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JZ’s writing samples

11/1/2019 IELTS SAMPLE

Band 7+

WhatsApp: +92 346 9720276
[email protected]
Task 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Essay 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of
particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important
environmental problems. ..................................................................................................... 2
Discuss both views and give your opinion. ....................................................................... 2
Essay 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Most people think that the truth should be objective rather than subjective when it
comes to news. ..................................................................................................................... 3
Do you think all news is true? What is the function of newspaper? ............................... 3
Essay 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? ....................................................................... 4
Essay 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international
organizations to continue their development. Some people argue that practical aid
or advice is more useful. ...................................................................................................... 5
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ............................................................... 5
Essay 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
International travel has many advantages to both travelers and the country visited.
Do you think advantages outweigh the disadvantages? ............................................... 6
Essay 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To
what extent do you agree or not agree? .......................................................................... 7
Task 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Question 1 .................................................................................................................................. 8
Question 2 .................................................................................................................................. 9
Question 3 ................................................................................................................................ 10
Question 4 ................................................................................................................................ 11
Question 5 ................................................................................................................................ 12
Question 6 ................................................................................................................................ 13

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Task 2
Essay 1
Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is
the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that
there are more important environmental problems.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People around the world are becoming increasingly concerned about the
degradation of the environment these days. Some individuals believe that the biggest
environment issue facing the world nowadays is the extinction of various plant and
animal species; however, others opine that there are problems far bigger than this. In
my view, other environmental hazards, such as the overuse of plastic by the consumers,
are the most concerning.

On the one hand, some people say that the most prominent environmental problem in
the current era is that we are losing different types of plants and animals. The reason for
this is the imbalance in the food chain, which is produced by the disappearance of
plants and causes animals to become extinct due to lack of food. For example, recent
research suggests that white elephants have disappeared because they were not
getting sufficient quantity of herbs in their habitat to survive. Therefore, this disturbance
in the wild flora and fauna ultimately impacts the dietary patterns of all the other life
forms on the Earth.

On the other hand, another group of individuals has the opinion that there are far more
damaging environmental hazards. This is because some pollutants, such as plastic,
deteriorate not only the air quality in cities but also the water quality in the rivers and
oceans, which makes numerous planktons, plants, and sea animals to disappear. A
whale, for instance, was found last month with forty kilograms of plastic in its stomach; it
ate plastic bottles because there was no phytoplankton to eat and the water was
polluted with these bottles. Thus, there are more hazardous elements that cause far
more damage to the environment.

In conclusion, while some people believe that the extinction of several plant and
animal species is the major environmental problem of these times, there are others who
are concerned more by other issues. In my opinion, the rise in the levels of plastic in the
seawater is more dangerous than anything else for the environment.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Essay 2
Most people think that the truth should be objective rather than
subjective when it comes to news.
Do you think all news is true? What is the function of newspaper?

News is scrutinized by almost every media literate person nowadays, and they think that
objectivity, not subjectivity, is its main characteristic. I believe not all news reports are
true, as there are fabrications, propaganda, and financial benefits associated with the
responsibility of delivering them. The function of newspaper is to provide accurate
information to the public.

While there are some news stories that are based on correct and true events and
incidents, most of them are inaccurate. This is because news media fabricates real
happenings to gain some political or financial benefits and to appease powerful
authorities or its audience. For instance, latest war journalism research shows that a
majority of news coverage of the last decade’s wars was lopsided and tended to
frame the aggressors as freedom fighters, owing to the involvement of several wealthy
and powerful nations. Therefore, most of the time media disseminates fabricated news.

However, the press is responsible for delivering accurate data to its audience and
informing and educating them. Moreover, it is an effective tool for shaping the opinion
of the public and influencing the decisions of the policymakers. To illustrate, a large
number of journalism scholars have identified only one purpose of newspapers: making
individuals better informed. Thus, the only aim that the news media has, is the
dissemination of authentic information based on real events.

In conclusion, newspapers are facing scrutiny from people, who criticize them for being
subjective instead of being objective. Given that only a small minority of news is true,
the press has to embrace its function of being socially responsible and providing correct
information to the public.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Essay 3
It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history
than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays teaching history in schools is stressed upon. Many people believe that it is
more important for schoolchildren to learn history of their own country than the whole
world. This essay will argue why this a completely disastrous idea for the children’s

Many people opine that schools should focus more on teaching local history than world
history. These people consider history to be significant in imparting local culture to the
young generation. Learning about the values of their ancestors certainly impacts their
values in the modern era. Moreover, they can better understand their nativity if they
learn about the determination, achievements, and decision-making of their own
people in the past. Thus, local history is crucial to understanding one’s locality and

