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TJ14xx R2.

1 System Guide

Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E Release: Standard Release Version: 1.0
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While every effort has been made to make this document as complete and as accurate as possible, Tejas
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1.0 12-September-2014 Standard Release

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Table of Contents
Using This Guide 9
Who This Guide Is For ................................................................................................................. 9
What This Guide Covers ............................................................................................................... 9
Chapter Organization..................................................................................................................... 9
Using Tejas Product Documentation ........................................................................................ 10
Related Documents ...................................................................................................................... 10

Introduction 11
Key Features .................................................................................................................................. 12
Architectural Details ..................................................................................................................... 13
TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis ........................................................................................... 13
TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis .......................................................................... 14
Slot Allocation ............................................................................................................................... 15
TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis ........................................................................................... 15
TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis .......................................................................... 16

System Overview 19
TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis Overview ............................................................................ 20
TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis Overview ....................................................... 22
Power Supply Unit – DPU8........................................................................................................ 23
Power Supply Unit - DPU18 ...................................................................................................... 24
Power Supply Unit - DPU20 ...................................................................................................... 25
Power Supply Unit - APU12 ....................................................................................................... 26
Fan Tray Units .............................................................................................................................. 26
Fan Control and OAM – FTU20 .......................................................................................... 27
Fan Control and OAM – FTU20 R2 .................................................................................... 29
Fan Control – FTU30P .......................................................................................................... 30
Aggregate Cards ............................................................................................................................ 30
XA10G................................................................................................................................... 31
XA20G................................................................................................................................... 31
60G LOXC TDM Agg card-XA60G ................................................................................... 32
Tributary Cards ............................................................................................................................. 33
PDH Tributary Cards ............................................................................................................. 33
Optical Tributary Card – SOT18 ............................................................................................ 35
L1 Ethernet Tributary Cards ................................................................................................... 35
L2 Ethernet Cards ........................................................................................................................ 40
ELAN10/CEF1................................................................................................................... 41
CEF4 ...................................................................................................................................... 43

L2 Ethernet Features 45
VLAN Switching .......................................................................................................................... 46
L2 Access Control Lists (L2ACL) .............................................................................................. 46
Dynamic MAC Learning ............................................................................................................. 47
Interface Configuration and Acceptable Frame Policy (AFP) ............................................... 47
Ethernet Service Model Description ......................................................................................... 47
Ethernet frame transfer & availability performance (Y.1563) ............................................... 48
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) .................................................................................................... 49
BPDU Tunneling .......................................................................................................................... 50
Quality of Service (QoS) .............................................................................................................. 51
Port Mirroring ............................................................................................................................... 53
Link Aggregation Group (LAG) ................................................................................................ 54
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).................................................................................... 55
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) ...................................................................... 56
Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) ............................................................................ 57
Traffic Shaping .............................................................................................................................. 57
OAM Functions ............................................................................................................................ 58
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM).................................................................................... 59
Multi Protocol Label Switching - Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) .......................................... 60
Sync-E ............................................................................................................................................ 61
Circuit Emulation Services .......................................................................................................... 62

Software 63
Element Management System (EMS) ........................................................................................ 64
Network Management System (NMS)....................................................................................... 65

Applications 67
Networking Applications............................................................................................................. 67
STM-16/4 Rings..................................................................................................................... 68
GE Rings with ERPS ................................................................................................................... 69
Telecom Networks Providing Voice and Data Services ......................................................... 70
Cable Triple Play ........................................................................................................................... 71
Utilities Communications Networks.......................................................................................... 72
Ethernet Network Application ................................................................................................... 72
Ethernet Private Line Application ............................................................................................ 73
Ethernet Virtual Private Line Application ............................................................................... 74
Ethernet Private Local Area Network Application ................................................................... 75
Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network Application ...................................................... 76

Appendix 77
Interfaces Supported .................................................................................................................... 77
Standards Compliance.................................................................................................................. 78
Card Population Rule ................................................................................................................... 80

MTBFs of Cards ........................................................................................................................... 83
Power Consumption of Cards .................................................................................................... 84
Environmental Specifications ..................................................................................................... 85

Glossary of Terms 87
Index 91

List of Figures
Figure 1: Front View - TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis ............................................................. 13
Figure 2: Front View - TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis ......................................... 14
Figure 3: Slot Allocation - 7-Slot Redundant Chassis ..................................................................... 15
Figure 4: Slot Allocation - TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis ................................... 16
Figure 5: Front view - TJ1400 7-slot redundant chassis Overview .............................................. 20
Figure 6: Front view - TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis Overview .......................... 22
Figure 7: 60G LOXC TDM Agg card Front View ......................................................................... 32
Figure 8: Port Mode Description of XA60G card .......................................................................... 32
Figure 9: Ingress & egress QoS .......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 10: Software Architecture ....................................................................................................... 65
Figure 11: STM-64/16/4/1 Ring Configuration ............................................................................. 68
Figure 12: GE Rings with ERPS ........................................................................................................ 69
Figure 13: TJ1400P in Telco Networks ............................................................................................ 70
Figure 14: TJ14xx in Cable Networks ............................................................................................... 71
Figure 15: TJ14xx in Utilities Communications Networks ............................................................ 72
Figure 16: EPL Implementation ........................................................................................................ 73
Figure 17: EVPL Implementation ..................................................................................................... 74
Figure 18: EPLAN Implementation .................................................................................................. 75
Figure 19: EVPLAN Implementation............................................................................................... 76

List of Tables
Table 1: TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis Physical Dimensions ............................................. 14
Table 2: TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis Physical Dimensions ......................... 14
Table 3: Port mode description - XA60G..................................................................................... 32
Table 4: Comparison of L2 Ethernet Features supported on cards in TJ1400 ....................... 40
Table 5: Interfaces supported ......................................................................................................... 77
Table 6: Standards Compliance ...................................................................................................... 78
Table 7: Card Population Rule ........................................................................................................ 80
Table 8: Card Population Rule - with expansion chassis ............................................................ 81
Table 9: MTBFs of cards ................................................................................................................. 83
Table 10: Power Consumption of Cards ......................................................................................... 84
Table 11: Environmental Specifications .......................................................................................... 85

Chapter 1

Using This Guide

This section describes who should read this guide, how it is organized, and what conventions are
used in the document.

Who This Guide Is For .................................................................................... 9
What This Guide Covers .................................................................................. 9
Chapter Organization ....................................................................................... 9
Using Tejas Product Documentation ...........................................................10
Related Documents .........................................................................................10

Who This Guide Is For

This document is intended for Network planners, System Administrators, and other personnel
who require an overall view of the network elements to carry out their operations.

What This Guide Covers

This document describes the functions, features, capabilities and specification of a product.

Chapter Organization
The rest of this document is organized as follows:

Chapter Scope
Introduction on Describes the key features, architectural details, and slot descriptions of TJ14xx
page 11 products
System Overview Summarizes the features and functional description of various cards/modules in the
on page 19 TJ14xx products
L2 Ethernet Describes the advanced ethernet features supported by the switching and carrier
Features on page 45 ethernet cards
Software on page 63 Describes the capabilities and functionalities of the Tejas Network Management
Applications on Describes some of the scenarios where the TJ14xx products may be deployed
page 67

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Using Tejas Product Documentation

The following Tejas product documentation set helps you to use the range of Tejas products:
 The Hardware Description Guide explains hardware configuration, functions, capabilities,
limitations, and physical characteristics of the product.
 The Installation and Commissioning Guide provides information on installing the product and to
initially configuring it to the point of verifying its proper operation in the network.
 The User Interface Guide introduces and orients service providers to the content, function, and
organization of the user interface that support the network elements.
 The L2 Services User Interface Guide provides information about provisioning L2 switching
features supported by the switching cards.
All documents for the shelf are referred to as Tejas technical publications. Each document has a
unique thirteen-digit identification number called Tejas Part Number (TPN). This number is used
to identify each document, and assist in cross-referencing from one document TPN to another.

Related Documents
This document needs to be used in conjunction with the following documents.

Document Name Tejas Part Number Description

Hardware Description Guide 142-DOC000045-E Hardware configuration, functions,

capabilities, limitations, and physical
characteristics of the product.
Installation & Commissioning 142-DOC000048-E Installation of the product, and
Guide initially configuration to the point of
verification of its proper operation in
the network
User Interface Guide 142-DOC000049-E Content, function, and organization
of the user interface that supports
the product
User Interface Guide for Switches 142-DOC000050-E Content, function, and organization
of the user interface that supports
the switches

Chapter 2

TJ1400 is a family of ultra-compact, carrier class, and cost effective bandwidth provisioning
equipments aimed at providing multi service aggregation and transport of client services over
SDH/SONET. It can be configured as a Terminal Multiplexer (TMUX), Add-Drop Multiplexer
(ADM), and In-Line Amplifier or as a stand-alone Cross-Connect.

TJ1400 are STM-1/4/16/64 (OC-3/12/48/192 or OTU2) platforms, and have been envisaged
to address the growing demand for an ultra-compact STM-1/4/16/64 (OC-3/12/48/192) Add-
Drop Multiplexer (ADM) and provide Ethernet-over-SDH/SONET/ONT mapping and Layer-2
switching functions, including Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) with Virtual
Concatenation (VCAT).

TJ1400 supports STM-1/4/16/64 (OC-3/12/48/192 or OTU2) aggregate interfaces, E1/DS1

interface cards, E3/DS3 and Ethernet/Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. TJ1400
equipments can be configured in various topologies such as Linear, Ring and Bus.

Key Features .....................................................................................................12
Architectural Details .......................................................................................13
Slot Allocation..................................................................................................15

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Key Features
TJ1400 equipments come equipped with the following key features:
 Multi-service Platform: TJ1400 supports both Data and Voice services on the same platform.
It enables a mix of TDM and Packet point-to-point, multi-point and multi-cast services to be
configured on the same logical and physical interfaces, thus enabling a virtualized multi-
service aggregation over a single converged network infrastructure which can serve the
varying needs of wireless backhaul, business services and residential broadband/triple-play.
Such multi-service configuration can be realized over TDM, Packet or mix of TDM and
Packet interfaces.
 Flexibility: The modular architecture of the TJ1400 provides one platform that can fit into a
variety of needs and requirements. This enables a pay-as-you-grow model, where a service
provide can start with a non-redundant STM-4, upgrade it to a redundant STM-4, or to
higher capacity STM-4 MSPP (5G XC), or to STM-16 ADM. The expansion chassis allows
the TJ14xx to be expanded to provide additional slots for dropping more interfaces or for
providing PDH protection. TJ14xx can be configured in various topologies supporting both
electrical and optical interfaces depending on the requirements of the customer. Additionally,
it may be configured as a terminal multiplexer (TMUX), add-drop multiplexer (ADM), an in-
line amplifier or as a standalone cross connect.
 Reliability: TJ1400 provides high reliability by providing redundancies in control, aggregate,
cross-connect, timing and power supply, and hot-swap capacity for all the redundant cards
ensure guaranteed availability of the network.
 Cross-connect Capability: TJ1400 provides options for 2.5G, 5G and 10G cross-connect
capacities. Traffic provisioning is fully non-blocking at VC12/VC11 granularity.
 Tributary Support: TJ1400 supports a wide range of tributaries, which include STM-1
optical/electrical (o/e), STM-4, STM-16, ONT2, E1/DS1, E3/DS3, Fast Ethernet, and
Gigabit Ethernet.
 Ethernet Switching Support: TJ1400 supports advanced features like sub-50ms protected
traffic engineered tunnels, ERPS for sub-50ms ring protection, VLAN Switching (IEEE
802.1q), and Provider Bridges (IEEE 802.1ad). The ingress rate limiting is as 64kbps
granularity. The committed and peak burst sizes and rates are programmable. TJ14xx
supports egress rate shaping on all ports. The product supports 8 classes of service as per
IEEE 802.1p recommendations.
 Protection Switching Support: Protection switching involves both traffic switching for fiber
failures (also Other Section/Line/Path level alarms) or node failures on the ring and circuit
pack failures on the node. The TJ1400 supports protection mechanisms like Sub-Network
Section Protection (SNCP), 1+1 Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) and Multiplex Section -
Shared Protection Ring (MS-SPRing).
 Bridge and Roll: The bridge and roll feature allows the customer to perform an in-service
switch of unprotected traffic from primary path to secondary path with a maximum
downtime of 50ms. This facilitates maintenance, repairs and upgrades on the primary path.
The method may be reversed in order to restore the original inputs and outputs on the
primary path after maintenance, repair and upgrades are complete.

Chapter 2 Introduction

 Advanced Ethernet Features: The ingress rate limiting ensures that every packet entering the
network is within the SLA bounds agreed with the customer. Each packet is classified, so that
the appropriate network policies (like prioritization and scheduling) can be applied to each
kind of traffic. Options for 8 CoS queues and scheduling algorithms ensure that there are
sufficient options available to the network administrator to manage the data traffic efficiently.
ERPS (Ethernet Ring Protection Switching) standardized by G.8032 provides 50ms protected
packet rings for greater resiliency. Multiple ringlets can be configured, and multiple ring
topologies of packet networks are supported.
 Streamlined Network Operations: Advanced network management features like Point-and-
Click Provisioning, Automatic Topology Discovery, Shared Mesh Restoration, User friendly
GUI ensure that commissioning, provisioning and managing the node is simple and easy.
This ensures rapid commissioning, provisioning, troubleshooting and monitoring of the node
and the network. This leads to fewer downtimes, and reduction in the number of personnel
needed to manage the network.

Architectural Details
The TJ1400 product family consists of nodes with highly compact size. There are 2 chassis
variants of the TJ1400 products:
 TJ1400 7-slot redundant chassis
 TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis

TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis

TJ1400 7-slot redundant chassis is a 2U base chassis, multi-slot product with a maximum of 5
tributary slots supporting redundant cross-connect fabric, timing/synchronization subsystem and
control processor subsystem and east/west aggregate ports on separate circuit packs. It also has
redundant power supply modules enabling power supply redundancy.

