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Activity 2.1.

1: Diagnosing Diabetes
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is when you have high blood sugar

What are the types of diabetes?

Diabetes type 2
what kind of graph should we use to analyze data over time? why?
we should use a line graph because they are mainly used to record data over time
what are the risk factors of type 1 diabetes and?
type 1: Age, Autoimmune diseases, genetics, environmental factors: Viral
type 2: weight, not active, high cloistral, pre,

A) Complete steps 1-9 outlined in Activity 2.1.1. After step 9, record your results in the
table below ​(please use a different color font)​:

Time of Blood Glucose Level in the Glucose Level in the Glucose Level in the
Collection Blood Blood Blood
(minutes after (milligrams/deciliter) (milligrams/deciliter) (milligrams/deciliter)
drinking Anna Garcia Patient A Patient B
0 (Baseline 150 150 150
30 200 200 200
60 250 200 250
90 250 150 250
120 200 150 200

B) Complete steps 10-12. ​Insert your Excel or Google Sheets graph here:

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Principles of Biomedical Science Activity 2.1.1 Diagnosing Diabetes – Page 1
© 2013 Project Lead The Way,​ ​Inc.
Principles of Biomedical Science Activity 2.1.1 Diagnosing Diabetes – Page 2
● Analysis (1 paragraph minimum) ​(please use a different color font)​:

The graphs above are the results of our experiment for each patient to measure their
glucose levels throughout a period of time and the amount of insulin. Looking at all the
graphs I can tell that all the patients have diabetes but different types of diabetes. First,
Anna Garcia, her test result was that she had little insulin to no insulin and high glucose
which infers she has type 1 diabetes. Second, patient A test results were that he had .
Last, patient B test results were that he had high insulin and high glucose which means
he has type 2 diabetes

C) Complete steps 14-18. After step 18, record your results in the table below ​(please
use a different color font):

Time of Blood In. Level in the In. Level in the In. Level in the
Collection Blood Blood Blood
(minutes after
(Poml/L) (Poml/L) (Poml/L)
drinking insulin
solution) Anna Garcia Patient A Patient B
0 (Baseline Level) 0 100 100
30 0 300 300
60 0 400 400
90 0 300 400
120 0 100 300

● Analysis (1 paragraph minimum) ​(please use a different color font)​:

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E) Complete Anna Garcia's medical history report ​(please use a different color font)​:

Patient Name Anna Garcia Age 14 Date May 14

Height 5'0" Weight 103 lb Temperature 98.7 °F
Blood Pressure 110/72 Pulse 75 bpm Respiratory Rate 22 bpm
Case Notes

Anna is an active 14-year-old girl who, other than being diagnosed with ​sickle cell disease​ when she
bvvbvbwas a baby, has no other history of major illness. Recently, she reports ​fatigue​ and the
inability to complete her normal activities without needing to rest​. She also ​notes that no matter how
much she drinks, she still feels thirsty.​ The patient’s mother has noticed that Anna seems to ​use the
bathroom more often​. Anna has ​lost almost 10 pounds since her last visit​ even though her diet and
level of exercise has not changed. If anything, her ​activity level has decreased​ due to fatigue.
Anna’s mother reports a​ family history of high cholesterol and heart disease​.

Physical Exam The patient’s pulse is normal.

The patient shows no signs of edema (swelling) in her feet or lower legs,
although she does mention an ​occasional tingling sensation​.
The patient said she has no ear pain or a sore throat. Upon inspection, her
ears, nose, and throat all look normal.
The patient’s glands are not swollen.
Patient’s speech, hearing, and vision appear normal.
Laboratory CBC results are normal, with no abnormalities in the red blood cells, white
Analysis blood cells, or platelet count.
Cultures for strep are negative.
Routine urinalysis shows ​glucose in the urine​.
Given Anna’s ​family history of cardiovascular disease and her stated symptoms,
Anna will be sent for glucose tolerance testing to rule out diabetes.

Explanation of

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F) Complete the unit 2 investigative notes ​(please use a different color font)​:

● Activity 2.1.1.​ Brainstorm how Anna's ​2.1.1 Medical History​ may be linked to
her mysterious death.

G) Take notes as you view the Diabetes Animations​ ​(​please use a different color font):


H) Research and identify risk factors for diabetes. Be sure to use reliable sources and
cite using PLTW's citation protocol ​(please use a different color font):

Risk Factors:

I) Complete the Venn diagram for type 1 and type 2 diabetes ​(please use a different
color font):

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diabetes type 1 Similarities diabetes type 2

● little to no insulin ● High blood sugar ● high insulin

● Happens at an ● Hereditary ● happens later in life
earlier age ● treated by losing
● treated by taking weight
insulin ● obesity
● autoimmune

J) Complete the conclusion questions ​(please use a different color font)​:

● Describe how Glucose Tolerance Testing can be used to diagnose diabetes.

Glucose tolerance testing helps tell if you have diabetes by showing if your blood sugar
stays high above after a certain period of time.

● Explain why insulin injections are not the course of treatment for all diabetics.

Insulin injections are not the course of treatment for all diabetics because of the fact that
only type 1 diabetes suffers from low insulin and high blood sugar while type 2 suffer
from high insulin and high blood sugar.
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● Explain how lifestyle choices can impact a person’s risk of developing diabetes.

Lifestyle choices can impact a person’s risk of developing diabetes because if you are
inactive, obese, and have an unhealthy diet can put you higher at risk of having

● What do you think it means if doctors say that a person is “pre-diabetic”?

If someone is pre-diabetic that means they are right on the cusp of diabetes type two.

● Using information from this activity, explain the basic relationship between insulin
and glucose.

So from what I know if you have no insulin you can not open cells and Which means
high glucose

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