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Karpe Diem: Useless Goldfish Monster Hat (Ver 1.

© Akabekobotan 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0

International License. (see

"Hello, there! Have I got a deal just for you!

I'll let you have a swell MAGIKARP for just 500! What do you say?"


 100g Carnival 8ply acrylic in orange

 20g Carnival 8ply acrylic in yellow
 20g Carnival 8ply acrylic in white
 10g Carnival 8ply acrylic in pink
 Small amount Carnival 8ply acrylic in black
 4.0mm crochet hook
 Knitting bee/knitting nancy
 Wool needle

Pattern notes:

 UK crochet symbols are used throughout this pattern. See
chart/ for conversions.
 Tension: 9 rows x 16 tr over 10cm/4”
 This pattern fits fairly snugly around the head, but can be adjusted slightly without
affecting the final look. Increase or decrease foundation row in multiples of 6.
 Stitches used: slst, dc, dc2tog, htr, tr, tr2tog FPtr, magic ring
 Where indicated, use the invisible fasten off to ensure the edge is neat.
 Caution! This pattern has not been beta tested. Stitches have been counted to the
best of my ability, but there is a reason I’m not a mathematician (or a census taker).
Your results may vary; proceed with care!
© Akabekobotan 2016
A) Body:

Start with pink yarn

Foundation row: Ch 84, slst into first ch

Row 1-4: Ch 3, tr to end of round, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain

Change to orange yarn

Fold work in half lengthwise, wrong side facing, match up row 4 with foundation chain

Row 5: Ch 3, tr to end of round, picking up loops from row 4 and foundation chain (see
below), slst into 3rd ch of starting chain

Row 6-14: Ch 3, tr to end of round, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain

Row 15: Ch 3, FPtr to end of round, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain
Row 16: Ch 3, tr to end of round, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain
Row 17: Ch 1, dc to end of round, picking up loops from row 14 and 16 (see below), slst
into starting chain

© Akabekobotan 2016
Row 18: Ch 1, * skip 2 st, 5 tr in next st, skip 2 st, 1 dc in next st **, repeat * to ** to end of
row, slst into 1st ch of row
Row 19: Ch 3, 2 tr in same st as ch-3 just made, * skip 2 st, 1 dc in next st (which is the
center st of the 5-tr shell), skip 2 st, 5 tr in next st **, repeat * to ** to end of row, ending the
last repeat with 2 tr in in slst of previous row, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain
Rows 20-25: Repeat Row 18 and Row 19 4 times.
Row 26: Ch 1, * skip 2 st, 3 tr in next st, skip 2 st, 1 dc in next st **, repeat * to ** to end of
row, slst into 1st chain of row
Row 27: Ch 3, tr in same st as ch-3 just made, * skip 1 st, 1 dc (which is the center st of
the 3-tr shell), skip 1 st, 3 tr in same st **, repeat * to ** to end of row, ending the last
repeat with 1 tr in slst of previous row, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain
Row 28: Ch 1, * skip 1 st, 3 tr in same st, skip 1 st, 1 dc in next st **, repeat * to ** to end
of row, slst into 1st chain of row
Row 29: Repeat row 27
Row 30: Ch 1, * skip 1 st, tr-ch-tr in same st, skip 1 st, 1 dc **, repeat * to ** to end of row,
slst into 1st chain of row
Row 31: Ch 3, tr in same st as ch-3 just made, * skip 1 st, 1 dc, 2 tr in same st, skip 1 st,
dc into chain space * to ** to end of row, slst into 3rd ch of starting chain
Row 32: Ch 1, skip 1 st * tr, skip 1 st, dc, tr, skip 1 st ** slst into 1st chain of row
Row 33: Ch 2, htr to end of row, slst in 2nd ch of starting chain
Row 34: Ch 3, 1 tr, 2trtog to end of row, slst in 3rd ch of starting chain
Row 35: Ch 2, 2htrtog to end of row, slst in 3rd ch of starting chain. Break off yarn and pull
though. Run remaining yarn through the top of the row and pull tight. Weave in end.

B) Pectoral fin (make 2)

Start with white yarn

Foundation row: Ch 15
Row 1: dc into 2nd ch from hook, 3 dc, 4 htr, 4 tr, tr2tog. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, 5 tr, 4 htr, 4 dc. Turn.
Row 3: Ch 1, 4 dc, 4 htr, 3 tr, tr2tog. Turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, 4 tr, 4htr, 4 dc. Turn.
Row 5: Ch 1, 4 dc, 4 htr, 3 tr, 2tr in same st. Turn.
Row 6: Ch 3, 2tr in same st, 4 tr, 4 htr, 4 dc. Turn.
Row 7: Ch 1, 4 dc, 4 htr, 5 tr, 2tr in same st. Turn.
Row 8: Ch 3, 2tr in same st, 6 tr, htr, 4 dc. Turn.
Row 9: 2 slst, 2 dc, 4 htr, 7 tr, 2tr in same st. Turn.

Change to orange yarn

Row 10: Ch 1, 2htr in same st, 15 htr, 3htr in same st, 7 htr down edge of fin, picking up
loops from side edge of work. Break off yarn, pull through and leave end long for sewing

© Akabekobotan 2016
C) Eyes (make 2)


Use white yarn (and scrap yarn to mark start of round)

Start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round

Round 1: 2 dc in same st until end of round
Round 2: * dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 3: * 2 dc in same st, 2 sc **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 4: 2 dc, 2 dc in same st * 3 dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * to ** to end of round, 2
sc, 2 slst, break off yarn and use invisible fasten off.