Figure 1: Front View - TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Table 1: TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis Physical Dimensions

Physical Dimension Value

Height 88mm
Width 433mm
Depth 204mm

TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis

TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis is a 3U add-on chassis. It is a multi-slot product with
a maximum of 5 slots for TDM expansion. It is powered from the base chassis, although there is
also the option to have its own PSU in case power from the base chassis is insufficient.

Figure 2: Front View - TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis

Table 2: TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis Physical Dimensions

Physical Dimension Value

Height 132mm
Width 421mm
Depth 204mm

Chapter 2 Introduction

Slot Allocation
The following figures indicate the slot allocation of cards in the variants of the TJ1400 product

TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis

Figure 3: Slot Allocation - 7-Slot Redundant Chassis

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Slot Distribution
Slot 1 Tributary Card
Slot 2 Cross-connect & Aggregate Card
Slot 3 Tributary Card
Slot 4 Cross-connect & Aggregate Card
Slot 5 Tributary Card
Slot 6 Tributary Card
Slot 7 Tributary Card
Slot 8 Power Supply Unit
Slot 9 Power Supply Unit (redundancy)
Slot 10 Fan Tray Unit

TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis

Figure 4: Slot Allocation - TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis

Chapter 2 Introduction

Slot Distribution
Slot 1 I/O Card
Slot 2 I/O Card
Slot 3 I/O Card
Slot 4 I/O Card
Slot 5 Power Supply Unit
Slot 6 Power Supply Unit
Slot 7 W/P Card
Slot 8 W/P Card
Slot 9 W/P Card
Slot 10 W/P Card
Slot 11 W/P Card
Slot 12 Fan Tray Unit

Chapter 3

System Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the architecture and functionalities of the various modules
used in the TJ1400 product family.

TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis Overview ..............................................20
TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis Overview..........................22
Power Supply Unit – DPU8 ..........................................................................23
Power Supply Unit - DPU18 .........................................................................24
Power Supply Unit - DPU20 .........................................................................25
Power Supply Unit - APU12 .........................................................................26
Fan Tray Units .................................................................................................26
Aggregate Cards ...............................................................................................30
Tributary Cards ................................................................................................33
L2 Ethernet Cards ...........................................................................................40

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis Overview

TJ1400 7-slot redundant chassis is a 2U base chassis supporting redundant cross-connect fabric,
timing/synchronization subsystem and control processor subsystem and east/west aggregate
ports on separate circuit packs. It also has redundant power supply modules enabling power
supply redundancy.

Figure 5: Front view - TJ1400 7-slot redundant chassis Overview

Chapter 3 System Overview

As shown in the figure above, TJ1400 7-slot redundant chassis supports 8 slots each of 3.7U
(165mm) width.
 A slot for redundant power supplies (DC). AC PSU support by sacrificing tributary slot
above the PSU slot.
 Two slots for XAT/XC (Cross-connect, Aggregate and Tributary) for redundant
 XC slots are spaced apart to support double-height slots if needed in future (e.g. XC with
 Maximum of 5 slots for Tributary cards.
 Fan Tray Unit (FTU), Operation and Maintenance (OAM) on right side of the chassis.
 2.5/10/20/60G LO XC options are available using the 4 variants of XC cards.
An overview of the cards supported in TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis is given below:

Cards Features
DPU8  Delivers 250 W power output and 12 V output voltage
 Supports Redundancy
DPU18  Delivers 325 W power output and 12 V output voltage
 Supports Redundancy
DPU20  Delivers 500 W power output and 11.8V ± 0.6V output voltage
 Supports Redundancy
APU12  Delivers 290 W power output and 90V to 265V output voltage
 Supports Redundancy
XA10G  Provides 1xSTM-16/OC-48 + 2xSTM-1/OC-3 interface
 Supports uplink capacity of 10G
XA20G  Provides 1xSTM-16/OC-48 + 1xSTM-4/OC-12 + 2xSTM-1/OC-3 interface
 Supports uplink capacity of 16G
 Supports only SDH mode
XA60G  Supports 1xSTM-64/OC-192, and 2xSTM-4/16/OC-12/48, and 2xSTM-
1/4/OC-3/12 interfaces
 Supports uplink capacity of 60G
ST63E1 Provides 63 E1/DS1 interfaces
ST6E3 Provides six E3/DS3 interfaces
SOT18 Provides 8xSTM-1/OC-3, 2xSTM-4/OC-12 and 1xSTM-16/OC-48 line interfaces
CEL-6/SOT18 R2 Provides 4xSTM-4/OC-12 and 2xSTM-16/OC-48 line interfaces
CEF-1  Supports 4 FE Electrical (10/100Base-Tx) and 2 GE Optical (1000Base-X) ports
 Supports switching capacity of 5G
 Supports STM-4/16/ OC-12/48 uplink bandwidth
CEF-4  Supports 2x10GE(XFP) and 2xGE (Optical, 1000Mbps) ports
 Supports switching capacity of 64Gbps
 Supports 2xSTM-16/OC-48 uplink capacity

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Cards Features
CEL-1  Supports 2xGE (Optical, 1000Mbps) +1xGE (Electrical, 10/100/1000 Mbps) +
3xFE (Electrical, 10/100 Mbps) ports
 Supports STM-16/OC-48 uplink bandwidth
CEL-5  Supports 2xGE(optical, 1000Mbps) + 2xGE (Electrical, 10/100/1000Mbps) +
4xFE (Electrical, 10/100Mbps) ports
 Supports STM-16/OC-48 uplink bandwidth
FTU20+OAM  FTU20 is included as a part of the OAM card
 Supports six fans
OAM Features
 Provides 10/100BaseT LAN interface
 Provides NMS, Alarm IN, Alarm Out, BITS clock, BITS Data/Clock and EOW
FTU20+OAM R2  FTU20 is included as a part of the OAM card
 Supports six fans
OAM Features
 Provides MI/F1, MGN, NMS, Alarm IN, Alarm Out, BITS Data/CLK, ToD,
5/10 MHz, and 1PPS interfaces

NOTE: ToD, 5/10 MHz and 1PPS interfaces are for future release.

TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis Overview

TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis is a 3U add-on chassis, which can be a "snap-on" to
the 7-slot redundant chassis base chassis.

Figure 6: Front view - TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis Overview

Chapter 3 System Overview

As shown in the figure above, TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis supports 6 slots each
of 3.7U (165mm) width and 4 slots each of 4U (180mm) width.
 TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis is powered from the base chassis (TJ1400 7-slot
redundant chassis). Option also exists to have its own PSU in case power requirement in the
base chassis is insufficient.
 The control and data path is extended from the XAT of base chassis.

Power Supply Unit – DPU8

The DC Power Supply Unit (DPU8) is a part of the common unit of TJ1400 network element.
The DPU8 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable DC power to other cards in the system. The DPU8 is also
referred as PSU. The face panel of this unit provides a power connector, a local safety ground
connection, and the monitor ports to monitor the input and derived voltages from the card.
 It has only one power input and delivers 250 W power output, 12 V output voltage.
 The DPU8 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable DC power to other cards in the system.
 DPU8 is a field-replaceable unit.
 DPU8 has the capability to monitor the power input.
 DPU8 has the following protections:
Output short-circuit
Output over-current
Input reverse polarity
Input over-voltage
Input under-voltage
Inrush limiting
Non-latching thermal shutdown
 Provides extended temperature support at 65°C.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Power Supply Unit - DPU18

The DC Power Supply Unit (DPU18) is a part of the common unit of TJ1400 network element.
The DPU18 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable DC power to other cards in the system. The DPU18 is
also referred as PSU. The face panel of this unit provides a power connector, a local safety
ground connection, and the monitor ports to monitor the input and derived voltages from the
 It has input voltage range of 40V to 72V DC.
 It has only one power input and delivers 325 W power output, 12 V output voltage.
 Input current is 10A continuous and the output current is 27A.
 The reverse polarity protection is continuous.
 It has an 12.5A fast acting fuse.
 The DPU18 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable DC power to other cards in the system.
 DPU18 is a field-replaceable unit.
 DPU18 has the capability to monitor the power input.
 DPU18 has the following protections:
Over-temperature (Auto-recovery)
Output Short-Circuit (Hiccup Mode)
Output Over-Current (125%)
Output Over-Voltage (13.6± 0.6V Latched Mode)
Input Reverse Polarity
Input Under-voltage (Auto Retry Mode)
Inrush limiting
Non-latching thermal shutdown
 Provides extended temperature support at 65°C

Chapter 3 System Overview

Power Supply Unit - DPU20

The DC Power Supply Unit (DPU20) is a part of the common unit of TJ1400 network element.
The DPU20 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable DC power to other cards in the system. The DPU20 is
also referred as PSU. The face panel of this unit provides a power connector, a local safety
ground connection, and the monitor ports to monitor the input and derived voltages from the
 It has input voltage range of 40V to 72V DC.
 It has only one power input and delivers 500 W power output, 12 V output voltage.
 Input current is 16A continuous and the output current is 41.5A.
 The reverse polarity protection is continuous.
 It has an 20A fast acting fuse.
 The DPU20 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable DC power to other cards in the system.
 DPU20 is a field-replaceable unit.
 DPU20 has the capability to monitor the power input.
 DPU20 has the following protections:
Over-temperature (Auto-recovery)
Output Short-Circuit (Hiccup Mode)
Output Over-Current (125%)
Output Over-Voltage (13.6± 0.6V Latched Mode)
Input Reverse Polarity
Input Under-voltage (Auto Retry Mode)
Inrush limiting
Non-latching thermal shutdown
 Provides extended temperature support at 65°C

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Power Supply Unit - APU12

The AC Power Supply Unit (APU12) is a part of the common unit of TJ1400 network element.
The APU12 is only supported in teh redundancy mode. The face panel of this unit provides a
power connector.
 It has input voltage range of 90V to 265V DC.
 It has only one power input and delivers 290 W power output, 12 V output voltage.
 Input current is 6A continuous and the output current is 24A.
 The reverse polarity protection is continuous.
 It has an 10A fast acting fuse.
 The APU12 supports load sharing on redundancy basis i.e. if one PSU fails, other will be the
active load driver and provides a stable power to other cards in the system.
 APU12 is a field-replaceable unit.
 APU12 has the capability to monitor the power input.
 APU12 has the following protections:
Under voltage protection
Over voltage protection
 Provides extended temperature support at 50°C

Fan Tray Units

The various fan tray units used to cool the TJ1400 family of network elements are described

Chapter 3 System Overview

Fan Control and OAM – FTU20

The FTU20 is used in the TJ1400 7-Slot variant to cool the equipment, as well as provide the
interfaces for OAM.

Fan Interface:

The fan unit integrated into FTU20 supports 6 fans. The functional features of the fan unit are
given below:
 Fuse on each fan power supply isolates any failed fan from the other fans.
 Fan speed monitoring and control through software, based on the temperature sensed.
 Temperature monitoring on the airflow path.
 The unit is field replaceable.
OAM Interface:

The OAM interface integrated into FTU20 provides static user interfaces for managing
Operations, Administration and Maintenance of the system. The front panel contains the

Visual Indicator LEDs: The visual indicators on the OAM interface include ACTIVE, STATUS
and Alarm LEDs.

BITS Interface: The BITS clock input is at 2.048 MHz and can be nominated as a reference for
node synchronization. The BITS data input is at 2.048 Mbps and can be nominated as a reference
for node synchronization.

External Alarms Interface: The OAM interface provides seven external alarm inputs and four
external alarm outputs through a single RJ-45 connector.
 Alarm-In: The alarm inputs connect external triggers for events (such as open door or a shelf
high temperature) to the OAM interface.
 Alarm-Out: The alarm outputs can be used to trigger the operation of external equipment,
such as a generator, fan or audible alarm.
NMS Interface: The NMS interface provides a CSMA/CD based LAN transceiver of an Ethernet
link. This is available through an RJ-45 connector. The NMS interface is associated with two
LEDs: Green and Amber.

EOW Interface: This is an operations communication channel that directly supports a two-wire
analog telephone. The orderwire interface provides a 64 kbps voice channel between two
network elements. Voice and signaling traffic is carried over E1 or E2 bytes of the SDH
overhead. Orderwire interface is terminated using RJ-45 connectors.

The OAM provides static user interfaces for configuration and visual indications. OAM interface
has the following functional features:
 Provides Alarm IN/OUT, BITS clock, BITS data+clock and EOW interfaces
 Alarm LEDs (Critical, Major, Minor)

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

 User configurable alarm inputs

 Alarm outputs for Critical, Major, Minor and Deferred
 Temperature monitoring

Chapter 3 System Overview

Fan Control and OAM – FTU20 R2

The FTU20 R2 is used in the TJ1400 7-Slot variant to cool the equipment, as well as provide the
interfaces for OAM.

Fan Interface:

The fan unit integrated into FTU20 R2 supports 6 fans. The functional features of the fan unit
are given below:
 Fuse on each fan power supply isolates any failed fan from the other fans.
 Fan speed monitoring and control through software, based on the temperature sensed.
 Temperature monitoring on the airflow path.
 The unit is field replaceable.
OAM Interface:

The OAM interface integrated into FTU20 provides static user interfaces for managing
Operations, Administration and Maintenance of the system. The front panel contains the

Visual Indicator LEDs: The visual indicators on the OAM interface include ACTIVE, STATUS
and Alarm LEDs.

BITS Interface: The BITS clock input is at 2.048 MHz and can be nominated as a reference for
node synchronization. The BITS data input is at 2.048 Mbps and can be nominated as a reference
for node synchronization.

