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Significance of the study

The result of this study will benefited the following:

Students. This study will help the students to attend their class regularly since

this will provide information about the benefits that they can acquire in

attending school. This students would be able to go to school on time. They

would become more responsible.

Teachers. They could help each other in implementing plans in helping the

students to attend the school and will be equipped with scientific research thus

they can treat this problem objectively

Parents and Guardians. Parents and Guardians could encourage, the

children to go to school, it is also to know how their children behave at school,

likewise, this would give them the opportunity to help, guide their children in

leading with problems that may affect performance especially with regards to

their academics.

Future Researcher. The conducted studies will further open doors for future

researchers to refine and expand studies in relation to cutting classes. This

may serve as a source of information about what provokes students to cut class

on an individual’s academic perform.


Cutting class

This refers to skipping on your class that can harms the students grades

and especially to there future.

Academic Performance

Aims to investigate the factors influencing student’s academic

performance, has been used to collect data from the management students,

skill and proper guidance from parents on student’s academic performance.


Violence on the potential from violence is a fact of students existence.


This chapter presents the research design, Research Environment, Research

respondent, research instruments and research procedure, by the researchers

in the duration of this study.

Research Design

This study uses the Quantitative Method of conducting research the

main purpose of this research is to examine the “Cause of cutting classes

among Senior High School Students in UC-METC” this method will be used

to interview and backup findings from one method of data to another.

Data gathered from these interviews, written are provided an objective

and dialectic interpretation or analysis to deserve relevant findings as to what

are the cause of cutting classes among Senior High School Students in

University of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center.


 Causes of  Quantitative
Cutting Research
 Action
Classes  Tool/Questi plan
Among onnaire
Senior High  Data
School Gathering
Students in  Data
UC-METC Analysis
Research Environment

This study is conducted in the University of Cebu Maritime and

Training Center Basic Education Department Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu

City. The school has an example amount of students Qualified as the

respondents of this study the variables include Senior High School students,

the researcher sources including the review of related literature and theories

are found in via onlines.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study is focusing or limited only the Senior

High School Students for they are the reason of conducting this research. The

population of this institutions of all strand 11-12 consist of 1681 SHS Students

and would possibly survey 814 Grade 11 students and consist of 442 PBMS,

279 TVL, 63 STEM, 21 HUMSS, 9 GAS and also 876 Grade 12 Students and

consist of 626 PBMS, 152 TVL, 56 STEM, 9 GAS, 24 HUMSS that are

enrolled in UCMETC.

Research Instruments

This study uses different questions the questionnaire contain base on

your experience and it can be answer, there are consists of 15 questions and

answerable by likert scale. This study also uses extension literature search
where all readily available materials such as online bases, own knowledge

bases, and any other scholarly materials such books, research paper, and thesis

are used to create a concrete and foundation to the study.

Research Procedure

Gathering of Data

First, we the researcher, pass an approval sheet to the principal office

to approve that we allowed to conduct the said study. After that we started to

conduct our survey and given out questionnaires to gather data and ask for a

consent to the students if they are able to answer and be our respondent in our


The researcher gathered data by conducting a survey through the results

of questionnaire, which were given to the respondents. The questionnaire was

given to the respondents and was answered by them. It consists of 15 questions

and answerable by likert scale.

Treatment of data

The researcher will use the following statistical treatment to process of

data, frequency and percentage distribution.

%= Percent
f= Frequency
n= Number of Participants

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