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Electronic TYFON® Whistle

ETD 100/350

ETD 100/350
Ref. no. 24530080

Power Amplifier MTK 250

Ref. no. 25530060

A Strong Signal Without Noise!? When a “combined system” of two whistles are used
Many who sail under the IMO Regulations COLREG 1972 as described by IMO, a very effective and significant tone
know that these rules request very high sound pressure spectrum can be created. An airdriven TYFON for 260 or
levels for efficient signalling, yet “...the sound pressure level 440 Hz can be an excellent part of the appliances for the
of the vessel's own signal at the listening posts shall not utmost total performance and reliability.
exceed 110 dBA and so far as practicable should not exceed Power Amplifier MTK 250
100 dBA” (extract from IMO Regulations). The rules are The Power Amplifier MTK 250 is in principle a converter
demanding a strong signal on board but without noise! by means of which the direct current from a battery or
A common way to solve this ‘Paradox’ of COLREG 1972 DC generator is treated by an electronic oscillator to an
is to place a whistle very high above deck. But what if even alternating current of a frequency and wave form suitable
the highest point is not high enough? A Whistle with Unsym- to feed the horn. A quartz crystal keeps the frequency
metrical Sound Distribution is the solution!!! The novelties superstable, and the digital oscillator followed by a special
in brief with the horn design are: amplifier gives an extremely high efficiency and reliability
in the conversion process.
• Concentration of the total sound radiation towards the The MTK 250 amplifier has the following feature:
plane where it is needed-the horizontal plane. This • Generate momentary signals with a push-button or
means up to 10 dBA lower sound radiation our series of signalcontrollers.
downwards (and upwards). • Be used as a "General Emergency Alarm" unit.
• Appropriate sound spread in all horizontal directions • Together with a microphone be used as a
with the strength related to the headline sound PA-amplifier.
pressure level as prescribed by IMO.
• A sound spectrum specially created to give a high Technical data
electro-acoustic efficiency and, as well, a rich “tone Frequency (basic): 350 Hz
colour” and good properties for perception in noise. Sound Pressure Level (1m) Total: 132 dB
• Twin unit electrodynamic special drivers of enclosed 1/3 octave IMO limit: 130 dB
type, protected under cover of non-metallic material, Power consumption (battery): 250 W
glass-fibre reinforced polyester as the horn itself. Heating element: 25 W
Power source (battery) Nominal: 24V DC
From the points above, it is easy to understand that Min: 20V DC. Max: 27V DC
some very important features have been gained with the Operating ambient temp. for MTK 250: 0... + 50° C
new TYFON ETD 100/350. The new horn with its unique Protection class: IP64
vertically extended front marks the innovation that makes Weights: Whistle: 13 kg. Power amplifier: 4 kg
a major problem reducible. TYFON ETD 100/350 is equipped with a heating element
controlled by a thermostat which switches on at a tempe-
rature below + 10° C.

Kockum Sonics AB, Industrigatan 39, P.O. Box 1035, SE-212 10 Malmö, Sweden, Tel: +46 (0) 40 671 88 00
Fax: +46 (0) 40 21 65 13, e-mail: [email protected],
TYFON ETD 100/350 with Power Amplifier MTK 250

2 3 1


500 x 200

Units Ref. no.

TYFON ETD 100/350 24530080

Power Amplifier MTK 250 25530060

Spare parts Material Ref. no.

1 Horn Glass–fibre 21750090

2 Cover polyester 21772330
3 Driver 20620019
Heating element 20320031
Thermostat 36181148
4 Fuse 15 A**

Subject to alteration without notice.

5 Fuse 10 A**
Microphone* 20141010 Horn direction

Microphone holder**

Spare parts can be obtained from Kockum Sonics or their

agents. When ordering, give part name and reference no.
**Not kept in stock.

Mounting 200 4 holes Ø 9

“A whistle shall be placed as high as practicable on a ves- 250
sel in order to reduce interception of the emitted sound by
obstructions...” according to the international regulations Base plate
now in force.
The whistle shall be mounted on a horizontal support plane.
The amplifier is to be mounted indoors.
An advantage with TYFON ETD 100/350 is, that the length
of the cable between whistle and power amplifier is not MTK 250
critical. With a cable section of 2 x 4mm² a distance up to Unfused



30m, and with 2 x 2,5mm² up to 10m.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Note: Always use RF-shielded cables and always use
the original enclosure. 2 x 4mm 2 To microphone
Ø12...15.5 (optional)
To lamp
4 5 24V - Max 60W
12A + Max 30V Black


Red or
4 x 4mm2


General Emer-
gency Alarm
4 3 2 1
action switch
2 1 (optional)
2 1
Hand Push-
Heating Whistle button (optional)
ETD 100/350
Observe polarity of the
internal driver connection
Power Amplifier MTK 250 +
Box dimensions: Signalcontroller
260 x 160 x 90mm (L x W x H) Wiring diagram (optional)
240 x 110mm between mounting holes
4 mounting holes Ø 6,5mm

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