TOS Grades 1-3 Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Sumpong, Malaybalay City


Grade Level: Grade 1 Subject Area: ENGLISH

No. of No. of Item No. Cognitive Level Assessment Item

Learning Competency Code Sessions Items Format
Recognize rhyming words in nursery EN1PA-IIIa-e- 5 3 1-3 Remembering Multiple Choice
rhymes, poems, songs heard 2.2

Use words that are related to self, ENIV-IIIa-e-5 4 3 4-6 Applying Multiple Choice
family, school, community, and
concepts such as the names for
colors, shapes, and numbers
Use to respond appropriately to ENIOL-III-e-I.5 1 7 Creating Multiple Choice
polite expressions 1
 Greetings ENIOL-IIIa-I.5.I
 Leave takings ENIOL-IIIb-
Recognize sentences and EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1 1 8 Remembering Multiple Choice
phrases/Recognize similarities and 1.1
differences in the way sentence are
formed/structured in Mother Tongue
( MT ), Filipino, and English
Listen to short stories/poems and ENIOL-IIIa-j-I.I Remembering Multiple Choice
note details pertaining to character,
setting, and events EN1OL-IIIa-j-
Listen to short stories/poems and 1.1 Remembering
give the correct sequence of three
events EN1OL-IIIa-j- Remembering
Listen to short stories/poems and 1.1
infer the character’s traits
Give the number of syllables of ENIPA-IIIa-b- 2 1 9 Analyzing Multiple Choice
given words 3.1
Recognize simple sentences and EN1G-IIIb-1.4 Remembering Multiple Choice
identify action words in sentences
Use appropriate expressions for EN1OL-IIId- 2 1 10 Applying Multiple Choice
asking permission 1.5.4
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIa-j- Remembering Multiple Choice
identify cause and effect of events 1.1
Listen to short stories/poems and Remembering
infer the character’s traits EN1OL-IIIa-j-
Recognize telling and asking EN1G-IIIc-1.3 2 1 11 Remembering Multiple Choice
sentences EN1G-IIId-1.3
Identify the action words in telling EN1G-IIIe-1.3
and asking sentences
Give the number of syllables of ENIPA-IIIa-b- 3 2 12-13 Remembering Multiple Choice
given words 3.1
Participate in some sharing activities EN1O1-IIIa-j- Applying Multiple Choice
 New sharing 1.2.9
 Show and tell
 “ I spy “ games
 Recite rhymes, poems
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-e- Understanding Multiple Choice
identify the speaker in the story or 5
poem Applying
Use appropriate expressions for EN1OL-IIIe- 1 1 14
offering help 1.5.5
Recognize names of persons, places, EN1G-IIIf-h- 4 3 15-17 Remembering Multiple Choice
things, and animals 2.1
Talk about stories heard when and EN1OL-IIIa-j- Remembering Multiple Choice
where it took place, the characters 1.3.1
and some important details of the
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIa-j- Analyzing Multiple Choice
predict possible ending of a story 1.1
read Understanding
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-j-
relate story events to one’s 1.1
Identify rhyming words in poems, EN1PA-If-j-6 3 2 18-19 Remembering Multiple Choice
songs, nursery rhymes, chants
Participate in some sharing activities EN1O1-IIIa-j- Applying Multiple Choice
 New sharing 1.2.9
 Show and tell
 “ I spy “ games
 Recite rhymes, poems
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-e- Remembering Multiple Choice
identify the speaker in the story or 5
Use appropriate expressions for EN1OL-IIIe- 3 2 20-21 Applying Multiple Choice
offering help 1.5.5
Recognize names of persons, places, EN1G-IIIf-h- 4 3 22-24 Remembering Multiple Choice
things, and animals 2.1
Talk about stories heard when and EN1OL-IIIa-j- 3 2 25-27 Remembering Multiple
where it took place, the characters 1.3.1 Choice
and some important details of the
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-j- Creating Multiple Choice
discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific 1.1 2 2 28-29
events Analyzing
Relate one’s EN1OL-IIIc-
activities/responsibilities at home 1.17.1
Identify to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-j- Evaluating Multiple Choice
identify the problem and solution 1.1
State possible actions/action words EN1g-IIIf-h- 1 1 30 Analyzing Multiple Choice
that persons or animals can do 2.1
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-j- Creating Multiple Choice
discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific 1.1
Relate one’s EN1OL-IIIc- Analyzing Multiple Choice
activities/responsibilities at home 1.17.1
Identify to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-j- Evaluating Multiple
identify the problem and solution 1.1 Choice
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1OL-IIIa-j- Creating Multiple Choice
discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific 1.1
Relate one’s EN1OL-IIIc- Analyzing Multiple Choice
activities/responsibilities at home 1.17.1
45 30
Listen to short stories/poems and EN1LC-IVa-j-
1. note important details 1.1 2 1 1 Remembering Multiple Choice
pertaining to
a. character
b. setting Understanding
c. events Understanding
2. Give the correct sequence of 4 3 2-4 Remembering Multiple Choice
three events Remembering
3. Infer the character feelings Remembering
and Understanding
traits Creating
4. Identify cause and/or effect Applying
of events Remembering
5. Identify the speaker in the Understanding
story or poem Creating
6. Predict possible ending of a
story read
7. Relate story events to one’s
8. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize
specific events
9. Identify the problem and
10. Retell a story listened to
Talk about pictures presented using EN1OL-IVa-j- 2 1 5 Multiple Choice
appropriate local terminologies with 1.3 Remembering
ease and confidence
Talk about stories heard when
and where it took place EN1OL-IVa-j-
• the characters and 1.3.1
• some important details of the 2 1 6 Multiple Choice

Participate in some sharing EN1OL-IVa-j-

activities 1.2.9
• News sharing 1 1 7 Applying Multiple Choice
• Show and tell
• “I Spy” games
Recite rhymes, poem
Distinguish rhyming words from EN1PA-IVa-b- 5 4 8-11 Multiple Choice
non-rhyming words 2.3 Remembering
Supply rhyming words in response EN1PA-IVc-e-
to spoken words 2.4

Verbs EN1G-IVa-e-3 4 3 12-14

Recognize common action words in EN1G-IVa-e- Remembering Multiple Choice
stories listened to 3.4 1 1 15
Sort and Classify familiar words EN1V-IVa-e-3 4 3 16-18 Understanding Multiple Choice
into basic categories (colors,
shapes, foods, etc)
Ask simple questions EN1OL-IVf- 3 2 19-20 Multiple Choice
Adjectives 1.17.2 Remembering
Recognize describing words for EN1LC-IVg-h- Remembering
people, objects, things and places 3.6 EN1G-IVf- 5 4 21-24
(color, shape, size, height, weight, j-5
length, distance, etc.)
Give the meaning of words using EN1V-IVf-j- 1 1 25
clues (TPR, pictures, body 12.1 Remembering Multiple Choice
movements, etc.)
Follow one-to-two step directions EN1OL-IVi-j-
Give one-to-two step directions 1.17.1 2 1 26
Listen to narrative and informational EN1LC-IVa-j-
text or poem and 2.1
EN1LC- IVa-j-
1. Note important details 3.12
2. Give one’s reaction to an EN1LC- IVa-j-
event or issues 2.8 5 4 27-30 Remembering Multiple Choice
3. Infer important details EN1LC- IVa-j-
4. Sequence events when EN1LC- IVa-j-
Listen and respond through
discussions, illustrations, songs, Understanding
dramatization and art
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Sumpong, Malaybalay City


