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4. LCCO2 emission assessment (for housing and building scale)
Introduction Since 2008, CASBEE has included Lifecycle CO2 (LCCO2) assessment, which evaluates CO2 emissions during the entire building life
Building construction is an extremely resource-intensive process and takes a heavy toll on the environment. As such, it is the responsibility of cycle from construction and operation to demolition and disposal. A new "Standard Calculation" method automatically provides a simplified
those in the building industry to promote environmentally-friendly, sustainable practices. Today, a variety of environmental assessment tools estimation of LCCO2 based on data already entered in a CASBEE spreadsheet. The feature is especially beneficial to assessors who are
developed around the world have become crucial components in the advancement of sustainable buildings. not familiar with the LCCO2 evaluation. LCCO2 performance is indicated more precisely by awarding 1 to 5 green stars based on LCCO2
The development of the Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) began in 2001. CASBEE has emissions together with the existing BEE assessment (e.g., S: 5 red stars). Specifically, the emissions rate (%) for the assessment target is
been developed by a research committee as part of a joint industry-government-academia project with the support of the Ministry of Land, evaluated relative to the LCCO2 emission level of a reference building (one that satisfies energy standards for building owners according to
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). This partnership has been instrumental in developing CASBEE's clear and solid concept to the the Japanese Energy Conservation Law).
benefit of a broad spectrum of users in Japan. Now, a decade after the introduction CASBEE, the assessment system known as the “CASBEE
Family” now includes over 15 tools specific to fields ranging from buildings to cities.
Recognized for its clear conceptual underpinnings, CASBEE generated considerable interest among government agencies, industries and
academics. Ranging from administrative support to design support, property appraisal and building branding, the systemized CASBEE tools
enable broad applications. The most significant characteristic of CASBEE is that all the tools are developed and organized consistently with a
unified concept. Without such a concept, the creation of a systemized group of tools would be difficult to achieve.

What is CASBEE
CASBEE is a method for evaluating and rating the environmental performance of buildings and the built environment. It is a comprehensive
assessment of the quality of a building, evaluating features such as interior comfort and scenic aesthetics, in consideration of environment
practices that include using materials and equipment that save energy or achieve smaller environmental loads. The CASBEE assessment is
ranked in five grades: Superior (S), Very Good (A), Good (B+), Slightly Poor (B-) and Poor (C).
Compared to other tools available worldwide, CASBEE exhibits a unique and simple structure. The key characteristics of CASBEE are as Figure 2: Sustainability ranking by BEE Figure 3: Global warming impact ranking by
follows: with CASBEE Lifecycle CO2 emission assessment with

1. Clear definition of spatial boundaries to be assessed

In many tools in use worldwide, the subject of assessment is often vaguely defined as a building or a location. However, the clear definition 5. Stratified structure of a scale of defined areas for
of spatial zones to be assessed should never be omitted before conducting an assessment. In this regard, of the assessment tools available assessment
throughout the world, only CASBEE is explicit on this issue. In CASBEE, the virtual boundary is introduced as an area surrounding the CASBEE gradually expanded so as to perform the assessment on a
building concerned and is treated as a site boundary. The inside and the outside of the virtual space boundary are specifically framed to be scale of a district (or local area or neighborhood). CASBEE for Cities,
evaluated separately. The key here is that the surrounding area of the building is explicitly included for the on-site assessment. which was released recently, is the only tool enabling city-scale
2. Clear definition of environments to be assessed
As already mentioned, a pair of different aspects represented by an incompatible vector, that is, improvement of Q (environmental quality) and 6. Inclusion of time scale for assessment
reduction of L (environmental load) are included for building environmental assessment in this global environment era. Only the CASBEE tool Initially, almost all the assessment tools dealt with the new
system was designed with this point of view. In CASBEE, each item to be evaluated is first associated with either Group Q or Group L and is construction of buildings. The subsequent development of tools to
further assigned to the respective sub-group for more detailed categorization. assess the existing buildings occurred in many cases. The promotion
of environmental assessment of existing buildings is a policy that is Figure 4: Stratified structure of a scale of defined areas for
challenging but meaningful. CASBEE assessment
In CASBEE for Cities, urban environment can be assessed in the
context of past, present and future. Urban development is usually planned and executed over a long time span. The outcomes of urban
environment policy can be better presented by comparing how the city was in the past, how it is in the present, and how it would be in the

CASBEE is comprised of a suite of assessment tools tailored to different scales: construction (housing and buildings), urban (town development)
and city management. These tools are collectively known as the “CASBEE Family.”

