = X⊤ Y.

The matrix X⊤ X is of rank n, while β is a vector of length p. Hence, while there are p unknowns, the
system of linear equations from which these are to be solved effectively comprises n degrees of freedom.
If p > n, the vector β cannot uniquely be determined from this system of equations. To make this more
specific let U be the n-dimensional space spanned by the columns of X and the p − n-dimensional space
V be orthogonal complement of U , i.e. V = U ⊥ . Then, Xv = 0p for all v ∈ V . So, V is the non-trivial
null space of X. Consequently, as X⊤ Xv = X⊤ 0p = 0n , the solution of the normal equations is:

β̂ = (X⊤ X)− X⊤ Y + v for all v ∈ V,

where A− denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse of the matrix A, which is defined as:
A− = νj−1 I{νj 6=0} vj vj⊤ .
1.3 Eigenvalue shrinkage 7

The solution of the normal equations is thus only determined up to an element from a non-trivial space
V , and there is no unique estimator of the regression parameter.

To obtain an estimate of the regression parameter β when X is (close to) super-collinearity, Hoerl and Kennard
(1970) proposed an ad-hoc fix to resolve the (almost) singularity of X⊤ X. Simply replace X⊤ X by
X⊤ X + λIpp with λ ∈ [0, ∞). The scalar λ is a tuning parameter, henceforth called the penalty parame-
Example 1.3 Super-collinearity (continued)
Recall the super-collinear design matrix X of Example 1.3. Then, for (say) λ = 1:
 
5 2 2
X⊤ X + λIpp =  2 7 −4  .
2 −4 7

The eigenvalues of this matrix are 11, 7, and 1. Hence, X⊤ X+ λIpp has no zero eigenvalue and its inverse
is well-defined. 

With the ad-hoc fix for the singularity of X⊤ X, Hoerl and Kennard (1970) proceed to define the ridge
regression estimator :

β̂(λ) = (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y, (1.5)

for λ ∈ [0, ∞). Clearly, this is – for λ strictly positive – a well-defined estimator, even if X is high-
dimensional. However, each choice of λ leads to a different ridge regression estimate. The set of all
ridge regression estimates {β̂(λ) : λ ∈ [0, ∞)} is called the solution or regularization path of the ridge
Example 1.3 Super-collinearity (continued)
Recall the super-collinear design matrix X of Example 1.3. Suppose that the corresponding response
vector is Y = (1.3, −0.5, 2.6, 0.9)⊤. The ridge regression estimates for, e.g. λ = 1, 2, and 10 are then:

β̂(1) = (0.614, 0.548, 0.066)⊤,

β̂(2) = (0.537, 0.490, 0.048)⊤,
β̂(10) = (0.269, 0.267, 0.002)⊤.

The full solution path of the ridge estimator is plotted in Figure 1.1.
b It is defined
Having obtained an estimate of the regression parameter β, one can define the fit Y.
analogous to the standard case:
Y(λ) = Xβ̂(λ) = X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y := H(λ)Y.

Previously, when using the ML estimator, the fit could be understood as a projection of Y onto the
subspace spanned by the columns of X. The fit Y(λ) b corresponding to the ridge estimator is not a
projection of Y onto X (confer Exercise 1.3 a). Consequently, the ‘ridge residuals’ Y − Y(λ) are not
orthogonal to the fit Y(λ) (confer Exercise 1.3 b).

1.3 Eigenvalue shrinkage

The effect of the ridge penalty may also studied from the perspective of singular values. Let the singular
value decomposition of the (n × p)-dimensional design matrix X be:

X = Ux Dx Vx⊤ ,

where Dx an (n × n)-dimensional diagonal matrix with the singular values, Ux an (n × n)-dimensional

matrix with columns containing the left singular vectors (denoted ui ), and Vx a (p × n)-dimensional
matrix with columns containing the right singular vectors (denoted vi ). The columns of Ux and Vx are
orthogonal: U⊤ ⊤
x Ux = Inn = Vx Vx .
8 Ridge regression

Ridge solution path Variance of ridge solution path

^ ^
β1(λ) Var[β1(λ)]
^ ^
β2(λ) Var[β2(λ)]
^ ^
β3(λ) Var[β3(λ)]

variance of ridge estimate

ridge estimate




−5 0 5 10 −5 0 5 10

log(λ) log(λ)

Figure 1.1: Solution path of the ridge estimator and its variance. The left panel shows the solution path of the ridge
estimator for the data of Example 1.3. In the right panel the corresponding variance of the ridge estimator is plotted
against the (logarithm of the) penalty parameter.

The OLS estimator can then be rewritten in terms of the SVD-matrices as:

β̂ = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
= (Vx Dx U⊤ ⊤ −1
x Ux Dx Vx ) Vx Dx U⊤
= (Vx D2x Vx⊤ )−1 Vx Dx U⊤
−2 ⊤ ⊤
= Vx Dx Vx Vx Dx Ux Y
= Vx D−2 ⊤
x Dx Ux Y,

where D−2
x Dx is not simplified further to emphasize the effect of the ridge penalty. Similarly, the ridge
estimator can be rewritten in terms of the SVD-matrices as:

β̂ = (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y

= (Vx Dx U⊤ ⊤
x Ux Dx Vx + λIpp )
Vx Dx U⊤
= (Vx D2x Vx⊤ + λVx Vx⊤ )−1 Vx Dx U⊤
2 −1 ⊤ ⊤
= Vx (Dx + λInn ) Vx Vx Dx Ux Y
= Vx (D2x + λInn )−1 Dx U⊤
x Y.

Combining the two results and writing (Dx )jj = dx,jj we have:
x,jj ≥ for all λ > 0.
d2x,jj + λ

Thus, the ridge penalty shrinks the singular values.

Return to the problem of the super-collinearity of X in the high-dimensional setting (p > n). The
super-collinearity implies the singularity of X⊤ X and prevents the calculation of the OLS estimator of
the regression coefficients. However, X⊤ X + λIpp is non-singular, with inverse:
(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 = (d2x,jj + λ)−1 vj vj⊤ .

The right-hand side is well-defined for λ > 0.

1.4 Moments 9

1.3.1 Principal components regression

Principal component regression is a close relative to ridge regression that can also be applied in a
high-dimensional context. Principal components regression explains the response not by the covariates
themselves but by linear combinations of the covariates as defined by the principal components of X.
Let UDV⊤ be the singular value decomposition of X. The i-th principal component of X is then Xvi ,
henceforth denoted zi . Let Zk be the matrix of the first k principal components, i.e. Zk = XVk where
Vk contains the first k right singular vectors as columns. Principal components regression then amounts
to regressing the response Y onto Zk , that is, it fits the model Y = Zk γ + ε. The least squares estimator
of γ then is (with some abuse of notation):

γ̂ = (Z⊤
k Zk )
−1 ⊤
Zk Y = (Vk⊤ X⊤ XVk )−1 Vk⊤ X⊤ Y
= (Vk⊤ VDU⊤ UDV⊤ Vk )−1 Vk⊤ VDU⊤ Y
= (Ikn D2 Ink )−1 Ikn DU⊤ Y
= D−2 De k U⊤ Y = D e −1 U⊤ Y,
k k

where Dk and D e k are submatrices of D. The matrix Dk is obtained from D by removal of the last
n − p rows and columsn, while for D e k only the last n − k rows are dropped. Similarly, Ikn and Ink are
obtained from Inn by removal of the last n − k rows and columns, respectively. The principal component
regression estimator of β then is β̂pcr = Vk De −1 U⊤ Y. When k is set equal to the column rank of X, and
thus to the rank of X X, the principal component regression estimator β̂pcr = (X⊤ X)− X⊤ Y, where

A− denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse of matrix A.

The relation between ridge and principal component regression becomes clear when their correspond-
ing estimators are written in terms of the singular value decomposition of X:

β̂pcr = Vx (Ink Dx Ikn )−1 U⊤

x Y,
β̂(λ) = Vx (D2x + λInn )−1 Dx U⊤
x Y.

Both operate on the singular values of the design matrix. But where principal component regression
thresholds the singular values of X, ridge regression shrinks them (depending on their size). Hence, one
applies a discrete map on the singular values while the other a continuous one.

1.4 Moments
The first two moments of the ridge regression estimator are derived. Next the performance of the ridge
regression estimator is studied in terms of the mean squared error, which combines the first two moments.

1.4.1 Expectation
The left panel of Figure 1.1 shows ridge estimates of the regression parameters converging to zero as
the penalty parameter tends to infinity. This behaviour of the ridge estimator does not depend on the
specifics of the data set. To see this study the expectation of the ridge estimator:
E β̂(λ) = E (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y
= E (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X)(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
= E (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X) β̂
= (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X) E(β̂)
= (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X) β.
Clearly, E β̂(λ) 6= β for any λ > 0. Hence, the ridge estimator is biased.
From the expression above it is clear that the expectation of the ridge estimator vanishes as λ tends
to infinity:
lim E β̂(λ) = lim (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X) β = 0p .
λ→∞ λ→∞
10 Ridge regression

Hence, all regression coefficients are shrunken towards zero as the penalty parameter increases. This
also holds for X with p > n. Furthermore, this behaviour is not strictly monotone in λ: λa > λb does
not necessarily imply |β̂j (λa )| < |β̂j (λb )|. Upon close inspection this can be witnessed from the ridge
solution path of β3 in Figure 1.1.

Example 1.5 Orthonormal design matrix

Consider an orthonormal design matrix X, i.e.:

X⊤ X = Ipp = (X⊤ X)−1 .

An example of an orthonormal design matrix would be:

 
−1 −1
1 −1 1 
X =
2  1 −1 
1 1

This design matrix is orthonormal as X⊤ X = I22 , which is easily verified:

 
  −1 −1  
⊤ 1 −1 −1 1 1   −1 1 
 1 4 0
X X = = = I22 .
4 −1 1 −1 1  1 −1  4 0 4
1 1

In case of an orthonormal design matrix the relation between the OLS and ridge estimator is:

β̂(λ) = (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y = (Ipp + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y

= (1 + λ)−1 Ipp X⊤ Y = (1 + λ)−1 (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
= (1 + λ)−1 β̂.

Hence, the ridge estimator scales the OLS estimator by a factor. When taking the expectation on both
sides, it is evident that the ridge estimator converges to zero as λ → ∞. 

1.4.2 Variance
As for the ML estimate of the regression parameter β of model (1.2), we derive the second moment of
the ridge estimator. Hereto define:

Wλ = (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ X.

Using Wλ the ridge estimator β̂(λ) can be expressed as Wλ β̂ for:

Wλ β̂ = Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
= {(X⊤ X)−1 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]}−1 (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
= [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ X(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y
= [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ Y
= β̂(λ).

The linear operator Wλ thus transforms the ML estimator of the regression parameter into the ridge
It is now easily seen that:

Var[β̂(λ)] = Var[Wλ β̂] = Wλ Var[β̂]Wλ⊤

= σ 2 Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ = σ 2 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ X{[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤ ,

in which we have used Var(AY) = AVar(Y)A⊤ for a non-random matrix A, the fact that Wλ is
non-random, and Var[β̂] = σ 2 (X⊤ X)−1 .
1.4 Moments 11

Like the expectation the variance of the ridge estimator vanishes as λ tends to infinity:
lim Var β̂(λ) = lim σ 2 Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ = 0pp .
λ→∞ λ→∞

Hence, the variance of the ridge regression coefficient estimates decreases towards zero as the penalty
parameter becomes large. This is illustrated in the right panel of Figure 1.1 for the data of Example 1.3.
With an explicit expression of the variance of the ridge estimator at hand, we can compare it to that
of the OLS estimator:
Var[β̂] − Var[β̂(λ)] = σ 2 [(X⊤ X)−1 − Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ ]
= σ 2 Wλ {[I + λ(X⊤ X)−1 ](X⊤ X)−1 [I + λ(X⊤ X)−1 ]⊤ − (X⊤ X)−1 }Wλ⊤
= σ 2 Wλ [2 λ (X⊤ X)−2 + λ2 (X⊤ X)−3 ]Wλ⊤
= σ 2 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 [2 λ Ipp + λ2 (X⊤ X)−1 ]{[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤ .
The difference is non-negative definite as each component in the matrix product is non-negative definite.
Hence, the variance of the ML estimator exceeds (in the positive definite ordering) that of the ridge
Var[β̂]  Var[β̂(λ)], (1.6)
with the inequality being strict if λ > 0. In other words, the variance of the ML estimator is larger
than that of the ridge estimator (in the sense that their difference is non-negative definite). The variance
inequality (1.6) can be interpreted in terms of the stochastic behaviour of the estimator. This is illustrated
by the next example.

Variance of the ML estimator Variance of the ridge estimator

50% 50%
75% 75%
95% 95%







−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

beta_1 beta_1

Figure 1.2: Level sets of the distribution of the ML (left panel) and ridge (right panel) regression estimators.

Example 1.6 Variance comparison

Consider the design matrix:
 
−1 2
 0 1 
X =  
 2 −1  .
1 0
The variances of the ML and ridge (with λ = 1) estimates of the regression coefficients then are:
0.3 0.2 0.1524 0.0698
Var(β̂) = σ 2 and Var[β̂(λ)] = σ 2 .
0.2 0.3 0.0698 0.1524
12 Ridge regression

These variances can be used to construct levels sets of the distribution of the estimates. The level sets
that contain 50%, 75% and 95% of the distribution of the ML and ridge estimates are plotted in Figure
1.2. In line with inequality (1.6) the level sets of the ridge estimate are smaller than that of the ML
estimate: it thus varies less. 

Example 1.5 Orthonormal design matrix (continued)

Assume the design matrix X is orthonormal. Then, Var[β̂] = σ 2 Ipp and

Var[β̂(λ)] = σ 2 Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ = σ 2 [Ipp + λIpp ]−1 Ipp {[Ipp + λIpp ]−1 }⊤ = σ 2 (1 + λ)−2 Ipp .

As the penalty parameter λ is non-negative the former exceeds the latter. In particular, this expression
vanishes as λ → ∞. 

The full distribution of the ridge regression estimator is now known. The estimator, β̂(λ) = (X⊤ X +
λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y is a linear estimator, linear in Y. As Y is normally distributed, so is β̂(λ). Moreover, the
normal distribution is fully characterized by its first two moments, which are available. Hence:

β̂(λ) ∼ N (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ X β, σ 2 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ X{[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤ .

Given λ and β, the random behavior of the estimator is thus known.

1.4.3 Mean squared error

Previously, we motivated the ridge estimator as an ad hoc solution to collinearity. An alternative
motivation comes from studying the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the ridge regression estimator: for
a suitable choice of λ the ridge regression estimator may outperform the ML regression estimator in
terms of the MSE. Before we prove this, we first derive the MSE of the ridge estimator and quote some
auxiliary results.
Recall that (in general) for any estimator of a parameter θ:

MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − θ)2 ] = Var(θ̂) + [Bias(θ̂)]2 .

Hence, the MSE is a measure of the quality of the estimator.

The MSE of the ridge estimator is:

MSE[β̂(λ)] = E[(Wλ β̂ − β)⊤ (Wλ β̂ − β)]

= E(β̂ ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β̂) − E(β ⊤ Wλ β̂) − E(β̂ ⊤ Wλ⊤ β) + E(β ⊤ β)
= E(β̂ ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β̂) − E(β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β̂) − E(β̂ ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β) + E(β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β)
−E(β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β) + E(β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β̂) + E(β̂ ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β)
−E(β ⊤ Wλ β̂) − E(β̂ ⊤ Wλ⊤ β) + E(β ⊤ β)
= E[(β̂ − β)⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ (β̂ − β)]
−β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β + β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β + β ⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ β
−β ⊤ Wλ β − β ⊤ Wλ⊤ β + β ⊤ β

= E (β̂ − β)⊤ Wλ⊤ Wλ (β̂ − β) + β ⊤ (Wλ − Ipp )⊤ (Wλ − Ipp ) β

= σ 2 tr Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ + β ⊤ (Wλ − Ipp )⊤ (Wλ − Ipp ) β. (1.7)

In the last step we have used β̂ ∼ N (β, σ 2 [X⊤ X]−1 ) and the expectation of the quadratic form of a
multivariate random variable ε ∼ N (µε , Σε ) for some nonrandom symmetric positive definite matrix Λ
is (cf. Mathai and Provost 1992):

E(ε⊤ Λ ε) = tr(Λ Σε ) + µ⊤
ε Λ µε ,

of course replacing ε by β̂ in this expectation. The first summand in the final derived expression for
MSE[β̂(λ)] is the sum of the variances of the ridge estimator, while the second summand can be thought
of the “squared bias” of the ridge estimator. In particular, limλ→∞ MSE[β̂(λ)] = β ⊤ β, which is the
squared biased for an estimator that equals zero (as does the ridge estimator in the limit).
1.4 Moments 13

Example 1.7 Orthonormal design matrix

Assume the design matrix X is orthonormal. Then, MSE[β̂] = p σ 2 and

p σ2 λ2
MSE[β̂(λ)] = + β ⊤ β.
(1 + λ)2 (1 + λ)2

The latter achieves its minimum at: λ = pσ 2 /β ⊤ β. 

The following theorem and proposition are required for the proof of the main result.
Theorem 1.1 (Theorem 1 of Theobald, 1974)
Let θ̂1 and θ̂2 be (different) estimators of θ with second order moments:

Mk = E[(θ̂k − θ)(θ̂k − θ)⊤ ] for k = 1, 2,


MSE(θ̂k ) = E[(θ̂k − θ)⊤ A(θ̂k − θ)] for k = 1, 2,

where A  0. Then, M1 − M2  0 if and only if MSE(θ̂1 ) − MSE(θ̂2 ) ≥ 0 for all A  0.

Proposition 1.1 (Farebrother, 1976)

Let A be a (p×p)-dimensional, positive definite matrix, b be a nonzero p dimensional vector, and c ∈ R+ .
Then, cA − bb⊤ ≻ 0 if and only if b⊤ A−1 b > c.

We are now ready to proof the main result, formalized as Theorem 1.2, that for some λ the ridge
regression estimator yields a lower MSE than the ML regression estimator.
Theorem 1.2 (Theorem 2 of Theobald, 1974)
There exists λ > 0 such that MSE[β̂(λ)] < MSE[β̂(0)] = MSE[β̂].

Proof The second order moment matrix of the ridge estimator is:

M(λ) := E[(β̂(λ) − β)(β̂(λ) − β)⊤ ]

= E{β̂(λ)[β̂(λ)]⊤ } − E[β̂(λ)]{E[β̂(λ)]}⊤ + E[β̂(λ) − β)]{E[β̂(λ) − β)]}⊤
= Var[β̂(λ)] + E[β̂(λ) − β)]{E[β̂(λ) − β)]}⊤ .


M(0) − M(λ) = σ 2 (X⊤ X)−1 − σ 2 Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ ]

−(Wλ − Ipp )ββ ⊤ (Wλ − Ipp )⊤
= σ 2 Wλ [2 λ (X⊤ X)−2 + λ2 (X⊤ X)−3 ]Wλ⊤
−λ2 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 ββ ⊤ {[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤
= σ 2 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 [2 λ Ipp + λ2 (X⊤ X)−1 ]{[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤
−λ2 [X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 ββ ⊤ {[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤
= λ[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 [2 σ 2 Ipp + λσ 2 (X⊤ X)−1 − λββ ⊤ ]{[X⊤ X + λIpp ]−1 }⊤ .

This is positive definite if and only if 2 σ 2 Ipp + λσ 2 (X⊤ X)−1 − λββ ⊤ ≻ 0. Hereto it suffices to show
that 2 σ 2 Ipp − λββ ⊤ ≻ 0. By Proposition 1.1 this holds for λ such that 2σ 2 (β ⊤ β)−1 > λ. For these λ,
we thus have M(0) − M(λ). Application of Theorem 1.1 now concludes the proof. 

This result of Theobald (1974) is generalized by Farebrother (1976) to the class of design matrices X
with rank(X) < p.

Theorem 1.2 can be used to illustrate that the ridge regression estimator strikes a balance between
the bias and variance. This is illustrated in the left panel of Figure 1.3. For small λ, the variance of the
ridge estimator dominates the MSE. This may be understood when realizing that in this domain of λ
the ridge estimator is close to the unbiased ML regression estimator. For large λ, the variance vanishes
14 Ridge regression

MSE of the ridge estimator MSE, ridge vs. ML


MSE / bias / variance




0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10

lambda lambda

Figure 1.3: Left panel: mean squared error, and its ‘bias’ and ‘variance’ parts, of the ridge regression estimator (for
artificial data). Right panel: mean squared error of the ridge and ML estimator of the regression coefficient vector
(for the same artificial data).

and the bias dominates the MSE. For small enough values of λ, the decrease in variance of the ridge
regression estimator exceeds the increase in its bias. As the MSE is the sum of these two, the MSE first
decreases as λ moves away from zero. In particular, as λ = 0 corresponds to the ML regression estima-
tor, the ridge regression estimator yields a lower MSE for these values of λ. In the right panel of Figure
1.3 MSE[β̂(λ)] < MSE[β̂(0)] for λ < 7 (roughly) and the ridge estimator outperforms the ML estimator.

Besides another motivation behind the ridge regression estimator, the use of Theorem 1.2 is limited.
The optimal choice of λ depends on the quantities β and σ 2 . These are unknown in practice. Then, the
penalty parameter is chosen in a data-driven fashion by means of cross-validation (see Section 1.9.2).

Remark 1.1
Theorem 1.2 can also be used to conclude on the biasedness of the ridge regression estimator. The
Gauss-Markov theorem (Rao, 1973) states (under some assumptions) that the ML regression estimator
is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) with the smallest MSE. As the ridge regression estimator
is a linear estimator and outperforms (in terms of MSE) this ML estimator, it must be biased (for it
would otherwise refute the Gauss-Markov theorem).

1.5 Constrained estimation

The ad-hoc fix of Hoerl and Kennard (1970) to super-collinearity of the design matrix (and, consequently
the singularity of the matrix X⊤ X) has been motivated post-hoc. The ridge estimator minimizes the
ridge loss function, which is defined as:
X p
Lridge (β; λ) = kY − X βk22 + λkβk22 = (Yi − Xi∗ β)2 + λ βj2 . (1.8)
i=1 j=1

This loss function is the traditional sum-of-squares augmented with a penalty. The particular form of the
penalty, λkβk22 is referred to as the ridge penalty and λ as the penalty parameter. For λ = 0, minimization
of the ridge loss function yields the ML estimator. For any λ > 0, the ridge penalty contributes to the loss
function, affecting its minimum and its location. The minimum of the sum-of-squares is well-known. The
1.5 Constrained estimation 15

minimum of the ridge penalty is attained at β = 0p whenever λ > 0. The β that minimizes Lridge (β; λ)
then balances the sum-of-squares and the penalty. The effect of the penalty in this balancing act is to
shrink the regression coefficients towards zero, its minimum. In particular, the larger λ, the larger the
contribution of the penalty to the loss function, the stronger the tendency to shrink non-zero regression
coefficients to zero (and decrease the contribution of the penalty to the loss function). This motivates
the name ‘penalty’ as non-zero elements of β increase (or penalize) the loss function.
To verify that the ridge estimator indeed minimizes the ridge loss function, proceed as usual. Take
the derivative with respect to β:

L (β; λ) = −2 X⊤ (Y − Xβ) + 2 λ Ipp β = −2 X⊤ Y + 2 (X⊤ X + λ Ipp )β.
∂β ridge

Equate the derivative to zero and solve for β. This yields the ridge regression estimator.
The ridge estimator is thus a stationary point of the ridge loss function. A stationary point corre-
sponds to a minimum if the Hessian matrix with second order partial derivatives is positive definite. The
Hessian of the ridge loss function is

L (β; λ) = 2 (X⊤ X + λ Ipp ).
∂β ∂β ⊤ ridge

This Hessian is the sum of the semi-positive definite matrix X⊤ X and the positive definite matrix λ Ipp .
Lemma 14.2.4 of Harville (2008) then states that the sum of these matrices is itself a positive definite
matrix. Hence, the Hessian is positive definite and the ridge loss function has a stationary point at the
ridge estimator, which is a minimum.
The ridge regression estimator minimizes the ridge loss function. It rests to verify that it is a global
minimum. To this end we introduce the concept of a convex function. As a prerequisite, a set S ⊂ Rp is
called convex if for all β1 , β2 ∈ S their weighted average βθ = (1 − θ)β1 + θβ2 for all θ ∈ [0, 1] is itself
an element of S, thus βθ ∈ S. If for all θ ∈ (0, 1), the weighted average βθ is inside S and not on its
boundary, the set is called strict convex. Examples of (strict) convex and nonconvex sets are depicted in
Figure 1.4. A function f (·) is (strict) convex if the set {y : y ≥ f (β) for all β ∈ S for any convex S},
called the epigraph of f (·), is (strict) convex. Examples of (strict) convex and nonconvex functions are
depicted in Figure 1.4. The ridge loss function is the sum of two parabola’s: one at least convex and the
other a strict convex function in β. The sum of convex and strict convex function is itself strict convex
(confer Lemma 9.4.2 of Fletcher 2008). The ridge loss function is thus strict convex. Theorem 9.4.1 of
Fletcher 2008 then warrants, by the strict convexity of the ridge loss function, that the ridge estimator
is a global minimum.