Grade Level: Grade 2 Subject Area: ENGLISH

No. of No. of Item No. Cognitive Level Assessment Item
Learning Competency Code Sessions Items Format
Classify/Categorize sounds heard
(animals, mechanical, objects, 5 3 1-3 Understanding Multiple Choice
musical instruments, environment
,speech). Analyzing
Discriminate sounds from a
background of other sounds.
Use words that are related to self,
family, school, community, and 2 1 4 Applying Multiple Choice
concept such as the names for colors,
shapes, and numbers in both Mother
Tongue and English.
Recognize simple sentences Remembering
Recognize different kinds of EN2G-1b-c-1.4 2 1 5 Remembering Multiple Choice
sentences ( declarative,interrogative) EN2G-1d-e-1.3
Engage in variety of ways to share
information(e.g.role EN2SS-1a-e-1.2 Applying
summarizing,retelling and show and
Recognize environmental print. EN2SS-1f-j-1.2 Remembering
EN2BPK-1a-3 Remembering
Performs dialogues, drama,mock EN2A-1a-e-7.4 Creating
interview,TV talk show etc. EN2A-1f-j-7.4
Listen to a variety of media
including books, audiotapes videos EN2LC-1a-j-1.1 Remembering
and other age-appropriate
Use appropriate expression common
situations (polite expressions, EN2OL-1a-e-1.5 5 3 6-8 Applying Multiple Choice
greetings, seeking
directions,apologizing, asking
help,query and clarification)
Follow a set of verbal two-step Applying Multiple Choice
directions with picture EN2OL-1a-e-1.5 2 1 9
Differentiate English words from EN2LC-1g-3.16 3 2 10-11 Understanding Multiple Choice
other languages spoken at home
and in school.
Activate prior knowledge based on EN2V-1b-c-02 2 1 12 Understanding Multiple Choice
new knowledge formed.

Relate information and events in a EN2LC-1d-e-1.2 2 1 13 Analyzing Multiple Choice

selection to life experiences and vice EN2LC-1i-j-1.2
Recognize proper eye movement EN2BPK-1d-e-5 5 3 14-16 Remembering Multiple Choice
skills(transfer skills)
Recognize same and different
Read the alphabets of English.
Nouns EN2G-1f-g-2 2 1 17 Remembering Multiple Choice
Recognize names of EN2G-1f-g-2 Remembering Multiple Choice
people,objects,things and places(e.g. 4 3 18-20
names of animals,fruits,objects in EN2G-1f-g-2.1 Remembering
realia and other ICT-based
Distinguish rhyming words from EN2PA-1g-2.3 5 3 21-23 Remembering Multiple Choice
non- rhyming words.
Supply words that rhyme with given EN2PA-1h-2.4 Remembering
words. EN2PA-1i-j-2.4 3 2 24-25 Remembering Multiple Choice
Supply rhyming words in response
to spoken words
Recognize the common terms in
English relating to part of book(e.g. EN2BPK-1g-h-4 2 2 26-27 Remembering Multiple Choice
cover,title page,etc.) book
Identify letters in English that are not 2 2 28-29
present in Mother Tongue/Filipino EN2AK-1h-j-2 Remembering Multiple Choice
and vice versa.
Identify letters in English that are not EN2V-1i-j-1 2 1 30
present in Mother Tongue/Filipino
and vice versa. Multiple Choice
Listen to a variety of media
including books, audiotapes videos EN2LC-11a-j-1.1 Remembering
and other age-appropriate
Recognize environmental print EN2BPK-11a-3 2 2 1-2 Remembering Multiple Choice

Sort and classify words into basic EN2V-11a-3 5 3 3-5 Understanding Multiple Choice
categories(colors,shapes,foods,etc.) EN2V-11f-g-3
Engage in variety of ways to share
information(e.g.role EN2SS-11a-e-1.2 Applying Multiple Choice
playing,reporting, EN2SS-11f-j-1.2 3 2 6-7 Understanding
summarizing, retelling and show and
Talk about oneself and one's family. EN2OL-11a-e-1.3 Remembering Multiple Choice
Talk about one's 4 3 8-10
activities/responsibilities at home EN2OL-11a-b- Remembering
and in 1.3.3
school and community
Verbs EN2G-11a-e-3 3 2 11-12 Remembering Multiple Choice
Recognize common action words in EN2G-11a-e-3.4 1 1 13 Remembering Multiple Choice
retelling, conversation, etc.
Give the beginning letter of the name EN2AK-11a-e-3 2 1 14 Remembering Multiple Choice
of each picture.

Perform dialogues, drama,mock EN2A-11a-e-7.4 Applying Multiple Choice

interview,TV talk show etc. EN2A-11f-j-7.4

Identify and discuss the elements of EN2LC-11a-b-2.2 3 2 15-16 Multiple Choice

a story(theme,setting, characters, EN2LC-11f-g-2.2 Remembering
and events.
Determine the meaning of words EN2V-11b-c-12.1 2 1 17 Understanding Multiple Choice
using clues(Total physical EN2V-11h-i-12.1
responsethrough realia, pictures,body
movements, context clues etc.)
Listen to a variety of media Remembering
including books, audiotapes videos EN2LC-11a-j-1.1
and other age-appropriate
Identify letters in English that are not EN2AK-11c-e-2 4 3 18-20 Remembering Multiple Choice
present in Mother Tongue/Filipino EN2AK-1if-j-2 Remembering
and vice versa.
Sort and classify familiar words into EN2V-11a-3 4 2 21-22 Analyzing Multiple Choice
basic categories. EN2V-11f-g-3
Talk about topics of interest(likes EN2OL-11c-d-1.3- 3 2 23-24 Remembering Multiple Choice
and dislikes) 4
Ask and answer simple questions ( EN2OL-11f-1.17.2 4 2 25-26 Remembering Multiple Choice
who, what,where,when,why,and how EN2LC-11c-2.1
questions)about text listened to. EN2LC-11h-i-2.1 Remembering
Validate ideas made after listening EN2LC-11d-e-2.5 Analyzing
to a story EN2LC-11j-2.5
Distinguish rhyming words from EN2PA-11f-2.3 2 1 27 Understanding Multiple Choice
non- rhyming words. EN2PA-11g-h-2.4 Understanding
Supply words that rhyme with the EN2PA-11i-j-2.4 Understanding
given words.
Supply rhyming words in response to
spoken words.
Recognize proper eye movement EN2BPK-11d-e-5 Remembering
skills(transfer skills).left to right, .top EN2BPK-11i-j-5
to bottom, return sweep

