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1)Strategic benefitof cloud

Ans:Speed of completion

2)command to get Azure published stings file


3)Command to generate client certu

Ans: makecert -sky exchange…

4)Security parameters provided by azure

Ans:Both a and b

5)Storage class for long term archive storage

Ans: glacier

6)file size range in s3

Ans: 0-5tb

7)what do ttl settings control

Ans: determines the amount of time for specific…

8)How many languages supported by cloud search

Ans: 34

9)types of files windows azure storage BLOB contain

Ans: video/image/audio,VHD…

10)Types of storage that you can have with storage account

Ans: tables,blobs,queus

11)Which of these is a cloud deployment model

Ans: ALL of the above

12)When is cloud computing not a suitable option for organizations

Ans: Both A and B

13)Cloud computing is potentially suitable for

Ans: all of the above

14)Intended user for IaaS

Ans: IT professional

15)Different delivery methods available while creating CDN

Ans: Both 1 and 2

16)data format in s3

Ans: objects/files

17)Identify Storage classes in s3

Ans: all of the above

18) where are the steps to generate a self-signed root certificate available

Ans: at the bottom of help option

*19) underlying concept of CDN

Ans: place the content geographically nearest…

20) what server side encryption is available when uploading content to s3 bucktes

Ans: AES-256

21) when using a storage account what are main three ways to

Ans: tables, queues, blobs


Q) operational benefits that cloud computing offers organization


Q) when you have a azure subscription what are the two main choices wrt how..


Q)one core principle of cloud computing


Q)choices we have while looking at active directory in azure


Q) characteristic of inter cloud


*Q) what feature is used to distribut client acces across multiple instances for faster access

Ans: windows azure traffic mgmt

Q) options included in active directory windows


Q) How is vault lock different from vault policy

Q) The ---- benefits of cloud relate to its capacity to improve overall business process or functions


Q) type of encryption used in s3 for files or objects


Q) Find the standard which is not supported in amazon s3


Q) Identify how faster newtwok speeds contributed to developmwnt of cloud computing


Q) two ways to implement azure websites


Q) THE---platform roi provides a quick and dirty analysis of TCO…


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