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“Bank Al-Habib Limited: Deciding which way to go? Moving step ahead in
Technology” (A Case Study about Change Management)

Conference Paper · February 2018


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2 authors:

Kashif Mehmood Malik Kamran Ahmed Soomro

Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology


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“Bank Al-Habib Limited: Deciding which way to go?
Moving step ahead in Technology”
(A Case Study about Change Management)


Kashif Mehmood Malik1& Dr. Kamran Ahmed Soomro 2

1. Student of MS Management Sciences, SZABIST, Karachi.

E-mail: [email protected]

2. Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, SZABIST, Karachi,

E-mail:[email protected]


The purpose of this case study is to comprehend the change event which was taking place at one of the largest
and historical banks of Pakistan – Bank Al Habib Limted.

Choosing to move forward and change the course of historical pattern BAHL management decided to bring a
major transformational and technological change by implementing the process of centralization along with a new
software implementation in order to promote a paperless work environment.

The change implementation drive revolved around the great crises of 2007 where banks became more vigilant in
terms of their processes and investments. State Bank Pakistan published its strict rules and regulation especially
for Trade related transactions along with special prudential regulations for Anti Money Laundering and
Combating Financing against Terrorism (AML/CFT). Consequent to these developments Mr. Abbas D. Habib
initiated the idea to implement centralization of processes with the implementation of new software ORBIT
which will also promote paperless work environment and will reduce stationary cost up to 35%. The change
implementation process was planned over 2 phases, A – Centralization of Import and B – Centralization of

This case study explores the issues and problems started to occur in the 2nd phase of implementation and raise the
question over the future strategy of change implementation.

Key Words: Banking Technology, System Re-Engineering, Change Management, Strategic Management

March 15th, 2017 was like a normal day at Bank Al Habib Limited, when Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan1 was observing
the financial of Bank Al Habib Limited (Refer Exhibit 1) along with his fellow executive at morning tea.
Everyone was happy as these financial made BAHL2 as the sixth largest bank of the Pakistan. For the purpose of
expressing his joy through email, when Mr. Mansoor opened his laptop he found a mail from Chairman Abbas D.
Habib in his inbox. It was a short mail with a subject line, “Urgent Meeting: Penalty imposed by SBP on BAHL”.

BAHL is being moving toward the process of centralization3 along with a new software implementation in order
to promote paperless work environment. According to Mr. Ali Raza Balouch 4 this new technological change of
software implementation and centralization is very much essential for the organization survival in competitive
market but Mr. Abbas felt that their organization is not ready for both changes at one time.

As a result of implementation of new software named ORBIT5 paperless work environment was promoted and it
has reduced the cost of stationary by 35% but on the other hand it has increased the work load on employees
which caused DE-motivation in employees and 09% of the skilled concerned staff left from their Jobs either in
form of resignation or transfer. As a result of this, few branches misreported the data to SBP and a heavy fine
was imposed on BAHL. In terms of employment BAHL was considered as the best bank to work for because it
is the only bank in Pakistan that provides Life Time Employment. On the other hand as per customer review of
2016 and deposit position it is also among the top list of best service provider banks. Each of the above
mentioned statement was now into a big and serious question with significant analysis and disturbance cause by
the implementation made by Mr. Ali Raza Balouch.

Background of Mr. Ali Raza Balouch

He was born in a Balouch family of Sindh, Pakistan and typically termed as “Balouchi,” as like most of the
families in Sindh, Ali's parents also wanted him to be a Bureaucrat in future. But Ali has a keen interest in
Information Technology and he has planned something different for himself. According to him at that time he
decides that he will do everything except becoming a Bureaucrat. At the age of 18 when personal computers
were launched for the first time in Pakistan he was the first to buy the one in his locality. After completing his
schooling from local college of Larkana he came to Karachi at the age of 19 and got admission in BCS from
Karachi University. During his graduation he spent hours working on coding and as a result he became the most
efficient and bright programmer of his batch, 1995. He joined an IT firm for a small period of time when he
finally got the offer from BAHL as Officer Grade – 1 due to his skills assessed by the management of BAHL. As
he recalled his favorite quote of Edward V Berard which his teacher usually quote,
“Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen”
Mr. Balouch started his MCS from NUST and proved himself to be the master of field in BAHL. Soon

management realized that too and selected him to be a successor planner after their existing I.T Head. One after
another Mr. Balouch got promotions and became the Assistant I.T Head in 1999. At that time he realized and
identified the weaknesses possessed by their system OBS6 and proposed management to implement new
software named AHS7. The proposal was at once accepted by the management of BAHL and in 2004 AHS was
implemented in BAHL.