Derive meaning from repetitive EN2V-11d-e-6 1 1 28 Remembering Multiple Choice

language instructions. EN2V-11j-6

Adjectives ENG2G-11f-j-5 1 1 29 Remembering Multiple Choice

Recognize descriptions of people, EN2G-11f-j-5.1 2 1 30 Remembering Multiple Choice
objects, things and
Talk about texts identifying major Remembering Multiple Choice
points and key themes EN2OL-IIIa-b.3.3 3 2 1-2
Use an understanding of characters, EN2LC-IIIa-2.4
incidents and settings to
Participate in generating ideas EN2WC-IIIa-c-1
through prewriting activities EN2A-IIIa-e-1 2 1 3 Applying Multiple Choice
Participate / engage in a read along Applying
of texts ( e.g. poetry, repetitive text) EN2BPK-IIIa-1
Discuss the illustrations on the cover Remembering
and predict what the story may about
Follow instructions orally given
Participate in choral speaking and Applying
echo reading of short poems,rhymes
and stories with repeated patterns EN2SS-IIIa-d-1.1 Applying
and refrains in English
Listen to a variety of media Understanding Multiple Choice
including books, audio tapes, videos EN2OL-IIIa-c-d- 2 1 4
and other age-appropriate 1.2 Remembering
publications EN2LC-IIIa-j-1.1
Show understanding of a given story
listened to through the following Multiple Choice
writing activities ( Writing a phrase 1 1 5
or sentences about an illustration ) EN2WC-IIIb-1.9
Identify the common terms in Remembering Multiple Choice
English relating to part of the book ( EN2BPK-IIIa-b-4 3 2 6-7
e.g . cover page, title page
Give the beginning sound of each 4 3 8-10 Multiple Choice
consonant (c,r,n,b,g,p ) EN2AK-IIIb-1.2
Use different kinds of sentences: 4 3 11-13 Multiple Choice
(declarative and interrogative) EN2G-IIIb-1.3
Completing a Lost and Found Poster EN2WC-IIIc-1.10
Identify title, author and book 2 1 14 Multiple Choice
illustrator and tell what they do EN2BPK-IIIb-2
Talk about texts identifying major Remembering
points and key themes
Use an understanding of characters, 2 1 15 Remembering Multiple Choice
incidents and settings to make
Participate in generating ideas EN2WC-IIIa-c-1 Applying
through prewriting activities
Participate / engage in a read along EN2A-IIIa-e-1 Applying
of texts ( e.g. poetry, repetitive text)
Discuss the illustrations on the cover EN2BPK-IIIa-1 Understanding
and predict what the story may about
Follow instructions orally given
Participate in choral speaking and 2 1 16 Multiple Choice
echo reading of short poems,rhymes Applying
and stories with repeated patterns EN2SS-IIIa-d-1.1
and refrains in English Applying
Listen to a variety of media EN2OL-IIIa-c-d-
including books, audiotapes,videos 1.2 Remembering
and other age-appropriate
publications EN2LC-IIIa-j-1.1
Show understanding of a given story
listened to through the following 2 1 17 Multiple Choice
writing activities ( Writing a phrase
or sentences about an illustration ) EN2WC-IIIb-1.9
Identify the common terms in
English relating to part of the book ( EN2BPK-IIIa-b-4 2 1 18 Remembering Multiple Choice
e.g . cover page, title page
Give the beginning sound of each 2 1 19 Multiple Choice
consonant (c,r,n,b,g,p ) EN2AK-IIIb-1.2
Use different kinds of sentences: EN2G-IIIb-1.3
(declarative and interrogative) 3 2 20-21 Multiple Choice
Completing a Lost and Found Poster EN2WC-IIIc-1.10
Identify title, author and book 1 1 22 Multiple Choice
illustrator and tell what they do EN2BPK-IIIb-2
Recognize punctuation marks ( 2 1 23 Multiple Choice
period, question mark ) EN2G-IIIc-1.6
Recognize that some words mean the 2 1 24 Multiple Choice
same (synonyms ) EN2V-IIIc-13.1
Show understanding of a story
listened to by filling blanks in a letter EN2WC-IIIc-1.11
Give the beginning sound of each Understanding,
consonant (d,j,w, v,,z,y) EN2AK-IIIc-1.2 Remembering
Recognize that some words have 1 1 25 Multiple Choice
opposite meaning (antonyms ) EN2V-IIIc-13.2
Use and understanding of incidents
of characters and settings to validate
Give the beginning consonant sound EN2AK-IIIa-c.4
of the name of each picture EN2OL-IIIe-f-1.1
Listen and respond to text and clarify
meanings heard while drawing on
personal experiences

Note details in sentences and stories

(controlled words e, a)they read EN2RC-III-e-2.10
Produce the sound of English letters
using the letter sounds of Mother
Tongue as reference EN2PA-IIIf-h-6.3
Read words with short e sound in
CVC pattern ( e.g.pen,men ) EN2PWR-IIIc-d-3
Read aloud phrases,sentences and
stories consisting of short e words
withappropriate speed, accuracy and
proper expression EN2F-IIIb-2.11
Spell words with short e sound in cvc 2 1 26 Remembering Multiple Choice
pattern EN2S-IIId-j-3 Remembering
Give naming words of persons, EN2G-IIId-f-2 Remembering
places, things EN2V-III
Give the meaning of short e words
Identify the basic sequence of events EN2RC-IIId-e.2.4 1 2 27-28 Understanding Multiple Choice
and make relevant predictions about
stories EN2PWR-IIId-f-9 Understanding
Read some sight words EN2S-IIId-j-4 Remembering
Spell Words with e and a in CVC
Use common nouns in simple EN2G-IIId-2.4 Remembering
sentences EN2RC-IIIf-h-2.17 1 1 29 Understanding Multiple Choice
Answer questions to clarify EN2G-IIIf-9.2
understanding before, during and 1 1 30 Multiple Choice
after reading
Read short phrases consisting of
short e words and some sight words
Use personal experiences to make
prediction about text viewed and Understanding
listened to EN2LC-IIId-e-2.4
Read short phrases and sentences
consisting of short e words and EN2PWR-IIIg-h- Remembering
the short e and the sight words 11
Recognize the difference between
made up and real in texts listened to EN2-IIIf-g-3.15
Read a short story consisting of short
e words and sight words EN2PWR-IIIi-j-12
Create and participate in oral, Creating,
dramatic activities EN2OL-IIIj-1.16 Applying
Identify important details in
expository text listened to EN2LC-IIIh-3.1
Identify action words EN2G-IIIg-3.1
Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes
and poems EN2OL-IIIh-j-1.6 Creating
Retell and /or reenact events from a EN2LC-IIIi-j-2.6 Understanding
Use common action words in
EN2G-IIIh-3.4 Remembering
retelling, conversations
Talk about text identifying major EN2OL-IVa-b-3.3 Remembering
points and key themes EN2LC-IVa-b-2.4 2 1 1 Understanding Multiple Choice
Use and understanding of characters,
incidents and settings to make
State details of text during and after
reading EN2RC-IVa-2.2
Participate in generating ideas
through prewriting activities
Demonstrate the concept of word by
dividing spoken sentences in English EN2WC-IVa-c.1
into individual words EN2PA-IVa-b-3.1
Identify the common terms in 2 1 2
English relating to part of book (e.g. Multiple Choice
title page,, etc., book orientation) EN2BPK-IV-a-b-4
Read short a words in CVC pattern, 2 1 3 Multiple Choice
cat, man, bag
Read phrases sentences and stories Remembering
consisting of a short words and
some sight words with appropriate EN2PWR-IVa-c-1 Remembering
speed, accuracy and proper
expression EN2F-IVa-d-4
Spell words with short e and a sound 3 2 4-5 Multiple Choice
in CVC pattern EN2S-IVa-e-2
Use personal pronouns (e.g I, 3 2 6-7 Multiple Choice
you,he,she,it,we, they in dialogues
Give the meaning of short e words EN2V-IV-e-21 2 1 8 Understanding Multiple Choice
Participate/engage in a read-along of
texts (e.g.poetry, repetitive text) EN2SS-IVa-e-1 Applying
Participate in generating ideas
through brainstorming EN2WC-IVa-1.1
Match pictures with short a words 3 2 9-10 Multiple Choice
Spell words with short e and a and i EN2PWR-IVa-c- Remembering
sound in CVC pattern 2.9 3 2 11-12 Remembering
Arrange words alphabetically by the EN2S-IVa-e-3 Analyzing Multiple Choice
1st letter EN2SS-IVa-b-2 2 1 13
Multiple Choice