External Alarms Interface: The OAM interface provides seven external alarm inputs and four
external alarm outputs through a single RJ-45 connector.
 Alarm-In: The alarm inputs connect external triggers for events (such as open door or a shelf
high temperature) to the OAM interface.
 Alarm-Out: The alarm outputs can be used to trigger the operation of external equipment,
such as a generator, fan or audible alarm.
NMS Interface: The NMS interface provides a CSMA/CD based LAN transceiver of an Ethernet
link. This is available through an RJ-45 connector. The NMS interface is associated with two
LEDs: Green and Amber.

EOW Interface: This is an operations communication channel that directly supports a two-wire
analog telephone. The orderwire interface provides a 64 kbps voice channel between two
network elements. Voice and signaling traffic is carried over E1 or E2 bytes of the SDH
overhead. Orderwire interface is terminated using RJ-45 connectors.

MGN Interface: The MGN interface helps to connect the network element to a PC terminal with
an Ethernet cable of RJ-45 connector type.

The OAM provides static user interfaces for configuration and visual indications. OAM interface
has the following functional features:

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

 Provides Alarm IN/OUT, BITS clock, BITS data+clock and EOW interfaces
 Alarm LEDs (Critical, Major, Minor)
 User configurable alarm inputs
 Alarm outputs for Critical, Major, Minor and Deferred
 Temperature monitoring

NOTE: The ToD, 1PPS and 5/10 MHz interfaces are for future release.

Fan Control – FTU30P

The FTU30P is used in the TJ1400 5-Slot expansion/protection chassis variant in order to cool
the equipment. FTU30P supports 6 fans. The functional features of the fan unit are given below:
 Alarm raised in case of over-temperature and fan failure.
 Fan speed monitoring and control through software, based on the temperature sensed.
 Temperature monitoring on the airflow path.
 The unit is field replaceable.

Aggregate Cards
The TJ1400 product family supports 4 variants of cross connect and aggregate cards.

Card XC Size Aggregate interface supported Tributary interface supported on

on the card the card
XA10G 10G 1xSTM-4 2xSTM-1
1xSTM-16 2xSTM-1
XA20G 20G 1x STM-16 Agg with 1xSTM- 2xSTM-1
1x STM-14 Agg with 1xSTM- 2xSTM-1
XA60G 60G 1xSTM64/OTU2 2xSTM-16/4/OTU1/Ge

Chapter 3 System Overview

The XA10G is a cross connect and aggregate card supported by the TJ1400 product family.
XA10G supports an uplink capacity of 10G. It provides 2xSTM-1 + 1xSTM-16 aggregate
interfaces. The card has the processor to perform functions such as IBC routing, inter-card
communication, node management and alarm processing by the TJ1400 network elements. The
card consists of the cross-connect sub-system and the timing sub-system.

The TJ1400 network elements support the XA10G card in redundant configuration only.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.

The XA20G is a cross connect and aggregate card supported by the TJ1400 product family.
XA20G supports an uplink capacity of 20G. It provides two different modes:
 1x STM-16/4 aggregate with 1xSTM-4/1 + 2xSTM-1
 2xSTM-16 aggregate on port3 and port4
The card has the processor to perform functions such as IBC routing, inter-card communication,
node management and alarm processing by the TJ1400 network elements. The card consists of
the cross-connect sub-system and the timing sub-system.

The TJ1400 network elements support the XA20G card in redundant configuration only.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

60G LOXC TDM Agg card-XA60G

The 60G LOXC TDM Agg card is a cross connect and aggregate card supported by the TJ1400
product family. XA60G supports an uplink capacity of 60G. It provides 1xSTM64/OTU2 +
2xSTM-16/4/OTU1/Ge + 2xSTM-4/1/GE aggregate interfaces. The card has the processor to
perform functions such as IBC routing, inter-card communication, node management and alarm
processing by the TJ1400 network elements. The card consists of the cross-connect sub-system
and the timing sub-system. It supports 60G LO(TU/ODU0) Cross-connect. Also it supports
diag-audio jack and MI/F1 interface. The back-plane interface supports a maximum of 10
universal tributary card slots.

The TJ1400 network elements support the XA60G card in redundant configuration only.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.

Figure 7: 60G LOXC TDM Agg card Front View

Port mode description

Figure 8: Port Mode Description of XA60G card

-Port P5 supports STM64 / OTU2 irrespective of Port P1-P4 rates.

Table 3: Port mode description - XA60G

Sr. No. P4 P3 P2 P1

1 STM16/4/1 STM16/4/1 STM4/1 STM4/1

2 GE GE STM4/1 STM4/1
3 STM16/4/1 STM16/4/1 GE GE

Chapter 3 System Overview

Tributary Cards
The type tributary cards are supported in TJ14xx-R2 includes PDH Tributary cards, Optical
Tributary Cards and L1 Ethernet Tributary Cards.

PDH Tributary Cards

The PDH tributary cards supported in the TJ1400 product family are described as follows:


The ST63E1 is a small form factor tributary card with 63E1/DS1 ports for the TJ1400 product
family. The line interface to 63 E1/DS1 channels are provided in both add and drop directions
by LFH connectors.

ST63E1 card consumes a maximum of 16W power.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.


The ST6E3 is a small form factor tributary card with 6E3/DS3 ports for the TJ1400 product
family. E3 signals are fed through the SMB connectors in both add and drop directions.

ST6E3 card consumes a maximum of 8.5W power.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.


The S63EWP is a tributary card that supports 63 ports of E1/DS1 WP channels in 75/120 ohm
configurations, with WP ports for the TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis.

S63EWP card consumes a maximum of 16W power.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.


The S12E3WP is a tributary card that supports 12 ports of E1/DS1 WP channels, with WP ports
for the TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis.

S12E3WP card consumes a maximum of 18W power.

Status and Active LEDs are provided to indicate the power on and working status of the card.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Protection IO Card – S63EIO

The S63EIO card is a 63 E1 protection IO card for TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis.
The E1 ports from the line side interface are switched to either work or protect tributary card
depending on the control from the Control Card.

S63EIO card provides line interface to E1 channels in both add and drop directions.

S63EIO card has the following functional features:

 Surge protection for all the channels
 Isolation and impedance conversion
 Switching of I/O channels to work and protect cards
 Supports only 120 Ohm E1 / DS1 ports.
 Inventory ROM
 Failure indication LED

Protection IO Card – S12E3IO

The S12E3IO card is a 12 E3 protection IO card for TJ1400 5-slot expansion/protection chassis.
The E3 ports from the line side interface are switched to either work or protect tributary card
depending on the control from the Control Card.

S12E3IO card provides line interface to E3 channels in both add and drop directions.

S12E3IO card has the following functional features:

 Surge protection for all the channels
 Isolation and impedance conversion
 Switching of I/O channels to work and protect cards
 Inventory ROM
 Failure indication LED

Chapter 3 System Overview

Optical Tributary Card – SOT18

The SOT18 is an optical tributary card that provides 8xSTM-1/2 xSTM-4/1-STM-16 line
interfaces in both transmit and receive directions.

SOT18 card can be field configured by using different SFP plug-ins to operate as any of the
following operational modes:
 8xSTM-1
 2xSTM-4
 4xSTM-1 + 1xSTM-4
 1xSTM-4 + 4xSTM-1
 1xSTM-16
SOT18 card processes the received STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 frame for all alarms and
performance monitoring signals. SOT18 card supports the following functional features:
 Laser On/Off control for safety requirements
 Laser optical power and temperature monitoring
 Overhead byte processing for DCC-R, DCC-M and F1/F2/F2F3 channels
 Pointer processing, performance monitoring and POH termination
 Overhead bytes tunneling from different optical interfaces across the base chassis
 SDH data path which has independent ADD and DROP capacity to support both
unidirectional and bi-directional cross-connects
 Supports live insertion

L1 Ethernet Tributary Cards

The L1 Ethernet cards supported in TJ14xx include the TR10/CEL1, CEL-5 and CEL-6/SOT18

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E


The TJ14xx product family supports the Ethernet tributary card TR10/CEL1. The TR10/CEL1
consists of 2xGE (Optical, 1000Mbps) +1xGE (Electrical, 10/100/1000 Mbps) + 3 x FE
(Electrical, 10/100 Mbps) ports. The card supports STM-4/8/16 uplink bandwidth.

TR10/CEL1 card maps and de-maps the Ethernet data into the virtual containers of lower and
higher order of the SDH frame.

TR10/CEL1 card supports the following L1 functionalities and capabilities:

 Ethernet ports: 2xGE (Optical, 1000Mbps) +1xGE (Electrical, 10/100/1000 Mbps) + 3 x FE
(Electrical, 10/100 Mbps) ports.
 IN-service/OUT-of-service states: Support ADMIN UP and ADMIN DOWN for all
 Uplink bandwidth: Supports STM-4/8/16 uplink bandwidth for 2.5G, 5G and 10G XCs
 Auto-Negotiation: Auto-Negotiation (AN) allows a local device to advertise modes of
operation it possesses to a device at the remote end of a link segment (link partner) and to
detect corresponding operational modes that the link partner may be advertising (Ref. IEEE
802.3-2002, clause 28 on Auto Negotiation). Each of the 4 copper and 2 optical ports on the
TR10/CEL1 card advertise the maximum capability based on the port configuration.
 Ethernet Duplex capabilities: With auto-negotiation DISABLED, the duplex operation mode
is configurable by the user for Tx FE ports. With auto-negotiation ENABLED, the
advertised duplex capability is always FULL.
 Ethernet Speeds:
The Ethernet speed is always be set to 1000Mbps for GE interface and
independently configurable as 10Mbps or 100Mbps for each of the other FE
With auto-negotiation enabled, the advertised Ethernet speed is 1000Mbps-Full-
Duplex for GE ports and 10Mbps-Full-Duplex, 100Mbps-Full-Duplex for FE
If auto-negotiation is not enabled default speed for FE port is 100Mbps for the
FE electrical ports.
 Ethernet Frame Size: The Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) and the Maximum Receive Unit
(MRU) are configurable, per port, in the range of 64 bytes and 9216 bytes. The default is
9216 bytes. The minimum Ethernet frame length supported is 64 bytes including any required
 Ethernet Flow Control: Supports different flow control capabilities as defined in the IEEE
802.3.2002 Annex 28B. The type of flow control supported is configurable by the user on a
per port basis.
 Ethernet frame error handling: Errored frames received at the Ethernet interface are counted
and discarded. The criteria for an errored Ethernet frames are given below:
Invalid FCS sequence
Frames received with internal MAC sub-layer errors

Chapter 3 System Overview

 Virtual Concatenation Groups (VCGs):

VCG support on TR010/CEL1 card conforms to G.707/Y.1322, ANSI
T1X1.105-2001 and Bellcore GR-253-CORE specifications.
The minimum number of VCGs per card supported by the TR10/CEL1 is 6,
corresponding to the physical Ethernet ports.
Supports GFP-F framing conforming to G.7041.
Supports VCGs in both SDH and SONET modes.
 Mappings in SDH mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SDH mode:
AU-4/ VC-12-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-4/ VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-4/ VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=4 for FE-VCG and MaxX=24 for GE-
AU-4/VC-4 –Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=1 for FE-VCG and MaxX=8 for GE-
AU-3/ VC-12-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-3/ VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-3 /VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=4 for FE-VCG and MaxX=24 for GE-
 Mappings in SONET mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SONET
STS-1/VT-1.5-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
STS-1/VT-2-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
STS-1-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=4 for FE-VCG and MaxX=24 for GE-VCG
STS-3c-SPE-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=1 for FE-VCG and MaxX=8 for GE-
VCG (Max 1)
 Protection: Path protected and unprotected VC/VT may be mixed in a given virtual
concatenation group up to the uplink bandwidth of the card.
 Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS): TR10/CEL1 supports hitless LCAS as per
G.7042/Y.1305. LCAS allows the dynamic hitless addition/deletion of bandwidth within a
VCG to cater for on demand bandwidth applications.
 Generic Framing Protocol (GFP): TR10/CEL1 card supports GFP-F (Frame mapped mode),
as per ITU-T G.7041. For encapsulation via GFP-F, all erroneous Ethernet frames are
discarded. The Ethernet Preamble and the Start of Frame Delimiter are removed from the
Ethernet MAC frames and the remainder of the MAC frame from the Destination Address
to the FCS (Frame Check Sequence) are mapped octet by octet into the payload area of the
GFP frame. The user is permitted to configure support for the optional GFP FCS via the
GFP FCS parameter.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E


The TJ14xx product family supports the Ethernet tributary card CEL5. The CEL5 consists of
2xGE (Optical, 1000Mbps) +2xGE (Electrical, 10/100/1000 Mbps) + 4 x FE (Electrical, 10/100
Mbps) ports. The card supports STM-16 uplink bandwidth.

CEL5 card maps and de-maps the Ethernet data into the virtual containers of lower and higher
order of the SDH frame.

