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1. 4. 4.

Man : Last week is tough for us Man : Many people like junk food. What do
Woman : That’s right. In my opinion, you think about it?
we should spend our holdays to cheer Woman : That's right. Mostly junk food are
ourselves up like a trip to another town. delicious. I like junk food, too.
Man : That’s a good idea. Let,s Man : I think junk food is not good for our
tellour friends. I hope they agree with helath. Some articles say that junk food leeds
your idea to obesity.
Woman : You're right. That's why I only eat
junk food twice a month. I don't want to be
What is the woman's idea? What canfat.we learn from the dialogue?
A. Taking a rest. A. they alike junk food
B. Taking a leave. B. mostly junk food are expensive
C. Having a trip. C. the woman is very fat because of junk food.
D. Spending holidays at her hometown. D. the man doesn't like junk food.
E. Telling friends about the plan. E. they agree that junk food is not good for health

2. Man : Will you go shopping with Alya
Man : Do you like watching tonight?
television? Woman : I suppose I'd better do my
Woman : Not really. I think there are homework. I have a lot of
many drama series. I like variety homework. We will have a math
shows, but there is not much test on the next day.
variety shows in our country. Man ; ……….
Man : You're right. Cartoon movies
are limited, too.
What is the best response to say next?
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. It is my business.
A. They are talking about their hobby.
B. That's a good idea.
B. They want to watch television.
C. I don't think we can do it.
C. They like watching television.
D. In my opinion, we have a lot of homework.
D. The man likes drama series.
E. I don't think that tomorrow is a holiday.
E. The woman doesn't like watching
Man : do you know why zoos are
3. important?
Man : I think cyclists should wear a Woman : personally, I think that we need
helmet. zoos because they are educational, fun for
Woman : I agree with you. There is no families, and they look after endangered
rule about helmet for cyclists. animals.
I think it is important for their Man: ...........
: That's right. There were some What is the most appropriate response to say next?
accidents between cyclists and A. I don't think you are nice
motorists. Mostly the cyclists B. That's definetely wrong
were the victims. C. Yes, I disagree with it
D. You're absolutely right
What do they agree about? E. I feel okay with it
A. Rules for cyclists.
B. A helmet for cyclists.
Road renovation.
D. A line for cyclists.
E. The victim of the accident.
7. This complete dialogue is for numbers 9 to 11
Man : In my opinion, our school needs
to build its own field. It is tiring to have P.E.
Winda : I 9)____you need to buy
class in the neighborhood field.
a new school skirt. Yours is too short.
Woman : You’re right. Our school has
Ratih : I like it though. I don't like wearing
many n facilities, such as library and
uniform. It is not useful.
laboratory. It’s time to make a field
Winda: I 10)____with you.
Personally, we need to wear our
What is their idea for their school? uniforms because of some reasons.
Ratih : What are they?
Winda: In my opinion, school uniforms
promote a single standard of dress.
There will be no discrimination
between the rich and the poor.
Ratih : I see your point, 11)____
our uniforms are not fashionable.
Winda : You maybe right, but we are in
so we more focus in learning.

9. A think D. want
B. claim E. hope
C. know

10. A. agree D. see

B. disagree E. feel
8. C. get along
Man : What do you think of this library?
Woman : I think it is comfortable. The
reading spot is nice and I like to be here. 11. A. perhaps D. but
Man : I agree with you. I usually spend m y B. though E. with
spare time in this library just to read some C. even
ThiS text is for questions 12 and 13

What are they talking about?

I think you need to be aware how much
you’re eating fast food. But I also know that
not everyone gets a choice about what they
eat. Obviously there’s food banks, but it’s not
just that – families that don’t have a lot of
money don’t have as much choice about what
to eat. So just try not to eat too much of it,
and definitely don’t eat junk food if you’re not

12. What is the writer’s opinion about?

A. Poor families
B. Junk food
C. Why we are hungry
D. A food bank
E. Delicious food
13. What does the writer suggest? This text is for questions 17 to 20
A. Eat Junk food when you are hungry
B. Eat what you want to eat
C. Save your money for junk food In my opinion, exercise is really fun. Most
people think that exercising takes up a lot of
D. Change your choice of food
time, and it requires too much work. When
E. Not eat too much junk food people actually take the time to try
This text is for questions 14 to 16 they realize it's an enjoyable experience. It
doesn't matter how you exercise, as long as
The impact that technology has had on you are being active. Everyone enjoys
today’s schools has been quite different
significant. This widespread adoption of sports or activities, so it's important to
technology has completely changed how figure
teachers teach and students learn. Teachers out which is best for you. When you having
are learning how to teach with emerging fun
technologies (tablets, Smart Boards, digital you don't even realize that your exercising,
cameras, computers), while students are and
using advanced technology to shape how you look forward to it every day. Setting
they learn. By embracing and goals
integrating technology in the classroom, we and rewards will help you stay motivated
are setting our students up for a successful and
life outside of school. I believe that it makes consistent with exercising. There is no
learning more interesting and fun. They greater
especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects feeling than achieving a weight loss goal and
that students deem challenging or boring being able to feel good about your body. It
can become more interesting with virtual makes exercising well worth it.
lessons, through a video, or when using a
14. What is the text about?
A. The bad effects of technology for student 17. What is the opinion about?
B. The technology devices used in schools. A. Health
C. The impact of technology in classrooms B. How to lose weight
D. The importance of technology for students C. Doing exercising
E. The advances of technology D. Being an active person
E. How to stay healthy
15. What is the benefit if schools embrace and
integrate technology in the classroom? 18. Which expression shows the writer’s opinion?
A. They make their students up to date for A. In my opinion, exercise is really fun
technology B. Most people think that exercising takes up a lot of
B. The stuents will enjoy their time at schools. time, and it requires too much work
C. The students don’t need books and stationery C. When people actually take the time to try
anymore exercising they realize it’s an enjoyable experience
D. The students can enjoy what they like at shools D. When you having fun you don’t even realize that
while studying your exercising and you look forward to it every day
E. They set their students up for a successful life E. It makes exercising well worth it
outside of school
19. What can make someone motivated and
16. What is the writer’s opinion? consistent in exercising?
A. Technology can make the students bored A. Being active
B. Technology has bad effects for students B. Doing to much work
C. Technology is not appropriate for students and C. Losing weight
teachers D. Achieving weight loss
D. Technology makes learning more interesting and E. Setting goals and rewards
E. Technology makes the teacher’s work easier
20. “it makes exercising well worth it.”
The underlined word has similar in meaning to ……..
A. In kind
B. Unimportance
C. Insignificance
D. Assistance
E. perfection

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