IT Practical List Class 10

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CLASS-X - Information Technology (402)



1 Using following options: StickyKeys, SoundSentry, High Contrast, SerialKeys
2 List any 3 ISP’s available in your city. After collecting information such as connectivity
type, speed and charges, compare them and state which is the best ISP
3 Create a personal blog using WordPress
4 Perform online transaction. E.g. paying the fees of VVM exam, paying the fees of
KAMP exam, purchasing a book from any e-commerce site, buying a ticket (bus / train)
5 Practice various options of any web browser and try different settings under various
sections such clearing browser’s history, setting home pages, specifying path for
downloaded files, managing extensions
6 Create a word file on any relevant topic and insert header and footer in that file. Give
an appropriate name in the centre of the header section with your School name on the
left hand side. Download a logo from the Internet or use a picture (Insert>Picture) on
the right hand side. Insert page number, date & your name in footer section. Save the
7 Create a word file and insert picture & clipart in that file and save the file
8 Create a word file and perform following options: Change font face, Change font size,
Change font colour, Highlight text, and Change text case. Then save the file.
9 Open a new document. Create the basic flowchart diagram as shown below:

10 Perform conditional formatting on a data subset.

11 Create a student mark list of at least 10 students and five subjects. Highlight the marks
of the students who got marks greater than 80 with green colour text with blue fill.
Save the worksheet.
12 Perform Vlookup & Hlookup on a data subset.
13 Create the worksheet given below, keeping your cursor on B2, try all the options of
freezing cells and observe the effect. Take specific note of column and row movements.
Save the worksheet.

14 Create the worksheet given below. Calculate the closing balance. Add 10 more items to
the list and set page breaks for printing. Move page breaks if contents do not fit onto
one page. Save this file.

15 Apply names to cells and cell ranges and use them in formulae. Using the worksheet
created in this exercise, calculate the cost of Vegetables. Save the workbook.
16 Create a worksheet using the sales data given below:

Create bar and line charts using this data. Enhance the design of your chart to make it
more presentable.
17 Create a worksheet with the data given below. Create totals. Calculate percentages.
Use this to sort data. Also apply filter to the data and show data of 3 highest percentages.
18 Create 2 worksheets populated with subject and marks for 1st and 2nd terms. Create
another worksheet called Average and calculate the average of marks for all subjects.
19 Create a presentation and Insert a movie clip using Insert option
20 Create a presentation and Insert a chart using Insert option
21 Open a new presentation, and create the following images and add small textboxes
as headers to describe them:

Now try selecting the objects, practice grouping and ungrouping functions.
22 Insert speaker notes on slides
23 Create a presentation (10-12 slides) on any two of the following topics.
• School Annual Day function.
• Sports Day.
• Independence Day.
• Healthy Diet.
• No to plastics
• Fit India
While making the presentations use the following features based on the presentation
guidelines learnt earlier.
• Use Transition effects for slides.
• Use Animation effects for text and objects.
• Group related pictures.
• Use tables and format them with different table styles.
• Use charts to represent data in graphical form.
• use templates.
24 create appointments and schedule day-to-day activities using calendar (Ms-Outlook)
25 create tasks in email calendar application software (Ms-Outlook)
26 Create a database and then Create a table and enter data in it. (Ms-Access)
Assume necessary details.
Database name: school
Table name: student
Table columns: Adm_no, stud_name, class, marks (Adm_no is primary key)
27 Create a form for the school database created in the earlier session. Populate the
academic database with mark results using the form. (Ms-Access)

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