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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for design and development of online

This SOP document sets out the procedure for design, development, review and revision of
online assessment(s) (quizzes, wikis, MCQ* etc.) on blended or face-to-face courses where
the support of the Blended Learning Unit is required.

1. Assessment Proposal Form Submitted

Task Owner(s): Content Developer
The content developer clearly notifies the designated Educational Technologist of
proposed development of/revisions to online assessment(s) using the Proposal Form.
2. Assessment Revision and Agreement
Task Owner(s): Content Developer and Designated Educational Technologist
Both task owners meet and review the proposed revisions to online assessment(s)
from an operational perspective. Agreement reached on proposal and deadlines.
3. Revisions made according to Proposal Form
Task Owner(s): Will depend on agreement reached above
Content Developer and designated Educational Technologist agree to make relevant
revisions. The ownership of revisions is noted in the Proposal Form.
4. Preview/trial run of the final assessment is carried out
Task Owner(s): Content Developer and Designated Educational Technologist
The Content Developer previews/trial runs the final assessment to ensure reliability
etc. The designated Educational Technologist ensures the technical configuration of
the assessment is correct.
5. Final sign-off of online assessment revision(s)
Task Owner(s): Content Developer and Designated Educational Technologist
Proposal Form is signed-off on by both parties.

Notice period to designated Educational Technologists required for revisions to online

o Significant (Creation of a Question bank and/or online quizzes, etc.)
At least 15 working days prior to being made live to students
o Minor
At least 5 working days prior to being made live to students **

Where notice periods for revisions to online assessment (s) are not observed, no guarantee
can be made by the Centre for Teaching and Learning/Blended Learning Unit that online
assessments will be ready to go live to students.

* This does not pertain to Turnitin coursework assignments.

** During the course of online assessment(s) revision, if Minor changes proposed are
subsequently determined to be Significant, then the notice period for Significant will apply.

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