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questionnaire on brand

value on tanishq jewellery

1.How frequently do you purchase jewellery?

a) Weekly once
b) Monthly once
c) Six month once
d)Once in a year

2.Were do you prefer purchasing jewellery?

a) Local dealers
b) Small showroom
c) Branded showroom

3.Why do you prefer branded showroom for your jewellery purchase?

a) Wide verity of designs available

b) Good quality products are available
c) Stores are easily accessible and have more outlets
d) Provide good exchange offers
e) The jewellery is certified

4. If purchase is made with local retailers what would affect your

purchase decision?

a) Products can be purchased for credit

b) The store is near to my locality
c) The price is negotiable
d) Products is comparatively low
e) Chace of low quality products

5. How long have been making purchase in branded showrooms?

a) Recently started buying

b) From past 4 to 5 years
c) For very long time, almost always

6. How satisfied you are when you buy jewellery in branded


a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
d) Dissatisfied

7. Does rise in price of jewellery has affected your purchase in branded


a) Yes
b) No
8. Before making purchase in store, do you compare price between
local dealers and branded showroom?

a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely
e) Never

9. What are the factors that you look in while purchasing jewellery?

a) Design
b) Price
c) Purity
d) Brand image
e) Varity
f) Display
g) Service

10. You buy jewellery for….

a) Investment
b) Faison
c) Occasion
d) Festivals
11. What influences your purchase in branded products?

a) Brand name
b) Transparent
c) price
d) easy availability

12. What type of jewellery you purchase frequently?

a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Diamond
d) Platinum

13. Awareness about brand through

a) Tv
b) News paper & Magazine
c) Family & friends
d) Banner

14. Which type of offers do you find useful when you purchase
a) Price discount
b) Complement
c) Gifts
d) Others
15. From were did you get knowledge about the brand?
a) Scemes launched by the store
b) Recommendations from friends & retailers
c) Through media
16. How important is advertisement camping followed by store create
attraction towards the brand?
a) Very important
b) Important
c) Somewhat important
d) Not much important

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