CEL5 card supports the following L1 functionalities and capabilities:

 Ethernet ports: 2xGE (Optical, 1000Mbps) +2xGE (Electrical, 10/100/1000 Mbps) + 4 x FE
(Electrical, 10/100 Mbps) ports.
 IN-service/OUT-of-service states: Support ADMIN UP and ADMIN DOWN for all
 Uplink bandwidth: Supports STM-16 uplink bandwidth.
 Auto-Negotiation: Auto-Negotiation (AN) allows a local device to advertise modes of
operation it possesses to a device at the remote end of a link segment (link partner) and to
detect corresponding operational modes that the link partner may be advertising (Ref. IEEE
802.3-2002, clause 28 on Auto Negotiation). Each of the 4 copper and 2 optical ports on the
CEL5 card advertise the maximum capability based on the port configuration.
 Ethernet Duplex capabilities: With auto-negotiation DISABLED, the duplex operation mode
is configurable by the user for Tx FE ports. With auto-negotiation ENABLED, the
advertised duplex capability is always FULL.
 Ethernet Speeds:
The Ethernet speed is always be set to 1000Mbps for GE interface and
independently configurable as 10Mbps or 100Mbps for each of the other FE
With auto-negotiation enabled, the advertised Ethernet speed is 1000Mbps-Full-
Duplex for GE ports and 10Mbps-Full-Duplex, 100Mbps-Full-Duplex for FE
If auto-negotiation is not enabled default speed for FE port is 100Mbps for the
FE electrical ports.
 Ethernet Frame Size: The Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) and the Maximum Receive Unit
(MRU) are configurable, per port, in the range of 64 bytes and 9216 bytes. The default is
9216 bytes. The minimum Ethernet frame length supported is 64 bytes including any required
 Ethernet Flow Control: Supports different flow control capabilities as defined in the IEEE
802.3.2002 Annex 28B. The type of flow control supported is configurable by the user on a
per port basis.
 Ethernet frame error handling: Errored frames received at the Ethernet interface are counted
and discarded. The criteria for an errored Ethernet frames are given below:
Invalid FCS sequence
Frames received with internal MAC sub-layer errors

Chapter 3 System Overview

 Virtual Concatenation Groups (VCGs):

VCG support on CEL5 card conforms to G.707/Y.1322, ANSI T1X1.105-2001
and Bellcore GR-253-CORE specifications.
The minimum number of VCGs per card supported by the CEL5 is 6,
corresponding to the physical Ethernet ports.
Supports GFP-F framing conforming to G.7041.
Supports VCGs in both SDH and SONET modes.
 Mappings in SDH mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SDH mode:
AU-4/ VC-12-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-4/ VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-4/ VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=4 for FE-VCG and MaxX=24 for GE-
AU-4/VC-4 –Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=1 for FE-VCG and MaxX=8 for GE-
AU-3/ VC-12-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-3/ VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
AU-3 /VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=4 for FE-VCG and MaxX=24 for GE-
 Mappings in SONET mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SONET
STS-1/VT-1.5-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
STS-1/VT-2-Xv, 1<=X<=63 for FE-VCG and GE-VCG
STS-1-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=4 for FE-VCG and MaxX=24 for GE-VCG
STS-3c-SPE-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=1 for FE-VCG and MaxX=8 for GE-
VCG (Max 1)
 Protection: Path protected and unprotected VC/VT may be mixed in a given virtual
concatenation group up to the uplink bandwidth of the card.
 Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS): TR10/CEL1 supports hitless LCAS as per
G.7042/Y.1305. LCAS allows the dynamic hitless addition/deletion of bandwidth within a
VCG to cater for on demand bandwidth applications.
 Generic Framing Protocol (GFP): TR10/CEL1 card supports GFP-F (Frame mapped mode),
as per ITU-T G.7041. For encapsulation via GFP-F, all erroneous Ethernet frames are
discarded. The Ethernet Preamble and the Start of Frame Delimiter are removed from the
Ethernet MAC frames and the remainder of the MAC frame from the Destination Address
to the FCS (Frame Check Sequence) are mapped octet by octet into the payload area of the
GFP frame. The user is permitted to configure support for the optional GFP FCS via the
GFP FCS parameter.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

L2 Ethernet Cards
The L2 Ethernet cards supported in TJ1400 include the ELAN10/CEF1 and CEF4 cards. The
L2 ethernet features, as compared between these cards, are summarized as follows:

Table 4: Comparison of L2 Ethernet Features supported on cards in TJ1400

L2 Feature ELAN10/CEF1 CEF4

VLAN Switching Yes Yes
Ingress and Egress Rate Limiting Yes Yes
Dynamic MAC Learning Yes Yes
QoS Yes Yes
Traffic Shaping Yes Yes
Port Mirroring Yes Yes
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Yes Yes
Link Aggregation (LAG) Yes Yes
Ethernet Ring Protection Scheme (ERPS) Yes Yes
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) Yes Yes
Multi-Protocol Label Switching - Transport Yes Yes
Profile (MPLS-TP)
Performance Monitoring Yes Yes
Sync-E No Yes
Circuit Emulation Services No Yes

Chapter 3 System Overview

The ELAN10/CEF1 card provides L2 switching capabilities to the TJ1400 7-slot variant. The
ELAN10/CEF1 consists of 4 FE Electrical (10/100Base-Tx) and 2 GE Optical (1000Base-X)
ports. ELAN10/CEF1 card supports a switching capacity of 5G. The card supports STM-
4/8/16 uplink bandwidth.

ELAN10/CEF1 card maps and de-maps the Ethernet data into the virtual containers of lower
and higher order of the SDH frame. ELAN10/CEF1 card would help providers offer carrier
ethernet services like ethernet private line, ethernet virtual private line, PBB-TE, CFM and
hierarchical QoS.

ELAN10/CEF1 card supports the following L1 functionalities and capabilities:

 Ethernet ports: 2x10/100 Base-Tx/1000 Base-T FE ports and 2xGE Combo ports.
 IN-service/OUT-of-service states: Support ADMIN UP and ADMIN DOWN for all
 Auto-Negotiation: Auto-Negotiation (AN) allows a local device to advertise modes of
operation it possesses to a device at the remote end of a link segment (link partner) and to
detect corresponding operational modes that the link partner may be advertising (Ref. IEEE
802.3-2002, clause 28 on Auto Negotiation). Each of the 4 copper and 2 optical ports on the
ELAN10/CEF1 card advertise the maximum capability based on the port configuration.
 Ethernet Duplex capabilities: With auto-negotiation DISABLED the duplex operation mode
is configurable by the user for Tx FE ports. The possible configurable values are FULL,
HALF. The default duplex mode is FULL.
 Ethernet Speeds:
For Tx FE ports, with auto-negotiation DISABLED the Ethernet speed is
configurable by the user. The possible configurable values are 100M, 1000M for
10/100/1000 Mbps ports.
The default Ethernet speed is 1 Gbps on all ports for SFP ports and 100 Mbps
for copper ports.
With auto-negotiation enabled, the advertised Ethernet speed is 100M for the
GigE Cu ports and 1000M for Optical ports.
 Ethernet Frame Size: The Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) and the Maximum Receive Unit
(MRU) are configurable, per port, in the range of 1518 bytes and 9600 bytes. The default is
9600 bytes. The minimum Ethernet frame length supported is 64 bytes including any required
 Ethernet Flow Control: Supports different flow control capabilities as defined in the IEEE
802.3.2002 Annex 28B. The type of flow control supported is configurable by the user on a
per port basis.
 Ethernet frame error handling: Errored frames received at the Ethernet interface are counted
and discarded. The criteria for an errored Ethernet frames are given below:
Invalid FCS sequence
Frames received with internal MAC sub-layer errors

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

 Uplink bandwidth: Supports STM-4/8/16 uplink bandwidth.

 Virtual Concatenation Groups (VCGs):
VCG support on ELAN010/CEF1 card conforms to G.707/Y.1322, ANSI
T1X1.105-2001 and Bellcore GR-253-CORE specifications.
In STM 4/8 uplink bandwidth option 16 VCGs (LO/HO) are supported.
In STM 16 uplink bandwidth option 64 VCGs (LO/HO) are supported.
Supports GFP-F framing conforming to G.7041.
Supports VCGs in both SDH and SONET modes.
 Mappings in SDH mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SDH mode
with maximum uplink bandwidth of STM-16:
AU-4/VC-12-Xv, 1<=X <=63
AU-4/VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=84
AU-4/VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=48
AU-4/VC-4-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=16
AU-3/VC-12-Xv, 1<=X<=63
AU-3/VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=84
AU-3/VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=48
 Mappings in SONET mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SONET
mode with maximum uplink bandwidth of OC-24:
STS-1-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=21
STS-3c/STS-3c-SPE-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=8
 Protection: Protected and unprotected VC/VT paths may be mixed in a VCG up to uplink
bandwidth of STM-16.
 Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS): ELAN10/CEF1 supports hitless LCAS as per
G.7042/Y.1305. LCAS allows the dynamic hitless addition/deletion of bandwidth within a
VCG to cater for on demand bandwidth applications.
 Generic Framing Protocol (GFP): ELAN10/CEF1 card supports GFP-F (Frame mapped
mode), as per ITU-T G.7041. For encapsulation via GFP-F, all erroneous Ethernet frames
are discarded. The Ethernet Preamble and the Start of Frame Delimiter are removed from
the Ethernet MAC frames and the remainder of the MAC frame from the Destination
Address to the FCS (Frame Check Sequence) are mapped octet by octet into the payload area
of the GFP frame. The user is permitted to configure support for the optional GFP FCS via
the GFP FCS parameter.
 MAC Table Size: 32K

Chapter 3 System Overview

CEF4 is a L2 Advanced Carrier Ethernet (PBB, PBB-TE, MPLS-TP, SyncE, CEM capable) 64G
fabric card with 2X10GE LAN/WAN, OTU2, OTU2e XFP and 2X1GE/100FX SFP ports . It
provides 5G EoS uplink in lieu of the 10G XFP Port (which is available only pure packet mode.
The TJ1400 back plane interface supports a maximum of 5 maximum universal tributary card slot
to carrier ethernet line cards when used as aggregate cards.

CEF4 card maps and de-maps the Ethernet data into the virtual containers of lower and higher
order of the SDH frame. CEF4 card would help providers offer carrier ethernet services like
ethernet private line, ethernet virtual private line, PBB-TE, CFM and hierarchical QoS.

ELAN10/CEF1 card supports the following L1 functionalities and capabilities:

 Ethernet ports: 2x10GE XFP ports and 2xGE/100FX SFP ports.
 IN-service/OUT-of-service states: Support ADMIN UP and ADMIN DOWN for all
 Auto-Negotiation: Auto-Negotiation (AN) allows a local device to advertise modes of
operation it possesses to a device at the remote end of a link segment (link partner) and to
detect corresponding operational modes that the link partner may be advertising (Ref. IEEE
802.3-2002, clause 28 on Auto Negotiation).
 Ethernet Duplex capabilities: With auto-negotiation DISABLED the duplex operation mode
is configurable by the user for Tx FE ports. The possible configurable values are FULL,
HALF. The default duplex mode is FULL.
 Ethernet Speeds:
The default Ethernet speed is 1 Gbps on all ports for SFP ports.
With auto-negotiation enabled, the advertised Ethernet speed is 100M FX SFP
Optical ports.
 Ethernet Frame Size: The Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) and the Maximum Receive Unit
(MRU) are configurable, per port, in the range of 1518 bytes and 9600 bytes. The default is
9600 bytes. The minimum Ethernet frame length supported is 64 bytes including any required
 Ethernet Flow Control: Supports different flow control capabilities as defined in the IEEE
802.3.2002 Annex 28B. The type of flow control supported is configurable by the user on a
per port basis.
 Ethernet frame error handling: Errored frames received at the Ethernet interface are counted
and discarded. The criteria for an errored Ethernet frames are given below:
Invalid FCS sequence
Frames received with internal MAC sub-layer errors
 Virtual Concatenation Groups (VCGs):
VCG support on CEF4 card conforms to G.707/Y.1322, ANSI T1X1.105-2001
and Bellcore GR-253-CORE specifications.
In STM 4/8 uplink bandwidth option 16 VCGs (LO/HO) are supported.
In STM 16 uplink bandwidth option 64 VCGs (LO/HO) are supported.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Supports GFP-F framing conforming to G.7041.

Supports VCGs in both SDH and SONET modes.
 Mappings in SDH mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SDH mode
with maximum uplink bandwidth of STM-16:
AU-4/VC-12-Xv, 1<=X <=63
AU-4/VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=84
AU-4/VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=48
AU-4/VC-4-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=16
AU-3/VC-12-Xv, 1<=X<=63
AU-3/VC-11-Xv, 1<=X<=84
AU-3/VC-3-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=48
 Mappings in SONET mode: The following mappings are supported for each VCG in SONET
mode with maximum uplink bandwidth of OC-24:
STS-1-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=21
STS-3c/STS-3c-SPE-Xv, 1<=X<=MaxX, MaxX=8
 Protection: Protected and unprotected VC/VT paths may be mixed in a VCG up to uplink
bandwidth of STM-16.
 Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS): CEF4 supports hitless LCAS as per
G.7042/Y.1305. LCAS allows the dynamic hitless addition/deletion of bandwidth within a
VCG to cater for on demand bandwidth applications.
 Generic Framing Protocol (GFP): CEF4 card supports GFP-F (Frame mapped mode), as per
ITU-T G.7041. For encapsulation via GFP-F, all erroneous Ethernet frames are discarded.
The Ethernet Preamble and the Start of Frame Delimiter are removed from the Ethernet
MAC frames and the remainder of the MAC frame from the Destination Address to the FCS
(Frame Check Sequence) are mapped octet by octet into the payload area of the GFP frame.
The user is permitted to configure support for the optional GFP FCS via the GFP FCS

Chapter 4

L2 Ethernet Features
This chapter details the Advanced Ethernet features supported by the Ethernet Switching cards.

VLAN Switching .............................................................................................46
L2 Access Control Lists (L2ACL) ................................................................46
Dynamic MAC Learning ................................................................................47
Interface Configuration and Acceptable Frame Policy (AFP) .................47
Ethernet Service Model Description ............................................................47
Ethernet frame transfer & availability performance (Y.1563) ..................48
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) ......................................................................49
BPDU Tunneling.............................................................................................50
Quality of Service (QoS) ................................................................................51
Port Mirroring ..................................................................................................53
Link Aggregation Group (LAG) ...................................................................54
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) ......................................................55
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).........................................56
Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) ..............................................57
Traffic Shaping.................................................................................................57
OAM Functions...............................................................................................58
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) ......................................................59
Multi Protocol Label Switching - Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) ............60
Sync-E ...............................................................................................................61
Circuit Emulation Services .............................................................................62

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

VLAN Switching
The support for Virtual LANs (VLANs) on an Ethernet network is defined in the IEEE 802.1q
networking standard. IEEE 802.1q defines a system of minimum 1000 VLAN tagging for
Ethernet frames and the accompanying procedures to be used by bridges and switches in
handling such frames. As per the IEEE 802.1q standard, the original frame is not really
encapsulated. Instead, for Ethernet frames, a 32-bit field is added between the source MAC
address and the EtherType/Length fields of the original frame. Two bytes are used for the tag
protocol identifier (TPID), the other two bytes for tag control information (TCI). The TCI field
is further divided into priority code point (PCP), canonical form indicator (CFI), and VLAN
identifier (VID). VLAN ingress filtering Prevent VLAN leakage. VLAN CoS preservation and
VLAN CoS differentiation supported.

