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Alexander R. Putney
Suzanne R. Benoit

Human Resonance

© 2014-2018 Alexander R. Putney

For all of the radiant beings who guide humanity
toward the creation of a lasting peace on Earth,
with her transformation into a heavenly planet
under the purifying red light of the solar twins.

Having no one to influence my outlook,

I display my primordial nature and adopt the style of a youthful prince.
This is due to the only father guru.

I am busy working for others.

Prajna, penetrating all obstacles, has made the prince old and wise, fearing no one.
Dancing in space, clad in clouds, eating the sun and holding the moon,
the stars are my retinue.

The naked child is beautiful and dignified.

The red flower blooms in the sky. It is ironic to see the formless dancer,
dancing to the trumpet without a trumpeter.

At the palace of red ruby, listening to the utterance of the seed syllable,
it is joyful to watch the dance of illusion,
the seductive maidens of phenomena.

The warrior without a sword, riding on a rainbow,

hears the limitless laughter of transcendent joy,
the poisonous snake becomes amrita.

Drinking fire, wearing water,

holding the mace of the wind, breathing earth,
I am the lord of the three worlds.

Excerpt from ‘Enthronement’ by Chögyam Trungpa, January 22, 1973

in ‘The Myth of Freedom and the Way of Meditation’ (2002)
1 Akasha 1 – 18

2 Anastasia’s Ray 19 – 40

3 Eternal Life 41 – 56

4 The Red Dwarf Alignment 57 – 82

5 The LOD Oscillation 83 – 98



Life in the cosmos is nurtured by the circulatory universal flow of infrasound resonance known as the
sacred Om. This all-penetrating force was identified among ancient Paleo-Sanskrit scholars of the
Atlantean civilization as 'Vishnu', the Pervader. The sacred Sanskrit octagonal mandala structure encodes
the quantum function [ zn+1 = zn2 ], a seed equation closely related to the Mandelbrot Set [ zn+1 = zn2 + c ].

An embryo develops in a mother’s resonant body, whose beating heart acts upon the fetus throughout
the phases of its formation. Mother and infant are one, in biorhythmic terms, until the moment of
separation at birth, when their biorhythms normally diverge from resonance into dissonance. The
worldwide network of Atlantean pyramids was designed to induce mass biorhythmic synchronization.

The biorhythmic frequency matching of the mother and fetus was replicated by infrasonic roaring within
the dominant frequencies of planetary resonance, focused by giant geopolymer crystalline structures into
special chambers that were used in both physical and spiritual cleansing. Trance channel Edgar Cayce
described exposure of the human body to an advanced form of fire the pyramid chambers, referred to
among Sanskrit traditions as Akasha, the quintessential element, known today as HHO plasma1:

Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated, by the burning –through the application
of the rays from the stone, the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body
rejuvenated itself often, and remained in that land until the eventual destruction... (Reading 440-5)

zn+1 = zn2

zn+1 = zn2

The standing wave structure of the electron is the same standing wave structure expressed in the spherical
forms of plasma orbs that are responsible for the geometric formation of energetic vortices that manifest as
crop circles. The 2010 Whitefield, England formation displayed the standing wave mandala integrated with
passages of Atlantean text that has not been recognized, reading: adhi ra Indra raua ra upama ra , meaning
'"Delivering granting (of) Jupiter, roaring granting, the highest granting..." (opposite).

For millennia, all over the world, crop circle patterns have been reinterating design elements and motifs
that are exlicit representations of Paleo-Sanskrit hieroglyphs3, subliminally calling humanity into deeply
held memories of the global mathematical language of the high civilization of Atlantis.

The simple hieroglyphic phrase Indra • has also been identified in the design of the Baltic Sea Monument4,
cast in magnetic geopolymer basalt over 14,000 years ago and now lying dormant, in ruin on the seafloor.
A stunning mandala crop formation appeared with a variation on this Atlantean votive motif on June 19,
2015 near the Avebury Megalithic Circle, in Wiltshire, England (overleaf).5 On July 19, 2015, an immense
formation appeared at Ockley Hill, Surry,6 presenting the Atlantean votive icon in 3D, reading: Indra • raua
ya ra adhi-as , meaning "Jupiter, the One, roaring commencing granting for delivering..." (overleaf).
Another pair of submerged Atlantean
cities have been comprehensively
identified in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean
that confirm the Paleolithic origin of the
Sanskrit language and the mnemonic
nature of the timeless messages being
conveyed in majestic crop formations.
The Atlantean canal-city of Poseida
and the Azores pyramid, with its
extensive city ruins, both lay along the
same resonant circle distance from the
Great Pyramid of 13.2% of Earth's
mean circumference (of 24,892 miles).

The Buddha sat at the Bodhi Tree to

achieve spiritual enlightenment along
this fundamental band of acoustic
resonance. Well known Buddhist
symbolism has been repeatedly
embedded in large mandala crop
formations without broad public
recognition. These prescient messages
to humanity hold a deeper spiritual
significance that can only be properly
understood by restoring modern
awareness of our ancient global
hieroglyphic language and culture.

The Alton Barnes East Field 7-7-7

pictogram was measured at over
1,000 feet in length, emphasizing the
sacred prime number 7 by its date of
creation, and representing a giant Om
symbol composed of swirled down
circles. The astounding formation was
actually witnessed and caught on film
by Winston Keech and Gary King who
had serendipitously anticipated an
event in the early morning hours:

At around 1:35am on July 7 Mr Keech, helped by Mr. King, completed the last sweep of the area using a camera
equipped with night vision. No formation was visible in the field. Then it became intensely dark and nothing was
seen. But at 3:13am there was a flash of what Mr. Keech described as sheet lightning. It appeared on the video
footage and lasted four microseconds. Twenty minutes later, at 3:20am, there was enough light to make out the
formation in the field below. It was one of the largest ever seen. It measured 1,033 feet long and consisted of
150 circles, the largest of which was 164ft across.

Within an hour of the formation seeing the early light of day, UK military black operations helicopters were
on the scene, disturbing those earliest visitors to the formation. Individuals present in the formation itself
around 6am reported aggressive close-range passes taken by the helicopters to deter visitors while they
released yellow sulfur powder into the air above the giant pattern.

Unknown to confused eyewitnesses, sulfur is used industrially for absorption of electrons, thereby
dispersing strong electromagnetic fields measured around the formation by the military helicopter's
instrumentation. This is also the reason sulfur is released by transdimensional 'devils' or 'demons' who
beam into peoples' bedrooms at night for nefarious purposes, so as to dissipate the strong EM fields.
Buddhist scriptures have preserved the same Sanskrit Om symbol and its connection with the circle (in
Sanskrit 'mandala'), shown in this example with modern Sanskrit text lines spiralling around the central
heiroglyphic symbol to give the impression of concentric circles of resonant infrasound bands (above).

The Buddha sat at the foot of a large tree, the Bodhi Tree, to benefit from the infrasonic resonance given
off by the tree itself, as it transduces cosmic infrasound focused at that site. The Atlantean pyramids
were designed to create the same effect as a giant tree, which informs the ancient spiritual metaphor for
the cosmic energy structure as a giant tree of life. Fruit will not desiccate in the Great Pyramid’s
chambers, and Guru’s bodies will not desiccate when placed in the resonant niches of the sacred
temple, where bioelectrical energy is ambiently focused for human physical and spiritual benefit.
zn+1 = zn2 + c

Ram Bahadur Bomjon was born on April 9, 1990 in the village of Ratanpuri, 93 miles southeast of
Kathmandu in the jungles of Nepal’s Bara district. Ram was enrolled at a Buddhist school where his
meditation practice intensified. At fifteen years of age, on May 18, 2005, Bomjon began a prolonged
period of intense meditation enfolded within the roots of a pipal tree in the dense jungle some miles from
his home village. Bomjon apparently abstained from the intake of solid food and liquids for the duration of
his meditation by the tree, before walking away on March 11, 2006 – nearly nine months later.

Six months and sixteen days into Ram’s papal tree meditation his older brother Gangajit explained to
visitors that Ram has not yet attained Buddhahood: “He said, ‘I am at the level of Rinpoche. I have a
Guru. He is Chi Ni Nyi Chen Guru. I am an avatar (a reincarnate)…” Gangajit explained that Ram’s level
of spiritual attainment evidently allows him to withstand extreme temperatures during severe weather
conditions despite his prolonged abstinence from both food and water:
“We used to worry, but he’s sat through monsoon rains and hail storms. You would expect him to get sick with
bacterial infections but he has not. Now we believe that he will be fine… He has lost weight, but he is well. The
investigation confirmed he is fine. We’re blessed to have him… All we want is for him to succeed on the path
that he has chosen.”

The 14’ wide pipal tree acts as a giant energy collector and Bonjon’s bare shoulders and feet are
receiving ample current from the tree. Merging with the energy of the tree enables the meditator to
sustain himself electrically, without the need for food and water for indefinite periods of time (above).

During the extended meditation, and under observation of astonished onlookers who were lucky enough
to witness the divine interaction, glowing plasma orbs appeared before him: “On November 11, 2005 a
bright light appeared shining from [Bomjon] Guru’s head.” 9 These events were corroborated by many
witnesses, including the brother of the meditator who had been administrating the site, now enshrined.

Gangajit Bomjon has provided his own eyewitness account of the luminous orbs and symbols that had
interacted with his brother during his severe meditation at the pipal tree:
“From his left foot it circled his body and went to the top of his head… Some of his hair rose up on its own and
formed a knot, then from here [the third eye chakra], here [the temples] and here [the back of the head] light
came. The light was very clear and white – very different than sunlight. Then on the crown of his head was an
OM; on his throat was a swastika; on his chest – a lotus flower; and here [at his navel] was a sun; and last a
small dagger-like knife.”

While other eyewitness accounts do not reflect the detailed religious interpretation given by Bomjon's
brother, the luminous interaction left a profound impression of divine grace reflecting the awe experienced
by receptive visitors to the temporary electromagnetic formations discovered in crop fields worldwide.

Sacred geometric configurations expressed in the circlemakers in their intricate woven formations conform
to hyperdimensional quadratic equations that resonate within the human mind, grounding to our essential
connection with the Creator in EM events, scattered through the present times of epic change on Earth.

The quantum quadratic function [ zn+1 = zn2 ] also encapsulates the spherical mandala map of
consciousness that reveals the resonant alignment of not only the Bodhi Tree meditation spot in Bodh
Gaya, India, but also the known birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha in Lumbini, Nepal –and the
birthplace of present-day Buddha Ram Bomjon in Ratanpuri, Nepal. The parallels are quite remarkable.

The Bodhi Tree Bodh Gaya, India (24.42°N 84.58°E) is situated approximately 3,290 miles from the
Great Pyramid, located at the resonant 13.2% distance interval (above).

Ratanpuri village, Nepal (27.28°N 85.56°E) is 3,282 miles from the Great Pyramid at Giza, a distance that
is nearly 13.2% of the Earth’s mean circumference. Lumbini, Nepal (27.48°N 83.28°E) is situated only 130
miles from Ratanpuri, approximately 3,144 miles from the Great Pyramid, along the 12.6% distance.

The high-precision alignment of major sites along the great circle at the 13.2% distance from the Great
Pyramid comprises powerful evidence for the great significance of standing wave patterns as measured in
their profound influence on the spiritual development of humanity through the life teachings of advanced
reincarnating souls who take the role of Buddha through many lifetimes as a practical demonstration, for
the average human being, of the capacity of human consciousness to overcome all material limitations.
The present-day Buddha Bomjon, once referred to as Palden Dorje and now using the title Dharma
Sangha, continues the spiritual teaching of the way of non-action and the way of non-violence that he
has been widely remembered for in his previous incarnation as Siddharta Gautama.

Masters of consciousness have continually reincarnated on the Earth plane for the enlightenment of
humanity on its collective journey to higher states of existence through the mass transformation we
are now witnessing across the face of the entire Earth.

Another great master walking the Earth in recent times has been known as Mahavatar Babaji, whose
life is not publicly known and is the subject of much legend. Many sages before him have also been
given his same title, one of which may actually be his previous incarnation on Earth. These mysteries
are all held in the Akashic field for all to may read them. Access is determined by the bioelectrical
state of the meditator who is experienced in psycho-navigation through mental planes.

Such possibilities have remained largely closed to the average terrestrial human being for thousands
of years due to the low level of general knowledge, as well as the extremely low levels of planetary
resonance within the Earth and the entire solar system that has persisted for the past 13 millennia.
The present inverse trend of greatly intensifying infrasound resonance being experienced over the
course of the last seven decades marks the build-up to the oncoming Geomagnetic Reversal.

Rodgers W (2005) ‘Clearwater Man Puts Technology to Work’ Tampa Tribune, November 27, online

Cayce E, Cayce G (2006) 'The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings, CD-ROM Version 2.0' ARE Press,

Reading 440-5
Putney A, Benoit S (2014) 'Sanskrit' Human Resonance, online

Putney A (2015) 'The Baltic Sea Object is an Atlantean Monument Cast in Magnetic Basalt 'Firestone'' Human

Resonance, online ·

-- (2015) 'Green Street, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 19th June' Crop Circle Connector, online

-- (2015) 'Ockley Hill, nr Merstham, Surrey. Reported 19th July' Crop Circle Connector, online

Cowen L (2007) ‘The Crop Circle Mystery’ The Wiltshire Gazette & Herald, online

-- (2006) 'Rare Clear View of Nepal’s Buddha Boy with Interviews’ YouTube video, online

-- (2007) ‘Palden Dorje: Biography’ online
YouTube video, op cit

Anastasia’s Ray
Anastasia’s Ray

From the depths of the Siberian taiga, the world’s largest

forest, radiates a voice of wisdom that speaks directly to
the human heart. Her name is Anastasia, and her family
represents a continuous line of Vedruss Elders possessing
profound ancestral knowledge that extends far back in time,
to the advanced Paleo-Saskrit heritage of the Atlanteans.

The Vedruss understanding of Creation embodies the

timeless clarity of a culture rooted in the attuned awareness
of invisible forces that synchronize human consciouness
and buoy human perceptions of reality. A sacred barefoot
lifestyle according to Vedic wisdom teachings, combined
with careful observation and meditation on the biorhythmic
relationships of all lifeforms has enabled Anastasia's
mastery of Nature's way. By these means she engages in
direct communications with Nature's guardian spiritforms,
the luminous orbs that are seen, filmed and photographed.

The existence of this living treasure of wisdom hidden in

the northern forests was boldly announced to the world by
merchant and explorer Vladimir Megré, who wrote and
published a series of 10 best-selling books called the
Ringing Cedars of Russia. After meeting Anastasia on the
Ob River in 1994, further visits inspired Vladimir to dedicate
himself as Anastasia's life partner, to give her children and
share her visionary wisdom with the modern world.

According to Vladimir's recapitulation, Vedruss teachings describe the deep ringing resonance of giant
Siberian cedar trees that selectively focus their stored cosmic energy onto the family lineage of those who
planted them as tiny seeds. Anastasia provides a refreshing ancient conception of the function of DNA in
the communication between plants and humans beings in creating medicinal foods that contain a unique
balance of nutrients especially selected for the person who planted the tiny seed, making contact with the
plant itself and through barefoot contact with the soil from which the plant receives nourishment.