However, it is a flawed idea that children should be schooled more about local history
than the history of the globe. If they know more about world history, they will be able to
compare their country with the world and will make the right decisions. In addition,
children can be effectively saved from any violently nationalistic views that could gain
ground in their minds due to the pride they take in their own values and history. For
instance, a majority of the recent xenophobic attacks was a result of the nationalist
literature that the offenders were taught in their school life. Furthermore, knowing more
about the outside world will bolster their understanding of the studies, jobs, and state of
affairs in other countries. Therefore, teaching the history of other countries is of

In conclusion, this essay argued why it is better to teach children world history than local
history. In my opinion, by learning more about the whole world rather than their own
country alone, children will be stronger, more powerful, and more considerate in
making the right decisions for their as well as their country’s future.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Essay 4
Some people think that developing countries need financial help
from international organizations to continue their development.
Some people argue that practical aid or advice is more useful.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Spending public money for the development of other countries is a hotly debated topic
these days. While some people argue that international organizations should help third
world countries financially, others believe that they should be provided with practical
help and advice instead. In my view, it is more important to assist poor countries in a
practical way.

On the one hand, some people say that financial help is crucial in bringing
development in a country. The developing nations are well aware of the problems they
face, and, thus, know how to solve those problems. In fact, they have complete and
effective plans on where and how to spend the money they receive from international
organizations. Indeed, every citizen of a country knows all the obstacles in their nation’s
development. Therefore, they should be given financial assistance so that they can
develop their countries according to their own ambitions.

On the other hand, others opine that practical aid is more important for developing
nations than financial aid. Third world countries often do not understand how to
efficiently spend the money they receive from others. As a result, mismanagement of
funds occurs, and donations or public money is wasted. Instead, the organizations that
work for the development of poor countries on the global level should provide practical
assistance to them. This will not only assist the developing nations in overcoming the
hurdles, which they do not understand how to solve, in their development, but will also
avoid any chances of funds embezzlement or mismanagement.

In conclusion, people have contradictory views on whether to help poor countries

financially or practically. In my opinion, practical skills should be imparted to these
nations, so that they can contribute to their country’s development and learn
techniques that could help them in future as well.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Essay 5

International travel has many advantages to both travelers and the

country visited. Do you think advantages outweigh the

Traveling to other countries benefits both the visitors and the host country. Although
local culture and the environment are negatively affected by international travel, it
increases the exposure level of the visitors as well as of the local population and boosts
the local economy. In my opinion, the advantages of travelling abroad are more than
the disadvantages it could bring.

On the one hand, traveling abroad exposes both travelers and local people to a new
culture and improves the state of local economy. When people from other parts of the
world visit a place, they interact with the locals, and, as a result, they learn more about
the beliefs and values of each other. Moreover, if people did not visit a place, the local
economy would stagnate. For example, a recent survey by the New York Times shows
that international tourism not only improves the people’s mindsets but also uplifts their
financial status. Therefore, travelers and native people gain more knowledge about the
norms of each other, and the hosts gain financial benefits as well.

On the other hand, trips to other countries have some unwanted consequences. The
native cultural values and the environment face the brunt of increased number of
travelers. Travelers bring with them a culture that is alien to the locals; therefore, they
are intrigued by this new culture. Consequently, they try to adopt that new culture, and
it results in cultural invasion. Furthermore, when people travel to new places, many of
them harm the environment by polluting the beautiful places they visit. Thus, world
tourism results in the destruction of local culture and environment.

In conclusion, travelling to other countries has many advantages for the travelers as
well as the host country. This essay discussed both its pros and cons. I believe that it
benefits both the visitors and hosts more than it could harm.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Essay 6

Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question

of luck. To what extent do you agree or not agree?

Fate is one of the most important factors in a person’s success in life. Most of the time, it
decides whether we accomplish our goals or not. Although luck does play a significant
role in our lives, I believe that it is not the only contributor to our success.

On the one hand, some people consider luck to be the only significant factor that
contributes to a person’s achievements in life. Some people possess innate abilities that
overpower others and are born in an environment that plays a helpful role in their
success. For instance, a number of successful businessmen had a business mindset since
their childhood. Furthermore, their parents and peers encouraged them to develop
their own business ideas. Thus, fate is crucial for a person to succeed.

On the other hand, besides luck, hard work is key to success. If a person is born to rich
parents but he lacks the qualities of wisdom and hard work, he is more likely to fail to
achieve his goals. For example, many youngsters who have enough money to start a
business fail to do so because they are afraid of the arduous tasks they might encounter
in the path to their success. Therefore, a person also requires ingenuity and courage to
take on new tasks to succeed.

In conclusion, luck is significant in achieving one’s goals; however, it is not the only
factor in our success. I am of the opinion that hard work and the ability to adapt to
one’s environment are also important.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Task 1
Question 1

The bar graph illustrates the transport choices of people in four countries, namely Great
Britain, USA, Germany, and France.

Overall, in all the four countries, car was the preference of most of the citizens whereas
motorcycles were used the least in all the countries except USA.