Give the meaning of two-syllable 2 2 14-15 Remembering Multiple Choice

words with short e and a sounds EN2V-IVa-e-22
Participate in choral speaking and
echo reading of short poems, rhymes,
stories with repeated patterns and Applying
refrains in English 1 1 16 Applying Multiple Choice
EN2 LC-IVc-d-2.5
Use an understanding of incidents, Understanding
characters and settings to validate
Give sequence of three events in 2 1 16 Multiple Choice
stories read EN2RC-IVc-3-1.3
Spell 2-syllable words with short e, a 3 2 17-18 Applying Multiple Choice
and I sound in CVC pattern
Infer predict outcomes EN2S-IVa-e-3.1 2 2 19-20 Understanding
Produce speech sounds (sounds and Applying Multiple Choice
letter names ) EN2RC-IVd-2.8 1 1 21
EN2PA-IV-d-6.2 Multiple Choice
Use demonstrative pronouns 2 1 22 Multiple Choice
(this,that/ these, those ) Remembering
Express idea through illustrations or EN2G-IVc-d-4.2.3 Applying
storyboard EN2WC-IVd-g-1.6
Differentiate and read correctly the
short e and a words EN2PWR-IV-13
Interpret simple maps of familiar EN2SS-IVc--d-3
places, signs and symbols EN2OL-IVe-1.1 Understanding
Listen and respond to text to clarify
meanings heard while drawing on Remembering
personal experiences
Use personal experiences to make EN2 LC-IVe-f-2.4 Understanding
predictions about text viewed
and listened to
Use clues to make and justify EN2RC-IVe-2.16 2 1 23 Remembering Multiple Choice
predictions before, during and after
reading (titles, pictures)
Write the names of pictures with
short a, e words EN2PWR-IVd-14 2 1 24 Multiple Choice
Read phrases, short sentences and
short stories consisting of short e and Remembering
a words and the Who,What , and EN2PWR-IVd-e-
Where questions about them 10.1-11.1
Create and participate in oral Applying,
dramatic activities EN2OL-IVf-g-1.16 Creating
Read phrases, short sentences and
short stories consisting of short e and
and I words and some sight words Remembering
with appropriate speed, accuracy and
proper expression EN2F-IVf-4-1
Read short i words in CVC pattern EN2PWR-IVg-h- 2 1 25 Multiple Choice
(big, pin,fit ) 16
Read phrases, sentences and stories EN2F-IVg-j-4.2 Remembering
consisting of 2-syllable short e, a,
and i words and some sight words
with appropriate speed, EN2G-IVg-1-7.3 Remembering
accuracy,expression 2 1 26 Multiple Choice
Use the most frequently occuring
preposition (e.g on, over,under,from,
to,above etc )
Give the meaning of short I words EN2V-IVg-21 Remembering
Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes
and poems
Identify important details in EN2OL-IVh-j-1.6
expository texts listened to EN2LC-IVh-3.1
Differentiate and read correctly the
short e, a and i words EN2PWR-IVh-
(pan,pen,pin…) 17.2
Give the meaning of 2-syllable
words with short e, a, and i EN2V-IVh-j-22
Interpret pictographs
Retell and/or reenact events from a EN2SS-IVh-1.2
story EN2LC-IVi-j-2.6
Write the names of pictures with the 2 2 27-28 Multiple Choice
short a,e and I words EN2PWR-IVi-14.1
Listen to a variety of media EN2LC-IVa-j-1.1 Understanding
including books, audiotapes, videos
and other age-appropriate
publications and note important
details pertaining to characters, EN2PWR-IVi-10- Remembering
events 1.1
Read phrases, short sentences and
short stories consisting short e, I and
a with who, what and where
questions on them
Describe people, objects,things and
places using simple adjectives
(color, shape, size, height,weight,
length,distance) EN2G-IVi-j-5.1
Infer the characters feeling and traits EN2LC-IVa-j-1.1 Understanding
Read 2-syllable words consisting of EN2PWR-IVj-15.2 Remembering
short a, e, and I words (pig,pen,mag EN2PWR-IVj-2.5
Match the correct pictures with the 1 1 29 Understanding Multiple Choice
2-syllable words
Identify cause and or effects of 1 1 30 Multiple Choice
events EN2LC-IVa-j-1.1
Write correctly 2-syllable words that EN2PWR-Ivj-18 Remembering
name the pictures EN2PWR-Ivj-10- Remembering
Read phrases, short sentences 1.2
consisting short e, I and a
Identify the problem and solution EN2LC-IVa-j-1.1 Remembering
Retell a story listened to EN2LC-IVa-j-1.1 Remembering
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Sumpong, Malaybalay C