Centralization of Account Opening

In 2003 when Mr. Balouch started his MCS from NUST Karachi he got the chance to attend training on behalf of
BAHL in USA where he learned a new concept of centralization. As their previous banking software was prone
to certain challenges (Refer Exhibit 2) which encouraged Mr. Balouch to give advice to the management about
new banking solution through which they can have a strict control while establishing relationship with new
customers, Mr. Balouchgave the idea of centralization. According to his concept all the new established
relationship will be initiated by Branches then the same will be forwarded to a central location named as CPU or
Centralized Processing Unit where they will be further processed and final account will be opened from there.
Beside this all ATM Cards and Cheque Books will also be managed and processed by CPU. This will not only
optimize the process but also reduce cost and allow strict control and monitoring. Soon after the centralization of
Account Opening management decided to centralize another crucial department, clearing. So in 2005 BAHL
centralized its inward clearing operations under the guidance of Mr. Ali Raza Balouch and supervision of Mr.
Shahid Raza Saleh8.

At the age of 34 Mr. Balouch successfully implemented the process of centralization of Account Opening in
BAHL. As the company grew BAHL started to hire people more fast which are mostly not motivated by money
but by their life time employment concept.

Centralization of Import

After the great crises of 20079 banks became more vigilant in terms of their processes and investments. SBP10
published its strict rules and regulation especially for Trade related transactions. Beside strict rules of SBP, it has
given special prudential regulations11 for Anti Money Laundering and Combating Financing against Terrorism12
(AML/CFT). As a result of it Mr. Abbas D. Habib gave the idea to centralize the Foreign Trade of BAHL and
once again this task was given to Mr. Balouch. Mr. Balouch discussed this responsibility with Mr. Shahid Raza
Saleh which further brinmg on board to Mr. Iqbal Abu Bakar13 and Mr. Imtiaz Shaikh14. Initially in few meetings
all of them decided to divide this responsibility into two parts, A – Centralization of Import and B –
Centralization of Export. In 2008, Mr. Balouch with his team successfully completed the part A of the task given
to him.

BAHL: The Early Years

Bank Al Habib Limited has the deep roots in the history of Pakistan. It goes back before the independence of
Pakistan when late Habib Ismail, the founder of Habib group started his journey, and in 1941 Habib Bank was
established. At the time of independence it was the only Bank of the world who gave the loan to a newly born
state of Pakistan and decided to be the part of newly born state. On January 01st, 1974 under the leadership of Mr.
Z.A Bhutto15 this bank was made nationalize along with all other banks of Pakistan.

In 1991 16, government again decided to privatize the Banking sector of Pakistan, Habib group was the first to be
granted permission to set up a new bank under this policy. On Oct 15 th, 1991 grandsons of Habib Ismail started
their Bank with the name Bank Al Habib Limited (Refer Exhibit 3) and over the period of time they have grown
up to 600 branches across Pakistan. Under the leadership of Mr. Abbas D. Habib they aim,
“To be most convenient and trusted bank”.
At the time of establishment they have started their operations with manual work as like others. Soon after the
introduction of Information technology in 1995 they adopted their system to OBS. But the world is growing at a
fast pace and new technologies emerge everyday with those new technologies market became more competitive.
In order to survive in the market it is very much necessary to remain acquainted with new skills and technologies
of the industry. Back in 2002 when Mr. Balouch identified the weaknesses possessed by OBS like one entry at
one time, slow process, to enter new information you have to discard previous one, easy to hack e.t.c. a software
was proposed named as AHS and the same was implemented across Bank Al Habib in 2004 which is in
accordance with their mission,
“To make banking safe, simple and pleasant”

Moving with the Flow

In 2006 world was facing a huge investment in consumer market especially in mortgage finance and after the
great crises of 2007 scam, exposure in only consumer financing remained in the market. To meet up with the
needs of customer BAHL also stepped into consumer financing starting from APNI CAR FINANCE 17 in 2009-
10. Mass advertisement was done for this product round the country and this product was designed at most
competitive rates in the market.

