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Internship Report 2019

Internship/Employment Report


Internship/Employment Report

Bachelor/Master of Business Administration Program

Arslan Masood

Reg. No.:



[email protected]

University Institute of Management Sciences

University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi

Company Name:

Main Telephone Number(s):


Fax Number:

Postal Address:
ASKARI BANK LIMITED, Golra Mor, Branch Ground Floor, Niazi Plaza,
Opposite Quaid-e-Azam Hospital,Rawalpindi.

Supervisor Name:

Supervisor Telephone Number:

Start Date for Internship:

July 11, 2018

End Date for Internship:

August 23, 2018

Report Date:
February 21, 2019


Arslan Masood

Completed internship at

Askari Bank Limited

Internship Report submitted for the Final evaluation of the requirement for
the degree of

Bachelor in Business Administration

It is certified that this report and the work contained in it conforms all the
standards set by the institution for evaluation of such work.

1. ____________________________________
Mr. Ammar Asghar

2. ____________________________________
Mr. Aleem Akhter

University Institute of Management Sciences

University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi


Every challenging work needs self-efforts as well as guidance of elders

especially who are very close to our heart. My humble efforts I dedicate to
my sweet and loving parents whose affection, love, encouragement and prays
of day and night makes me able to get success. Along with my all hard
working and respected teachers whom endless support, struggle and kindness
are beyond expression.


In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious, most merciful and most beneficial
who endowed me with the will and thoughts to complete this project with the
praise of his beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH). I am thankful to my loving
parents who brought me to this world and made me what I am today.I would
like to admit that I owe all my achievements to my truly, sincere and most
loving parents, who mean the most to me, and whose prayers are a source of
determination for me.

Secondly, I am also thankful to the Arid Agriculture University (Institute of

Management Sciences) because of provision of platform in order to provide
me the quality education as well as the opportunity to polish my skills.I
would say thanks to Mr.Ammar Asghar, Mr. Aleem Akhtar and Operational
Manager Mr. Adeel Khan (AKBL) who helped me a lot during this internship
report and guided me.

I would like to mention Mr. Naveed Ahsan, the Branch Manager who gave
me the opportunity to work in this bank and to learn and explore new things.
The whole staff of Askari bank Limited was very cooperative especially Mr.
Adeel Khan and Mr.Usman Sattar who helped me a lot during the internship
and I want to say thanks to all of them. .

I would thank to all my friends whose support boosted my moral during

internship program. In the end I would like to say thanks to all of those who
helped me in any way and made it easier for me and I pray that everyone
attached to me lives happily and also pray that may I get success in my future


Executive Summary ………………………………………………………... 09

Introduction to Askari Bank Limited …………………………………… 10

Mission …………………………………………………………………. 11

Vision ………………………………………………………………….. 11

Corporate objectives …………………………………………………………... 11

Products / Services offered ……………………………………………….. 12

Corporate Information …………………………………………………….. 13

SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………… 14

Strengths ……………………………………………………………….. 14

Weaknesses ……………………………………………………………. 15

Opportunities …………………………………………………………… 15

Threats …………………………………………………………………. 16

Organizational structure …………………………………………………… 17

Marketing strategies ………………………………………………………… 18

Competitive Strategies ……………………………………………………… 18

Work description ………………………………………………………......... 19

Customer service department ………………….……………………. 19

Account opening department …………………………………………. 19

ATM and cheque book department …………………………………… 20

Accounts department ………………………………………………….. 21

Clearing department .…………………………………………………… 21

Remittance department ……………………….……………………….. 22

Analysis ………………………….……………….………………………… 23

Conclusion …………………………………..…………………….………… 24

Recommendations ……………………………………….………………. 25

References ………………………………………………………………… 26

Appendix ………………………………………….…………………........ 27


As per degree requirement, for BBA students internship program is of great

importance without it BBA degree wouldn’t be completed. I completed my
Internship program at “ASKARI BANK LIMITED, Golra Mor, Branch
Ground Floor, Niazi Plaza, Opposite Quaid-e-Azam Hospital,Rawalpindi.”
The internship was of six (06) regular weeks. The knowledge I gained from
this internship will surely help me in my practical life.