The carefully selected words of Vedruss Elders express this timeless wisdom that reflects the deeply
embedded Sanskrit heritage once shared by all of humanity. As with all of the world's diverse languages,
the Russian language finds it roots in the Paleo-Sanskrit hieroglyphic language written and spoken by
the ancient Vedruss. The name Anastasia signifies ‘resurrection’ in the Greek language, with the more
ancient Sanskrit meaning corresponding to ‘incorruptable’, being untainted or reflecting purity.

Anastasia possesses the pristine knowledge of Creation that extends into the invisible, extraterrestrial, and
higher dimensional planes of reality, allowing her complete control over her electronic body, allowing
accurate remote viewing of any place and time. Furthermore, all the individuals of Anastasia's family line
are also capable of instantly transmitting their physical body through space and time at will, an advanced
skill defined by her grandfather as 'psychoteleportation'. They contend that this method is the natural means
for exploring the Universe that all human beings are innately capable of, given the proper Vedic training.

Other siddhis, or advanced capabilities of pure consciousness, include Anastasia's ability to regulate her
body temperature to withstand below freezing temperatures for extended periods of time without any
physical exertion or discomfort. Another great attainment reflects her ability to consciously enter into an
extended state of anabiosis for deep, uninterrupted remote viewing while hibernating during the winter
months, sealed inside her grass-filled earthen dugout enveloped in the roots of a giant tree.
Anastasia’s family glade, in the taiga forests ~25km east of the Ob River (62.65°N 66.80°E), is situated
approximately 2,760 miles from Giza, Egypt, a distance representing precisely 11.0% of Earth's mean
circumference of 24,892 miles. This resonant distance interval between Anastasia's glade and the Great
Pyramid also constitutes 1/9 of Earth's mean circumference (24,892 / 9 = 2,765).

These significant geometric relationships conform to the ancient global positioning system implemented
by the Paleo-Sanskrit pyramid-builders for infrasonic wave focusing. Anastasia's amazing mental
capabilities are induced by resonant infrasond standing waves focused by the high-precision axis-
symmetric geometry of the Great Pyramid, as brilliantly designed by Vedic adepts of the Atlantean era.

Infrasond resonance-induced electromagnetic anomalies and spontaneous piezoelectric fires recur with
great frequency along this 11.0% great circle distance, with highly unusual fires having been reported
multiple times in Mumbai, India1 and explosive aquifer upwellings from a mountain above Rangrik, India.2
Enhanced electrical ground currents have also been recorded at this 11.0% distance in Laukvik, Norway
during periods of intense solar activity resulting in severe geomagnetic storms.3
The significantly enhanced acoustic and electromagnetic fields of Anastasia's secluded forest glade has
provided her long family line of Vedic masters with the special conditions of consciousness that engender
telepathic communication between human beings, animals and plants. Among the many unusual ancient
practices of Vedic Russia, small infants were taken on aerial viewing flights by large, majestic golden
eagles trained through countless generations of conscious cooperation with advanced human beings.

Ancient Vedruss knowledge extolls the resonant healing properties of Siberian cedars, understanding the
special role of the cedar tree in the storage of cosmic energy beneficial to Man’s well-being, as concisely
explained to Vladimir by Anastasia’s grandfather –a man whose appearance belied an age of 119 years:
“God created the cedar to store cosmic energy… When someone is in a state of love they emit a radiant
energy. It takes but a split second for it to reflect off the planets floating overhead and come back to Earth to
give life to everything that breathes.”
“The Sun is one of those planets, and it reflects but a tiny fraction of such radiance… Only bright rays can travel
into Space from Man on the Earth. And only beneficial rays can be reflected from Space back to Earth.”

“Under the influence of malicious feelings Man can emit only dark rays. These dark rays cannot rise but must fall
into the depths of the Earth. Bouncing off its core, they return to the surface in the form of volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, wars, etc… The culminating achievement of these dark rays is their direct effect on the Man
originating them, invariably exacerbating the man’s own malicious feelings.”

“Cedars live to be five hundred and fifty years old. Day and night their millions of needles catch and store the
whole spectrum of bright energy. During the period of the cedars’ life all the celestial bodies which reflect this
bright energy pass above them… Even in one tiny piece of cedar there is more energy beneficial to Man than in
all the man-made energy installations taken together.”

“Cedars receive the energy emanating from Man through Space, store it up and at the right moment give it back.
They give it back when there is not enough of it in Space –and, consequently, in man– or in everything living
and growing on the Earth… After five hundred years of their life they start to ring. This is how they talk to us,
through their quiet ringing sound –this is how they signal people to take them and cut them down to make use of
their stored-up energy on the Earth. This is what the cedars are asking with their ringing sound. They keep on
asking for three whole years. If they don’t have contact with living human beings, then in three years, deprived of
the opportunity to give back what they have received and stored through the Cosmos, they loose their ability to
give it back directly to Man. Then they will start burning up the energy internally. This torturous process of
burning and dying lasts twenty-seven years.”

*Footnote – Trees indeed capture a wide range of radiation beyond the visible light. Man-made antennas are but
an imitation of branching pattern in trees. Both the structure of trees and the materials composing them betray
natural wave receptors. Tree sap is a great conductor of electricity (this is why a tree hit by lightning virtually
explodes), and static electricity was first received from amber – a fossil resin from conifer trees.
The profound Vedic awareness of the magical taiga forest and the divine healing function of its ringing
giants seems fantastical to many readers, yet these contentions are directly supported by the widely
suppressed findings of nonlinear acoustics and resonant metallurgy. A powerful resonance emanates
from circular pendants made from the wood of ringing cedars, presenting concentric circular growth rings
that represent the sacred Sanskrit mandala depiction of planetary infrasound standing waves:5
The old fellow said… this was a most unusual cedar. The
piece should be worn on one’s chest as a pendant. Hang it
around your neck while standing barefoot in the grass, and
then press it to your exposed chest with the palm of your left
hand. It takes only a minute or so to feel the pleasing
warmth emanating from the piece of cedar, followed by a
slight shiver running through the whole body…

The old fellow confidently assured me that within three

months the possessor of one of these ‘ringing cedar’
pendants would feel considerable improvement in his sense
of well-being, and will be cured of… “any and all diseases!”

The potent healing qualities that the Vedruss Elders

ascribe to the many products derived from Siberian cedars
can only be preserved for direct human healing benefits
through the careful application of ancient Vedic techniques.
Special restrictions must be observed when preparing the
resonant essential oil of the Siberian cedar nut:

I also asked my daughter and her husband to set up cedar oil production. I told them about the ancient technique
I'd learned of from Anastasia... The expression was carried out using the cold pressing method, which is
supposed to preserve the greatest amount of the oil's beneficial substances, and using wooden blocks. It was
necessary to do this, because the cedar nut kernel and oil contain the entire periodic table, and certain elements
can oxidize if they come in contact with metal. In addition, only glass containers were used during bottling...

However, it differed from cedar nut oil I'd tried in the taiga. I got the impression that it contained less life force than
the taiga cedar oil... [W]e saw a change in quality as soon as we moved the whole production process –from nut
storage to the pressing of the oil and its packaging– to a village in the taiga a hundred-and-twenty kilometers
outside the city [of Novosibirisk].

As replicated in antigravitic metallurgy,7 the presence of every element in Siberian cedar nut oil is not
observed in cedar populations outside the protective taiga forest, due to the degradation of interdependent
plant communities and environmental nutrients in most populated areas of the world today. The acoustical
and electrical energy storage capacity of giant Siberian cedars represents the natural model after which
the Atlantean pyramid network was designed –for advanced bioelectrifical qi healing techniques.8

However, misjudging the powerful energy bursts of both pyramids and ringing Siberian cedars can also
have fatal consequences, as in the case of Anastasia's parents, who were both killed by such a fatal
miscalculation. Vladimir cites Biblical references that directly support Anastasia's explanations regarding
the special resonant quality of Siberian cedars that generates their ultra-low frequency ringing sound.
Cedar wood possesses special phytoncidal properties even once its been cut, so a moth will never take up
residence in a closet made of cedar. And the Old Testament's King Solomon, who also seems to have known of
cedar's mysterious properties, built a temple out of it, having given away several entire cities of his kingdom in
exchange for certain specially chosen cedars.
rd 9
But the priests were unable to perform services in the temple because a cloud formed inside it. (3 Kings, 8:11)

This enigmatic event retold in the Bible has not been fully understood by any readers in our time or before,
for it poigniantly describes the acoustically-induced levitation of light water, resonant water molecules
exclusively composed of protium. Nikola Tesla's infrasound resonance experiments at Colorado Springs
replicated the condensation of dense fog in his lab, leading to his 1899 discovery of standing waves.10
The same invisible resonant vibratory forces that underlie natural isotopic shifts of atomic and molecular
structures in our atmosphere also mitigate interactions between all creatures on the Earth, perpetually
inundating the surface with infrasonic wave rhythms by which all life orients itself in space-time through
the expression of DNA. Electrical interaction of insects and flowers has revealed another invisible aspect
of their symbiotic relationships with a great diversity of flowering plant species (Robert et al., 2013):
[B]ees have a positive electrical charge because they fly in air, which is full of all kinds of tiny particles, such as
dust and charged molecules. Friction from these particles causes bees to lose electrons, leaving bumblebees
positively charged. Flowers, on the other hand, “are electrically connected to ground...” Unlike copper wire, which
transfers charges very quickly, plants conduct electricity very slowly and tend to possess a negative charge.

The researchers... studied how interactions between the two changed the electric fields and the bees’ behavior.
They determined that when a bee lands on a flower, this generates its own electrical field, and therefore a force.
It’s as though a mini spark results when the two connect... "[T]he bee can sense this electrically induced force.”
It appears to improve the bee’s memory of flower rewards, such as pollen and nectar, affecting later foraging...
The flower, in turn, is electrically changed for a short period after the interaction.

This fascinating aspect of insect/plant interactions also extends to physical contacts with human beings.
Insects and plants receive the same electrifying sensation and attraction for human contact, yet the
electrical reward cannot be received from human beings who are not purified in body or consciousness.
Only mindful human beings who have purified their physical bodies and maintain a resonant barefoot
lifestyle may engage in the sacred life-giving interactions with Creation as originally designed.

Adepts of Ayurveda achieve telepathic communication with the elemental spirits of Nature, known in
popular culture today as 'orb phenomena' or as ball lightning by today's scientists, which are actually
sentient plasma beings that swarm around bodies of purified water where consciousness is endowed.
Anastasia’s interactions with the luminous plasma entities was witnessed and retold by her grandfather:
[Three days after Anastasia’s parents were killed at the Ringing Cedar, Anastasia sat at their burial mound. She]
“took her first little step away from her parents’ grave, then a second step. Her little feet got mixed up in the grass
and her little body lost its balance and started to fall. But the fall – well, that was something quite unusual.”

“At the moment she fell, a barely noticeable bluish glow came flooding over the glade, and changed the Earth’s
laws of gravity just on that particular spot. It touched us too with some kind of mellow languor. Anastasia’s body
didn’t fall, but gradually and smoothly descended to the ground. Once she got up on her feet again, the bluish
light disappeared, and the normal gravitation field was restored.”

“With careful and hesitating footsteps, Anastasia went over to a little branch lying in the glade and was able to
pick it up. We realized she had started cleaning up the glade, as her mother had done many times. This wee
little girl then carried the dry branch to the edge of the glade. But once again she lost her balance, began to fall
and dropped the branch.”

“During her fall, once more the bluish glow sparked into life, changing the Earth’s gravitational field, and the
branch flew over to the little pile of dry branches lying at the edge of the glade… Some invisible presence was
carrying out little Anastasia’s desires.”

“But she wanted to do everything herself, as her Mama had done. And, no doubt in protest against this help
from her invisible ally, she thrust her little hand into the air and waved it gently above her head… We looked up
and saw it. Over the meadow we saw hanging a small spherical mass, pulsating and glowing with a pale blue
light. We could see a whole multitude of fiery discharges inside its transparent covering, giving the effect of
multicoloured lightening. Indeed, it was very similar to large ball lightening. But it was intelligent!”

“We couldn’t tell what it was made of and what kind of intelligence we were dealing with… We could feel some
kind of unknown and unseen power in it. But there was no sense of fear of this power. On the contrary, it
seemed to be radiating a pleasant, languid grace. We didn’t feel like moving. We just felt like being…”

“Even though it was a bright sunny day, the leaves on the trees and the petals on the flowers turned in its
direction. In its bluish glow there was more power than in the Sun’s rays. And it could change the Earth’s
gravitational field at the moment Anastasia fell – just in the right place and at the right time. The change was so
precise that her body descended smoothly, but yet was not torn away from the Earth.”

“Anastasia spent a long time collecting branches. Sometimes she would crawl, at other times walk all over the
meadow with slow steps, until she had cleared them all away. And the fiery sphere, still pulsating, hovered over
the wee little one. But it no longer helped her pick up the branches. The powerful fiery sphere seemed to
understand the gesture of her little hand and obeyed it.”

“Expanding and dissolving in Space, contracting and producing internal discharges (like flashbulbs) of some
kind of energy from goodness-knows-where, the sphere would momentarily disappear and then reappear, as
though it were somehow excited, and this excitement caused it to sweep through space at incredible speed…”

“She stood and looked at the place where she had always slept with her Mama at this time, but now there was
no Mama around… It was not clear just what she was thinking at that moment, only once again a tiny tear
glistened in a sunbeam on Anastasia’s face. And right away the bluish glow came pulsating across the glade,
flashing at irregular intervals.”

“Anastasia raised her little head, saw the pulsating mass of light, sat down on the grass and began staring at it
continuously. It remained still under her gaze. For some time she just sat there staring like that. Then she held
out both her little arms in its direction, as she was wont to do when summoning one of the creatures to her side.
At that point the fiery sphere sparked up in a multitude of powerful lightening bolts, reaching out beyond its blue
covering, and… made a dash for her arms like a fiery comet. Looking as though it had the ability to sweep
away everything in its path, it took only a split second to reach Anastasia’s face, start rotating and with one of
its lightening flashes wiped away a tiny tear glistening on her cheek. And at this point it extinguished all the
discharges and became a pale blue, faintly glowing sphere in the arms of the little one sitting on the grass.”

“For a time Anastasia sat there holding it, examining it and stroking it in her hands. Then she got up, lifted up
the blue sphere, and with careful steps carried it over and put it down on the place she used to sleep with her
mother. And again she caressed it gently.”
“The sphere took up a position on the ground and pretended to doze off, just as Anastasia’s mother had
done. And the little girl lay down beside it. She fell asleep. She slept there on the grass, all curled up into a
ball. The sphere took flight, disappearing into the heavenly heights, then spread itself low over the glade, as
though it were a blanket. Later, once more contracting into a small, pulsating ball, it took up a position next to
Anastasia, who was still sleeping on the grass, and began stroking her hair. It was a strange and unusual
caressing. With the most delicate luminescent and flickering threads of lightening, it took each individual
strand of hair, lifted it and caressed it.”
“On subsequent visits to Anastasia in her glade, we saw it again on several occasions. We realized that to
Anastasia it was something quite natural, just like the Sun, or the Moon, or the trees and animals around her.
And she had conversations with it, just as she did with everything else around her. But it was evident she made
a distinction between it and the other things in her environment. The distinction wasn’t too noticeable in terms
of outward expression, but there was a definite impression that she treated it with just a little more respect than
other things, and sometimes she would even play up to it. She never played up to anyone else, but for some
reason she allowed herself to behave this way with the sphere. It reacted to her mood and even played along.”

