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We will use many ways such as methods and strategies
We will have a sense of attachment to our students


Values and Attitude
Sincerity and Honesty

Our Reflections

1. 1. Which views do you agree with? Disagree with? Expound.

We all agree to the statement of our critic teacher that “I will help children to develop their potentials by
believing in them as capable individuals”. Every student has hidden potentials but the problem is that they
are afraid of showing it due to lack of confidence. They need reinforcement in order to be motivated. In
order for them to be confident, we, as future teachers must develop and enhance first our students to be
competent, self-determined and to have self-respect because these are the components in order to be

1. 2. This time, it’s your turn to answer the three sentences completion items.
2. My goal/s for my pupils/students is/are:
Every teacher aims to the betterment of h their students in the different fields. Our goals for our pupils
are: to make our students be fully prepared for the upcoming future, to help them realize that education is
very significant in human life and to let them understand that the best way for a successful career is
through education..

1. b. What I really want to teach to my pupils/students is/are:

The value and significance of education for all, on how it can transform the life of every individual from a
mere student into a productive individual in the future.

1. c. I will teach my pupils/students by:

Giving them a concrete ideas for every lesson that we have in order for them to clearly visualize and
understand it. Moreover, we will teach them by the process of learning by doing because this is more
appropriate in the transferring of learning.
What Philosophy do you adhere to? Why?

It is the progressivism that we want to adhere to because we believe on the progressivist’s point
of view that the student’s world is the focus and starting point of education. We are a firm believer of the
statement “Students are the key participants of education”. We will let our students construct new
knowledge as they conduct experiment or during activities and our role is to facilitate and guide students
in order to make learning active and democratic.

Additional Enjoyable Reflective Activities

1. a. If you were a school tool (ruler, pencil, paper, etc.), what would you be? Why?

Why? There are so many tools used

by the students in the school like
ruler, pencil, eraser, book, etc.
Indeed, all of them plays a
significant part in the students’ lives.
But if I were a school tool and relate
it to the kind of teacher I would want
to be, I would choose a ruler,
because I want to guide my students
into the right direction. However, I
want to straighten their lives so that
it would not be put into waste.
Obviously, just like a ruler I want to
Drawing give my students a straight path
towards a better future.

Why? Table, chair, blackboard are

only some of the furniture that can be
found in school likewise door and
window. But if I were a school
furniture I would want to be a
window, because I want to give my
students something to look up
especially when all the doors are
closing on them. Moreover, I would
always be open on them to give them
light during the darkest hour of their

Why? I choose pencil because as a

teacher, I must accept my mistakes if
ever that I committed something that
is really personal to my learners I
can erase my faults then make
something better for the improvement
not only for myself but of course to
my learners. I am full of arts in
transferring learning to my students.

Our Analysis

In what area of classroom management was the teacher most effective? Which of the supportive
measures were effective? Why?

The discretion of the teacher to have a separate time schedule and vicinity or place where the
students will have to perform their activities which requires demonstration of skills was the teacher’s most
effective classroom management because in this way, the students’ full potential to provide the best
performances will be catered, thus the teacher is giving justice to her students as to their understanding
and learning of the lesson.

In what area of classroom management was the teacher least effective? Which supportive
measures were not effective? Why?

As we have learned from our visitation in the school where we conducted our interview, the teacher’s
classroom management is with least effectiveness is in the physical environment of the classroom itself
because the whole class is composed of 55 pupils and that made the classroom very crowded.

However, this cannot be attributed solely to the teacher’s management since it is already out the
teacher’s hands but to the proper authorities who must had provided the school premise with enough
classroom and resources to cater the needs of the students.

Suggest more effective ways for your answer in number 2.

The teacher establishes separate activities in a separate setting, like group activities are being
performed in other classroom apart from the lecture settings, with the proper allocation of time to finish
the required task or activity. A certain activity is given 40 minutes for the students to comply the said

My Reflections (Cristine Mae Villalobos)

1. 1. Describe at least 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom.
One of the characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom is a teacher with
good governance. If a teacher has a good governance with her students as her people and with the
classroom as her territory surely she could be able to establish a well-managed classroom. Because as a
teacher she has the power to rule her students and with her characteristic as a good governance students
will follow her most especially if she tell them to maintain classroom cleanliness and organization so as for
them to have a conducive learning environment.

1. 2. What characteristics do you have at present that can make you an effective classroom manager?
Elaborate how these characteristics can help you.
The characteristics that I have at present that can make me an effective classroom manager is being
disciplined and time conscious person. These characteristics of mine can help me in becoming an
effective classroom manager because if you know how to discipline yourself you will become a good
disciplinarian to your students and to your classroom. If you are a time conscious person you can come to
school ahead of time and prepare the things that you will need in your class especially if you will going to
conduct an activity so that time would not be wasted. Moreover, you can also come on time to check and
instruct or help your students in making the classroom well-cleaned and well-organized.

1. 3. What characteristics do you have at present that can hamper you from becoming an effective
classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristics?
The characteristic that I have at present that can hamper me in becoming an effective classroom
manager is that I easily get nervous especially when things went wrong. I can overcome this
characteristic by being confident in everything that I will do and if things went wrong most especially if
things didn’t turned out to what I expect it to be I will just remind myself to stay calm and find an
appropriate solution that will solve the problem.