In Great Britain, while the majority of individuals travelled by car and almost one third of
the population chose bicycle to travel, only 10 percent people used motorcycles as
their transportation mean. In the USA, on the other hand, 30 percent of the population
preferred motorcycle, and only one tenth of the US citizens travelled by bicycle. The
number of people travelling by car in the US is the same as that in Great Britain, at 60

Although the proportions of Germans who preferred cars and bicycles are almost the
same, just less than half of the population, only 15 chose motorcycle to travel. In
France, the percentage of car users was the highest, 75 percent, and those of the
people using bicycle and motorcycle for transport were almost the same, 10 percent
and just above 10 percent respectively.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Question 2

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of expenditure in different categories around
the world and the percentage of world population in all the continents.

Overall, the largest amount of money is spent on other items and the lowest on clothing
while the majority of people live in Asia and the smallest number of people live in other

While almost a quarter of the wealth around the world is expended on food, 18 percent
of it is spent on transport facilities. Housing expenditure stands at the fourth place, with
12 percent of the world spending, and half of its figures is spent on clothes. People
around the world spend the highest proportion of money, 40 percent, on all other
facilities and services.

In terms of population, Asia is the biggest of all the continents, having the majority, 57
percent, of the world population. On the other hand, Europe and both the Americas
together each house 14 percent of the world population, which is a quarter of that of
the Asia’s. Whereas one-tenth of the human population lives in Africa, 5 percent
individuals live in all other areas.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Question 3

The line graph illustrates the levels of Sulphur dioxide and smoke in the city of London in
four centuries, from 1600 to 2000. The levels are measured in micrograms per cubic

Overall, there was a significant increase in the level of Sulphur dioxide and gradual
increase in smoke level in these 400 hundred years. While both these quantities started
at zero before the start of the 17th century, they had the same levels at the end of the
20th century.

Sulphur dioxide level in the late years of the 16th century was zero; however, there was a
dramatic increase in it in the 1600s. It had a high value of just over 750 micrograms per
cubic meter around the mid of the 18th century, before going down. It started
increasing again and reached its peak around 1850. After that, it decreased and
eventually became zero in the year 2000.

On the other hand, smoke rose gradually until the end of the 19th century. It rose to its
highest value, approximately 450 micrograms per cubic meter, in the last quarter of the
19th century. However, it had rapid fluctuations after that. Subsequently, the smoke
levels completely vanished at the end of the 20th century.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Question 4

The diagrams compare the design of a public park when it was set up in 1920 and that
of today.

Overall, significant changes were made to the structure of the park; some of the
facilities, including the fountain in the middle of the park, were removed and some
were added.

In 1920, the park had 3 rose gardens, two to the West and one to the East; however,
one of the gardens was later demolished and an other replaced with a café. In
addition, there was fountain at the center of the park, which is now replaced by a rose
garden. There was a stage for musicians in the early years of the park, but now an
amphitheater is set on its place.

Today, there is a play area for children in place of the pond that was built to water the
plants when the park first opened. The location of the seats has also been changed,
which used to surround the stage first, but now the central rose garden is surrounded by
them. Moreover, an underground entrance to car park has been added at the South
Eastern corner of the park, and a water feature now replaces the glasshouse that was
built in 1920.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Question 5

The maps show the changes that have been made to the area around the City
Hospital over a period of three years from 2007 to 2010.

Overall, significant changes have been made to the area surrounding the hospital in
these years, with the construction of two roundabouts, a separate car parking for the
public, and a bus station.

In 2007, the City Hospital had only one car park for both the staff and the public.
However, after three years, another parking area was built only for the public to the
East of the Ring Road, and the old car park was assigned only for the staff.

All the six bus stops on the Hospital Road were also demolished, and a bus station was
built to the West of the Hospital Road. Furthermore, while no roundabouts existed near
the hospital in 2007, two roundabouts have been built over the period on either ends of
the Hospital Road.

Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

Question 6

The two pie charts depict the percentage spending in different sectors in two years,
1981 and 1991, in Brazil.

Overall, the expenditure on education saw a whopping increase while that on

agriculture and entertainment experienced a slight increase. On the other hand, the
spending in almost all the other categories decreased.

In 1981, 32 percent of the total budget was spent on education. However, after a
decade, this increased significantly to 48 percent. The percentage spending on
agriculture and entertainment also rose from 13 percent and 6 percent in 1981 to 15
and 7 percent in 1991, respectively.

However, the expenditure on all the other categories, except industry, declined. 25
percent of the total expenditure was spent on health; however, this spending declined
to 18 percent 10 years later. In 1981, 13 percent and 10 percent of the total expenditure
were spent on transport and other sectors. But this spending fell to 6 and 4 percent,
respectively, in 1991. The figure for industry remained stable throughout the 10 year
period, at 2 percent.

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Jibran Zeb WhatsApp: +92 346 0720276 Email: [email protected]

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