“The morning Anastasia turned four,” Grandfather continued, “we were standing at the edge of the glade
waiting for her to wake up. We wanted to quietly watch and see how she would delighted in the new spring day
that was unfolding.”

“The sphere appeared just a moment before she woke up. It glistened faintly with its bluish glow, either
spreading itself in a shower of light or dissolving over the whole Space of the glade. And we beheld a natural
living picture made by no human hand – it was charming and magnificent.”

“The whole glade was transformed – the surrounding trees, the grass, even the bugs. The needles of the
cedars began to shine in a host of soft hues. Behind the squirrels springing from branch to branch could be
seen rainbow trails sparkling and dissolving. The grass was lit up in a soft green glow. An even more
pronounced multicoloured glow emanated from the multitude of bugs scurrying through the grass, forming an
unusually vivid and beautiful carpet spreading its way across the glade, constantly morphing itself into new
intricate and marvelous patterns. Upon awakening, Anastasia opened her eyes to behold and extraordinary
living panorama, full of enchantment. She jumped up and gazed all ‘round.”
“She smiled, as she always did in the morning, and everything around her responded to her smile with an even
brighter glow and accelerated movement. Then Anastasia carefully knelt down and began meticulously
examining the grass and the shining, multicoloured bugs scurrying about. When she lifted up her head, the
slightly worried look on her face betrayed a measure of concentration. She looked up and, even though nothing
was visible up there, stretched her little arms to the sky. All at once the still air stirred, and in her hands
appeared the bluish sphere. She held it up to her face, then put it down on the grass and tenderly stroked it.
And we could hear their conversation. Anastasia was the only one who actually spoke, but we had the distinct
impression that the sphere was understanding her and even silently responding. Anastasia spoke with it
tenderly, with just a touch of sadness:”

“’You are good. You are very good. You wanted to delight me with your beauty. Thank you. But change it back,
please change it back to the way it was before. And do not ever change it again.’”

“The blue sphere emitted another pulse, then lifted slightly off the ground, and the lightening discharges flashed
from within. But the glowing scene did not fade. Anastasia fixed her gaze upon it and spoke to it once again:”

“’Every little beetle, bug and ant has its Mama. All Mamas love their children just the way they were born. It
does not matter how many legs they have or what colour they are. You have changed everything. How will the
Mamas recognize their children now? Please, make everything as it was before!’”

“The sphere gave a faint flash, and everything in the glade was restored to the way it looked before. Once
again it descended to Anastasia’s feet. She stroked it and offered a ‘Thank-you!’ She stared silently at the
sphere for a while, and when she spoke to it again, her words really impressed us. She told it:”

“’Do not come to see me again. I like being with you. You are always trying to do only what is good for
everyone, always trying to help. But do not come visit me. I know you have a very large glade of your own. But
you think very fast, so fast that I cannot understand all at once. Only later shall I understand a bit. You move
faster than everything else. Much faster than the birds and the breeze. You do everything very fast and very
well, and I know that is how you must do it to get everything done, to do good in your own very large glade.
But when you are with me, it means that you are not there. So when you are with me, there is no one to do
good in the other glade. Go away. You need to take care of the large glade.”

“The blue sphere contracted into a little lump, and took off way up high. It began sweeping through Space,
sparkling more brightly than usual, and once more plunged down like a fiery comet to Anastasia, who was still
sitting in the same spot. It stayed still beside her head for a while, then a multitude of tiny flickering rays reached
out to Anastasia’s long hair and stroked each strand individually, right down to the tip.”

“’What are you taking your time for?’ Anastasia said quietly. ‘You should get going back to those who are
waiting for you. I’ll make everything alright here myself. And I will be happy to know that everything is alright in
the large glade too. I shall be able to feel you. And I want you to think of me too, but just occasionally.’”

“The blue sphere began ascending, but not with its usual carefree bounce. It rose from Anastasia in fitful bursts,
and finally disappeared into space. But it left something invisible all around. Each time when something
happened that affected Anastasia negatively, the surrounding space would grow still, as though paralyzed. That
is why you lost consciousness when you tried to touch her without her consent. She pacifies this phenomenon
by waving her hands in the air whenever she can. Just as before she wants to do everything all by herself.”

“We asked our little Anastasia: ‘What was that glowing thing that was hovering over the glade, what do you call it?’”
“She thought for a bit, and then answered briefly: ‘I would call it Good, Grandpakins.’”
I think the most unusual, mystical phenomenon I witnessed during my time in the forest was Anastasia’s ability
to see individuals not only at great distance but also what was going on in their lives… She did this with the
help of an invisible ray. She maintained that this was something everybody has, but people don’t know about it
and are unable to make use of it.

“The ray I am telling you about consists of information one possesses –concepts, intuitions, emotional feelings
and, as a result, of dream-like visions consciously controlled by man’s will… Wide awake! As if pre-
programmed, and with absolute accuracy…”

“Lie down on the grass and relax, let go, so that your body draws less energy. It is important that you are
comfortable… Now think about the person you know best –your wife, for example. Recollect her habits, how
she walks, her clothing, where you think she might be right now, and turn the whole thing over to your

“It is absolutely necessary to keep one’s thoughts pure, as the strength of the ray depends on the strength of
radiant feelings… They are what power the ray…”

All day long Anastasia engages in meditation, visualizing all sorts of situations from our past, present and
future life…
Mastery of astral travel engages the innate human ability to utilize the 'rainbow body', energy body or
electronic body that is an invisible part of the human double-body, described by seers as an exact duplicate
of the structure of electrons moving through the physical human body, that can be separated from the
physical body and travel the astral planes according to the will of the seer. The pathways of the akashic
field can only rarely be seen, as on the 9/9/9 plasma plumes recorded in Longview, Texas (p. 36).14
Anastasia is also able to accomplish remote healing by applying her skilled use of the ray of love:
“Why do people admit the Earth to be a celestial body, the greatest creation of the Supreme Mind with each
system component as His greatest achievement, and then go tear this system apart and devote so much effort
to its destruction?”

“You see a manufactured space ship or aeroplane as something natural, in spite of the fact that all its
components are made of broken and re-melted parts of the original supreme system.”

“Imagine a being who breaks off a piece of an aeroplane in flight and uses its parts to make himself a hammer
or a scraper, and then praises himself for having succeeded in making a primitive tool. He does not understand
that one cannot keep breaking pieces off a flying aeroplane indefinitely.”

“How can you not grasp that our Earth must not be tortured like that?...”

“The computer is considered to be an achievement of the human mind, but few realize that the computer may
simply be compared to a prosthesis of the brain.”

“You could imagine what would happen to a person’s normal, healthy legs if they walked on crutches all the
time. Naturally, their leg muscles would atrophy.”

“No machine will ever be superior to the human brain, provided the brain is kept in constant training.”

Anastasia rubbed at a tear rolling down her cheek and stubbornly persisted in elucidating the incredible
revelations of her extraordinary logic…

According to Anastasia, the Sun is something like a mirror. It reflects emanations from the Earth which are
invisible to the eye. These emanations come from people in a state of love, joy or some other radiant feeling.
Reflecting off the Sun, they return to Earth in the form of sunlight and give life to everything on the planet…

Anastasia also stated that one man’s feelings can be transmitted to another by reflecting off the celestial
bodies, and she demonstrated this by the following example:

“Nobody on Earth can deny that you can feel when somebody loves you. This feeling is especially noticeable
when you are with a person who loves you. You call it intuition. In fact, invisible light-waves emanate from the
one who loves. But the love can be felt, if it is strong enough, even when the individual is absent. By drawing
upon this feeling and understanding its nature, one can do wonders. This is what you call miracles, mysticism
or incredible abilities. Tell me, Vladimir, do you not feel somewhat better with me now? Somehow lighter,
warmer, more fulfilled?”

“Yes,” I replied. “For some reason I have stated to feel warmer.”

“Now watch what happens when I concentrate on you even more strongly.”

Anastasia lowered her eyelids ever so slightly, slowly stepped back a few paces and stopped. A pleasant
feeling of warmth started running through my body. It gradually intensified, but didn’t burst into flame, and didn’t
make me hot. Anastasia turned and began to slowly walk away, hiding behind the thick trunk of a tall tree. The
sensation of pleasant warmth did not lessen, and to it was added another –as though something were helping
my heart pump blood through my veins, and with every heartbeat came the impression that the bloodstreams
were instantly reaching to every little vein in my body. The soles of my feet broke out into a heavy sweat and
became very moist.
“You see? Now is it all clear to you?” Anastasia said as she triumphantly reappeared from behind the tree,
confident that she had proved something to me. “You see, you felt all that when I went behind the tree-trunk,
and your sensations even increased when you could not see me. Tell me about them.”

I told her, and then asked in return: “What does the tree-trunk show?”

“What do you think? The waves of information and light went directly from me to you. When I hid myself, the
tree-trunk was supposed to significantly distort them, since it has its own information and its own glow, but this
did not happen. The waves of feelings began to fall directly upon you, reflecting off the celestial bodies, and
even intensified. Then I caused what you call a ‘miracle’ – your feet began to perspire. You failed to mention
that fact.”

“I didn’t think it was important. How do my feet perspiring constitute a miracle?”

“I chased all sorts of diseases out of your body through your feet. You should feel a lot better now. It is even
noticeable on the outside – you are not slouching as much.”

Indeed, I was feeling better physically.

“So, when you concentrate like that you dream up something, and whatever you want comes to pass?”

“That describes it, more or less.”

“And does what you dream about always come to pass – even when you’re asking for something besides
bodily healing?”

“Always. As long as it is not an abstract dream. As long as it is detailed down to the minutest aspects and does
not contradict the laws of spiritual being. I do not always manage, however, to come up with a dream like that.
Thought has to proceed extremely quickly and there must be a corresponding vibration of feelings, and then it
will definitely come true. It is a very natural process…”

Putney A (2011) 'Piezoelectric Fires in Mumbai, India' Human Resonance, online

Putney A (2009) 'Resonance in Rangrik, India' Human Resonance, online

Putney A (2010) 'Infrasound Pulsations Generate Ground Currents and Piezoelectric Fires' Human Resonance,

online ·
Megré V (2005) ‘Anastasia’ Ringing Cedars Press, pp.6-8
Putney A (2008) ‘Ø’ Human Resonance, online ·
Op cit, Megré ‘Anastasia’, pp.3-7
Putney A (2011) 'Resonant Atomic Transmutation of Metals' Human Resonance, online

Putney A (2012) 'The Quantum Trappings of a Golden Age - Part 1' Human Resonance, online

Megré V (2013) ‘Anasta’ Ringing Cedars Press, p.4
Putney A (2009) 'Veil of Invisibility - A Selection from Chapter 1: Curious George' Human Resonance online

Sarich C (2013) 'Bioelectromagnetics: Bees & Flowers Communicate Using Electrical Fields, Scientists Find' Natural

Society, online ·

Megré V (2008) ‘The Ringing Cedars of Russia’ Ringing Cedars Press - pp.174-181
Op cit, Megré ‘Anastasia’, pp.44-49
Mouton-Howe L (2009) ‘Eerie ‘Blades of Light’ in Longview, Texas – September 9-10, 2009’ Human Resonance,

online ·
Op cit, Megré ‘Anastasia’, pp.166-169


Eternal Life
Eternal Life

Penetrating ancient Vedic knowledge of the

continuity of life’s endless cycles through divine
reincarnative processes offer immortality to the
human soul by retention of the memory normally
revoked after each successive incarnation.

The capacity for retention of memory through one

life to the next is attained through the regular
meditation practice that adepts employ to great
practical advantage on the material plane of Earth.
Knowledge of the divine purpose of all living
creatures of the Earth, including mankind, enables
the highest fruition of human consciousness by
heartbeat resonance with Nature in all its forms.

The deep, penetrating rhythms of the human

heart radiates a synchronization pattern that the
insects, plants and animals of our environment
align with naturally. Human beings are blessed
with a hidden Spiritual Metabolism based on
phonon resonance transmutation that underlies
the physical metabolism of the digestive system:

“All around him were a multitude of fruits with a variety of tastes, berries and edible grasses. During those first
days Adam felt no sense of hunger. He remained satisfied with fresh air alone… Adam was born in a
marvelous garden, and the air surrounding him did not contain a single harmful particle. Pollen had been
dissolved into that air, along with drops of purest dew…”

“Back then Man was not distracted from his great works by any problems of finding food. He was fed by
everything around him, through the air. This was the way it was all designed by the Creator right from the very
beginning, so that all life on Earth should strive to please Man, and the air and the water and the breeze would
be life-giving, under the impulse of love…”

“For new birth, so that the cells of your body may constantly renew themselves, living air and water are

Anastasia explains the original condition of the human being on Earth, and the source of health benefits
experienced by modern people that reconnect with the Earth directly: “If you make connections with the
plants in your garden-plot, they will take care of you and cure you. They will make the right diagnoses all
by themselves and prepare the most effective medicine especially designed for you.” 2

The potency of life force and awareness in a seed cannot be understood by those who do not
understand its profound function in psycho-spiritual terms. Echoing the advanced vital knowledge of her
Atlantean forefathers, Anastasia provides the timeless Vedic understanding of ‘the Seed as Physician’:

“Every seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe. Nothing
made by human hands can compare with this information either in size or accuracy. Through the help of these
data the seed knows the exact time, down to the millisecond, when it is to come live, to grow, what juices it is to
take from the Earth, how to make use of the rays of the celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon and stars – what it is
to go into, what fruit to bring forth. These fruits are designed to sustain Man’s life. More powerfully and
effectively than any manufactured drugs of the present or future, these fruits are capable of counteracting and
withstanding any disease of the human body. But to this end the seed must know about the human condition.
So that during the maturation process it can satiate its fruit with the right correlation of substances to heal a
specific individual of his disease, if indeed he has it or is prone to it.
“In order for the seed of a cucumber, tomato or any other plant grown in one’s plot to have such information,
the following steps are necessary:”

“Before planting, put into your mouth one or more little seeds, hold them in your mouth, under the tongue, for at
least nine minutes.”

“Then place the seed between the palms of your hands and hold it there for about 30 seconds. During this time
it is important that you be standing barefoot on the spot of earth where you will later be planting it.”

“Open your hands, and carefully raise the seed which you are holding to your mouth. Then blow on it lightly,
warming it with your breath, and the wee little seed will know everything that is within you.”

“Then you need to hold it with your hands open for another thirty seconds, presenting the seed to the celestial
bodies. And the seed will determine the moment of its awakening. The planets will all help it! And they will give
the sprouts the light they need to produce food especially for you.”

“After that you may plant the seed in the ground. In no case should you water it right off, so as not to wash
away the saliva that is now covering it, along with other information about you that the seed will take in. It can
be watered three days after planting.”