From the ridge loss function the limiting behavior of the variance of the ridge regression estimator
can be understood. The ridge penalty with its minimum β = 0p does not involve data and, conse-
quently, the variance of its minimum equals zero. With the ridge regression being a compromise between
the ML estimator and the minimum of the penalty, so is its variance a compromise of their variances.
As λ tends to infinity, the ridge estimator and its variance converge to the minimum and the variance of
the minimum, respectively. Hence, in the limit (large λ) the variance of the ridge regression estimator
vanishes. Understandably, as the penalty now fully dominates the loss function and, consequently, it
does no longer involve data (i.e. randomness).

Above it has been shown that the ridge estimator can be defined as:

β̂(λ) = arg min kY − X βk22 + λkβk22 . (1.9)


This minimization problem can be reformulated into the following constrained optimization problem
(illustrated in Figure 1.4):

β̂(λ) = arg min

kY − X βk22 , (1.10)
kβk2 ≤c

for some suitable c > 0. The constrained optimization problem (1.10) can be solved by means of
the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) multiplier method, which minimizes a function subject to inequality
16 Ridge regression

4 Convex sets Nonconvex sets








−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4

x x

Convex functions Nonconvex functions






−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4

x x

Ridge as constrained estimation Overfitting

ML estimate model

ridge estimate fit






−2 0 2 4 6 8 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

beta1 x1

Figure 1.4: Top panels show examples of convex (left) and nonconvex (right) sets. Middle panels show examples of
convex (left) and nonconvex (right) functions. The left bottom panel illustrates the ridge estimation as a constrained
estimation problem. The ellipses represent the contours of the ML loss function, with the blue dot at the center the
ML estimate. The circle is the ridge parameter constraint. The red dot is the ridge estimate. It is at the intersection
of the ridge constraint and the smallest contour with a non-empty intersection with the constraint. The right bottom
panel shows the data corresponding to Example 1.8. The grey line represents the ‘true’ relationship, while the black
line the fitted one.
1.6 Bayesian regression 17

constraints. The KKT multiplier method states that, under some regularity conditions (all met here),
there exists a constant ν ≥ 0, called the multiplier, such that the solution β̂(ν) of the constrained
minimization problem (1.10) satisfies the so-called KKT conditions. The first KKT condition (referred
to as the stationarity condition) demands that the gradient (with respect to β) of the Lagrangian
associated with the minimization problem equals zero at the solution β̂(ν). The Lagrangian for problem
(1.10) is:

kY − X βk22 + ν(kβk22 − c).

The second KKT condition (the complementarity condition) requires that ν(kβ̂(ν)k22 − c) = 0. If ν = λ
and c = kβ̂(λ)k22 , the ridge estimator β(λ) satisfies both KKT conditions. Hence, both problems have
the same solution when c = kβ̂(λ)k22 .

The relevance of viewing the ridge regression estimator as the solution to a constrained estimation
problem becomes obvious when considering a typical threat to high-dimensional data analysis: overfit-
ting. Overfitting refers to the phenomenon of modelling the noise rather than the signal. In case the true
model is parsimonious (few covariates driving the response) and data on many covariates are available,
it is likely that a linear combination of all covariates yields a higher likelihood than a combination of the
few that are actually related to the response. As only the few covariates related to the response contain
the signal, the model involving all covariates then cannot but explain more than the signal alone: it also
models the error. Hence, it overfits the data. In high-dimensional settings overfitting is a real threat.
The number of explanatory variables exceeds the number of observations. It is thus possible to form a
linear combination of the covariates that perfectly explains the response, including the noise.
Large estimates of regression coefficients are often an indication of overfitting. Augmentation of the
estimation procedure with a constraint on the regression coefficients is a simple remedy to large parameter
estimates. As a consequence it decreases the probability of overfitting. Overfitting is illustrated in the
next example.

Example 1.8 (Overfitting)

Consider an artificial data set comprising of ten observations on a response Yi and nine covariates Xi,j .
All covariate data are sampled from the standard normal distribution: Xi,j ∼ N (0, 1). The response
is generated by Yi = Xi,1 + εi with εi ∼ N (0, 1/4). Hence, only the first covariate contributes to the
The regression model Yi = j=1 Xi,j βj + εi is fitted to the artificial data using R. This yields the
regression parameter estimates:

β̂ ⊤ = (0.048, −2.386, −5.528, 6.243, −4.819, 0.760, −3.345, −4.748, 2.136).

As β ⊤ = (1, 0, . . . , 0), many regression coefficient are clearly over-estimated.

The fitted values Ybi = Xi β̂ are plotted against the values of the first covariates in the right bottom
panel of Figure 1.4. As a reference the line x = y is added, which represents the ‘true’ model. The fitted
model follows the ‘true’ relationship. But it also captures the deviations from this line that represent
the errors. 

1.6 Bayesian regression

Ridge regression has a close connection to Bayesian linear regression. Bayesian linear regression assumes
the parameters β and σ 2 to be the random variables, while at the same time considering X and Y as
fixed. Within the regression context, the conjugate priors of β and σ 2 are:

β | σ 2 ∼ N (0p , σ 2 λ−1 Ipp ) and σ 2 ∼ IG(α0 , β0 ),

where IG denotes the inverse Gamma distribution with shape parameter α0 and scale parameter β0 .
The penalty parameter can be interpreted as the precision of the prior, determining how informative the
prior should be. A smaller penalty (i.e. precision) corresponds to a wider prior, and a larger penalty to
a more informative, concentrated prior (Figure 1.5).
18 Ridge regression

Prior of beta





−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3


Figure 1.5: Conjugate prior of the regression parameter β for various choices of λ, the penalty parameters c.q.

Under the assumption of the conjugate priors above, the joint posterior distribution of β and σ 2 is

fβ,σ2 (β, σ 2 | Y, X) = fY (Y | X, β, σ 2 ) fβ (β|σ 2 ) fσ (σ 2 )

h 1 i
∝ σ −n exp − 2 (Y − Xβ)⊤ (Y − Xβ)

h 1 i h β0 i
× σ exp − 2 λβ ⊤ β × [σ 2 ]−α0 −1 exp − 2 .
2σ 2σ

(Y − Xβ)⊤ (Y − Xβ) + λβ ⊤ β
= Y⊤ Y − β ⊤ X⊤ Y − Y⊤ Xβ + β ⊤ X⊤ Xβ + λβ ⊤ β
= Y⊤ Y − β ⊤ (X⊤ X + λIpp )(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y
− Y⊤ X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X + λIpp )β + β ⊤ (X⊤ X + λIpp )β
= Y⊤ Y − β ⊤ (X⊤ X + λIpp )β̂(λ)
− [β̂(λ)]⊤ (X⊤ X + λIpp )β + β ⊤ (X⊤ X + λIpp )β
= Y⊤ Y − Y⊤ X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y
+ β − β̂(λ) (X⊤ X + λIpp ) β − β̂(λ) ,

the posterior distribution can be rewritten to:

fβ,σ2 (β, σ 2 | Y, X) ∝ gβ (β | σ 2 , Y, X) gσ2 (σ 2 | Y, X)

n 1  ⊤  o
gβ (β | σ 2 , Y, X) ∝ exp − 2
β − β̂(λ) (X⊤ X + λIpp ) β − β̂(λ) .

Then, clearly the conditional posterior mean of β is E(β | σ 2 , Y, X) = β̂(λ). Hence, the ridge regression
estimator can be viewed as the Bayesian posterior mean estimator of β when imposing a Gaussian prior
on the regression parameter.
1.7 Degrees of freedom 19

With little extra work we may also obtain the conditional posterior of σ 2 from the joint posterior
fσ2 (σ 2 | β, Y, X) ∝ (σ 2 )−[(n+p)/2+α0 +1] exp[− (kY − Xβk22 + λkβk22 + β0 )],
2σ 2
in which one can recognize the shape of an inverse gamma distribution.

A Bayesian estimator of a parameter θ is the estimator thatR minimizes the Bayes risk over a prior
distribution of the parameter θ. The Bayes risk is defined as θ E[(θ̂ − θ)⊤ (θ̂ − θ)]πθ (θ; α)dθ, where
πθ (θ; α) is the prior distribution of θ with hyperparameter α. It is thus a weighted average of the
Mean Squared Error, with weights specified through the prior. The Bayes risk is minimized by the mean
posterior Eθ (θ | data) (cf., e.g., Bijma et al., 2017). The Bayesian estimator of θ thus yields the smallest
possible expected MSE, under the assumption of the employed prior.
The Bayes risk of the ridge estimator over the normal prior β ∼ N (0p , σ 2 λ−1 Ipp ) is:

Eβ {MSE[β̂(λ)] | σ 2 , Y, X} = σ 2 tr Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ + Eβ [β ⊤ (Wλ − Ipp )⊤ (Wλ − Ipp ) β]
= σ 2 tr Wλ (X⊤ X)−1 Wλ⊤ + λ−1 tr[(Wλ − Ipp )⊤ (Wλ − Ipp )]
= σ (d2jj + λ)−1 ,

in which we have used i) the previously derived explicit expression (1.7) of the ridge estimator’s MSE,
ii) the expectation of the quadratic form of a multivariate random variable (Mathai and Provost, 1992),
iii) the singular value decomposition of X with singular values djj , and iv) the fact that the trace of
a square matrix equals the sum of its eigenvalues. As the ridge estimator coincides with the posterior
mean, this is the minimal achievable MSE under a zero-centered normal prior with an uncorrelated and
equivariant covariance matrix.
Above the Bayes risk of the ridge estimator factorizes with respect to σ 2 and λ. Hence, the larger the
hyperparameter λ the lower the Bayes risk of the ridge estimator. In particular, its Bayes risk converges
to zero as λ → ∞. This can be understood as follows. The limit corresponds to an infinite precision of
the prior, thus reducing the variance contribution to the MSE. Moreover, as the ridge estimator shrinks
towards zero and the prior distribution of β has a zero mean, the bias too vanishes as λ → ∞.
The calculation of the Bayes risk above relates the Bayesian and frequentist statements on the MSE
of the ridge estimator. For the latter revisit Theorem 1.2 of Section 1.4.3, which states the existence
of a λ such that the resulting ridge estimator has a superior MSE over that of the ML estimator. This
result made no assumption on (the distribution of) β. In fact, it can be viewed as a statement of the
MSE conditional on β. The Bayesian result integrates out the uncertainty – specified by the prior – in
β from the (frequentist’s) conditional MSE to arrive at the unconditional MSE.

1.7 Degrees of freedom

The degrees of freedom consumed by ridge regression is calculated. The degrees of freedom may be used
in combination with an information criterion to decide on the value of the penalty parameter. Recall
from ordinary regression that:
Y = X(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y = HY,

where H is the hat matrix. The degrees of freedom used in the regression is then equal to tr(H), the
trace of H. In particular, if X is of full rank, i.e. rank(X) = p, then tr(H) = p.
By analogy, the ridge-version of the hat matrix is:

H(λ) = X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ .

Continuing this analogy, the degrees of freedom of ridge regression is given by the trace of the ridge hat
matrix H(λ):
X d2jj
tr[H(λ)] = tr[X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ ] = .
d2jj + λ
20 Ridge regression

The degrees of freedom consumed by ridge regression is monotone decreasing in λ. In particular:

lim tr[H(λ)] = 0.

That is, in the limit no information from X is used. Indeed, β is forced to equal 0p which is not derived
from data.

1.8 Efficient calculation

In the high-dimensional setting the number of covariates p is large compared to the number of samples
n. In a microarray experiment p = 40000 and n = 100 is not uncommon. To perform ridge regression in
this context, the following expression needs to be evaluated numerically:
(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y.
For p = 40000 this requires the inversion of a 40000 × 40000 dimensional matrix. This is not feasible on
most desktop computers. However, there is a workaround.
Revisit the singular value decomposition of X = Ux Dx Vx⊤ and write Rx = Ux Dx . As both Ux and
Dx are (n × n)-dimensional matrices, so is Rx . Consequently, X is now decomposed as X = Rx Vx⊤ .
The ridge estimator can be rewritten in terms of Rx and Vx :
β̂(λ) = (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y
= (Vx R⊤ ⊤
x Rx Vx + λIpp )
Vx R⊤
= (Vx R⊤ ⊤ ⊤ −1
x Rx Vx + λVx Vx ) Vx R⊤
⊤ −1 ⊤ ⊤
= Vx (Rx Rx + λInn ) Vx Vx Rx Y
= Vx (R⊤
x Rx + λInn )
−1 ⊤
Rx Y.
Hence, the reformulated ridge estimator involves the inversion of an (n × n)-dimensional matrix. With
n = 100 this is feasible on most standard computers.
Hastie and Tibshirani (2004) point out that the number of computation operations reduces from
O(p3 ) to O(pn2 ). In addition, they point out that this computational short-cut can be used in combina-
tion with other loss functions, for instance that of standard generalized linear models.

Avoidance of the inversion of the (p × p)-dimensional matrix may be achieved in an other way. Hereto
one needs the Woodbury identity. Let A, U and V be (p × p)-, (p × n)- and (n × p)-dimensional matrices,
respectively. The (simplified form of the) Woodbury identity then is:
(A + UV)−1 = A−1 − A−1 U(Inn + VA−1 U)−1 VA−1 .
Application of the Woodbury identity to the matrix inverse in the ridge estimator of the regression
parameter gives:
(λIpp + X⊤ X)−1 = λ−1 Ipp − λ−2 X⊤ (Inn + λ−1 XX⊤ )−1 X.
This gives:
(λIpp + X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y = λ−1 X⊤ Y − λ−2 X⊤ (Inn + λ−1 XX⊤ )−1 XX⊤ Y
= λ−1 X⊤ Y − λ−1 X⊤ (Inn + λ−1 XX⊤ )−1 XY .
The inversion of the (p × p)-dimensional matrix λIpp + X⊤ X is thus replaced by that of the (n × n)-
dimensional matrix Inn + λ−1 XX⊤ . In addition, this expression of the ridge regression estimator avoids
the singular value decomposition of X, which may in some cases introduce additional numerical errors
(e.g. at the level of machine precision).

1.9 Choice of the penalty parameter

Throughout the introduction of ridge regression and the subsequent discussion of its properties the
penalty parameter is considered known or ‘given’. In practice, it is unknown and the user needs to make
an informed decision on its value. Several strategies to facilitate such a decision are presented.
1.9 Choice of the penalty parameter 21

1.9.1 Information criterion

A popular strategy is to choose a penalty parameter that yields a good but parsimonious model. In-
formation criteria measure the balance between model fit and model complexity. Here we present the
Aikaike’s information criterion (AIC), but many other criteria have been presented in the literature (e.g.
Akaike, 1974, Schwarz, 1978). The AIC measures model fit by the log-likelihood and model complexity is
measured by the number of parameters used by the model. The number of model parameters in regular
regression simply corresponds to the number of covariates in the model. Or, by the degrees of freedom
consumed by the model, which is equivalent to the trace of the hat matrix. For ridge regression it thus
seems natural to define model complexity analogously by the trace of the ridge hat matrix. This yields
the AIC for the linear regression model with ridge estimates:

AIC(λ) = 2 p − 2 log(L̂)
= 2 tr[H(λ)] − 2 log{L[β̂(λ), σ̂ 2 (λ)]}
X p n
d2jj √ 1 X
= 2 2 +λ + 2n log[ 2 π σ̂(λ)] + 2 (λ)
[yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ)]2 .
j=1 jj
σ̂ i=1

The value of λ which minimizes AIC(λ) corresponds to the ‘optimal’ balance of model complexity and
Information criteria guide the decision process when having to decide among various different models.
Different models use different sets of explanatory variables to explain the behaviour of the response
variable. In that sense, the use of information criteria for the deciding on the ridge penalty parameter
may be considered inappropriate: ridge regression uses the same set of explanatory variables irrespective
of the value of the penalty parameter. Moreover, often ridge regression is employed to predict a response
and not to provide an insightful explanatory model. The latter need not yield the best predictions.
Finally, empirically we observe that the AIC often does not show an optimum inside the domain of the
ridge penalty parameter. Henceforth, we refrain from the use of the AIC (or any of its relatives) in
determining the optimal ridge penalty parameter.

1.9.2 Cross-validation
Instead of choosing the penalty parameter to balance model fit with model complexity, cross-validation
requires it (i.e. the penalty parameter) to yield a model with good prediction performance. Commonly,
this performance is evaluated on novel data. Novel data need not be easy to come by and one has to make
do with the data at hand. The setting of ‘original’ and novel data is then mimicked by sample splitting:
the data set is divided into two (groups of samples). One of these two data sets, called the training
set, plays the role of ‘original’ data on which the model is built. The second of these data sets, called
the test set, plays the role of the ‘novel’ data and is used to evaluate the prediction performance (often
operationalized as the log-likelihood or the prediction error) of the model built on the training data set.
This procedure (model building and prediction evaluation on training and test set, respectively) is done
for a collection of possible penalty parameter choices. The penalty parameter that yields the model with
the best prediction performance is to be preferred. The thus obtained performance evaluation depends
on the actual split of the data set. To remove this dependence the data set is split many times into
a training and test set. For each split the model parameters are estimated for all choices of λ using
the training data and estimated parameters are evaluated on the corresponding test set. The penalty
parameter that on average over the test sets performs best (in some sense) is then selected.
When the repetitive splitting of the data set is done randomly, samples may accidently end up in a fast
majority of the splits in either training or test set. Such samples may have an unbalanced influence on
either model building or prediction evaluation. To avoid this k-fold cross-validation structures the data
splitting. The samples are divided into k more or less equally sized exhaustive and mutually exclusive
subsets. In turn (at each split) one of these subsets plays the role of the test set while the union of the
remaining subsets constitutes the training set. Such a splitting warrants a balanced representation of
each sample in both training and test set over the splits. Still the division into the k subsets involves
a degree of randomness. This may be fully excluded when choosing k = n. This particular case is
referred to as leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). For illustration purposes the LOOCV procedure
is detailed fully below:
0) Define a range of interest for the penalty parameter.
22 Ridge regression

1) Divide the data set into training and test set comprising samples {1, . . . , n} \ i and {i}, respectively.
2) Fit the linear regression model by means of ridge estimation for each λ in the grid using the training
set. This yields:

β̂−i (λ) = (X⊤

−i,∗ X−i,∗ + λIpp )
−1 ⊤
X−i,∗ Y−i
and the corresponding estimate of the error variance σ̂−i (λ).
3) Evaluate the prediction performance of these models on the test set by log{L[Yi , Xi,∗ ; β̂−i (λ), σ̂−i (λ)]}.
Or, by the prediction error |Yi − Xi,∗ β̂−i (λ)|, possibly squared.
4) Repeat steps 1) to 3) such that each sample plays the role of the test set once.
5) Average the prediction performances of the test sets at each grid point of the penalty parameter:
1X 2
log{L[Yi , Xi,∗ ; β̂−i (λ), σ̂−i (λ)]}.
n i=1

The quantity above is called the cross-validated log-likelihood. It is an estimate of the prediction
performance of the model corresponding to this value of the penalty parameter on novel data.
6) The value of the penalty parameter that maximizes the cross-validated log-likelihood is the value
of choice.
The procedure is straightforwardly adopted to k-fold cross-validation, a different criterion, and different
In the LOOCV procedure above resampling can be avoided when the prediction performance is
measured by Allen’s PRESS (Predicted Residual Error Sum of Squares) statistic (Allen, 1974). For
then, the LOOCV prediction performance can be expressed analytically in terms of the known quantities
derived from the design matrix and response (as pointed out but not detailed in Golub et al. 1979).
Define the optimal penalty parameter to minimize Allen’s PRESS statistic:
λopt = arg min [Yi − Xi,∗ β̂−i (λ)]2 .
λ n i=1

To derive an analytic expression for the right-hand side first rewrite (X⊤
−i,∗ X−i,∗ + λIpp )
by means of
the Woodbury identity as:

−i,∗ X−i,∗ + λIpp )
= (X⊤ X + λIpp − X⊤
i,∗ Xi,∗ )

= (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 + (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ ⊤

i,∗ [1 − Xi,∗ (X X + λIpp )
−1 ⊤ −1
Xi,∗ ]
Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1
= (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 + (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1

with Hii (λ) = Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ ⊤ ⊤ ⊤

i,∗ . Furthermore, X−i Y−i = X Y − Xi,∗ Yi . Substitute both in
the leave-one-out ridge regression estimator and manipulate:

β̂−i (λ) = (X⊤

−i,∗ X−i,∗ + λIpp )
−1 ⊤
X−i,∗ Y−i
= {(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 + (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 }
×(X⊤ Y − X⊤
i,∗ Yi )

= (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y − (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤

i,∗ Yi

+(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤

i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y
−(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ Yi

= β̂(λ) − (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤

i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
[1 − Hii (λ)]Yi
+(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
Xi,∗ β̂(λ)
−(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
Hii (λ)Yi
= β̂(λ) − (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
{[1 − Hii (λ)]Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ) + Hii (λ)Yi }
= β̂(λ) − (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
[Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ)].
1.10 Simulations 23

The latter enables the reformulation of the prediction error as:

Yi − Xi,∗ β̂−i (λ) = Yi − Xi,∗ {β̂(λ) − (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤

i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
[Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ)]}
= Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ) + Xi,∗ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤
i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
[Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ)]
= Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ) + Hii (λ)[1 − Hii (λ)]−1 [Yi − Xi,∗ β̂(λ)]
= [1 − Hii (λ)]−1 [Yi − X⊤
i,∗ β̂(λ)],

which in turn results in the re-expression of Allen’s PRESS statistic:

λopt = arg min [Yi − Xi,∗ β̂−i (λ)]2 = arg min n1 kB(λ)[Inn − H(λ)]Yk2F ,
λ n i=1 λ

where B(λ) is diagonal with [B(λ)]ii = [1 − Hii (λ)]−1 . Hence, the prediction performance for a given λ
can be assessed directly from the ridge hat matrix and the response vector without the recalculation of
the n leave-one-out ridge estimators. Computationally, this is a considerable gain.

1.10 Simulations
Simulations are presented that illustrate properties of the ridge estimator not discussed explicitly in the
previous sections of this chapter.

1.10.1 Role of the variance of the covariates

In many applications of high-dimensional data the covariates are standardized prior to the execution of
the ridge regression. Before we discuss whether this is appropriate, we first illustrate the effect of ridge
penalization on covariates with distinct variances using simulated data.
The simulation involves one response to be (ridge) regressed on fifty covariates. Data (with n = 1000)
for the covariates, denoted X, are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution: X ∼ N (050 , Σ) with
Σ diagonal and (Σ)jj = j/10. From this the response is generated through Y = Xβ + ε with β = 150
and ε ∼ N (050 , I50×50 ).
With the simulated data at hand the ridge regression estimates of β are evaluated for a large grid of
the penalty parameter λ. The resulting ridge regularization paths of the regression coefficients are plotted
(Figure 1.6). All paths start (λ = 0) close to one and vanish as λ → ∞. However, ridge regularization
paths of regression coefficients corresponding to covariates with a large variance dominate those with a
low variance.
Ridge regression’s preference of covariates with a large variance can intuitively be understood as
follows. First note that the ridge regression estimator now can be written as:

β(λ) = [Var(X) + λI50×50 ]−1 Cov(X, Y)

= (Σ + λI50×50 )−1 Σ[Var(X)]−1 Cov(X, Y)
= (Σ + λI50×50 )−1 Σβ.