Make 6-dc magic ring, use invisible fasten off, leave end of yarn long and sew to middle of

D) Tail fin

Start with white yarn (and scrap yarn to mark start of round)

Start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round

Round 1: 2 dc in same st until end of round
Round 2: * dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 3: * 2 dc in same st, 2 dc **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Rounds 4-8: 2 dc, 2 dc in same st * 3 dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 9: 3 dc, 2 dc in same st, * 3 dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 10: 19 dc, 5 slst, 38 dc, 5 slst, 19 dc
Round 11: dc to end of round
Round 12: 16 dc, 11 slst, 32 dc, 11 slst, 16 dc
Round 13: dc to end of round
Round 14: 13 dc, 17 slst, 26 dc, 17 slst, 13 dc
Round 15: dc to end of round
Round 16: 10 dc, 23 slst, 20 dc, 23 slst, 10 dc
Round 17: dc to end of round
Round 18: 7 dc, 29 slst, 14 dc, 29 slst, 7 dc
Round 19: 89 dc

Change to orange yarn

Round 20: 86 htr, slst into 1st st of row, break off yarn and pull through, leaving end of
yarn long for sewing edges together. Fold in half from last st, use long end of yarn to sew
edges together. Block to shape if desired.

© Akabekobotan 2016
E) Barbels (make 2)

Using a knitting bee/knitting nancy, make a cord approximately 25cm long with yellow yarn.
Run end of yarn though top loops and pull tight. Leave end of yarn long for sewing up.

F) Ventral fin

Piece A (make 3)

Using yellow yarn, start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round
Round 1: dc to end of round (6 st)
Round 2: * 2 dc in same st, sc ** repeat * ** to end of round (9 st)
Rounds 3-4: dc to end of round (9 st)
slst, break off yarn and use invisible fasten off, flatten.

Piece B (will be joined to 3x Piece A)

Using yellow yarn, start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round
Round 1: dc to end of round (6 st)
Round 2: * 2 dc in same st, sc ** repeat * ** to end of round (9 st)
Rounds 3-4: dc to end of round (9 st)
do not fasten off, flatten so that final st of round is on the right side (see below, left).


Round 1: Line up the previously made Piece A’s with Piece B at the far right, and work 5 dc
across the front side of each of the 4 pieces (see above, top right, bottom right). Turn work
and continue dc across the top of the reverse side (39 st)

© Akabekobotan 2016
Round 2: dc, * 3 dc, dc2tog **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 3: dc to end of round
Round 4: dc, * dc2tog, 2dc **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Rounds 5-6: dc to end of round
Round 7: dc, * dc2tog, dc **, repeat * to ** to end of round, slst, break off yarn, use invisible
fasten off and leave yarn end long for sewing up.

G) Dorsal fin

Piece A:

Using yellow yarn, start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round
Round 1: dc to end of round (6 st)
Round 2: * 2 dc in same st, dc **, repeat * ** to end of round (9 st)
Round 3: dc to end of round (9 st)
Round 4: * 2 dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * ** to end of round (12 st)
Rounds 5-6: dc to end of round (12 st)
slst, break off yarn and use invisible fasten off, flatten.

Piece B:

Using yellow yarn, start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round
Round 1: dc to end of round (6 st)
Round 2: * 2 dc in same st, dc **, repeat * ** to end of round (9 st)
Round 3: dc to end of round (9 st)
Round 4: * 2 dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * ** to end of round (12 st)
Rounds 5-6: dc to end of round (12 st)
Round 7: * 2 dc in same st, 3 dc **, repeat * ** to end of round (15 st)
Rounds 8-9: dc to end of round (15 st)
slst, break off yarn and use invisible fasten off, flatten.

Piece C:

Using yellow yarn, start with 6-dc magic ring, working in the round
Round 1: dc to end of round (6 st)
Round 2: * 2 dc in same st, dc **, repeat * ** to end of round (9 st)
Round 3: dc to end of round (9 st)
Round 4: * 2 dc, 2 dc in same st **, repeat * ** to end of round (12 st)
Rounds 5-6: dc to end of round (12 st)
do not fasten off, flatten so that final st of round is on the right side (as per instructions for
ventral fin)

© Akabekobotan 2016

Round 1: Line up previously made pieces of the fin (A-B-C from left to right) and work 6 dc
across the front side of Piece C, 8 dc across the front side of Piece B then continue dc
across the top of piece A. Turn work and continue dc across the top of the reverse side (42
Round 2: * 5 dc, dc2tog, 6 dc, dc2tog, 5 dc, dc2tog **, repeat * to ** to end of round
Round 3: dc to end of round
Round 4: dc, dc2tog, 5 dc, dc2tog, 2 dc, dc2tog, 5 dc, dc2tog, dc
Round 5: dc to end of round
Round 6: dc, dc2tog, 3 dc, dc2tog, 3 dc, dc2tog, 5 dc, dc2tog, 3 dc, dc2tog, 3 dc, slst, break
off yarn, use invisible fasten off and leave yarn end long for sewing up.

Putting it together:

Flatten the body (A) so that all turning chains are on the bottom edge. Using a wool needle,
sew all parts to the body as shown below. Weave in all ends and pour yourself a stiff drink
to celebrate making it this far, Pokemon Master!

Dorsal fin (G)

Tail fin (D)

Eye (C)

fin (B)

Barbel (E) Ventral fin (F)

Disclaimer: The finished product will not evolve into a Gyarados hat. The author takes no
responsibility for any Pokeball-related injuries that may result from wearing this hat in public.
Pokemon and all associated characters are owned by Nintendo. Please don’t sue me!

"Well, I don't give refunds. You knew what you were getting!"

© Akabekobotan 2016

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