During that period of time BAHL contact Dell Inc.18 to provide specialized devices for their Bank, in Sep, 2009
Dell Inc. provided them with device named WYSE19 which is compatible with both software's i.e. OBS and AHS.
These new devices for all branches cost them Rs. 15 Billion and an additional cost of 3.5 Billion was charged for
purchasing the license of these devices. With these new devices new servers were also required with additional
backup energy system which additionally cost them Rs. 10 Billion for all branches.

Superior Customer Service Approach

BAHL is focused on delivering superior customer services as it is necessary to have customer loyalty 20 and
business retention21. BAHL strive to be a strong and stable financial institution offering innovative product and
services while contributing towards the national, economic and social development. They ensure the quality of
service by training their staff for cleanliness, physical presentation, greeting, speaking & listening etiquette,
telephone etiquette, and dealing with difficult customer.

Further in 2005 SBP introduced a special system to facilitate customers of banking sector through BANKING
MOHTASIB22, as a result of this BAHL has also developed a separate department to ensure quality customer
services. This department not only ensure quality but also deals with different complains lodge by the customers
from all over the Pakistan.

BAHL does not adhere to common call centers only therefore they usually conduct surveys and monitor quality
by physical visits in the branches. BAHL encourage their staff to establish “emotional connections” 23 with each
customer. Staff of BAHL is trained periodically across whole year regarding quality services 24 and cleanliness.
BAHL took pride in being transparent and opened to anyone: public, customers and competitors. BAHL arrange
recreational activities twice a year and a special newsletter is published every month for praising high achievers
of the bank. BAHL strictly follow its core values and consider all staff of the BAHL as one family. A special
suggestion system is also introduced in the bank where every employee is free to give advice through which they
can enhance their operations.

Due to the continuous efforts of its CEO, Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan, BAHL manages to become the sixth largest
bank of the Pakistan, with more than 600 functional branches across the country. All the branches of BAHL have
the special license granted by SBP to deal in Foreign Currency in Pakistan.

Becoming a Family Member of BAHL

As customer base of BAHL continuous to grow so do its number of branches. The need for skilled and talented
staff and their retention became its one of the foremost challenge. To deal with it tactfully management of BAHL
decided to offer low salary package with a benefit of life time employment. Mr. Mehboob Ali25 explained,
“We believe in family, and for us every member of our bank is a family member”
To further support this narration Bank's management has made some unusual rules like sending proper
condolence for any sad activity and sending greeting/ appreciation on good. As a result of globalization and
increased competition in the market retention of talented personal became one of the biggest challenges for
BAHL and as a matter of fact banking industry of Pakistan is among the top sector of Pakistan who has the
highest ratio of employee turnover.

BAHL has planned a different way to face this challenge beside MTO26 Programs and direct hiring of
experienced and fresh staff BAHL has introduced a new batch named as GTO27 for general banking. Through on
the Job training, Class room training, and simulations newly hired employees were made the master of the field,
beside this BAHL believe that training is aongoing process so they arrange different training for nominated staff
round the year to make their employees skilled as per market need.

Centralization of Export

Second part of the assigned duty was still pending from Mr. Balouch's end. In June, 2015 Mr. Balouchand his
team decided to start a pilot test for part B of the Foreign Trade Centralization. This time centralization was not
an easy task for Mr. Balouch because few of his previous team members has left the bank and the new team is
not so much skilled and trained. Beside this Mr. Balouch was also busy in developing new software with an IT
company for BAHL named as ORBIT in order to promote paperless banking.

Pilot test for Export centralization was started from Oct, 2016 and 10 branches of Karachi region was initially
selected for this test. Under the guidance of Mr. Raza Raffique28 and supervision of Mr. Iqbal Abu Baqar,
separate team was made in CPU which only deals with export related transactions.

WaveTec CDM

Management of BAHL believes in change for improvement and they adapt to new change very frequently.
Chairman of BAHL, Mr. Abbas D. Habib gave an idea by analyzing the competitive market to introduce
technological based solutions in BAHL. For this purpose they decided to initially introduce a CDM29 in near
future. They planned to introduce this CDM by Nov, 2017 and for this purpose they contacted Wave-Tec30, a
multi-national company to provide this device for pilot test.

More exposure to Consumer Banking

As a result of the strong financial of BAHL, Mr. Hussain Aqdas 31 and his team proposed to the management that
they should expand their exposure in the consumer market especially in credit card and personal loans. History
of BAHL and its performance made this exposure less risky but sill in order to expand in this sector huge finance
is required as a backup. Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan was considering the option and in real confusion whether to
allow it or not?

