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This chapter presents the related literature and studies that are comprised from local and foreign.

2.1 Related Literature

In understanding the topic that the proponents had undertaken, these related literatures
comprised from local to foreign were identified.
The literature tells that Computerized Resident Information Management System of Barangay
Banay-Banay, Lipa City in transforming information tactics understandings and barangay practices
in relation to system information and to able to assist better communication and information ground
through Computerized Resident Information Management System execution, as found within the
heart of the learning mechanisms (Liao et. al, 2007). Computerized Resident Information
Management System as of today is changing what people learning upon such as with the burgeoning
of the database and easy access of the information and transactions that the residents needed.
Through this new informative medium, resources of varying quality and provenance on virtually
diverse computerized information matter now available to the barangay. The strong implication for
computerized resident’ s information is that skills in effective coding of information should occupy
more value and more important place within the modern technology wherein the adoption of
Computerized Resident Information Management System is more valued for prosperous barangay
techniques. From the perspective of the secretary of the barangay, Computerized Resident
Information Management System incorporates enormously increased potential for encoding
information in database. Furthermore, the resident information management systems do provide
greater range of ways through which the barangay can easily access the resident’ s information as
well the transactions being done inside the office.
This study surely tells that information system is an integrated set of components for collecting,
storing, processing and communicating information.

Systems to manage their operations, complete in the marketplace

supply services, and augment personnel lives. For instance, modern

corporations rely on computerized information systems to process financial
sctounts and manage human resources, municipal governments rely on
nformation systems to provide basic services to its citizen and individuals
u information systems to study, shop, bank, and invest

specialisls woK Closoly with organizational users, designing.

amplementing. ad mmanaging the compulers, systems, networks, and dala
that support key Dusiness activities. Their work requires an understanding
of rapidly evolving computer technologies as well as the human factors

associated with their use in organizational settings.

This stuay was taken from the web stating that, notably, Student

Infomation System or SIS incurs application software designed for

educational establishments to manage student data. Student information
systems provide capabilities for entering student test and other
assessment scores, building student schedules, tracking student
attendance as well as managing many students-related data needs within
the institution university. Thus, many of these systems applied in the
Philippines can be scaled to different levels of activity and can be

configured by their home institutions to meet local needs.

Moreover, before universities have created their own bespoke

student record systems, but with growing complexity in the business of

educational establishments, organizations now choose to buy
Customizable within the shelf software. It can be that, modern student
nfomation systems are usually server-based, with the application residing
on central computer server and are being accessed by client applications

at varnous piaces within and even oulside the school During the yea
1990 studenf's information systems have been changing and are fast
adopted through the presence of a web medium as a channel for
accessing SIS without any hustle upon viewing student details and

This stuay also comprised from the works of Wiliam R. King and

Reza Torkzadeh, and according to them, information technology off

shoring has been the most talked about phenomena in IS recent years
infuencing acadenmics and practitioners alike. The extent ot off shonng of
infomation technology-related services has been significant and the trend
seems likely to continue in the near future. Yet, there has been littile in-
depth study of work, career options, and the management of information
system functions. Although domestic outsourcing has been prevalent for
15 or more years, there is scant, research related to these issues in that
context as well. These new realities present information system
executives with legal, cultural and managerial challenges that are not yet
fully understood and educators with questions concening appropriate
Cumicula for the new environment. The goal of this special issue is to
provide a forum for generating a broad perspective on research related to
information system off shoring and develop a better understanding of the
opportunities and challenges that offered to the information system


Simuiltaneously, this study tells about that the study of informmation

Systems (16) covers wide range of activities involved in the application of

oomputer fechnologies to business processes. Infomation system

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