“The planting must be done on days appropriate to each vegetable (people already know this, from the lunar
calendar). In the absence of watering, a premature planting is not as harmful as an overdue planting…”

“It is not a good idea to pull up all weeds growing in the vicinity of the plants. At least one of each kind should
be left in place. The weeds can be cut back…”

According to Anastasia, the seed is thus able to take in information about the person who plants it, and then,
during the cultivation of its fruit, it will pick up from the Universe and the Earth the maximum amount of energies
needed for a given individual. The weeds should not be disposed of completely, as they have their own
appointed function. Some weeds serve to protect the plant from disease while others give supplemental
information. During the cultivation time it is vital to communicate with the plant. And it is desirable to approach it
and touch it during the full moon at least once during its growth period.

Anastasia maintains that fruit cultivated from the seed in this manner, and consumed by the individual who
cultivated it, is capable not only of curing him of all diseases of the flesh whatsoever but also of significantly
retarding the ageing process, rescuing him from harmful habits, tremendously increasing his mental abilities
and giving him a sense of inner peace. The fruit will have the most effective influence when consumed no later
than three days after harvesting… The fruit of plants grown like this will be distinguished from other plants of
the same species not only in taste. If analysed, it will be seen that they are also distinct in terms of the
substances they contain.

When planting the seedlings, it is important to soften the dirt in the excavated hole with one’s fingers and bare
toes, and spit into the hole. Responding to my question “Why the feet?”, Anastasia explained that through
perspiration from one’s feet come substances (toxins, no doubt) containing information about bodily diseases.
This information is taken in by the seedlings. They transmit it to the fruit, which will thus be enabled to
counteract diseases. Anastasia recommended walking around the plot barefoot from time to time…

“It is not just the variety of plants that is significant, but also how they are planted – the direct communication
with them that allows them to take in the information they need… It is essential to infuse the little patch of
Nature surrounding you with information about yourself. Only then will the healing effect and the life-giving
support of your body be significantly higher…”

“The chief physician is your own body. Right from the start it is endowed with the ability to know which herb
should be used and when. How to eat and breathe. It is capable of warding off disease even before its outward
manifestation. And nobody else can replace your body, for this is your personal physician, given individually to
you by God, and personal only to you. I am telling you how to provide it with the opportunity to act beneficially
on your behalf.”
These remarkably simple instructions and advice for entering into the highest possible conscious
communication with the plants in your living space cannot be understated, but require careful
contemplation and experimentation. This line of inquiry and vital communication offer the greatest hope
for the uplifting of human consciousness at this time of the Great Purification of the Earth, just as
predicted in so many ancient sources including the Bible and a plethora of Native American prophecies.

Resonant infrasonic synchronization of all human beings on the face of the Earth, as artificially
engendered by the Atlantean pyramid network in ancient times, will follow a great tectonic upheaval of
the planet that will completely change the forms and coastlines of the landmasses of every continent.
The atmospheric conditions of Earth will also revert back to the original atomic configuration, as water
vapor is electrified to form HHO plasma, and tree-like structures of stationary red sprites cover the skies.

These astonishing changes will shock the masses of people left unprepared for such an unusual
occurrence, yet the signs have been given in myriad forms and expressions to which the intuitive human
mind is well attuned. The resonant vibratory interactions of a human being with the living creatures of his
or her environment becomes the foundation for mastering the ability for astral travel through the
psychosphere, called the planetary field of Akasha among ancient Sanskrit traditions. Anastasia gives a
profound lesson on this complex subject using a simple demonstration of the resonant effect of heartbeat
entrainment that she has mastered through creating the Space of Love in which she dwells:

“Listen now… please tell me what sounds you hear around you.” I listened, and my hearing caught a wide
range of sounds, all different in tonality, rhythm and continuity.

I began naming the sound aloud. The birds singing in the trees, the chirping and clicking of insects in the grass,
the rustle of the leaves, the fluttering and flapping of birds’ wings. I named everything I could hear, then fell
silent and went on listening. This was pleasant and very interesting for me.

“You have not named everything,” Anastasia observed.

“Everything,” I replied. “Well, maybe I left out something not very significant or something I didn’t catch – not
anything important, that is.”

“Vladimir, do you not hear how my heart is beating?” asked Anastasia. Could I really not have been paying
attention to this sound? The sound of her heart beating?

“Yes,” I hastened to respond. “Of course I hear it, I hear it very well, it is beating evenly and calmly.”

“Try to memorise the intervals of the various sounds you hear. You can choose the principle sounds and
memorise them.” I selected the chirping of some insect, the cawing of a crow and the gurgling and splash of the
water in the stream.

“Now I shall increase the tempo of my heartbeat and you listen to see what happens all around.” Anastasia’s
heartbeat increased in frequency, and right away the rhythm of the sounds I could hear around me joined in
with a heightened tonality.

“That’s astounding! Simply incredible!” I exclaimed. “What are you saying Anastasia, are they so sensitive to
the rhythm of your heartbeat?”

“Yes. Everything – absolutely everything: a little blade of grass, a big tree, even the bugs – they all react to any
change in the rhythm of my heart. The trees accelerate their inner processes, and work harder to produce

“Is this how all the plants and animals in people’s environment react?” I asked.

“No. In your world they do not understand to whom they should react, and you do not try to make contact with
them. Besides, you do not understand the purpose of such contact, and do not give them sufficient information
about yourselves.”

“Something similar might happen between the plants and people who work on their little garden-plots, if only
people would do everything I outlined to you, imbue the seed with information about themselves and begin to
communicate more consciously with their plants. Do you want me to show what Man will feel when he makes
such contact?”

“Of course I want you to. But how will you do that?”

“I shall tune the rhythm of my heartbeat to yours, and you will feel it.”

She slid her hand inside my shirt. Her warm palm lightly pressed against my chest. Little by little her heart
adjusted its tuning and began beating in the same rhythm as mine. And something most amazing happened: I
felt an unusually pleasant sensation, as though my mother and my relatives were right there beside me. A
sense of softness and good health came over my body, and my heart was filled with joy, freedom and a whole
new sense of creation.

The range of surrounding sounds caressed me and communicated the truth – not a truth comprehensible in all
its detail, just something I felt intuitively. I had the impression that all the pleasing and joyous feelings I had ever
experienced in my life were now merging into a single and wonderful sensation. Perhaps it is this sensation that
is called happiness.

But as soon as Anastasia began to change the rhythm of her heartbeat, the wonderful sensation started to
leave me. I asked:

“More! Please let me feel it some more, Anastasia!”

“I cannot do that for long. After all, I have my own rhythm.”

Such profound demonstrations of heartbeat resonance must be experienced to be even remotely
understood, as the bodily sensations that accompany such an experience are powerful, to offer an
understatment. The family life of an individual who succeeds in mastering Ayurveda unfolds in the
divine pattern of Creation, as revealed by Anastasia during her discussion of child-bearing in love:

Parents should impart to their co-creation the

three most important points, the three primary
planes of being…”

He and she build their splendid living home in

love for one another and in thoughts about
their future co-creation. And they visualize
how their son or daughter will be happy in that
place. How their offspring will hear its first
sounds – its mother’s breathing and the
singing of the birds, God’s creations. Then
they will visualize how their child, when he
grows up, will want to rest in his parents’
garden after a hard day’s journey and sit in
the shade of a cedar tree. In the shade of a
tree planted in love for him by his parents’
hands, with thoughts of him, in their native
land. The planting of the family tree on the
part of the future parents will define this first
point, and this point in turn will call upon the
planets to aid then in their future co-creation.
It is vital! It is important! And above all else it
belongs to God! It is confirmation that you will
be creating in His likeness. In the likeness of
Him, the Grand Creator! And He will rejoice in
the conscious awareness of his son and

“Thought is the origin of everything. Please

believe me, Vladimir. The currents of all the
divers energies of the Universe will unite in
that spot where the thoughts of two have
merged into one in love, where two together
are contemplating a splendid creation.”

“The second point, or rather, yet another

human plane, will be born and light a new star
in the heavens when two bodies merge into
one – merge in love and with thoughts of a
splendid creation – in the very place where
you build your Paradise home, your living
home for your future child.”

“Then the wife who has conceived should live in that spot for nine months. And it is the best of all if these
months are the blossoming of spring, the sweet fragrance of summer, and the fruits of autumn. Where nothing
will distract her except for joy and pleasant feelings. Where the wife, in whom a co-creation is already dwelling
splendidly, is surrounded only by the sounds of Divine creations. She lives there and feels with her whole self
the whole Universe. And the future mother should see the stars. And mentally give all the stars and all the
planets to her splendid child as a gift – something the mother can do all with the greatest of ease, something
completely within her power. And everything will follow the mother’s thought without hesitation. And the
Universe will be a faithful servant to the splendid creation these two people have produced in love.”

“And a third point, a new plane of being should come about in that space. Right there on the spot where the
conception occurred the birth should take place. And the father should stay close around. And the great all-
loving Father will raise over the three of them a crown.”
Volodya once again took hold of my hand and off we ran. When we reached the shore of the lake, he instructed
me to wash myself and swim around a bit. Upon coming out of the water, I noticed him extracting a clay jar
from a hole in the ground, about a litre and a half in size.

“Now, Papa, you need to drink this water. It is called dead water – because it contains very few microbes. This
water should not be drunk if the air is polluted. But we have pure air here, so it is alright to drink dead water. It
will rinse your insides and cleanse them, and wash out a lot of microbes and bacteria from your body. Drink as
much as you can, Papa. When you have drunk up this whole jar, I shall give you another, and when you have
finished that I shall give you a third jar, containing living water. And all the microbes and bacteria you need will
be restored in a balance that is just right for you.”

I should point out right off that Volodya and his family consider dead water to be that found at great depth’s
below the Earth’s surface and containing a minimum of bacteria… Living water, on the other hand, they
consider to be surface water from pure streams or bodies of water, a few of which have indeed been preserved
in the depths of the Siberian taiga… Grandfather later explained to me that spring water is not considered living
water when you drink it right out of the spring. To be considered ‘living water’, it must first be kept for three
hours or so in a wooden or clay vessel with a wide neck.

“Living water needs to absorb sunlight,” he said. “With the aid of sunlight, organisms are generated which are
indispensable to human life. You call them microbes and bacteria.” Then the water should stand in the shade
for at least another three hours. After that it can be drunk as ‘living water’.
According to Volodya's insights, properly prepared living water is full of microorganisms that can very
quickly rebalance the intestinal flora. The specific conditions of electrification by mild Earth currents is
achieved by simply keeping the springwater in a ceramic jar dug into the ground to allow the flow of
electricity through the highly conductive ceramic into the water. This electrical exposure effectively kills
any and all pathogens present in the water, while fueling the growth of probiotic bacteria and
cyanobacteria, which benefit from exposure to mild electrical currents.

Exposure to indirect sunlight stimulates the growth of cyanobacteria and blue-green algae present in all
healthy freshwater lakes and rivers. These two classes of nutrient-rich microorganisms constitute the
most complete foods available to us, and has been well-studied for its many health benefits.

The most important benefit offered by ingestion of cyanobacteria and blue-green algae are bioavailable
nanoparticles of the great abundance of elements, thereby increasing the body's resonant characteristics
by incorporating a great variety of atomic frequencies and enhancing the vibratory resonance of the body.

This same principle inspires the ancient Ayurvedic practice of drinking Soma colloidal elixirs7 and other
beverages containing plant ash, as well as the practice of eating rare volcanic earths called shiligit, which
are highly valued for their contribution of bioavailable nanoparticles containing all of the minerals, metals
and encompassing the full breadth of the elements of Nature.
The great importance of nanominerals obtained from cyanobacteria was discussed with contactee Billy
Eduard Meier during Contact 228 of May 1, 1989 (spirulina was classified as blue-green alga at that time):
Quetzal: ... Plankton and algae, are diverse and, moreover, are not only satisfying but also health-sustaining
and health-promoting, for they contain many vital substances such as various acids, vitamins, as well as trace
elements and minerals. Such foods can be found both in salty seas as well as in fresh waters, so therefore in
brooks, rivers, streams, and lakes.

(Note by Billy, May, 2003: with the addressed nutrients from seas and freshwater, it concerns, on the one hand,
as explained by Quetzal, vegetal and organism-related plankton and, on the other hand, algae and other
aquatic plants of the most diverse kinds. But primarily, a freshwater alga, namely an algal species by the name
of Spirulina platensis, lies behind it – a bluish green, microscopic alga [general name: “blue-green alga”], whose
spirally coiled cellular filaments [hence, spirulina] exhibit a size of approximately 0.3 mm.

The genus of blue-green algae comprises about 1,400 species, which are spread all over the world, but they
appear, as explained, mainly in freshwater and much less in seawater. Originally, the species of blue-green
algae grew in tropical and clean as well as mineral-rich waters of Asia, Africa, and South America, and they
were particularly widespread in lakes. The microscopic alga draws its essential nutrients from sunlight, water,
and heat. Through photosynthesis – in the case of 40 to 50° Celsius – it binds minerals, trace elements, and
vitamins, which are present in the ground, as well as in the air and in the water, and converts them into a
complex and natural and very valuable food.
Spirulina platensis has a very thin cell membrane and, thus, no cell wall made of indigestible cellulose, as this
is given, in contrast, to other microscopic algae and plants. This thin cell membrane ensures that the spirulina
food-algae can take in the very valuable substances of the blue-green alga in the gastro-intestinal tract in an
optimally receptive manner and in the human organism very well.

If one looks at the ingredients of Spirulina platensis as percentages, then there are 60% proteins, 14%
carbohydrates, 8.6% ashes, 6.4% raw fibers, and 6% fats. In addition, Spirulina platensis contains a whole
number of essential and nonessential amino acids, essential fatty acids, plant pigments, vitamins, minerals, and
nucleic acids.

While Meier's examination of spirulina provides all the relevant information concerning the food source's
amazing array of benefits for physical health, the powerful psychic enhancement endowed by the
resonant properties of the alchemical food substance cannot be overlooked. The most balanced and
effective blend of natural alchemical foods for facilitating psychic development includes cyanobacteria,
blue-green algae, cilantro, chlorella, alfalfa, pollen and fresh dew off leaves on a misty morning.

Anastasia's psychic attainment has progressed through several stages, finally arriving at the point where
she duels with negative forces who block her progress on a regular basis, in some kind of program of
control that is very difficult to understand in simple terms. Anastasia describes one of her tasks in dueling
with negative psychic forces is to absorb the negative energy within herself and thereby divert the attack
from her fellow beings on Earth and throughout the universe. She focuses it onto herself to help others.

Negative energy beams have been focused onto Anastasia's body from discoidal spacecraft hovering
high in the sky directly above, as she lays in her glade during astral travel. Interference in her activities is
conducted by extraterrestrial entities who are dominated by an obsession with subjugating terrestrial
humanity on Earth as their slaves. While Anastasia directly confronts these transdimensional entities on
the psychic plane, their attacks have also focused on her physical body:

“Prepare yourself, all wickedness and evil-mindedness, to leave the Earth behind and fall upon me!”… And the
wickedness began to attack Anastasia with an invisible energy…

The white circles started appearing, bleaching the grass all around. It happened sometimes that Anastasia
would lose consciousness momentarily. And we didn’t know how to help her.

