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Action Side Effects Baseline Assessment

Generic Name:
Testosterone Promotes growth, development Frequent: Gynecomastia, *Establish baseline
of male sex organs, maintains acne. Females: Hirsutism, weight, B/P, Hgb, Hct.
Brand Name: secondary sex characteristics in amenorrhea, other Check LFT, electrolytes,
Andriol, Androderm, Testopel androgen-deficient males. menstrual irregularities; cholesterol. Wrist X-rays
Therapeutic Effect: Relieves deepening of voice; clitoral may be ordered to
Classification: androgen deficiency. enlargement (may not be determine bone
reversible when drug is maturation in children.
Androgen discontinued).
Indications *Question history of
Occasional: Edema, hepatic/renal impairment,
Dosage/Route/Frequency *Androgen replacement nausea, insomnia, seizure disorder,
therapy in treatment of delayed oligospermia, priapism, thromboembolism (CVA,
male puberty, male male-pattern baldness, MI, pulmonary embolism).
Adults: 50-400 mg q2-4weeks hypogonadism (congenital or bladder irritability,
or 150-–200 mg q2wks. acquired), inoperable female hypercalcemia (in Interventions
breast cancer pts who are immobilized pts, those
Adolescents: Initiation of 1–5 yrs postmenopausal with breast cancer), ● Apply dermal patch to
pubertal growth: 25–75 hypercholesterolemia, clean, dry skin as di-
mg q3–4wks, gradually *Replacement therapy in inflammation/pain at IM rected. Do not use
titrate q6–9mos to 100– hypogonadism— primary injection site chemical depilatories. An-
150 mg. Duration: 3– hypogonadism,hypogonadotropic drodermis to be applied to
4yrs. hypogonadism, delayed puberty Adverse Effect nonscrotal skin on back,
(men) abdomen, upper arms, or
Maintenance Virilizing Dose: CNS: Dizziness, headache, thighs. Remove the old
200–250 mg q3– 4wks. *Testosterone enanthate only: sleep disorders, fatigue, patch before applying a
May convert to other Inoperable breast cancer, tremor, sleeplessness, new one.
testosterone metastatic mammary cancer, generalized paresthesia,
replacement dosages delayed puberty sleep apnea syndrome, Apply buccal system to
once expected adult hot flash- es, gum region above incisor
height and adequate Contraindications hypertension (topical gel) on either side of mouth;
virilization achieved. rotate sites (Striant). Place
Contraindicated with known Dermatologic: rounded side of buccal sys-
SQ: (Pellets): sensitivity to an- drogens; Rash,dermatitis, anaphy- tem against gum and hold
prostate or breast cancer in lactoid reactions, acne firmly in place for 30 sec to
ADULTS: 150–450 mg
men; pregnancy; lactation; ensure adhesion. If system
q3–6mos. serious cardiac, hepat- ic, or Endocrine: Androgenic falls off during 12-hr
renal disease. Androdermand effects(acne, ede- ma, period, remove old system
Striant contraindicated for use in mild hirsutism, decrease and replace with new
women. in breast size, deepening system.
of the voice, oily skin or
hair, weight gain, clitoral Inject testosterone deeply
hypertrophy or testicular into gluteal muscle.
atro- phy),
hypoestrogenic ● Be aware that sprays are
effects(flushing, sweat- not interchangeable.
ing, vaginitis, Dosage and site of
nervousness, emotional application vary between
labil- ity), gynecomastia products.
in males
GI: Nausea,hepatic ● Shake vials well before
impairment; hepato- use; crystals will re-
cellular carcinoma dissolve.

GU: Fluid retention,

decreased urinary out-
put, changes in libido

hypercalcemia; altered
serum cholesterol levels;
retention of sodium,
chloride, water,
potassium, phosphates,
and calcium

Respiratory: dyspnea

Other: Chills, premature

closure of the epi- physes

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