Askari Bank came to Pakistan and gave Pakistan a new horizon, today Askari
Bank has set foot in the industry.The bank is committed to pull its energies,
resources and time to bring higher value and satisfaction of its customer,
employees and shareholders. This report consists of introduction of bank and
description of my experience there.

I worked in different departments of the bank (Account opening,

Remittances, clearing, ATM etc.) and learned many things. My basic concern
while working in the bank was to see whether the concepts I was taught in the
last 3 years match the reality or not? Whether the concepts are same or have
some gap. I tried to analyze all these things in this report.

I learnt a lot during this time. It was my first experience to interact with
different types of people in a work place, to see the emotions and feelings of
the employees and to manage all the processes actually done in the bank.

This report covers a series of areas that I took in an analytical way. Major
portion of this report has been devoted to work description and analysis of
business processes especially from financial perspective. Efforts were to
explore the gap between literature and actual work practices in industry.
Analysis is done to see the performance of the bank.

As per requirement, at the end of internship, I was required to submit a report

at university. I made this report with all my efforts by using what I learnt
from this experience and in my courses.

In the end I would say that the overall environment of bank was quite good,
employees were very friendly and cooperative and this experience further
enhanced my strength to pursue a successful career.


Askari bank limited formerly known as Askari Commercial Bank Limited

works as a unit of Army Welfare Trust was established for the welfare of
Army officials. The office of Army Welfare Trust is located at AWT plaza,
Rawalpindi.AWT offers the “AWT Saving Scheme” to the army officials
only. Askari Bank was joined in Pakistan on October 9, 1991 as a public
limited company.Askari bank was incorporated on Oct 9, 1991, as a Public
Limited Company, and is listed on Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock
Exchanges. The bank obtained business commencement certificate on
February 26, 1992 and started operations form April 1, 1992. Askari
Commercial Bank is scheduled Commercial Bank and is principally engaged
in the business of banking as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance

Askari Bank has since expanded into a network of 424 branches / sub-
branches, including 78 dedicated Islamic banking branches / sub-branch, and
a wholesale bank branch in Bahrain. Askari Bank limited is the main save
money with its operational Head Office in the twin urban communities of
Rawalpindi-Islamabad which have relatively restricted chances than Karachi
and Lahore; this made its tests and chances and constrained them to advance
and outward looking procedure as far as our business sector attention. A
shared network of over 9,000 online ATMs covering all major cities in
Pakistan supports the delivery channels for customer service. As at December
31, 2015, the Bank had equity of Rs. 26.9 billion and total assets of Rs. 536
billion, with 1,102,435banking customers, serviced by 6,781 employees.

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“To be the leading private sector bank in Pakistan with an international
presence, delivering quality service through innovative technology and
effective human resource management in modern and progressive
organizational culture of meritocracy, maintaining high ethical and
professional standards, while providing enhanced value to all our
stakeholders, and contributing to society.”

“To be the bank of first choice in the region.”


 To achieve sustained growth and profitability in all areas of business.

 To build and sustain a high performance culture, with a continuous
improvement focus.
 To develop a customer-service oriented culture with special emphasis on
customer care and convenience.
 To build an enabling environment, where employees are motivated to
contribute to their full potential.
 To effectively manage and mitigate all kinds of risks inherent in the banking
 To maximize use of technology to ensure cost-effective operations, efficient
management information system, enhanced delivery capability and high
service standards.
 To manage the Bank's portfolio of businesses to achieve strong and
sustainable shareholder returns and to continuously build shareholder value.
 To deliver timely solutions that best meets the customers’ financial needs.
 To explore new avenues for growth and profitability.

