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Radio Mindanao Network, Inc. v. Ybarola, Jr. GR No. 198662 (Resolution)

Date: September 12, 2012
Ponente: Brion, J.

Respondents Ybarola, Jr. and Rivera, Jr. were hired on 1977 and 1983 respectively by Radio
Mindanao Network (RMN). They eventually became account managers, soliciting advertisements
and servicing various clients of RMN. On September 2002, the respondent services were terminated
as a result of RMN’s reorganization/restructuring; they were given their separation pay. Sometime
in December 2002, they executed release/quitclaim affidavits. Dissatisfied with their separation pay,
the respondents filed separate complaints which were later consolidated against RMN and its
President, Canoy, for illegal dismissal with several money claims.
In the compulsory arbitration proceedings, respondents argued that the release/quitclaim they
executed should not be a bar to the recovery of the full benefits due them; while they admitted that
they signed release documents, they did so due to dire necessity. The petitioners denied liability,
contending that the amounts the respondents received represented a fair and reasonable settlement
of their claims, as attested to by the release/quitclaim affidavits which they executed freely and
voluntarily. The Labor Arbiter dismissed the illegal dismissal complaint, but ordered the payment
of additional separation pay.
On appeal, the NLRC set aside the LA’s decision and dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. It
ruled that as a general rule, commissions cannot be included in the base figure for the computation
of the separation pay because they have to be earned by actual market transactions attributable to
the respondents.

The respondents sought relief from the CA; the latter reinstated the labor arbiter’s separation pay
award, rejecting the NLRC’s ruling that the respondents’ commissions are not included in the
computation of their separation pay. It pointed out that in the present case, the respondents earned
their commissions through actual market transactions attributable to them; these commissions,
therefore, were part of their salary. The appellate court declared the release/quitclaim affidavits
executed by the respondents invalid for being against public policy.
I. Whether or not respondents’ commissions were not part of their salaries.
II. Whether the release/quitclaim affidavits executed by the respondents invalid for being
against public policy.
I. No. If these commissions had been really profit-sharing bonuses to the respondents, they should
have received the same amounts, yet, as the NLRC itself noted, Ybarola and Rivera received P
372,173.11 and P 586,998.50 commissions, respectively, in 2002. The variance in amounts the
respondents received as commissions supports the CA’s finding that the salary structure of the
respondents was such that they only received a minimal amount as guaranteed wage; a greater part
of their income was derived from the commissions they get from soliciting advertisements; these
advertisements are the "products" they sell. As the CA aptly noted, this kind of salary structure does
not detract from the character of the commissions being part of the salary or wage paid to the
employees for services rendered to the company.
II. Yes. The petitioner’s reliance on our ruling in Talam v. National Labor Relations Commission,
regarding the "proper appreciation of quitclaims," as they put it, is misplaced. While Talam, in the
cited case, and Ybarola and Rivera, in this case, are not unlettered employees, their situations differ
in all other respects. In Talam, the employee received a valuable consideration for his less than two
years of service with the company; he was not shortchanged and no essential unfairness took place.
In this case, as the CA noted, the separation pay the respondents each received was deficient by at
least P 400,000.00; thus, they were given only half of the amount they were legally entitled to. To
be sure, a settlement under these terms is not and cannot be a reasonable one, given especially the
respondents length of service 25 years for Ybarola and 19 years for Rivera. The CA was correct
when it opined that the respondents were in dire straits when they executed the release/quitclaim
affidavits. Without jobs and with families to support, they dallied in executing the quitclaim
instrument, but were eventually forced to sign given their circumstances.

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