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Ruben Ubiera, Origin: Dominican Republic

Ruben is a neo-figurative artist, known for his strong use of the line, graffiti inspired technique/esthetic, urban
murals, mixed-media pieces and installations; all created with reclaimed-objects and found artifacts. He paints
and draws in a style considered as Postgraffism, but he prefers to call it urban-pop, since he has lived most of
his life in urban, populated areas and most of his inspiration is derived from the inter activity between man and
his urban environment.

Location: 109 Lafayette

Street Location: 41-43 Ward
Title: “Yerbatero” Street
Medium: Spray Paint Title: “El Campesino”

Location: 38 Peabody
Street Location: Dow Street
Title: “Anacaona” Title: “The Community”
Medium: Spray Paint Medium: Spray Paint

Location: 11 Ward Street Location: 96 Lafayette

Untitled Street, NSCDC office
Medium: Spray Paint Untitled
Medium: Spray Paint

Location: 96 Lafayette
Street, NSCDC office
Title: Relentless
Medium: Spray Paint
Golden, Origin: Venezuela
Artist Cristhian Saravia (aka Golden), born in Caracas, Venezuela, is an illustrator and painter based out of
Miami, Florida. He became a graffiti artist at an early age and now as the movement evolved, he became one of
Floridas most renown street artists. Known for using vivid colors and with his unique style of painting, Golden
has been creating unique vivacious and animated creatures paintings and large-scale street art murals for the last
few years around the world.

Location: 104-106 Lafayette Location: 46 Peabody

Street Street
Title: The Guadalupe Title: Love Worm
Medium: Latex Paint, Spray Medium: Outdoor Latex
Paint (motion sprayer) Paint (with gloss)

Location: 64 Ward
Location: 64 Ward Street

Location: Corner of
Congress/Ward Street
Medium: Spray Paint

Sipros, Origin: Brazil

Sipros is a Brazilian street artist who specializes in some truly fine depictions, mainly on walls. His art has
become, in time, a reference point for admiration and inspiration. His creations are mostly of realistic
characters with high level of imagination and personal technique. Portraits of all ages, the walls Sipros makes
have an entertainment effect to viewers.

Location: 6 Peabody Street Location: 46 Peabody Street

Title: Super Dali Title: Untitled
Medium: Spray Paint Medium: Spray Paint

Location: 96 Lafayette
Street, NSCDC office
Title: Untitled
Medium: Spray Paint
Silva Lopez Chaves, Origin: Dominican Republic
With roots in the Dominican Republic, Chavez is an interdisciplinary artist who has based her art practice in
the Boston area for over fifteen years. Her work is informed by her own personal narratives and responds to
her identities as a Latina immigrant, artist and designer. Her collaborative works with community partners and
commissions include public art projects in Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Lynn, Salem, Beverly, Danvers,
Ipswitch and Marblehead. Chavez holds a BFA in Illustration from the Massachusetts College of Art & Design,
and an Associate degree from Altos de Chavon the School of Design. Chavez has exhibited her work in solo
and group shows including the Fitchburg Art Museum, Boston Children’s Museum and the New Hampshire
Institute of Art. She is the current Polly Thayer Starr Visiting Artist at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
and her latest mural project can be viewed at Northeastern University’s campus on a 300 ft. wide wall shared
with Ruggles train station.

Location: 37 Ward Street Location: 96 Lafayette

Title: Colorin Colorado Street, NSCDC office

Jeff Henriquez, Origin: United States

Born in Lynn MA, Henriquez studied at Bradford College for Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). and Howard for a
Masters degree. Starting in 2009, he worked as a Co-Founder for RAW Vibes Art and Performance Space. In
2011 he began working as a Visual Arts Coordinator for West End House Boys and Girls Club. Henriquez has
been working as a Photorealist Painter and Mural Artist since 2014. Now a New York based artist, Henriquez’s
work includes a mural of Derek Jeter in Yankee Stadium, and an iconic collaberation with Eli Lazare, honoring
the late Albert “Prodigy” Johnson.