Our little granddaughter did not ask us for help. And because she didn’t ask, that meant unquestionably that
this was something she had to work out all on her own… More recently, however, we began to notice these
attacks on her getting more and more severe. It was as though evil were simply agonizing to carry out these
final attacks.
But our granddaughter’s tenacity was growing at the same time. Lately the routine blows have simply caused
her to give a shudder and head for the lakeshore. Somehow the lake water has been able to quickly restore her
strength. After splashing and diving in the water, she’s come out at full strength, as before.

On one particular day we saw Anastasia heading for the lake after one of the usual blows, but she was treading
very carefully. When she stopped to lean against a cedar trunk and rest, Father said with some alarm:

“Today our granddaughter is having a particularly difficult challenge to handle. It’s really been hard on her.
Look, and you will see some grey strands in her golden hair.”

Then we saw Anastasia push off from the trunk, take one step and then another in the direction of the lake.
Then she stumbled and stopped once more.

It was at this point that the fiery sphere appeared from space, right in front of her. But this time its lightening
flashes were changing colours, as though volcanic ashes were seething inside it. And then all of a sudden it
would look as though fierce fiery arrows were piercing through an invisible protective shield – floods of them
dashing out and disappearing in space. But the sphere was not decreasing but increasing in size, while the
diverse energies inside it were condensing and seething with ever-greater intensity. The sphere itself was not
suspended in space, but contracted and expanded like a heart. Then all at once it fell still, as though trying to
make a decision. And thousands of lightening trills of energy dashed out in Anastasia’s direction.

At just that point this sinking girl managed to raise her hand, Father and I failed to detect, even though we were
watching the whole event, trying not to blink. We knew what this gesture meant. She was shielding herself from
the lightening trills directed at her. But why? At that time we still weren’t in a position to understand.

But one thing was clear: the fiery sphere, through its energy, was capable of fully restoring her strength. Not
only that, but it could also endow Anastasia with fresh energy, whereby outward attacks could not longer hold
any terror for our granddaughter. But why did she decide to act on her own?

The tongues of fire extended in her direction quivered, but did not touch Anastasia, standing there with her
hand raised. They either disappeared in the sphere, which was still raging with tremendous energy, or dashed
out once more, reaching out in her direction but, as before, not touching her.

And then all at once, with slow and tender words, she addressed the fiery sphere and its tongues of light:
“I implore You now to contain the bursts of Your energy. Do not touch me. I can restore my strength in Your
lake as before. I just need to make it to the shore.”

In an instant the sphere gathered up all its quivering tongues of light from all around, and kept pulsating like a
heart. It swept upward in a flash – it seemingly cracked asunder and then contracted. Its myriad tongues made
a dash for the ground, touching everything on the path leading to the lake from Anastasia’s feet.

And another vision arose. The path began to sparkle with millions of colours of pulsating light, making a
multicoloured rainbow arc over the path leading to the lake from Anastasia’s feet. It was a wondrous site
indeed! Anastasia’s pathway now lay through a triumphal arch!

She took a step, but to one side. She

did not follow the route marked out for
her by the fiery sphere. She slowly
attained the shore and dived in, then
resurfaced and simply lay on the water
with outstretched arms. Then she
started splashing about –her strength
had returned.

Anastasia’s behaviour in relation to the

fiery sphere, which was really in relation
to God, was beyond our
comprehension. But what happened
next is comparable to a turning point in
the consciousness of all mankind, or to
a change of balance in the energies of
the universe. What happened next

Throwing on a little dress over her still

wet body, she carefully smoothed out its
folds, straightened her hair, then
pressed her hands to her breast and
began speaking out into space:

“My Father, You are present everywhere!

I am your daughter amidst Your perfect
creations. I must put an end to the
dispute among the entities in the
Universe as to whether Your creation are
perfect, or whether they might be flawed.”

“My Father, You are present everywhere! You have fulfilled my request and not touch me. None of them will
now say that Paradise will return to the Earth only when God corrects His imperfect creations!”

“But there is nothing requiring Your correction. You created all right from the start in perfection. My Father,
present everywhere, I am not alone. In all the corners of the Earth there are sons and daughters of Your own.
And they have mighty aspirations. They will restore the Earth to the marvelous flowering of its original pristine

“My Father, present everywhere, we are your sons and daughters. We are created by you. We are perfection.”

“And now we shall show everyone what we can do. And may You be delighted by our actions.”

When Anastasia uttered these words and then fell silent, the fiery sphere which had been resting high above
made a dash for the ground. About three meters from Anastasia’s feet it dispersed into millions of tiny sparks all
around, and then in an instant gathered itself back together into a single whole.

Only this single whole was no longer a fiery sphere.

There in front of Anastasia stood a child of (in Earth terms) about seven years. It is difficult to say whether it
was a boy or a girl. The child’s shoulders were covered by a fabric with a pale purple-bluish sheen that looked
as though it were made out of mist itself. The child’s hair fell around his shoulders. The expression on the
child’s face was one of intelligence, confidence and grace. Rather, the expression on the child’s face was
impossible to convey in words – it could only be described in terms of the feelings which overflowed our souls.

The young child stood barefoot on the grass without trampling even a single blade. Anastasia knelt to the
ground in front of Him, then sat down on the grass, her eyes fixed on His extraordinary face. It seemed that in
the very next second He and she would embrace, but this did not happen. The child smiled at Anastasia. With a
careful utterance of each sound, He said:

“Thank you, sons and daughters, for your aspirations.”

Then as He dissipated into space, the fiery sphere once more appeared high above, glistening with a joyful light
of the like nobody had ever seen before. It made several circles over the lake, and for five minutes or so drops
of warm rain soothed everything growing around, as well as the smooth surface of the lake… The moisture was
invigorating. A few drops fell on my arm without rolling off. Instead, they dissolved, filling my body with a
luxuriant bliss.

As powerfully witnessed in Chelyabinsk, Russia, the intensifying meteoritic bombardment of the Earth has been
accurately predicted by ancient Sanskrit astronomers as a sign of dramatic changes related to the binary nature of
our solar system. These progressive changes have been prophetically foretold in connection with the realignment
of human consciousness and the return of ancient wisdom.

This stream of rapid-fire changes now unfolding on Earth is closely related to the shifting awareness of human
beings on this planet, in accordance with increasing infrasound resonance. This planetary field of infrasound
standing waves that constantly strikes all living beings on the surface of the Earth was identified by our ancient
global Sanskrit Atlantean mother-culture as 'akasha', a mnemonic field that records and stores the information of all
events taking place on, within and above the planetary sphere.

The crystalline wisdom of our ancient forbearers has been preserved in secret among a family of adepts of Ayurveda,
living deep in the Siberian taiga, attuned to the ultra-low ringing of the giant Siberian cedars. Pristine knowledge of the
sacred biorhythmic relationship between human beings and living trees provides detailed explanations of the profound
purpose of family gardens developed using the Vedic process for DNA-imprinting of seeds.

The mastery of reincarnation reveals itself as immortality among those who are able to generate a field of
resonance within the family garden as a Space of Love that will store the memory of their spirit and maintain family
bonds during transitions through death into further incarnations in that same field of energy.

The changing conditions of the infrasound environment of Earth are now inducing a renewed capacity in human
perception and longevity, as well as a renewed awareness of our own collective divinity. The ongoing rectification of
human consciousness is now rapidly dismantling the Old World control system while a new civilization emerges.

The Native American prophecy of the Red Dawn foretells that the emergence of the new solar cycle will be heralded
by the blood-red skies --day and night-- when the appearance of the Earth changes permanently and all living beings
undergo a re-embodiment according to the sudden appearance of a nearby Red Dwarf companion star of our Sol.

Ancient Vedic wisdom reflects this advanced astronomical awareness of the solar twins, echoing American indigenous
knowledge of this epochal change now upon us, that will be experienced as a broadening of the bandwidth of human
perception and a stunning change in the appearance of the heavens, the Earth and all her creatures :


"God created Man immortal. To witness this, only three conditions are required to be observed:

"First • create a living Space which will attract Man to itself and to which Man has aspired.

"Second • there should be, somewhere on the Earth, at least one person who thinks of you with kindness and love.

"Third • never even admit the thought that you can be overtaken by death –and this is extremely important.
Even if you suggest to someone who is simply falling asleep that he is dying and he believes it, then he will die,
in obedience to his thought. But even if an elderly man (in Earth terms) wears out his body and is lying at
death's door, but does not think about death, but pictures his life in the living Space he has been creating, he
will be born anew –such is the law of the Universe. The Universe will not stand by and allow a life-creating
thought to die.

"You have a concept in your world known as natural selection. Even now God's programme is selecting the best
of everything for a re-embodiment. Before, however, there was not much to choose from. Now it is showing a
multifold increase. Whoever builds a domain with love will be reincarnated again and again.

"Whatever interferes with them will disappear from the Earth forever, giving way to the birth of a new

"But why a new civilisation," I asked, "if the people are going to be the same, with the same vegetation and the
same planet?"

"The new civilisation, Vladimir, will be characterised by a new conscious awareness as well as by new
perceptions of the surrounding world. This great principle, that has been given birth in people today, will remain
invisible to ordinary sight until the appearance of the planet known as the Earth has changed. It will affect life in
the Universe as a whole."

"But how can the Universe change as a result of the Earth's appearance?"

"It can, Vladimir. Even though our planet is but a small particle, it is in close interaction with other parts of the
Universe. Even if one small particle should change, its changes can influence the whole spectrum of the Universe."

Megré V (2008) ‘Co-Creation’ Ringing Cedars Press, pp. 21-22
Megré V (2005) ‘Anastasia’ Ringing Cedars Press, pp. 81
Ibid, pp. 77-81
Megré V (2005) ‘Anastasia’ Ringing Cedars Press, pp. 135-137
Op cit, Megré ‘Co-Creation’, pp.199-201
Megré V (2008) ‘Energy of Life’ Ringing Cedars Press, pp.40-41
Putney A (2010) 'Lightwater' Human Resonance, pp. 67-124, online

Meier E, Tr. Stevens B (2010) ‘Contact Report 228 Translation’ Billy Meier Wiki - The Future of Mankind, online

Megré V (2005) 'The New Civilization' Ringing Cedars Press, pp. 223-224

The Red Dwarf Alignment
The Red Dwarf Alignment

Intensifying planetary infrasound resonance is now actively flooding many lands, opening sinkholes,
releasing methane pockets and thrusting the continental plates and volcanic ocean depths into a fury.
These rapidly escalating planetary imbalances are clear signs that the process of magnetic reversal of
the Earth is already well underway, driving the ascension of consciousness: The Shift of the Ages.

The unobservant who rushed to deny the significance of the elapse of the Mayan long count calendar
cycle on December 21, 2012 must now reconsider many erroneous assumptions. The largely
unnoticed cosmic alignment marked by the Mayan cycle reflects ancient Sanskrit astronomical
knowledge, informing the Biblical Judgment Day event so ominously referenced in various gospels:
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and
pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places...

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her
light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn,
and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from
the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:7, 29-31)

The reference to angels sent by "a great sound of a trumpet" had remained rather mysterious until the
worldwide phenomena of 'sky trumpets' and rumbling infrasound booms were recorded on video by
thousands of bewildered bystanders.2
There is only one astronomical model that offers a viable explanation for such convoluted Biblical
prophecies while still adhering to Kepler's Laws.3 Key elements of this dramatic astronomical scenario
have most likely been removed from the Bible by political controllers, yet parallel prophecies delivered
by contemporary sources relate further compelling details that conform to the same astronomical event.

The famed American trance medium Edgar Cayce was known as a Christian scholar whose knowledge
of the Bible formed the essential spiritual foundation for his advanced psychic practice. A prophetic
reading given by Cayce on January 19, 1934 even repeated the same prescient Biblical phrases:
[The beginning of a new age of spiritual awakening will be seen in...] the hearts and minds of those that have
set themselves in that position that they become a channel through which spiritual, mental and material
things become one in the purpose and desires of that physical body!

As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to those that this is shortly to come to pass
–as has been given of old, the sun will be darkened and the Earth shall be broken up in divers places –and
then shall be proclaimed– through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and souls of those that
have sought His way –that His star has appeared, and will point the way for those that enter into the
holy of holies in themselves...

As to the changes physical again: The Earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater
portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an
eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the
Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the
poles –so that where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and
moss and fern will grow. (Reading 3976-15)

And these will begin in those periods in 1958 to 1998, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when
His light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, alone is it given to
those who have named the name –and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their
bodies. To them it shall be given.

As to those things that deal with the mental of the Earth, these shall call upon the mountains to cover many.
As ye have seen those in lowly places raised to those of power in the political, in the machinery of nations'
activities, so shall ye see those in high places reduced and calling on the waters of darkness to cover them.

And those that in the inmost recesses of theirselves awaken to the spiritual truths that are to be given, and
those places that have acted in the capacity of teachers among men, the rottenness of those that have
ministered in places will be brought to light, and turmoils and strifes shall enter. And, as there is the wavering
of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of life, the throne of light, the throne of
immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand.

For with the great numbers of the gathering of the hosts of those that have hindered and would make for man
and his weaknesses stumbling-blocks, they shall wage war with the spirits of light that come into the earth for
this awakening; that have been and are being called by those of the sons of men into the service of the living
God. For He, as ye have been told, is not the God of the dead, not the God of those that have forsaken Him,
but those that love His coming, that love His associations among men - the God of the living, the God of Life!
For, He is Life...

These profound predictive words from the trance medium interrelate many signs of Earth's ascension,
describing atmospheric bursts of branching HHO plasma formations known as red sprites4 (above)
that have been observed for several hours at high-altitudes and during brief flare-ups at ground level.5
Cayce links intensifying auroral activity with the sudden appearance of a nearby star whose illumination
will bring about a dramatic transformative change in the light spectra we all receive from the sky above.
Sacred prophecies of the indigenous Hopi culture of the American Southwest also foretell the impending
incandescence of a red star in the close vicinity of Earth. The now hidden brown dwarf companion star
will soon reignite with the arrival of a Galactic Superwave, transforming it into a brilliant red star.6

According to ancient traditional knowledge of the Hopi Elders, the red light of purification will emanate
from this newly visible star, dramatically changing the color of our skies to a flaming red. This time is
referred to in the ancient teachings as the Red Dawn of the forever cycle, when the consciousness and
DNA of every living being will be transformed through the divine influence of the red light:

The return of the Blue Star Katchina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of
the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will
start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the
original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life.

Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier, the Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this
day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will
precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.

The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters (Crop
Circles have been found in ice). From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Light. All things will change in
their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the
smallest thing.

Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be
touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world. Only in the ancient teachings
will the ability to understand the messages be found.

It is important to understand that these messages will be found upon every living thing, even within our bodies,
even within a drop of our blood. All life forms will receive the messages from the twins... those that fly, the
plants, even the rabbit. The appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years and will be our final
opportunity to change our ways. Everything we experience is all a matter of choice...

When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our
heavens watching us. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings. This Purifier will
show us many miraculous signs in our heavens. In this way we will know Creator is not a dream. Even those
who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things unseen will be felt
very strongly.

Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream
state. There will be many doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come
back to remind us of our past creations. All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and
we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World.

We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our ways from below the Earth as well as above. Then, one
morning in a moment, we will awaken to the Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then
begin to happen that right now we are not sure of their exact nature. For much of reality will not be as it is now.

