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Special Issue - 2017 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
NCIETM - 2017 Conference Proceedings

A Study on Customer Perception Towards

Online Shopping

Abstract— Internet has changed the traditional way of work place, after getting good service response, quality of
customers shopping and buying goods and services. In this product, competitive price and on time delivery through
rapidly changing age and time, going ‘digital’ is the new online shopping, they always try to recommend their
trend. Every brick and mortar shop is now trying to create its friends and family members for online shopping.
online presence to stay ahead of the competition. Consumers
At present More and more customers are doing shopping
use the internet not only for online shopping, but also to
compare prices, product features and after sale service online because in urban area Eg. in NCR itself mostly
facilities. Online shopping also known as e-shopping is a form people are working that‘ s why they are not having so much
of electronic Commerce which allows Consumers to directly time to go for offline shopping, they used to prefer online
buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using shopping. The convenience of online shopping is the main
a web browser. Customers are purchasing the goods and attraction of customers. Unique online payment system offer
services online because it saves time, and more selection, for easy and safe purchasing from other individuals. Various
goods is available as compare to offline shopping. And most demographic factors like age, income, gender, education
important thing there is no need to go anywhere one can
background also affect the customer behavior. Earlier
receive goods at his / her home. The main objective of this
research study is to explore & investigate consumer perception
consumer used to pay with cash but now a days number of
towards online shopping. The present research paper has used payment options are available for like debit card, credit
Quantitative method to study the consumer preferences card, internet banking and cash on delivery also. These
towards online shopping. The data was collected through payment methods also makes online shopping easy.There
Questionnaires. This research also aims to find out the key are various online promotional tools which attract most of
factors like age, gender, and various payment method that the customers to shop online. In the era of internet
affects the consumer behavior towards online shopping. technology, wi-fi services and smart-phone gadgets
provides so much facility for the consumers to do shopping
Index Terms— Age, cash on delivery, debit from anywhere. Many retailers engage their customers in
card, credit card, price
impulsebehavior through the usage of visuals and
information and through the usage of colored pictures and
images of the entire product and offered discount on various
Online shopping refers to the shopping behavior of
products. In description of the entire product and service,
consumer in an online store or a website used for online
online promotions can serve an excellent purpose.
purchasing purpose (Monsuwe et al. 2004). Online
shopping is the consumers shopping behavior to shop
online. The people who find it easy to use, useful and Advantages of online shopping:-
enjoyable can accept online shopping. Online shopping has  Online shops give us the opportunity to shop 24/7, and also
experienced a rapid growth during the recent years due to its reward us with a ‘no pollution’ shopping experience.
unique advantages for both consumers and retailers, such as  Cheap dealsand better prices are available online, because
shopping at round the clock facilities, decreasing products come to you direct from the manufacturer or seller
dependence to store visits, saving travel costs, increasing without middleman being involved.
market area and offering a wide range of products. Online  You can shop from retailers in other parts of the country, or
shopping is the consumers shopping behavior to shop even the world, all without being limited by geography. The
online. Not only in urban area but also in villages also choices online are amazing.
people are loving to do shop online.  Many times, when we opt for conventional shopping, we
tend to spend a lot more than planned. There are other
II. CUSTOMER PREFERENCE TOWARDS ONLINE outside expenses on things like eating out, transportation,
SHOPPING and let's not forget impulse buys! So there are less
Stupendous & enormous expansion of Internet in India, the expenditure incurred in online shopping
people are taking interest in online shopping. They can do  Comparing and researching products and their prices is so
online shopping while they are sitting in their homes and much easier online

Volume 5, Issue 11 Published by, 1

Special Issue - 2017 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
NCIETM - 2017 Conference Proceedings

 No crowd is their when you prefer to do shop online. consumers online decision to support the hesitation near them.
Disadvantages of online shopping:- It should be ensured that responses are the validity of the
 If an item comes damaged or not as described, you will want research.
to return the item or be refunded your money. Depending on Table 1.
where you purchased your item, there can be different Illustrates this survey results 70 % of male and 30 % of female
policies for refunds and returns; respondents participated in the online shopping survey. At the
 Unlike buying at retail stores, you are able to use the product same time as 25 % of the respondents in the survey plunge into
instantly after you buy it, which can be satisfying. However,
the category of 0-30 year’s age, 60 % participants plunge into
online shopping requires patience to wait for the item to
arrive at your door step about 2 to 3 days or even longer the category of 30-55 years age group, while rest of the
depending on the location you've ordered it from. respondents 15% plunge into the category of above 55 years
 Lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of age. The results of the survey reveal that investigation on
the product on offer. Online shopping is not quite suitable online shopping attracting mostly young population age group
for clothes as the customers cannot try them on. of 30-55 years old. 90% of the respondents belonged to
 Customers have to be careful in revealing their personal working class.
information. Some of the e-retailers are unreliable.
Category Frequency Percentage


