Drug Study

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Yumol, Arnie Mariz G.

Drug Study of Patient X

Generic Co-amoxiclav
Brand Augmentin
Classification Penicillin
Dosage 500 mg
Route Intravenous
Frequency Every 8 hours
Mechanism of Action Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall
Indications Treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, genito-urinary infections, skin and soft
tissue infections, bone and joint infections
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins, history of co-amoxiclav or penicillin associated
jaundice or hepatic dysfunction
Nursing Responsibilities • Observe for anaphylaxis.
• Instruct patient or family relative to observe for a rash, wheezing, itching, fever, or swelling of the
joints and should immediately contact attending physician.
• Inform patient to report episodes of diarrhea, cramping or blood in stools.
• Ensure that patient has adequate fluid intake during episodes of diarrhea.
• Advise patient to take the full course of medication.

Generic Paracetamol
Brand Tempra Forte Liquid
Classification Antipyretic
Dosage 12 mL
Route Oral (Liquid form)
Frequency Every 4 hours for fever
Mechanism of Action Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandin
Indications treat mild to moderate pain (from headaches, menstrual periods, toothaches, backaches, osteoarthritis,
or cold/flu aches and pains) and to reduce fever.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to acetaminophen, patients with anemia, cardiac, pulmonary, renal and/or liver
disease must consult first with physician before taking this drug
Nursing Responsibilities Monitor signs and symptoms of hepatotoxicity, even moderate doses, especially those who ingested
alcohol fo long periods of time, poisoning and potential abuse from psychological dependece.
Instruct patient not to take other medications containing acetaminophen without medical advice.
Advise patient not to use this medication without medical direction for fever persisting longer than 3
d, fever over 39.5° C (103° F), or recurrent fever.
Advise patient not to use this medicate for pain more than 5 days.
If breast feeding, advise patient not to take this drug without consulting a physician.

Generic Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938

Brand Flotera
Classification Probiotic
Dosage 26.5mg
Route Oral (chewable tablet)
Frequency Once a day
Generic Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938
Mechanism of Action Produce pathogen-inhibitory substances, inhibition of pathogen attachment, inhibition of the action of
microbial toxins, stimulation of immunoglobulin A, and trophic effects on intestinal mucosa
Indications Enhance intestinal ecology, improves digestion, helps enhance natural resistance to infections
Contraindications Allergy to any ingredients of the product, badly damaged intestine (perforation or obstruction),
weakened immune system
Nursing Responsibilities Advise patient not to take this supplement with antibiotic.
If antibiotic cannot be avoided, take this supplement 2 hours before meal or 2 hours after meal.

Generic Salbutamol
Brand Activent
Classification Bronchodilator
Dosage 100 mcg
Route Inhalation
Frequency Every 6 hours
Mechanism of Action Activates beta2 adrenergic receptors on airways on smooth muscle causing the muscle to relax
Indications Quick relief of acute and severe bronchospasm, prophylaxis of exercise-induced bronchospasm, acute
and severe asthma
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to salbutamol, tachyarrythmias and tachycardia, patients with degenerative heart
Nursing Responsibilities Monitor patient for adverse reaction and to prevent tolerance.
Raise side rails up because client might feel restless and drowsy after.
Assess for pulse rhythm.
Advice client or family caregiver to have small frequent feedings to avoid increasing risk of vomiting
and heartburn.
Instruct client to rise slowly from bed or when changing positions such as sitting to standing.

Generic Fluimucil
Brand Acetylcysteine
Classification Mucolytic
Dosage 100 mg
Route Oral (tablet)
Frequency Every 12 hours
Mechanism of Action Exerts an intensive mucolytic fluidifying action on the mucous and mucopurulent secretions
Indications Mucoloytic, relieve chest congestion caused by thick or abnormal mucous secretions, used as an
antidote for paracetamol poisoning
Contraindications Known hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine, patients suffering from PKU, children below 2 years of age
Nursing Responsibilities Monitor for signs and symptoms of aspiration excess secretions.
Inform patient to report difficulty with clearing the airway or any other respiratory distress.
Advice patient or family caregiver to report nausea.

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