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SYRACUSE HERALD.'AMEBICAN, Sunday, Augu'st 15, 1948.

First "Salt Boiled" Raised on Bar RATION WEEK in
John Keefe's Place First Featured Home Town Delicaiy
"SYRACUSE SAI/T. boiled poll*-,
toes might well be (failed "Potatoes |
O'Keefe," according to Warren S. j
Norton of 107 Wood av., local his-
tory collector.
The salt-encrusted small pot.n
Warren Norton's part in nil t h i s
s innocent, merely his suggestion
that. "Sport" Keefe raised the first
lalt boiled potatoes on his bar. The
historian is hereby justified by re-
search and authentic reminiscence's
toes, fnvorpd a- an appetizer at of old grads of the back room. He;
clam bakes, first came to general left the city engineering • service
30 ^ears ago, after t a k i n g a largo
s s
Reg. 79» 109
public notice as free lunch items part in grade crossing e l i m i n a t i o n ;
at Keefe's saloon in Wolf St., in the work.
90's or earlier, he says. He is "Jin octogenarian and a i
John J. Keefe, Known as "Sport pedestrian," he says, 81 next April
Keefe, would get buckets of brine and walking downtown every day.!
from the nearby salt yards. The These days he's wearing his'
little "praties" were'-boiled in it "Semi-Centennial" badge, n sou-
in their jackets, and came otil venir o.f 1897 when the city marked •

covered with a . ligh't coating of the golden anniversary of union I
salt. of Salina and Syracuse, lo f o r m '
the First, Second, .Third and
EPICURES STILL insist on RP( Fourth wards of "the oM Salt!
ting the water from springs around Ctfv," God bless her! Today and
Onondaga Lake for the best, re- al\ lys. —FRANK JAY.
sults on providing a mess of "sail
"You got a beer for a nickel,
the historian related. "Then you
got your potatoes and went over
Egg Shortage
to the butter crock. There was
always a five-pound crock of but- "SYRACUSE SALT boiled" were
ter open there for you to help known on shore dinner menus in
yourself to what you needed." California some years ago, and it
There has been a loose tradition Is believed "Paddy" Comerford In-
1hat the salt, boiled potatoes were troduced t h e m there.
served originally at Conierford's, Tile frail back home here had
but. John A. Comerford, operating many a winding before it reached TIOUSmVIVKS BATTLING h!<jh
t h e old family place, -gives the Hinerwadel'K grove in recent years. meat prices will have lo face ani
The old Mulligans, a First Ward
credit to the Keefes. oiiling group, promoted the "salt acute egg shortage from October
io December. C. E. Ostrander,
boiled" spud lo s t a n d i n g fis an assistant county agricultural agent,
"JOHN ,J. KKKKK, and his ol fresco t i d b i t , so to speak. They
brother. Art, had their place be- "et 'em by bushels" every year, gloomily predicted yesterday. Sable Dyed Coney, Sealine Dyed Coney
tween ours and Salina st.,^ Comer- However, he said, poultrymen
ford said. "They had a grocery j THE ANNUAL Mulligan ' outing who gathered from all over the Shawl Collars, Barrymore Collars, New Lengths
store in part of the building, and was an amphibian event making state this week at Cornell foresee
on the other side kept t h e i r beer hir.lory beyond the brightest an- afrom bumper egg supply next fall,
an expected heavy breeder
^uloon. They called John "Sport" nals of all chowder and marching
ir Backs, Rayon Satin Lined * Sizes 12 to 44
Because he was in everything in clubs. Beside it, according to old Firs
season this winter.
Ostrander returned yesterday
The wr.y of athletics. A f t e r they Ward claims, the old "May Walk" from the conference, held at I lie
quit the business they went to ond Oermnn Day programs, and State Agricultural College, with
work for Danny Hornn in the nil the Gemuefhlichkcits rolled t h e report of general agreement
imeat market downtown."
Comerfords served salt boiled The boys went In a canal boat shortage-surplus cycle will be the
i n t o oiip, are not to he reckoned. among the bird breeders that
puiaioes inii. the
ine same
Mime style
siyic in
the Qswego Canal to Mud
old .days, but they were not the L'ock) to Ule <£ neca Rlver _ Land. peated this year.
HE POINTED out the 23 per
originators, according to the sur- ing at .Three Rivers 'Point, the cent decline this year in birds
viving member of the family. g l o r i o u s "Mulligan Friganzas" placed in laying-houses will result
They have operated for 70 years played games heroically in the in heavy chick buying this winter
or more there. manner of their ancestors. Base- and spring, and a'consequent high
Patrick, called ."Paddy" Comer- ball innings sometimes lasted egg production in the fall.
ford, brother of John, acted as an hours. •But there's one catch to that, he
•unoffiical "Syracuse postmaster" AFTER, EATING and drinking added. The multiplication of birds
in Los Angeles, .Calif., almost up 'til moon-up, they got back aboard in henhouses and backyards in t h e
to the day of his death two years t h e i r - g a l l a n t ship, worked it home city as well as on farms will again
ago. Syracusans going out there again, threw the champion pest .spread the poultry diseases that
•were told to look him up If they of the day inlo the canal ns they plagued flocks in 1M7.
•wanted to get in touch with other neared port, and the band played "1,1. all follows the cycle," he
Syracusans there. on! said.
A group of fine close-out wall-
papers, For every room in the
house. AI! suntesred, many

See these fine patterns. A

special purchase brings them All-Wool Fabrics
at an outstanding low price.
Suedes, Covert, Yarn Dye
Values 99c to $1,50
Mcnjton Dyed Lamb
London Dyed Squirrel
CEL! TBQN WiE \ if Grey South American Lamb
Shirred Yoke Backs
SAVE ?H°A"N 25 if Gored Backs
if Pleated Gored Backs
Flange Shoulders

ACI Boxy and Fitted Styles

Hooded Styles.
ONE COAT ENAMEL if Barrymore Collars, Sailor Collars

During This if Clover-Leaf Collars

Event Only
if Furred Pockets, Buttons and Cuffs

(tie on Rut-It If inert if Wine, Green or Grey, Sixes 10 to 18

• NO BRUSH MARKS Edwards Downstairs Store


Renew old furniture . . - . walls . . .

.MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY floors. For professional result's, use
Please Send Me Quarts MAGICOLOB MAGICOLOR ENAMEL — only one
Enamrl at $1.98 ql. In colors checked coat — no brush marks. One quart
n Sprint Grftn
n Jade
D M a n d a r i n lied
D Chinese Itrd
Golden Yellow
Cocoa Jirovvn will do1 a five-piece bedroom set or
n Ivy Orcen
C Cream n Silver Orey
n Ajnre nine n Anlimie Ivory
two 9x12 floors, or an average bath-
D l.»urrl Pink n H f i y n l III u« D Illark room . . . or a two-door automobile. Purchased from a well-known
n Orunrc D .lomiull Yellow D While
MAGICOLOR ENAMEL is acid and 5th Avenue Stores . . . you will
a l k a l i resistant . . . n o after odor. recognise the famous name
Address Cily Take advantage of this wonderful
Q Cliarcc O Bomitianco Herewith stamped in the shoe.
opportunity TOMORROW!!!

Step lively, young lady, if you want to get in on this sensational

bargain. Imagine hundreds of pairs of smartly styled shoes and
all for this sensational low price. They will be the perfect accent
for your fall and winter costumes, as well as appropriate for now
There are all sizes, but not every size in every style.
and Ifuints, Fourth floor

Syracuse Herald Journal, Syracuse, New York, US

August 15, 1948, Page 113

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