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for the Maqāmāt of Manāzil al-Sā’irīn

1) Yaqaẓa (Awakening)
a. Count ten of your current blessings
b. Think about how you should show proper gratitude for them
c. Think about ten mistakes you currently commit
d. Think about three things you do habitually that may contribute to
the ten mistakes you thought about above

2) Tawba (Repentance)
a. Think about three people who are the victims of your mistakes.
b. Resolve to rectify those mistakes by making amends or seeking
their forgiveness
c. Consider how to avoid recurring mistakes by changing the
situation that facilitates them
d. Contemplate the attributes of Allah that you are given insight to
when you commit a mistake

3) Muḥāsaba (Self-Vigilance)
a. Define the meanings of obedience to Allah and defiance of Him as
they relate to your responsibilities to Him
b. When tempted to judge others and their actions, consider the
effort and time lost in doing so by not considering your own

4) Ināba (Returning to Allah)
a. Contemplate returning to Allah by your state as you did by way of
your words and acts in tawba
b. Attribute your good deeds to Allah and His mercy, and your bad
ones to your own shortcomings
c. Recognise that salvation is not found in your deeds, but ultimately
by Allah’s mercy

5) Tafakkur (Contemplation)
a. Maintain a daily routine of contemplating the marvels of creation
and their relationship to Allah’s attributes
b. Contemplate the immeasurable extent of Allah’s mercy in the
blessings He has bestowed upon you
c. Recognise the shortcomings of your contemplation to arrive at a
truer understanding

6) Tadhakkur (Remembrance)
a. Learn to listen to admonishment regardless of the state of the
admonisher by listening for Allah
b. Arrive at a clearer remembrance by removing objection to Allah’s
c. Commit to reading the Quran everyday, in whatever amount you
can maintain

7) ‘Itṣām (Steadfastness)
a. Remove your hesitations by accepting Allah’s wisdom in His plan
for you
b. Remain steadfast to the “rope” of Allah by resolving to fulfil all His
commands and avoiding all His prohibitions
c. Remain steadfast to Allah by showing mercy to His creation and
seeing Him as the Master and Author of all

8) Firār (Fleeing [to Allah])
a. Flee from your ignorance by maintaining a daily routine of
b. Flee from your laziness by endeavouring to add a voluntary act of
worship every six months that you resolve to maintain for life
c. Flee from a gloomy opinion of the world to a positive opinion of
Allah and His plan

9) Riyāḍa (Spiritual Exercise)
a. Maintain a routine of not taking a step except in the direction of
b. Do not permit spiritual openings to lead to a breach of etiquette
c. Keep moving forward by not looking back to where you left

10) Samā‘ (Audition)
a. Learn to listen to Allah’s promise and threat by reflecting on the
pertinent verses of the Quran
b. Learn to listen to Allah’s message to you via His creation by
engaging with them with mercy and empathy
c. Learn to listen to the message within your soul by cleansing it of
its impurities of doubt and complacence

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