Kim and Park (1991) stated that the consumers spend more
TOTAL 100 100%
time online for information search and they also found that the
Internet is easily accessible Price which is a part of the 25 25%
marketing mix is a factor used to stimulate the consumer and is
AGE 30-55 60 60%
also communicator, to negotiate and a competitive weapon.
55 &
The consumer can use price as a means to compare products, ABOVE
15 15%
judge relative value for the money, and the judge quality of WORKING 90 90%
products. It is estimated that this factor has a considerable PROFESS BUSINESS 0 0
influence on the consumers during their online shopping ION ANY
Brassington & Pettitt (2000). 10 10%
Wang and Emuian (2004) defined online shopping as buying EDUC Less that
stuff through the internet. The items are usually sent to the ATION 12th 0 0
buyer‟s door step that you have purchased online. BACKGR Graduatio
Sharma and Mittal (2009) said that India is showing OUND n 0 0
tremendous growth in the Ecommerce, in their study Above
“Prospects of e-commerce in India”. Online shopping shows graduation 100% 100%
unlimited potential in India with the population of millions of
people. E-commerce has become an integral part of our daily
life and it is a common word in Indian society with websites
providing a number of goods and services. Some of these
portals provide specific product along with its allied services.
Solomon, 1998 in his study “Consumer behavior is the study
of the processes involved when an individual selects,
purchases, uses or disposes of products, services, ideas, or
experiences to satisfy needs and desires”.


The study was to examine the attitude of the 100 of people to
fill questionnaire on online shopping based on various
questions. Data was gathered through different population of
various people from different institutions and from the general
public with different professions. Questionnaires were
circulated among 100 teachers & people working in MNC’S
AND from the general public inDelhi/NCR region. They have
been asked to give the answer. Various suggestions for the
study of the conclusion of reduction in delay strategy and

Volume 5, Issue 11 Published by, 2

Special Issue - 2017 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
NCIETM - 2017 Conference Proceedings


0% 0%



According to the survey results chart 2 show that Price is the
most important factor that affects users when they shop other
online as per this survey. According to the survey results
about 55% of the respondent replied that they price is the
important factor that attract users when they shop and 25 %
people said that display and how a website used to show their
product online that attract them when they shop online and 10
% people said that they used to prefer product according to
brand name.

According to the survey results chart 5 show that 45 %

people said that they prefer to pay by using debit card , 25%
Online shopping is growing rapidly in India. According to the and 20% respondents said that prefer to pay cash on delivery
survey results chart 3 show that about 65% of the respondent and credit card respectively . 5 % respondent said they use
replied that they preferred amazon while doing online to prefer any other mode of payment.
shopping and 15% and 20% respondents said that Jabong and
any other company respectively. V. CONCLUSION
According to the survey results chart 4 show that 29% Online shopping is extremely convenient and has become
people said that they feel it risky while doing payment in extremely popular. Consumers have shown different buying
online shopping. 14% people said they don t have proper behaviors when shopping online as compared to when they
knowledge of internet. 57 % people said there is any other are shopping in a physical store. Online shopping is very
reason that’s why they don prefer online shopping. convenient and beneficial. People who come from villages
and are living in cities are prone to use online options.
Service class is more interested in doing shopping online.
Customer’sage,online transaction security, personal

Volume 5, Issue 11 Published by, 3

Special Issue - 2017 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
NCIETM - 2017 Conference Proceedings

privacy, convenience, price transparency, accessibility, time

saving, trust etc. are several factors which doesn’t remain
same all the time but they cannot be ignored. Customer
should be given a free orientation for how to use debit card,
credit card and inter banking fund transfer so that most of
people can use digital mode of payment while doing online
shopping and they would not feel any risk with online
The online promotion tools are very effective in reaching
out to the target audience, in the era of internet technology,
wi-fi services and smart-phone gadgets as they are perceived
to be effective, informative and credible. To engage the
audience in an impulsive behavior online promotions have
the potential. Through the usage of visuals and information
the beauty of technology can be seen so the companies
should use this feature of internet through the usage of
colored pictures and images of the entire product. In
description of the entire product and service, online
promotions can serve an excellent purpose. Since all types
of products and services have the potential to be promoted
and to be sold over the internet, companies must ensure that
they promote their products on the internet effectively.
 It is always a matter of chance, how much true
information is provided by the respondents. Their
opinion may be biased by the virtue of their or their
known ones’ perception or experience. Sometimes
respondents don’t really understand what specific
information would infer. The study is conducted only in
restricted areas. So, it might not give the exact picture
of the Customer behaviour in NCR.
 Respondents could be biased sometimes when
information is being extracted.
 Because of time constrain, a sample size of only 100
respondents was being included in the study. This
number is not sufficient to reflect the exact picture.
[1] Sharma and Mittal (2009).Prospects of ecommerce in India, Asian
Journal of management and research. 3(2), 396-408
[2] Kim and Park (1991) Research paper
[3] Solomon (1998).A study of factors affecting online shopping
behavior of consumers, International Journal of Scientific and
Research Publications 3(6), 201-212
[4] Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2000). Marketing Management (5 th
Ed.), Prentice-Hall: Pearson.

Volume 5, Issue 11 Published by, 4

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