1. Housing scale
Figure 1: Setting of the spatial boundary for CASBEE assessment and the 1) CASBEE for Detached House
definition of Built Environment Efficiency (BEE)
CASBEE-DH/NC (NC: New Construction)
*English version is available as “CASBEE for Home (Detached House) 2007 edition.”
3. Scoring method This tool is used to assess the environmental performance of detached houses wherein the scoring criteria are
Many assessment tools have adopted the simple addition of scores attained from the respective assessment items. However, the originality of simplified in anticipation of use by residents or small- and medium-sized building contractors.
the CASBEE assessment method stems from use of the aforementioned Q and L to obtain a scalar indicator determined by Q/L (referred to as There are various stakeholders in the housing construction industry such as clients, designers, contractors, and
the Built Environment Efficiency; BEE). The BEE is a concept akin to Factor Four proposed as the efficiency of resources use by Weizsäcker builders. Therefore, “CASBEE-DH/NC,” previously called “CASBEE for New Detached Houses,” was introduced in 2007
in Germany. which especially focuses on making its structure easy for users to understand. CASBEE-DH/NC includes 54 sub-criteria
that have been modified from the other standards in Japan. These items for comprehensive assessment cover not only

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the house itself but also the outdoor space of the house, home appliances, information provided to the occupants from
house suppliers, and the environmental strategies at the material production and construction stages. Among CASBEE
tools, CASBEE-DH/NC was the first to introduce the five BEE ranks using the corresponding number of stars.

CASBEE-DH/EB (EB: Existing Building)

This is a tool for the assessment of existing detached houses and was developed to enable a resident, an architect,
etc., to check the environmental performance of the house in which the resident is living, and to perform effective

2) CASBEE for Housing Unit

This assessment tool was developed as a tool to evaluate the environmental performance individual
units within an apartment building, the results of which can be utilized when trading or renting a unit.

3) CASBEE Housing Health Checklist

CASBEE Housing Health Checklist is a type of software wherein answering 50 questions allows
residents to identify the aspects of their home that affect their health. A health ranking is also available
for comparing the result with 6,000 other houses across Japan.
For Housing Unit Housing Health
2. Building Scale
1) CASBEE for Building Design
CASBEE-BD/NC (NC: New Construction) *English version is available as “CASBEE for New Construction 2014 edition.”
CASBEE-BD/NC (formerly called the DfE (Design for Environment) tool) is mainly used by architects and engineers to
assist them in increasing the BEE value of a building during the design process. It can be used as a design support tool
as well as a self-checklist and makes assessments based on the design specifications and the anticipated performance.
The environmental quality and performance of the building and its load reduction performance can be evaluated at
any phase of the Preliminary Design, Execution Design or Construction Completion. Reconstruction projects are also
assessed by CASBEE-BD/NC.
As the environmental performance and the evaluation may chang during operation stage, the results of assessments
remain valid only for three years after the completion of construction.

CASBEE-BD/EB (EB: Existing Building)

CASBEE-BD/EB targets existing buildings with an operational record for at least one year after completion and
developed to also be applicable to the asset value assessment. CASBEE-BD/EB can be used:
・ As a labeling tool to declare the environmental performance of buildings
・ To support building maintenance.
・ By building owners, such as real estate agencies and large enterprises, as a self-evaluation tool for mid- to long-term
management plans.
The results of the performance assessment are valid for 5 years and, since the building condition may change over
time, it should be reassessed using the latest version of the assessment tool.