Plug in the employed parametrization of Σ, which gives:

[β(λ)]j = (β)j .
j + 50λ

Hence, the larger the covariate’s variance (corresponding to the larger j), the larger its ridge regression
coefficient estimate. Ridge regression thus prefers (among a set of covariates with comparable effect
sizes) those with larger variances.
The reformulation of ridge penalized estimation as a constrained estimation problem offers a geo-
metrical interpretation of this phenomenon. Let p = 2 and the design matrix X be orthogonal, while
both covariates contribute equally to the response. Contrast the cases with Var(X1 ) ≈ Var(X2 ) and
Var(X1 ) ≫ Var(X2 ). The level sets of the least squares loss function associated with the former case
are circular, while that of the latter are strongly ellipsoidal (see Figure 1.6). The diameters along the
principal axes (that – due to the orthogonality of X – are parallel to that of the β1 - and β2 -axes) of
24 Ridge regression

Solution paths of covariates with distinct variance

σ2 in (0,1]
σ2 in (1,2]
σ2 in (2,3]
σ2 in (3,4]
σ2 in (4,5]

Ridge estimate


5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Ridge estimates with equal covariate variances Ridge estimates with unequal covariate variances

loss level sets



∝ 1/Var(X1) ∝ 1/Var(X1)

∝ 1/Var(X2)

∝ 1/Var(X2)







loss level sets

^ ^
β1(λ) constraint β1(λ)

−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

β1 β1

Figure 1.6: Top panel: Ridge regularization paths for coefficients of the 50 uncorrelated covariates with distinct
variances. Color and line type indicated the grouping of the covariates by their variance. Bottom panels: Graphical
illustration of the effect of a covariate’s variance on the ridge estimator. The grey circle depicts the ridge parameter
constraint. The dashed black ellipsoids are the level sets of the least squares loss function. The red dot is the ridge
regression estimate. Left and right panels represent the cases with equal and unequal, respectively, variances of
the covariates.

both circle and ellipsoid are reciprocals of the variance of the covariates. When the variances of both
covariates are equal, the level sets of the loss function expand equally fast along both axis. With the two
covariates having the same regression coefficient, the point of these level sets closest to the parameter
constraint is to be found on the line β1 = β2 (Figure 1.6, left panel). Consequently, the ridge regression
estimate satisfies β̂1 (λ) ≈ β̂2 (λ). With unequal variances between the covariates, the ellipsoidal level
sets of the loss function have diameters of rather different sizes. In particular, along the β1 -axis it is
narrow (as Var(X1 ) is large), and – vice versa – wide along the β2 -axis. Consequently, the point of these
level sets closest to the circular parameter constraint will be closer to the β1 - than to the β2 -axis (Figure
1.6, left panel). For the ridge estimates of the regression parameter this implies 0 ≪ β̂1 (λ) < 1 and
0 < β̂2 (λ) ≪ 1. Hence, the covariate with a larger variance yields the larger ridge regression estimate.
1.10 Simulations 25

Should one thus standardize the covariates prior to ridge regression analysis? When dealing with
gene expression data from microarrays, the data have been subjected to a series of pre-processing steps
(e.g. quality control, background correction, within- and between-normalization). The purpose of these
steps is to make the expression levels of genes comparable both within and between hybridizations.
The preprocessing should thus be considered an inherent part of the measurement. As such it is to be
done independently of whatever down-stream analysis is to follow and further tinkering with the data is
preferably to be avoided (as it may mess up the ‘comparable-ness’ of the expression levels as achieved
by the preprocessing). For other data types different considerations may apply.
Among the considerations to decide on standardization of the covariates, one should also include the
fact that ridge estimates prior and posterior to scaling do not simply differ by a factor. To see this
assume that the covariates have been centered. Scaling of the covariates amounts to post-multiplication
of the design matrix by a (p × p)-dimensional diagonal matrix A with the reciprocals of the covariates’
scale estimates on its diagonal (Sardy, 2008). Hence, the ridge estimator (for the rescaled data) is then
given by:

min kY − XAβk22 + λkβk22 .


Apply the change-of-variable γ = Aβ and obtain:

min kY − Xγk22 + λkA −1
γk22 = min kY − Xγk22 + λ[(A)jj ]−2 γj2 .
γ β

Effectively, the scaling is equivalent to covariate-wise penalization. The ‘scaled’ ridge estimator may then
be derived along the same lines as before in Section 1.5:

β̂ (scaled) (λ) = A−1 γ̂(λ) = A−1 (X⊤ X + λA−2 )−1 X⊤ Y.

In general, this is unequal to the ridge estimator without the rescaling of the columns of the design
matrix. Moreover, it should be clear that β̂ (scaled) (λ) 6= Aβ̂(λ).

1.10.2 Ridge regression and collinearity

Initially, ridge regression was motivated as an ad-hoc fix of (super)-collinear covariates in order to obtain
a well-defined estimator. We now study the effect of this ad-hoc fix on the regression coefficient estimates
of collinear covariates. In particular, their ridge regularization paths are contrasted to those of ‘non-
collinear’ covariates.
To this end, we consider a simulation in which one response is regressed on 50 covariates. The
data of these covariates, stored in a design matrix denoted X, are sampled from a multivariate normal
distribution, with mean zero and a 5 × 5 blocked covariance matrix:
 
Σ11 010×10 010×10 010×10 010×10
 010×10 Σ22 010×10 010×10 010×10 
 
Σ =  0
 10×10 0 10×10 Σ33 010×10 010×10  
 010×10 010×10 010×10 Σ44 010×10 
010×10 010×10 010×10 010×10 Σ55

k−1 6−k
Σkk = 110×10 + I10×10 .
5 5
The data of the response variable Y are then obtained through: Y = Xβ + ε, with ε ∼ N (0n , Inn )
and β = 150 . Hence, all covariates contribute equally to the response. Would the columns of X be
orthogonal, little difference in the ridge estimates of the regression coefficients is expected.
The results of this simulation study with sample size n = 1000 are presented in Figure 1.7. All 50
regularization paths start close to one as λ is small and converge to zero as λ → ∞. But the paths of
covariates of the same block of the covariance matrix Σ quickly group, with those corresponding to a
block with larger off-diagonal elements above those with smaller ones. Thus, ridge regression prefers (i.e.
shrinks less) coefficient estimates of strongly positively correlated covariates.
26 Ridge regression

Solution paths of correlated covariates Ridge estimates with correlated covariates

r=0.0 loss level sets

r=0.3 constraint, correlated X

r=0.4 constraint, uncorrelated X



∝ 1/Var(X1)

∝ 1/Var(X2)
Ridge estimate





5 6 7 8 9 10 11 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

log(lambda) β1

Figure 1.7: Left panel: Ridge regularization paths for coefficients of the 50 covariates, with various degree of
collinearity but equal variance. Color and line type correspond to the five blocks of the covariate matrix Σ. Right
panel: Graphical illustration of the effect of the collinearity among covariates on the ridge estimator. The solid
and dotted grey circles depict the ridge parameter constraint for the collinear and orthogonal cases, respectively.
The dashed black ellipsoids are the level sets of the sum-of-squares squares loss function. The red dot and violet
diamond are the ridge regression for the positive collinear and orthogonal case, respectively.

Intuitive understanding of the observed behaviour may be obtained from the p = 2 case. Let U ,
V and ε be independent random variables with zero mean. Define X1 = U + V , X2 = U − V , and
Y = β1 X1 + β2 X2 + ε with β1 and β2 constants. Hence, E(Y ) = 0. Then:

Y = (β1 + β2 )U + (β1 − β2 )V + ε
= γu U + γv V + ε

and Cor(X1 , X2 ) = [Var(U ) − Var(V )]/[Var(U ) + Var(V )]. The random variables X1 and X2 are strongly
positively correlated if Var(U ) ≫ Var(V ).
The ridge regression estimator associated with regression of Y on U and V is:
Var(U ) + λ 0 Cov(U, Y )
γ(λ) = .
0 Var(V ) + λ Cov(V, Y )

For large enough λ

1 Var(U ) 0 β1 + β2
γ(λ) ≈ .
λ 0 Var(V ) β1 − β2

When Var(U ) ≫ Var(V ) and β1 ≈ β2 , the ridge estimate of γv vanishes for large λ. Hence, ridge
regression prefers positively covariates with similar effect sizes.
This phenomenon too can be explained geometrically. For the illustration consider ridge estimation
with λ = 1 of the linear model Y = Xβ + ε with β = (3, 3)⊤ , ε ∼ N (02 , I22 ) and the columns of X
strongly and positively collinear. The level sets of the sum-of-squares loss, kY − Xβk22 , are plotted in
the right panel of Figure 1.7. Recall that the ridge estimate is found by looking for the smallest loss
level set that hits the ridge contraint. The sought-for estimate is then the point of intersection between
this level set and the constraint, and – for the case at hand – is on the x = y-line. This is no different
from the case with orthogonal X columns. Yet their estimates differ, even though the same λ is applied.
The difference is to due to fact that the radius of the ridge constraint depends on λ, X and Y. This is
immediate from the fact that the radius of the constraint equals kβ̂(λ)k22 (see Section 1.5). To study the
1.11 Illustration 27

effect of X on the radius, we remove its dependence on Y by considering its expectation, which is:

E[kβ̂(λ)k22 ] = E{[(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X) β̂]⊤ (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 (X⊤ X) β̂}
= E[Y⊤ X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−2 X⊤ Y]

= σ 2 tr X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−2 X⊤ + β ⊤ X⊤ X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−2 X⊤ Xβ.

In the last step we have used Y ∼ N (Xβ, σ 2 Ipp ) and the expectation of the quadratic form of a
multivariate random variable ε ∼ N (µε , Σε ) is E(ε⊤ Λ ε) = tr(Λ Σε )+µ⊤ ε Λ µε (cf. Mathai and Provost,
1992). The expression for the expectation of the radius of the ridge constraint can now be evaluated for
the orthogonal X and the strongly, positively collinear X. It turns out that the latter is larger than the
former. This results in a larger ridge constraint. For the larger ridge constraint there is a smaller level
set that hits it first. The point of intersection, still on the x = y-line, is now thus closer to β and further
from the origin (cf. right panel of Figure 1.7). The resulting estimate is thus larger than that from the
orthogonal case.
The above needs some attenuation. Among others it depends on: i) the number of covariates in
each block, ii) the size of the effects, i.e. regression coefficients of each covariate, and iii) the degree of
collinearity. Possibly, there are more factors influencing the behaviour of the ridge estimator presented
in this subsection.
This behaviour of ridge regression is to be understood when using (say) gene expression data to predict
a certain clinical outcome. Genes work in concert to fulfil a certain function in the cell. Consequently,
one expects their expression levels to be correlated. Indeed, gene expression studies exhibit many co-
expressed genes, that is, genes with correlating transcript levels.

1.11 Illustration
The application of ridge regression to actual data aims to illustrate its use in practice.

1.11.1 MCM7 expression regulation by microRNAs

Recently, a new class of RNA was discovered, referred to as microRNA. MicroRNAs are non-coding,
single stranded RNAs of approximately 22 nucleotides. Like mRNAs, microRNAs are encoded in and
transcribed from the DNA. MicroRNAs play an important role in the regulatory mechanism of the cell.
MicroRNAs down-regulate gene expression by either of two post-transcriptional mechanisms: mRNA
cleavage or transcriptional repression. This depends on the degree of complementarity between the
microRNA and the target. Perfect or nearly perfect complementarity of the mRNA to the microRNA
will lead to cleavage and degradation of the target mRNA. Imperfect complementarity will repress the
productive translation and reduction in protein levels without affecting the mRNA levels. A single
microRNA can bind to and regulate many different mRNA targets. Conversely, several microRNAs can
bind to and cooperatively control a single mRNA target (Bartel, 2004; Esquela-Kerscher and Slack, 2006;
Kim and Nam, 2006).
In this illustration we wish to confirm the regulation of mRNA expression by microRNAs in an
independent data set. We cherry pick an arbitrary finding from literature reported in Ambs et al. (2008),
which focusses on the microRNA regulation of the MCM7 gene in prostate cancer. The MCM7 gene is
involved in DNA replication (Tye, 1999), a cellular process often derailed in cancer. Furthermore, MCM7
interacts with the tumor-suppressor gene RB1 (Sterner et al., 1998). Several studies indeed confirm the
involvement of MCM7 in prostate cancer (Padmanabhan et al., 2004). And recently, it has been reported
that in prostate cancer MCM7 may be regulated by microRNAs (Ambs et al., 2008).
We here assess whether the MCM7 down-regulation by microRNAs can be observed in a data set
other than the one upon which the microRNA-regulation of MCM7 claim has been based. To this
end we download from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) a prostate cancer data set (presented by
Wang et al., 2009). This data set (with GEO identifier: GSE20161) has both mRNA and microRNA
profiles for all samples available. The preprocessed (as detailed in Wang et al., 2009) data are downloaded
and require only minor further manipulations to suit our purpose. These manipulations comprise i)
averaging of duplicated profiles of several samples, ii) gene- and mir-wise zero-centering of the expression
data, iii) averaging the expression levels of the probes that interrogate MCM7. Eventually, this leaves
90 profiles each comprising of 735 microRNA expression measurements.
28 Ridge regression

Listing 1.2 R code

# load libraries
library ( GEOquery )
library ( RmiR . hsa )
library ( penalized )

# extract data
slh <- getGEO ( " GSE20161 " , GSEMatrix = TRUE )
GEdata <- slh [ 1 ] [ [ 1 ] ]
MIRdata <- slh [ 2 ] [ [ 1 ] ]

# average duplicate profiles

Yge <- numeric ()
Xmir <- numeric ()
for ( sName in 1:90) {
Yge <- cbind ( Yge , apply ( exprs ( GEdata ) [ , sName , drop = FALSE ] , 1 , mean ) )
Xmir <- cbind ( Xmir , apply ( exprs ( MIRdata ) [ , sName , drop = FALSE ] , 1 , mean ) )
colnames ( Yge ) <- paste ( " S " , 1:90 , sep = " " )
colnames ( Xmir ) <- paste ( " S " , 1:90 , sep = " " )

# extact mRNA expression of the MCM7N tumor suppressor gene

entrezID <- c ( " 4176 " )
geneName <- " MCM7 "
Y <- Yge [ which ( levels ( fData ( GEdata ) [ ,6 ] ) [ fData ( GEdata ) [ ,6 ] ] == geneName )

# average gene expression levels over probes

Y <- apply (Y , 2 , mean )

# mir - wise centering mir expression data

X <- t ( sweep ( Xmir , 1 , rowMeans ( Xmir ) ) )

# generate cross - validated likelihood profile

profL2 (Y , penalized =X , minlambda2 =1 , maxlambda2 =20000 , plot = TRUE )

# decide on the optimal penalty value directly

optLambda <- optL2 (Y , penalized = X ) $ lambda

# obtain the ridge regression estimages

ridgeFit <- penalized (Y , penalized =X , lambda2 = optLambda )

# plot them as histogram

hist ( coef ( ridgeFit , " penalized " ) , n =50 , col = " blue " , border = " lightblue " ,
xlab = " ridge regression estimates with optimal lambda " ,
main = " Histogram of ridge estimates " )

# linear prediction from ridge

Yhat <- predict ( ridgeFit , X ) [ ,1 ]
plot ( Y ~ Yhat , pch =20 , xlab = " pred . MCM7 expression " ,
ylab = " obs . MCM7 expression " )

With this prostate data set at hand we now investigate whether MCM7 is regulated by microRNAs.
Hereto we fit a linear regression model regressing the expression levels of MCM7 onto those of the
microRNAs. As the number of microRNAs exceeds the number of samples, ordinary least squares fails
and we resort to the ridge estimator of the regression coefficients. First, an informed choice of the penalty
parameter is made through maximization of the LOOCV log-likelihood, resulting in λopt = 1812.826.
Having decided on the value of the to-be-employed penalty parameter, the ridge regression estimator
can now readily be evaluated. The thus fitted model allows for the evaluation of microRNA-regulation
of MCM7. E.g., by the proportion of variation of the MCM7 expression levels by the microRNAs as
expressed in coefficient of determination: R2 = 0.4492. Alternatively, but closely related, observed
1.11 Illustration 29

expression levels may be related to the linear predictor of the MCM7 expression levels: Ŷ(λopt ) =
Xβ̂(λopt ). The Spearman correlation of response and predictor equals 0.6295. A visual inspection is
provided by the left panel of Figure 1.8. Note the difference in scale of the x- and y-axes. This is due to
the fact that the regression coefficients have been estimated in penalized fashion, consequently shrinking
estimates of the regression coefficients towards zero leading to small estimates and in turn compressing
the range of the linear prediction. The above suggests there is indeed association between the microRNA
expression levels and those of MCM7.

Fit of ridge analysis Histogram of ridge regression estimates


obs. MCM7 expression level




8.94 8.96 8.98 9.00 9.02 9.04 −0.002 −0.001 0.000 0.001

pred. MCM7 expression level ridge estimates with optimal λ

Figure 1.8: Left panel: Observed vs. (ridge) fitted MCM7 expression values. Right panel: Histogram of the ridge
regression coefficient estimates.

The overall aim of this illustration was to assess whether microRNA-regulation of MCM7 could also
be observed in this prostate cancer data set. In this endeavour the dogma (stating this regulation
should be negative) has nowhere been used. A first simple assessment of the validity of this dogma
studies the signs of the estimated regression coefficients. The ridge regression estimate has 394 out of
the 735 microRNA probes with a negative coefficient. Hence, a small majority has a sign in line with
the ‘microRNA ↓ mRNA’ dogma. When, in addition, taking the size of these coefficients into account
(Figure 1.8, right panel), the negative regression coefficient estimates do not substantially differ from
their positive counterparts (as can be witnessed from their almost symmetrical distribution around zero).
Hence, the value of the ‘microRNA ↓ mRNA’ dogma is not confirmed by this ridge regression analysis
of the MCM7-regulation by microRNAs. Nor is it refuted.
The implementation of ridge regression in the penalized-package offers the possibility to fully obey
the dogma on negative regulation of mRNA expression by microRNAs. This requires all regression
coefficients to be negative. Incorporation of the requirement into the ridge estimation augments the
constrained estimation problem with an additional constraint:

β̂(λ) = arg min kY − X βk22 .

kβk2 ≤c(λ)
βj ≤0 for all j

With the additional non-positivity constraint on the parameters, there is no explicit solution for the
estimator. The ridge estimate of the regression parameters is then found by numerical optimization
using e.g. the Newton-Raphson algorithm or a gradient descent approach. The next listing gives the
R-code for ridge estimation with the non-positivity constraint of the linear regression model.

Listing 1.3 R code

# decide on the optimal penalty value with sign constraint on paramers
optLambda <- optL2 (Y , penalized = -X , positive = rep ( TRUE , ncol ( X ) ) ) $ lambda
30 Ridge regression

# obtain the ridge regression estimages

ridgeFit <- penalized (Y , penalized = -X , lambda2 = optLambda ,
positive = rep ( TRUE , ncol ( X ) ) )

# linear prediction from ridge

Yhat <- predict ( ridgeFit , -X ) [ ,1 ]
plot ( Y ~ Yhat , pch =20 , xlab = " predicted MCM7 expression level " ,
ylab = " observed MCM7 expression level " )
cor (Y , Yhat , m = " s " )
summary ( lm ( Y ~ Yhat ) ) [ 8 ]

The linear regression model linking MCM7 expression to that of the microRNAs is fitted by ridge
regression while simultaneously obeying the ‘negative regulation of mRNA by microRNA’-dogma to the
prostate cancer data. In the resulting model 401 out of 735 microRNA probes have a nonzero (and
negative) coefficient. There is a large overlap in microRNAs with a negative coefficient between those
from this and the previous fit. The models are also compared in terms of their fit to the data. The
Spearman rank correlation coefficient between response and predictor for the model without positive
regression coefficients equals 0.679 and its coefficient of determination 0.524 (confer the left panel of 1.9
for a visualization). This is a slight improvement upon the unconstrained ridge estimated model. The
improvement may be small but it should be kept in mind that the number of parameters used by both
models is 401 (for the model without positive regression coefficients) vs. 735. Hence, with close to half
the number of parameters the dogma-obeying model gives a somewhat better description of the data.
This may suggest that there is some value in the dogma as inclusion of this prior information leads to a
more parsimonious model without any loss in fit.

Fit of ridge analysis with constraints Histogram of ridge regression estimates with constraints

obs. MCM7 expression level




8.94 8.96 8.98 9.00 9.02 9.04 9.06 −0.005 −0.004 −0.003 −0.002 −0.001 0.000

pred. MCM7 expression level ridge estimates with optimal λ

Figure 1.9: Left panel: Observed vs. (ridge) fitted MCM7 expression values (with the non-positive constraint on the
parameters in place). Right panel: Histogram of the ridge regression coefficient estimates (from the non-positivity
constrained analysis).

The dogma-obeying model selects 401 microRNAs that aid in the explanation of the variation in the
gene expression levels of MCM7. There is an active field of research, called target prediction, trying to
identify which microRNAs target the mRNA of which genes. Within R there is a collection of packages
that provide the target prediction of known microRNAs. The packages differ on the method (e.g. exper-
imental or sequence comparison) that has been used to arrive at the prediction. These target predictions
may be used to evaluate the value of the found 401 microRNAs. Ideally, there would be a substantial
amount of overlap. The R-script that loads the target predictions and does the comparison is below.
1.12 Conclusion 31

Listing 1.4 R code

# extract mir names and their ( hypothesized ) mrna target
mir2target <- numeric ()
mirPredProgr am <- c ( " targetscan " , " miranda " , " mirbase " , " pictar " , " mirtarget2 " )
for ( program in mirPredProg ra m ) {
slh <- dbReadTable ( RmiR . hsa _ dbconn () , program )
slh <- cbind ( program , slh [ ,1:2 ] )
colnames ( slh ) <- c ( " method " , " mir " , " target " )
mir2target <- rbind ( mir2target , slh )
mir2target <- unique ( mir2target )
mir2target <- mir2target [ which ( mir2target [ ,3 ] == entrezID ) ,]
uniqMirs <- tolower ( unique ( mir2target [ ,2 ] ) )

# extract names of mir - probe on array

arrayMirs <- tolower ( levels ( fData ( MIRdata ) [ ,3 ] ) [ fData ( MIRdata ) [ ,3 ] ] )

# which mir - probes are predicted to down - regulate MCM7

selMirs <- intersect ( arrayMirs , uniqMirs )
ids <- which ( arrayMirs % in % selMirs )

# which ridge estimates are non - zero

nonzeroBetas <- ( coef ( ridgeFit , " penalized " ) != 0)

# which mirs are predicted to

nonzeroPred <- 0 * betas
nonzeroPred [ ids ] <- 1

# contingency table and chi - square test

table ( nonzeroBetas , nonzeroPred )
chisq . test ( table ( nonzeroBetas , nonzeroPred ) )

β̂j = 0 β̂j < 0

microRNA not target 323 390

microRNA target 11 11

Table 1.1: Cross-tabulation of the microRNAs being a potential target of MCM7 vs. the value of its regression
coefficient in the dogma-obeying model.

With knowledge available on each microRNA whether it is predicted (by at least one target prediction
package) to be a potential target of MCM7, it may be cross-tabulated against its corresponding regression
coefficient estimate in the dogma-obeying model being equal to zero or not. Table 1.1 contains the
result. Somewhat superfluous considering the data, we may test whether the targets of MCM7 are
overrepresented in the group of strictly negatively estimated regression coefficients. The corresponding
chi-squared test (with Yates’ continuity correction) yields the test statistic χ2 = 0.0478 with a p-value
equal to 0.827. Hence, there is no enrichment among the 401 microRNAS of those that have been
predicted to target MCM7. This may seem worrisome. However, the microRNAs have been selected
for their predictive power of the expression levels of MCM7. Variable selection has not been a criterion
(although the sign constraint implies selection). Moreover, criticism on the value of the microRNA target
prediction has been accumulating in recent years.

1.12 Conclusion
We discussed ridge regression as a modification of linear regression to overcome the empirical non-
identifiability of the latter when confronted with high-dimensional data. The means to this end was the
addition of a (ridge) penalty to the sum-of-squares loss function of the linear regression model, which
32 Ridge regression

turned out to be equivalent to constraining the parameter domain. This warranted the identification of
the regression coefficients, but came at the cost of introducing bias in the estimates. Several properties
of ridge regression like moments, MSE, and its Bayesian interpretation have been reviewed. Finally, its
behaviour and use have been illustrated in simulation and omics data.

1.13 Exercises
Question 1.1 †
Find the ridge regression solution for the data below for a general value of λ and for the straight line
model Y = β0 +β1 X +ε (only apply the ridge penalty to the slope parameter, not to the intercept). Show
that when λ is chosen as 0.4, the ridge solution fit is Ŷ = 40 + 1.75X. Data: X⊤ = (X1 , X2 , . . . , X8 )⊤ =
(−2, −1, −1, −1, 0, 1, 2, 2)⊤, and Y⊤ = (Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Y8 )⊤ = (35, 40, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 43)⊤.

Question 1.2 ‡
Show that the ridge regression estimates can be obtained by ordinary least squares
√ regression on an
augmented data set. We augment the centered matrix X with p additional row λI, and augment y
with p zeros.

