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Oil-injected rotary

screw compressors

G 110-250 (110-250 kW / 150-340 hp)

G 160 VSD (160 kW / 200 hp)
Reliable technology in a robust design
Atlas Copco has a long, and successful history of designing and building rugged and reliable air
compressors. The G 110-250 and G 160 VSD air compressors have been designed according to this proud
tradition. They incorporate many unique features that help them operate in the harshest conditions.
The integrated oil and water separation systems produce high quality air to reduce costly downtime
and production delays. G range air compressors are highly efficient, easy to install and maintain,
which helps keep your operating costs to an absolute minimum.

Cement industry
Compressed air is used for many applications in the cement industry
which include dust collectors, air knives, pneumatic clutches, pneumatic
actuators and dust bag filtration systems. Thanks to the high reliability
of G 110-250 and G 160 VSD air compressors, the cement production
lines will stay up and running, day in, day out.

Mining industry
Compressed air is used for many applications in the cement industry
which include dust collectors, air knives, pneumatic clutches, pneumatic
actuators and dust bag filtration systems. Thanks to the high reliability
of G 110-250 and G 160 VSD air compressors, the cement production
lines will stay up and running, day in, day out.

Power plants
Power plants run round-the-clock to supply vital energy to industry
and consumers. A continuous supply of compressed air is absolutely
critical for trouble-free operation. G 110-250 and G 160 VSD compressors
provide a reliable source of compressed air for applications such as silt
blowing and fly ash handling.

General industry
Many industrial companies use compressed air in their daily operations.
Applications include pneumatic tools for cutting, drilling, hammering
and grinding; pneumatic actuators and valves; ventilation systems;
packing and palleting machinery and conveyor systems. G 110-250
and G 160 VSD compressors are designed for ultimate performance
and reliability.
High reliability
A reliable supply of compressed air is essential to make sure
that production runs smoothly and efficiently. High-end features
and generous safety margins stand for high reliability and
continuous production. Air filters remove dust, maximize the
lifetime of parts and ensure reliable operation.

High efficiency
G 110-250 and G 160 VSD air compressors are designed to be
highly energy efficient. The superior screw element provides the
optimum combination of maximum free air delivery and low
energy consumption. The state-of-the-art compressor element
is powered by high efficiency electric motors, contributing to
maximum package efficiency.

Easy installation, use and maintenance

G 110-250 and G 160 VSD air compressors are truly plug-and-run
machines. Installation, operation and maintenance are simple.
Complex connections or in-depth technical knowledge are
unnecessary. Just put the compressor on a flat floor, connect
the power supply and the pipe connections and press the start
button to run the compressor.

Assuring your peace of mind

Through continuous investment in our competent, committed
and efficient service organization, Atlas Copco ensures superior
customer value by maximizing productivity. With a presence
in over 180 countries, we offer professional and timely service
through interaction and involvement. Uptime is ensured by
dedicated technicians and 24/7 availability.
G 110-250: Reliability, efficiency
and simplicity

1 4
Heavy-duty oil filter Superior air filtration
• Outstanding oil purification capability ensures • Dust removal and filtering system with efficiency of up to 99.9%
a clean compressor oil system. even in heavy-duty environments (particles ≥ 3 micron).
• Long service intervals and easy access for reduced • Protects compressor parts and components, ensures air quality
maintenance costs. and extends the service life of the overall air system.

2 5
State-of-the-art screw element High-efficiency motor
• Atlas Copco designed and patented asymmetric element • TEFC IP55 motor (Class F insulation B rise) protects
profile with high quality bearings offering low wear and against dust and chemicals.
increased reliability. • Long-term stable operation even in harsh environments.
• The unique profile design provides industry leading energy
efficiency to lower your operating cost.

Reliable patented air inlet valve
• High efficiency Load / No Load control.
• Simple design reduces maintenance costs and increases reliability.


1 2

Air-water separator (standard) Easy to install, use and service

• Integrated air-water separator efficiently separates condensate. • No foundations needed: easy installation.
• Large-sized water outlet avoids risk of clogging and ensures • Completely integrated, silenced package.
worry-free operation. • Easy to transport and simple maintenance.
Monitoring and control:
how to get the most from the least
The Elektronikon® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors
and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such
as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress…
less stress for both you and your entire air system.