Grade Level: Grade 3 Subject Area: ENGLISH

No.of No. of Item No. Assessment Item

Learning Competency Code Sessions Items Cognitive Level Format
Initiate conversations with peers in a EN3OL-Ia-3.8 3 3 1 Applying Multiple Choice
variety of school settings. EN3LC-Ia-j-2
Activate prior knowledge based on 2-3 Remembering Multiple Choice
the stories to be read Listen to a EN3PWR-Ia-
variety of literary and expository b-7
texts. Remembering
Review reading and writing short e,
a and i words in CVC pattern.
Read grade 3 level texts consisting EN3F-Ia-j3.5.1 2 2 4-5 Remembering Multiple Choice
of 2syllable words with short vowel
sound with at least 95-100%
Sentences EN3G-Ia-1.1 Remembering
Distinguish sentences from non- EN1V-Ia-b-01
Give the meaning of words used in
stories listened to.
Participate/engage in a read along of EN3A-Ia-b-1 Applying Multiple Choice
texts (e.g. poetry, repetitive text).
Arrange words with a different first EN3SS-Ia-2.1 2 2 6-7 Understanding Multiple Choice
letter in alphabetical order.
Express ideas in a conversational EN3OL-Ib-3.6 5 4 8-9 Understanding Multiple Choice
manner. EN3OL-Ib1.19 Understanding
Express one’s ideas by presenting a EN3LC-Ia-j2.1 Remembering
skit. a. Understanding Multiple Choice
Note important details. EN3LC-Ia-j2.7 10-11
Sequence at least 3 events using b.
signal words.
Retell some parts of the story. EN3LC-Ia-j2.6 1 1 12 Understanding Multiple Choice
Read simple sentences and levelled EN3RC-I0- 2 2 13-14 Remembering
stories and note details regarding 2.2 a. Multiple Choice
character, setting and plot. EN3RC-I02.10
Sequence 3 events (Note: different b. Understanding
comprehension skills may recur in
different quarters)
Draw and write sentences about EN3WC-Ia-j4 1 1 15 Applying Multiple Choice
one’s drawing. a.
Write a note of advice. EN3WC-Ia-j5
Write a thank you letter. EN3WC-Ia-j6 3 2 16-17 Applying
Write a descriptive paragraph. c. Applying Multiple Choice
Read words with short o sounds in EN3WC-Ia-j7 Remembering
CVC pattern and phrases and d.
sentences containing these words. EN3PWR-Ib- Remembering
"Recognize more common sight d-19
words in order to read simple phrases
and sentences.
Read aloud from familiar prose and EN3F-Ia- 3 2 Remembering
poetry Consisting of Long vowel j1.10.1 18-19 Multiple Choice
words with fluency, appropriate Applying
rhythm, pacing and intonation. EN3G-Ib-1-1.4 Remembering
Construct simple sentences. EN3G-Ib1.4.1 Remembering
Use a declarative sentence. EN3G-Ib-
Differentiate a declarative from an
interrogative sentence.
Show understanding of meaning of EN1V-Ib-23 3 2 Performance
short o words through drawing, Multiple Choice
actions, and using them in
sentences. Performance
Monitor and self-correct one’s EN3SS-Ia-6
comprehension by scanning and EN3SS-Ia-e1.1
skimming. 20-21 Written
Follow instructions given orally.
Differentiate real from make- EN3LC-Ia- 2 2 22-23 Remembering Multiple Choice
believe. j3.15 d. Understanding
Infer feelings and traits of characters EN3LC-Ia-j2.8 Remembering
Identify cause and effect e. Analyzing
Draw conclusions from poems EN3LC-Ia-
listened to. j2.16 f.
j2.17 g.
Write another ending for a story. EN3WC-Ia-j8 3 2 24-25 Creating Multiple Choice
Write a diary. e. Creating
Write a short paragraph, etc. as a EN3WC-Ia- Creating
response to stories/poems listened to. j2.2f.
EN3WC-Ia-j9 g.
Use proper punctuation for EN3G-Ib-1.6 2 2 Remembering
declarative and interrogative EN3G-Ib1.4.7 26-27 Multiple Choice
sentences. EN3G-Ib1.4.8 Creating
Construct declarative and Remembering
interrogative sentences.
Identify an exclamatory sentence.
Share relevant information. EN3OL-Ic-1.3 2 2 Remembering
Draw conclusions, listen to poems, EN3LC-Ia- Understanding
and j2.17 g. 28-29 Remembering Multiple Choice
Identify the rhyming words. EN3LC-Ic2.18 Remembering
Describe literary elements of texts a.
including characters, setting, and EN3RC-Ic-
plot. e2.1
Identify an imperative sentence. EN3G-Ic-1 2 2 30-31 Remembering Multiple Choice
Use different kinds of sentences (e.g. EN3G-Ic-1.3 Remembering
declarative, interrogative, EN1V-Ic-24
exclamatory, imperative). Understanding
Show understanding of meaning of
short u words through drawing,
actions, and using them in
Recount specific/significant events. EN3OL-Id-1.8 1 1 32 Remembering Multiple Choice
Give a simple paraphrase. EN3LC-Ic3.11 2 2 33-34 Remembering Multiple Choice
Read aloud short stories/poems EN3F-Id-e1.10 Remembering
consisting of short a,e,i and o words
with speed, accuracy and proper
Use appropriate punctuation marks EN3G-Id-1.6 1 1 35 Remembering Multiple Choice
(e.g. period, comma, question mark, Remembering
exclamation point). EN3G-Ie-2
Synthesize and restate information EN3OL-Ie1.10 2 2 36-37 Evaluating Multiple Choice
shared by others. EN3PWR-Ie-3
Read words with short u sound in EN3F-Ie-j-4.3 Remembering
CVC pattern. Remembering
Read with accuracy, speed and
proper phrasing sentences and stories
with short u words and other words
previously studied.
Use nouns (e.g. people, animals, EN3G-Ie-2.4 2 1 38 Applying Multiple Choice
places,, things events) in simple EN3RC-If-j2.8 Remembering
sentences. EN3OL-Ii-
Classify common words into j1.10.3 Remembering
conceptual categories (e.g. animals,
foods, toys).
Make and confirm predictions about
Connect information heard to
personal experience.
Differentiate words with different EN3PWR-Ifg- 1 1 39 Understanding Multiple Choice
medial vowels (eg: cap- cop-cup; 17.1 Understanding
fan-fin, fun). Remembering
Show understanding of meaning of
2-syllable words consisting of short EN3PWR-Igh- Remembering
e to u words through drawing, 20.1
actions, and using them in correctly Remembering
in sentences.
Read phrases, sentences and short
stories consisting of short vowel
words and the questions about them.
Read with accuracy, appropriate
speed and correct intonation
2syllable words consisting of short e
to u words
Use common and proper nouns. EN3G-If-2.2 1 1 40 Remembering Multiple Choice
Use plural form of regular nouns by EN3F-Ie-j4.2.1
adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs;
wish, wishes)."
45 days 40 items 40
Ask simple questions. EN3OLIIa- 4 3 Remembering
Follow a set of verbal three-step b1.17.2 Remembering
directions with picture cues. EN3LCIIa-b-
Participate in generating ideas 3.16 1-3
through prewriting activities. EN3WCIIa-b- Remembering Multiple Choice
(a. brainstorming) 1
Show how spoken words are EN3WCIIa-b-
represented by written letters that are 1.1
arranged in a specific order. EN3PAIIa-d-2
(a.brainstorming) EN3WIIa-1.1
Show how spoken words are EN3PAIIa-d-2 1 1 4 Remembering Multiple Choice
represented by written letters that are EN3WCIIb-
arranged in a specific order. 1.2
(b. webbing)
Show how spoken words are EN3V-IIab-5 2 2 5-6 Remembering Multiple Choice
represented by written letters that are
arranged in a specific order.
(c. drawing) EN3A-IIab-1 Remembering
Read words with initial consonant
blends (l, r and s blends). EN3SS-IIab- Remembering
Read grade 3 level texts consisting 1.1
of 2-syllable words with long vowel Remembering
sound with at least 95100%
Spell one- to- two syllable words
with consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr).
Use the be-verbs (am, is, are was, EN3LCIIc-e- 1 1 7 Applying Multiple Choice
were) correctly in sentences. 1.1
Show understanding of meaning of EN3RCIIc-e- 3 2 8-9 Understanding
words with initial consonant blends 2.2 Multiple Choice
through drawing, actions, and using EN3WCIId-h-
them in sentences. 3 Applying
Participate/ engage in a read-along of
texts (e.g. poetry, repetitive text). EN3PWRIIc-
Arrange words with the same first 24
letter but a different second letter in EN3F-IIaj- Applying
alphabetically order. 1.10.1
Activate prior knowledge based on 3 2 10-11 Remembering Multiple Choice
new knowledge formed. EN3G-IIcd-3.4
Note details in a given text. EN3V-IIc6 Remembering
Write at least three sentences from EN3A-IIc2 Remembering
various familiar sources.
Read phrases, sentences and short EN3SS-IIc3.6 Remembering
stories consisting of words with
initial consonant blends. EN3LCIIa-j- Remembering
Read aloud from familiar prose and 2.1
poetry consisting of long vowel
words with fluency, appropriate
rhythm, pacing and intonation.
Identify and use action words in EN3LCIIa-j- 1 1 12 Remembering Multiple Choice
simple sentences. 2.7
Derive meaning from repetitive 2 1 13 Remembering Multiple Choice
language structures review.
Revisit favorite books, songs, Remembering
Follow one-to-three step directions. Applying
Note important details from a variety Remembering
of literary and expository texts
listened to.
Make simple predictions. EN3RCIIa-b- 3 2 Remembering
Read simple sentences and levelled 2.8
stories. EN3RCII0-2.2 Remembering
Sequence 3 events. EN3RCII0- Multiple Choice
Write different forms of simple 2.10
composition as a response to stories/ EN3WCIIa-j-4 Applying
poems listened to. (a. Draw and 14-15
write sentence s about one’s
Write different forms of simple 2 2 16-17 Creating Multiple Choice
composition as a response to stories/
poems listened to. (b. A note of
advice) EN3WCIIa-j-5
Write different forms of simple EN3F-IIac-4.4 1 1 18 Creating Multiple Choice
composition as a response to stories/ EN3F-IIac-4.4
