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People management is an important aspect of any organization, and this

includes the fast-food industry. The fast-food industry experiences one of the

highest turnover rates, this is one of the reasons why managers and owners in this

industry often search for ways to motivate their employees. Fast-food restaurant

staff often choose this as interim employment while they pursue education or

another job. By giving incentives and using other methods, they get employees

motivated to produce higher quality and more productive work results. The

satisfaction of human resources is about highly motivated employees. To keep

employees satisfied, there must be good payment, checkup aid, and fringe benefits

to deliver good quality services.

Employees tend to produce good quality work and good customer services

when they are satisfied and motivated. Unsatisfied workers will result in a high

absence, low-quality outputs and a high rate of employee turnover (Ivancevich,

2007). Poor approval of workers may be because of poor working conditions, less

fringe benefits, autocratic management style, and etcetera. Such vices have

adverse implications on employee performance in the workplace, particularly in the

fast-food industry. Thus, job satisfaction has been recognized as an important

factor in the fast-food industry to ameliorate the negative attitudes of employees

towards their job or organization.

Over the years, employee motivation has remained a principal human

resource challenge in many organizations. Staff motivation has for a long time

affecting the rate at which employees are retained within the organization.

Employees’ resigning from a workplace occurs because of (a)low wages and

benefits, (b) lack of training, (c) autonomy, (d) job opportunities, (e) lack of support

from management, (f) and from unfavorable working conditions (Batt et al.,

2014;Royle, 2005).

Jollibee Food Corporation has grown to be one of the most known and

highly favored brands in the Philippines. Now the market leader among fast-food

chains in the Philippines, requiring a market share that totals more than half of the

entire industry. It is the largest fast food chain in the Philippines, operating a

nationwide network of more than 750 stores. According to Leve (2010) ,having an

excellent human resource management is one of the reasons why Jollibee is

successful. They are the ones that ensure that the organizations' objectives are

met. It has for a long time continued affecting the rate at which employees are

retained within the workplace. It has a major role to play in the day-to-day running

of the organization. “Employees who believe that management is concerned about

them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more

satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which

leads to profitability.”Mulcahy (2013). This shows that employees should be

satisfied within an organization so that they reside productively and have an

enthusiastic performance. Lamptey, Boateng, and Antwi (2013) also concur that

motivation is vital to boost performance in an organization. Moreover, highly

motivated employees strive to produce at the highest possible level and exert

greater effort than employees who are not motivated (Schultz et al., 2003).

This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence staff

motivation of three chosen branches of Jollibee Food Corporation in Trece Martires

City Cavite. This study gathered the information that could help in improving the

motivation practices of Jollibee Corporation.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors that influence staff motivation of

Jollibee Food Corporation in Trece Martires City Cavite.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the motivation practices utilized by the management of Jollibee

Food Corporation?

2. How does motivation affect employees' productivity in Jollibee?

3. What is the relevance of motivation practices in the management of

employees in fast-food restaurants?


The main objective of this study is to determine the factors that influence staff

motivation of Jollibee Food Corporation In Trece Martires City Cavite.

The specific objectives of the study are to:

1. Determine the motivation practices utilized by the management of Jollibee

Food Corporation ;

2. Determine how does motivation affect employees' productivity in Jollibee;

3. Determine the relevance of motivation practices in the management of

employees in the fast-food outlets


Conceptual Framework

Job satisfaction is an important factor in the business particularly the fast food

industry to ameliorate the negative attitudes of employees toward their work and

organization. According to Ivancevich (2007) employees tend to produce good

quality work and good customer service when they are satisfied and

motivated.Unsatisfied workers will result in high absence, low quality outputs and

high rate of employee turnover.



Influencing Staff
Practices of
Structured one to
Motivation of
Jollibee one interview
Data Interpretation Corporation

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study.

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input

is consists of motivation practices of Jollibee Corporation. On the other side, the

process that is being used is the structured one to one interview and data

interpretation. Also, the researcher wanted to find out the factors influencing staff

motivation of Jollibee Corporation.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused and aimed to determine factors that influence staff

motivation of Jollibee Food Corporation In Trece Martires City Cavite. This study

was limited to the 10 employees of three chosen branches of Jollibee Food

Corporation in Trece Martires Cavite. The data are gathered from selected

branches and conducted from September to October 2019.