Location: Peabody Street Location: 96 Lafayette

Title: “Stranger Things” Untitled

Don Rimx, Origin: Puerto Rico

David “Don Rimx” Sepulveda was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Don’s individual style bridged the
gap between the streets and corporate America. His work caught the eye of a progressive commercial real estate
developer and was commissioned to produce several grand scale murals in the Bryant Park area of NYC. The
synthesis of the two resulted in breathtaking works of art. An arrangement so unique it received media coverage
in the NY Times.

Location: Peabody Street,

Point Neighborhood Historic
Title: 38 Le quedó “Bufeaito”
Medium: Spray Paint
Chor Boogie, Origin: United States
Chor Boogie, a.k.a. Joaquin Lamar Hailey, is a critically acclaimed spray paint artist. He was recently honored
by Société Perrier as being number three among the Top Ten U.S. Street Artists. His visionary murals and art
exhibitions have appeared all over the globe including venues such as the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the
Smithsonian, Museum of Public Arts in Baton Rouge, Museum of Art Puerto Rico, the LA Art Fair, Torrance
Art Museum in Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego, Museum of Man in San Diego, San
Diego Museum of Art, Children’s Museum in San Diego, Syracuse University Museum, and the Vision Arts
Festival in Crans-Montana, Switzerland. Chor Boogie is recognized for having achieved a groundbreaking level
of technical and emotional virtuosity in the medium of spray paint. He approaches his use of color as a form
of therapy and visual medicine, and has been dubbed “the color shaman” by comrades and fans. He was first
nurtured by the world of street art and is primarily a self-taught artist.

Location: 24 Peabody Street Location: 311 Derby Street

Title: “Love Child” Untitled

Spok Oringin: Spain

His interest in painting began at age 11, that precocity then led to many years of evolution in his work that
moves between different facets such as illustration, mural painting, decorating, and academic painting. Spok
continued entirely of his way to study and develop graphic and plastic arts. After years of work and research
using countless processes, this young, but veteran, artist specialized in large format works, which led him to
be invited to countless events worldwide. Today, his work is recognized by its fantastic background and its
language with touches of humor that has made him stand out from the rest. With his fascinating hyper-realistic
technique and large formats, Spok manages to establish a dialogue with the viewer that leaves no one

Location: 98 Lafayette
Medium: Spray Paint

Okuda, Oringin: Spain

In his work, multicolored geometric architectures are merged with organic forms, bodies without identity,
animals with no head, a multitude of opposing symbols that incite reflection... A unique and very special
iconographic language. The geometric structures and multicolored prints are united with gray bodies and
organic forms in artistic pieces that could be classified as Pop Surrealism with a clear essence of the street. His
works often raise contradictions about existentialism, the universe, the infinite, the meaning of life, the false
freedom of capitalism, and show a clear conflict between modernity and our roots; in short, between the human
being and himself.

Location: Congress Street

Title: “Cat Witch”
Medium: Spray Paint
CPWon - Origin: Chile
Born in Santiago, Chile, Claudio Picasso moved to Miami with his mother at the age of two. Claudio would be
introduced by age 16 to graffiti art by friends and instantly fell in love with its bold color schemes, graphic
styling, monumental scale, underground culture, and means of social commentary. With a draftsmanʼs
meticulous eye, today Claudio Picasso engages a limited, complementary palette to symphonize saturated color
portraits in a style that dances precariously between hyperrealism and abstraction. Crafting images with a depth
and sensitivity that pushes the bounds of spray paint, Claudio occupies a space between graffiti writer and fine
artist. His work today emphasizes the positive attributes of spray paint as a medium while pushing to overcome
both the physical limitations and preconceived notions that accompany it. Often times monochromatic, the
works leave greater emphasis to rendering, smooth gradients, shading, and the relationship between foreground
and background; positive and negative.
Location: 98 Lafayette
Street, Salem, MA
Medium: Aerosol, Krylon,
High Pressure Italian Spray

El Cekis, Origin: Chile

Cekis’s career as a visual artist began in the city streets of his native Santiago, Chile. He started painting murals
while in high school, and was inspired by the New York graffiti culture and the social mural propaganda from
the heavily marked political stage in Chile in the 1980’s. After graduating High School, he then decided to
become an active graffiti artist. Over time, his work embodied a young generation of artists. His work
transcended communities, helping to create a new massive appeal for a new street culture in Chile. In 2004,
Nelson moved to New York, seeking to grow more comprehensively as a creator and adult. Due to the lack of
access to paint public walls in New York, his work started to move slowly into the studio and it has broadened
into an experimental and investigative collection, developing his own way to paint. His unique perspective as a
foreigner only adds more intrigue. Nelson has participated in numerous exhibitions and mural projects locally
and across the United States as well as internationally.

