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DAC 20302







Structural design engineers have been using various structural software in aiding the design
for their projects. The engineering software provide applicability for the structural engineers. This
software is expected to produce analysis and design for certain structure and detect faults as well as
failure so that the design engineer can improvise the design. One of commonly used structural
software is the Esteem Structural Design Software. The Esteem Structural Design is widely used in
the consulting engineer offices as well as the developers. The software provides 2-D and 3D analysis
design for the beams, columns, slabs, as well as the reinforced concrete wall.

Most structural software now has BIM or Building Information Modelling where, not only
that the user can observe the designed structure in 3-D view, he or she can also experience getting
into the simulated structure and see information about the structure or where failure may occur. Other
famous structural software for consulting engineer in Malaysia would be the CSC Orion and
STAADPro. The use of software aid has been benefiting companies in term of time saving as well
as increasing profitability where money is saved when high quality product is produced. Engineering
software provides accurate measurement and come in various dimensions that are important in
rendering of the designs.
1. Discuss the design process of reinforced concrete structures

a) Beam

i. Decide the design method whether it is working stress or limit state.

ii. Identify the end conditions

iii. Determine the fixity of supports / degree of rotation

iv. Assume a section

v. Determine the loads on the beam ( DL due to slabs, secondary beams,

vi. Determine the bending moment

vii. Assume a concrete grade and find out the permissible stresses

viii. Determine the area of steel needed

ix. Find out no of bars

x. Determine the shear force

xi. Design stirrups diameter and spacing

xii. Check the deflection

xiii. Check for the torsional stresses

xiv. Revise the section and steel if needed

xv. Freeze the section

xvi. Carry out the detailing

xvii. Release the drawing

b) Column

i. Calculate factored axial load, Pu and factored moment, Mu.

ii. Select a trial column with b and column depth, h in the direction of moment.
iii. Calculate gross area, Ag and ratio, g = distance between rebar/h.

iv. Calculate ratio, Pu/Ag and Mu/Agh.

v. Select reinforcement ratio,r, from PCA design chart based on concrete strength,
fc', steel yield strength, fy, and the ratio, g.
vi. Calculate area of column reinforcement, As, and select rebar number and size.

vii. Design column ties

c) Pad Footing

i. Clearing the site then pegging the site with correct position of foundation.

ii. Excavation commences from the reduce level down to the desired level.

iii. Lay a layer of lean concrete to prepare a clean and firm base for the footing.

iv. Build the formwork to the side pad footing and supported by other woods to prevent the
formwork collapse when the concrete is poured into it.
v. Spacer blocked are placed before reinforcements being laid this step to provide sufficient
cover for rebars.
vi. Rebars were bent and tied the whole things been lowered and placed inside the
vii. Make sure the steel is place properly on spacer blocks it is because to avoid from
touching the lean concrete below.
viii. Stump reinforcements are then erected. Length of rebars should be extended beyond
stump level and act as starter bars for column above.
ix. Provide addition ties to formwork if it necessary.

x. Concrete will set and curing shall be performed to avoid excessive loss of water during
xi. When the concrete has gained sufficient strength, formwork can be dismantled.
d) Slab

i. Assuming suitable bearings (not less than 10cm), find the span of the slab between the
centre of bearings.

ii. Assume the thickness of slab (take 4 cm per metre run of the span).

iii. Find the effective span which is lesser of (i) distance between centres of bearings, and (ii)
clear span and effective depth.

iv. Find the dead load and the live load per square meter of the slab.

v. Determine the maximum bending moment for a metre wide strip of the slab using
2. Explain the process involved in application of Esteem software.

There are three processes involved in application of Esteem software. They are modelling, analysis,
design and detailing.

1. Floor key plan input with fully integrated project management and status control of
analysis and design.

2. GUI inputs using mouse to drag and draw with text object viewer.

3. Transparent features with primary and secondary icons.

4. Non-orthogonal floor key plan grids.

5. Intelligent input short-cuts, such as auto data generation and data checking.

6. Architectural import of grids, columns and beams.

1. Total integration of floor key plans for 3-D analysis.

2. Automatic adaptive mesh generation for well-graded triangular and quadrilateral shell

3. Full integration of total input of beam, column and wall for automatic 3-D modelling,
including wall opening, offsets of beam, column and wall.

4. 3-D perspective view and modelling view in 3-D, plan and side elevations. Fly-Through

5. Post-analysis load combinations, graphical deflection and analysis textual output.

6. Optimized grid/floor no. using virtual memory.

7. Mapping of elements to actual identification of slab, beam, column and wall in total

8. Automatic data feed-back from floor plan analysis for 3-D analysis and vice versa for
floor plan design of beam and column, that is full integration of:
a.) all floor plans gravity load effects for 3-D analysis based on actual beam support in
total input.
b.) wind/notional load effects for total project design and detailing of beam, column,
wall, pile and pad footing.