The concept of double-tagging, whereby another VLAN tag can be inserted in an 802.1q-tagged
frame, is useful for Internet service providers, allowing them to use VLANs internally while
mixing traffic from clients that are already VLAN-tagged. The outer (next to source MAC and
representing ISP VLAN) S-TAG (service tag) comes first, followed by the inner C-TAG
(customer tag). In such cases, 802.1ad specifies a TPID of 0x88a8 for service-provider outer S-

VLAN Switching is supported as per IEEE 802.1q and up to 4094 VLAN IDs can be configured
per port. In this mode, if the ingress traffic is tagged, then the default port VLAN ID (PVID) is
not used, and if the ingress traffic is untagged and Acceptable Frame Type is 'Admit all' then the
traffic is C-VLAN-tagged by the PVID. VLAN stacking (Q-in-Q) supported as per IEEE
802.1ad. In this mode, irrespective of whether the ingress traffic is C-VLAN tagged or not, the
traffic is S-VLAN-tagged by the PVID.

L2 Access Control Lists (L2ACL)

L2 Access Control Lists (L2ACL) allow the creation of Access Control Lists on EVCs, which
enables packet filtering. ELAN10/CEF1 supports 16 ACL templates and 10 access control
entities per template. ACL shall be supported on the following parameters.
Source MAC Address
Destination MAC Address
TPID (value)
Source IP Mask
Destination IP Mask

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Destination Port
Source Port

Dynamic MAC Learning

Dynamic MAC learning is a per port feature. The user configurable options include disabled, no
limit on learning and limit learning. If option is set to disabled then the port can not learn any
MAC address(s) sent by the client(s) associated with it. If option is set to no limit on learning it
can learn Maximum 8K MAC addresses while port is Ingress. If option is set to limit learning, it
can learn between 20 and 600.

Interface Configuration and Acceptable Frame Policy

It is possible to configure ethernet interfaces as 802.1q or 802.1ad encapsulation. Any
encapsulation can be configured on any port. Acceptable Frame Policy (AFP) is configurable as
per 802.1ah on a .1q encapsulation interface.The AFP value can indicate one of the following:
 All – allow 802.1q VLAN tagged frames, 802.1p priority tagged frames and 802.1d untagged
 VLAN Tagged – allow only 802.1q tagged frames.
 Priority-tagged – allow only VLAN tagged frames, and priority tagged frames are discarded.

Ethernet Service Model Description

 Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) is a representation of Ethernet service in the TJ14xx product
family. EVC has signification only within TJ14xx, unlike MEF, where EVC is the end-to-end
path between two or more UNIs participating in the EVC.
 Flow Point is a representation of EVC-per-UNI/NNI attributes, as defined in MEF.
 ELINE EVC provides a point-to-point service. No MAC address learning takes place in such
an EVC. Only two flow points can be present in an ELINE EVC. An EPL service is realized
by, creating two flow points, one for each port and configuring all the flows to be associated
with a single flow point in a port.
 ELINE EVC services supported by ELAN10/CEF1 and CEF4 are the Ethernet Private Line
(EPL) and Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) services.
 ELAN EVC provides a multi-point-to-multi-point forwarding service. Multiple flow points
can be present in such an EVC. An ELAN EVC always does MAC address learning and uses
its table of learnt MAC addresses to do packet forwarding. An ELAN EVC must specify the
VLAN context in which it does MAC address based forwarding.
 ELAN EVC services supported by ELAN10/CEF1 and CEF4 are the Ethernet Private
Local Area Network (EPLAN) and Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network (EVPLAN)

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Ethernet frame transfer & availability performance (Y.1563)

Y.1563 defines parameters that may be used in specifying and assessing the performance of
speed, accuracy, dependability and availability of Ethernet frame transfer on an Ethernet
network. It provides a simple set of constructs (terms, definitions and illustrations) and the
semantics that allow the performance parameters to be applied to Ethernet networks in many
useful ways.
 Frame Transfer Delay (FTD): Minimum, Maximum and Mean FTD is supported for point to
point and multipoint services. Round trip delay measurements are always supported.
Wherever, time synchronization is available between the end points of the server one-way
delay measurements are supported. Delay measurement is done using ETH-DM specified in
ITU-T Y.1731.
 Delay variation: Quantile based delay variation measurements are supported for point to
point and multipoint services.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)

The Spanning Tree Protocol is a protocol defined by the IEEE 802.1d standard. This protocol is
resident on network bridges and switches, allowing each device to communicate with all other
STP-enabled devices so as to detect redundancies in links in the network, and their subsequent
management. The basic function of STP is to prevent bridge loops and ensuing broadcast storms.

On a per-port basis, STP allows each device to gather the following relevant information from its
 Bridge MAC addresses
 Switch priority
 Port ID and port priority
 Path cost
 Root bridge ID
 Root port
 Designated port IDs
 Path cost from port to root bridge
The gathering of the above information is achieved by means of Bridge Protocol Data Units
(BPDU). BPDUs are datagrams that bridges/switches use to exchange information. The
information gathered using BPDUs are subsequently used to make configuration decisions such
 Election of root bridge
 Designation of root and designated ports
 Shortest best path to the root bridge
 Detection and removal of loops in the network
BPDUs are exchanged until the network converges to a loop-free topology. When any
subsequent change occurs in the network, BPSUs are exchanged once again till a new loop-free
topology is again converged.

In order to ensure that the network contains no loops, each port on the STP-enabled bridges is
put into one of the following five states:
 Blocking
 Listening
 Learning
 Forwarding
 Disabled
Multiple STP (MSTP) is a protocol defined by the IEEE 802.1s standard, and Rapid STP (RSTP)
is another protocol defined by the IEEE 802.1w standards. These are derived from the STP
protocol and achieve faster convergence of a loop-free topology. While MSTP allows VLANs
and STP to work together in an efficient manner, RSTP differs from STP in the negotiation
between nodes on the network.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

BPDU Tunneling
All layer 2 control protocols like xSTP, LACP etc. exchange control messages termed as BPDUs
(Bridge protocol data unit) for exchanging information like protocol state, protocol actions or
protocol level negotiations. BPDU addresses for certain standard protocols are reserved by

MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) has recommended certain behavior for individual BPDUs when
they enter a port or service.

MEF recommendations: Bridge Block of protocols with destination MAC addresses

01:80:C2:00:00:00 through 01:80:C2:00:00:0F. For each protocol, MUST specify one of: Peer,
Discard, or Pass to EVC.

GARP Block of protocols with destination MAC addresses 01:80:C2:00:00:20 through

01:80:C2:00:00:2F. For each protocol, MUST specify one of: Peer, Discard, or Pass to EVC.

All LANs Bridge Management Group protocols with destination MAC address
01:80:C2:00:00:10. For each protocol, MUST specify one of: Peer, Discard, or Pass to EVC.

Tejas implementation: BPDU tunneling can be enabled on individual Ethernet or VCG ports.
Software gives options to configure BPDUs protocol option in the form of Discard, Peer,
Tunnel or Snoop (Peer + Tunnel) for BPDU address 01:80:C2:00:00:00 to 01:80:C2:00:00:2F.

When BPDU protocol action is set to Tunnel or Snoop, user needs to provide EVC ID that will
be used for tunneling the BPDUs received on the interface. In tunneling, BPDUs will be treated
as normal data traffic and will get same treatment that is given to the data traffic.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Quality of Service (QoS)

TDM technologies provide guaranteed bandwidth and predictable delay through the network.
Packet based technologies like Ethernet, MPLS, IP, due to statistical multiplexing, cannot provide
guaranteed bandwidth and predictable delay for all the Traffic flows.

The objective of QoS is,

 Low latency queueing, jitter for a subset of flows which require such service levels.
 Guaranteeing bandwidth.
 Supporting burstable services wherein unused bandwidth can be used opportunistically.
Providing QoS is also one of the 5 tenets of Carrier Ethernet technologies.

Tejas equipment Implement QoS for all the PTN technologies like Provider bridging, MPLS-TP,
MPLS. The model aligns with the Diffserv Model.

The following are the important components of the QoS that are implemented in every Network
Element (NE).
 Ingress QoS
 Egress QoS
Figure 9: Ingress & egress QoS

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

The below mentioned concepts hold for all the PTN technologies and differ only based on the
encodings of colour and CoS in the Packet headers.

Ingress QoS: The Ingress QoS functionality for every packet depends on whether the interface is
a UNI or NNI.

UNI functionalities:
 Associating a Class of Service i.e. a QoS service level.
 Traffic conditioning.
NNI functionalities:
 Associating a Class of Service i.e. a QoS service level based on the packet headers.
 Inferring the color of a packet based on the packet headers.
Egress QoS: The egress QoS functionalities include the following:

 Queue admission based on the color and CoS of the packet arrived at based on the Ingress
QoS step.
 Scheduling among the different CoS queues.
The CoS for a packet is associated on the UNI based on
 User Configuration OR
 Based on Trust configurations. This could be Trust DSCP or Trust p-bit.
Traffic conditioning has the following components:
 Metering
A Single Rate meter with CIR, CBS parameter.
A color is associated with the packet based on the output of the meter. The single
rate meter marks a packet as Green or Red. The TrTCM marks the packet Green,
Yellow or Red.
 Marking
The color and the CoS are encoded into the packet headers based on the PTN
 Dropping
Red packets are always dropped.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Queue Admission:

 The exact queue that a packet is to be admitted to is arrived at based on the CoS and
“connection – i.e. tunnel/EVC” to which it belongs.
 WRED does a preferential drop of the yellow packets before admission.
 There are typically 8 queues per port. (Hierarchical queueing explained later).
 Scheduling of packets among various queues is based on the queue type.
 A queue can be an Strict Priority (SP) or a Weighted Deficit Round Robin (WDRR) queue.
 Packets from the SP queues are serviced first and in the order Queue-7 to Queue-0.
 Once the SP queues are serviced, the remaining bandwidth is shared among the WDRR
queues based on the weights that are configured per queue.
 Apart from the weights it is possible to configure a certain CIR, PIR with each queue such
that the CIR for various queues are met before the PIR for different queues. Please note that
this CIR, PIR values are not the same as per service CIR, PIR.
In the sections below, it is illustrated how the QoS objectives are achieved.

Providing a Low Latency and Jitter for a traffic flow:

 At the UNI, configure the traffic flow to use a CoS-7.

 Configure the CoSQueue-7 as SP.
 This will ensure that at every hop, packets belonging to this traffic flow will be given the
preferential forwarding treatment.
Guaranteeing bandwidth:
 At the UNI, configure the traffic flow to use a CoS-6.
 At the UNI, configure a TrTCM or a simple meter with CIR=Desired bandwidth.
 Configure the CoSQueue-6 as WDRR.
 Run a Connection Admission Control (CAC) check from the NMS to ensure that none of
the links are overprovisioned.
 With non of the links overprovisioned it is possible to guarantee bandwidth as the packets of
a traffic flow will be marked green.
 In the event of congestion – Yellow packets will be dropped by the WRED functionality and
hence green packets will always be forwarded.
 Burstability is achieved by configuring the TrTCM.

Port Mirroring
The port mirroring feature provides an advanced level of maintenance by enabling the switch to
replicate the traffic from one port to other port. It is used on a network switch to send a copy of
network packets seen on one switch port (or an entire VLAN) to a network monitoring
connection on another switch port. This is commonly used for network appliances that require
monitoring of network traffic, such as an intrusion-detection system.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Link Aggregation Group (LAG)

Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) provide a way to increase bandwidth while saving the cost of
upgrading the hardware. By allowing to combine several interfaces into one logical link, LAGs
offer network channels tailored to need, filling the gaps between 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps
with intermediate bandwidth values. LAGs also enable bandwidths beyond the current 1 Gbps
limit by aggregating multiple GE ports.

LAG is implemented which supports the configuration of a Link Aggregation Group as per
recommendations of IEEE 802.1ax, clause 5, and Link Aggregation Control Protocol as per
recommendations of IEEE 802.3ad.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) specified in 802.1AB standard allows stations
attached to IEEE 802 LAN to advertise, to other stations attached to the same IEEE 802 LAN,
the major capabilities provided by the system incorporating that station, the management address
or address of the entity or entities that provide management of those capabilities and the
identification of the stations point of attachment to the IEEE 802 LAN required by those
management entity or entities.

The information distributed via this protocol is stored by its recipients in a standard Management
Information Base, making it possible for the information to be accessed by a Network
Management System using management protocol such as SNMP.

Logical link control (IEE 802.2).

Tejas implementation: LLDP is supported on Ethernet Switching Line Cards Ethernet as well as
VCG ports. For enabling LLDP on individual ports, user needs to create LLDPInterfaceConfig
object and configure BPDU tunneling for peering LLDP messages.

In LLDP implementation, software sends only Mandatory TLVs for exchanging Chassis ID and
Port ID information. Along with mandatory TLVs, it sends organizationally specific TLV for
conveying Service Switch Number totally for the use of NMS implementation.

Following TLVs are sent in LLDP implementation:

 Chassis ID in the form of Network Address (IP Address of the Node).
 Port ID in the form of Locally assigned value (CI-SI-PN-IfIndex).
 Organizationally specific optional TLV for conveying Service Switch Number
All the protocol timer values specified in 802.1AB standard are set to their default values.

Packet Trunk object creation for auto-discovery: Based on information received through LLDP
messages, software creates Packet Trunk objects which will be used by NMS software for
identifying node topology.

