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Task 2

Please ensure that the observer /‘critical friend’ has a copy of the lesson plan.

Peer Observation Number:

Date/Time: Sunday 13th Oct 2019 Name of Student Teacher to be observed:

Setting: Grade:
Classroom 8/3

Area of Focus (i.e. any particular area of practice that Name of Observer/Critical Friend:
your friend wants to pay particular focus to today e.g. Maryam
classroom management)

Classroom management
Good transition

Topic for the lesson & Learning Outcomes:

 To learn new vocabulary and use them in sentences.

 Describe the shops by using the new vocabulary.

a) Give 3 examples of positive reinforcement a) Give 3 examples of how differentiation has been
strategies that have been used. used to cater to all learners including those with
b) What was efficient about these strategies? special needs.
c) How could these strategies have been improved? b) What was efficient about these strategies?
c) How could these strategies have been improved?
Verbal reinforcement like praises, clapping and
groups motivation were the positive reinforcements The use of differentiation has been used less in this
that used in the classroom. This encouraged students lesson, but the different tasks from groups to individual
to answer the teacher’s questions and motivate them helped students to get into the lesson and learn. The
to challenge each other whether it was a group work tasks were basics and did not include challenging
or individual. These strategies could be improved by question for high achiever students. The use of
having a small gift like chocolate or points for the differentiation supported students to learn and have
wining group which motivates students to participate the chance to match and paste the shops name then
more. However, the applied strategies were suitable describe the positions. Students had the time to
for the first days of teaching students and it could present in front of their classmate and describe their
improve for the next days. task which showed their knowledge. As well as, the
individual task was a final evaluation to the teacher and
to observe students reach point of understanding.
Please tick the boxes using the scale with 5 indicating the best possible performance

Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
 
Displays a high standard of professional behaviour, which includes punctuality ✓
and readiness for the session.
Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session. ✓

Promotes a safe, and positive learning environment & builds good rapport with ✓
the learners.
Comments or reasons for scoring above:

My peer had a good relationship with her students and a teacher limit between them. This affected on her
lesson which went with time and classroom managements. She was prepared and ready for the lesson as she
planned before and prepared the materials needed, as she was punctual to her lesson time which she
attended and finished her lesson on time.
1 2 3 4 5
Planning for Learning  

Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required information and has clear ✓
and explicit learning outcomes.
The activities are well sequenced to scaffold student learning towards the ✓
learning objectives.
Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning and/or learning styles. ✓

Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and appropriate to the ✓
level of the learner.
Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. ✓

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

My colleague had her lesson plan prepared with clear learning objectives which she was aiming to achieve and did. She introduced the
new vocabulary then asked students to do the group task where they had to place the shops then describe the positions. After that,
she gave each student a self-assessment to evaluate their understanding. She had easy tasks which should be appropriate for students
level instead of pasting the shops they could write them then describe the shops and positions. In addition, the resources and
materials were prepared and printed out for students. The lesson planned as a student-centered through while-stage and individual
through evaluation part.
1 2 3 4 5
Implementing and Managing Learning  

Uses accurate and appropriate language. ✓

Maintaining engagement – independence ✓

Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are clear, accurate & constructive. ✓

Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, rephrase, redirect) ✓

Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & routines, and utilises a ✓
variety of positive reinforcement strategies to ensure that they are followed.

Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and motivate the students. ✓

Uses a range of teaching strategies. ✓

Manages lesson time effectively. ✓

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

The use of language was appropriate for students level although there were some grammar mistakes but
understandable language. My peer did focus on engagement and did apply it and as I observed, students
were encouraged and motivated to answers by the teacher because some of them were hesitating to answer
but they had correct answers. Referring to that, she asked them to answer whether it is a correct answer or
not. Furthermore, she did ask questions between and during each activity to ensure their learning. As she
also focused on praising students verbally to be motivated. Finally, the time of the lesson was managed even
when there was still time, she asked her mentor school teacher to add whatever she wants to the lesson.

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

 
Monitors student progress effectively during the session. ✓

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning during the session. ✓

Uses formative and summative assessment instruments such as checklists, ✓

grading scales, rubrics, tests and projects etc. to evaluate students’ performance.

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

During the lesson, the teacher did observe students progress and check their groups and individual tasks. It helped her to
monitor students progress, to notice their abilities and understanding and then to focus on some misunderstanding points by
questions. She did motivate and praise students and groups for their work during verbal feedback as students were engaged
during the group work especially to talk about the positions and directions of the work they had done. This lesson included a
formative assessment which was a self-assessment worksheet at the end of the lesson to check students learning as well as the
questions were asked during the lesson itself.

Overall Observed Strengths Overall Suggestions for further development

(also include comments for the area of focus) (also include comments for the area of focus)
Introduced the classroom rules. Give students more challenging activities instead of
Introduced the learning objectives. matching and multiple choices.
Explain the new vocabulary with simple words and Correcting students mistakes.
repeat the definitions. Grammar and language.
Ask questions between the tasks and during the Set the timer for the students and show it to them so
reading time. they notice the time.
Giving examples for further explanation and move Ask students to answer in full sentences.
around students.
Motivate students to answer.
Give clear and simple instruction, model it, and ask
them to repeat the instructions.
Countdown the time starting from 10.
Ask students to check their work.
The teacher’s presence and clear voice.
Ask students to present their work.
Self-assessment to check the students understanding.

Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with colleague): e.g. how did you feel about
conducting a formal observation? How did your colleague feel about being observed? How did you feel about
discussing your observations with your colleague after the lesson? How did your colleague react to your
assessment? Did she agree with your evaluation? Which of the suggestions you made will your colleague apply in
her next lesson? Do you and your colleague feel that this was a valuable experience? Why/Why not?

Having the chance to attend and observe a colleague was really beneficial for me because it builds on my
personality as a teacher to improve and for my peer too. For this observation, I felt the responsibility of
attending a formal observation where I had notice many aspects of the lesson then share it with my
colleague. As my colleague was happy and relieved to attend her lesson because it was her first teaching
classes. After the class, my peer and I had the time to speak about the lesson and how it went which was a
little bit unacceptable with some points for my peer. She did not accept some areas that I suggested for her
at the beginning, but after she realized that some things could be done in another way as they are grade eight
students. In addition, she did agree with my feedback as she explained some other points from her
perspective and I did understand why she did it that way which was ending before the time. She wanted her
mentor school teacher to have a chance and teach or add to her lesson which the teacher did add more and
explain other parts of the same lesson. However, my colleague applied timer on the board for the activity
part to her next lessons so that students can notice the time and finish as well as asking students to answer in
full sentences. My colleague and I felt that this was a valuable experience because we both learn from it and
from each other feedback and teaching methods. We are hoping to improve ourselves and be more
responsible to evaluate and give feedback that will help and support us for our next lessons.

Please share feedback immediately following the observation once the forms are completed.
Feedback meeting date: October 13th 2019 Time: 2:00 p.m

Observer signature: Abeeir Date: October 13th 2019

Observee signature: Mariam Date: October 13th 2019

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