ORBIT Banking Solution

Orbit is a functionally rich banking solution, designed to deliver distributed, regional or centralized solutions to
all the needs of modern banks and financial institutions. Orbit uses a central Relationship Information
Management (RIM) facility to integrate account through which they can be accessed and maintained from all
over the country.

It promotes paperless banking through extensive scanning and file uploading in a specific format which initially
caused DE-motivation and boredom among the employees. ORBIT system is not compatible with the old
devices of WYSE so special devices are needed for it and they are started and closed separately from AHS and
OBS. Employees are not trained for ORBIT as a result of which they are unable to execute their operations/
responsibilities properly. On the other hand foreign trade officers of the branch end are very much dissatisfied as
they have to wait for a long time for their transactions to be completed. CPU has to deal with the processes/
transactions from round the country and they have very limited number of staff and in existing staff most of them
are fresh and untrained. Due to unnecessary delays and late sitting 09% (14) of the skilled staff from branches
who are under pilot test left their job. Along with this due to implementation of ORBIT in BAHL most of data
related to credit and trade disappeared/ crashed from the system which became the reason for misreporting to

Successful in terms of centralization of account opening, clearing, import and implementation of Al Habib
System (AHS) in BAHL, Mr. Mansor Ali Khan, Mr. Ali Raza Balouch and other top management of BAHL was
wondering, what should be their next move? Which processes should be allowed and which should be stopped?
If they continue the implementation of ORBIT how to manage this change?

Financial of BAHL
Total Deposit Rs: 574.043 Billion
Total Advances Rs: 237.487 Billion
Investment Rs: 406.480 Billion
Paid up Capital Rs: 11.114 Billion
Reserves Rs: 11.411 Billion
Retained Earnings Rs: 10.745 Billion
Profit Before Tax Rs: 9386 Billion
Profit After Tax Rs: 5427 Billion
Basic Earnings per Share Rs: 4.88
Diluted Earnings Per Share Rs: 4.88
Dividends 3.5 Per Share
Online Banking Facility Available at all branches
Number of ATMs 654
Number of Branches 601
Controlling & Sub 514 & 87
Overseas Branches Bahrain, Malaysia and Seychelles
Representative Offices Dubai, Istanbul and Beijing
Short Term Credit Ranking A-1 +
Long Term credit Ranking AA +

1. Due to centralization of import working became smooth but it caused unnecessary delays and increased
the work load on CPU as they have to process all import related transactions of Pakistan.
2. Employee of branch end usually upload documents of transaction without proper checking/ scrutiny.
3. Due to lack of proper training for branch end user it became difficult for CPU to communicate with them
and execute the transaction smoothly.
4. ORBIT implementation has destroyed the data related to credit and trade.
5. ORBIT is not compatible with the devices of WYSE and is very expensive. They are started and closed
separately. Their devices are also very expensive wit which they are compatible.
6. Work load on employee is increased due to extensive scanning which forced them to sit late.

Organizational Details of BAHL
Mr. Habib Ismail(Late)
Mr. Dawood Habib(Late)
The Habib Family
Mr. Rashid D. Habib (Late)
Mr. Hameed D Habib (Late)

Date of establishment 15.10.1991

Registered Office 126-C, Old Bahawalpur Road, Multan

Principal Office

Consists of 10 members
1. Mr. Abbas D. Habib (Chairman)
2. Mr. Ali Raza D. Habib
3. Mr. Qumail R. Habib (Executive Director)
4. Mr. Anwar Haji Karim
5. Mr. S. Mazhar Abbas
6. Mr. S. Hasan Ali Bukhari
Board of Directors
7. Mr. ArshadNasar
8. Mr. Murtuza H. Habib
9. Mr. Safar Ali Lakhani
10. Mr. ShahidGhaffar ( NIT Nominee)

Mr. Mohammad TaqiLakhani is the company secretary

Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Short Term = A1+ Long Term = AA+
Credit Ratings
(These are strongest rating with stable future outlook).
Mission Statement
Respect for people
Relationship of Trust
Service to customers
Bank’s Values Simplicity in everything
Culture of responsibility & honesty
Communication & cooperation
Treat depositors' money as a trust which must be protected.
Achieve high level of productivity in business processes with maximum
use of information technology.
Strive for on-going innovation in products and services.
Emphasize speed and simplicity in deployment of new products and
Guiding Principles services.
Focus on customer service and customer satisfaction as the key measures

