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Grading Rubric: Grammar Conventions

Dimension Exemplary Competent Emerging Failing Score


Structure Paragraph breaks Basically sound Paragraphs sometimes Paragraph breaks may be
reinforce the paragraph breaks that run together or begin at highly irregular or so
organizational structure. reinforce the ineffective places. frequent (every sentence)
organizational structure. that they bear no relation
to the organization of the
Sentence All sentences are well- Most sentences are well- Some sentences are well- Most sentences lack
Structure constructed with varied constructed and there is constructed, but others proper construction; there
structure. some varied sentence are fragments or run-on. are frequent run-on or
structure in the essay. fragmented sentences.

Punctuation Proper use of commas, Occasional errors in the Frequent errors in the Repeated errors in the use
semi-colons and end of use of commas, colons, use of punctuation such of commas, colons, semi-
sentence punctuation. semi-colons and end of as comma splices, misuse colons, apostrophes, and
sentence punctuation. of commas, colons or end of sentence
No errors in semi-colons, and punctuation impede
capitalization. Few errors in apostrophes disrupt the understanding of the text.
capitalization flow of the text.
Repeated errors in
Frequent errors in capitalization.
Spelling Correct spelling, even of Spelling that is usually Spelling errors distract Frequent spelling errors
more difficult words. correct, especially on the reader; misspelling of significantly impair
common words. common words occurs. readability.

Sentence Parts Parallelism in verb use, Occasional errors in verb Errors in verb use, noun Excessive errors in verb
noun-pronoun use, noun pronoun pronoun agreement, use, noun pronoun
agreement; proper use of agreement, adjectives, adjectives, adverbs or agreement, adjectives,
adjectives, adverbs and adverbs or prepositions. prepositions that distract adverbs or prepositions
prepositions. and confuse. that

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