My Reflections (Jay Ar B. Aspero)

1. 1. Describe at least 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom.
A disciplinarian kind of teacher can establish a well-managed classroom by setting a rules and
regulations with the approval of all students. Rules and regulations that are observable and it must be
followed by the students as well as the teacher. A disciplinarian without harming the students physically,
emotionally and psychologically; moreover, a disciplinarian that is patient and has a friendly approach so
as to avoid fear and hesitation from the students.

1. 2. What characteristics do you have at present that can make you an effective classroom manager?
Elaborate how these characteristics can help you.
I am a well-disciplined and responsible kind of a person. These two characteristics that I have are enough
to be an effective classroom manager. A well-disciplined kind of a person that has a friendly approach,
with this, students will not be hesitant to approach me and they will develop a sense of respect that
results to the students to be responsible in following the rules and regulations. A responsible kind of a
person will have a sense of commitment to my work and to my students through this I will be obliged to
establish a well-managed classroom.

1. 3. What characteristics do you have at present that can hamper you from becoming an effective
classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristics?
Being impatient can hamper me from becoming an effective classroom manager, but not all the time I am
impatient because it depends upon the situation. It is hard for me to overcome it until now but I will seek
the help of my friends and loved ones for some advices as to how I could change my impatient

My Reflections(Jasmin Sifel H. Sanchez)

1. 1. Describe at least 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom.
A teacher who is committed enough to his or her profession can have a well-managed classroom since
he will not settle on just a poor performance of his students. He will not stop seeking ways and strategies
just to make sure that his students arrived at the understanding of every lesson presented. If a teacher
could not manage well of his classroom, then there will be no longer learning to take place on the part of
his students.

Also, a teacher who is sensitive to the needs of his every student and a teacher who has a strong
determination who will never be swayed in giving his policies in the classroom in order to establish order
that will eventually result to the learning of the students.

1. 2. What characteristics do you have at present that can make you an effective classroom manager?
Elaborate how these characteristics can help you.
I think my being determined to arrive at a good performance if not the best, will make me an effective
classroom manager. This will help me in giving instructions and delivering my lessons to my students and
that I am making sure that they arrive at the best learning they must have.

1. 3. What characteristics do you have at present that can hamper you from becoming an effective
classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristics?
I think my being impatient at times. When it comes to accomplishing a task, especially from the students
or any individual that I expected to perform his duties, I am very particular its fulfillment unless they would
say that they cannot fulfill it on time. I get irritated easily when the task I have expected and that they
promised to, was not accomplished because for me, if you cannot do it after all, then don’t make any

This I think should be changed. I should be more patient to my students and will have to learn to be
considerate to them because not at all times that a person is positively inclined to something, therefore, I
will give them enough time but in the same manner, I will set a specific time frame for them to pass the
specific activity for them not take their work for granted

My Reflections (CARLO D. CASTILLO)

1. 1. Describe at least 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom.
A. a. Neat and tidy – a teacher who possesses this characteristic can establish a well-managed
classroom, since that being clean and neat in yourself can also be applied in the classroom by
organizing an everyday chores that the students should do. Thus, this reflects to what kind of a
teacher the classroom has based on its outlook.
B. b. Disciplined – if a teacher is well-disciplined, he or she can impact it into the students to behave
properly and act as a well-mannered one. Problems regarding disorganization of students will be
C. c. Organized – a teacher should know on how to organize his or her lessons to avoid misleading
of concepts with regards to the lesson to be discussed.
D. d. Able to create time management – a teacher should know when to start or to end his or her
lessons so that a time allowed for the lesson to be discussed will be followed without getting left
behind the other concepts.
E. 2. What characteristics do you have at present that can make you an effective classroom
manager? Elaborate how these characteristics can help you.
Being punctual, organized, and able to utilize time management.

1. a. Being punctual of a teacher to come to school can be contagious to the students, hence if this happens,
a teacher can start his or her lessons early. For me being punctual to attend my class will help me to study
my lessons before the class start.
2. b. I am organized in a way that I can handle my chores on which one comes first and which one comes
last. By this it will help me to finish things systematically.
3. c. Able to utilize time management having a time management table will help me to utilize and do my
task in a given time without hassle.
4. 3. What characteristics do you have at present that can hamper you from becoming an effective
classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristics?
Being dependent and sometimes lazy.

1. a. At times that I don’t know something I usually ask someone who can help me without relying on my
2. b. When some things went wrong always, I tend to become lazy to find for solutions in which I become
dependent to others.
My Reflections (Gerald Villaruel)

1. 1. Describe at least 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom.
For me, a teacher who established a well- managed classroom is a teacher who is determined, patient,
dedicated, relate herself or himself to his or her students and give consideration to his or her students.
Through this characteristics, I strongly believe that there will be a well- managed classroom.

1. 2. What characteristics do you have at present that can make you an effective classroom manager?
Elaborate how these characteristics can help you.
The characteristics I have that I think that help me to become an effective classroom manager are; having
humor in our discussion. Secondly, I am giving considerations when it comes to my students’ reasons
why sometimes they are absent. I am asking their reasons whether it is valid or not at least they open up.

1. 3. What characteristics do you have at present that can hamper you from becoming an effective
classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristics?
The characteristic that I think could really hamper me from becoming an effective classroom manager is
being impatient. I am easily irritated and easy to angry. Maybe I can overcome this negative attitude of
mine through controlling my emotions and put into my mind that I must be good and to be an example to

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