poems listened to. (c. Thank you EN3SS-IIcd-
letter) 2.15
Read with accuracy, speed and EN3F-I 1 1 19 Remembering
proper phrasing sentences and stories Multiple Choice
with words beginning in consonant
blends and other words previously
studied EN3F-IIac-4.4
Form and use the past tense of Iac-4.4 Remembering
frequently occurring regular verbs
(walk – walked, etc). EN3OLIId- Understanding
Use graphic organizers to show
understanding of texts.
Give one-to-three step directions. EN3OLIId- 1 1 20 Remembering Multiple Choice
Read words with final blends (-st, -lt, 1 1 21 Remembering Multiple Choice
-nd, -nt, -ft.. ) EN3PWRIId-
preceded by short e, a, i,o and u e-1.1
words (belt, sand, raft).
Read with accuracy, speed and 1 1 22 Remembering Multiple Choice
proper phrasing sentences and stories
consisting of words with ending
consonant blends and other words
previously studied.
Spell words with ending consonant Remembering
Use verbs in simple present tense. 1 1 23 Remembering Multiple Choice
Show understanding of meaning of
words with final consonant blends EN3G-IIef-
through drawing, actions, and using
them in sentences. EN3V-IIde-5.1 Remembering
Identify favorite authors and stories. EN3A-IIdf-7
Identify sounds and count syllables EN3PAIIe-f- 1 1 24 Remembering Multiple Choice
in words. 4.1
Differentiate real from make-believe. EN3LCIIa-j- 1 1 25 Understanding Multiple Choice
Infer feelings and traits of characters. 3.15
Write different forms of simple 1 1 26 Creating Multiple Choice
composition as a response to stories/ EN3WC IIa-j-
poems listened to. (d. Descriptive 6
EN3OLIIf- Understanding
Restate and retell information. 1.11
EN3LCIIa-j- 1 1 27 Remembering Multiple Choice
2.16 2 2 28-29
Identify cause and effect. EN3LCIIa-j-
Draw conclusions. 2.17
Write different forms of simple 1 1 30 Creating Multiple Choice
composition as a response to stories/ EN3WCIIa-j-8
poems listened to. (e. Another
ending for a story)
Write different forms of simple 1 1 31 Creating Multiple Choice
composition as a response to stories/ EN3WCIIa-j-7
poems listened to. (f. A diary)
Recall and share experiences, film EN3WCIIi-j- Remembering
viewed and story read/listene d to as 2.6
Make simple inferences about 3 3 32-34 Understanding Multiple Choice
thoughts and feelings based from EN3PWRIIf-
texts viewed/ listened to. 1.1
Sequence a series of events viewed/
listened to.
Use appropriate punctuation marks. 1 1 35 Remembering Multiple Choice
Read words with initial and final 1 1 36 Remembering Multiple Choice
consonant digraph (ch).
Read with accuracy, speed and EN3F-IIgh-
proper phrasing sentences and stories 4.4.2 Remembering
with words consisting of initial and
final ch and sh and other words
previously studied.
Spell words with consonant digraphs EN3S-IIgh-4.2
(ch) and (sh).
Show understanding of meaning of EN3G-IIef- 2 2 37-38 Understanding Multiple Choice
words with consonant digraphs (ch)
through darwing, actions, and using
them in sentences. Understanding
Retell familiar stories to other
Sequence a series of events in a
literary selection.
Read phrases, sentences and short 1 1 39 Remembering Multiple Choice
stories consisting of words with
consonant digraph (ch) and (sh) and
other words previously studied and
the questions about them.
Read with accuracy, speed and
proper phrasing sentences and stories
with words consisting of (ch) and
(sh) words and other words
previously studied with speed,
accuracy and proper phrasing.
Spell words with initial and final 1 1 40 Remembering Multiple Choice
consonant blends and consonant
digraphs. Remembering
Use verbs in simple future tense. EN3S-IIi-j4.3 Understanding
Show understanding of meaning of EN3G-IIij-
words with consonant digraphs (sh) 3.2.2
through drawing, actions, and using
them in sentences EN3V-IIi-j5.3
45 days 40 items 40
Recall details from texts viewed/ 2 2 1-2 Remembering Multiple Choice
listened to. EN3LC-IIIab-
Participate in generating ideas 2.1
through prewriting activities. EN3WCIIIa-1 Remembering
Read words with long (a ) sound
(long a ending in e). EN3PWRIIIa- Remembering
Read grade 3 level texts consisting of b-5
words with long vowel sound with at
least 95- 100% accuracy. EN3F-IIIa1.6 Remembering
Spell words that were introduced
during word recognition. EN3S-IIIad-4
Recall details from texts viewed/ 2 2 Remembering
listened to.
Participate in generating ideas Remembering
through prewriting activities. 3-4 Multiple Choice
Read words with long (a ) sound Remembering
(long a ending in e).
Read grade 3 level texts consisting of
words with long vowel sound with at
least 95- 100% accuracy.
Use demonstrative pronouns 1 1 5
(this,/that, these/those). Remembering Multiple Choice
Recognize some words represented EN3G-IIIab-
by common abbreviations (e.g. Mr. 4.2.1 Remembering
Ave., Oct.). EN3V-IIIa-7
Identify favorite authors and stories. EN3A-IIIa-7
Recall details from texts viewed/ 3 2 6-7 Remembering Multiple Choice
listened to. EN3LC-IIIab-
Participate in generating ideas 2.1
through prewriting activities. EN3WCIIIa-1 Remembering
Read words with long (a ) sound
(long a ending in e). EN3PWRIIIa- Remembering
Read grade 3 level texts consisting of b-5
words with long vowel sound with at EN3F-IIIa1.6 Remembering
least 95- 100% accuracy
Spell words that were introduced EN3S-IIIad-4
during recognition
Recall details from texts viewed/ EN3LC-IIIab- 3 2
listened to. 2.1 8-9 Multiple Choice
Participate in generating ideas EN3WCIIIa-1 Remembering
through prewriting activities.
Read words with long (a ) sound EN3PWRIIIa- Remembering
(long a ending in e). b-5
Read grade 3 level texts consisting of
words with long vowel sound with at EN3F-IIIa1.6
least 95- 100% accuracy. Remembering
Spell words that were introduced EN3S-IIIad-4 Remembering
during word recognition.
Recall details from texts viewed/ EN3LC-IIIab-
listened to. 2.1
Participate in generating ideas EN3WCIIIa-1
through prewriting activities. EN3PWRIIIa-
Read words with long (a ) sound b-5 Remembering
(long a ending in e). EN3F-IIIa1.6
Read grade 3 level texts consisting of
words with long vowel sound with at EN3S-IIIad-4
least 95- 100% accuracy. EN3SS-IIIa-
Spell words that were introduced 1.3
during word recognition.
Get information from index and table EN3LC- 4 3 10 Remembering
of contents. IIIb2.19 Multiple Choice
Identify possible solutions to EN3RC-
problems. IIIa2.7.1 11-12 Applying
Identify several effects based on a EN3WCIIIa-j- Multiple Choice
given cause. 11
Write at least three sentences from
various familiar sources.
Give the synonyms and antonyms of EN1V-IIIac- 1 1 13 Remembering Multiple Choice
some words. 13.1, 13.2
Take part in creative responses to 1 1 14 Creating Multiple Choice
stories like preparing logs, journal EN3A-IIIbc-
and other oral presentations. 2.9
Engage in a variety of ways to share EN3SS-IIIbi- Creating
information (e.g. role playing,) 1.2
reporting, summarizing, retelling and
show and tell.
Make inferences and draw 3 3 15-17 Understanding Multiple Choice
conclusions based on texts (pictures, EN3RC-IIIa
title and content words). 2.11
Show understanding of meaning of Understanding
long vowel words (a, i, o, and u)
through drawing, actions, and using
them in sentences. EN1V-IIIaj-25
Read aloud from familiar prose and Remembering
poetry Consisting of Long vowel
words with fluency, appropriate EN3F-IIIaj-
rhythm, pacing and intonation. 1.10.1
Validate ideas made after listening to EN3LC-IIIcd-
a story. 2.5 2 2 18-19
Activate prior knowledge based on EN3LC-IIIcd- Remembering Multiple Choice
new knowledge formed. 2.5
Distinguish fact from opinion. EN3RC-IIIa
Activate prior knowledge based on 2.13
the stories to be read. EN3LC-IIIaj-2
Identify cause and effect. EN3RCIIIa-b- 2 2 20-21 Multiple Choice
Listen and respond to others. 2.13 Remembering
Note important details. EN3OL- Remembering
Increase vocabulary through IIIc1.16.2 Remembering
synonyms (e.g. quick/fast) and EN3LC-IIIaj-
antonyms (e.g. big/small). 2.1
Follow and explain processes. EN3OLIIId- 2 2 22-23 Understanding
Sequence at least 3 events using 1.16.3 Applying Multiple Choice
signal words. EN3LC-IIIaj-
Use appropriate punctuation marks. 2.7 1 24 Remembering Multiple Choice
Read words with long (i ) sound EN3WCIIId-e- 1
(long i ending in e). 2.6
Take books from home to school or EN3A-IIIdh-6
vice-versa for independent / shared EN3OL- Understanding
extra reading. IIIe1.16.4 Understanding
Express opinions and feelings about
other’s ideas.
Retell some parts of the story. EN3LC-IIIaj- Understanding
Differentiate real from make believe. 2.6 Understanding
Make inferences and draw EN3LC-IIIaj- 2
conclusions based from texts. 3.15 2 25-26 Understanding Multiple Choice
Read sentences, stories and poems EN3RCIIIe-f-
consisting of long a words and 2.11 Remembering
questions about them. EN3PWRIIIe-
Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, EN3G-IIIcd- 1 1 27 Remembering Multiple Choice
he, she, it, we, they). 4.2.3
Read with automaticity 100 2nd and EN3F-IIIef-1.8 Remembering
3rd grade high frequency/sight EN3S-IIIef-5
words. Multiple Choice
Spell some irregularly - spelled Remembering
words (e.g. have, said, please, 2 2 28-29
because). EN3G-IIIef-
Use commonly used possessive 4.2.4
pronouns. EN3V-
Homonyms (e.g. flower/flour) IIIef13.6 2 2 30-31
Multiple Choice