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Products and services are the major attribute of any company, which are
developed according to the needs of the customers of the company. Similarly
the product and services of the Askari Bank are also developed according to
the customer needs and wants and the expectation that customer attaches with
financial institutions. A product of Askari Bank includes all those services
which customer normally required for effective managing his business.
Askari Bank offers the following financial services;

1. Banking of Branch

Branch banking includes following accounts;

 Current Account
 Saving Account
 Askari value plus Account
 AskariAasaan Account
 Banca Assurance

2. Consumer Banking

 Ask4Car
 Personal Finance
 Mortgage Finance
 Master Credit Card

3. Alternate Delivery Channels

 Internet ( I.NET) Banking

 Call Centers
 Automated Teller Machine ( ATM)
 Visa Debit Card

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Board of Directors

 Lt Gen Khalid Nawaz Khan

 Lt Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam
 Lt Gen Shafqat Ahmed
 Mr. Qaiser Javed

Audit Committee

 Mr. Asif Raza Sana

 Mr. Qaiser Javed

Registered / Head Office

AWT Plaza, the Mall

P. O. Box No. 1084

Rawalpindi – 46000


Tel: (92 51) 906 3000

Fax: (92 51) 927 2455 & (92 51) 927 2445

E-mail: [email protected]


Social Media

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SWOT analysis is one of the most expedient technique or tool used in the
Strategic Management process for conducting the situation analysis of an
organization. SWOT refers to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. SWOT analysis is a process where the management team identifies
the internal and external factors that will affect the company’s future
performance. The company’s strengths and weaknesses are the internal
factors. Opportunities and threats deal with factors external to the
company.Business can use a SWOT analysis, at any time, to assess a
changing environment and respond proactively.


Askari Bank has set its firm foot in Pakistan and has gained its strengths over
the period of time. Following are the strengths which have been observed:

 One of the major strength of Askari bank limited is its huge Network. Askari
bank is a Pakistani bank which has network of 424 branches including 78
dedicated Islamic banking branches. The technological infrastructure of
Askari Bank is also very important which provides uniform service system
across the Bank’s network that will allow much higher levels of efficiency
and customer service.
 Askari Bank believes in customer orientation. It offers huge flexibility in its
various services and thus it becomes very simple, easy, attracting and
affordable for the customer to choose the desired facility. The bank pays keen
 Attention at customer relationship management and special purposely
developed software and technological instruments are used for this matter.
 Askari bank is a subsidiary business unit of Army Welfare Trust. This is one
of the biggest strength for the bank because Army Welfare Trust has
established strong financial, industrial, technological and diverse market
matrix. They have a well-furnished logistics infrastructure.

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 The main strength of AKBL Limited is that all of its branches are fully
computerized and they have latest software available to keep the records of
their customers account and other important information up-to-date. It
reduces manual work and provides good customer service.
 Askari bank is one of the largest private banks with deposit base of 167.68
billion- showing constant growth over the period 1999 till day and with many
online branches in major cities of Pakistan.


 Bank’s marketing department is not very strong. Accumulated losses pushed

the bank to cut down its promotional activities in order to reduce expenses for
last few years. The advertising media used by Askari bank for publicity
include mostly newspaper and journals. Bank has poor marketing strategy.
There are no sales personals in each branch for marketing campaign.
 The management system in Askari Bank Limited is quite centralized leaving
all the decision making activities to the upper management only. The branch
manager fully controls the whole branch. This creates the distance between
middle and higher level management. In order to overcome this weakness the
authority of decision making should be shared to middle level and give them
freedom to work.
 The employees of Askari Bank are constantly subjected to job rotation. It
keeps back from gaining complete know-how about a particular department.
 In Askari bank there is no specific training program for the new recruiters.
Learning is based on their observations and also through their own mistakes.
It takes a bit time for the fresh one to learn the banking the result is huge
amount of blunders, mistakes etc. resulting in monetary and non-monetary
losses for the bank.