Packet Trunk object will provide information in the form of Local Port Number, Local IP
address, Local Switch Number, Remote Port Number, Remote IP address, Remote Switch
Number and operation status.

Any changes in the network topology, like link going down or change in network connections
will be automatically reflected in the Packet Trunk Objects.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a communications protocol used by hosts
and adjacent routers on IP networks to establish multi-cast group memberships. IGMP is used
between IP hosts and their immediate neighbor multi-cast agents to support the creation of
transient groups, the addition and deletion of members of a group, and the periodic confirmation
of group membership. IGMP is an asymmetric protocol and is specified here from the point of
view of a host, rather than a multi-cast agent.

IGMP is used between the client computer and a local multi-cast router. Switches featuring
IGMP snooping derive useful information by observing these IGMP transactions. Protocol
Independent Multi-cast (PIM) is then used between the local and remote multi-cast routers, to
direct multi-cast traffic from the multi-cast server to many multi-cast clients. Though it does not
actually act as a transport protocol, IGMP operates above the network layer.

There are three versions of IGMP, as defined by 'Request for Comments' (RFC) documents of
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
 IGMPv1 - defined by RFC 1112
 IGMPv2 - defined by RFC 2236
 IGMPv3 - initially defined by RFC 3376 but has since been superseded by RFC 4604
 Internet Group Management Protocol versions 2 and 3 (IGMPv2 and v3) IPV6 ready.
IGMPv2 improves over IGMPv1 by adding the ability for a host to signal desire to leave a
multicast group. IGMPv3 improves over IGMPv2 mainly by adding the ability to listen to
multicast originating from a set of source IP addresses only.

IGMP is implemented in accordance with RFC 2236 as a protocol used by set-top boxes to
request a new channel. Automatic re-configuration of multi-cast tables of nodes by snooping into
IGMP requests originating from set-top boxes reduces channel-changing time.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS)

Ethernet Ring Protection Switching, or ERPS, was developed by ITU-T in order to provide sub-
50ms protection and recovery switching for Ethernet traffic in a ring topology, and at the same
time ensure that there are no loops formed at the Ethernet layer.

ERPS is implemented in accordance with ITU-T G.8032 v2. ERPS guarantees 50 msec
protection. Protection switching is initiated when signal fail condition is detected on the link by
the adjacent nodes.

In an Ethernet Ring, each node is connected to two adjacent nodes using two independent links.
The fundamentals of this ring protection switching architecture are:
 The principle of loop avoidance.
 The utilization of learning, forwarding, and Filtering Database (FDB) mechanisms defined in
the Ethernet flow forwarding function (ETH_FF).
By guaranteeing that, at any time, traffic may flow on all but one of the ring links, loop formation
in the Ethernet Ring is avoided. This particular link is known as the Ring Protection Link (RPL).
Under normal operation, one of the two ports on either ends of the RPL is in the blocking state,
resulting in the link itself being blocked, i.e. not used for service traffic. One designated Ethernet
Ring Node, the RPL owner node, is responsible for blocking traffic at one end of the RPL. When
an Ethernet ring failure condition arises, the RPL owner node takes the responsibility of
unblocking its end of the RPL (in case the RPL has not failed already), thus allowing the RPL to
be used for forwarding traffic.

Traffic Shaping
Traffic shaping provides a means to control the volume of traffic being sent into a network in a
specified period (bandwidth throttling), or the maximum rate at which the traffic is sent (rate
limiting), or more complex criteria.

Traffic shaping is supported using up to 8 CoS queues with multiple scheduling. Strict priority
(SP), Weighted Round Robin (WRR), Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ), Weighted Round Robin
(WRR) + Strict priority (SP) and Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) + Strict priority (SP).

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

OAM Functions
ITU-T Y.1730 defines the need and the requirements for the OAM functions in Ethernet
networks. The requirements are met using various OAM functions defined in Y.1731, namely

The following OAM requirements specified in Y.1730 are supported:

 Fault Detection and Isolation independent of the lower layers: ETH-CC, ETH-LB, ETH-LT
functions help in automatic detection of connectivity loss and fault isolation can be done
using Loopback and LinkTrace mechanism.
 SLA monitoring: Frame Loss measurement using ETH-LM, Delay and Delay variation
measurement using ETH-DM is supported. In addition to this, the performance
measurements specified in Y.1563 like Errored seconds (ES), Severely Errored Seconds
(SES), Service availability are done.
 Misconfiguration defects in the network are identified (wherever possible) using various
connectivity check mechanisms like MD-Level checks, MEP-ID mismatch checks, MEG-ID
mismatch checks. Based on this, incorrect traffic is squelched from leaking into the networks
beyond the maintenance domains.
 Service availability is guaranteed by provided various protection switching schemes like ERPS
in conjunction with 3.3 ms connectivity checks (ETH-CC).
All these aid is meeting the requirements set in Clauses 7, 8, 9 and 10 of ITU-T Y.1730.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)

Connectivity Fault Management is a standard defined by IEEE that defines protocols and
practices for OAM (Operations, Administration, and Maintenance) for paths through 802.1
bridges and local area networks (LANs).

IEEE 802.1ag is largely identical with ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731, which additionally
addresses performance management.

The standard:
 Defines maintenance domains, their constituent maintenance points, and the managed
objects required to create and administer them
 Defines the relationship between maintenance domains and the services offered by VLAN-
aware bridges and provider bridges
 Describes the protocols and procedures used by maintenance points to maintain and
diagnose connectivity faults within a maintenance domain
 Provides means for future expansion of the capabilities of maintenance points and their
IEEE 802.1ag Ethernet CFM (Connectivity Fault Management) protocols comprise three
protocols that work together to help administrators debug Ethernet networks. They are:
 Continuity Check Protocol: These are the so-called 'heart-beat' messages for CFM. The
Continuity Check Message provides a means to detect connectivity failures in an MA. CCMs
are multicast messages. CCMs are confined to a domain (MD). These messages are
unidirectional and do not solicit a response. Each MEP transmits a periodic multicast
Continuity Check Message inward towards the other MEPs.
 Link Trace: Link Trace messages otherwise known as MAC Trace Route are Multicast frames
that a MEP transmits to track the path (hop-by-hop) to a destination MEP which is similar in
concept to User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Trace Route. Each receiving MEP sends a Trace
route Reply directly to the Originating MEP, and regenerates the Trace Route Message.
 Loop-back: Loop-back messages otherwise known as MAC ping are Unicast frames that a
MEP transmits, they are similar in concept to an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Echo (Ping) messages, sending Loopback to successive MIPs can determine the location of a
fault. Sending a high volume of Loopback Messages can test bandwidth, reliability, or jitter of
a service, which is similar to flood ping. A MEP can send a Loopback to any MEP or MIP in
the service. Unlike CCMs, Loop back messages are administratively initiated and stopped.
CFM is implemented in accordance with IEEE 802.1ag. It enables Ethernet links and services to
locate and debug any faults in the network or service.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Multi Protocol Label Switching - Transport Profile (MPLS-

MPLS is based on the concept of label switching: an independent and unique “label” is added to
each data packet and this label is used to switch and route the packet through the network.
MPLS-TP is a new formulation of MPLS, being standardized by ITU-T and designed specifically
for connection-oriented packet transport network based on well-known and widely deployed
IP/MPLS technology and standards. MPLS-TP meets all the requirements of transport networks
but is packet switched in nature.

MPLS-TP supports following features:

Management Plane:
 Statically configure Label Switch Path and pseudo-wire and manage via NMS.
 OAM handling.
Data Plane:
 Fully compatible with MPLS.
 Forwarding based on LSP/PW label.
 Bi-directional path (LSP) for traffic and OAM.
 OAM support via Associated channel (PW ACH & GE ACH). OAM supports bidirectional
forwarding detection (BFD), LSP-Ping, LSP Traceroute.

 MPLS-TP dual-homed PW protection

 Link Protection Group (LPG) provides protection in case of dual-homed PW. A mate link is
created to provide redundancy on aggregation cards.
Loop Prevention: MPLS Core may use a full mesh of PWs so there may be possibility of loop. To
prevent the loop “split-horizon” forwarding is used.

Multisegment Pseudowire: Multisegment Pseudowire allows to forward traffic from one

pseudowire to other pseudowire. Pseudo-wire encapsulation holds for all traffic types (Ethernet,

Quality of Service:

 MPLS-TP label has a 3 bit Traffic Class (formerly called EXP bits) same as MPLS. These can
support 8 classes of services per LSP. At the LERs the IP or TCP header fields can be used
to mark the TC bits or it can be statically provisioned by the service provider. With QoS on
ingress and egress sides, a flat QoS, a hierarchical QoS and a mixed QoS model can be
 Hierarchical QoS ensures fairness of service between different services, between different
customers and across different tunnels.
 In Flat QoS all the traffic will be prioritized based on PCP/Ip DSCP field.

Chapter 4 L2 Ethernet Features

Traffic Engineering For Guaranteed Performance: Traffic is carried over traffic Engineered MPLS
LSP in accordance with IETF MPLS-TP. MPLS-TP is implemented based on RFCs described in
the IETF MPLS working group. This provides the ideal solution for point to point as well as
multipoint services over pinned-down, guaranteed paths to minimize latency and jitter and
facilitate assured network performance. The key features of MPLS-TP include, no flooding of
traffic (by dropping broadcast or unknown frames), traffic engineering by deactivation of MAC
learning and Spanning tree protocol.

Over the past two decades Ethernet has become the dominant technology for data transmission,
in particular with telecom and wireless providers, due to its simplicity and low cost. However, the
asynchronous nature of Ethernet provides certain transmission challenges. For example, Time
Division Multiplexing (TDM) services such as T1/E1 and SONET/SDH require synchronized
clocks at both the source and destination nodes. Similarly, wireless base stations require
synchronization to a common clock to ensure a smooth call hand-off between adjacent cells.

While there are several ways to achieve synchronization over Ethernet, one gaining momentum is
Synchronous Ethernet (Sync-E). Sync-E uses the physical layer interface to pass timing from
node to node in the same way timing is passed in SONET/SDH or T1/E1. This gives telecom
and wireless providers confidence that networks based on Sync-E will be not only cost-effective,
but also as highly reliable as SONET/SDH and T1/E1 based networks.

Synchronous Ethernet relative to the ETH and ETY layers is supported as defined in G.8010.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Circuit Emulation Services

Circuit Emulation services (CES) were introduced in order to carry legacy PDH circuits over the
packet core. As its name implies, CES allows the transport of synchronous circuits such as
T1/E1 over asynchronous networks. Though the original development was to enable T1/E1 to
run over ATM, CES can be extended to work with Ethernet PSN as well.

CES provides benefits to incumbent carriers, competitive operators, mobile/wireless service

providers, and also enterprise users. As an example, CES allows service providers to offer a
complete service portfolio, with the integration of Ethernet services along with TDM voice
services and private line services. Thus the service provider can, without sacrificing the revenues
from the widespread and still-growing TDM services, leverage the business models based on all
the advantages of Ethernet as a converged packet network.

The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) has defined the following four general service types for CES
 TDM Access Line Service (TALS): The MEN provider provisions and manages TDM leased
lines via CES, and at least one endpoint terminates in the PSTN.
 TDM Line Service (T-Line): The MEN provider provisions and manages TDM private lines via
CES between enterprise endpoints.
 Customer-operated CES: Enterprises and other classes of customers manage TDM private lines
via CES over an E-Line (point-to-point Ethernet) service from the MEN provider.
 Mixed-mode CES: Hybrid combinations of the other three service types are implemented.
From the Ethernet perspective, CES may be defined as the realization of synchronous constant
bit rate (CBR) services over asynchronous infrastructure. With the packetization of synchronous
circuits, some of the challenges encountered are:
 Recovery of the E1 transmit clock
 Synchronization of Ethernet
 Countering the delay variation
Circuit emulation services can be of either of the following two types:
 Structure Agnostic mode
The whole PDH/SDH payload is mapped to Ethernet payload transparently
The TDM Service Processor (TSP) does not come into play
 Structure aware mode
A single TDM service is decomposed into multiple CES flows
Multiple TDM services into one CES flow
Carried out by TSP

Chapter 5

The TJ1400P products are initialized to operation using the Tejas Network Element Software
(TejNES). TejNMS provides integrated management of network elements across an intelligent
optical network.

Element Management System (EMS) ..........................................................64
Network Management System (NMS) .........................................................65

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Element Management System (EMS)

The TJ1400 node is managed through the embedded NES (Network Element Software). The
main capabilities of TejNES are as follows:
 Network Element Access: The embedded SNMP agent in the TejNES communicates with the
network element based on the IP address of the network element. In case the network
element does not have an IP address, the IP address can be assigned using the serial port
provided on the OAM card of the network element.
 Multi-user login: Supports up to ten simultaneous login sessions on a single network element.
 Inventory: Facilitates viewing the details and status of the inventory present on the network
 Port Configuration: Allows the configuration of STM, PDH, and Ethernet and VCG ports.
 Cross-connect Configuration: Facilitates the configuration of add, drop, add-drop and pass-
through cross-connects.
 Auto-discovery: Automatically discovers and stores the IP addresses of the neighboring
network element.
 DCN Configuration: Allows the configuration of Embedded Communication Channel (ECC)
and management channel.
 Protection Configuration: Facilitates configuring MSP, MS-SP and SNCP protection.
 Alarm Notification: Displays all the alarms raised on the network element in order of severity.
The TejNES also presents the history of all the events that occurred and stored on the
network element.
 Alarm Filtering: Allows setting filters for alarms from specified entities.
 Performance Data: Displays the performance data for current interval, 15-minute interval and
the performance data of previous day.
 Configuration Backup/restore: Allows the current network element configuration to be
backed-up on a remote or local system. Also allows a backed up configuration and factory
default settings to be restored on the network element.
 Software Upgrade/download: Allows upgrading/downgrading of the NES.
 Loopback Testing: Allows creation of terminal and facility loopbacks on SDH, PDH,
Ethernet and VCG interfaces for testing purposes.
 Security: Restricts access based on user profiles.
 Layer 2 Feature Configurations: Facilitates configuring bridges (MSTP, CSTP and RSTP),
VLAN, LAG and Diffserv and QoS policies.