Engage in discussions about specific EN3OL- Remembering

topics. IIIf1.16.5
Read words with long (o) sound EN3PWRIIIf-
(long a ending in e). 26 Understanding
Ask and respond to questions about
informational texts listened to EN1OLIIIg-h-
(environment, health, how-to’s, etc.). 3.2
Use different sources of information 2 2 32-33 Multiple Choice
in reading. EN3RC-IIIg-j-
Read simple sentences and levelled 2.5 Remembering
stories. EN3RCIIIg-j-
Read sentences stories and poems 2.5
consisting of long o words and EN3PWRIIIj-
questions about them. 15
Observe the use of punctuations EN3PWRIIIg-
including commas, periods and 26.1
question marks to guide reading for EN3F-IIIg j-
fluency. 1.11
Use capitalization rules in word and
sentence level (e.g. proper and
common nouns, beginning words in
EN3S-IIIgj-2.5 1 1 34 Remembering Multiple Choice
Adjectives EN3G-IIIfg-5
Use descriptive adjectives. EN3G-IIIfg-
Homographs (e.g., read) 5.3.1
Express feelings, opinions through EN3V-IIIgh- 2 1
journals, log etc. 13.7 Understanding Multiple Choice
Infer feelings and traits of characters. EN3A-IIIa-j-
f. identify cause and effect 2.8
Draw conclusions. EN3LC-IIIaj- Evaluating
Observe the use of punctuations 2.16
including commas, periods and EN3LCIIIa-j-
question marks to guide reading for 2.17 35 Remembering
fluency. EN3F-IIIG-j-

Note details regarding character, EN3RCIII0- 1 1 36 Remembering Multiple Choice

setting and plot. 2.2
Sequence 3 events (Note: different EN3RCIII0-
comprehension skills may recur in 2.10
different quarters).
Complete patterned poems using EN3WC-IIIh- 1 1 37 Remembering Multiple Choice
appropriate rhyming words. 2.4
Read words with long (u) sound EN3PWR-IIIi-
(long a ending in e). 26.2
Compare and contrast information EN3PWRIIIh- 2 2 38-39 Understanding
heard. 26.2 Multiple Choice
Propose several predictions about EN3LC-e-f-2.4
texts/stories listened to.
Read words with long a, i, o, and u 2 1 40 Remembering Multiple Choice
and phrases, sentences and stories EN3PWR-IIIi-
containing these words. 26.3
Hyponyms type of (e.g. guava - type EN3V-IIIi-
of fruit) j13.7
Determine whether a story is EN3V-IIIgh- Remembering
realistic or fantasy. 3.15
Identify and use the elements of an EN3V-IIIi-j3.7 Remembering
informational/ factual text heard.
Read sentences, stories and poems EN3PWRIIIh-
consisting of long u words and 27
questions about them.
Read 2- syllable words (fireman) EN3PWRIIIj-
with long vowel sound. 15