Parallel prophecies offered by Edgar Cayce and the Hopi Elders align closely with precise information
from extraterrestrial and channeled sources concerning the sophisticated design function of the Great
Pyramid that is periodically activated by resonant interaction with the sun's invisible binary companion.8
Duration of the binary cycle is measured from the point of periapsis to the point of apoapsis (opposite):
The binary stellar dynamics of a 36,666-year Axial Precession of the Ages precisely concur with both
modern astronomical measurements and ancient Sanskrit explanations of the backward motion of the
equinoctial points around the zodiac (diagram opposite), summarized by Sri Yukteswar in 1894 (below):
We learn from Oriental astronomy that moons
revolve around their planets, and planets turning on
their axes revolve with their moons around the sun;
and the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes
some star for its dual and revolves around it in about
24,000 years of our Earth –a celestial phenomenon
which causes the backward movement of the
equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also
has another motion by which it revolves around a
grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat
of the creative power, Brahma, the universal
magnetism. Brahma regulates Dharma, the mental
virtue of the internal world.

Sri Yukteswar's knowledge of the total duration of

the cyclical Precession of the Ages was certainly
incomplete, yet modern digital models can surely
fetter out the basic variables defining our binary
solar system –if astronomers acknowledge and
account for the presence of the dual sun.

In fact, the possibility that our sun orbits an unseen

binary companion is precluded from consideration by
modern astronomers despite evidence presented by
the Binary Research Institute,10 including the orbit of
Sedna,11 lunar cycle evidence,12 angular momentum
calculations13 and trajectory distribution analyses of
  Oort comets dislodged from the Kuiper Belt.14

Consider 36,666-year binary periods. For half of the 36,666-year cycle of Precession, the duration of each
zodiacal Age lengthens by 363 years, while for the latter half of the cycle each successive Age diminishes
by 363 years. This periodic rate change of 363 years shows synchronicity with the known 11-year solar
cycle (11 x 33 = 363), reflecting one full revolution of the binary system (11 x 3,333 = 36,666).

The water-bearer's nascent Age of Aquarius was marked by the 2012 Mayan long count reset date,
and will last for ~2,148 years. The preceding Age of Pisces began at ~2,148bp and elapsed in 2012,
being signified by the fish, commonly recognized as an Age of Roman Catholic world dominance.

Accordingly, the previous Age of Aries began at 4,659bp, and lasted ~2,511 years under the sign of
the ram, associated with the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian and Hongshang cultures that all employed
this same zodiacal system in symbolic artworks. The Age of Taurus began at 7,533bp, lasting ~2,874
years aligned with the constellation of the bull, as symbolically expressed in ancient artworks from that
Age by diverse Neolithic cultures throughout the entire region of Anatolia and the Levant.

Of course, Precession cycle calculations are limited by the accuracy of input parameters. Without the
required astronomical observations, an accurate digital model of our binary system continues to elude
astronomers. However, unconventional information sources have already provided this essential data.15

The average distance of the Brown Dwarf binary solar companion can be calculated in accordance with
Kepler's Laws concerning elliptical orbits. Resonant input parameters for a 36,666-year Precession
cycle involving a Brown Dwarf with 0.56 of the sun's mass establish an average distance of 1,279.47
Astronomical Units (overleaf). As prophesied by Cayce and the Hopi, sudden ignition of the binary
companion as a Red Dwarf star will soon illuminate the resonant dynamics of The Shift of the Ages.
The rapidly strengthening reverberations of infrasound resonance being experienced all over the planet
and throughout our entire solar system are due to the close pass of the sun's binary twin, an invisible
brown dwarf companion star. So, where exactly is this ethereal brown dwarf companion? Information on
this enigmatic subject was provided to an extraterrestrial contactee in South Africa decades ago:
We first heard about Sola Kananda approaching our solar system in 1973… Sola Kananda means a ‘sun that
has not yet flared or blazed’, we are told. It is approaching from the constellation of Cancer.

This locator reference for the brown dwarf as approaching the solar system from the region of Cancer
suggests its point of periapsis with the sun will occur while passing through the constellation of Leo. This
basic brown star locator information also provides an intriguing explanation for the most powerful solar
event and geomagnetic storm ever witnessed by astronomers of our time, known as the Carrington
Event of September 2, 1859 (opposite, above). While many researchers acknowledge the planetary
alignment as playing a major causative role in the solar eruption, the surprising magnitude of the event is
the direct result of the additional alignment of the brown dwarf star that has gone entirely unnoticed.

The invisible presence of the brown dwarf companion star at the edge of the known solar system in the
region of Leo is the only explanation for the unmatched intensity of the Carrington Event, and offers a
profound insight into the timing of the oncoming Magnetic Reversal of our sun and all its orbiting planets.

As prophesied by many ancient sources, humanity will soon witness the unprecedented conjunction of the
majority of the bodies in our solar system. On December 18-21, 2015, Neptune, Ceres, Mercury, the Sun,
Venus, Mars and Jupiter will perfectly align with the brown dwarf solar companion (opposite, above). The
Saturn-Sun axis will be perpendicular to the main alignment, which passes close by the Earth as well.

Astronomical data for December 21, 2015 marks 3 years from periapsis of the binary system, which
occurred with the close of the Mayan Baktun Calendar at Solar Maximum on December 21, 2012.
Periapsis of the binary system is defined as the point of greatest proximity between the two suns, and thus
also the moment of their greatest relative velocity. Since the 2012 periapsis of the binary stars, the brown
dwarf companion has been slowly moving away from the sun, commencing its 18,333-year journey to the
point of its greatest distance from the sun at apoapsis.
Fascinating details concerning the Shift of the Ages were revealed by extraterrestrial visitors decades ago.
In 1968, a young radio/electrical engineer living in Richard’s Bay, South Africa, ‘F. Edwin W.’ (alias)
received radio transmissions from a cosmonaut in Earth orbit named Valdar, from the planet Koldas:
Then another aspect of this conditioning program emerged when the discussion turned to the enigmatic
subject called the ‘New Age’. Valdar said, ‘One has to be conditioned to accept the New Age. In the ancient
scriptures of the Confederation, it is written that the Divine One will change many planets.

‘A voice tells us that there will be a change. The timing of the event will depend on many circumstances. It
might be caused by the separation of the two Universes resulting in a complete break in the magnetic field
between them. This event may bring about changes which would gradually usher in a New Age. There might
be a change in the atomic structure. Every atomic power station would then cease to function, and even
your electrical power would stop. But a new source of energy will then be available…

‘Your physical world would undergo a transformation – a cleansing of the Earth. Then the resurrection would
follow in the still of the night. This transformation would be almost instantaneous. Even the heavens would
change color! Mankind will be afraid, but a great uplifting will follow. There will be regeneration; for example,
those of 90 years age will be as 50, and those of you who are 50 will be as 30.

Let us wait and see. There are still many things that even the Confederation is uncertain of. Changes can be
observed and data analysed but only Mother Nature – the Divine One – will trigger the reaction that will
change things permanently; I repeat permanently on Earth.

Valdar’s clear statements elucidate dramatic future events and subsequent major atmospheric changes
involving the oncoming shift of Earth to high resonance. He foretells a ‘physical… transformation – a
cleansing of the Earth… in the still of the night… [that] would be almost instantaneous. Even the
heavens would change color!’ A great increase in the intensity of cosmic rays bombarding the Earth,
from a nearby supernova event or chain of events, would re-engage the now-dormant pyramids to ignite
an atmospheric HHO plasma canopy, with plumes arching along the pathways of Fibonacci standing
waves. This process is already observable as 'airglow' 17 and actively pulsating auroral formations.
‘There might be a change in the atomic structure. Every atomic power station would then cease to
function, and even your electrical power would stop. But a new source of energy will then be available.’
Indeed, the intense solar flare activity will send massive coronal ejections that will influence the ultra-low
frequency resonance of Earth through interaction with the Giza pyramids, which transduce all solar
energy into inaudible acoustic waves. This new source of energy which is ‘here for mankind to use on
our planet’ refers to these resonant infrasound standing waves that will be dramatically increasing in
strength preceding Geomagnetic Reversal. What unseen forces are causing this great shift?

Valdar divulged the hidden presence of ‘Sola Kananda’, the brown star binary companion of our sun that
returns once again from the direction of Cancer on its long elliptical orbit. Although the full timeline of
predicted future events was explained to Edwin in detail, the public was only informed that preparations
and conditioning contacts made by the Confederation on Earth are being conducted in case an
emergency evacuation of Earth becomes necessary in the near future due to these cosmic changes:

‘Let me explain briefly the purpose of the plan. It is to save as many as possible in the event of a major
catastrophe occurring on Earth. This might be a nuclear war or the collision with an asteroid or some other
cosmic disaster involving Earth. This includes the approaching embryo sun, Sola Kananda…’

We first heard about Sola Kananda approaching our solar system in 1973… Sola Kananda means a ‘sun
that has not yet flared or blazed’, we are told. It is approaching from the constellation of Cancer. As our solar
system enters deeper into its sphere of influence, changes in our planetary magnetic fields have from time to
time been observed by the Confederation.

These changes have been comprehensively mapped as nonlinear effects of focused infrasound standing
waves that are increasing in intensity with solar flare activity. When considered in the context of the near
approach of an invisible embryonic sun, one may infer that the ‘instantaneous resurrection’ of Earth is
somehow intimately linked with the dramatic rebirth of the dormant brown dwarf star into a red dwarf.
Extraterrestrial contactee information given by Valdar in Richard's Bay, South Africa the early 1970s was
not understood at the time, but was published for future reference. Today, the data closely aligns with the
dramatic astronomical events and meteorological changes now taking a forceful hold of our planet.

Heightening infrasound resonance throughout the entire solar system is enhancing all terrestrial lifeforms
in profound ways. The most profound consciousness and genetic enhancements are being experienced
by human populations worldwide. The critical mass movement of humanity into higher density experience
was also explained in the 1970s by the Nahuatl Elders of Mexico. Don Juan instructed Carlos Castaneda:
The new seers... let the mastery of awareness develop to its natural end, which is to extend the glow of
awareness beyond the bounds of the luminous cocoon in one single stroke. The third attention is attained
when the glow of awareness turns into the fire from within: a glow that kindles not one band at a time but all
the... emanations inside man’s cocoon.

These solar events have been marked by 2 binary cross mandala crop formations appearing during the
preparatory year of 2015, referencing both the completion of the period of the 2014-2015 lunar eclipse
tetrad and the brown dwarf alignment of December 18 - 21, 2015. This pair of cosmic messages were
reported in Wiltshire on June 24th in Luxenborough, near Stonehenge (above), and on July 6th at
Clearbury Ring. An interpretation was offered by the Cassiopaeans on July 18, 2015:
Q: (Data) Can I ask about the [meaning of the] recent crop circle that looked like a half moon with a star?
Crescents and a 4-pointed star.
A: Eclipsing realities coming soon!

Specific details concerning the ascension process also emerged during a fascinating question-and-
answer session with the Cassiopaeans, channeled by Laura Knight-Jadzcyk on October 16, 1994:
Q: (L) Are there any exercises we can use to help our bodies transform into fourth density?
A: Not necessary. It is the soul that matters.
Q: (L) Does this mean that if we focus on soul development, that at the time of transformation that our bodies
will automatically be transformed for us?
A: No. It is natural process. No preparation is needed...
Q: (L) If, theoretically, an individual... I am getting a very unusual feeling right at this moment, why?
A: Metabolic changes enhanced by accelerated learning.
Q: (L) Is this happening to all three of us? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Now, as I was starting to say, if, theoretically an individual was to develop in a natural way by making all
the proper choices, and was to arrive at the point in time when the major transition is to be made, would that
individual's body pass through into that heightened dimension in a physical state? ... A: Of course.
Q: (L) Now suppose this theoretical person were to pass through this transition to the other side, what state
would they find their body in? Would it be exactly as it is now in terms of solidity? What would be the
A: The key concept here is variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Does this mean that everybody will be different or that an individual will have greater control over the
substance and constitution of the body?

A: Not exactly either. Your physicality will be variable according to need and circumstance.
Q: (L) Okay, does this mean that sometimes we will be more of a light body? A: Close.
Q: (L) Does this mean that sometimes we will be more of a firm body as we have now? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will our bodies age differently? A: Yes.
Q: (L) What will be the median lifespan? A: 400 years.
Q: (L) And will those who pass through this transition as, say, 50 year olds, will they have an equal opportunity
to live an additional 400 years?
A: Will regenerate in youthful appearance.
Q: (L) Now, when you say 400 years, will it be that the plane has a different orbit and that a year will be different?
A: No.
Q: (L) Will the days be different as to length of time light and dark as they are now?
A: Not the point. Planet will be 4th density as well.
Q: (L) But will the days and nights be different and will the orbit be different? Will the axial angle be changed?
A: You are thinking in terms of the 3rd level density. The rules will be so totally different that physical inspired
comparisons are moot.
Q: (L) But I like the sunshine and birds singing and breezes. I just want to know if those things will be the same.
A: In some fashion.
Q: (L) Can't you give a few clues?
A: We must let you see for yourself.

Astonishing parallels between the Cassiopaeans' statements, given in 1994, and information given by
Valdar in Richard's Bay, South Africa beginning in 1968, correlate with imminent astronomical events.
Further details regarding the revolutionary nature of the consciousness effects of the Binary Magnetic
Reversal were divulged by the Cassiopaeans on August 9, 1997, in response to direct questions:
Q: So, all the things you have suggested are to get us ready for this event? A: Yes.
Q: Well, we better get moving! We don't have time to mess around!
A: You will proceed as needed; you cannot force these events or alter the Grand Destiny.
Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home! A: The alternative is less appetizing.
Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!
A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person" amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the
perpetual cold wind whistles...
Q: Why is the sky glowing red? A: Contemplate.

Years of research and meditative contemplation on this possibility suggest these atmospheric changes,
described in many similar accounts, relate to intensifying infrasound roaring of planetary resonance
inducing a bright red auroral glow, described as the 'Red Dawn' in ancient prophecies of the Hopi, Lakota
Sioux, Apache and Maya Elders.20 This color change of Earth's skies may also induce profound changes
in human auditory and visual perception that alter the way we sensually perceive the world around us.