Significance of the study

The findings from this study will help to highlight those areas where there

are problems among staff and thus will be of great benefit to the management of

organizations and policymakers. The results of this study would be significant in

the sense that it would enable both the management and the labor union to

understand how the various incentive packages are exploited to inspire staff to

increase and sustain productivity. Furthermore, the findings from this study would

also help to highlight the likely problems of frustrations and how motivation be used

to reduce or eliminate these problems amongst staff of the organization. The

results from this study will help to emphasize the concept of group dynamics and

staff behavior to work. Through such understanding, the administrative scope of

the chief executives official be broadened and this would put him/her in a better

position to review and overhaul their orientation to supervision in terms of better

motivating staff and thus producing better results by fully utilizing the human

resources potentials available.


Definition of terms

The following terms were defined operationally.

Dissatisfaction. It refers to feeling that employees are not pleased or


Employee Motivation. It refers to the level of energy, commitment, and

creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs.

Incentives. It refers to any factor (financial or non-financial) that enables or

motivates an employee.

Jollibee. It refers to the fast-food restaurant where the study was


Performance. It refers to the record of a person’s accomplishments at

fast-food restaurants

Rewards. It refers to the benefits granted to employees by organizational

system, such as money, promotions and sense of accomplishment



This chapter shows the methodologies used in the study. It includes

research design, research environment, respondents, sampling procedure,

research instrument and data gathering procedure

Research Design

The study used the descriptive method of research by utilizing structured

one-to-one interviews for data collection. The study is a qualitative design to

determine the factors influencing staff motivation in Jollibee Food Corporation.

Research Environment

The study was conducted with three chosen branches of Jollibee Food

Corporation in Trece Martires City, Cavite. The vicinity was near, and the

researchers agree that it’s the most appropriate setting for the study. It is believed

that the respondent in the chosen environment for the study can give important

information that will give the study reliable information.


The respondents of the study were the 10 employees from three chosen

branches of Jollibee Corporation in Trece Martires City. They were selected as a

source of information.

The respondents were given the freedom to choose whether they want to

participate or not. The information of the individuals who have been involved in the

study is completely secured and confidential.


Sampling Procedure

The study used convenience sampling, as it is used in selecting

respondents as per ease of access, readiness to be a part of the sample,

availability at a given time slot or any other practical specifications of a particular


Research Instrument

An interview protocol was prepared to elicit information and gather sufficient

data on the factors influencing staff motivation. It was developed by gathering

related theories and studies. It was validated through consultation with the

research teacher.

Data Gathering Procedure

After getting the approval of the research adviser, permission was sought

to interview the subjects.

The interview questions were given in advance to allow the subjects and

study participants to prepare the answers. They were given a structured interview

for them to express their opinions more. Personally interviewed by the researchers

at their convenient time. They were given assurance regarding the confidentiality

of the data. The responses were transcribed as soon as possible and were then

coded and categorized for interpretation.



This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the

data gathered. Thematic analysis by Braun and Clark (2006) was applied in

interpreting the data. All the responses were coded, categorized, and interpreted


Table 1.Motivation practices utilized by Jollibee Corporation

Extract Universal Global Sample Quote

Theme Theme

1.What are the Managers The A. “They use the

rewards you guide and managers managers as the

received from your encourage. guide and one who guides

employer? encourage and encourage

the the employees.”


Rules and Rules and B. “They follow

Regulation. regulation regulations that

helps help us,

employees in employees in

helping each helping each

other. other.”

Bonus reward. Employers C. “I received an

give bonus additional

rewards. bonus from my


Feedback Feedback on D. “Employers give

employees feedback and

work evaluation to

performance employees job

to encourage to inform their

and inform performance”

Praise Praises from E. “Praises from

the manager the employer

help are given to

employees those

to do well in employees who

work had a great

performance in

that month”

Promotion Promotion is F. “Promotion is

given to possible to all

employees’ employees who

had an




Financial Financial G. “Financial

rewards rewards to rewards are

established given to all

employees’ employees to

diligence compensate

and the effort that

commitment they


Recognition A H. “Recognition

System Recognition every month is

system was given to

established acknowledge

to the employee

acknowledge who had the

one’s hard best work.”


Additional Pay Additional I. “Additional Pay is

Pay is given given if their

if employees performance has


had a been evaluated

significant as exceeds

performance expectations”.

Training Provides J. “Potential

training to managers such

the potential as myself were

managers given the

training to keep

up to



In order to be able to fully grasp the factors influencing staff motivation of

Jollibee Food Corporation, an understanding of the motivation practices that is

utilized by the stated fast-food chain was needed. These encompasses all the

rewards that employees received in Jollibee. The most common responses being

:(1) Managers guide and encourage, (2) rules and

regulation,(3)feedback,(4)promotion,(5)financialrewards,(6)recognition system,

(7) training.