Question 1.3
The coefficients β of a linear regression model, Y = Xβ + ε, are estimated by β̂ = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y. The
associated fitted values then given by Y b = X β̂ = X(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y = HY, where H = X(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤
referred to as the hat matrix. The matrix P is a projection matrix and satisfies H = H2 . Hence, linear
regression projects the response Y onto the vector space spanned by the columns of Y. Consequently,
the residuals ε̂ and Ŷ are orthogonal. Now consider the ridge estimator of the regression coefficients:
β̂(λ) = (X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ Y. Let Ŷ(λ) = Xβ̂(λ) be the vector of associated fitted values.
a) Show that the matrix H(λ) = X(X⊤ X + λIpp )−1 X⊤ , associated with ridge regression, is not a
projection matrix (for any λ > 0).
b) Show that the ‘ridge fit’ Y(λ) is not orthogonal to the associated ‘ridge residuals’ ε̂(λ) (for any
λ > 0).
c) Derive the distribution of the ‘ridge residuals’.

Question 1.4
Recall that there exists λ > 0 such that M SE(β̂) > M SE[β̂(λ)]. Verify that this carries over to the
b = M SE(Xβ̂) > M SE[Xβ̂(λ)].
linear predictor. That is, there exists a λ > 0 such thatM SE(Y)

Question 1.5
Consider a 3-gene pathway. Expression levels of these three genes have been measured in an observational
study involving hundred individuals. In order to assess how the expression levels of gene A are affect by
that of genes B and C, a medical researcher fits the
(A) (B) (C)
Yi = βb Yi + βc Yi + εi ,

with εi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). This model fitted by means of ridge regression, but with a separate penalty param-
eter,λ2,b and λ2,c , for the two regression coefficient, βb and βc , respectively.
a) Write down the ridge penalized loss function employed by the researcher.
b)Does a different choice of penalty parameter for the second regression coefficient affect the estima-
tion of the first regression coefficient? Motivate your answer.
c) The researcher decides that the second covariate Yi is irrelevant. Instead of removing the covari-
ate from model, the researcher decides to set λ2,c = ∞. Show that this results in the same ridge
estimate for βb as when fitting (again by means of ridge regression) the model without the second

Question 1.6
The expression levels of the j-the gene are explained by a linear regression model in terms of those of all

† Thisexercise is freely rendered from Draper and Smith (1998)

‡ Thisexercise is freely rendered from Hastie et al. (2009), but can be found in many other places. The original source
is unknown to the author.
1.13 Exercises 33

other genes. Consider the following two ridge regression estimators of the regression parameter of this
model, defined as:
X n
arg max (Yi,j − Yi,\j βj )2 + λkβj k22 and arg max (Yi,j − Yi,\j βj )2 + nλkβj k22 .
β β
i=1 i=1

Which do you prefer? Motivate.

2 Generalizing ridge regression

The exposé on ridge regression may be generalized in many ways. Among others different generalized
linear models may be considered (confer Section 3). In this section we stick to the linear regression
model Y = Xβ + ε with the usual assumptions, but fit it in weighted fashion and generalize the
common, spherical penalty. The loss function corresponding to this scenario is:

(Y − Xβ)⊤ W(Y − Xβ) + (β − β0 )⊤ ∆(β − β0 ), (2.1)

which comprises a weighted least squares criterion and a generalized ridge penalty. In this W is a
(n × n)-dimensional, diagonal matrix with (W)ii ∈ [0, 1] representing the weight of the i-th observation.
The penalty is now a quadratic form with penalty parameter ∆, a (p × p)-dimensional, positive definite,
symmetric matrix. When ∆ = λIpp , one regains the spherical penalty of ‘regular ridge regression’. This
penalty shrinks each element of the regression parameter β equally along the unit vectors ej . Generalizing
∆ to the class of symmetric, positive definite matrices S++ allows for i) different penalization per
regression parameter, and ii) joint (or correlated) shrinkage among the elements of β. The penalty
parameter ∆ determines the speed and direction of shrinkage. The p-dimensional column vector β0 is
a user-specified, non-random target towards which β is shrunken as the penalty parameter increases.
When recasting generalized ridge estimation as a constrained estimation problem, the implications of
the penalty may be visualized (Figure 2.1, left panel). The generalized ridge penalty is a quadratic form
centered around β0 . In Figure 2.1 the parameter constraint clearly is ellipsoidal (and not spherical).
Moreover, the center of this ellipsoid is not at zero.

Generalized ridge penalty Generalized ridge regularization paths



0.025 β4(λ)














generalized ridge constraint

−2 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

β1 log(λ)

Figure 2.1: Left panel: the contours of the likelihood (grey solid ellipsoids) and the parameter constraint implied
by the generalized penalty (black dashed ellipsoid. Right panel: generalized (fat coloured lines) and ‘regular’ (thin
coloured lines) regularization paths of four regression coefficients. The dotted grey (straight) lines indicated the
targets towards the generalized ridge penalty shrinks regression coefficient estimates.

The addition of the generalized ridge penalty to the sum-of-squares ensures the existence of a unique
regression estimator in the face of super-collinearity. The generalized penalty is a non-degenerated
quadratic form in β due to the positive definiteness of the matrix ∆. As it is non-degenerate, it is
2.1 Moments 35

strictly convex. Consequently, the generalized ridge regression loss function (2.1), being the sum of a
convex and strictly convex function, is also strictly convex. This warrants the existence of a unique
global minimum and, thereby, a unique estimator.
Like for the ‘regular’ ridge loss function (1.8), there is an explicit expression for the optimum of the
generalized ridge loss function (2.1). To see this, obtain the estimating equation of β through equating
its derivative with respect to β to zero:
2X⊤ WY − 2X⊤ WXβ − 2∆β + 2∆β0 = 0p .
This is solved by:
β̂(∆) = (X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 (X⊤ WY + ∆β0 ). (2.2)
Clearly, this reduces to the ‘regular’ ridge estimator by setting W = Inn , β0 = 0p , and ∆ = λIpp . The
effects of the generalized ridge penalty on the estimates can be seen in the regularization paths of the
estimates. Figure 2.1 (right panel) contains an example of the regularization paths for coefficients of a
linear regression model with four explanatory variables. Most striking is the limiting behaviour of the
estimates of β3 and β4 for large values of the penalty parameter λ: they convergence to a non-zero value
(as was specified by a nonzero β0 ). More subtle is the (temporary) convergence of the regularization paths
of the estimates of β2 and β3 . That of β2 is pulled away from zero (its true value and approximately its
unpenalized estimate) towards the estimate of β3 . In the regularization path of β3 this can be observed in
a delayed convergence to its nonzero target value (for comparison consider that of β4 ). For reference the
corresponding regularization paths of the ‘regular’ ridge estimates (as thinner lines of the same colour)
are included in Figure 2.1.
Example 2.1 Fused ridge estimation
An example of a generalized ridge penalty is the fused ridge penalty. Consider the standard linear model
Y = Xβ + ε. The fused ridge estimator of β then minimizes:
kY − Xβk22 + λ kβj − βj−1 k22 . (2.3)

The penalty in the loss function above can be written as a generalized ridge penalty:
 
λ −λ 0 ... ... 0
.. ..
 −λ 2λ −λ . . 
 .. .. .. 
Xp  . . 
2 ⊤ 0 −λ 2λ . 
λ kβj − βj−1 k2 = β  .. .. .. .. ..  β.
 . . . . . 0 
j=2  .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . −λ 
0 ... ... 0 −λ λ
The matrix ∆ employed above is semi-positive definite and therefore the loss function (2.3) is not strictly
convex. Hence, often a regular ridge penalty kβk22 is added (with its own penalty parameter).
To illustrate the effect of the fused ridge penalty on the estimation of the linear regression model
Y = Xβ + ε, let βj = φ0,1 (zj ) with zj = −30 + 50 j for j = 1, . . . , 500. Sample the elements of the design
matrix X and those of the error vector ε from the standard normal distribution, then form the response
Y from the linear model. The regression parameter is estimated through fused ridge loss minimization
with λ = 1000. The estimate is shown in Figure 2.2 (red line). For reference the figure includes the true
β (black line) and the ‘regular ridge’ estimate with λ = 1 (blue line). Clearly, the fused ridge estimate
yields a nice smooth vector of β estimates 

2.1 Moments
The expectation and variance of β̂(∆) are obtained through application of the same matrix algebra
and expectation and covariance rules used in the derivation of their counterparts of the ‘regular’ ridge
regression estimator. This leads to:
E[β̂(∆)] = (X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 (X⊤ WXβ + ∆β0 ),
Var[β̂(∆)] = σ 2 (X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 X⊤ W2 X(X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 .
36 Generalizing ridge regression


betas ridge
ridge (λ=1) fused ridge
gen. ridge (λ=1000)

copy number effect



0 100 200 300 400 500 0 200 400 600 800

Index chromosomal location

Figure 2.2: Left panel: illustration of the fused ridge estimator (in simulation). The true parameter β and its ridge
and fused ridge estimates against their spatial order. Right panel: Ridge vs. fused ridge estimates of the DNA copy
effect on KRAS expression levels. The dashed, grey vertical bar indicates the location of the KRAS gene.

From these expressions similar limiting behaviour as for the ‘regular’ ridge regression case can be deduced.
To this end let Vδ Dδ Vδ⊤ be the eigendecomposition of ∆ and dδ,j = (Dδ )jj . Furthermore, define (with
some abuse of notation) lim∆→∞ as the limit of all dδ,j simultaneously tending to infinity. Then,
lim∆→∞ E[β̂(∆)] = β0 and lim∆→∞ Var[β̂(∆)] = 0pp .
Example 2.2
Let X be an (n × p)-dimensional, orthonormal design matrix. Contrast the regular and generalized ridge
regression estimator, the latter with W = Ipp , β0 = 0p and ∆ = λR where R = (1 − ρ)Ipp + ρ1pp
for ρ ∈ (−(p − 1)−1 , 1). For ρ = 0 the two estimators coincide. The variance of the generalized ridge
regression estimator then is Var[β̂(∆)] = (Ipp + ∆)−2 . The efficiency of this estimator, measured by its
generalized variance, is:

det{Var[β̂(∆)]} = {[1 + λ + (p − 1)ρ](1 + λ − ρ)p−1 }−2 .

This efficiency attains its minimum at ρ = 0. In the present case, the regular ridge regression estimator
is thus more efficient than its generalized counterpart. 

Example 2.3 (MSE with perfect target)

Set β0 = β, i.e. the target is equal to the true value of the regression parameter. Then:

E[β̂(∆)] = (X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 (X⊤ WXβ + ∆β) = β.

Hence, irrespective of the choice of ∆, the generalized ridge is then unbiased. Thus:

MSE[β̂(∆)] = tr{Var[β̂(∆)]}
= tr[σ 2 (X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 X⊤ W2 X(X⊤ WX + ∆)−1 ]
= σ 2 tr[X⊤ W2 X(X⊤ WX + ∆)−2 ].

When ∆ = λIpp , this MSE is smaller than that of the ML regression estimator, irrespective of the choice
of λ. 

2.2 The Bayesian connection

This generalized ridge estimator can, like the regular ridge estimator, be viewed as a Bayesian estimator.
It requires to replace the conjugate prior on β by a more general normal law, β ∼ N (β0 , σ 2 ∆−1 ), but
2.3 Application 37

retains the gamma prior on σ 2 . The joint posterior distribution of β and σ 2 is then obtained analogously
(the details are left as Exercise 2.2) to Section 1.6:

fβ,σ2 (β, σ 2 | Y, X) = fY (Y | X, β, σ 2 ) fβ (β|σ 2 ) fσ (σ 2 )

∝ gβ (β | σ 2 , Y, X) gσ2 (σ 2 | Y, X)

n 1  ⊤ ⊤  o
gβ (β | σ 2 , Y, X) ∝ exp − β − β̂(∆) (X X + ∆) β − β̂(∆) .
2σ 2
This implies E(β | σ 2 , Y, X) = β̂(∆). Hence, the generalized ridge regression estimator too can be
viewed as the Bayesian posterior mean estimator of β when imposing a multivariate Gaussian prior on
the regression parameter.

2.3 Application
An illustration involving omics data can be found in the explanation of a gene’s expression levels in
terms of its DNA copy number. The latter is simply the number of gene copies encoded in the DNA.
For instance, for most genes on the autosomal chromosomes the DNA copy number is two, as there is
a single gene copy on each chromosome and autosomal chromosomes come in pairs. Alternatively, in
males the copy number is one for genes that map to the X or Y chromosome, while in females it is zero
for genes on the Y chromosome. In cancer the DNA replication process has often been compromised
leading to a (partially) reshuffled and aberrated DNA. Consequently, the cancer cell may exhibit gene
copy numbers well over a hundred for classic oncogenes. A faulted replication process does – of course
– not nicely follow the boundaries of gene encoding regions. This causes contiguous genes to commonly
share aberrated copy numbers. With genes being transcribed from the DNA and a higher DNA copy
number implying an enlarged availability of the gene’s template, the latter is expected to lead to elevated
expression levels. Intuitively, one expects this effect to be localized (a so-called cis-effect), but some
suggest that aberrations elsewhere in the DNA may directly affect the expression levels of distant genes
(referred to as a trans-effect).
The cis- and trans-effects of DNA copy aberrations on the expression levels of the KRAS oncogene in
colorectal cancer are investigated. Data of both molecular levels from the TCGA (The Cancer Genome
Atlas) repository are downloaded (Cancer Genome Atlas Network, 2012). The gene expression data are
limited to that of KRAS, while for the DNA copy number data only that of chromosome 12, which
harbors KRAS, is retained. This leaves genomic profiles of 195 samples comprising 927 aberrations.
Both molecular data types are zero centered feature-wise. Moreover, the data are limited to ten –
conveniently chosen? – samples. The KRAS expression levels are explained by the DNA copy number
aberrations through the linear regression model. The model is fitted by means of ridge regression, with
λ∆ and ∆ = Ipp and a single-banded ∆ with unit diagonal and the elements of the first off-diagonal
equal to the arbitrary value of −0.4. The latter choice appeals to the spatial structure of the genome
and encourages similar regression estimates for contiguous DNA copy numbers. The penalty parameter
is chosen by means of leave-one-out cross-validation using the squared error loss.
Listing 2.1 R code
# load libraries
library ( cgdsr )
library ( biomaRt )
library ( Matrix )

# get list of human genes

ensembl <- useMart ( " ensembl " , dataset = " hsapiens _ gene _ ensembl " )
geneList <- getBM ( attributes = c ( " ensembl _ gene _ id " , " external _ gene _ name " ,
" entrezgene _ trans _ name " , " chromosome _ name " ,
" start _ position " , " end _ position " ) , mart = ensembl )

# remove all gene without entrezID

geneList <- geneList [ ! is . na ( geneList [ ,3 ] ) ,]
38 Generalizing ridge regression

# remove all genes not mapping to chr 12

geneList <- geneList [ which ( geneList [ ,4 ] % in % c (12) ) ,]
geneList <- geneList [ , -1 ]
geneList <- unique ( geneList )
geneList <- geneList [ order ( geneList [ ,3 ] , geneList [ ,4 ] , geneList [ ,5 ] ) ,]

# create CGDS object

mycgds <- CGDS ( " http :// www . cbioportal . org / public - portal / " )

# get available case lists ( collection of samples ) for a given cancer study
mycancerstudy <- getCancerStu d ie s ( mycgds ) [ 37 ,1 ]
mycaselist <- getCaseLists ( mycgds , mycancerstudy ) [ 1 ,1 ]

# get available genetic profiles

mrnaProf <- getGeneticP r of i le s ( mycgds , mycancerstud y ) [ c (4) ,1 ]
cnProf <- getGeneticP r of i le s ( mycgds , mycancerstud y ) [ c (6) ,1 ]

# get data slices for a specified list of genes , genetic profile and case list
cnData <- numeric ()
geData <- numeric ()
geneInfo <- numeric ()
for ( j in 1: nrow ( geneList ) ) {
geneName <- as . character ( geneList [j ,1 ] )
geneData <- getProfileDa t a ( mycgds , geneName , c ( cnProf , mrnaProf ) , mycaselist )
if ( dim ( geneData ) [ 2 ] == 2 & dim ( geneData ) [ 1 ] > 0) {
cnData <- cbind ( cnData , geneData [ ,1 ] )
geData <- cbind ( geData , geneData [ ,2 ] )
geneInfo <- rbind ( geneInfo , geneList [j , ] )
colnames ( cnData ) <- rownames ( geneData )
colnames ( geData ) <- rownames ( geneData )

# preprocess data
Y <- geData [ , match ( " KRAS " , geneInfo [ ,1 ] ) , drop = FALSE ]
Y <- Y - mean ( Y )
X <- sweep ( cnData , 2 , apply ( cnData , 2 , mean ) )

# subset data
idSample <- c (50 , 58 , 61 , 75 , 66 , 22 , 67 , 69 , 44 , 20)
Y <- Y [ idSample ]
X <- X [ idSample , ]

# generate banded penalty matrix

diags <- list ( rep (1 , ncol ( X ) ) , rep ( -0.4 , ncol ( X ) -1) )
Delta <- as . matrix ( bandSparse ( ncol ( X ) , k = - c (0:1) , diag = c ( diags ) , symm = TRUE ) )

# define loss function

CVloss <- function ( lambda , X , Y , Delta ) {
loss <- 0
for ( i in 1: nrow ( X ) ) {
betasLoo <- solve ( crossprod ( X [ -i , ] ) + lambda * Delta ) %*%
crossprod ( X [ -i , ] , Y [ -i ] )
loss <- loss + as . numeric (( Y [ i ] - X [i , , drop = FALSE ] %*% betasLoo ) ^2)
return ( loss )

# optimize penalty parameter

limitsL <- c (10^( -10) , 10^(10) )
optLr <- optimize ( CVloss , limitsL , X =X , Y =Y , Delta = diag ( ncol ( X ) ) ) $ minimum
2.4 Generalized ridge regression 39

optLgr <- optimize ( CVloss , limitsL , X =X , Y =Y , Delta = Delta ) $ minimum

# evaluate ( generalized ) ridge estimators

betasGr <- solve ( crossprod ( X ) + optLgr * Delta ) %*% crossprod (X , Y )
betasR <- solve ( crossprod ( X ) + optLr * diag ( ncol ( X ) ) ) %*% crossprod (X , Y )

# plot estimates vs . location

ylims <- c ( min ( betasR , betasGr ) , max ( betasR , betasGr ) )
plot ( betasR , type = " l " , ylim = ylims , ylab = " copy number effect " ,
lty =2 , yaxt = " n " , xlab = " chromosomal location " )
lines ( betasGr , lty =1 , col = " red " )
lines ( seq ( ylims [ 1 ] , ylims [ 2 ] , length . out =50) ~
rep ( match ( " KRAS " , geneInfo [ ,1 ] ) , 50) , col = " grey " , lwd =2 , lty =3)
legend ( " topright " , c ( " ridge " , " fused ridge " ) , lwd =2 ,
col = c ( " black " , " red " ) , lty = c (2 , 1) )
The right panel of Figure 2.2 shows the ridge regression estimate with both choices of ∆ and optimal
penalty parameters plotted against the chromosomal order. The location of KRAS is indicated by a
vertical dashed bar. The ordinary ridge regression estimates show a minor peak at the location of KRAS
but is otherwise more or less flat. In the generalized ridge estimates the peak at KRAS is emphasized.
Moreover, the region close to KRAS exhibits clearly elevated estimates, suggesting co-abberated DNA.
For the remainder the generalized ridge estimates portray a flat surface, with the exception of a single
downward spike away from KRAS. Such negative effects are biologically nonsensible (more gene templates
leading to reduced expression levels?). On the whole the generalized ridge estimates point towards the
cis-effect as the dominant genomic regulation mechanism of KRAS expression. The isolated spike may
suggest the presence of a trans-effect, but its sign is biological nonsensible and the spike is fully absent in
the ordinary ridge estimates. This leads us to ignore the possibility of a genomic trans-effect on KRAS
expression levels in colorectal cancer.
The sample selection demands justification. It yields a clear illustrate-able difference between the
ordinary and ridge estimates. When all samples are left in, the cis-effect is clearly present, discernable
from both estimates that yield a virtually similar profile.

2.4 Generalized ridge regression

What is generally referred to as ‘generalized ridge regression’ (cf. Hoerl and Kennard, 1970; Hemmerle,
1975) is the particular case of loss function (2.1) in which W = Inn , β0 = 0p , and ∆ = Vx ΛVx⊤ ,
where Vx is obtained from the singular value decomposition of X (i.e., X = Ux Dx Vx⊤ with its con-
stituents endowed with the usual interpretation) and Λ a positive definite diagonal matrix. This gives
the estimator:
β̂(Λ) = (X⊤ X + ∆)−1 X⊤ Y
= (Vx Dx U⊤ ⊤ ⊤ −1
x Ux Dx Vx + Vx ΛVx ) Vx Dx Ux Y
= Vx (D2x + Λ)−1 Dx Ux Y.
From this last expression it becomes clear how this estimator generalizes the ‘regular ridge estimator’.
The latter shrinks all eigenvalues, irrespectively of their size, in the same manner through a common
penalty parameter. The ‘generalized ridge estimator’, through differing penalty parameters (i.e. the
diagonal elements of Λ), shrinks them individually.
The generalized ridge estimator coincides with the Bayesian linear regression estimator with the
normal prior N [0p , (Vx ΛVx⊤ )−1 ] on the regression parameter β (and preserving the inverse gamma
prior on the error variance). Assume X to be of full column rank and choose Λ = g −1 D2x with g a
positive scalar. The prior on β then – assuming (X⊤ X)−1 exits – reduces to Zellner’s g-prior: β ∼
N [0p , g(X⊤ X)−1 ] (Zellner, 1986). The corresponding estimator of the regression coefficient is: β̂(g) =
g(1 + g)−1 (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y, which is proportional to the unpenalized ordinary least squares estimator of
For convenience of notation in the analysis of the generalized ridge estimator the linear regression
model is usually rewritten as:
Y = Xβ + ε = XVx Vx⊤ β + ε = X̃α + ε,
40 Generalizing ridge regression

with X̃ = XVx = Ux Dx (and thus X̃⊤ X̃ = D2x ) and α = Vx⊤ β with loss function (Y − X̃α)⊤ (Y −
X̃α) + α⊤ Λα. In the notation above the generalized ridge estimator is then:

α̂(Λ) = (X̃⊤ X̃ + Λ)−1 X̃⊤ Y = (D2x + Λ)−1 X̃⊤ Y,

from which one obtains β̂(Λ) = Vx α̂(Λ). Using E[α̂(Λ)] = (D2x + Λ)−1 D2x α and Var[α̂(Λ)] = σ 2 (D2x +
Λ)−1 D2x (D2x + Λ)−1 , the MSE for the generalized ridge estimator can be written as:
MSE[α̂(Λ)] = (σ 2 d2x,j + α2j λ2j )(d2x,j + λj )−2 ,

where dx,j = (Dx )jj and λj = (Λ)jj . Having α and σ 2 available, it is easily seen (equate the derivative
w.r.t. λj to zero and solve) that the MSE of α̂(Λ) is minimized by λj = σ 2 /α2j for all j. With α and
σ 2 unknown, Hoerl and Kennard (1970) suggest an iterative procedure to estimate the λj ’s. Initiate
the procedure with the OLS estimates of α and σ 2 , followed by sequentially updating the λj ’s and
the estimates of α and σ 2 . An analytic expression of the limit of this procedure exists (Hemmerle,
1975). This limit, however, still depends on the observed Y and as such it does not necessarily yield
the minimal attainable value of the MSE. This limit may nonetheless still yield a potential gain in MSE.
This is investigated in Lawless (1981). Under a variety of cases it seems to indeed outperform the OLS
estimator, but there are exceptions.

2.5 Conclusion
To conclude: a note of caution. The generalized ridge penalty is extremely flexible. It can incorporate
any prior knowledge on the parameter values (through specification of β0 ) and the relations among these
parameters (via ∆). While a pilot study or literature may provide a suggestion for β0 , it is less obvious
how to choose an informative ∆ (although a spatial structure is a nice exception). In general, exact
knowledge on the parameters should not be incorporated implicitly via the penalty (read: prior) but
preferably be used explicitly in the model – the likelihood – itself. Though this may be the viewpoint of
a prudent frequentist and a subjective Bayesian might disagree.

