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Little Red Riding Hood – Play script

Characters: Narrator, Little Red Riding Hood, Mother, Wolf, Grandmother, Woodsman

Scene 1

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a very beautiful blond girl who lived in a village near the
forest with her mother. One day her grandmother gave her a very nice red cloak. That is
why everybody in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day…

Little Red Riding Hood: Did you call me, mother?

Mother: Yes, Little Red Riding Hood. Your grandmother is very sick. I want you to go to her
house and take her this little basket with some bread and honey.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother.

Mother: But don´t stop in the forest, and don´t talk to strangers. Do as I say, and get to your
grandmother´s house.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest, with the little basket for her
grandmother, who lived in a nearby village. Along the way, she saw many beautiful
flowers in the forest.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what beautiful flowers! I will take some to my grandmother.

Narrator: She left the little basket on the ground to pick up some flowers, when suddenly…

Wolf: Good morning. Little Red Riding Hood!

Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.

Wolf: Where are you going so early?

Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmother´s house to take her this little basket with some bread
and honey.

Wolf: Does your grandmother live far from here, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh no, Mr. Wolf, she lives just across the forest in the first little house in the village…
the one with the white door.

Wolf: Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I hope she gets better. And look, do you see that

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, I do.

Wolf: Just follow that road and you will get to your grandmother´s house.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, yes I will. Thank you!

Wolf: Good-bye, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Scene 2

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood kept looking for flowers disobeying her mother who told her not
to stop in the forest and to get to her grandmother´s house. Meanwhile, the wolf
knocked at Little Red Riding Hood grandmother´s house.

Grandmother: Who´s there?

Wolf: It´s me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and I brought you a basket with some
bread and honey.

Grandmother: Come in my little angel, push the door.

Narrator: As soon as the wolf entered he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood´s grandmother. Then
he put on her nightgown, jumped into bed and waited for the little girl. A few minutes
later Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother´s house. She knocked at the

Wolf: Who´s there?

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, it´s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood. I came to bring you
a little basket with some bread and honey.

Wolf: Come in my little angel, push the door.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood entered the little house. She went straight to her grandmother´s
room, and in the bed there was the Wolf dressed with her grandmother´s clothes.

Wolf: Come in, my little angel. Rest for a while

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood sat in a chair, and looked at her grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, your voice sounds so odd. Is something the matter?

Wolf: Oh, I just have a bit of a cold.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what big ears you have, grandmother!

Wolf: All the better to hear you with.

Little Red Riding Hood: And what big eyes you have!

Wolf: All the better to see you with.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, and what big teeth you have.

Wolf: All the better to eat you with! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Narrator: The Wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then the wolf fell asleep. Meanwhile a
woodsman was passing by the little house, when he saw the door open. He entered,
looked for the old lady, and then he saw the wolf.

Woodsman: Oh no! The wolf has eaten Grandmother! But he is sleeping. I hope I’m on time!

Narrator: He grabbed the wolf by the neck and made him spit out the poor Grandmother and Little
Red Riding Hood who were still in one piece.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, thank you, good woodsman.

Grandmother: This will be a lesson for you, Little Red Riding Hood. Now you will never disobey your
mother again.

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