According to a study conducted by Yousaf (2014), rewards are categorized

into two groups, financial and non-financial rewards. The financial rewards are

also called extrinsic rewards and the non-financial rewards are called intrinsic

rewards. Other researchers like Dailey & Kirk (1992), argued that, three types of

rewards existed and to which individuals are normally attracted to and seek

from their organization; these are extrinsic, intrinsic and social rewards. The

study of Gomez (1992) best illustrates the differences between extrinsic and

intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards refer to physical benefits provided by the

organization such as pay, salaries, bonus, fringe benefits, and career

development opportunities. Intrinsic rewards on the other hand, refer to the

rewards that come from the content of the job itself and encompass motivational

characteristics of the job such as autonomy role clarity and training. Social

rewards as named by Mottaz (2004) arise from the interaction with other people

on the job and may include, having supportive relationships with managers,

supervisors and co-workers.

Table 2.Rewards on employees’ productivity

Extract Universal Theme Global Theme Sample Quote

1.Do the Serves as a goal Rewards serve A. “It serve

rewards given as a goal to aim as a goal

by company for a better to aim for

encourages position and a a better

you to work bigger salary. position

enthusiastically and a

? bigger



Increases Rules and B. “By

Productivity regulations help having

on increasing rules and

productivity regulatio







Better job Better job C. “The

performance performance will better

result in the best job

rewards. performa

nce is the



that we


Job Bad performance D. “Someti

dissatisfaction means bad mes,

feedback feedback



s are not

good that

results in




Serves as a goal Promotion is a E. “Promoti

goal that keeps on from

employees my

motivated. current


is my

goal that




d in


amotivation and Not enough F. “Someti

poor performance salary to provide mes,

physical needs, salary is

resulting in poor not

performance enough



my basic



result in




Training results in Training helps to G. “Training

an improved be better and s that are

performance have an provided

improved by the

performance manage


helps me

to be

better in




Outstanding Better job H. “Better

results performance job

results in better performa

position and nce

promotion. results

on being


and put

on for


n or a



Good and Good feedback I. “Good

productive from employers feedbacks

performance results in having from my

a good and managers

productive motivates

performance me to do

well, thus ,


in a good



Good Additional pay J. “Additiona

performance affects job l pay

satisfaction that motivates

creates a good me to do

performance well to

have a


salary that

results in

having a




As shown in table 2, the common effects of rewards on employees’

productivity are as follows: (1) serves as a goal,(2) increases productivity,(3) better

job performance,(4)Job dissatisfaction,(5) amotivation and poor performance.

On organization, rewards play an important role in building and sustaining

the commitment among employees that ensures a high standard of performance

and workforce constancy (Wang 2004). Kiviniemi et al. (2002) described that job

satisfaction of the employees’ increase by the rewards they receive from the

organizations. Pay and promotion dependents on performance and provide strong

motivation for employees to work harder in order to be promoted. Payment

schemes are seen as more closely aligning the interests of workers and firms.

Furthermore,the critical characteristic of linking effort and pay allows a more

complete optimization by workers than is possible with time rates (Heywood and

Wei 2006).In addition, some types of performance pay may be part of a bundle of

HRM innovations associated with high-performance workplaces. Such workplaces


may create greater feelings of belonging, esteem and commitment. Goddard

(2001) and Bauer (2004) present evidence on the association between job

satisfaction and high-performance work. However, motivators could result in job

dissatisfaction and amotivation if not satisfied. (Elliot & McGregor 1999).

Table 3.Relevance of motivation practices in the management of employees

Extract Universal Theme Global Theme Sample Quote

1. For you,as an Employees do It helps A. “It helps

employee,what their best. employees to us to

do you think is keep doing keep on

the relevance of their best. doing

the rewards in our

the management best.”

of employees?

Employees Keep employees B. “It is

working to the working to the relevant in

best of their best of their a way that

abilities. abilities. it keeps


working to

the best of



No arguments. No arguments C. “I don’t

between the receive

management and arguments

employees. between

me and



Good Every employee D. “That

communication, has good every

good relationship. communication person on

and relationship. company

have a



ation and



Avoids disputes Motivation helps E. “I think

and arguments. avoid disputes that

and arguments. motivation


helps to








ent and


Helps in Motivation helps F. “It

coordination and in coordination improves

communication. and coordinati

communication on

among workers. ,communic


among us”

Helps employees Motivation helps G. “It helps

to be enthusiastic. employees to be the

enthusiastic. employees

to be



Helps employees Motivation helps H. “It helps

to be happy and employees to be us to be

eager. happy and eager. happy and



Helps employees Employees will I. “All the

to do their best. work to the best employees

of their abilities. will always

work to

the best of



Helps keep Motivation keeps J. “It is

employee happy. the employees important

happy. to keep




As shown in table 3 are the employees’ views of the relevance of motivation

practices in the management of employees.The most common responses being:


(1) Employees working to the best of their abilities, (2) good communication, good

relationship, (3) avoids disputes and arguments , (4)helps keep employee happy.