Chapter 5 Software

Network Management System (NMS)

TejNMS provides integrated management of network elements across an intelligent optical
network. The TejNMS collects and represents data from geographically dispersed network
elements on to a console in a centralized Network Operations Center (NOC).

Figure 10: Software Architecture

Service providers with NOC operations can use the network-wide view presented by TejNMS to
configure and set-up Tejas network elements with ease. TejNMS supports the following
 Performance Management: Performance management reports and evaluates the transmission
performance parameters of the Tejas network elements. Its main responsibility is to collect
performance data of the network element in the communication network for monitoring and
revising the status and performance of the network or the network element. Performance
data is visible only for the circuits displayed in TejNMS.
The TejNMS allows configuring the type of performance data to be collected from each
network element and stores the collected data for 2 days (if 15 minute interval) and 35 days (if
24hr interval).
 Fault Management: Fault management monitors all the TJ14xx nodes and its network path in
real-time and displays the count of each type of alarm raised (critical, major, minor and
warning) on the Graphical User Interface (GUI). An alarm counter/banner displays the alarm
count. The alarm counter/banner refreshes automatically and is color coded based on
severity of the alarm. The color code is given below:
Red: Critical
Orange: Major
Pale Orange: Minor
Yellow: Warning

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

TejNMS displays alarms raised on each individual network element and also the total alarms
raised on a group of network elements (EMS) and on the entire network in real-time. The
probable cause of the alarms is also displayed for each alarm. Alarms for up to 30 days (User
configurable) can be stored and viewed. The alarms can also be exported which helps the
alarms to be stored for a longer duration. The TejNMS also recovers all the active alarms on
re-establishment of connection when there is any communication loss with the network
The Network operators can add remarks and acknowledge the alarms. TejNMS also indicates
if the regional NOC (EMS) has acknowledged the alarm. Besides, they can also sort the
alarms based on user-defined criteria and generate reports on alarms for the entire network,
cards, circuits, and so on.
 Configuration Management: Configuration management in TejNMS allows a user to manage
the changes made to the configuration of the network devices. Managing configuration
changes includes collection, backup, archive, viewing and comparison. The user can configure
the network element and roll back to previous configuration in case of any trouble.
Besides managing configuration, the configuration management also collects information on
the device hardware and software inventory.
 Security Management: Security management ensures safety against unauthorized persons from
accessing network resource and equipment illegally. Security management relates to all
management functions namely, management of user grade and authority, access control, data
security and operation log management.
TejNMS defines multiple users with different privileges for accessing the network. The
following are the user privileges:
USER (read-only, only viewing)
OPERATOR (all day-to-day provisioning, fault monitoring, configuration and
performance monitoring)
ADMIN (user account management, administration of sub-networks/topology)
The security management provides the password administration and audit trail features. In
the password administration feature, the administrator/user can set the user login and
password. The Audit Trail feature helps to maintain a detailed audit trail of all the operations
performed along with the user name, operation status (success/failure) and time.

Chapter 6

This chapter explains some of the applications that the TJ1400 product family may be put to use.

Networking Applications ...............................................................................67
GE Rings with ERPS ......................................................................................69
Telecom Networks Providing Voice and Data Services ...........................70
Cable Triple Play..............................................................................................71
Utilities Communications Networks ............................................................72
Ethernet Network Application......................................................................72

Networking Applications
The TJ1400 product family can be configured in Ring, Linear and Bus architectures.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

STM-16/4 Rings
The TJ1400 product family can be used in an end-to-end network configuration from the
customer premises to the optical core. STM-16(OC-48)/STM-4(OC-12) network is built using
TJ1400 providing low drop requirements at a couple of locations.

Figure 11: STM-64/16/4/1 Ring Configuration

TJ1400 products could also be used to provide versatile cross-connect functionality to connect
telephone exchanges in STM-16/OC-48 rings in dense metro areas. Lower speed STM-1 (OC-
3)/STM-4 (OC-12) rings dropped by TJ1400 products from this ring could connect to local
exchanges. TJ1400 products could also provide the connectivity between Mobile Switching
Centers and Telephone exchanges.

The Gigabit Ethernet drop capacity on TJ1400 products could be used to provide Gigabit
Ethernet uplink connectivity for large offices, server farms, campus or interoffice LANs.

Chapter 6 Applications

GE Rings with ERPS

TJ1400 products can be used to configure Gigabit Ethernet rings that support protection using

Figure 12: GE Rings with ERPS

Ethernet Ring Protection Switching, or ERPS, is an effort at ITU-T under G.8032

recommendation to provide sub-50ms protection and recovery switching for Ethernet traffic in a
ring topology and at the same time ensuring that there are no loops formed at the Ethernet layer.
G.8032v1 supported a single ring topology and G.8032v2 supports multiple rings/ladder

Each Ethernet Ring Node is connected to adjacent Ethernet Ring Nodes participating in the
same Ethernet Ring, using two independent links. A ring link is bounded by two adjacent
Ethernet Ring Nodes, and a port for a ring link is called a ring port. The minimum number of
Ethernet Ring Nodes in an Ethernet Ring is two.

The fundamentals of this ring protection switching architecture are:

a) The principle of loop avoidance.
b) The utilization of learning, forwarding, and Filtering Database (FDB) mechanisms defined in
the Ethernet flow forwarding function (ETH_FF).

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

In ERPS there is a central node called RPL Owner Node which blocks one of the ports to ensure
that there is no loop formed for the Ethernet traffic. The link blocked by the RPL owner node is
called the Ring Protection Link or RPL. The node at the other end of the RPL is known as RPL
Neighbour Node. It uses R-APS control messages to coordinate the activities of switching
on/off the RPL link. This protocol is robust enough to work for unidirectional failure and
multiple link failure scenarios in a ring topology. It allows mechanism to force switch (FS) or
manual switch (MS) to take care of field maintenance scenario.

Telecom Networks Providing Voice and Data Services

TJ1400 products are an ideal platform to provide high-end data and voice requirement of clients.
TJ1400 products can be installed at the regional and gateway Points of Presence (POP) locations
in order to cater to the ever-growing data requirements of the customers while supporting legacy
services at the same time.

Figure 13: TJ1400P in Telco Networks

Chapter 6 Applications

TJ1400 products are an ideal platform to provide high-end data and voice requirement of clients.
TJ1400 products can be installed at the regional and gateway Points of Presence (POP) locations
in order to cater to the ever-growing data requirements of the customers while supporting legacy
services at the same time.

The advantages that the TJ1400 products provide the Telecom Service Provider are as follows:
 The TJ1400 products enable network simplifications by collapsing networks, nodes and
services into a single multi-service device. A smaller number of higher-density nodes and
node types enable cost savings as a result of a smaller, more homogeneous network to
 The flexible architecture of the TJ1400 series ensures that the network is future proof, and
the service provider has the flexibility of choosing a technology he thinks useful at any time
in the future with minimal investment.

Cable Triple Play

World over, cable networks are a burgeoning market. Cable operators can expand their service
offerings by adding tiered data services, residential voice services and offer compelling new video
services. Operators can consolidate diverse residential access traffic flows at the distribution hub
and route them onto the metro network using the TJ1400 products.

Figure 14: TJ14xx in Cable Networks

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Utilities Communications Networks

Utility companies require communications systems that can ensure reliable, safe and secure
transmission of data, voice and video across LANs and WANs at all times. Apart from providing
the reliability that is so crucial in these networks, the TJ1400 product family also support
Ethernet switching and transport thereby ensuring that the network evolves with evolving needs.

Figure 15: TJ14xx in Utilities Communications Networks

Ethernet Network Application

The TJ1400 product family can be used in the following Ethernet applications:

Chapter 6 Applications

Ethernet Private Line Application

Ethernet Private Line (EPL) puts two service access points as a basic unit to realize the point-to-
point transparent transmission of Ethernet MAC frame. Applying EPL, different customers need
not share SDH bandwidth. Therefore, EPL can strictly ensure bandwidth and user isolation
without any need to adopt a Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism, security mechanism or MAC
address learning. The following figure shows the EPL implementation using TJ1400 product

Figure 16: EPL Implementation

User-A1 at Station A connects to User-B1 at Station B and User-C1 at Station C using LAN1 and
LAN 2 respectively. Similarly Users A2 and User A3 at Station A have separate LAN network to
connect to Users C2 and D1 respectively. This way each user has a separate line dedicated for
communication with different users.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Ethernet Virtual Private Line Application

In Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) application, different users share the same SDH
bandwidth for communication. A VLAN ID or other mechanism to distinguish data from
different users is provided. If different users require different service quality, the corresponding
QoS mechanism needs to be provided. Hence here the available bandwidth is used efficiently.
The figure below shows the implementation of the EVPL using TJ1400 product family.

Figure 17: EVPL Implementation

VLAN Trunk 2 is provisioned between Users A1, A2 at Station A and between Users C1, C2 at
Station C. Similarly VLAN Trunk 3 is provisioned between Users A2, A3 and Users D1 and D2
at Station D. A separate VLAN ID is provided at the ingress of ports assigned to the User A1,
A2 and A3. When a packet arrives from User A1, based on the VLAN ID of the port from
where the packet is received, the packet is broadcast to VLAN Trunks 2 and 3. Based on the
destination address in the packet, the packet reaches its destination that is either User C2 or User

Chapter 6 Applications

Ethernet Private Local Area Network Application

In Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network (EVPLAN) application, different users share the
SDH bandwidth. A mechanism such as VLAN tag distinguishes data from different users. QoS
mechanism ensures different service quality for different users. The figure below shows the
implementation of the EVPLAN using the TJ1400P product family.

Figure 18: EPLAN Implementation

The users at Station A communicate with all the users in Station B, C and D through the same
VLAN trunk. The packet is routed to the correct destination based on the VLAN tag and the
destination address. In case of conflict for bandwidth, the packets are routed based on QoS.

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network Application

In Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network (EVPLAN) application, different users share the
SDH bandwidth. A mechanism such as VLAN tag distinguishes data from different users. QoS
mechanism ensures different service quality for different users. The figure below shows the
implementation of the EVPLAN using the TJ1400 product family.

Figure 19: EVPLAN Implementation

The users at Station A communicate with all the users in Station B, C and D through the same
VLAN trunk. The packet is routed to the correct destination based on the VLAN tag and the
destination address. In case of conflict for bandwidth, the packets are routed based on QoS.

Appendix I

Interfaces Supported
Table 5: Interfaces supported

Interface Type Details Cards Maximum Interfaces Available

Optical Interface STM-1 XA10G 2

XA20G 2 (Max 3 depend on port mode selection)

XA60G 2 (Max 4 depend on port mode selection)
SOT18 8
STM-4 XA20G 1 (Max 2 depend on port mode selection)

XA60G 2 (Max 4 depend on port mode selection)

SOT18 2

STM-16 XA10G 1
XA20G 1 (Max 2 depend on port mode selection)
XA60G 2
SOT18 1
STM-64 XA60G 1
Ethernet Interface FE ELAN10/CEF1 4
TR10/CEL1 3
CEL5 4
GE (Optical) ELAN10/CEF1 2
TR10/CEL1 2
CEL5 2
XA60G 2 (Max 4 depend on port mode selection)

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Interface Type Details Cards Maximum Interfaces Available

GE (Electrical) TR10/CEL1 1

CEL5 2
10 GE CEF4 2
PDH Interface E1/DS1 ST63E1 63

E3/DS3 ST6E3 6

Standards Compliance
Table 6: Standards Compliance

Category Details
Standards Compliance ETSI/EN 300386, EN55022 Class-A, FCC Part 15 Class-A.
ETSI EN 300 019 Part 1-1 Class 1.2 , ETSI EN 300 019 Part 1-2 Class 2.2,
ETSI EN 300 019 Part 1-3 Class 3.2, ETSI EN 300 132-2
G.957, G.707, G.783, G.802,G.774,M.3010, G.703, G.823,
G.704, G.813, G.826, G.828, G.841, G.825, G.664, G.709, G.7042
G.826, G.821, EN55022,G.664, G.958
G.823, G.825, ETSI EN 300 019, G.784
ASON G.8080/Y.1304
ITU-T Rec. K.27, PR EN 50174-1, -2 and EN 50310
Ethernet Switching VLAN Switching IEEE 802.1q
Link Aggregation IEEE 802.3ad
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
IEEE802.1– 1S
Simultaneous support for 4096 VLANs
IEEE802.1– 1Q
Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE802.1– 1D
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE802.1– 1W
Q-in-Q IEEE802.1ad
Diffserv RFC 3260
IP ToS RFC 3692

Appendix I Appendix

Category Details
Ethernet Protection Switching ITU G.8031
Forwarding and Queuing enhancements for time sensitive streams
Performance Monitoring ITU Y.1731
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) IEEE802.1ag
MPLS-TP ITU-T G.8101, G.8110.1, G.8313
RFC 5317, 5654, 5462
Regulatory Compliance RoHS compliant
CE compliance
NEBS level 3 type2 compliant
Class 1.2 for storage as per ETSI EN 300 019 Part 1-1
Class 2.2 for transportation as per ETSI EN 300 019 Part 1-2
ETSI specifications for EMC
FCC specifications for EMC
CB certification based on IEC 60950-1
UL60950-1 NRTL certification

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Card Population Rule

Table 7: Card Population Rule

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of cards per

system - XA10G
ST63E1 63xE1/DS1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
ST6E3 6xE3/DS3 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
SOT18 8xSTM-1/2xSTM-4/ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
ELAN10/CEF1 4xFE + 2xGE (Optical) 1, 3, 5, 6 4
CEF-4 2x10GE 1, 3 2
CEL-5 2xGE + 2xGE(Elec) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
CEL-6/SOT18 4 GE (1000Base-X) and 4 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
R2 FE/GE (100Base-FX /
TR10/CEL1 3xFE + 2xGE (Optical) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
1xGE (Electrical)