Binary solar dynamics were exhaustively discussed during a subsequent session with the Cassiopaeans
on December 12, 2010. Data presented by the Binary Research Institute was contextualized by applying
the metaphor of a motor's operation, initiated by plasma discharge of the binary solar capacitor:
Q: (L) Ok, now I’ve got this other book here “Lost Star of Myth & Time” –and his theory is about a companion star
and the fact that the earth or the solar system is rotating around a common center of gravity, in tandem with this
companion star. It is said that it is this orbit that creates the precession of the zodiac. He says that the precession
is not a big wobble that the Earth goes through, as it proceeds in a fairly direct course through the galaxy, but
rather that it is this rotation around this common center of gravity with the companion star that produces the effect
of precession. Now, is he onto something with his theory also about the precession of the zodiac?
A: Absolutely!
Q: (L) OK, He points out some interesting effects in here. First of all, he mentioned recording the speed of the
Earth’s rotation. They had a fixed telescope with crosshairs and they had a clock that was connected to some
kind of super time clock that was extremely accurate, and they were recording exactly how long it took the Earth
to rotate in respect of Sirius, Sirius being a fixed point. These researchers discovered that during the period of
time, when Sirius B (Sirius’s companion, which is a dwarf), eclipsed Sirius A; it actually slowed the rotation of
the Earth. Now, this is what they’re measurements showed. Something like 50 arc seconds. The slowing began
a week before the eclipse, then after the eclipse the Earth actually sped up. By 50 arc seconds. So, there are
two weeks of effects on the rotation of the Earth, caused by the eclipsing of Sirius A caused by its companion
Sirius B as I remember, though I may have missed the exact time period. Now, the conclusion that he drew from
this is that we are affected by being gravitationally connected to Sirius somehow. Anyhow, the conclusion that
he draws is… –and he also points out that it seems that Sirius is heading in our direction; we are getting closer
to Sirius - so, he theorizes that Sirius is our companion star. Is he correct about that?
A: Not Sol’s companion; but look in that direction for clues to your own little brother.
Q: (L) Is it true as he speculates that when the Solar System approaches this companion of ours, that it will
have a psychic effect?
A: Yes. You are already feeling its approach.
Q: (L) Well, that’s one thing that this guy James McCanney said. He said that this last solar cycle – the
maximum - was so long, so intense that it was evidence that something really big, had entered the solar
capacitor. It was discharging the sun. And, if that’s the case, there’s probably a current flow and that means that
it’s possible that at some point the Earth and maybe the moon and several other astronomical bodies, will line
up along the line of this flow that’s going on between the Sun and its companion. And if that’s the case, could
that be a little problematical?
A: Oh indeed! Yes, it is happening already. Do you not see the evidence all around the globe?
Q: (L) Well, on that point, McCanney says that when the Earth gets into this kind of situation where there’s a
discharge thing going on, between the sun and another body and the earth gets involved in it, that the Earth
itself becomes comet like during that time and it begins also to attract what he calls pollution events. It starts
picking up all kinds of dust and stuff from outer space –and even the water volume on the planet gets increased
because of this precipitating, because the planet’s picking stuff up from space. It’s growing from accumulating
stuff, from acquiring stuff. And if that’s the case, we could be attracting dust loading in the upper atmosphere-
regardless of whether or not we pass through cometary dust clouds. All these things that we’ve been noticing
going on in the upper atmosphere –strange clouds, long-lasting contrails, extreme cooling– could be exactly as
he described. There could also be atmospheric effects of these electric sheets, because he says that there are
different kinds of ways of currents and layers of currents. He’s got like a five layer model of how the
electromagnetic field of the planet goes, and he says that it’s the cause of El Niño, it’s the cause of
Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, changing of the Jet Stream, and just a whole host of things: it’s all electrical
phenomena. He says that the electricity from the sun creates and drives hurricanes and that it is not the
temperature of the water. Because he said that if it had to do with the temperatures of the water, one hurricane
comes along, sucks all the heat out –then it would be impossible for another hurricane to form for a period of
time. And yet you see very often, hurricane after hurricane. So, is he on to something with this theory?
A: Oh you bet!
Q: (Ark) Is the axis of the Solar System wobbling? A: Not enough to make a difference. But the Galaxy is!
Q: (Ark) That means that the companion star is in the ecliptic plane? A: Yes. Part of the capacitor.

The highly detailed astronomical model presented by the Cassiopaeans in describing our solar system
sounds remarkably like the Tesla Gravity Motor that was developed in the 1920's by Tesla with the direct
aid of Edgar Cayce. Intensifying auroral discharges mark the ignition of the binary solar capacitor.

Apparently, these consciousness and rejuvenating effects of the Red Dawn entail mass genetic
enhancement of the terrestrial human population in accordance with the new environmental conditions of
luminal and auditory resonance from the illumination of two suns in our skies, upgrading the sensory
perception of a large portion of humanity that are aligned with this advancement in the learning cycle.

The red sky will become instantaneously perceived as golden for those that are receptive to the
environmental electro-acoustic activation, according to information given in another obscure
extraterrestrial contactee case imparted highly relevant information concerning the electro-acoustic
activation of human consciousness to 4th density perception.21
One such case involving ongoing contacts has been reported by Mr. João, a 72 year-old lawyer from Rio
de Janeiro living in the Corguinho area. An intriguing aspect of the experiences of Mr. João involve loud
booming and humming noises emitted by the invisible plasma ship of the visitors to raise his electro-
acoustic vibratory field, during which time they continually asked about his perception of colors presented
from the luminous craft. Success was achieved after Mr. João was asked to put his hands on the ground,
as his shoes had apparently prevented the energetic activation they were undertaking!

Mr. João provided a concise summary of this unusual extraterrestrial contact that occurred near the
town of Rochedo, Brazil on August 30, 2008, with Portuguese-to-English translation by Felipe Branco22:
Mr. João, a lawyer, 72 years old from Rio de Janeiro... had been contacted by a couple of [extraterrestrial]
beings about a couple of months ago, precisely... in the early morning of the 30th of August, around midnight
he was coming along this dirt road, going to see a piece of land down there that he had some interest in real
estate, when he saw a huge light that flashed on the road.
He stopped his car, came out of his car and walked towards the light... towards the direction of this large ball
of light he was seeing.
When he got to this part of the dirt road, the extraterrestrials told him to stop - he heard a voice [say] "Stop."
And then he stopped...
They asked him if he could see a light down in the forest... He heard a voice speaking to him in Portuguese,
the language that we speak in Brazil –clearly...
Then they asked him to walk along this small path through the forest. And he went inside the forest, walking
until, again, he heard the voice tell him "Stop." ...
He walked down this path, and they asked him to look for a golden ball of light down there... and they
directed him [to walk] along this path until he saw a golden light.

They did various tests to him in order to discern if he could see... what they were trying to show him. They
made him see a red ball of light... twice, this red ball of light. The extraterrestrials insisted on asking him... if
he could see the golden light, but he could only see it in red –not in the gold.
Then they told him they would adjust his vibrational frequency. Then he heard this bell ringing like a Chinese
temple bell... They said, "Do not worry. Do not be afraid. Don't be alarmed by these sounds, we are trying to
adjust your vibrational frequency..." so that he could see the golden light.
They wanted him to see gold, not red, as he was seeing it. Then they asked him to walk 70 steps, toward that
direction. After [taking] the 70 steps, they asked him to stop. He stopped.
Then they asked him again, "Are you seeing the golden light?" He said, "No, I'm not seeing it."
Then they told him to bend over and put his two hands on the ground, like this - his two hands down on the
ground, and they said they would perform some sort of energetic activation on him.
When he put both of his hands on the ground, he saw a golden light coming from behind him, but this light
would not pass by his body –as if the light would stop on his back. He would not produce a shadow –as if it
was a dense beam of light.
Then they said, "Stay in the same position, we are going to repeat the same activation. Then the beam of
light [was directed upon him] again.
Then they told him to stand up, and then they asked him again: "Are you seeing the golden light?"
Then he said, "No, I'm not seeing the golden light."
Then, the path through the jungle became lit... as if it was a dimensional road... towards a portal, or
something like that... a vortex area here... [in] Corguinho...
So, he could not see the golden light. Then they asked him, "Can you still see the road lit up?"
"Yes," [he replied].
And then, emphatically, they asked him again, "Can you still see the road lit up?" ...
They were adjusting his frequency so he could see the golden ball, but he was seeing red so he was not in
the frequency. Then they told him he was supposed to go to another place. Then they sent him to stop at the
next bridge that he would find on this dirt road... and they would be waiting there for him.
[Before leaving for the nearby bridge location,] on the last attempt by the extraterrestrials to adjust him to see
if he can see the golden light... the extraterrestrial asked him to turn around to see if he could see him...
[João] said, "No, I cannot see you."
Then [the extraterrestrial] told him to approach... to walk 10 steps. On the tenth step he stopped, and then the
extraterrestrial asked him, "Can you see me now?"
[João] said, "No, I can't..."
Then, all of a sudden he saw a silhouette in the middle of the path. He believes [the silhouetted figure] was
about 190 cm, about 6'4" - 6'6"...
Then he asked [the extraterrestrial], "Are you wearing a white garment?" and the extraterrestrial said, "Yes..."
Then [João] said, "I'm seeing a whitish silhouette, is it you?"
He said, "Yes."
Then [João] asked if he could approach him, and the extraterrestrial said "No. My energy can burn you. I am
a fifth dimensional being, my energy is too strong, you will be burned..."
[Leaving the forest path, he returned to his car and proceeded down the dirt road.] He got to the bridge and
stopped the car there, [got out]... and walked towards the wood bridge. When he arrived on the bridge he
asked, "Are we going to continue the contact?"
There was no dialog anymore, only sound effects, as a rain of stones, falling... The sound effects of this rain
of stones - this strange phenomenon - was happening all the time... it was a very tremendous sound - a
roar... going on for about 30 minutes...

-- (2010) 'King James Bible "Authorized Version"', Cambridge Edition, Book of Matthew 24:7, 29-31
-- (2015) 'SOTT Exclusive: More Strange Noises in the Sky: The Best of 2015 (So Far...)' SOTT, online
-- (2004) 'Kepler’s Laws, Binaries, and Stellar Masses' CalTech Astronomy, online
Putney A (2015) 'Red Sprites and the Pyramid of Fire' Human Resonance, online
Putney A (2009) 'Aerial Plasma Plumes in Longview, Texas' Human resonance, online
Putney A (2010) 'Lightwater' Human Resonance, pp. 193-222, online
Ghostwolf R (1994) ‘Hopi Prophecy Fulfilled’ Last Cry: Native American Prophecies and Tales of the End Times
Magazine, online ·
Putney A (2015) 'Synchronous Channels' Human Resonance, online
-- (2012) 'Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri Explains Yuga aka Hindu Eras' Warrior of Light (India), online
Cruttenden W (2006) 'Introduction: Binary Companion Theory' Binary Research Institute, online
Putney A (2010) 'Eliptical Orbit of Sedna Hints at Brown Dwarf Twin' Human Resonance, online
Cruttenden W (2006) 'Evidence: The Lunar Cycle' Binary Research Institute, online
Cruttenden W (2006) 'Evidence: Angular Momentum' Binary Research Institute, online
Cruttenden W (2006) 'Evidence: Distribution of Comets' Binary Research Institute, online
Putney, op cit, 'Synchronous Channels'
van Vlierden, op cit, pp. 186-189
-- (2015) 'Astronomy Picture of the Day - September 4, 2015: Milky Way with Airglow Australis' Astronomy
Picture of the Day, online ·
van Vlierden, op cit, pp. 142-143
Castaneda C (1991) ‘The Fire From Within’ Washington Square Press, pp. 77-78
Putney A (2008) 'Ø' Human Resonance, online ·
Putney, op cit, 'Lightwater'
-- (2008) ‘Corguinho_alien_contactee_account.avi’ Google Video, online

The LOD Oscillation
The LOD Oscillation

The timing of cosmic events involving the prophecied appearance of the brown dwarf binary companion of
our sun is an astronomical riddle that can only be solved by direct observations of the object by infrared
telescopes. However, unexplained planetary rhythms may be induced by passes of the brown dwarf star.

In 2011, the Vatican completed installation of a pair of infrared telescopes for 'Project Lucifer' at the large
observatory on Mt. Graham, Arizona, secretly tasked with tracking the position of the brown dwarf solar
companion. Critical observations of dramatic stellar activity occurring in the Orion constellation have also
been kept from the general public.

Supercomputer models of our binary solar system generated using these IR stellar observations of the
brown dwarf companion star and the red supergiant Betelgeuse have provided high-probability dates for the
impact of a supernova from the Orion constellation. This major event threatens to reignite the extinguished
corona of the brown dwarf to become a red dwarf star.

The astronomical indicators of such a terrifying event have been restricted from public access, with just one
scientific study and one mainstream newsmedia article reported in 2009 documenting the extremely rapid
contraction of the red giant star Betelgeuse while downplaying the probability of imminent collapse and

Preventive measures were taken decades ago by CIA scriptwriters to produce big-budget Hollywood films
for mass mind-programming via transmission of subliminal messages. The most obvious example of this
mental manipulation relevant to our subject is the popular 1988 Hollywood film Beetlejuice, produced to
deride the science revealing the imminent Betelgeuse supernova in the constellation of Orion.

Notice the film title includes three sets of standing waves on the top and bottom of the logo (above). The
name of the film and its main character, 'Beetlejuice' (a zombie raised from the dead, played by Michael
Keaton) is an obvious distortion of the stellar name 'Betelgeuse' --but why?

In both the 'tv commercial' 2 and 'graveyard' 3 scenes, the zombie character stands below a Vegas-style
billboard reading 'Betelgeuse'. This is not the name of the main character, but the name of a red giant star.

The character's actual name –'Beetlejuice'– is stated three times to call on the undead entity (above). This
serves to fix the name in the minds of the audience, which is a mispronunciation of the name for the star,
purposefully confusing the actual name. When called upon, the zombie emerges from a grave marked with
a tombstone reading "here lies Betelgeuse", a clever double-entendre as 'lies' are being peddled (below).

The dead persona of 'Beetlejuice' subliminally informs the audience that the star Betelgeuse is dead!

The psy-op film Beetlejuice actually makes direct reference to the shrinking action of the red giant star
Betelgeuse in one scene where the character Beetlejuice experiences the sudden shrinking of his own
head, after swapping out his service ticket starting with a string of 9s (above).4

The possibility of imminent stellar collapse was thoroughly addressed in the article 'Betelgeuse & the Red
Dawn', published by this author in August of 2009.5 'Imminent' in stellar terms refers to the likelihood of the
star going supernova in the next 20 years or so. More recent data on the progressive collapse of
Betelgeuse has not been forthcoming from academic circles, in a concerted effort to hide these significant
facts and implications from the general public.

In addition, vague disinformation articles were widely published online to dismiss the reality and significance
of the imminent stellar collapse of Betelgeuse.6 Notice how the author refuses to directly reference his
sources, stating "An anonymous poster there says he has heard that the star Betelgeuse is about to go
supernova, maybe as soon as a few weeks." The disinfo author cleverly avoids mentioning the article by
this author that is the main subject of his uninformed rant.

Accurate astronomical details concerning the long elliptical orbital cycle of the brown dwarf solar companion
were first published by extraterrestrial contactee Eduard "Billy" Meier in 1986. A more precise calculation of
the binary solar cycle was realized when considering the mathematical significance of the 11-year solar
maximum cycle as reverberations of the regular passing of the brown dwarf companion.

Applying the concept of resonance to binary system dynamics, numerical calculations support the likelihood
of a 36,666-year binary solar cycle, involving the reignition of the brown dwarf companion sun as a red
dwarf. This unprecedented event will likely be induced with Magnetic Reversal of our solar system resulting
in the enhanced luminosity of twin suns described by indigenous wisdom as the change of the worlds.
The repetition of 6s in the binary cycle figure of 36,666 years reflects the binary operation of the Gravity
Motor invented by Nikola Tesla, and reveals the nature of the famous Tesla quote on "the magnificence of
3s, 6s, and 9s." This hidden connection is also encrypted in the numerical designation of 4666 given to the
series of psychic readings given by the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce.

The resonant magnificence of 3s and 6s is also reflected in the negative aspect by the Satanic obsession
with the number 666, and the closely related Masonic obsession with 33rd degree, etc... These coded
numbers have real-world applications to the astronomical cycles of our planet that have become obscured
by false associations with evil forces that are so often repeated in mainstream drivel.