Chen et al. (2006) pointed out that research is lacking in examining

employee satisfaction with communication process. There is therefore the need to

explore the relationship between organizational communication and workers

performance since communication integrates different units and functions in the

organization. Communication is the human activity that links people together and

create relationship.


This chapter presents the summary, the conclusion, and the

recommendation of the study.


The main purpose of this study is to assess the views of factors influencing

staff motivation of Jollibee Corporation. Specifically, this study aims to determine

the effects of the factors influencing staff motivation, and to determine who

motivated the staff in Jollibee Corporation.

The study is a qualitative research study that focused on identifying

phenomena by collecting data that are analyzed using interpretations. In selecting

the participants, convenience sampling was used. The participants of the study

were composed of 10 Employees from the three chosen branches of Jollibee

Corporation in Trece Martires City. The responses of the respondents were

transcribed as soon as possible and were then coded and categorized for


Based on the gathered data, the following are the results of the study, first

the views of Motivation practices utilized by Jollibee Corporation are: Managers

guide and encourage; Rules and Regulations; Bonus Reward; Feedback; Praise;

Promotion; Financial Rewards; Recognition System; Additional pay; Training The

Rewards on employees’ productivity are: Serves as a goal; Increase productivity;

Better job performance; Job satisfaction; Serves as a goal; Motivation and Poor

performance; Training results in an improved performance; Outstanding results;


Good and productive performance; and the Relevance of motivation practice in the

management of employees; Employees do their best; Employees working to the

best; No Arguments; Good Communication, Good relationship; Avoid disputes;

Helps in coordination; Helps employees enthusiastic; Help employees to be happy

and eager; Help keep employee happy. That is the Factors Influencing the Staff

motivation in Jollibee Corporation that they encounter.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn:

1. The motivations utilized by Jollibee Food Corporation are guide and

encouragement, rules and regulation, feedback, promotion, financial rewards,

recognition system, and training. These rewards received by the employees

had a good impact on their performance in the workplace. It also gives

motivation and having a good relationship with managers, supervisors, and co-


2. Rewards received by the employees play an important role in building good

communication and interaction inside the workplace. The high performance of

the employees implies that they are satisfied with the rewards they received

from the workplace and also motivated to work enthusiastically. However, bad

feedback from their employer and salary is causing job dissatisfaction and poor


3. Giving rewards helps the employees to work productively without any

arguments and disputes. This implies that rewards help employees to look for

a positive outlook in an organization. Rewards can build a good relationship

and links people to achieve a common goal.


It is recommeded for every firm to mirror the motivational practices in

Jollibee Food Corporation, as the study showed that the motivational practices

greatly helps in staffs’ performance thus greatly improving the most important

asset within a busines organization.

Furthermore ,It is recommended that in order to expand the knowledge on

staff motivation and practices, future studies must expand the number of

respondents and to show a better representation of the employees’ experiences.

Furthermore, it is also recommended to also conduct study in different food



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Appendix 1:Questions for Factors Influencing Staff Motivation

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite
Brgy. Gregorio, Trece Martires City, Cavite

Name (Optional):

1.What are the rewards you received from your employer?

2.Do the rewards given by your company encourages you to work

enthusiastically? How?

3.For you, as an employee, what do you think is the relevance of the rewards in
the management of employees?

Appendix 2:Letter to Jollibee Food Corporation

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite
Brgy. Gregorio, Trece Martires City, Cavite

October 11, 2019

Dear Madam and Sir:

Warmest Greetings!

Miguel Gabriel, Jerome Jabon, Jerson Salomeo, Aiza Apolinario, Betty Mae

Cerro, Jasy Nupt Gillo, Patricia Gunio,Pauline Opana, and Allah Patricia

Pascual to conduct a survey outside the school. This is in view of our research

study, entitled, “Factors Influencing Staff Motivation of Jollibee Food

Corporation in Trece Martires City, Cavite” in which, the researchers will

conduct the survey among staff in the three branches of Jollibee Food


Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and there is no known or

anticipated risk to the participation in this study. All information provided will be

kept in utmost confidentiality and would be used only for academic purposes.

Your cooperation would be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your interest and assistance with this research.


Allah Patricia E. Pascual

Research Leader

Approved by:

Maricris G. Petelo

Research Adviser

Appendix 3: Documentations

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