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[arks) PART - C (Ix15=15 Marks)

16. a) For the scenario described below, which life cycle model would you choose ?
Give the reason why you would choose this modd.
i) You are interacting with the MIS department of a very large oil company
with multiple departments.They have a corr. plex legacy system. Migrating
the data from this legacy system is not ar. easy task and would take a
1g considerable time. The oil company is very particular about processes,
acceptance criteria and legal contracts. (5)
ii) You are migrating a legacy application in mainframes to Oracle. The project
goes through well defined phases of contract signing, taking each program
of the current system with a well defined ace ptance test data, converting it
to Oracle and proving that the output matchis the expected output. Itis not
ur possible to seek intermediate feedback. (5)
iii) You are developing a proof-of-concept to show your prospect on how your
t, (4) product is suited for developing wireless appl[cations. You do not have access
(5) to expensive CASE tools. (5)
ed (OR)
b) Given,
'.lg Number of user inputs = 15
Number of user outputs = 13
Number of external interfaces = 11
1function point = 20 LOC (as fourth generatio-1 language is used).
Values of constant used in basic COCOMO model. a = 2.4, b = 1.05, c = 2.5,
d = 0.38.
.SS Calculate the effort and duration using the above details for basic COCOMO

in. •



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