Location: 57-59 Harbor

Title: Creciendo Juntos
Medium: Spray Paint

Hoxxoh, Origin: America

Hoxxoh’s work isn’t about the ebbs and flows of time eventually determining whether our existence will stand
to be recognized, but instead serves to show that time in itself is a beautiful energy meant to be marveled at. His
works represent what happens when we let go of our control of time and let its predetermined course take
control. Spheres of life are on display, illustrating the motions of space and time working in unison to create
natural order. His paintings depict time as a sweet ride that flows by mixing spontaneity with precision. The
physical presence of time displayed in its most natural form.

Location: 1 Peabody Street

Medium: Spray Paint
Trek6, Origin: Puerto Rico
“The cutting edge is a bleeding edge”, a line that has haunted Oscar “Trek6” Montes all his life. From his first
ventures as a young painter in Miami’s blooming street art scene in the late 80’s to his sound art experiments
in the new millennium, Trek has kept slowly working creating a vast and unique body of work that spans over
different mediums, three decades and a multitude of cities and cultures.

Location: 46 Peabody Street

Title: “Eternal Vibrations”
Medium: Spray Paint
Krave, Origin: United States
Daniel Fila, also known as Krave, is a multifaceted artist whose work ranges from mural installations to
figurative and abstract paintings, as well as animations, and sculptural reliefs. Fila attended Design and
Architecture Senior High (DASH), where he was first exposed to urban culture and street art - visual art in
public spaces. After DASH, Fila attended Columbus College of Art and Design, and graduated with a B.F.A.
After college, Fila returned to Miami where he searched for work as an illustrator, but always kept painting
during his free time. Since then, Fila has been commissioned by the Ritz Carlton Palm Beach, MTV, Grey-
hound, SLS Hotel Miami Beach, The GMCVB among others. Michael Bay, the filmmaker, is a fan of his work
and featured one of his murals in his film, Pain & Gain, shot in Miami and starring actor Mark Wahlberg.
Credited for being Miami’s premiere urban artist, Fila is best known for his signature character The Fresh
Monkey found hidden in most of his work. He is based in Little Havana.

Location: 41 Ward Street

Title: “The Alley”
Adele Renault, Origin: Belgium
Adele Renault paints realistic portraits of pigeons and people. Her subject matter may live in the gutter or in an
ivory tower and the size of her work ranges from small canvas to giant mural. Renault grew up on a farm in the
Belgian Ardennes. She studied and practiced visual arts, from classical oil painting to modern-day spray can
graffiti. In 2010 she graduated from the Academie Royale des Beaux Arts in Brussels with a degree in Graphic
Design. In 2009 Renault initiated her collaboration with artist Niels Shoe Meulman. They now travel the world
together, exhibiting and creating large scale murals. Together the duo also run Unruly Gallery in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, where they are based. Renault is fascinated by the inconspicuous beauty of every day objects
and subjects. She observes closely those and that not considered worthy of a second look. She paints portraits of
faces, the elderly, the homeless and pigeons in a realistic style.

Location: 3 Dodge Street

Title: Gutter Paradise
Belin, Origin: Spain
Miguel Ángel Belinchón Bujes, most people know him like “Belin”, was born in Linares, Jaén ,Spain.
After continued studies, he realized that he want to know more, so he started to be self-taught plastic artist,
using libraries, museums, different books and multiple ways to get the right information to be the professional
he always dreamt. Currently this artist has a big CV, people know him around the world because of his spray
skills, making realism paintings without using stencil, just his imagination. That shows the perseverance on his
ideas, his art and his positive attitude to be better every day. All his sculptures and paintings have been
displayed in museums, galleries, and walls around Spain and different countries like America. He also has been
painting for different marks like Dockers, Carhatt and Sephora and for known artist like “Kat Von D “High
Voltage”” in LA, Spanish football players, musicians, and models.