CASBEE-BD/EB (RN: Renovation)

CASBEE-BD/RN was designed to evaluate the performance of existing buildings based on specifications for renovation
and the predicted performance. It can be used:
・ In renovating existing buildings or making proposals for building-operation monitoring, commissioning and upgrade
designs with a view to Energy Service Company (ESCO) projects.
・ To evaluate the degree of improvement of environmental performance relative to the level preceding renovation.
・ To assess the improvement of specific performance in relation to the purpose of renovation. For instance, the BEE
・ for energy saving can also be evaluated; this is determined by scores for the assessment categories especially
related to energy saving renovation, such as Energy (LR1) and Indoor environment (Q1).
The assessment is valid for three years after the completion of renovation work, and assessment should be repeated
with the latest version of CASBEE-BD/RN available.

CASBEE for Temporary Construction (CASBEE-TC)

CASBEE for Temporary Construction was developed as an extension to CASBEE-BD/NC for evaluating temporary
Figure 5: Assessment result of CASBEE for Building (New Construction) buildings constructed specifically for short-term use, such as Exposition Pavilions. Buildings of this type have short-term
lifecycles and therefore consideration should concentrate largely on material use and recycling in the construction and
demolition phases.


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CASBEE for Heat Island Relaxation (CASBEE-HI) 4. City scale
Assessment of the heat island effect is essential in major urban areas such as Tokyo and Osaka. CASBEE-HI is a tool 1) CASBEE for Cities *English version is available.
aimed for more detailed quantitative assessment of heat island reduction measures in building design. In CASBEE- CASBEE for Cities is a system for comprehensively evaluating the environmental performance of cities, using a triple
HI, the criteria deal with more detailed conditions in the outdoor thermal environment and heat island load on the bottom-line approach of “environment,” “society” and “economy.” This tool was developed with the cooperation of the
surroundings. Such issues are also addressed in CASBEE-BD/NC. Japanese Promotion Council of Low Carbon Cities (PCLCC) that resides within The Regional Revitalization Bureau
of Cabinet Secretariat. The PCLCC consists of Eco-Model Cities and other local governments, government-related
CASBEE for Schools organizations, relevant ministries and agencies, private companies and other bodies in Japan.
In Japan, there are an enormous number of old school facilities built in the 1960s or earlier awaiting for renovation. CASBEE for Cities measures the current BEE of a city and estimates the future BEE after the implementation of
CASBEE for Schools was developed to assess primary schools and junior high or high schools and for use especially sustainable planning policies. By comparing the two values, CASBEE for Cities quantitatively evaluates the effectiveness
at the planning and operation stages of buildings. The primary target users are administrative officers in charge of the of such policies and presents the results in an easy-to-understand format. It is hoped that this new tool will help
planning of educational facilities. CASBEE for Schools was modified from the CASBEE-BD/NC, CASBEE-BD/EB and administrative officers and other stakeholders to share a common understanding of the current state of cities and
CASBEE-BD/RN for easy assessment of the schools and thereby assisting in the broader promote eco-friendly schools. cooperate in setting and pursuing goals in order to create a low-carbon society.