These binary system dynamics may also reflect the numerical relationships marking the closing of one
cycle and the commencing of another. Consider the elapse of the Mayan Baktun calendar cycle on the
solstice date of December 21, 2012. This date marked Solar Maximum and periapsis (the point of closest
proximity) of our sun and its invisible brown dwarf companion, now located in the constellation of Leo.

The 11-year solar cycle elapses 3,333 times during each binary cycle of 36,666 years, which completed on
December 21, 2012. A full 5.5 years comprising one half of the solar cycle will have elapsed from
December 21, 2012 to June 21, 2018, which is 36,671.5 years from the previous periapsis of our binary
system. The numbers 3, 5, 11, and 36,671 are all primes. 3 and 5 are also Fibonacci numbers.

The periodic cycle of Geomagnetic Reversal occurs with every other periapsis at Solar Minimum,
comprising two full binary cycles of our solar system lasting 73,333 years (36,666.6... x 2 = 73,333.3...).
73,333 is also a prime number. Extensive research has revealed the great significance of prime numbers in
calculating resonant solar and planetary cycles, and especially Fibonacci numbers that are primes.7

For several decades, geophysicists have observed a series of geomagnetic and resulting tectonic
disturbances that have not been adequately explained, yet continue to persist in a 5.9-year interval that is
due to return with full vigor in 2018. More than 30 major earthquakes are expected to strike this year.

Consistent and highly-convincing statistical data was clearly identified and distinguished from all other
known influences on the Earth's core rotation by a pair of researchers located in the UK and France. In their
stand-out study published in July of 2013, geophysicists Richard Holme, of the University of Liverpool, and
Olivier de Viron of the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris conclude that millisecond variations in the
length of a day proceed in a rhythm repeating 5.9 years, alternately speeding up and slowing down:
Periodic wobbles in Earth's core change the length of a day every 5.9 years, according to a [new] study... Teasing
out this subtle cycle, which subtracts and adds mere milliseconds to each day, also revealed a match between
abrupt changes in the length of day and Earth's magnetic field. During these short-lived lurches in the magnetic
field intensity, events called geomagnetic jerks, Earth's day also shifts by 0.1 millisecond, the researchers report.
Since 1969, scientists have detected 10 geomagnetic jerks lasting less than a year.

Seemingly negligible, these fleeting variations are mighty to those who study the planet and its core... Shifts in the
magnetic field also provide clues to the inaccessible iron core. But their source remains a mystery... But no one
knows what causes geomagnetic jerks. "I have no clue," said Holme... "Something is happening at the core-mantle
boundary, because you're seeing the geomagnetic and the rotational effect at the same time, but we don't know
what's going on"...

"We've got some ideas, but it's just me having an amused flight of fancy. I'm a data hound, and I want to propel
thinking about this," Holme said... Other forces also change the planet's spin. Since Earth formed, tugging from the
sun and moon have slowed the planet's rotation. On shorter time scales, earthquakes, melting glaciers, ocean
currents and strong winds, such as the jet stream, can alter how fast the planet spins, shortening or lengthening a
day by about 1 millisecond.

Holme and de Viron removed these external and planetary effects from five decades of length of day data,
exposing the 5.9-year period. They then compared bumps in the cycle, which correspond to sudden jumps in the
length of day, with geomagnetic jerks detected since 1969.

Isolation and enhancement of the periodic length of day variation signal provides a consistent set of regular
peak periods extending from 1965 until 2011, encompassing 8 full cycles of the oscillatory pattern and 10
related geomagnetic jerks. A complimentary analysis of the history of earthquakes of magnitude 7 or
greater since 1900 was recently reported by geophysicists Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado
Boulder, and Rebecca Bendick of the University of Montana in Missoula:
"The numbers of earthquakes that have occurred each year in the past century are well known. The changes in
Earth's rotation rate are also well known... All we have done is to compare these two well-known lists of numbers
and report an interesting and useful relationship."

The basic idea is that as the Earth's spin slows slightly, the equator shrinks. However, tectonic plates don't shrink
as easily, meaning the edges of the plates get squeezed. Although this amount of squeezing isn't huge, it does put
added stress on plate boundaries that are already under stress, where earthquakes are more likely, Bilham said...

On average, there were about 15 major earthquakes per year since 1900. However, during certain periods, the
planet sees between 25 and 35 earthquakes greater than magnitude 7 in a year. When the team looked more
closely, they found those periods coincided with times when the Earth spins more slowly, meaning the days get
slightly longer.

While the earthquake sequences form clear clusters around time periods of most extreme variation from
the mean day length, the 7+ magnitude earthquake dataset did not provide any specific patterns that
might aid in the prediction of the location or timing of future events. Without having any clear data to
support their supposition, researchers speculate that the periodic variation of Earth's core rotation may
result from the movement of magma within the lower mantle.

Various researchers have drawn a connection between the increasing worldwide occurrence of strange
atmospheric sounds like booms, roaring or trumpets, increasing atmospheric plasma formations and the
slowdown of Earth's rotation occurring simultaneously with the approach of the Solar Minimum in mid-2018.10

Length Of Day (LOD) Oscillation of 5.913 Years

In fact, the intriguing Length Of Day (LOD) Oscillation is not the net result of some unidentified movement
within Earth's mantle, but is the reverberatory effect of regular passes of the sun's binary companion, a
brown dwarf star. The invisible presence of a brown dwarf companion star has not been duly considered as
a source for the oscillation. Because geophysicists are analyzing earthquake clusters over several decades,
no concise figure for the LOD Oscillation has been ascertained. An accurate, high-precision determination
of the LOD Oscillation period enables refined calculation of Binary Solar Cycle dynamics.

An interesting relationship becomes apparent when the ~5.9-year value estimated for the LOD Oscillation is
doubled (5.9 x 2 = 11.8), presenting a clear Fibonacci correlation that offers a compelling link to the sun's
binary companion. The 5.9-year Oscillation reflects approximately half the value of Fibonacci #136 x 10-27:

Fibonacci #136 x 10-27 = 11.825896447871835...

(Fibonacci #136 x 10-27) / 2 = 5.9129482239359175...

Utilizing a Fibonacci-correlated figure of ~5.913 years for refining calculations of the LOD Oscillation has
clarified the origin of the periodic slowdown in Earth's core rotation by revealing perfect coincidence with the
36,666-year Binary Solar Cycle, previously extrapolated from data given to contactee 'Billy' Eduard Meier:

36,666 years / 6,201 = 5.91291727140784

An LOD Oscillation of 5.91291727140784 years presents ~0.00003095 variance from F#136 x 10-27 / 2
(5.91294822 – 5.91291727 years = 0.00003095 years). This special Fibonacci correlation apparently
represents an indicator for the mean LOD Oscillation, pointing to exact calculations of the period duration.

A ~5.913-year period for the LOD Oscillation perfectly aligns with the 36,666-year Binary Cycle model,
elapsing 6,201 times every 36,666 years. During this period the 11-year Solar Cycle elapses 3,333 times:

5.91291727140784 years x 6,201 = 36,666 years

11 years x 3,333 = 36,666 years

A 5.913-year Length Of Day Oscillation corresponds to ~2,160 days, or ~31.8 days less than 6 years.
According to this Fibonacci-calibration, a series of peak dates for the LOD Oscillation may be obtained.
Measured from the Mayan Baktun Calendar close of December 21, 2012, the series of peak dates follows:

Oct 6 Sep 4 Aug 3 Jul 2 May 31 Apr 29 Mar 27 Feb 23 Jan 22 Dec 21 Nov 19
1959 1965 1971 1977 1983 1989 1995 2001 2007 2012 2018
l l l l l l l l l l l

A 5.913-year LOD Oscillation synchronizes with the Solar Year once every 136 years, corresponding to 23
full cycles (5.913 years x 23 = 135.999 years). According to this pattern, peak cycle dates synchronized
with the December Solstice in 2012, 1876, 1740, 1604, 1468, 1332, 1196, 1060, 924, 788, 652, etc...
These new findings regarding the LOD Oscillation resonate with data given in the Bible. By providing an
astronomical configuration corresponding to September 23, 2017, Bible authors have cryptically specified a
9-month period of birth pains preceding the New Age, commencing on June 22, 2018 (Revelations 12:1-2):

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

1st Trimester: September 23, 2017

2nd Trimester: December 22, 2017
3rd Trimester: March 22, 2018
Geomagnetic Reversal: June 22, 2018

Various aspects of the Geomagnetic Reversal were addressed in the Cassiopaea transmissions channeled
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, following a poignant question during a dialog conducted on January 17, 1997:
A: What do you suppose happens when the mantle stops, or slows, and the crust does not?
Q: (L) Okay... is it that there will be lots of earthquakes? A: Maybe, but what is the bigger picture?
Q: (L) The bigger picture is that the earth changes its orbital position, velocity... gravity lessens... So, if gravity is
lessened, and it is the binder, then, everything... (J) Without gravity, it just all falls apart...
A: Not "Falls apart," my dear, it all "opens up!"

This interesting but brief discussion was directly expanded upon in a much later conversation with the
Cassiopaeans that took place on July 6, 2010, in which they reiterated the rotational velocity connection:
Q: (L) Is oil leaking out of the ocean bed floor in the Gulf of Mexico in any other places besides through the well?
A: Yes but that is happening elsewhere as well. All part of the "opening up" phenomenon.
Q: (L) So, you mean that what we've speculated about sinkholes and cracks in the earth... What is causing this
opening up? A: Misalignment, or rather sliding of layers of crust of earth due to slowing of rotation.
Q: (L) Okay, what is causing this slowing of rotation?
A: We have mentioned the approach of companion star and its tendency to "ground" the system.

The Cassiopaeans expanded on this data in a session conducted on February 22, 1997, linking the 5.913-
year Length-of-Day Oscillation to the vibratory influence of human thoughts and emotions:
Mag 5+ Earthquakes
November 17, 2017

A: Climate is being influenced by... change in the planet's axis rotation orientation... [R]emember this: a change
in the speed of the rotation may not be reported while it is imperceptible except by instrumentation. Equator is
slightly "wider" than the polar zones. But, this discrepancy is decreasing slowly currently...
Q: (J) What causes the change in the axis?
A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools down in interior... Part of cycle related to
energy exerted upon surface by the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.

This surprising FRV detail was given further context in a subsequent dialog that took place July 11, 1998:
Q: (A)... Next question concerning this companion star; we were told that its mass is less than the sun, can we
have a figure on how much less? A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
Q: (A) Okay, if this is really so, then when it really starts to approach the solar system, and they rotate in tandem, it
means that the sun will really start to feel its gravity, and because of this, the solar system will start to move with
respect to other stars, so all the constellations will shift, is this correct? A: More like a slight "wobble" effect.
Q: (L) Will that be perceptible to us here on the Earth? A: Only through measurements...
Q: (T) As the brown dwarf approaches, will it intensify the solar flare activity?
A: The effect on the physical orientation of the sun from the periodic passage of its companion is to flatten the
sphere slightly. This returns to its original spherical shape with the retreat...
Q: (A) We have been told that there is going to be a change of the magnetic field of the earth... is it going to be a
complete pole reversal? A: Yes.
Q: (A) What is going to happen inside Earth that could cause this magnetic pole reversal?
A: Is caused by disturbances in the mineral content of the substrata rock, brought on by the interaction of Earth with
outside forces... Pole reversal is cyclical anyway; these events merely serve as trigger mechanism... Realm border
is when the reality shifts for all.
Q: (A) Yes, but why is this reality shift related to magnetic field disturbance? What is the connection?
A: Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment.
These comprehensive details given by the Cassiopaeans are quite stunning in their vast implications,
essentially informing us that human experiential cycles mirror the electromagnetic cycles of our planet.

Of course, the slight "wobble" effect mentioned by the Cassiopaeans refers to the well-documented
millisecond variations in the length of each day that conform to the 5.913-year LOD Oscillation. The most
surprising information given by the Cassiopaeans in these sessions, however, is their contention that the
psychic vibrations of humans and 'others' exert a powerful force on the surface of the Earth that induces an
alternate heating and cooling of the interior of the planet in the same 5.913 rhythm as the LOD Oscillation.

Further data given by the Cassiopaeans relating to the exotic superconductive state of matter comprising
the planetary core may offer clues as to how the alternate heating and cooling of Earth's interior relates to
the LOD Oscillation. On September 12, 1998, the Cassiopaean thoughtforms shared several surprising
details concerning the composition of Earth's core, which they identified as a 'fluid crystalline gas core'
formed by methane bound to ammonium crystals at high temperatures and under immense pressures:
Q: (L) Well... just what is at the core of our planet? A: Fluid crystalline gas core.
Q: (L) And what is this fluid crystalline gas core composed of? A: Methane and ammonia.
Q: (L) How does methane and ammonia [become] crystalline?
A: They can be under the correct magnetic conductivity...
Q: (L) What is so particular about methane and ammonia that it composes the core?
A: Methane binds to the ammonium crystals... Methane collected at the core after cooling. Buoyancy is determined
by gravitational profile. This is why Jupiter and Saturn, for example, both of which are less dense than the Earth,
but have immensely stronger gravitational fields, have atmospheres consisting of ammonia as the dominant gas.

These clear specifications given by the Source channeled through Laura Knight-Jadzcyk and her group
have yet to be verified in laboratory experiments, but provide a general model that can certainly be tested
by computer simulation and eventually replicated. If Earth's core is a methane/ammonia superconductor, it
would possess the property of superfluidity: having zero viscosity it flows without loss of kinetic energy,
forming cellular vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely once stirred-up. Alternate heating and cooling of
Earth's superfluid core appears to be another unexpected influence of the binary companion star.
An hexagonal array of cellular vortices of Earth's superfluid crystalline core is expressed from the axis of the
geographic poles, forming a global dodecahedral array that underpins the Fibonacci-ordered distribution of
nodal points of infrasound standing waves encompassing the planetary surface. Known as Schumann
Resonance, these ultra-low frequencies have recently been surging to high-amplitude in recurring spates.

Dramatic infrasound bursts lasting many hours in duration, such as those recorded on January 10-12, 2018
(above), are not audible to the average person. However, higher harmonics produced by the Schumann
Resonance above ~30 Hz can be heard by many people, –and have become a major nuisance for some
and a form of spiritual perception for others– depending on their awareness and psychic orientation.

Now linked with intensifying infrasonic, tectonic and auroral activity worldwide, synchronization of the LOD
Oscillation with Solar Maximum indicates periapsis of our Binary Solar System occurred on December 22,
2012 (above). Ancient knowledge transmitted through indigenous Elders and the Bible predict the imminent
appearance of worldwide auroral formations, as well as giant luminous domes surrounded by bright flashes,
streaks and plumes such as those documented in Prairieville, Louisiana on the night of December 7, 2017.11

Prescient passages from the Bible offer a clear description of the great intensity of two suns shining their
brilliance over the Earth; a vision of the New Golden Age commencing at Solar Minimum on June 22, 2018:
And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill,
rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.
Moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days,
in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people,
and healeth the stroke of their wound. – Isaiah 30:25-26

Beteleguse January 14, 2018 (above).

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