 AKBL growing business requires further expansion of branch network which

would, in return, open great opportunities for AKBL for the expansion of its
business. AKBL can also extend its network in other countries. Increasing the
product range to fulfill customer requirements and ATM network, ABL can
expand its 24 hours cash facilities to other cities of the country in order to
meet growing market demand.

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 Askari bank as a largest private bank can also increase its market share by
producing goods, market oriented and customer needs satisfying products.
 Islamic Banking is getting rapid success and repute among Muslim countries.
It has also been charted by some Muslim scholars. Being according to the
values and practices of Islam, it has won more trust of people. Currently,
Askari Bank gives Islamic Banking in some of its extensions. By offering its
Islamic Banking administrations in every last bit of its limbs, Askari Bank
can unquestionably have an edge over its rivals.
 There is a huge pool of free MBA graduates who might be contracted to
accomplish professionalism on its organizational society. AKBL can engage
qualified professionals for providing specialized banking products and
services to their customers, reorganization of existing systems as well as
Infrastructure with de-centralized work processes. The human resource factor
plays a critical role maintaining the efficiency and profitability level of the
bank in future.


 Political instability and legal regulations are serious threats for organization
because the present economic, political and current circumstances of the
country are very discouraging for the banking industry. Government changes
 Their policies and put different kind of taxes and regulation on the
organization. There are so many crises, like war against terrorism. These
factors ultimately affect the business activities in a very adverse manner.
 Higher rate of inflation is a threat for bank. Prices of the product and services
are going up and up and unemployment is increasing very rapidly. They had
massively affected the purchasing power of common people. This is one of
the largest threats for it. So bank should adopt flexible policies to give relief
their customers.
 Askari Bank is facing a strong competition by its major competitors Union
Bank and Bank Alfalah. These banks are growing very rapidly and are
continuously increasing their products and are marketing them aggressively.
 Extensive promotional campaigns run by competitors are another threat for

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President & Chief Exective

President Support

Group Head
Group Head Operation Corporation Banking
& Credit & Financial Institution

System & Credit Card International

Credit Division
Operation Division Division Division

Human Resource Retail Banking Corporate
Division Division Planning Division


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Marketing strategy is an organization's strategy that combines all of its
marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. It is the foundation of a
marketing plan.Extension director, operational trough and business
advancement officer are somewhat included in the promoting and get
subsidizing from head office to advertise their special exercises. At AKBL,
Golra Mor, I saw that the operational office accompanies the showcasing
exercises which are managed by the operational director. They calls to clients
through phone and individual meet with the clients and apply the standard of
client relationship administration to pull in the client.Miss Robina functions
as a client administration officer (CSO) and meet with the customers to
persuade them to open the record in Askari bank and educate the clients
regarding the part of distinctive sorts of records.


 Print Advertising
Print advertisements are another major way in which Askari Bank advertises
its product to the masses. Print media advertisements are mainly printed in
major English and Urdu newspapers across Pakistan. This type of marketing
is economical because many people like to read daily newspaper, so print
media is a good mode of advertising.
 Electronic Advertising
TV ads for Askari Bank principally attempt to accentuation the 'INSPIRING
RELATIONS', message in its commercials, by indicating how its
administrations can help you with the diverse monetary issues that you
confront in your commonplace life.


Competitors of Askari Bank

Habib Bank Ltd. (HBL), United Bank Limited (UBL), Muslim Commercial
Bank (MCB), Allied bank Ltd. (ABL), Bank Alfalah Ltd. (BAF), The Bank
of Punjab (BOP), Standard Charted Bank Ltd. (SCB), Faysal Bank Ltd
(FABL),National Investment Bank Ltd. (NIB).