9. P-Delta analysis of selected load combinations

Design and Detailing

1. Compliance with the BS8110:1985 / 1997; EC2 & EC8.

2. Comprehensive and total output.

- Concise textual calculation and detailing output.

- Captivating user-friendly graphical interface.

- Compatibility to CAD drawing through DXF files.

3. Choice to freely configure rebar detailing and drafting.

- Customized to local consultants .

- Completed details of slab, beam, column, wall and footing for drafting, including (but
not limited to) the column/wall schedule, footing key plan and schedule for both pad and
pile foundation.
- Configure freely the design and detailing parameters for automatic selection and
detailing of rebar.
- Control fully the vertical drop in slab and beam.
10. Automatic data feed-back from floor plan analysis for 3-D analysis and vice versa for
floor plan design of beam and column, that is full integration of:
a.) all floor plans gravity load effects for 3-D analysis based on actual beam support in
total input.
b.) wind/notional load effects for total project design and detailing of beam, column,
wall, pile and pad footing.

11. P-Delta analysis of selected load combinations

Design and Detailing

4. Compliance with the BS8110:1985 / 1997; EC2 & EC8.

5. Comprehensive and total output.

- Concise textual calculation and detailing output.

- Captivating user-friendly graphical interface.

- Compatibility to CAD drawing through DXF files.

6. Choice to freely configure rebar detailing and drafting.

- Customized to local consultants .

- Completed details of slab, beam, column, wall and footing for drafting, including (but
not limited to) the column/wall schedule, footing key plan and schedule for both pad and
pile foundation.
- Configure freely the design and detailing parameters for automatic selection and
detailing of rebar.
- Control fully the vertical drop in slab and beam.
3. Analyze and design the reinforced concrete structures of key plan shown below using Esteem

I. Beam

The beam is at 1FB floor. It is located along grid (1,D-F). It’s length is 3300 mm while it’s width
and depth is 200mm and 500 mm respectively. The beam has one span within beam. It is supports
by two columns that have size of (300×300)mm. The beam top reinforcement is two high tensile
reinforcement bar with 12mm diameter (2T12). It’s bottom reinforcement is three high tensile
reinforcement bar with 12 diameter. The beam shear reinforcement is T10-250. T10-250 means 10
mm diameter high tensile reinforcement bar with 250 mm spacing.
II. Column

The column is located at grid (11,A). It’s size is (300×300) mm. The shape of the
column is rectangular. The main bar of the column are four 12 mm diameter high tensile
reinforcement bar (4T12). The outer ties of the column is 10 mm diameter high tensile
reinforcement bar with 125 mm spacing. The column has no inner ties. The main reasons
behind using ties in columns are to hold the longitudinal bars in position in the forms while
the concrete is being placed and to prevent the highly stressed slender longitudinal bars from
buckling outward by bursting the thin concrete cover.
III. Pad

The pad footing dimension (B×L×H) is (550×550×250) mm. B is the width of pad
footing, L is length of pad footing and H is depth of pad footing. The thickness of lean
concrete is 50mm. Both steel reinforcement provided for span along X direction (XDirBar)
and span along Y direction (YDirBar) is 4T12. 4T12 means four 12 diameter high tensile
reinforcement bar. The ties of the pad footing is two 6 diameter high tensile reinforcement bar
(2T6). The pad footing use well compacted subgrade. According to the ACI code, subgrade
is a compacted and improved natural soil or brought infill.
IV. Slab

Slab FS9 is located at grid (10-11, A-E). The thickness of the slab is 150 mm. It’s length is
6300mm. The reinforcement bar for the slab is T10-250. It’s mean 10 mm diameter high tensile
reinforcement bar with 250 mm spacing.

As a conclusion, the design of structure is very important in a construction.

Structures must be designed so that they can withstand their own weight as well as the
loads and pressures that will be placed upon them. Structural engineers provide crucial
information about roof types, foundations, floors, steel beams, material quality, retaining
walls, and more. A structure that does not consider structural engineering in its design
runs the risk of collapsing under its own weight or under the environmental pressures
placed on it. Drawings play an important role in the construction field to convey the
ideologies and perspective of the designer to the layman at site. The drawings may be
used to indicate the overall appearance, inside or outside the structure, or they may be
used to indicate precise measurements and other details for construction. Other than
structural drawing, there are four different type of drawing used for the construction
process; architectural drawing, electrical drawing, plumbing drawing and finishing

1. Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures-A G+5 Building

Model. Retrieved on 30 September 2019
2. Understanding What Structural Engineering Is and Why It Is Important. (2014).
Retrieved on 28 September 2019 from
engineering-is- why-it-is-important/
3. Esteem 9. (2019). Retrieved on 9 November 2019 from

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