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At the end of the discussion pupils should be able to infer the character feelings and
traits. EN2LC-IIc-1.1
Selection: Jesus Walks on Water
References: English for Real pp. 123-124
Materials: Passage, picture, manila paper, crossword puzzles, charts and flashcards
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1.Activating Prior Knowledge
What do you know about God? Who is God for you?  He is our creator.

Showing picture of Jesus on the water.

 Class, what do you see in the picture?

 A group of people is on
the boat and Jesus is on
the water. It seems like
3. Unlocking Difficulties Jesus is helping the man
(The teacher will ask some students to get infront and on the water.
answer the activity posted on the chalkboard)

Direction: Using the configuration clues, guess the word  (Students who’s been
that was described by the phrases. called are going to
answer the crossword.)
a. Followers of Christ d__c__l__
b. Shouted with fear _c___m_d a. Disciples
c. Lack of confidence d__b_ b. Screamed
d. Took by hand _r__b__ c. Doubt
e. A spirit or g_o__ d. Grabbed
supernatural visitant e. Ghost

4. Motive Questions
Class, what if you saw someone walking on the

During Reading
1.Recalling the Standards
Children, as I read the story you listen very well and
 All right sir!
find out the different feelings that is present in the
2.Reading of the Story

Jesus Walks on Water

Immediately after this, Jesus made his
disciples get back into the boat and across to the
other side of the lake while he sent the people
home. Afterwards he went up into the hills by
himself to pray. Night fell when he was there alone.
Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away
from land, for a strong wind has risen, and they
were fighting heavy waves.
About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came to
theme, walking on the water.
When the disciples saw him, they screamed in
terror, thinking he was a ghost.

(Can you imagined that class?)  Yes, sir.

But Jesus spoke to theme at once. “It’s all right”, he

said. “I am here don’t be afraid.”
Then Peter called him, “Lord, if it’s really you,
tell me to come to you by walking on water.”
“All right, come,” Jesus said.
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked
on the water toward Jesus.
But when he looked around at the high waves, he
was terrified and began to sink.
“Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Instantly Jesus
reaches out his hand and grabs him. “You don’t
have much faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt
And when they climbed back into the boat the wind
Then the disciples worshiped him.“You really are
the son of God!” they exclaimed.
After they have crossed the lake, they landed
at Gennesaret. The news of their arrival spread
quickly throughout the whole surrounding area, and
soon the people were bringing all their sick to be
healed. The sick begged him to let them touch even
the fringe of his robe, and all who touched it were

Post Reading
1. Comprehension Check-up
a. So class, what if you saw someone walking  Sir, just like the disciples,
on the water? What would you feel? How I would feel shocked and
would you react? doubtful.

(all right, that was correct)

b. What did the disciples feel about Jesus?  Doubtful, shocked,

(Good job!) Thankful

c. Where did Jesus and His disciple go?  Gennesaret

(Ver good)

d. How did the disciples feel when they saw  Sir, they screamed in
Jesus walking on water? terror, thinking he was a
(Correct!) ghost
e. How did you feel while listening to the story?  Sir, I feel happy

 Sir, I feel excited

 Sir, I am amazed

(All right,very good class)  Sir, I feel hungry.

Now, let’s try this one. Get your paper and pencil.  Okay, sir.
2.Skill Development
Draw a picture for each given feeling (the pupils is going to draw a
Happy Doubtful Lonely Surprised Mad picture which represent each
feeling on the box)






3.Group Activity
(Class, sit properly and count 1-4,)
Group 1: Think of adjectives using the letters
of the name JESUS.
Group 2: Write a thank you letter to our God.
Group 3: Make a song about our God.
Group 4: Role play the story Jesus Walks on
(Be reminded class, that about our rubrics which is,
Discipline – 30%, Cleanliness – 30% , Artistry – 40%)

4.Presentation of the Group


From the story we read, We find out that our feelings

varies in responding to our surroundings through our
senses. The disciples of Jesus shows us their feelings
about Jesus.

Write the mood shown in each sentence.

_______ 1. This place is really dark and creepy.
_______ 2. Yippee! I got the highest score in the test.
_______ 3. I don’t want to share my bed! This is mine!
_______ 4. I can beat my opponent. I have prepared for this contest.
_______ 5. I shouldn’t have stolen Mother’s coins.


Read the poem and infer the feeling of the selection.

Who Has Seen the Wind?
By Christina Rossetti
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
Who was seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by.

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