2.6 Exercises
Question 2.1
Consider the linear regression model Yi = β1 Xi,1 + β2 Xi,2 + εi for i = 1, . . . , n. Suppose estimates of the
regression parameters (β1 , β2 ) of this model are obtained through the minimization of the sum-of-squares
augmented with a ridge-type penalty:
n i
(Yi − β1 Xi,1 − β2 Xi,2 )2 + λ(β12 + β22 + 2νβ1 β2 ),

with penalty parameters λ ∈ R>0 and ν ∈ (−1, 1).

a) Sketch (for both ν = 0 and ν = 0.9) the shape of the parameter constraint induced by the penalty
above and describe in words the qualitative difference between both shapes.
b) When ν = −1 and λ → ∞ the estimates of β1 and β2 (resulting from minimization of the pe-
nalized loss function above) converge towards each other: limλ→∞ β̂1 (λ, −1) = limλ→∞ β̂2 (λ, −1).
Motivated by this observation a data scientists incorporates the equality constraint β1 = β = β2
explicitly into the model, and s/he estimates the ‘joint regression parameter’ β through the mini-
mization (with respect to β) of:
n i
(Yi − βXi,1 − βXi,2 )2 + δβ 2 ,

with penalty parameter δ ∈ R>0 . The data scientist is surprised to find that resulting estimate
β̂(δ) does not have the same limiting (in the penalty parameter) behavior as the β̂1 (λ, −1), i.e.
limδ→∞ β̂(δ) 6= limλ→∞ β̂1 (λ, −1). Explain the misconception of the data scientist.
2.6 Exercises 41

c) Assume that i) n ≫ 2, ii) the unpenalized estimates (β̂1 (0, 0), β̂2 (0, 0)) equal (−2, 2), and iii) that
the two covariates X1 and X2 are zero-centered, have equal variance, and are strongly negatively
correlated. Consider (β̂1 (λ, ν), β̂2 (λ, ν)) for both ν = −0.9 and ν = 0.9. For which value of ν do
you expect the sum of the absolute value of the estimates to be largest? Hint: Distinguish between
small and large values of λ and think geometrically!

Question 2.2
Consider the linear regression model Y = Xβ + ε with ε ∼ N (0p , σ 2 Ipp ). Assume β ∼ N (β0 , σ 2 ∆−1 )
with β0 ∈ Rp and ∆ ≻ 0 and a gamma prior on the error variance. Verify (i.e., work out the details of
the derivation) that the posterior mean coincides with the generalized ridge estimator defined as:

β̂ = (X⊤ X + ∆)−1 (X⊤ Y + ∆β0 ).

Question 2.3
The ridge penalty may be interpreted as a multivariate normal prior on the regression coefficients:
β ∼ N (0, λ−1 Ipp ). Different priors may be considered. In case the covariates are spatially related
in some sense (e.g. genomically), it may of interest to assume a first-order autoregressive prior: β ∼
N (0, λ−1 ΣA ), in which ΣA is a p × p-correlation matrix with (ΣA )j1 ,j2 = ρ|j1 −j2 | for some correlation
coefficient ρ ∈ [0, 1). Hence,
 
1 ρ . . . ρp−1
 ρ 1 . . . ρp−2 
 
ΣA =  . . .. ..  .
 .. .. . . 
ρp−1 ρp−2 ... 1

a) The penalized loss function associated with this AR(1) prior is:

L(β; λ, ΣA ) = kY − Xβk22 + λβ ⊤ Σ−1

A β.

Find the minimizer of this loss function.

b) What is the effect of ρ on the ridge estimates? Contrast this to the effect of λ. Illustrate this on
(simulated) data.
c) Instead of an AR(1) prior assume a prior with a uniform correlation between the elements of β.
That is, replace ΣA by ΣU , given by:
 
1 ρ ρ
ΣU =  ρ 1 ρ 
ρ ρ 1

Investigate (again on data) the effect of changing from the AR(1) to the uniform prior on the ridge
regression estimates.
3 Ridge logistic regression

Ridge penalized estimation is not limited to the standard linear regression model, but may be used
to estimate (virtually) any model. Here we illustrate how it may be used to fit the logistic regression
model. To this end we first recap this model and the (unpenalized) maximum likelihood estimation of
its parameters. After which the model is estimated by means of ridge penalized maximum likelihood,
which will turn out to be a relatively straightforward modification of unpenalized estimation.

3.1 Logistic regression

The logistic regression model explains a binary response variable (through some transformation) by a
linear combination of a set of covariates (as in the linear regression model). Denote this response of the
i-th sample by Yi with Yi ∈ {0, 1} for i = 1, . . . , n. The n-dimensional column vector Y stacks these
n responses. For each sample information on the p explanatory variables Xi,1 , . . . , Xi,p is available. In
row vector form this information is denoted Xi,∗ = (Xi,1 , . . . , Xi,p ). Or, in short, Xi when the context
tolerates no confusion. The (n × p)-dimensional matrix X aggregates these vectors, such that Xi is the
i-th row vector.
The binary response cannot be modelled as in the linear model like Yi = Xi β + εi . With each element
of Xi and β assuming a value in R, the linear predictor is not restricted to the domain of the response.
This is resolved by modeling pi = P (Yi = 1) instead. Still the linear predictor may exceed the domain
of the response (pi ∈ [0, 1]). Hence, a transformation is applied to map pi to R, the range of the linear
predictor. The transformation associated with the logistic regression model is the logarithm of the odds,
with the odds defined as: odds = P (succes)/P (failure) = pi /(1 − pi ). The logistic model is then written
as log[pi /(1 − pi )] = Xi β for all i. Or, expressed in terms of the response:

exp(Xi β)
pi = P (Yi = 1) = g −1 (Xi ; β) = .
1 + exp(Xi β)

The function g(·; ·) is called the link function. It links the response to the explanatory variables. The
one above is called the logistic link function. Or short, logit. The regression parameters have tangible
interpretations. When the first covariate represents the intercept, i.e. Xi,j = 1 for all i, then β1
determines where the link function equals a half when all other covariates fail to contribute to the linear
predictor (i.e. where P (Yi = 1 | Xi ) = 0.5 when Xi β = β1 ). This is illustrated in the top-left panel of
Figure 3.1 for various choices of the intercept. On the other hand, the regression parameters are directly
related to the odds ratio: odds ratio = odds(Xi,j + 1)/odds(Xi,j ) = exp(βj ). Hence, the effect of a
unit change in the j-th covariate on the odds ratio is exp(βj ) (see Figure 3.1, top-right panel). Other
link functions (depicted in Figure 3.1, bottom-left panel) are common, e.g. the probit : pi = Φ0,1 (Xi β);
the cloglog: pi = π1 arctan(Xi β) + 21 ; the Cauchit : pi = exp[− exp(Xi β)]. All these link function
are invertible. Irrespective of the choice of the link function, the binary data are thus modelled as
Yi ∼ B[g −1 (Xi ; β), 1]. That is, as a single draw from the Binomial distribution with success probability
g −1 (Xi ; β).
Let us now estimate the parameter of the logistic regression model by means of the maximum likeli-
hood method. The likelihood of the experiment is then:
Y   Yi  1−Yi
L(Y | X; β) = P (Yi = 1 | Xi ) P (Yi = 0 | Xi ) .
3.1 Logistic regression 43

effect of β0 (with β1=1) effect of β1 (with β0=0)


β0= 0
β0= 1
β0= 2

β 1= 0
β 1= 1

β 1= 2
P(Y=1 | X)

P(Y=1 | X)



−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4


Various link functions


logit 1.0


P(Y=1 | X)







−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4


Figure 3.1: Top row, left panel: the response curve for various choices of the intercept β0 . Top row, right panel: the
response curve for various choices of the regression coefficent β1 . Bottom row, left panel: the responce curve for
various choices of the link function. Bottom panel, right panel: observations, fits and their deviations.

After taking the logarithm and some ready algebra, the log-likelihood is found to be:
L(Y | X; β) = Yi Xi β − log[1 + exp(Xi β)] .

Differentiate the log-likelihood with respect to β, equate it zero, and obtain the estimating equation for
n h
∂L X exp(Xi β) i ⊤
= Yi − X = 0p . (3.1)
∂β i=1
1 + exp(Xi β) i

The ML estimate of β strikes a (weighted by the Xi ) balance between observation and model. Put
differently (and illustrated in the bottom-right panel of Figure 3.1), a curve is fit through data by
minimizing the distance between them: at the ML estimate of β a weighted average of their deviations
is zero.
The maximum likelihood estimate of β is evaluated by solving Equation (3.1) with respect to β by
means of the Newton-Raphson algorithm. The Newton-Raphson algorithm iteratively finds the zeros
44 Ridge logistic regression

of a smooth enough function f (·). Let x0 denote an initial guess of the zero. Then, approximate f (·)
around x0 by means of a first order Taylor series: f (x) ≈ x0 + (x − x0 ) (df /dx)|x=x0 . Solve this for x
and obtain: x = x0 − [(df /dx)|x=x0 ]−1 f (x0 ). Let x1 be the solution for x, use this as the new guess and
repeat the above until convergence. When the function f (·) has multiple arguments, is vector-valued
and denoted by ~f , and the Taylor approximation becomes: ~f (x) ≈ x0 + J~f x=x0 (x − x0 ) with
 ∂f1 ∂f1 ∂f1 
∂x1 ∂x2 . . . ∂x p
 ∂f1 ∂f2 ∂f2
. . . ∂x 
 ∂x1 ∂x2 
Jf = 
 .. .. . . .. 
 . . . . 
∂fq ∂fq ∂f
∂x1 ∂x2 . . . ∂xqp

the Jacobi matrix. An update of x0 is now readily constructed by solving (the approximation for)
~f (x) = 0 for x.
When applied here to the maximum likelihood estimation of the regression parameter β of the logistic
regression model, the Newton-Raphson update is:
 ∂ 2 L −1 ∂L

β̂ new = β̂ old −
∂β∂β ⊤ β=β̂ old ∂β β=β̂ old

where the Hessian of the log-likelihood equals:

∂2L exp(Xi β)
= − X⊤ Xi .
∂β∂β ⊤ i=1
[1 + exp(Xi β)]2 i

Iterative application of this updating formula converges to the ML estimate of β.

The Newton-Raphson algorithm is often reformulated as an iteratively re-weighted least squares
algorithm. Hereto, first write the gradient and Hessian in matrix notation:

∂L ∂2L
= X⊤ [Y − ~g−1 (X; β)] and = −X⊤ WX,
∂β ∂β∂β ⊤

where ~g−1 (X; β) = [g −1 (X1,∗ ; β), . . . , g −1 (Xn,∗ ; β)]⊤ with g −1 (·; ·) = exp(·; ·)/[1 + exp(·; ·)] and W
diagonal with (W)ii = exp(Xi β̂ old )[1 + exp(Xi β̂ old )]−2 . The updating formula of the estimate then

β̂ new = β̂ old + (X⊤ WX)−1 X⊤ [Y − ~g−1 (X; β old )]

= (X⊤ WX)−1 X⊤ W{Xβ̂ old + W−1 [Y − ~g−1 (X; β old )]}
= (X⊤ WX)−1 X⊤ WZ,

where Z = {Xβ̂ old + W−1 [Y − ~g−1 (X; β old )]}. The Newton-Raphson update is thus the solution to the
following weighted least squares problem:

β̂ new = arg min (Z − Xβ)⊤ W(Z − Xβ).


Effectively, at each iteration the adjusted response Z is regressed on the covariates that comprise X. For
more on logistic regression confer the monograph of Hosmer Jr et al. (2013).

3.2 Ridge estimation

High-dimensionally, the linear predictor Xβ may be uniquely defined, but the maximum likelihood
estimate of the logistic regression parameter is not. Assume p > n and an estimate β̂ available. Due
to the high-dimensionality, the null space of X is non-trivial. Hence, let γ ∈ null(span(X)). Then:
Xβ̂ = Xβ̂ + Xγ = X(β̂ + γ). As the null space is a p − n-dimensional subspace, γ need not equal zero.
Hence, an infinite number of estimates of the logistic regression parameter exists that yield the same
log-likelihood. Augmentation of the loss function with a ridge penalty resolves the matter, as their sum
3.2 Ridge estimation 45








penalized estimate





−4 −2 0 2 4 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4

β1 log(lambda)

1.0 λ=0


variance of penalized estimate






−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −2 −1 0 1 2

log(lambda) linear predictor

Figure 3.2: Top row, left panel: contour plot of the penalized log-likelihood of a logistic regression model with
the ridge constraint (red line). Top row, right panel: the regularization paths of the ridge estimator of the logistic
regression parameter. Bottom row, left panel: variance of the ridge estimator of the logistic regression parameter
against the logarithm of the penalty parameter. Bottom panel, right panel: the predicted success probability versus
the linear predictor for various choices of the penalty parameter.

is strictly concave in β (not convex as a maximum rather than a minimum is sought here) and thereby
has a unique maximum.

Ridge maximum likelihood estimates of the logistic model parameters are found by the maximization
of the ridge penalized loglikelihood (cf. Schaefer et al. 1984; Le Cessie and Van Houwelingen 1992):

Lpen (Y, X; β, λ) = L(Y, X; β) − 21 λkβk22


= Yi Xi β − log[1 + exp(Xi β)] − 12 λβ ⊤ β,

where the second summand is the ridge penalty (the sum of the square of the elements of β) with
λ the penalty parameter. Note that as in Section 1.5 maximization of this penalized loss function
can be reformulated as a constrained estimation problem. This is illustrated by the top left panel of
Figure 3.2, which depicts the contours (black lines) of the log-likelihood and the spherical domain of the
parameter (red line). The optimization of the above loss function proceeds, due to the differentiability
46 Ridge logistic regression

of the penalty, fully analogous to the unpenalized case and uses the Newton-Raphson algorithm for
solving the (penalized) estimating equation. Hence, the unpenalized ML estimation procedure is modified
straightforwardly by replacing gradient and Hessian by their ‘penalized’ counterparts:
∂Lpen ∂L ∂ 2 Lpen ∂2L
= − λβ and ⊤
= − λIpp .
∂β ∂β ∂β∂β ∂β∂β ⊤
With these at hand, the Newton-Raphson algorithm is (again) reformulated as an iteratively re-weighted
least squares algorithm with the updating step changes accordingly to:

β̂ new = β̂ old + V−1 {X⊤ [Y − ~g−1 (X; β old )] − λβ old }

= V−1 Vβ̂ old − λV−1 β̂ old + V−1 X⊤ WW−1 [Y − ~g−1 (X; β old )]
= V−1 X⊤ W{Xβ̂ old + W−1 [Y − ~g−1 (X; β old )]}
= [X⊤ WX + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ WZ,

where V = X⊤ WX + λIpp and W and Z as before. Hence, use this to update the estimate of β until
convergence, which yields the desired ridge ML estimate.
Obviously, the ridge estimate of the logistic regression parameter tends to zero as λ → ∞. Now
consider a linear predictor with an intercept that is left unpenalized. When λ tends to infinity, all
regression coefficients but the intercept vanish.
P The P
intercept is left to model the success probability.
Hence, in this case limλ→∞ β̂0 (λ) = log[ n1 ni=1 Yi / n1 ni=1 (1 − Yi )].
The effect of the ridge penalty on parameter estimates propagates to the predictor p̂i . The linear
predictor of the linear regression model involving the ridge estimator Xi β̂(λ) shrinks towards a common
value for each i, leading to a scale difference between observation and predictor (as seen before in Section
1.11). This behaviour transfers to the ridge logistic regression predictor, as is illustrated on simulated
data. The dimension and sample size of these data are p = 2 and n = 200, respectively. The covariate data
are drawn from the standard normal, while that of the response is sampled from a Bernoulli distribution
with success probability P (Yi = 1) = exp(2Xi,1 − 2Xi,2 )/[1 + exp(2Xi,1 − 2Xi,2 )]. The logistic regression
model is estimated from these data by means of ridge penalized likelihood maximization with various
choices of the penalty parameter. The bottom right plot in Figure 3.2 shows the predicted success
probability versus the linear predictor for various choices of the penalty parameter. Larger values of the
penalty parameter λ flatten the slope of this curve. Consequently, for larger λ more excessive values of the
covariates are needed to achieve the same predicted success probability as those obtained with smaller λ
at more moderate covariate values. The implications for the resulting classification may become clearer
when studying the effect of the penalty parameter on the ‘failure’ and ‘success regions’ respectively
defined by:
{(x1 , x2 ) : P (Y = 0 | X1 = x1 , X2 = x2 , β̂(λ)) > 0.75},
{(x1 , x2 ) : P (Y = 1 | X1 = x1 , X2 = x2 , β̂(λ)) > 0.75}.
This separates the design space in a light red (‘failure’) and light green (‘success’) domain. The white
bar between them is the domain where samples cannot be classified with high enough certainty. As
λ grows, so does the white area that separates the failure and success regions. Hence, as stronger
penalization shrinks the logistic regression parameter estimate towards zero, it produces a predictor that
is less outspoken in its class assignments.

3.3 Moments
The 1st and 2nd order moment of the ridge ML parameter of the logistic model may be approximated by
the final update of the Newton-Raphson estimate. Assume the one-to-last update β̂ old to be non-random
and proceed as for the ridge estimator of the linear regression model parameter to arrive at:

E β̂ new = [X⊤ WX + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ WE(Z),
Var β̂ new = [X⊤ WX + λIpp ]−1 X⊤ W Var(Z) WX[X⊤ WX + λIpp ]−1 ,


E(Z) = {Xβ̂ old + W−1 [E(Y) − ~g−1 (X; β old )]},

Var(Z) = W−1 Var(Y)W−1 = W−1 ,
3.4 The Bayesian connection 47







−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2

x1 x1








−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2

x1 x1

Figure 3.3: The realized design as scatter plot (X1 vs X2 overlayed by the success (RED) and failure regions
(GREEN) for various choices of the penalty parameter: λ = 0 (top row, left panel), λ = 10 (top row, right panel)
λ = 40 (bottom row, left panel), λ = 100 (bottom row, right panel).

where the identity Var(Y) = W follows from the variance of a Binomial distributed random variable.
From these expressions similar properties as for the ridge ML estimate of the regression parameter of the
linear model may be deduced. For instance, the ridge ML estimate of the logistic regression parameter
converges to zero as the penalty parameter tends to infinity (confer the top right panel of Figure 3.2).
Similarly, their variances vanish as λ → ∞ (illustrated in the bottom left panel of Figure 3.2).

3.4 The Bayesian connection

All penalized estimators can be formulated as Bayesian estimators, including the ridge logistic estimator.
In particular, ridge estimators correspond to Bayesian estimators with a multivariate normal prior on
the regression coefficients. Thus, assume β ∼ N (0p , ∆−1 ). The posterior distribution of β then is:
  Yi  1−Yi o
fβ (β | Y, X) ∝ P (Yi = 1 | Xi ) P (Yi = 0 | Xi ) exp(− 12 β∆β).

This does not coincide with any standard distribution. But, under appropriate conditions, the posterior
distribution is asymptotically normal. This invites a (multivariate) normal approximation to the posterior
48 Ridge logistic regression

distribution above. The Laplace’s method provides (cf. Bishop, 2006).

Laplace approx.


−2 0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 3.4: Right panel: Laplace approximation to the posterior density of the Bayesian logistic regression param-

Laplace’s method i) centers the normal approximation at the mode of the posterior, and ii) chooses
the covariance to match the curvature of the posterior at the mode. The posterior mode is the location
of the maximum of the posterior distribution. The location of this maximum coincides with that of the
logarithm of the posterior. The latter is the log-likelihood augmented with a ridge penalty. Hence, the
posterior mode, which is taken as the mean of the approximating Gaussian, coincides with the ridge
logistic estimator. For the covariance of the approximating Gaussian, the logarithm of the posterior is
approximated by a second order Taylor series around the posterior mode and limited to second order

log[fβ (β | Y, X)] ∝ log[fβ (β | Y, X)]|β=β̂MAP

+ 21 (β − β̂MAP ) ⊤

log[fβ (β | Y, X)] (β − β̂MAP )⊤ ,
∂β∂β β=β̂MAP

in which the first order term cancels as the derivative of fβ (β | Y, X) with respect to β vanishes at the
posterior mode – its maximum. Take the exponential of this approximation and match its arguments to
that of a multivariate Gaussian exp[− 21 (β − µβ )⊤ Σ−1
β (β − µβ )]. The covariance of the sought Gaussian
approximation is thus the inverse of the Hessian of the negative penalized log-likelihood. Put together
the posterior is approximated by:
 n n
X exp(Xi β) o−1 

β | Y, X ∼ N β̂MAP , ∆ + X X
i i .
[1 + exp(Xi β)]2

The Gaussian approximation is convenient but need not be good. Fortunately, the Bernstein-Von Mises
Theorem (Van der Vaart, 2000) tells it is very accurate when the model is regular, the prior smooth, and
the sample size sufficiently large. The quality of the approximation for an artificial example data set is
shown in Figure 3.4.

3.5 Penalty parameter selection

As before the penalty parameter may be chosen through K-fold cross-validation. For the K = n case
Meijer and Goeman (2013) describe a computationally efficient approximation of the leave-one-out cross-
validated loglikelihood. It is based on the exact evaluation of the LOOCV loss, discussed in Section 1.9.2,
that avoided resampling. The approach of Meijer and Goeman (2013) hinges upon the first-order Taylor
3.6 Application 49

expansion of the left-out penalized loglikelihood of the left-out estimate β̂−i (λ) around β̂(λ), which yields
an approximation of the former:
∂ 2 Lpen

β̂−i (λ) ≈ β̂(λ) −
∂β∂β ⊤ β=β̂(λ) ∂β β=β̂(λ)
= β̂(λ) + (X⊤
−i,∗ W−i,−i X−i,∗ + λIpp )
{X⊤ g−1 (X−i,∗ ; β̂(λ))] − λβ̂(λ)}.
−i,∗ [Y−i − ~

This approximation involves the inverse of a p × p dimensional matrix, which amounts to the evaluation
of n such inverses for the LOOCV loss. As in Section 1.9.2 this may be avoided. Rewrite both the
gradient and the Hessian of the left-out loglikelihood in the approximation of the preceding display:

X⊤ g−1 (X−i,∗ ; β̂(λ)]} − λβ̂(λ)

−i,∗ {Y−i − ~ = X⊤ {Y − ~g−1 [X; β̂(λ)]} − λβ̂(λ) − X⊤
i,∗ {Yi − g
[Xi,∗ ; β̂(λ)]}
= −X⊤
i,∗ {Yi − g
[Xi,∗ ; β̂(λ)]}


−i,∗ W−i,−i X−i,∗ + λIpp )
= (X⊤ WX + λIpp )−1 + Wii (X⊤ WX + λIpp )−1 X⊤

[1 − Hii (λ)]−1 Xi,∗ (X⊤ WX + λIpp )−1 ,

where the Woodbury identity has been used and now Hii (λ) = Wii Xi,∗ (X⊤ WX + λIpp )−1 X⊤ i,∗ . Sub-
stitute both in the approximation of the left-out ridge logistic regression estimator and manipulate as in
Section 1.9.2 to obtain:

β̂−i (λ) ≈ β̂(λ) − (X⊤ WX + λIpp )−1 X⊤

i,∗ [1 − Hii (λ)]
[Yi − g −1 (Xi,∗ ; β̂(λ))].
Hence, the leave-one-out cross-validated loglikelihood i=1 L[Yi | Xi,∗ , β̂−i (λ)] can now be evaluated
by means of a single inverse of a p × p dimensional matrix and some matrix multiplications. For the
performance of this approximation in terms of accuracy and speed confer Meijer and Goeman (2013).