Location: 64 Harbor

2Alas, Origin: Puerto Rico

Andrew Antonaccio has become a strong force for urban art in Miami in recent years. The fame that resulted
primarily from his collaborations with Filio Galvez, a fellow street artist. The two work together under the
banner of 2Alas. This street art collective comprised of two urban painters is mainly concerned with creating
unique portraits and colored geometric abstractions. Miami serves the role of their endless canvas, but Andrew
Antonaccio is originally from New York City. However, while many of their brilliant murals can be found in
South Florida, 2Alas is fond of traveling and painting all over the world – Andrew Antonaccio and Filio Galvez
painted in places such as Italy, Switzerland, Montreal, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Location: Dodge Street

Medium: Spray Paint

Bik ismo, Origin: Puerto Rico

Joshua Santos Rivera better known as Bik Ismo, is an urban graffiti artist from from Arecibo Puerto Rico, and
studied art at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas in San Juan. He’s been part of important graffiti groups like FX,
The Nasty Boys and Masters of Destruction. In 2002 and 2003 he organized the first urban art exposition titled
“Los Virtuosos de Aerosol” and “ExhibicionIsmo” (ExhibitionIsm), both at Enlaces Gallery. Outside of Peurto
Rico, he has also worked world wide, completeing murals in Japan, Spain, Italy, The United States.

Location: 37 Ward Street

Title: The Chrome Dog
Local Artists
Miguel Cruz

Location: Artist Wall,

Location: Artist Wall,
Peabody Street
Peabody Street
Kameko Branchaud
Kameko Branchaud is an artist, designer, and educator from many places, but mostly Providence, Rhode Island.
Her studio practice interprets local histories, empirical observations, and herself as a specimen of cultural
remix. While her visual arts focus on murals and wearable arts, her primary medium is education. Her mural
“So Pretty it Hurts” won first place honors in the juried competition of 20 local artists in the 2017 Punto Urban
Art Museum. You can find her on Etsy and Instagram under her studio name Atelier Fu’una.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Sreeet
TItle: So Pretty It Hurts

Angela Gonzalez
But, everyone knows her as her artist name “AGONZA”. She was born in Providence Rhode Island in the
Manton projects. She then spent her teenage years living in the Dominican Republic for 8 years in a nun
adoption care where there was only dirt streets, farms, and happy people living in small rusty houses of
corrugated metal. She believes as a human being we live and experience things to be able to teach others what
we have understood and learned from life. Throughout her art career she has displayed her work in multiple art
shows in New York, Rhode Island and here in Massachusetts. In 2017 she won two “People Choice Award” for
the “Salem Mural Slam” down in ARTIST ROW &“THE PUNTO” on Peabody st in Salem MA.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabofy Street
Ron LeBasseur
Ron LeBrasseur is a cartoonist, street artist, and Salem resident. He hopes to one day draw something for you.
His work is online at Photographer Emily LeBrasseur.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peobody Street
Title: Mermaid Girl
Sheila Billings
Sheila Farren Billings is an award winning Salem artist and the author/illustrator of several children’s books.
She is a retired school teacher who taught grades K, 1 and 2 at Witchcraft Heights in Salem and art at Beverly
HS, and enjoys helping out with art projects at The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem. Sheila’s father
immigrated to America as a boy; this mural, in the heart of a historic immigrant neighborhood in Salem,
represents some of the gifts newcomers bring to the USA --- warmth, heart, joy, and MUSIC!

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: Heart, Warmth, Music

Brian Denahy
Brian was hired as the District’s Communications Coordinator for Downtown Lynn Cultural District, after an
internship through Salem State University. He contributed to many initiatives, including the Ghosts of Lynn
“big photo” installation that hangs in Central Square. Brian graduated from Raw Art Works in 2008, and
enrolled in the Real to Reel Film School. Brian continues working on hand painted signs, and doing lettering &
design, with a strong talent for vintage lettering.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: You’re So Cool