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The departments in which I did work during my internship are as follows:

 Customer Service Department

 Account Opening Department

 ATM and Cheque Book Department

 Accounts Department

 Clearing Department

 Remittances Department


Customer service is basically self-explanatory term. It involves services like
after sale service and satisfying customer needs in that case if they are facing
any problems in the service.
In my first week of internship, I worked in customer service department. The
head of customer service department or Customer Service Officer (CSO) was
Miss. Robina. During the internship, when I was working in customer service
department the job that was given to me was consisted of filling the vouchers
like Demand Draft (DD), deposit slips etc. The vouchers were filled by me
after getting the necessary information from the customer. I filled almost 15
vouchers in first day in this department.


Opening of bank account is the first step in building a relationship between
the bank and the customer. As the opening of a bank account by a person
makes him a customer of the bank, the account opening process must not be
considered just a formality. Knowing the customer should be the objective of

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the banker and customer due diligence must be done prior to establishment of
the relationship.
Account Opening Form:
Prior to opening of the account, the account opening form and all the related
documents must be scrutinized and approved by the branch manager
personally. It must be ensured that all columns of the account opening form

are correctly & properly filled and the customer has read & understood Rules
& Regulations for conduct of accounts that are printed on the reverse of the
account opening form. No column of the form should be left blank and
columns not applicable to a particular customer should be marked so to guard
against unauthorized additions.
The account opening form has following particulars;
• Title of Account
• Address
• CNIC Number
• Profession
• Telephone number may be of office, mobile or residential


The cheque book is issued to all customers having account in bank or to those
who want to avail the facility of cheque book. First cheque book is issued to
customers who get the letter of thanks and requests for the issuance of cheque
book and first cheque book after opening of new account is issued free of
A Cheque book consists of:
• PLS 25 leaves or pages per order
• CD 50 leaves or pages per order
• CD 100 leaves or pages per order

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ATM is issued to all customers having account in bank or to those who want
to avail the facility of ATM. For this purpose ATM forms are filled by them.
ATM Application Form.

This form includes the information about:

• Type of ATM i.e. Classic or gold card
• Name of the customer
• Customer’s account number
• CNIC number and its expiry date
• Customer’s signature

In Accounts Department I worked with the record officer Mr. Adnan Iqbal.
On first day in this department, Mr. Adnan Iqbal gave me some basic
information regarding work. In this department, I also looked into liabilities
like bills payable. I learnt about the expenditures of the bank like phone
charges, generator charges, office rent, water charges, online connectivity
charges, protection overheads and so on.
In records, my significant assignments were to recheck customers account
action (cross check the measure kept by client is rightly recorded by
framework or not). Activity checking is carried out by checking whether the
qualities and record numbers in the sorted vouchers match that of the
movement and whether there is any missing action that is not in the vouchers.

The clearing branch is answerable for the clearing of all cheques that the
bank gets every day. It is the department where the funds are collected from
outwards and pay to bank’s own customers and collect funds from bank’s
customers and pay it to other banks out of city. To clarify this in simple
words ,we can say by stating example that an account holder of askari banks
presents cheque of some other bank.Now such cases are to be dealt by
clearing department. The department gathers all such cheques and later on

Verify the account and clears the amount from the correspondent bank. This
overall process is termed as clearing.
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Under it there are two processes
• Inwards Bill for Collection
• Outwards Bill for Collection

Remittance department deals in transfer of funds from one place to another.
Remittances are income generating source for bank. The in-control officer of
settlements branch is Mr.Umer. He let me know that Askari Bank Limited
offer four primary sorts of instruments that are utilized to exchange cash,
which are as follows:
• Demand Draft (DD) (intercity)
• Pay Order (PO) (intercity)
• Pay Slip