3.6 Application
The ridge logistic regression is used here to explain the status (dead or alive) of ovarian cancer sam-
ples at the close of the study from gene expression data at baseline. Data stem from the TCGA study
(Cancer Genome Atlas Network, 2011), which measured gene expression by means of sequencing technol-
ogy. Available are 295 samples with both status and transcriptomic profiles. These profiles are composed
of 19990 transcript reads. The sequencing data, being representative of the mRNA transcript count, is
heavily skewed. Zwiener et al. (2014) show that a simple transformation of the data prior to model
building generally yields a better model than tailor-made approaches. Motivated by this observation
the data were – to accommodate the zero counts – asinh-transformed. The logistic regression model is
then fitted in ridge penalized fashion, leaving the intercept unpenalized. The ridge penalty parameter is
chosen through 10-fold cross-validation minimizing the cross-validated error. R-code, and that for the
sequel of this example, is to be found below.
Listing 3.1 R code
# load libraries
library ( glmnet )
library ( TCGA2STAT )

# load data
OVdata <- getTCGA ( disease = " OV " , data . type = " RNASeq " , type = " RPKM " , clinical = TRUE )
Y <- as . numeric ( OVdata [ [ 3 ] ] [ ,2 ] )
X <- asinh ( data . matrix ( OVdata [ [ 3 ] ] [ ,- c (1:3) ] ) )

# start fit
# optimize penalty parameter
cv . fit <- cv . glmnet (X , Y , alpha =0 , family = c ( " binomial " ) ,
nfolds =10 , standardize = FALSE )
50 Ridge logistic regression

optL2 <- cv . fit $ lambda . min

# estimate model
glmFit <- glmnet (X , Y , alpha =0 , family = c ( " binomial " ) ,
lambda = optL2 , standardize = FALSE )

# construct linear predictor and predicted probabilitie s

linPred <- as . numeric ( glmFit $ a0 + X %*% glmFit $ beta )
predProb <- exp ( linPred ) / (1+ exp ( linPred ) )

# visualize fit
boxplot ( linPred ~ Y , pch =20 , border = " lightblue " , col = " blue " ,
ylab = " linear predictor " , xlab = " response " ,
main = " fit " )

# evaluate predictive performance

# generate k - folds balanced w . r . t . status
fold <- 10
folds1 <- rep (1: fold , ceiling ( sum ( Y ) / fold ) ) [ 1: sum ( Y ) ]
folds0 <- rep (1: fold , ceiling (( length ( Y ) - length ( folds1 ) )
/ fold ) ) [ 1:( length ( Y ) - length ( folds1 ) ) ]
shuffle1 <- sample (1: length ( folds1 ) , length ( folds1 ) )
shuffle0 <- sample (1: length ( folds0 ) , length ( folds0 ) )
folds1 <- split ( shuffle1 , as . factor ( folds1 ) )
folds0 <- split ( shuffle0 , as . factor ( folds0 ) )
folds <- list ()
for ( f in 1: fold ) {
folds [ [ f ] ] <- c ( which ( Y ==1) [ folds1 [ [ f ] ] ] , which ( Y ==0) [ folds0 [ [ f ] ] ] )
for ( f in 1: fold ) {
print ( sum ( Y [ folds [ [ f ] ] ] ) )

# build model
pred2obsL2 <- matrix ( nrow =0 , ncol =4)
colnames ( pred2obsL2 ) <- c ( " optLambda " , " linPred " , " predProb " , " obs " )
for ( f in 1: length ( folds ) ) {
print ( f )
cv . fit <- cv . glmnet ( X [ - folds [ [ f ] ] ,] , Y [ - folds [ [ f ] ] ] , alpha =0 ,
family = c ( " binomial " ) , nfolds =10 , standardize = FALSE )
optL2 <- cv . fit $ lambda . min
glmFit <- glmnet ( X [ - folds [ [ f ] ] , ] , Y [ - folds [ [ f ] ] ] , alpha =0 ,
family = c ( " binomial " ) , lambda = optL2 , standardize = FALSE )
linPred <- glmFit $ a0 + X [ folds [ [ f ] ] ,, drop = FALSE ] %*% glmFit $ beta
predProb <- exp ( linPred ) / (1+ exp ( linPred ) )
pred2obsL2 <- rbind ( pred2obsL2 , cbind ( optL2 , linPred , predProb , Y [ folds [ [ f ] ] ]

# visualize fit
boxplot ( pred2obsL2 [ ,3 ] ~ pred2obsL2 [ ,4 ] , pch =20 , border = " lightblue " , col = " blue "
ylab = " linear predictor " , xlab = "
response " ,
main = " prediction " )

The fit of the resulting model is studied. Hereto the fitted linear predictor Xβ̂(λopt ) is plotted
against the status (Figure 3.5, left panel). The plot shows some overlap between the boxes, but also a
clear separation. The latter suggests gene expression at baseline thus enables us to distinguish surviving
from the to-be-diseased ovarian cancer patients. Ideally, a decision rule based on the linear predictor can
be formulated to predict an individual’s outcome.
3.7 Conclusion 51

fit prediction


linear predictor

linear predictor



0 1 0 1

response response

Figure 3.5: Left panel: Box plot of the status vs. the fitted linear predictor using the full data set. Right panel: Box
plot of the status vs. the linear prediction in the left-out samples of the 10 folds.

The fit, however, is evaluated on the samples that have been used to build the model. This gives no
insight on the model’s predictive performance on novel samples. A replication of the study is generally
costly and comparable data sets need not be at hand. A common workaround is to evaluate the predictive
performance on the same data (Subramanian and Simon, 2010). This requires to put several samples
aside for performance evaluation while the remainder is used for model building. The left-out sample may
accidently be chosen to yield an exaggerated (either dramatically poor or overly optimistic) performance.
This is avoided through the repetition of this exercise, leaving (groups of) samples out one at the time.
The left-out performance evaluations are then averaged and believed to be representative of the predictive
performance of the model on novel samples. Note that, effectively, as the model building involves cross-
validation and so does the performance evaluation, a double cross-validation loop is applied. This
procedure is applied with a ten-fold split in both loops. Denote the outer folds by f = 1, . . . , 10. Then,
Xf and X−f represent the design matrix of the samples comprising fold f and that of the remaining
samples, respectively. Define Yf and Y−f similarly. The linear prediction for the left-out fold f is then
Xf β̂−f (λopt, -f ). For reference to the fit, this is compared to Yf visually by means of a boxplot as used
above (see Figure 3.5, right panel). The boxes overlap almost perfectly. Hence, little to nothing remains
of the predictive power suggested by the boxplot of the fit. The fit may thus give a reasonable description
of the data at hand, but it extrapolates poorly to new samples.

3.7 Conclusion

To deal with response variables other than continuous ones, ridge logistic regression was discussed.
High-dimensionally, the empirical identifiability problem then persists. Again, penalization came to the
rescue: the ridge penalty may be combined with other link functions than the identity. Properties of
ridge regression were shown to carry over to its logistic equivalent.

3.8 Exercises

Question 3.1
Consider an experiment involving n cancer samples. For each sample i the transcriptome of its tumor has
been profiled and is denoted Xi = (Xi1 , . . . , Xip )⊤ where Xij represents the gene j = 1, . . . , p in sample
i. Additionally, the overall survival data, (Yi , ci ) for i = 1, . . . , n of these samples is available. In this Yi
denotes the survival time of sample i and ci the event indicator with ci = 0 and ci = 1 representing non-
and censoredness, respectively. You may ignore the possibility of ties in the remainder.
52 Ridge logistic regression

a) Write down the Cox proportional regression model that links overall survival times (as the response
variable) to the expression levels.
b) Specify its loss function for penalized maximum partial (!) likelihood estimation of the parameters.
Penalization is via the ridge penalty.
c) From this loss function, derive the estimation equation for the Cox regression coefficients.
d) Describe (in words) how you would find the ‘ridge ML estimate’.

Question 3.2
Download the multtest package from BioConductor:
> source("")
> biocLite("multtest")
Activate the library and load leukemia data from the package:
> library(multtest)
> data(golub)
The objects golub and are now available. The matrix-object golub contains the expression
profiles of 38 leukemia patients. Each profile comprises expression levels of 3051 genes. The numeric-
object is an indicator variable for the leukemia type (AML or ALL) of the patient.
a) Relate the leukemia subtype and the gene expression levels by a logistic regression model. Fit
this model by means of penalized maximum likelihood, employing the ridge penalty with penalty
parameter λ = 1. This is implemented in the penalized-packages available from CRAN. Note:
center (gene-wise) the expression levels around zero.
b) Obtain the fits from the regression model. The fit is almost perfect. Could this be due to overfitting
the data? Alternatively, could it be that the biological information in the gene expression levels
indeed determines the leukemia subtype almost perfectly?
c) To discern between the two explanations for the almost perfect fit, randomly shuffle the subtypes.
Refit the logistic regression model and obtain the fits. On the basis of this and the previous fit,
which explanation is more plausible?
d) Compare the fit of the logistic model with different penalty parameters, say λ = 1 and λ = 1000.
How does λ influence the possibility of overfitting the data?
e) Describe what you would do to prevent overfitting.

Question 3.3
Download the breastCancerNKI package from BioConductor:
> source("")
> biocLite("breastCancerNKI")
Activate the library and load leukemia data from the package:
> library(breastCancerNKI)
> data(nki)
The eset-object nki is now available. It contains the expression profiles of 337 breast cancer patients.
Each profile comprises expression levels of 24481 genes. Extract the expression data from the object,
remove all genes with missing values, center the gene expression gene-wise around zero, and limit the
data set to the first thousand genes. The reduction of the gene dimensionality is only for computational
X <- exprs(nki)
X <- X[-which(rowSums( > 0),]
X <- apply(X[1:1000,], 1, function(X) X - mean(X) ) .
Furthermore, extract the estrogen receptor status (short: ER status), an important prognostic indicator
for breast cancer.
Y <- pData(nki)[,8]
a) Relate the ER status and the gene expression levels by a logistic regression model, which is fitted by
means of ridge penalized maximum likelihood. First, find the optimal value of the penalty param-
eter of λ by means of cross-validation. This is implemented in optL2-function of the penalized-
package available from CRAN.
b) Evaluate whether the cross-validated likelihood indeed attains a maximum at the optimal value of
λ. This can be done with the profL2-function of the penalized-package available from CRAN.
c) Investigate the sensitivity of the penalty parameter selection with respect to the choice of the
cross-validation fold.
3.8 Exercises 53

d) Does the optimal lambda produce a reasonable fit?

4 Lasso regression

In this chapter we return to the linear regression model, which is still fitted in penalized fashion but this
time with a so-called lasso penalty. Yet another penalty? Yes, but it will turn out to have interesting
consequences. The outline of this chapter loosely follows that of its counterpart on ridge regression
(Chapter 1). The chapter can – at least partially – be seen as an elaborated version of the original work
on lasso regression, i.e. Tibshirani (1996), with most topics covered and visualized more extensively and
incorporating results and examples published since.
Recall that ridge regression finds an estimator of the parameter the linear regression model through
the minimization of:

kY − Xβk22 + fpen (β, λ), (4.1)

with fpen (β, λ) = λkβk22 . The particular choice of the penalty function originated in a post-hoc mo-
tivation of the ad-hoc fix to the singularity of the matrix X⊤ X, stemming from the design matrix X
not being of full rank (i.e. rank(X) < p). The ad-hoc nature of the fix suggests that the choice for the
squared Euclidean norm of β as a penalty is somewhat arbitrary and other choices may be considered,
some of which were already encountered in Chapter 2.
One such choice is the so-called lasso penalty giving rise to lasso regression, as introduced by
Tibshirani (1996). Like ridge regression, lasso regression fits the linear regression model Y = Xβ + ε
with the standard assumption on the error ε. Like ridge regression, it does so by minimizing the sum
of squares augmented with a penalty. Hence, lasso regression too minimizes loss function (4.1). The
difference with ridge regression is in the penalty function. Instead of the squared Euclidean norm, lasso
regression uses the ℓ1 -norm: fpen (β, λ1 ) = λ1 kβk1 , the sum of the absolute values of the regression
parameters multiplied by the lasso penalty parameter λ1 . To distinguish the ridge and lasso penalty
parameters they are henceforth denoted λ2 and λ1 , respectively, with the subscript referring to the norm
used in the penalty. The lasso regression loss function is thus:
X p
Llasso (β; λ) = kY − X βk22 + λ1 kβk1 = (Yi − Xi∗ β)2 + λ1 |βj |. (4.2)
i=1 j=1

The lasso regression estimator is then defined as the minimizer of this loss function. As with the ridge
regression loss function, the maximum likelihood estimate of β minimizes the first part, and second part
is minimized by setting β equal to the p dimensional zero vector. For λ1 close to zero, the lasso estimate is
close to the maximum likelihood estimate. Whereas for large λ1 , the penalty term overshadows the sum-
of-squares, and the lasso estimate is small (in some sense). Intermediate choices of λ1 mold a compromise
between those two extremes, with the penalty parameter determining the contribution of each part to
this compromise. The lasso regression estimator thus is not one but a whole sequence of estimators of β,
one for every λ1 ∈ R>0 . This sequence is the lasso regularization path, defined as {β̂(λ1 ) : λ1 ∈ R>0 }.
To arrive at a final lasso estimator of β, like its ridge counterpart, the lasso penalty parameter λ1 needs
to be chosen.
The ℓ1 penalty of lasso regression is equally arbitrary as the ℓ2 -penalty of ridge regression. The
latter ensured the existence of a well-defined estimator of the regression parameter β in the presence of
super-collinearity in the design matrix X, in particular when the dimension p exceeds the sample size n.
The augmentation of the sum-of-squares with the lasso penalty achieves the same. This is illustrated in
Figure 4.1. For the high-dimensional setting with p = 2 and n = 1 and arbitrary data the level sets of
the sum-of-squares kY − X βk22 and the lasso regression loss kY − X βk22 + λ1 kβk1 are plotted (left and
right panel, respectively). In both panels the minimum is indicated in red. For the sum-of-squares the
4.1 Uniqueness 55

sum−of−squares loss lasso regression loss












−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2

β1 β1

Figure 4.1: Contour plots of the sum-of-squares and the lasso regression loss (left and right panel, respectively).
The dotted grey line represent level sets. The red line and dot represent the the location of minimum in both panels.

minimum is a line. As pointed out before in Section 1.2 of Chapter 1 on ridge regression, this minimum
is determined up to an element of the null set of the design matrix X, which in this case is non-trivial.
In contrast, the lasso regression loss exhibits a unique well-defined minimum. Hence, the augmentation
of the sum-of-squares with the lasso penalty yields a well-defined estimator of the regression parameter.
(This needs some attenuation: in general the minimum of the lasso regression loss need not be unique,
confer Section 4.1).

The mathematics involved in the derivation in this chapter tends to be more intricate than for ridge
regression. This is due to the non-differentiability of the lasso penalty at zero. This has consequences
on all aspects of the lasso regression estimator as is already obvious in the left-hand panel of Figure 4.1:
confer the cusps in the lasso regression loss level sets.

4.1 Uniqueness
The lasso regression loss function is the sum of the sum-of-squares criterion and a sum of absolute value
functions. Both are convex in β: the former is not strict convex due to the high-dimensionality and the
absolute value function is convex due to its piece-wise linearity. Thereby the lasso loss function too is
convex but not strict. Consequently, its minimum need not be uniquely defined. But, the set of solutions
of a convex minimization problem is convex (Theorem 9.4.1, Fletcher, 1987). Hence, would there exist
multiple minimizers of the lasso loss function, they form a convex set. Thus, if β̂a (λ1 ) and β̂b (λ1 ) are
lasso estimators, then so are (1 − θ)β̂a (λ1 ) + θβ̂b (λ1 ) for θ ∈ (0, 1). This is illustrated in Example 4.1.

Example 4.1 (Perfectly super-collinear covariates)

Consider the standard linear regression model Yi = Xi,∗ β + εi for i = 1, . . . , n and with the εi i.i.d.
normally distributed with zero mean and a common variance. The rows of the design matrix X are of
length two, neither column represents the intercept, but X∗,1 = X∗,2 . Suppose an estimate of the regres-
sion parameter β of this model is obtained through the minimization of the sum-of-squares augmented
with a lasso penalty, kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 with penalty parameter λ1 > 0. To find the minimizer define
u = β1 + β2 and v = β1 − β2 and rewrite the lasso loss criterion to:

kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 = kY − X∗,1 uk22 + 12 λ1 (|u + v| + |u − v|).

The function |u + v| + |u − v| is minimized with respect to v for any v such that |v| < |u| and the
56 Lasso regression

corresponding minimum equals 2|u|. The estimator of u thus minimizes:

kY − X∗,1 uk22 + λ1 |u|.
For sufficiently small values of λ1 the estimate of u will be unequal to zero. Then, any v such that
|v| < |u| will yield the same minimum of the lasso loss function. Consequently, β̂(λ1 ) is not uniquely
defined as β̂1 (λ1 ) = 21 [û(λ1 ) + v̂(λ1 )] need not equal β̂2 (λ1 ) = 12 [û(λ1 ) − v̂(λ1 )] for any v̂(λ1 ) such that
0 < |v̂(λ1 )| < |û(λ1 )|. 
The lasso estimator β̂(λ1 ) may not be unique, but its linear predictor Xβ̂(λ1 ) is. This can be proven
by contradiction (Tibshirani, 2013). Suppose there exists two lasso estimators of β, denoted β̂a (λ1 ) and
β̂b (λ1 ), such that Xβ̂a (λ1 ) 6= Xβ̂b (λ1 ). Define c to be minimum of the lasso loss function. Then, by
definition of the lasso estimators β̂a (λ1 ) and β̂b (λ1 ) satisfy:
kY − Xβ̂a (λ1 )k22 + λ1 kβ̂a (λ1 )k1 = c = kY − Xβ̂b (λ1 )k22 + λ1 kβ̂b (λ1 )k1 .
For θ ∈ (0, 1) we then have:
kY − X[(1 − θ)β̂a (λ1 ) + θβ̂b (λ1 )]k22 + λ1 k(1 − θ)β̂a (λ1 ) + θβ̂b (λ1 )k1
= k(1 − θ)[Y − Xβ̂a (λ1 )] + θ[Y − Xβ̂b (λ1 )]k22 + λ1 k(1 − θ)β̂a (λ1 ) + θβ̂b (λ1 )k1
< (1 − θ)kY − Xβ̂a (λ1 )k22 + θkY − Xβ̂b (λ1 )k22 + (1 − θ)λ1 kβ̂a (λ1 )k1 + θλ1 kβ̂b (λ1 )k1
= (1 − θ)c + θc = c,
by the strict convexity of kY − Xβk22 in Xβ and the convexity of kβk1 on θ ∈ (0, 1). This implies that
(1 − θ)β̂a (λ1 ) + θβ̂b (λ1 ) yields a lower minimum of the lasso loss function and contradicts our assumption
that β̂a (λ1 ) and β̂b (λ1 ) are lasso regression estimators.
Example 4.2 (Perfectly super-collinear covariates, revisited)
Revisit the setting of Example 4.1, where a linear regression model without intercept and only two but
perfectly correlated covariates is fitted to data. The example revealed that the lasso estimator need not
be unique. The lasso predictor, however, is
b 1 ) = Xβ̂(λ1 ) = X∗,1 β̂1 (λ1 ) + X∗,2 β̂2 (λ1 )
Y(λ = X∗,1 [β̂1 (λ1 ) + β̂2 (λ1 )] = X∗,1 û(λ1 ),
with u defined and (uniquely) estimated as in Example 4.1. 
Example 4.3
The issues, non- and uniqueness of the lasso-estimator and predictor, respectively, raised above are illus-
trated in a numerical setting. Hereto data are generated in accordance with the linear regression model
Y = Xβ + ε where the n = 5 rows of X are sampled from N [0p , (1 − ρ)Ipp + ρ1pp ] with p = 10, ρ = 0.99,
β = (1⊤ ⊤ ⊤
3 , 0p−3 ) and ε ∼ N (0p , 10 Inn ). With these data the lasso estimator of the regression parameter
β for λ1 = 1 is evaluated using two different algorithms (see Section 4.4). Employed implementations
of the algorithms are those available through the R-packages penalized- and glmnet. Both estimates,
denoted β̂p (λ1 ) and β̂g (λ1 ) (the subscript refers to the first letter of the package), are given in Table 4.3.
The table reveals that the estimates differ, in particular in their support (i.e. the set of nonzero values of

β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 β7 β8 β9 β10
penalized β̂p (λ1 ) 0.267 0.000 1.649 0.093 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.571 0.000 0.269
glmnet β̂g (λ1 ) 0.269 0.000 1.776 0.282 0.195 0.000 0.000 0.325 0.000 0.000

Table 4.1: Lasso estimates of the linear regression β for both algorithms.

the estimate of β). This is troublesome when it comes to communication of the optimal model. From a
different perspective the realized loss kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 for each estimate is approximately equal 2.99,
with the difference possibly due to convergence criteria of the algorithms. On another note, their corre-
sponding predictors, Xβ̂p (λ1 ) and Xβ̂g (λ1 ), correlate almost perfectly: cor[Xβ̂p (λ1 ), Xβ̂g (λ1 )] = 0.999.
These results thus corroborate the non-uniqueness of the estimator and the uniqueness of the predictor.

The R-script provides the code to reproduce the analysis.

4.2 Analytic solutions 57

Listing 4.1 R code

# set the random seed
set . seed (4)

# load libraries
library ( penalized )
library ( glmnet )
library ( mvtnorm )

# set sample size

p <- 10

# create covariance matrix

Sigma <- matrix (0.99 , p , p )
diag ( Sigma ) <- 1

# sample the design matrix

n <- 5
X <- rmvnorm (10 , sigma = Sigma )

# create a sparse beta vector

betas <- c ( rep (1 , 3) , rep (0 , p -3) )

# sample response
Y <- X %*% betas + rnorm (n , sd =0.1)

# evaluate lasso estimator with two methods

Bhat1 <- matrix ( as . numeric ( coef ( penalized (Y , X , lambda1 =1 , unpenalized =~0) ,
" all " ) ) , ncol =1)
Bhat2 <- matrix ( as . numeric ( coef ( glmnet (X , Y , lambda =1/(2* n ) , standardize = FALSE ,
intercept = FALSE ) ) ) [ -1 ] , ncol =1)

# compare estimates
cbind ( Bhat1 , Bhat2 )

# compare the loss

sum (( Y - X %*% Bhat1 ) ^2) + sum ( abs ( Bhat1 ) )
sum (( Y - X %*% Bhat2 ) ^2) + sum ( abs ( Bhat2 ) )

# compare predictor
cor ( X %*% Bhat1 , X %*% Bhat2 )
Note that in the code above the evaluation of the lasso estimator appears to employ a different lasso
penalty parameter λ1 . This is due to the fact that internally (after removal of standardization of X and
Y) the loss functions optimized are kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 vs. 2n kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 . Rescaling of λ1
resolves this issue. 

4.2 Analytic solutions

In general, no explicit expression for the lasso regression estimator exists. There are exceptions, as
illustrated in Examples 4.4 and 4.6. Nonetheless, it is possible to show properties of the lasso estimator,
amongst others of the smoothness of its regularization path (Theorem 4.1) and the limiting behaviour
as λ1 → ∞ (see the end of this section).
Theorem 4.1 (Theorem 2, Rosset and Zhu, 2007)
The lasso regression loss function (4.2) yields a piecewise linear (in λ1 ) regularization path {β̂(λ1 ) : R>0 }.

Proof Confer Rosset and Zhu (2007). 

This piecewise linear nature of the lasso solution path is illustrated in the left-hand panel of Figure 4.2
of an arbitrary data set. At each vertical dotted line a discontinuity in the derivative with respect to λ1
58 Lasso regression

of the regularization path of an lasso estimate of an element of β may occur. The plot also foreshadows
the λ1 → ∞ limiting behaviour of the lasso regression estimator: the estimator tend to zero. This is no
surprise knowing that the ridge regression estimator exhibits the same behaviour and the lasso regression
loss function is of similar form as that of ridge regression: a sum-of-squares plus a penalty term (which
is linear in the penalty parameter).

Lasso regularization path The soft−threshold function











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
λ1 β

Figure 4.2: The left panel shows the regularization path of the lasso regression estimator for simulated data. The
vertical grey dotted lines indicate the values of λ1 at which there is a discontinuity in the derivative (with respect to
λ1 ) of the lasso regularization path of one the regression estimates. The right panel displays the soft (solid, red)
and hard (grey, dotted) threshold functions.

For particular cases, an orthormal design (Example 4.4) and p = 2 (Example 4.6), an analytic expression
for the lasso regression estimator exists. While the latter is of limited use, the former is exemplary and
will come of use later in the numerical evaluation of the lasso regression estimator in the general case
(see Section 4.4).

Example 4.4 Orthonormal design matrix

Consider an orthonormal design matrix X, i.e. X⊤ X = Ipp = (X⊤ X)−1 . The lasso estimator then is:

β̂j (λ1 ) = sign(β̂j )(|β̂j | − 12 λ1 )+ ,

where β̂ = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y = X⊤ Y is the maximum likelihood estimator of β and β̂j its j-th element
and f (x) = (x)+ = max{x, 0}. This expression for the lasso regression estimator can be obtained as
follows. Rewrite the lasso regression loss criterion:
min kY − X βk22 + λ1 kβk1 = min Y⊤ Y − Y⊤ X β − β ⊤ X⊤ Y + β ⊤ X⊤ X β + λ1 |βj |
β β
⊤ ⊤ ⊤
∝ min −β̂ β − β β̂ + β β + λ1 |βj |
= min − 2β̂jOLS βj + βj2 + λ1 |βj |
β1 ,...,βp
= min −2β̂j βj + βj2 + λ1 |βj |).
4.2 Analytic solutions 59

The minimization problem can thus be solved per regression coefficient. This gives:
minβj −2β̂j βj + βj2 + λ1 βj if βj > 0,
min −2β̂j βj + βj2 + λ1 |βj | =
βj minβj −2β̂j βj + βj2 − λ1 βj if βj < 0.

The minimization within the sum over the covariates is with respect to each element of the regression
parameter separately. Optimization with respect to the j-th one gives:

β̂j − 21 λ1 if βj > 0
β̂j (λ1 ) =
β̂j + 12 λ1 if βj < 0

Put these two equations together to arrive at the form of the lasso regression estimator above.
The analytic expression for the lasso regression estimator above provides insight in how it relates to
the maximum likelihood estimator of β. The right-hand side panel of Figure 4.2 depicts this relationship.
Effectively, the lasso regression estimator thresholds (after a translation) its maximum likelihood coun-
terpart. The function is also referred to as the soft-threshold function (for contrast the hard-threshold
function is also plotted – dotted line – in Figure 4.2). 

