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Risk Assessment

Part A – Generic Hazards

Risk Assessment Ref: - Activity: Working with Hand Tools

Client: Site: Date of Assessment:

Risk -
Risk prior
Persons Required Control Measures Control
Hazards Harm to Control Records/Actions
at Risk Measures
Unsuitable Tools Injury, failure of S=3 Operatives/ Tools provided by the employer must be assessed to Planning, Method S=3
tool L=2 Persons ensure that they are fit for the purpose, the environment in Statement, training, L=1
R= Medium adjacent which they are to be used and are in good working supervision R=Low

Inexperienced Injury, failure of S=3 Operatives/ Operatives are to be instructed in the correct method of Training and supervision S=3
user tool L=2 Persons use and in maintenance requirements at induction if not L=1
R= Medium adjacent part of craft training R= Low

Damaged tools Injury S=3 Operatives/ Hand tools which can deteriorate with use will be Inspection S=3
L=2 Persons monitored to ensure they are sharpened or replaced as L=1
R= Medium adjacent necessary, and that the correct tools are being used R= Low
properly. Specific checks will be made as follows;
• Chisels for mushroom heads,
• Hammer and file handles for deterioration and
exposed tangs
• Open-ended spanners for splayed jaws

Flying particles Eye damage S=4 Operatives/ Eye protection is to be provided and used whenever work Training and Supervision S=4
L=3 Persons is done using cold chisels, drills, grinders or other tools L=1
R= High adjacent where there is a risk of flying particles or pieces of the tool R= Low
breaking off.

Strike Injuries Injuries to hand S=3 Operatives PPE (heavy duty gloves) to be worn where there is a risk of Training and Supervision S=3
L=4 striking hands e.g. use of hammer and chisel L=1
R= High R= Low

Electricity Fatal electric S=5 Operatives Insulated tools must be used where there is a possibility of Training and Supervision S=5
shock L=3 live electrical work. L=1
R= High R= Low

Fire Serious S=4 Operatives/ Non-ferrous (spark-free) tools are to be used in flammable Planning, Method S=4
injury/Death L=3 Persons atmospheres Statement, Training and L=1
R= High adjacent Supervision R= Low

Sharp blades Cuts S=3 Operatives/ Open-bladed knives, screwdrivers and other sharp tools Training and Supervision S=3
L=2 Persons are to be carried and used so as not to cause injury to the L=1
R= Medium adjacent user or others. R= Low

KMA Ltd. Issue 1/11. August 2011. Completion of this document converts it into a site specific assessment. To be reviewed in August 2012. Page 1 of 2
Risk Assessments
Part B – Site Specific Hazards
Risk Assessment Ref: - Activity: Working with Hand Tools

Location (space available, environment)
Others affected (other work in vicinity, staff, public)

Risk -
Risk prior
Persons Required Control Measures Control
Hazards Harm to Control Records/Actions
at Risk Measures

Generic Assessment Reviewed by ______________________________ Date ______________ Next Review Due _______________

Site Specific Assessment compiled by ____________________________________ Date ________________


I confirm that I have been briefed on the associated risks involved, I am aware of the restrictions and safety related issues involved in
this task. I am aware that if for any reason I cannot carry out the work as instructed I must stop work and inform my supervisor.

Date. Name. Company. Signature.

NOTE: This declaration may be replaced with single project declaration if referenced therewith

KMA Ltd. Issue 1/11. August 2011. Completion of this document converts it into a site specific assessment. To be reviewed in August 2012. Page 2 of 2

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