Intelligence is part of the package

• High resolution color display gives you an • Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically
easy to understand readout of the equipment’s and reliably to your compressed air needs.
running conditions. • Built in remote control and notifications functions
• Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast provided as standard, including simple to use
access to all of the important settings and data. Ethernet based communication.
• Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and • Support for 31 different languages, including
maintenance status; bringing this information to your character based languages.
attention when needed.

Increase production reliability and safeguard air quality

Our air treatment solutions produce clean, dry compressed air to enhance your production
system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays. Our air treatment
equipment has been designed and manufactured to the same exacting standards as our
compressors to ensure maximum reliability and energy efficiency.
VSD: Driving down your energy costs
Over 70% of a compressor’s life cycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation
of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. Atlas Copco was the
first compressor manufacturer to introduce compressors with integrated Variable Speed Drive (VSD). With
over 20 years of design and manufacturing experience our VSD technology has reached new heights of
energy savings and reliability. VSD technology reduces energy consumption in systems that have varying
air demand patterns. This reduction in energy consumption not only reduces your energy consumption but
also your carbon footprint to help protect the environment for generations to come.

Why VSD technology?

In almost every production environment, air demand fluctuates depending on different factors (time of the day, week or even month).
Extensive measurements and studies of compressed air demand profiles show that many compressors have substantial variations
in air demand. Only 8% of all installations have a more stable air demand. Tests prove that, even in this case, VSD compressors
save energy.

Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3



• 64% of all installations. • 28% of all installations. • 8% of all installations.
• Factory working 24 hrs/day: low • Factory working 2 shifts/day, • Factory working 2 shifts/day,
demand at night & high demand no weekend work: erratically no weekend work: typical 'fixed'
during the day. varying air demand. speed application.

On average 35% energy savings
Our G VSD technology closely follows the air demand by
automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in on
11% average 35% energy savings. The lifecycle cost of a compressor
can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system
pressure with G VSD dramatically minimizes energy use across
your production.

Total compressor lifecycle cost

Energy Investment

42% Energy savings with VSD Maintenance

Find out how much you can save

We can help you map the air demand profile of your current compressor installation and indicate potential energy savings
with VSD compressors. For more information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.
What is unique about the integrated
Atlas Copco G VSD?

Combined motor/converter efficiency Non-integrated Atlas Copco

Operating range
solution integrated solution


Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

Motor speed Flow

Integrated VSD Non-integrated VSD Speed windows

1 The Elektronikon® controls both the compressor and the 5 All G VSD compressors are EMC tested and certified.
integrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety Compressor operation does not influence
within parameters. external sources and vice versa.

2 Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10 bar with electronic 6 Mechanical enhancements ensure that all components
gearing reduces electricity costs. operate below critical vibration levels throughout the
entire compressor speed range.
3 Specific converter and motor design (with protected
bearings) for the highest efficiency across the speed range. 7 No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize energy savings or
the stability of the net pressure. Turndown capability of the
4 Electric motor specifically designed for low operating compressor is maximized to 80-85%.
speeds with clear attention to motor cooling and
compressor cooling requirements. 8 Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.

No current peaks
% Full load current

Star Delta
Soft Starter


0 10 20 Seconds
Optimize your system
Scope of supply
Air inlet filter and flexibles
Air intake valve
Full load/no load regulator
Long lifetime filtration and separation elements
Air circuit Integrated water separator

Heavy-duty oil filters

Complete oil circuit system

Oil circuit Air-oil separator

Compressed air aftercooler and oil cooler

Low noise cooling fan for air-cooled units

Cooling circuit Corrosion resistant coolers for water-cooled units

TEFC IP55 Class F electric motor

Starters (Star-Delta)
Pre-mounted electrical cubicles

Electrical components Elektronikon® unit controller

Structural skid with no need for foundations

Silenced canopy

Framework Flexible vibration dampers

ASME approval
CE approval

Mechanical approval Other country specific approvals

Additional features & options

G 110-160 G 200-250

Phase sequence relay - •

PT1000 the main motor windings and bearings - •
Anti-condensation heater in the main motor - •
Roto X-tend fluid 8000 h oil

NPT/ANSI connections • •
Anchor pads - •
Performance test certificate • •
Witness performance test • •
Seaworthy packaging • •
SPM monitoring - •
Electronic condensate drain - •

* Please consult us for performances and applications of options. : Standard •: Optional - : Not available
Flow chart
Fixed speed



A Intake air
A Intake air D Wet compressed air
B Air/oil mixture
B Air/oil mixture E Condensate C Oil