Example 4.5 (Orthogonal design matrix)

The analytic solution of the lasso regression estimator for experiments with an orthonormal design matrix
applies to those with an orthogonal design matrix. This is illustrated by a numerical example. Use the
lasso estimator with λ1 = 10 to fit the linear regression model to the response data and the design matrix:

Y⊤ = −4.9 −0.8 −8.9 4.9 1.1 −2.0 ,
1 −1 3 −3 1 1
X⊤ = .
−3 −3 −1 0 3 0

Note that the design matrix is orthogonal, i.e. its columns are orthogonal (but not normalized to one).
The orthogonality of X yields a diagonal X⊤ X, and so it its inverse (X⊤ X)−1 . Here diag(X⊤ X) =
(22, 28). Rescale X to an orthonormal design matrix, denoted X̃, and rewrite the lasso regression loss
function to:
 √ −1  √ 
2 22 √ 0 22 √ 0
kY − Xβk2 + λ1 kβk1 = Y − X β + λ1 kβk1
0 28 0 28
√ √
= kY − X̃γk22 + (λ1 / 22)|γ1 | + (λ1 / 28)|γ2 |,
√ √
where γ = ( 22β1 , 28β2 )⊤ . By the same argument this loss can be minimized with respect to each
element of γ separately. In particular, the soft-threshold function provides an analytic expression for the
estimates of γ:
√ √ √
γ̂1 (λ1 / 22) = sign(γ̂1 )[|γ̂j | − 12 (λ1 / 22)]+ = −[9.892513 − 12 (10/ 22)]+ = 8.826509,
√ √ √
γ̂1 (λ1 / 28) = sign(γ̂2 )[|γ̂2 | − 12 (λ1 / 28)]+ = [5.537180 − 12 (10/ 28)]+ = 4.592269.

Rescale back and obtain the lasso regression estimate: β̂(10) = (−1.881818, 0.8678572)⊤. 

Example 4.6 (p = 2 with equivariant covariates, Leng et al., 2006)

Let p = 2 and suppose the design matrix X has equivariant covariates. Without of loss of generality
they are assumed to have unit variance. We may thus write
⊤ 1 ρ
X X = ,
ρ 1

for some ρ ∈ (−1, 1). The lasso regression estimator is then of similar form as in the orthonormal
case: β̂j (λ1 ) = sign(β̂j )(|β̂j | − γ)+ , with soft-threshold parameter γ that now depends on λ1 , ρ and the
maximum likelihood estimate β̂ (see Exercise 4.3). 
60 Lasso regression

Apart from the specific cases outlined in the two examples above no other explicit solutions for the
minimizer of the lasso regression loss function appears to be known. Locally though, for large enough
values of λ1 , an analytic expression for solution can also be derived. Hereto we point out that (details
omitted) the lasso estimator satisfies the following estimating equation:

X⊤ Xβ̂(λ1 ) = X⊤ Y − 21 λ1 ẑ

for some ẑ ∈ Rp with (ẑ)j = sign{[β̂(λ1 )]j } whenever [β̂j (λ1 )]j 6= 0 and (ẑ)j ∈ [−1, 1] if [β̂j (λ1 )]j = 0.
0 ≤ [β̂(λ1 )]⊤ X⊤ Xβ̂(λ1 ) = [β̂(λ1 )]⊤ (X⊤ Y − 21 λ1 ẑ) = [β̂(λ1 )]j (X⊤ Y − 12 λ1 ẑ)j .

For λ1 > 2kX⊤ Yk∞ the summands on the right-hand side satisfy:

[β̂(λ1 )]j (X⊤ Y − 21 λ1 ẑ)j < 0 if [β̂(λ1 )]j > 0,

[β̂(λ1 )]j (X⊤ Y − 21 λ1 ẑ)j = 0 if [β̂(λ1 )]j = 0,
[β̂(λ1 )]j (X⊤ Y − 21 λ1 ẑ)j < 0 if [β̂(λ1 )]j < 0.

This implies that β̂(λ1 ) = 0p if λ1 > 2kX⊤ Yk∞ , where kak∞ is the supremum norm of vector a defined
as kak∞ = max{|a1 |, |a2 |, . . . , |ap |}.

4.3 Sparsity
The change from the ℓ2 -norm to the ℓ1 -norm in the penalty may seem only a detail. Indeed, both
ridge and lasso regression fit the same linear regression model. But the attractiveness of the lasso lies
not in what it fits, but in a consequence of how it fits the linear regression model. The lasso estimator
of the vector of regression parameters may contain some or many zero’s. In contrast, ridge regression
yields an estimator of β with elements (possibly) close to zero, but unlikely equal to zero. Hence, lasso
penalization results in β̂j (λ1 ) = 0 for some j (in particular for large values of λ1 , see Section 4.1), while
ridge penalization yields an estimate of the j-th element of the regression parameter β̂j (λ2 ) 6= 0. A zero
estimate of a regression coefficient means that the corresponding covariate has no effect on the response
and can be excluded from the model. Effectively, this amounts to variable selection. Where traditionally
the linear regression model is fitted by means of maximum likelihood followed by testing step to weed
out these covariates with effects indistinguishable from zero, lasso regression is a one-step-go procedure
that simulatenously estimates and selects.
The in-built variable selection of the lasso regression estimator is a geometric accident. To understand
how it comes about the lasso regression loss optimization problem (4.2) is reformulated as a constrained
estimation problem (using the same argumentation as previously employed for ridge regression, see
Section 1.5):

min kY − Xβk22 .
kβk1 ≤c(λ1 )

where c(λ1 ) = kβ̂(λ1 )k1 . Again, this is the standard least squares problem, with the only difference that
the sum of the (absolute) regression parameters β1 , β2 , . . . , βp is required to be smaller than c(λ1 ). The
effect of this requirement is that the lasso estimates of the regression parameters can no longer assume
any value (from −∞ to ∞, as is the case in standard linear regression), but are limited to a certain
range of values. With the lasso and ridge regression estimators minimizing the same sum-of-squares, the
key difference with the constrained estimation formulation of ridge regression is not in the explicit form
of c(λ1 ) (and is set to some arbitrary convenient value in the remainder of this section) but in what is
bounded by c(λ1 ) and the domain of acceptable values for β that it implies. For the lasso regression
estimator the domain is specified by a bound on the ℓ1 -norm of the regression parameter while for its
ridge counterpart the bound is applied to the squared ℓ2 -norm of β. The parameter constraints implied
by the lasso and ridge norms result in balls in different norms:

{β ∈ Rp : |β1 | + |β2 | + . . . + |βp | ≤ c1 (λ1 )},

{β ∈ Rp : β12 + β22 + . . . + βp2 ≤ c2 (λ2 )},
4.3 Sparsity 61

respectively, and where c(·) is now equipped with a subscript referring the norm to stress that it is
different for lasso and ridge. The left-hand panel of Figure 4.3 visualizes these parameter constraints for
p = 2 and c1 (λ1 ) = 2 = c2 (λ2 ). In the Euclidean space ridge yields a spherical constraint for β, while
a diamond-like shape for the lasso. The lasso regression estimate is then that β inside this diamond
domain which yields the smallest sum-of-squares (as is visualized by right-hand panel of Figure 4.3).

Lasso and ridge penalty Lasso as constrained estimation

ML estimate

lasso estimate






lasso penalty

ridge penalty

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 0 2 4 6 8

beta1 beta1

Figure 4.3: Left panel: The lasso parameter constraint (|β1 | + |β2 | ≤ 2) and its ridge counterpart (β12 + β22 ≤ 2).
Solution path of the ridge estimator and its variance. Right panel: the lasso regression estimator as a constrained
least squares estimtor.

The selection property of the lasso is due to the fact that the diamond-shaped parameter constraint
has its corners falling on the axes. For a point to lie on an axis, one coordinate needs to equal zero. The
lasso regression estimator coincides with the point inside the diamond closest to the maximum likelihood
estimate. This point may correspond to a corner of the diamond, in which case one of the coordinates
(regression parameters) equals zero and, consequently, the lasso regression estimator does not select this
element of β. Figure 4.4 illustrates the selection property for the case with p = 2 and an orthonormal
design matrix. An orthornormal design matrix yields level sets (orange dotted circles in Figure 4.4)
of the sum-of-squares that are spherical and centered around the maximum likelihood estimate (red
dot in Figure 4.4). For maximum likelihood estimates inside the grey areas the closest point in the
diamond-shaped parameter domain will be on one of its corners. Hence, for these maximum likelihood
estimates the corresponding lasso regression estimate will include on a single covariate in the model. The
geometrical explanation of the selection property of the lasso regression estimator also applies to non-
orthonormal design matrices and in dimensions larger than two. In particular, high-dimensionally, the
sum-of-squares may be a degenerated ellipsoid, that can and will still hit a corner of the diamond-shaped
parameter domain. Finally, note that a zero value of lasso regression estimate does imply neither that
the parameter is indeed zero nor that it will be significantly different from zero.
Larger values of the lasso penalty parameter λ1 induce smaller parameter constraints. Consequently,
the number of zero elements in the lasso regression estimator of β increases as λ1 increases. However,
where kβ̂(λ1 )k1 decreases monotonically as λ1 increases (left panel of Figure 4.5 for an example and
Exercise 4.4), the number of non-zero coefficients does not. Locally, at some finite λ1 , the number of
non-zero elements in β̂(λ1 ) may increase with λ1 , to only go down again as λ1 is sufficiently increased
(as in the λ1 → ∞ limit the number of non-zero elements is zero, see the argumentation at the end of
Section 4.2). The right panel of Figure 4.5 illustrates this behavior for an arbitrary data set.
The attractiveness of the lasso regression estimator is in its simultaneous estimation and selection
of parameters. For large enough values of the penalty parameter λ1 the estimated regression model
comprises only a subset of the supplied covariates. In high-dimensions (demanding a large penalty
parameter) the number of selected parameters by the lasso regression estimator is usually small (relative
62 Lasso regression

Figure 4.4: Shrinkage with the lasso. The range of possible lasso estimates is demarcated by the diamond around
the origin. The grey areas contain all points that are closest to one of the diamond’s corners than to any other
point inside the diamond. If the OLS estimate falls inside any of these grey areas, the lasso shrinks it to the closest
diamond tip (which corresponds to a sparse solution). For example, let the red dot in the fourth quadrant be an
OLS estimate. It is in a grey area. Hence, its lasso estimate is the red dot at the lowest tip of the diamond.

L1−norm vs. penalty parameter Number of nonzero vs. penalty parameter



#[β(λ1) != 0]
||β(λ1) ||





0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10

λ1 λ1

Figure 4.5: Contour plots of the sum-of-squares and the lasso regression loss (left and right panel, respectively).
The dotted grey line represent level sets. The red line and dot represent the the location of minimum in both panels.

to the total number of parameters), thus producing a so-called sparse model. Would one adhere to the
parsimony principle, such a sparse and thus simpler model is preferable over a full model. Simpler may
be better, but too simple is worse. The phenomenon or system that is to be described by the model need
4.4 Estimation 63

not be sparse. For instance, in molecular biology the regulatory network of the cell is no longer believed
to be sparse (Boyle et al., 2017). Similarly, when analyzing brain image data, the connectivity of the
brain is not believed to be sparse.

4.3.1 Maximum number of selected covariates

The number of parameter/covariates selected by the lasso regression estimator is bounded non-trivially.
The cardinality (i.e. the number of included covariates) of every lasso estimated linear regression model is
smaller than or equal to min{n, p} (Bühlmann and Van De Geer, 2011). According to Bühlmann and Van De Geer
(2011) this is obvious from the analysis of the LARS algorithm of Efron et al. (2004) (which is to be
discussed in Section ??). For now we just provide an R-script that generates the regularization paths
using the lars-package for the diabetes data included in the package for a random number of samples
n not exceeding the number of covariates p.
Listing 4.2 R code
# activate library
library ( lars )

# load data
data ( diabetes )
X <- diabetes $ x
Y <- diabetes $ y

# set sample size

n <- sample (1: ncol ( X ) , 1)
id <- sample (1: length ( Y ) , n )

# plot regularizatio n paths

plot ( lars ( X [ id , ] , Y [ id ] , intercept = FALSE ) )
Irrespective of the drawn n the plotted regularization paths all terminate before the n + 1-th variate
enters the model. This could of course be circumstantial evidence at best, or even be labelled a bug in
the software.
But even without the LARS algorithm the nontrivial part of the inequality, that the number of
selected variates p does not exceed the sample size n, can be proven (Osborne et al., 2000).
Theorem 4.2 (Theorem 6, Osborne et al., 2000)
If p > n and β̂(λ1 ) is a minimizer of the lasso regresssion loss function (4.2), then β̂(λ1 ) has at most n
non-zero entries.

Proof Confer Osborne et al. (2000). 

In the high-dimensional setting, when p is large compared to n small, this implies a considerable dimension
reduction. It is, however, somewhat unsatisfactory that it is the study design, i.e. the inclusion of the
number of samples, that determines the upperbound of model size.

4.4 Estimation
In the absence of an analytic expression for the optimum of the lasso loss function (4.2), much attention
is devoted to numerical procedures to find it.

4.4.1 Quadratic programming

In the original lasso paper Tibshirani (1996) reformulates the lasso optimization problem to a quadratic
program. A quadratic problem optimizes a quadratic form subject to linear constraints. This is a well-
studied optimization problem for which many readily available implementations exist (e.g., the quadprog-
package in R). The quadratic program that is equivalent to the lasso regression problem (which minimizes
the least squares criterion, kY − Xβk22 subject to kβk1 < c(λ1 )) is:

min 1 (Y − Xβ)⊤ (Y − Xβ), (4.3)

Rβ≥0 2
64 Lasso regression

where R is a q × p dimensional linear constraint matrix that specifies the linear constraints on the
parameter β. For p = 2 the domain implied by lasso parameter constraint {β ∈ R2 : kβk1 < c(λ1 )} is
equal to:

{β ∈ R2 : β1 + β2 ≤ c(λ1 )} ∩ {β ∈ R2 : β1 − β2 ≥ −c(λ1 )} ∩ {β ∈ R2 : β1 − β2 ≤ c(λ1 )}

∩{β ∈ R2 : β1 + β2 ≥ −c(λ1 )}.

This collection of linear parameter constraints can be aggregated, when using:

 
1 1
 −1 −1 
R =   1 −1  ,

−1 1

into {β ∈ R2 : Rβ ≥ −c(λ1 )}.

To solve the quadratic program (4.3) it is usually reformulated in terms of its dual. Hereto we
introduce the Lagrangian:

L(β, ν) = 1
2 (Y − Xβ)⊤ (Y − Xβ) + ν ⊤ Rβ, (4.4)

where ν = (ν1 , . . . , νq )⊤ is the vector of non-negative multipliers. The dual function is now defined as
inf β L(β, ν). This infimum is attained at:

β̃ = (X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y + (X⊤ X)−1 R⊤ ν, (4.5)

which can be verified by equating the first order partial derivative with respect to β of the Lagrangian
to zero and solving for β. Substitution of β = β ∗ into the dual function gives, after changing the minus
1 ⊤ ⊤ −1 ⊤
2 ν R(X X) R ν + ν ⊤ R(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y + 21 Y⊤ X(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y.

The dual problem minimizes this expression (from which the last term is dropped as is does not involve
ν) with respect to ν, subject to ν ≥ 0. Although also a quadratic programming problem, the dual
problem a) has simpler constraints and b) is defined on a lower dimensional space (if the number of
columns of R exceeds its number of rows) than the primal problem. If ν̃ is the solution of the dual
problem, the solution of the primal problem is obtained from Equation (4.5). Note that in the first term
on the right hand side of Equation (4.5) we recognize the unconstrained least squares estimator of β.
Refer to, e.g., Bertsekas (2014) for more on quadratic programming.
Example 4.5 (Orthogonal design matrix, continued)
The evaluation of the lasso regression estimator by means of quadratic programming is illustrated using
the data from the numerical Example 4.5. The R-script below solves, the implementation of the quadprog-
package, the quadratic program associated with the lasso regression problem of the aforementioned
Listing 4.3 R code
# load library
library ( quadprog )

# data
Y <- matrix ( c ( -4.9 , -0.8 , -8.9 , 4.9 , 1.1 , -2.0) , ncol =1)
X <- t ( matrix ( c (1 , -1 , 3 , -3 , 1 , 1 , -3 , -3 , -1 , 0 , 3 , 0) , nrow =2 , byrow = TRUE ) )

# constraint radius
L1norm <- 1.881818 + 0.8678572

# solve the quadratic program

solve . QP ( t ( X ) %*% X , t ( X ) %*% Y ,
t ( matrix ( c (1 , 1 , -1 , -1 , 1 , -1 , -1 , 1) , ncol =2 , byrow = TRUE ) ) ,
L1norm * c ( -1 , -1 , -1 , -1) ) $ solution
4.4 Estimation 65

The resulting estimates coincide with those found earlier. 

For relatively small p quadratic programming is a viable option to find the lasso regression estimator. For
large p it is practically not feasible. Above the linear constraint matrix R is 4 × 2 dimensional for p = 2.
When p = 3, it requires a linear constraint matrix R with eight rows. In general, 2p linear constraints
are required to fully specify the lasso parameter constraint on the regression parameter. Already when
p = 100, the specification of only the linear constraint matrix R will take endlessly, leave alone solving
the corresponding quadratic program.

4.4.2 Iterative ridge

Why develop something new, when one can also make do with existing tools? The loss function of the
lasso regression estimator can be optimized by iterative application of ridge regression (as pointed out
in Fan and Li, 2001). It requires an approximation of the lasso penalty, or the absolute value function.
Set p = 1 and let β0 be an initial parameter value for β around which the absolute value function |β| is
to be approximated. Its quadratic approximation then is:

|β| ≈ |β0 | + (β 2 − β02 ).
2|β02 |

An illustration of this approximation is provided in the left panel of Figure 4.6.

Approximation to lasso penalty




| beta |




lasso penalty


−4 −2 0 2 4
−2 −1 0 1 2

Figure 4.6: Left panel: quadratic approximation (i.e. the ridge penalty) to the absolute value function (i.e. the lasso
penalty). Right panel: Illustration of the coordinate descent algorithm. The dashed grey lines are the level sets
of the lasso regression loss function. The red arrows depict the parameter updates. These arrows are parallel to
either the β1 or the β2 parameter axis, thus indicating that the regression parameter β is updated coordinate-wise.

The lasso regression estimator is evaluated through iterative application of the ridge regression es-
timator. This iterative procedure needs initiation by some guess β (0) for β. For example, the ridge
estimator itself may serve as such. Then, at the k + 1-th iteration an update β (k+1) of the lasso regres-
sion estimator of β is to be found. Application of the quadratic approximation to the absolute value
functions of the elements of β (around the k-th update β (k) ) in the lasso penalty yields an approximation
66 Lasso regression

to the lasso regression loss function:

kY − X β (k+1) k22 + λ1 kβ (k+1) k1 ≈ kY − X β (k+1) k22 + λ1 kβ (k) k1

p p
λ1 X 1 (k+1) 2 λ1 X 1 (k)
+ [β ] − [β ]2
2 j=1 |β (k) | j 2 j=1 |β (k) | j
j j
λ1 X 1 (k+1) 2
∝ kY − X β (k+1) k22 + [β ] .
2 j=1 |β (k) | j

The loss function now contains a weighted ridge penalty. In this one recognizes a generalized ridge
regression loss function (see Chapter 2). As its minimizer is known, the approximated lasso regression
loss function is optimized by:

β (k+1) (λ1 ) = {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β (k) (λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ Y

(k) (k)
diag{Ψ[β (k) (λ1 )]} = (1/|β1 |, 1/|β2 |, . . . , 1/|βp(k) |).

The thus generated sequence of updates {β (k) (λ1 )}∞ k=0 converges (under ‘nice’ conditions) to the lasso
regression estimator β̂(λ1 ).
A note of caution. The in-built variable selection property of the lasso regression estimator may –
for large enough choices of the penalty parameter λ1 – cause elements of β (k) (λ1 ) to become arbitrary
close to zero (or, in R exceed machine precision and thereby being effectively zero) after enough updates.
Consequently, the ridge penalty parameter for the j-th element of regression parameter may approach
infinity, as the j-th element of Ψ[β (k) (λ1 ) equals |βj |−1 . To accommodate this, the iterative ridge re-
gression algorithm for the evaluation of the lasso regression estimator requires a modification. Effectively,
that amounts to the removal of j-th covariate from the model all together (for its estimated regression
coefficient is indistinguishable from zero). After its removal, it does not return to the set of covariates.
This may be problematic if two covariates are (close to) super-collinear.

4.4.3 Gradient ascent

Another method of finding the lasso regression estimator and implemented in penalized-package (Goeman,
2010) makes use of gradient ascent. Gradient ascent/descent is an maximization/minization method that
finds the optimum of a smooth function by iteratively updating a first-order local approximation to this
function. Gradient ascents runs through the following sequence of steps repetitively until convergence:
◦ Choose a starting value.
◦ Calculate the derivative of the function, and determine the direction in which the function increases
most. This direction is the path of steepest ascent.
◦ Proceed in this direction, until the function no longer increases.
◦ Recalculate at this point the gradient to determine a new path of steepest ascent.
◦ Repeat the above until the (region around the) optimum is found.
The procedure above is illustrated in Figure 4.7. The top panel shows the choice of the initial value.
From this point the path of the steepest ascent is followed until the function no longer increases (right
panel of Figure 4.7). Here the path of steepest ascent is updated along which the search for the optimum
is proceeded (bottom panel of Figure 4.7).
The use of gradient ascent to find the lasso regression estimator is frustrated by the non-differentiability
(with respect to any of the regression parameters) of the lasso penalty function at zero. In Goeman (2010)
this is overcome by the use of a generalized derivative. Define the directional or Gâteaux derivative of
the function f : Rp → R at x ∈ Rp in the direction of v ∈ Rp as:
f ′ (x) = lim f (x + τ v) − f (x) ,
τ ↓0 τ
assuming this limit exists. The Gâteaux derivative thus gives the infinitesimal change in f at x in the
direction of v. As such f ′ (x) is a scalar (as is immediate from the definition when noting that f (·) ∈ R)
and should not be confused with the gradient (the vector of partial derivatives). Furthermore, at each
4.4 Estimation 67



optimum in chosen
initial direction


path of
global optimum steepest ascent
initial value


new path of
steepest ascent

Figure 4.7: Illustration of the gradient ascent procedure.

point x there are infinitely many Gâteaux differentials (as there are infinitely many choices for v ∈ Rp ).
In the particular case when v = ej , ej the unit vector along the axis of the j-th coordinate, the directional
derivative coincides with the partial derivative of f in the direction of xj . Relevant for the case at hand
is the absolute value function f (x) = |x| with x ∈ R. Evaluation of the limits in its Gâteaux derivative
v |x| if x 6= 0,
f ′ (x) =
v if x = 0,

for any v ∈ R \ {0}. Hence, the Gâteaux derivative of |x| does exits at x = 0. In general, the Gâteaux
differential may be uniquely defined by limiting the directional vectors v to i) those with unit length
(i.e. kvk = 1) and ii) the direction of steepest ascent. Using the Gâteaux derivative a gradient of f (·)
at x ∈ Rp may then be defined as:
f (x) · vopt if f ′ (x) ≥ 0
∇f (x) = (4.6)
0p if f ′ (x) < 0,

in which vopt = arg max{v : kvk=1} f ′ (x). This is the direction of steepest ascent, vopt , scaled by Gâteaux
derivative, f ′ (x), in the direction of vopt . Application of definition (4.7) of the Gâteaux gradient to the
lasso penalized likelihood (4.2) gives:
Llasso (Y, X; β) · vopt if L′lasso (Y, X; β) ≥ 0,
∇vopt Llasso (Y, X; β) = (4.7)
0p if L′lasso (Y, X; β) < 0.