Locally Customized Edition for Municipalities 2) CASBEE for Cities -Pilot version for worldwide use *English version is available.
A flexible response to regional characteristics is a common feature of all the tools of the CASBEE family. CASBEE- CASBEE for Cities (Pilot version for worldwide use) is a tool specifically developed for city-scale assessment applicable to
BD/NC can be used by local authorities for construction administration. Local authorities using this tool can tailor it to various types of cities in both developing and developed countries around the world. The assessment items and indicators
local conditions, such as climate and relevant policies wherein changes are generally made by modifying the weighting CASBEE-School were carefully selected by referring to previous studies and documents such as the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
coefficients. This system is introduced to the local authorities as a way to improve the environmental efficiency of (SDGs) indicators, ISO 37120, IPCC and COP-FCCC, etc. The tool users can understand the actual conditions of their CASBEE-City
buildings in the respective regions. cities and progress toward achieving global SDGs. This tool is under development, and its pilot version has been released -Pilot version for
worldwide use
2) CASBEE for Interior Space
The assessment of CASBEE for Interior Space covers only the area that the tenant (such as a company) occupies in
an office building, because the main purpose of this tool is to evaluate environmental measures and/or environmentally
CASBEE applications
responsible initiatives conducted by the tenant itself. The assessment also includes indoor comfort, energy efficiency and 1. Sustainable building reporting system
water conservation of the building, earthquake resistance, and intellectual productivity. At present, only office buildings are In Japan, many local governments have made it mandatory to include the
assessable. Space CASBEE assessment result along with the application for building permits.
Assessment results (ranking) of all the CASBEE-assessed buildings
3) CASBEE for Market Promotion (CASBEE-MP) *English version is available. registered by local governments in Japan are available on the Internet.
The CASBEE tools were originally intended mainly for design support use and were not so widely used in the property As of March 2015, the number of assessed buildings exceeds 16,000.
market. Recently, UNEP-SBCI, United Nations Environment Programme - Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative, CASBEE is an assessment system applied to a great number of private
proposed global common metrics called “the Sustainable Building Index.” A simple, comparable and compatible system is buildings (other than detached houses), which makes CASBEE very
crucial to decision-making regarding investment in green buildings. For investors, it is also necessary to cover the common special and unique and which is one of its main features.
metrics proposed by UNEP-SBCI. It was therefore decided to have CASBEE tools connected with approaches for property
appraisal. 2. Certification system and Accredited Professional regist-
A clear indication of environmental performance value is required in the property market, and it is important to disseminate ration system
such ideas. With this in mind, a very simple version of CASBEE was developed with two aspects: the evaluation of environmental performance CASBEE Certification is a system in which a third party examines and
and the disclosure of environmental performance value. The main categories of this tool cover five issues - energy/GHG, water, materials, certifies assessment results provided by CASBEE-BD/NC, BD/EB, BD/RN,
biodiversity/sustainable site and indoor environment -, along with five issues from the Sustainable Building Index. With 21 assessment items in DH/NC, UD and for Market Promotion. An application for certification must
total, each of the five categories contains prerequisite items. be accompanied by assessment results provided by a CASBEE Accredited
Professionals. Since the system started in 2004, about 500 buildings in
3. District scale total throughout Japan have so far been certified (as of March 2016.)
Figure 5: Local governments in Japan utilizing CASBEE
1) CASBEE for Urban Development (CASBEE-UD) *English version is available. CASBEE Accredited Professional Registration System was established
CASBEE-UD is to evaluate urban development projects on the ground where there are several architectural constructions as CASBEE assessment requires a specialized engineer with expertise and knowledge in the comprehensive environmental performance
and other areas for various purposes such as roads, public squares and green spaces. In CASBEE-UD, the environmental evaluation of buildings. There are 3 qualifications of CASBEE-APs depending on the CASBEE tools the assessor is capable of using.
performance of such constructions and areas is examined collectively. CASBEE-UD has served as a useful tool to CASBEE-AP for Housing is a license for assessment with CASBEE-DH series, CASBEE-AP for Buildings is for CASBEE-BD series and
developers and city/district planners. CASBEE-AP for Market Promotion is for CASBEE-MP. The total number of CASBEE-APs exceeds 14000 (as of March 2016.)
The key concept is that the assessment of QUD is based on the triple-bottom-line approach and LUD is evaluated To become a CASBEE-AP, passing the examination after taking the training lecture must be needed.
according to how effectively low-carbon initiatives are carried out. CO2 emissions induced by a project of interest (on a
scale of a district or local area) are calculated and converted into an LUD score through a series of procedures to obtain a CASBEE-UD

standardized indicator.

2) CASBEE Community Health Checklist

The CASBEE Community Health Checklist is a type of software used to assess the health of community residence. The
checklist conforms to the assessment system based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization (WHO). Communities are evaluated from the viewpoints of removal of
function-disabling factors and sufficiency of encouraging factors for activities and participation.

Community Health Figure 6: Cumulative numbers of Figure 7: Cumulative numbers of

CASBEE certified buildings CASBEE Accredited Professionals
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