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In this section, I will discuss what I have learnt from this experience and how
work is done in the industry and the gap between actual work done and the
These 6 weeks have proven on me a hectic time but helped me a lot in my
understanding of different concepts of theory and their practical implications.
Let me first discuss the bitter reality I have learnt and that it is hard to do
anything without reference in industry.
Askari Bank Limited is a great spot to work with and it helped me to take in a
ton of things that I may not get generally. It was a test truly to check my
capacities and it guaranteed me climate I am equipped for finishing things
rightly or not. I have figured out how mechanized associations are getting to
be presently days. To work in such associations you must need to increase the
specialized information with respect to programming and so forth.
I am sure what I have learnt during these 6 weeks will prove excellent in my
future practical life. I have experienced with diverse circumstances and in
some cases I got puzzled how to manage yet now as I have confronted the
dangerous circumstances I know how to manage it and i got how to work
with people at workplace. Here I might want to say that environment of
Askari Bank is extremely agreeable and supportive for internees.

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Askari Bank is appearing as strong financial institution. The organizational

policies, vision and mission all depict its essence and ideology of an ideal
banking institution that delivers elegant services by nourishing supreme,
competitive and favorable environment. In Askari Bank Limited i have spent
six weeks and found that it is a great Organization in the way that anyone can
go along with it for his vacation. Overall experience there was very good.
Generally working environment is agreeable and friendly. Administration of
branch regards a considerable measure of its workers and thinks of them as
the embodiment of bank. Special individualized attention is paid to every
customer and is also given guidance in important consultancy.
Representatives at Askari Bank are very effective. It additionally indicates
their dependability and duty to association. Employees are given the profits
like reward and advances. All the clients are entertained independently. Same
sort of conduct and consideration is provided for all the clients. Throughout
my internship preparing I accumulated data in regards to how a great bank
works. The areas that I recommend they should improve include customer
facilitation, recruitment, and rotation of staff between the branches. There are
some flaws in the recruitment policy and they should hire employees that
have necessary qualification as well as skills.
This internship project proves to be very effective for me. It raised my
confidence level and also polished my skill. All the representatives at
extension were very cooperative particularly Mr.Usman Sattar and Mr. Adeel
Khan. They helped me a lot to accomplish my working goals during my
internship in Askari Bank. Due to growing number of customers and over
whelming work. Internees have to put maximum effort and patience to get
guidance and knowledge. Before me, few internees were given full rotation in
bank but at my time and after that, internees were confined to few
departments only.
As far as the future of Askari Bank is concerned, I perceive it is very
splendid. I have observed that this Bank has a lot of potential to become a
leader in the banking sector.

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This is the fact that in this world nothing is perfect. In every field of life there
are some problems. But the best and successful institutions are those which
learn from the changing environment and competition. Doing internship at
Askari Bank was an interesting, gaining, grooming and ever remembering
experience. The highly cooperative staff; variety in tasks; dealing with
customers and documentation, were some of tasks that made me to gain a lot.
Though there every activity was at its elegance, but I am here giving some
suggestions that my thinking will be beneficial for the bank.

 It has been observed that the workers were overburdened so they need to stay
at work late during the evening. They need to do extra minutes even in
Ramadan. So more workers should be hired in those departments where there
is need.
 Askari Bank Limited may as well legitimately publicize and communicate
openly with the goal of attracting more clients.
 Audit ought to be held inside. Rather there ought to be an Audit Department
in the limb to make review on regular schedule. This can get to be as
 The procedure of opening an account should be simplified. The account
opening form should be self-explanatory and include translation in Urdu for
those customers who are not able to read English. Because during my
internship I have seen a lot of customers who are unable to fill the account
opening form because of English.
 The promotion of officers in Askari Bank Limited is without test and
interviews. The promotion policy must be too tight and transparent that no
 One may have the chance to promote on criteria other than required
qualification, experience and performance.
 Askari bank must expand the number of branches in order to compete well.
 Pakistan is an agricultural country and most of its population lives in villages
and rural areas. But almost all of the branches of Askari bank are in urban
areas. It is very important for Askari Bank to pay serious attention to this

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Search Engines

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