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of cards per

system - XA20G
ST63E1 63xE1/DS1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
ST6E3 6xE3/DS3 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
SOT18 8xSTM-1/2xSTM-4/ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
ELAN10/CEF1 4xFE + 2xGE (Optical) 1, 3, 5, 6 4
CEF-4 2x10GE 1, 3 2
CEL-5 2xGE + 2xGE(Elec) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
CEL-6/SOT18 4 GE (1000Base-X) and 4 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
R2 FE/GE (100Base-FX /
TR10/CEL1 3xFE + 2xGE (Optical) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
1xGE (Electrical)

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of cards per

system - XA60G
ST63E1 63xE1/DS1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
ST6E3 6xE3/DS3 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5

Appendix I Appendix

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of cards per

system - XA60G
SOT18 8xSTM-1/2xSTM-4/ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
ELAN10/CEF1 4xFE + 2xGE (Optical) 1, 3, 5, 6 4
CEF-4 2x10GE 1, 3 2
CEL-5 2xGE + 2xGE(Elec) + 1, 3, 5, 6,7 5
CEL-6/SOT18 4 GE (1000Base-X) and 4 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
R2 FE/GE (100Base-FX /
TR10/CEL1 3xFE + 2xGE (Optical) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 5
1xGE (Electrical)

Table 8: Card Population Rule - with expansion chassis

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of cards

per system - XA10G
ST63E1 63xE1/DS1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 10
109, 110, 111
ST6E3 6xE3/DS3 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 10
109, 110, 111
SOT18 8xSTM-1/2xSTM-4/ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 10
1xSTM-16 109, 110, 111

ELAN10/CEF1 4xFE + 2xGE (Optical) 1, 3, 5, 6 4

TR10/CEL1 3xFE + 2xGE (Optical) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 10

1xGE (Electrical) 109, 110, 111
S63EIO 63xE1/DS1 101, 102, 103, 104 4
S63EWP 63xE1/DS1 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 5

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of

cards per system -
ST63E1 63xE1/DS1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 10
110, 111
ST6E3 6xE3/DS3 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 10
110, 111
SOT18 8xSTM-1/2xSTM-4/1xSTM-16 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 10
110, 111
ELAN10/CEF1 4xFE + 2xGE (Optical) 1, 3, 5, 6 4

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of

cards per system -
TR10/CEL1 3xFE + 2xGE (Optical) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 10
1xGE (Electrical) 110, 111
S63EIO 63xE1/DS1 101, 102, 103, 104 4
S63EWP 63xE1/DS1 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 5

Card No of Service Slots Slot Number Maximum number of

cards per system -
ST63E1 63xE1/DS1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 8
110, 111
ST6E3 6xE3/DS3 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 10
110, 111
SOT18 8xSTM-1/2xSTM-4/1xSTM-16 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 8
110, 111
ELAN10/CEF1 4xFE + 2xGE (Optical) 1, 3, 5, 6 2
TR10/CEL1 3xFE + 2xGE (Optical) + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 107, 108, 109, 8
1xGE (Electrical) 110, 111
S63EIO 63xE1/DS1 101, 102, 103, 104 4
S63EWP 63xE1/DS1 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 5

Appendix I Appendix

MTBFs of Cards
Table 9: MTBFs of cards

Unit MTBF (in years)

Backplane - 7-Slot Chassis 216.49
Backplane - 5-Slot 141.88
XA10G 35.14
XA20G 33
XA60G 26.6
DPU8 62.85
FTU10 215.82 (without fans)
FTU20 82.65 (without fans)
FTU20 R2 57.36
FTU30P 381.66 (without fans)
EOW10 393.87
ST63E1 66.83
ST6E3 74.52
S63EWP 57.36
S63EIO 52.25
SOT18 66.78
ELAN10/CEF1 52.24
CEF4 29.92
TR10/CEL1 100.78
CEL-5 41.53
DPU18 86.92
DPU20 65.47

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Power Consumption of Cards

Table 10: Power Consumption of Cards

Unit Max power consumption

XA10G 25W Maximum
XA60G 70W
FTU20 54W
FTU20 R2 54 W
FTU30P 52W
ST63E1 16W Maximum
ST6E3 8.5W Maximum
S63EWP 16W Maximum
S63EIO 6.8W Maximum
SOT18 17W Maximum
ELAN10/CEF1 30W Maximum
CEF4 82W (Pure Packet mode)
72W (POTP mode)
TR10/CEL1 25W Maximum
CEL5 24-28 W Maximum
DPU18 325 W
DPU20 500 W
DPU8 250 W
APU12 290 W

Appendix I Appendix

Environmental Specifications
Table 11: Environmental Specifications

Attribute Condition Test method and Specification

Normal operating 0oC to 45oC  Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)
temperature  ETSI EN 300 019-2-3 Class 3.1 (E)
Short term operating -5oC to 50oC Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)

Normal operating humidity 5% to 90% RH  Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)

 ETSI EN 300 019-2-3 Class 3.1 (E)
Operational vibration 0.1 g from 5 to 100 Hz and Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)
return to 5 Hz at a rate of 0.1
Storage temperature -40oC to 70oC  Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)
 ETSI EN 300 019-1-1 Class 1.2
Handling shock Packaged and unpackaged  Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)
criteria (by weight) per  ETSI EN 300 019-2-2 Class 2.2 and
Class 2.3
Transportation vibration Sinusoidal, random, and non-  Telcordia GR-63 CORE (NEBS)
stationary per respective  ETSI EN 300 019-2-2 Class 2.3

Glossary of Terms
Next Generation Synchronous Digital Hierarchy EOS
(NG-SDH) is a technology with three main Ethernet over SDH (EoS) is a set of protocols
additional features as compared to which allow Ethernet traffic to be carried
traditional SDH technology which includes over SDH networks in an efficient and
flexible way.
(i) integrated data transport of Ethernet
tributaries in addition to E1/DS1, E3/DS3, EPL
STM-1/4/16 (ii) Integrated non-blocking,
wide-band cross-connects (2/1.5 Mbps Ethernet Private Line (EPL) is a type of service
granularity) (iii) Intelligence for topology that considers two service access points as a
discovery, route computation, automated basic unit to realize the point-to-point
provisioning and mesh-based restoration. transparent transmission of Ethernet MAC
Add/Drop Multiplexer (ADM) are the main
building blocks of SONET/SDH networks Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) is a type
that multiplexes, several lower-speed streams of service that allows different users to share
of data into a single beam. ADMs, upon the same bandwidth for communication.
receipt of an optical signal (OC-n/STM-n), The bandwidth is shared between multiple
can insert or extract lower rate tributary data customers thereby achieving multiplexing
without demultiplexing the aggregate line gains for the service provider.
APS Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network
Automatic Protection Switching (APS) schemes (EVPLAN) is a type of service that permits
involve reserving a protection channel service multiplexing at the Ethernet User-to-
(dedicated or shared) with the same capacity Network Interface (UNI). In EVPLAN ,
as the channel or facility to be protected. different users share the SDH bandwidth,
the VLAN tag distinguishes data from
BNC CONNECTOR different users.
Bayonet Neil-Concelman (BNC) connector is a FCAPS
type of radio frequency coaxial connector
used for terminating coaxial cable. Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and
Security (FCAPS) are the different
DCN management functionality that is performed
through the Network Management System
Data Communication Network (DCN) is the (NMS) that enables the operator or user to
SDH network that enables OAM visualize the network and perform
communication between individual network management operations.
elements as well as inter network element

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) is a circuit board Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) is a
or part that can be quickly and easily method to dynamically increase or decrease
removed and replaced by the user or by a the bandwidth of virtual concatenated
technician without having to send the entire containers. It allows on-demand increase or
product or system to a repair facility. decrease of the bandwidth of the virtual
concatenated group in a hitless manner. This
GE brings bandwidth-on-demand capability for
Gigabit Ethernet (GE) is a term describing data clients like Ethernet when mapped into
various technologies for transmitting TDM containers.
Ethernet frames at a rate of a 1000Mbps, as
defined by the IEEE 802.3-2005 standard.
Lower Order (LO) is a virtual container in
GFP SDH multiplexing process including a range
Generic Framing Procedure (GFP) is an of overhead functions for management and
encapsulation scheme for Ethernet over error monitoring.
SONET/SDH defined by ITU-T G.7041.
GFP allows mapping of variable length,
higher-layer client signals over a transport Operation Administration Maintenance (OAM) is
network like SDH/SONET. a group of management functions that
provide node or network the functionality of
HO fault indication, performance monitoring,
Higher Order (HO) is a virtual container in security management and diagnostic
SDH multiplexing process including a range functions. It is a popular framework among
of overhead functions for management and service providers for their network
error monitoring. management systems.

Link Aggregation Group (LAG) is a method of Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) is a
combining multiple physical network links technology used in telecommunications
into a single logical link for increased networks to transport large quantities of
bandwidth. For link aggregation, physical data over digital transport equipment such as
ports must reside on a single switch and fibre optic and microwave radio systems. It
must be supported by both endpoints. is the conventional multiplexing technology
for network transmission systems.
Lucent Connector (LC) is a small form factor
optical fiber connector that terminates the Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the capability
end of an optical fiber, and enables quicker of a network to provide better service to
connection and disconnection. The selected network traffic over various
connectors mechanically couple and align technologies. QoS enables complex
the cores of fibers for increased networks to control and predictably service a
performance and is preferred for single variety of networked applications and traffic
mode transmission. types.

Glossary of Terms

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) is an
international standard for high speed
synchronous data transmission over
optical/electrical networks which can
transport digital signals in variable capacities.
It is a synchronous system which intend to
provide a more flexible and simple network

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) is an
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) standard for high speed
communication over fiber-optic networks.
SONET uses time division multiplexing to
send multiple data streams simultaneously.

Terminal Multiplexer(TMUX) are the devices
that multiplex different tributary channels
into a single uplink of STM/STS signal.

Virtual Concatenation (VCAT) is an inverse
multiplexing technique creating a large
capacity payload container distributed over
multiple smaller capacity time division
multiplexing signals. These signals may be
transported or routed independently.

Virtual Concatenation Group (VCG) is a logical
entity in which the VC channel bandwidth is
divided into smaller individual containers
and are grouped together to form a VCG.

Ethernet Virtual Private Line Application • 74
Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network
60G LOXC TDM Agg card-XA60G • 32 Application • 76
EVPL • 87
ADM • 87
Aggregate Cards • 30 F
Appendix • 77 Fan Control – FTU30P • 30
Applications • 9, 67 Fan Control and OAM – FTU20 • 27
APS • 87 Fan Control and OAM – FTU20 R2 • 29
Architectural Details • 13 Fan Tray Units • 26
FCAPS • 87
FRU • 88
BPDU Tunneling • 50 G
GE • 88
GE Rings with ERPS • 69
Cable Triple Play • 71 GFP • 88
Card Population Rule • 80
CEF4 • 43 H
CEL5 • 38 HO • 88
Chapter Organization • 9
Circuit Emulation Services • 62
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) • 59 Interface Configuration and Acceptable Frame
Policy (AFP) • 47
Interfaces Supported • 77
DCN • 87 Internet Group Management Protocol
Dynamic MAC Learning • 47 (IGMP) • 56
Introduction • 9, 11
ELAN10/CEF1 • 41 K
Element Management System (EMS) • 64 Key Features • 12
Environmental Specifications • 85
EOS • 87
EPL • 87 L1 Ethernet Tributary Cards • 35
Ethernet frame transfer & availability L2 Access Control Lists (L2ACL) • 46
performance (Y.1563) • 48 L2 Ethernet Cards • 40
Ethernet Network Application • 72 L2 Ethernet Features • 9, 45
Ethernet Private Line Application • 73 LAG • 88
Ethernet Private Local Area Network LC CONNECTOR • 88
Application • 75 LCAS • 88
Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) • Link Aggregation Group (LAG) • 54
57 Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) • 55
Ethernet Service Model Description • 47 List of Figures • vii

TJ14xx R2.1 System Guide Document ID: 142-DOC000013-E

List of Tables • viii T

LO • 88
Telecom Networks Providing Voice and Data
M Services • 70
TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis •
MTBFs of Cards • 83
Multi Protocol Label Switching - Transport
TJ1400 5-Slot Expansion/Protection Chassis
Profile (MPLS-TP) • 60
Overview • 22
N TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis • 13
Network Management System (NMS) • 65 TJ1400 7-Slot Redundant Chassis Overview •
Networking Applications • 67 20
TMUX • 89
O TR10/CEL1 • 36
OAM • 88 Traffic Shaping • 57
OAM Functions • 58 Tributary Cards • 33
Optical Tributary Card – SOT18 • 35 U
P Using Tejas Product Documentation • 10
PDH • 88 Using This Guide • 9
PDH Tributary Cards • 33 Utilities Communications Networks • 72
Port Mirroring • 53 V
Power Consumption of Cards • 84
Power Supply Unit - APU12 • 26 VCAT • 89
Power Supply Unit - DPU18 • 24 VCG • 89
Power Supply Unit - DPU20 • 25 VLAN Switching • 46
Power Supply Unit – DPU8 • 23 W
Protection IO Card – S12E3IO • 34
What This Guide Covers • 9
Protection IO Card – S63EIO • 34
Who This Guide Is For • 9
QOS • 88
XA10G • 31
Quality of Service (QoS) • 51
XA20G • 31
Related Documents • 10
S12E3WP • 33
S63EWP • 33
SDH • 89
Slot Allocation • 15
Software • 9, 63
SONET • 89
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) • 49
ST63E1 • 33
ST6E3 • 33
Standards Compliance • 78
STM-16/4 Rings • 68
Sync-E • 61
System Overview • 9, 19


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