According to Goeman (2010) the elements of this gradient can be calculated from those of the unpenalized
68 Lasso regression

log-likelihood gradient and the Gateaux derivative of the absolute value function, which yields:
 ∂
∂  ∂βj L(Y, X; β) − λ1 sign(β
 h j
if βj 6= 0

Llasso (Y, X; β) = ∂ ∂
L(Y, X; β) − λ1 sign L(Y, X; β) if β j = 0 and |∂L/∂β j > λ1
∂βj 
 ∂β j ∂β j

0 otherwise ,
where ∂L/∂βj = j ′ =1 (X⊤ X)j ′ ,j βj − (X⊤ Y)j .
Convergence of gradient ascent can be slow close to the optimum. This is due to its linear ap-
proximation of the function. Close to the optimum the linear term of the Taylor expansion vanishes
and is dominated by the second-order quadratic term. To speed-up convergence close to the optimum
the gradient ascent implementation offered by the penalized-package switches to a Newton-Raphson

4.4.4 Coordinate descent

Coordinate descent is another optimization algorithm that may be used to evaluate the lasso regression
estimator numerically, as is done by the implemention offered via the glmnet-package. Coordinate
descent, instead of following the gradient of steepest descent (as in Section 4.4.3), minimizes the loss
function along the coordinates one-at-the-time. For the j-th regression parameter this amounts to finding:
arg min kY − Xβk22 + λkβk1 = arg min kY − X∗,\j β\j − X∗,j βj k22 + λ|βj |1
βj βj

= arg min kỸ − X∗,j βj k22 + λ|βj |1 ,


where Ỹ = Y − X∗,\j β\j . After a simple rescaling of both X∗,j and βj , the minimization of the lasso
regression loss function with respect to βj is equivalent to one with an orthonormal design matrix. From
Example 4.4 it is known the minimizer is obtained by application of the soft-threshold function to the
corresponding maximum likelihood estimator (now derived from Ỹ and Xj ). The coordinate descent
algorithm iteratively runs over the p elements until convergence. The right panel of Figure 4.6 provides
an illustration of the coordinate descent algorithm.
Convergence of the coordinate descent algorithm to the minimum of the lasso regression loss function
(4.2) is warranted by the convexity of this function. At each minization step the coordinate descent
algorithm yields an update of the parameter estimate that corresponds to an equal or smaller value
of the loss function. It, together with the compactness of diamond-shaped parameter domain and the
boundedness (from below) of the lasso regression loss function, implies that the coordinate descent
algorithm converges to the minimum of this lasso regression loss function.

4.5 Moments
In general the moments of the lasso regression estimator appear to be unknown. In certain cases an
approximation may be given. This is pointed out here. Use the quadratic approximation to the absolute
value function of Section 4.4.2 and approximate the lasso regression loss function around the lasso
regression estimate:
λ1 X 1
kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 ≈ kY − Xβk22 + β2.
2 j=1 |β̂(λ1 )| j

Optimization of the right-hand side of the preceeding display with respect to β gives a ‘ridge approxi-
mation’ to the lasso estimate:
β̂(λ1 ) ≈ {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ Y,

with (Ψ[β̂(λ1 )])jj = |β̂j (λ1 )|−1 if β̂j (λ1 ) 6= 0. Now use this ‘ridge approximation’ to obtain the approxi-
mation to the moments of the lasso regression estimator:

E[β̂(λ1 )] ≈ E {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ Y
= {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ XE[(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y]
= {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ Xβ
4.6 The Bayesian connection 69


Var[β̂(λ1 )] ≈ Var {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ Y
= {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ XVar[(X⊤ X)−1 X⊤ Y]X⊤ X{X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1
= σ 2 {X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 X⊤ X{X⊤ X + λ1 Ψ[β̂(λ1 )]}−1 .
These approximations can only be used when the lasso regression estimate is not sparse, which is at odds
with its attractiveness. A better approximation of the variance of the lasso regression estimator can be
found in Osborne et al. (2000), but even this becomes poor when many elements of β are estimated as
Even if these approximations are only crude, they indicate that the moments of the lasso regression
estimator exhibit similar behaviour as those of its ridge counterpart. The (approximation of the) mean
E[β̂(λ1 )] tends to zero as λ1 → ∞. This was intuitively already expected from the form of the lasso
regression loss function (4.2), in which the penalty term dominates for large λ1 and is minimized for
β̂(λ1 ) = 0p . This may also be understood geometrically when appealing to the equivalent constrained
estimation formation of the lasso regression estimator. The parameter constraint shrinks to zero with
increasing λ1 . Hence, so must the estimator. Similarly, the (approximation of the) variance of the lasso
regression estimator vanishes as the penalty parameter λ1 grows. Again, its loss function (4.2) provides
the intuition: for large λ1 the penalty term, which does not depend on data, dominates. Or, from
the perspective of the constrained estimation formulation, the parameter constraint shrinks to zero as
λ1 → ∞. Hence, so must the variance of the estimator, as less and less room is left for it to fluctuate.
The behaviour of the mean squared error, bias squared plus variance, of the lasso regression estimator
in terms of λ1 is hard to characterize exactly without knowledge of the quality of the approximations.
In particular, does a λ1 exists such that the MSE of the lasso regression estimator outperforms that of
its maximum likelihood counterpart. Nonetheless, a first observation may be obtained from reasoning
in extremis. Suppose β = 0p , which corresponds to an empty or maximally sparse model. A large
value of λ1 then yields a zero estimate of the regression parameter: β̂(λ1 ) = 0p . The bias squared is
thus minimized: kβ̂(λ1 ) − βk22 = 0. With the bias vanished and the (approximation of the) variance
decreasing in λ1 , so must the MSE decrease for λ1 larger than some value. So, for an empty model
the lasso regression estimator with a sufficiently large penalty parameter yields a better MSE than the
maximum likelihood estimator. For very sparse models this property may be expected to uphold, but
for non-sparse models the bias squared will have a substantial contribution to the MSE, and it is thus
not obvious whether a λ1 exists that yields a favourable MSE for the lasso regression estimator. This
is investigated in silico in Hansen (2015). The simulations presented there indicate that the MSE of
the lasso regression estimator is particularly sensitive to the actual β. Moreover, for a large part of the
parameter space β ∈ Rp the MSE of β̂(λ1 ) is behind that of the maximum likelihood estimator.

4.6 The Bayesian connection

The lasso regression estimator, being a penalized estimator, knows a Bayesian formulation, much like
the (generalized) ridge regression estimator could be viewed as a Bayesian estimator when imposing a
Gaussian prior (cf. Sections 1.6 and 2.2). Instead of normal prior, the lasso regression estimator requires
(as suggested by the form of the lasso penalty) a zero-centered Laplacian (or double exponential) prior to
be viewed as a Bayesian estimator. A zero-centered Laplace distributed random variable X has density
fX (x) = 2b exp(−|x|/b) with scale parameter b > 0. The top panel of Figure 4.8 shows the Laplace prior,
and for contrast the normal prior of the ridge regression estimator. This figure reveals that the ‘lasso
prior’ puts more mass close to zero and in the tails than the Gaussian ‘ridge prior’. This corroborates
with the tendency of the lasso regression estimator to produce either zero or large (compared to ridge)
The lasso regression estimator corresponds to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator of β, when
the prior is a Laplace distribution. The posterior distribution is then proportional to:
Y p
(2πσ 2 )−1/2 exp[−(2σ 2 )−1 (Yi Xi,∗ β)2 ] × (2b)−1 exp(−|βj |/b).
i=1 j=1

The posterior is not a well-known and characterized distribution. This is not necessary as interest
concentrates here on its maximum. The location of the posterior mode coincides with the location of the
70 Lasso regression

Laplace prior



−4 −2 0 2 4


λ1 = 0.01
λ1 = 0.50
λ1 = 1.00
λ1 = 1.50

λ1 = 2.00

λ1 = 4.00
posterior distribution

Posterior mode



−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5

β λ1

Figure 4.8: Solution path of the ridge estimator and its variance. The left panel shows the solution path of the ridge
estimator for the data of Example 1.3. In the right panel the corresponding variance of the ridge estimator is plotted
against the (logarithm of the) penalty parameter.

maximum of logarithm of the posterior. The log-posterior is proportional to: −(2σ 2 )−1 kY − Xβk22 −
b−1 kβk1 , with its maximizer minimizing kY−Xβk22 +(2σ 2 /b)kβk1. In this one recognizes the form of the
lasso regression loss function (4.2). It is thus clear that the scale parameter of the Laplace distribution
reciprocally relates to lasso penalty parameter λ1 , similar to the relation of the ridge penalty parameter
λ2 and the variance of the Gaussian prior of the ridge regression estimator.
The posterior may not be a standard distribution, in the univariate case (p = 1) it is can visualized.
Specifically, the behaviour of the MAP can then be illustrated, which – as the MAP estimator corresponds
to the lasso regression estimator – should also exhibit the selection property. The bottom left panel of
Figure 4.8 shows the posterior distribution for various choices of the Laplace scale parameter (i.e. lasso
penalty parameter). Clearly, the mode shifts towards zero as the scale parameter decreases / lasso penalty
parameter increases. In particular, the posterior obtained from the Laplace prior with the smallest scale
parameter (i.e. largest penalty parameter λ1 ), although skewed to the left, has a mode placed exactly at
zero. The Laplace prior may thus produce MAP estimators that select. However, for smaller values of the
4.7 Comparison to ridge 71

lasso penalty parameter the Laplace prior is not concentrated enough around zero and the contribution
of the likelihood in the posterior outweighs that of the prior. The mode is then not located at zero
and the parameter is ‘selected’ by the MAP estimator. The bottom right panel of Figure 4.8 plots the
mode of the normal-Laplace posterior vs. the Laplace scale parameter. In line with Theorem 4.1 it is
piece-wise linear.
Park and Casella (2008) go beyond the elementary correspondence of the frequentist lasso estimator
and the Bayesian posterior mode and formulate the Bayesian lasso regression model. To this end they
exploit the fact that the Laplace distribution can be written as a scale mixture of normal distributions
with an exponentiona mixing density. This allows the construction of a Gibbs sampler for the Bayesian
lasso estimator. Finally, they suggest to impose a gamma-type hyperprior on the (square of the) lasso
penalty parameter. Such a full Bayesian formulation of the lasso problem enables the construction of
credible sets (i.e. the Bayesian counterpart of confidence intervals) to express the uncertainty of the
maximum a posterior estimator. However, the lasso regression estimator may be seen as a Bayesian
estimator, in the sense that it coincides with the posterior mode, the ‘lasso’ posterior distribution cannot
be blindly used for uncertainty quantification. In high-dimensional sparse settings the ‘lasso’ posterior
distribution of β need not concentrate around the true parameter, even though its mode is a good
estimator of the regression parameter (cf. Section 3 and Theorem 7 of Castillo et al., 2015).

4.7 Comparison to ridge

Here an inventory of the similarities and differences between the lasso and ridge regression estimators
is presented. To recap what we have seen so far: both estimators optimize a loss function of the form
(4.1) and can be viewed as Bayesian estimators. But in various respects the lasso regression estimator
exhibited differences from its ridge counterpart: i) the former need not be uniquely defined (for a given
value of the penalty parameter) whereas the latter is, ii) an analytic form of the lasso regression estimator
does in general not exists, but iii) it is sparse (for large enough values of the lasso penalty parameter).
The remainder of this section expands this inventory.

4.7.1 Linearity

The ridge regression estimator is a linear (in the observations) estimator, while the lasso regression
estimator is not. This is immediate from the analytic expression of the ridge regression estimator, β̂(λ2 ) =
(X⊤ X + λ2 Ipp )−1 X⊤ Y, which is a linear combination of the observations Y. To show the non-linearity
of the lasso regression estimator available, it suffices to study the analytic expression of j-th element of
β̂(λ1 ) in the orthonormal case: β̂j (λ1 ) = sign(β̂j )(|β̂j | − 12 λ1 )+ = sign(X⊤ ⊤ 1
∗,j Y)(|X∗,j Y| − 2 λ1 )+ . This
clearly is not linear in Y. Consequently, the response Y may be scaled by some constant c, denoted
Ỹ = cY, and the corresponding ridge regression estimators are one-to-one related by this same factor
β̂(λ2 ) = cβ̃(λ2 ). The lasso regression estimator based on the unscaled data is not so easily recovered
from its counterpart obtained from the scaled data.

4.7.2 Shrinkage

Both lasso and ridge regression estimation minimize the sum-of-squares plus a penalty. The latter
encourages the estimator to be small, in particular closer to zero. This behavior is called shrinkage. The
particular form of the penalty yields different types of this shrinkage behavior. This is best grasped in
the case of an orthonormal design matrix. The j-the element of the ridge regression estimator then is:
β̂j (λ2 ) = (1 + λ2 )β̂j , while that of the lasso regression estimator is: β̂j (λ1 ) = sign(β̂j )(|β̂j | − 12 λ1 )+ . In
Figure 4.9 these two estimators β̂j (λ2 ) and β̂j (λ1 ) are plotted as a function of the maximum likelihood
estimator β̂j . Figure 4.9 shows that lasso and ridge regression estimator translate and scale, respectively,
the maximum likelihood estimator, which could also have been concluded from the analytic expression
of both estimators. The scaling of the ridge regression estimator amounts to substantial and little
shrinkage (in an absolute sense) for elements of the regression parameter β with a large and small
maximum likelihood estimate, respectively. In contrast, the lasso regression estimator applies an equal
amount of shrinkage to each element of β, irrespective of the coefficients’ sizes.
72 Lasso regression

Lasso shrinkage Ridge shrinkage

lasso estimate ridge estimate


ML estimate ML estimate







0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
^ ^
β β

Figure 4.9: Solution path of the ridge estimator and its variance. The left panel shows the solution path of the ridge
estimator for the data of Example 1.3. In the right panel the corresponding variance of the ridge estimator is plotted
against the (logarithm of the) penalty parameter.

4.7.3 Simulation I: Covariate selection

Here it is investigated whether lasso regression exhibits the same behaviour as ridge regression in the
presence of covariates with differing variances. Recall: the simulation of Section 1.10.1 showed that ridge
regression shrinks the estimates of covariates with a large spread less than those with a small spread.
That simulation has been repeated, with the exact same parameter choices and sample size, but now
with the ridge regression estimator replaced by the lasso regression estimator. To refresh the memory:
in the simulation of Section 1.10.1 the linear regression model is fitted, now with the lasso regression
estimator. The (n = 1000) × (p = 50) dimensional design matrix X is sampled from a multivariate
normal distribution: X⊤ i,∗ ∼ N (050 , Σ) with Σ diagonal and (Σ)jj = j/10 for j = 1, . . . , p. The response
Y is generated through Y = Xβ + ε with β a vector of all ones and ε sampled from the multivariate
standard normal distribution. Hence, all covariates contribute equally to the response.
The results of the simulation are displayed in Figure 4.10, which shows the regularization paths of
the p = 50 covariates. The regularization paths are demarcated by color and style to indicate the size
of the spread of the corresponding covariate. These regularization paths show that the lasso regression
estimator shrinks – like the ridge regression estimator – the covariates with the smallest spread most.
For the lasso regression this translates (for sufficiently large values of the penalty parameter) into a
preference for the selection of covariates with largest variance.
Intuition for this behavior of the lasso regression estimator may be obtained through geometrical
arguments analogous to that provided for the similar behaviour of the ridge regression estimator in Section
1.10.1. Algebraically it is easily seen when assuming an orthonormal design with Var(X1 ) ≫ Var(X2 ).
The lasso regression loss function can then be rewritten, as in Example 4.5, to:
kY − Xβk22 + λ1 kβk1 = kY − X̃γk22 + λ1 [Var(X1 )]−1/2 |γ1 | + λ1 [Var(X2 )]−1/2 |γ2 |,
where γ1 = [Var(X1 )]1/2 β1 and γ2 = [Var(X2 )]1/2 β2 . The rescaled design matrix X̃ is now orthonormal
and analytic expressions of estimators of γ1 and γ2 are available. The former parameter is penalized
substantially less than the latter as λ1 [Var(X1 )]−1/2 ≪ λ1 [Var(X2 )]−1/2 . As a result, if for large enough
values of λ1 one variable is selected, it is more likely to be γ1 .

4.7.4 Simulation II: correlated covariates

The behaviour of the lasso regression estimator is now studied in the presence of collinearity among the
covariates. Previously, in simulation, Section 1.10.2, the ridge regression estimator was shown to exhibit
4.8 Exercises 73

Solution paths of covariates with distinct variance Solution paths of correlated covariates

σ2 in [0,1]


σ2 in [1,2]
σ2 in [2,3]
σ2 in [3,4]
σ2 in [4,5]









3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

log(λ1) log(λ)

Figure 4.10: Solution path of the ridge estimator and its variance. The left panel shows the solution path of the
ridge estimator for the data of Example 1.3. In the right panel the corresponding variance of the ridge estimator is
plotted against the (logarithm of the) penalty parameter.

the joint shrinkage of strongly collinear covariates. This simulation is repeated for the lasso regression
estimator. The details of the simulation are recapped. The linear regression model is fitted by means of
the lasso regression estimator. The (n = 1000) × (p = 50) dimensional design matrix X is samples from
a multivariate normal distribution: X⊤ i,∗ ∼ N (050 , Σ) with a block-diagonal Σ. The k-the, k = 1, . . . , 5,
diagonal block, denoted Σkk comprises ten covariates and equals k−1 6−k
5 110×10 + 5 I10×10 for k = 1, . . . , 5.
The response vector Y is then generated by Y = Xβ + ε, with ε sampled from the multivariate standard
normal distribution and β containing only ones. Again, all covariates contribute equally to the response.
The results of the above simulation results are captured in Figure 4.10. It shows the lasso regu-
larization paths for all elements of the regression parameter β. The regularization paths of covariates
corresponding to the same block of Σ (indicative of the degree of collinearity) are now marcated by
different colors and styles. Whereas the ridge regularization paths nicely grouped per block, the lasso
counterparts do not. The selection property spoils the party. Instead of shrinking the regression param-
eter estimates of collinear covariates together, the lasso regression estimator (for sufficiently large values
of its penalty parameter λ1 ) tends to pick one covariates to enters the model while forcing the others out
(by setting their estimates to zero).

4.8 Exercises
Question 4.1
Find the lasso regression solution for the data below for a general value of λ and for the straight line
model Y = β0 +β1 X +ε (only apply the lasso penalty to the slope parameter, not to the intercept). Show
that when λ is chosen as 7, the lasso solution fit is Ŷ = 40 + 1.75X. Data: X⊤ = (X1 , X2 , . . . , X8 )⊤ =
(−2, −1, −1, −1, 0, 1, 2, 2)T , and Y⊤ = (Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Y8 )⊤ = (35, 40, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 43)⊤.

Question 4.2
Show the non-uniqueness of the lasso regression estimator for p > 2 when the design matrix X contains
linearly dependent columns.

Question 4.3
Derive an analytic expression for the lasso regression estimator. In this assume that the columns of X
have been standardized (i.e. have a zero mean and unit variance) and have a positive correlation ρ.
74 Lasso regression

Question 4.4
Show kβ̂(λ1 )k1 is monotone increasing in λ1 . In this assume orthonormality of the design matrix X.

Question 4.5
Consider the standard linear regression model Yi = Xi,1 β1 + Xi,2 β2 + εi for i = 1, . . . , n and with the εi
i.i.d. normally distributed with zero mean and a common variance. In the estimation of the regression
parameter (β1 , β2 )⊤ a lasso penalty is used: λ1,1 |β1 | + λ1,2 |β2 | with penalty parameters λ1,1 , λ1,2 > 0.
a) Let λ1,1 = λ1,2 and assume the covariates are orthogonal with the spread of the first covariate
being much larger than that of the second. Draw a plot with β1 and β2 on the x- and y-axis,
repectively. Sketch the parameter constraint as implied by the lasso penalty. Add the levels sets
of the sum-of-squares, kY − Xβk22 , loss criterion. Use the plot to explain why the lasso tends to
select covariates with larger spread.
b) Assume the covariates to be orthonormal. Let λ1,2 ≫ λ1,1 . Redraw the plot of part a of this
exercise. Use the plot to explain the effect of differening λ1,1 and λ1,2 on the resulting lasso
c) Show that the two cases (i.e. the assumptions on the covariates and penalty parameters) of part
a and b of this exercise are equivalent, in the sense that their loss functions can be rewritten in
terms of the other.

Question 4.6
Investigate the effect of the variance of the covariates on variable selection by the lasso. Hereto consider
the toy model: Yi = X1i + X2i + εi , where ǫi ∼ N (0, 1), X1i ∼ N (0, 1), and X2i = a X1i with a ∈ [0, 2].
Draw a hundred samples for both X1i and εi and construct both X2i and Yi for a grid of a’s. Fit the
model by lasso regression with λ = 1 for each choice of a. Plot e.g. in one figure a) the variance of Xi1 ,
b) the variance of X2i , and c) the indicator of the selection of X2i . Which covariate is selected for which
values of a?

Question 4.7
Augment the lasso penalty with the sum of the absolute differences all pairs of successive regression
X p
λ1 |βj | + λF |βj − βj−1 |.
j=1 j=2

This augmented lasso penalty is referred to as the fused lasso penalty.

a) Consider the standard multiple linear regression model:
Yi = Xij βj + εi .

Estimation of the regression parameters takes place via minimization of penalized sum of squares,
in which the fused lasso penalty is used with λ1 = 0. Rewrite the corresponding loss function
to the standard lasso problem by application of the following change-of-variables: γ1 = β1 and
γj = βj − βj−1 .
b) Investigate on simulated data the effect of the second summand of the fused lasso penalty on the
parameter estimates. In this, temporarily set λ1 = 0.
c) Let λ1 equal zero still. Compare the regression estimates of Question 4b to the ridge estimates
with a first-order autoregressive prior. What is qualitatively the difference in the behavior of the
two estimates? Hint: plot the full solution path for the penalized estimates of both estimation
d) How do the estimates of part b of this question change if we allow λ1 > 0?

Question 4.8
A researcher has measured gene expression measurements for 1000 genes in 40 subjects, half of them
cases and the other half controls.
a) Describe and explain what would happen if the researcher would fit an ordinary logistic regression
to these data, using case/control status as the response variable.
4.8 Exercises 75

b) Instead, the researcher chooses to fit a lasso regression, choosing the tuning parameter lambda by
cross-validation. Out of 1000 genes, 37 get a non-zero regression coefficient in the lasso fit. In the
ensuing publication, the researcher writes that the 963 genes with zero regression coefficients were
found to be “irrelevant”. What is your opinion about this statement?

Question 4.9
Consider the standard linear regression model Yi = Xi,∗ β + εi for i = 1, . . . , n and with the εi i.i.d.
normally distributed with zero mean and a common variance. Let the first covariate correspond to the
intercept. The model is fitted to data by means of the minimizationPp of the sum-of-squares augmented
with a lasso penalty in which the intercept is left unpenalized: λ1 j=2 |βj | with penalty parameter λ1 >
0. The penalty parameter is chosen through leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). The predictive
performance of the model is evaluated, again by means of LOOCV. Thus, creating a double cross-
validation loop. At each inner loop the optimal λ1 yields an empty intercept-only model, from which
a prediction for the left-out sample is obtained. The vector of these prediction is compared to the
corresponding observation vector through their Spearman correlation (which measures the monotonicity
of a relatonship and – as a correlation measure – assumed values on the [−1, 1] interval with an analogous
interpretation to the ‘ordinary’ correlation). The latter equals −1. Why?

Question 4.10
Download the breastCancerNKI package from BioConductor:
> source("")
> biocLite("breastCancerNKI")
Activate the library and load leukemia data from the package:
> library(breastCancerNKI)
> data(nki)
The eset-object nki is now available. It contains the expression profiles of 337 breast cancer patients.
Each profile comprises expression levels of 24481 genes. Extract the expression data from the object,
remove all genes with missing values, center the gene expression gene-wise around zero, and limit the
data set to the first thousand genes. The reduction of the gene dimensionality is only for computational
X <- exprs(nki)
X <- X[-which(rowSums( > 0),]
X <- apply(X[1:1000,], 1, function(X) X - mean(X) ) .
Furthermore, extract the estrogen receptor status (short: ER status), an important prognostic indicator
for breast cancer.
Y <- pData(nki)[,8]
a) Relate the ER status and the gene expression levels by a logistic regression model, which is fitted by
means of ridge penalized maximum likelihood. First, find the optimal value of the penalty param-
eter of λ by means of cross-validation. This is implemented in optL2-function of the penalized-
package available from CRAN.
b) Evaluate whether the cross-validated likelihood indeed attains a maximum at the optimal value of
λ. This can be done with the profL2-function of the penalized-package available from CRAN.
c) Investigate the sensitivity of the penalty parameter selection with respect to the choice of the
cross-validation fold.
d) Does the optimal lambda produce a reasonable fit? And how does it compare to the ‘ridge fit’ ?

Question 4.11
Consider fitting a multiple linear regression model by means of elastic net penalized least squares.
a) Recall the data augmentation trick of Question of the ridge regression exercises. Use the same
trick to show that the elastic net least squares loss function can be reformulated to the form of the
traditional lasso function. Hint: absorb the ridge part of the elastic net penalty into the sum of
b) The lasso can select maximally min{n, p} = rank(X) covariates. How many covariates can – in
principle – the elastic net select?

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