10 | P a g e
of performance.
Recruit, develop, and retain high-potential people who have the same
values and beliefs as ours, and find it natural to communicate and
cooperate with their colleagues and customers.
Always stay directly "connected" with colleagues and customers, and
protect the organization from proliferation of paperwork and

11 | P a g e
1. Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan, CEO of BAHL. He has done MBA in Banking and Finance from Karachi University.
2. Bank Al Habib limited (BAHL), started its operations from Oct, 1991.
3. A process in which all the activities of specific department will be processed and completed from one central location.
4. Mr. Ali Raza Balouch, I.T Head of BAHL. He has done MCS from NUST.
5. ORBIT, functionally rich banking solution which is the solution for all possible weaknesses of AHS and OBS.
6. OBS, Online Banking Software.
7. AHS, Al Habib System.
8. Mr. Shahid Raza Saleh, Head of CPU. He has done MBA Finance from IBA Karachi.
9. The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the global financial crisis and the 2008 financial crisis, is considered by many
economists to have been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s
10. State Bank of Pakistan established in 1948, it is the central bank of Pakistan.
11. Prudential regulation is type of financial regulations that requires financial firms to control risks and hold adequate capital as defined
by capital requirement. This is in contrast to consumer protection rules that are also part of financial regulations. It is further divided into
two categories macro and micro regulations.
12. Anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) for financial service providers working with low-
income people.
13. Mr. Iqbal Abu Baqar, Head of Export in BAHL. He has done Masters from Karachi University along with certain foreign trade related
14. Mr. imtiaz Shaikh, Head of Imports in BAHL. He has done Masters from Karachi University, JAIBP & AIBP by Chartered Bankers
15. He was the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
16. The Privatization process in Pakistan was a policy measure program in the economic period of Pakistan. It was first conceived and
implemented by the then-people-elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistan Muslim League, in an attempt to enable the
nationalized industries towards market economy.
17. It is the car financing facility launched by Bank Al Habib Ltd for its customers/ consumers.
18. Dell Inc. is a multinational computer technology company based in Round Rock, Texas and, along with Dell EMC, is a subsidiary of
Dell Technologies, one of the largest technology companies in the world.
19. Wyse is a manufacturer of cloud computing systems. They are best known for their video terminal line introduced in the 1980s, which
competed with the market leading Digital.
20. Customer loyalty is the result of consistently positive emotional experience, physical attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value
of an experience, which includes the product or services. Consider who you yourself are loyal to. Surely you'll answer family and friends.
21. It is a process through which one business tries to hold its current customer base and tries to attract new one by delivering exceptional
services and quality products.
22. Banking Mohtasib Pakistan (BMP), an independent statutory body working as an alternate dispute resolution center, for amicable
resolution of disputes, if the bank is failed to resolve to the issue matter is than submitted to SBP for resolution.
23. An emotional connection is a bundle of subjective feelings that come together to create a bond between two people. The
wordemotional means to arouse strong feelings. The feelings may be anger, sorrow, joy, love or any of thousands of emotions that humans
24. Service quality. An assessment of how well a delivered service conforms to the client's expectations. Service business operators often
assess the service quality provided to their customers in order to improve their service, to quickly identify problems, and to better assess
client satisfaction.
25. Mr. Mehboob Ali, Head of human resource Division of BAHL. He has done MBA in HR from Glascow College U.K and a number of
certifications in Human Resource Management.
26. Management Trainee Officer, minimum requirement for this program is Masters (Training period is 06 months).

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27. Graduate Trainee Officer, minimum requirement for this program is Bachelors (Training period is 02 months).
28. Mr. Raza Raffique, Expert of Export in BAHL. He has done MBA Finance from Karachi University.
29. Cash Deposit Machine, through which customers can deposit their cheques in their accounts of BAHL any time from remote locations.
30. Founded in 1986, Wavetec is a multinational technology company that is at the forefront of technological revolution since more than
two decades and enjoys a firm presence in over 70 countries. With more than 2 million people benefitting from Wavetec's customer
experience solutions on a daily basis, its Information Display solutions installed at 25 leading financial markets around the world, and a
credible customer portfolio, rich integration tools, and customizable solutions. Its head-quarter is in Dubai.
31. Mr. Hussain Aqdas, Head of Consumer Banking Division (CBD). He has done MBA Finance from LUMS.

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