Magarita Krylova
Margarita is an artist and art teacher based in Boston, MA. Originally from Moscow, she draws much of her
inspiration from her heritage. She is a 2014 graduate of the Tufts/SMFA Combined Degree program, where
she received a BS in Biopsychology and BFA in Fine Art. Since graduating she has shown her work in various
venues throughout the city, in both solo and group exhibitions.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: Dusk at Lake Baikal
Rickey Molander
Ricky Molander is an artist who received his B.F.A. in Painting and Drawing from Montserrat College of Art.
He studied visual art in multiple schools including Niigata College of Art and Design in Niigata, Japan. His
large scale geometric paintings are an exploration of the connections between several 20th century
painting movements including Pop Art, Minimalism, and Optical Art, which projects his interests in
perspective, illusion, and color theory. Ricky also tattoos at Salem Ink Tattoo and Art Gallery and enjoys
exploring different styles of tattooing such as Geometric, American Traditional, NeoTraditional and Japanese
style tattoos. His watercolor and ink paintings reflect his interests in tattooing and push him to constantly grow
as an artist.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street

Emily Kwong
Elimy is a peabody reident and painter who explores the human figure as a vehicle for allegory and painting the
figure as a means of exploring the human condition. Each painting is developed intuitively. Her work offers an
introspective exploration of self while presenting an empathetic reflection of humanity. She says the paintings
ask more questions than they provide answers, and in that, generate a beautifully emotional poetic resonance.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: Together We Flurish

Alyssa Irizarry and Jose Rivera

Alyssa Irizarry is the Program Director at Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs, an environmental arts non-
profit, and José A. Rivera (aka Proxemia) is an architecturally trained multimedia artist and designer. Together,
they formed Surface + Symbol, a vehicle for thinking critically about and communicating contemporary
environmental issues. The collaboration works at the nexus of spatial thinking, human geography, and visual
art. They live near Boston, Massachusetts with their cats.
Within acts of gardening, farming, or restoring land, exists the relationship between earth and body: a tangible
experience of moving soil through one’s fingertips. The ridges of fingerprints and the contours of topography
share similar visual qualities, and by using our own fingerprints as topographic markers, we investigate the
patterns, relationships, and questions that emerge at the intersection of place and identity. An abstracted soil
map of Puerto Rico is at the center of the piece, referencing our personal and cultural histories as a multi-
layered exploration of past, present, and future. The deconstructed map-like image considers the negotiations
that emerge between land|body, diaspora|home, translation|glitch, and community|self.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: What about things that
don’t have skinlike surfaces
for borders
Karrie Brawn
Karrie Brawn is a painter living in Portland, Maine. Originally from Northern Maine, she received a Bachelors
of Fine Art and a Bachelors of Art in Art Education from the University of Maine at Presque Isle in 2014. Under
the Bragg Tuition Merit Scholarship for Art. Karrie’s work is held in private collections across the US,
including Alaska, Pennsylvania, Maine, and Vermont. Her paintings have also breeched international waters,
with work residing in a private residence in England. Karrie has been the recipient of distinguished awards,
such as the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Fine Art Talent Award (for outstanding studio achievement) in
2013, as well as the Wanbaugh Purchase Award, where one of her pieces was acquired and can be found in the
permanent collection at the University.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street

Scott Froeshl
Scott Froeschl is an artist living on the North Shore of Boston, Massachusetts. He was born on Long Island,
New York and moved to Vermont, where he discovered the wonders of the natural world. Scott says he was able
to connect with the natural surroundings and enjoy the purpose and structure of our delicate environment. His
passion is painting in acrylics on a myriad of surfaces, anywhere from traditional canvas to the heads of screws.
Scott says photography is also an avenue of creativity, as well as sculpture and multimedia. What he loves most
about art is the process of creating. Scott says he does not have one specific genre he likes to stick to, and feels
that his exploration of a variety of materials and formulation of ideas make for an interesting body of work.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
Title: Octopus Escape

Jessica Gray and Allison Barker

Jessica Gray and Allison Barker collaborated on this mural with the purpose to illustrate and express, coming
together to break down old walls in order to reach a brighter and more vibrant future.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
Nick Piniaro

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street

Keshia DeLeon

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street

Joe Migliaccio

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: Welcome To El Punto

Jill Pabich and Anya Bachman

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street

Jude Griffin

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
Title: Three Owls
Mike lee

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street
TItle: Team No Sleep

Emily Larsen
Graphic designer for peabody essex meseum.

Location: Artist Wall,

Peabody Street

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