Present information in varied artistic EN3OL-IVae- 2 2 1-2 Creating Multiple Choice
ways (e.g. role playing, show and 1.19
tell, radio play/podcast/ broadcast/ EN3LC-Iva
reporting/ poster presentations 3.7 Remembering
Identify and use the elements of an EN3LC- IVb -
informational/ factual text heard 3.7.1
Informational Reports (School EN3LC- Remembering
events, sports, projects) IVc3.7.2
Three-step directions EN3LC-
Conversations IVc3.7.3
Write a simple story Creating
Read words with vowel digraphs ai EN2WCIVa-e- 2 2 3-4 Remembering Multiple Choice
(pail), ay (bay 22
Read grade 3 level texts consisting EN3PWRIVa-
of words with vowel digraphs and b-8
diphthongs with at least 95-100% EN3F- IVa –
accuracy h-1.6
EN3S- IVa – 1 1 5 Remembering Multiple Choice
Spell words that were introduced b-4
during word recognition
Give the correct meaning of EN1V-IVab- Remembering
homonyms (pail,pale) 13.6
Identify favorite authors and stories EN3A- IVa – 2 2 6-7 Multiple Choice
Follow simple written direction c-7 Remembering
Engage in a variety of ways to share EN3SS- IVa -
information (e.g. role playing,) 1.3 Creating
reporting, summarizing, retelling,
and show and tell EN3OL-IVaj-5 Remembering
Identify cause and effect EN3RC-IVab-

Read aloud from familiar prose and EN3F-IVc- Remembering

poetry with fluency, appropriate d1.4
rhythm, pacing and intonation EN3V-IVa- 2 2 8 Remembering Multiple Choice
Use clues from the context to figure j12.3
out what words mean
Interpret simple maps of places 2 1 9 Remembering Multiple Choice
Match words, phrases and sentences EN3SS- IVab -
containing these words with pictures 1.2.3
Show understanding of a story by Creating
present ing them in through EN3RC- IVa –
dramatization, role playing, etc b-2.14 Remembering
Read stories containing these words
and other words previous learned EN3PWRIVc- Remembering
Read grade 3 level texts consisting 28
of 2-syllable words with long vowel Remembering
sound with at least 95- 100% EN3F-Iva-
accuracy j3.5.1 Remembering
Activate prior knowledge based on
new knowledge formed EN3LC-IVaj-
Activate prior knowledge based on 1.1
the stories to be read. Listen to a EN3OL-IVaj- Remembering
variety of literary and expository text 3.2
EN3LC-IVaj-2 10-11 Remembering Multiple Choice
Ask and respond to questions about
informational texts listened to
(environment, health, how to’s, etc)
Determine what words mean based EN3V-IVa- 2 2 12-13 Understanding Multiple Choice
on how they are used in a sentence j12.3
Interpret a pictograph EN3SS- IVcd-
Note details regarding character, 2 1 14 Multiple Choice
setting and plot EN3RC-10-2.2 Remembering
Sequence 3 events
Read words with vowel digraphs ea EN3RC-I0 - Remembering
and ee and phrases, sentences and 2.10
stories containing these words EN3PWRIVd- Remembering
Spell some irregularly - spelled e-22 and 29
words (e.g. have, said, please, EN2S-IVd-f5
Take part in creative responses to 1 1 15 Creating Multiple Choice
stories like preparing logs, journal EN3A-IVd-
and other oral presentations f2.9
Interpret simple tables EN3SS- IVef - 2 2 16-17 Multiple Choice
Compare and contrast information 1.2.2 Understanding
hear EN3OL-IV a-
Note important details j-1.9
Make a card for various occasions EN2WC-IVfj- 2 1 18 Creating Multiple Choice
(birthday, Christmas, New Year, etc) 2.3
Read words with vowel digraphs EN3PWRIVf- Remembering
oo(food), oa (road) g-8
Read aloud from familiar prose and
poetry consisting of Long vowel EN3F-IVa- Remembering
words with fluency, appropriate j1.10.1
rhythm, pacing and intonation
Sequence at least 3 events using EN3LC-IVaj- 1 1 19 Analyzing Multiple Choice
signal words 2.7
Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar EN3RC-Ivc-d- 1 1 20 Understanding Multiple Choice
places, signs and symbols 1.2
Match words, phrases and sentences EN3PWRIVg- 1 1 21 Remembering Multiple Choice
containing these words with pictures 2
Read with automaticity 100 2nd and 1 1 22 Remembering Multiple Choice
3 rd grade high frequency/ sight
words EN3F-IVa-j1.8
Use capitalization rules in word and 1 1 23 Remembering Multiple Choice
sentence level (e.g. proper and
common nouns, beginning words in
sentences) EN3S-IVg-i2.5
Prepositions EN3G-IVg-7 Remembering
Use the most frequently occuring 1 1 24 Remembering Multiple Choice
prepositions (e.g. towards, beside, EN3G-IVg-h-
into, etc) 7.3
Use known words to perform artistic 1 1 25 Remembering Multiple Choice
theme-based activities(e.g.
interviews, telephone conversation,
role-play, etc.) using common sight EN3V-IVg-i9
Take books from home to school or Remembering
vice-versa for independent / shared
extra reading EN3A-Ivg-i-6
Interpret a bar graph 3 3 26-28 Understanding Multiple Choice
Interpret pictographs EN3RC - IVe- Understanding
Interpret simple graphs and tables g-1.2 EN3RC -
EN3RC - Ivaj- Remembering
Retell some parts of the story 2.6
Read stories containing these words EN3PWR-Ivg- 2 1 29 Remembering Multiple Choice
and other words previously learned 28
Use punctuations including commas,
periods and question marks to guide
reading for fluency
Differentiate real from make believe

Infer feelings and traits of characters EN3F-Iva-j- Remembering

1 1 30 Understanding Multiple Choice
Read words with vowel diphthongs 1 1 31 Remembering Multiple Choice
Oy (boy), oi (boil), ou (out) Ow EN3PWIVh-i-
(bow) 6
Use homonyms correctly (meat- EN3V-IVf-
meet, road, -rode) g13.6
Read poems with fluency, 2 1 32 Remembering Multiple Choice
appropriate rhythm,pacing and EN3F-IVi-j5
intonation EN3G-IVh5.6 Remembering
Give the synonyms and antonyms of
common adjectives Remembering
Show understanding of the meaning EN3V-Ih-i26
of words with vowel diphthongs by
using them in correct sentences in
correct sentence
EN3LC-IVaj- 1 1 33 Remembering Multiple Choice
Identify cause and effect 2.16
Use the degrees of adjectives in EN3G-IVi-j5.2 2 1 34 Remembering Multiple Choice
making comparisons (positive, EN3PWRIVi-
comparative, superlative) 2
Match these words with the
appropriate pictures EN3PWRIVi- Remembering
Read phrases, sentences and short 21
stories consisting of these words and
other words previously studied
Adverbs EN3G-IVi-6 1 1 35 Remembering Multiple Choice
Recognize adverbs of manner EN3G-IVi-j6.1
Personal Recounts (anecdotes, past N3LC- IVef- 1 1 36 Remembering Multiple Choice
experiences) 3.7.
Explanation (life cycles, water EN3LC-IVgh- 1 1 37 Analyzing Multiple Choice
cycle) 3.7.5
Draw conclusions EN3LC-IVaj-
Restate facts from informational 1 1 38 Remembering Multiple Choice
texts (climate change, children’s EN3LC-IVij-
rights, traffic safety, etc.) 3.5
Recognize and read some irregularly 1 1 39 Remembering Multiple Choice
spelled words (e.g. such as enough, EN3PWRIVj-
through, beautiful) 22
1 1 40 Remembering Multiple Choice
Read word with affixes ENIV-Ivj-27

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