C Oil F Dried compressed air D Wet compressed air

E Condensate

F Dried compressed air

Variable Speed Drive: G VSD



A Intake air D Wet compressed air A Intake air

B Air/oil mixture
B Air/oil mixture E Condensate
C Oil
C Oil F Dried compressed air D Wet compressed air

E Condensate

F Dried compressed air

Technical specifications G 110-250 / G 160 VSD
Noise level
Working pressure Capacity FAD (1) motor Weight
TYPE power

bar(e) psig l/s m3/min cfm kW dB(A) kg lbs

50 Hz
7.5 109 319 19.1 676 110 78 3000 6614
G 110 8.5 123 302 18.1 640 110 78 3000 6614
10 145 278 16.7 589 110 78 3000 6614
7.5 109 379 22.7 803 132 78 3100 6834
G 132 8.5 123 356 21.4 754 132 78 3100 6834
10 145 330 19.8 699 132 78 3100 6834
7.5 109 453 27.2 960 160 78 3375 7441
G 160 8.5 123 430 25.8 911 160 78 3375 7441
10 145 400 24.0 848 160 78 3375 7441
7.5 109 592 35.5 1254 200 78 5405 11916
G 200 8.5 123 545 32.7 1155 200 78 5405 11916
10 145 513 30.8 1087 200 78 5405 11916
7.5 109 681 40.9 1443 250 78 5695 12555
G 250 8.5 123 667 40.0 1413 250 78 5695 12555
10 145 626 37.6 1326 250 78 5695 12555
8.5 123 127 468 7.6 28.1 269 992 160 78 3415 7529
G 160 VSD
10 145 177 418 10.6 25.1 375 886 160 78 3415 7529

Reference conditions: (1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, (2) Noise level
• Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi) Annex C, Edition 4 (2009). FAD is measured at the following A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work
• Intake air temperature 20°C (68°F) working pressures: station, Lp WSA (re 20 µPa) dB (with uncertainty 3 dB).
• Cooling medium temperature 20°C (68°F) • 7.5 bar variants at 7 bar Values determined according to noise level test code ISO
• 8.5 bar variants at 8 bar 2151 and noise measurement standard ISO 9614.
• 10 bar variants at 9.5 bar

Noise level
Working pressure Capacity FAD (1) motor Weight

psig bar(e) l/s m3/min cfm HP dB(A) kg lbs

60 Hz
100 6.9 312 18.7 661 150 78 3000 6614
G 110 125 8.6 307 18.4 650 150 78 3000 6614
150 10.3 272 16.3 576 150 78 3000 6614
100 6.9 383 23.0 812 175 78 3100 6834
G 132 125 8.6 338 20.3 716 175 78 3100 6834
150 10.3 306 18.4 648 175 78 3100 6834
100 6.9 427 25.6 905 215 78 3375 7441
G160 125 8.6 393 23.6 833 215 78 3375 7441
150 10.3 362 21.7 767 215 78 3375 7441
100 6.9 592 35.5 1254 250 78 5405 11916
G 200 125 8.6 545 32.7 1155 250 78 5405 11916
150 10.3 513 30.8 1087 250 78 5405 11916
100 6.9 681 40.9 1443 300 78 5695 12555
G 250 125 8.6 667 40.0 1413 300 78 5695 12555
150 10.3 626 37.6 1326 300 78 5695 12555
125 8.6 127 468 7.6 28.1 269 992 214 78 3415 7529
G 160 VSD
150 10.3 177 418 10.6 25.1 375 886 214 78 3415 7529

Reference conditions: (1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, (2) Noise level
• Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi) Annex C, Edition 4 (2009). FAD is measured at the following A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work
• Intake air temperature 20°C (68°F) working pressures: station, Lp WSA (re 20 µPa) dB (with uncertainty 3 dB).
• Cooling medium temperature 20°C (68°F) • 100 psi variants at 100 psi Values determined according to noise level test code ISO
• 125 psi variants at 125 psi 2151 and noise measurement standard ISO 9614.
• 150 psi variants at 150 psi

mm inch mm inch mm inch
G 110-160 2800 111 2000 79 2000 79
G 200-250 3386 133 2120 84 2400 95
G 160 VSD 2800 111 2000 79 2342 92
2935 0698 00 © 2017, Atlas Copco, Belgium (EU version). All rights reserved. Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.


We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the
environment and the people around us. We make performance stand
the test of time. This is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.

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