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Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

1. Match the following antihypertensive agents/ 4. A 78-year-old man is admitted to the intensive care unit
medications: * with decompensated heart failure. He has longstanding
ischemic cardiomyopathy. ECG shows atrial fibrillation
and left bundle branch block. Chest radiograph shows
cardiomegaly and bilateral alveolar infiltrates with Kerley
B lines. Which of the following is least likely to be present
on physical examination? *
a. Fourth heart sound
b. Irregular Heart Rate
c. Kussmaul Sign
d. Reversed splitting of the second heart sound
e. Third Heart Sound

5. A 62-year-old man is being evaluated for mitral valve

replacement surgery for severe mitral regurgitation. As
part of his evaluation, he undergoes a transesophageal
echocardiogram that demonstrates a small jet of right-
to-left Doppler flow during systole across the atrial
septum. The jet is located roughly in the middle of the
2. You are evaluating a 19-year-old woman in a travel clinic septum and occurs when a small flap of tissue swings
at your university. She complains of a nonpainful swelling open <1 mm. There is no diastolic flow, nor is there a
of the lower extremity. On examination, the leg has visible opening in any part of the septum during diastole.
thickened skin and a woody texture. A bedside Which of the following explains the finding on
ultrasound confirms patent lower extremity veins echocardiography? *
without thrombus. You suspect lymphedema and think a. Ostium primum atrial septal defect
that this is likely due to the most common cause of b. Ostium secundum atrial septal defect
secondary lymphedema worldwide. What cause do you c. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
suspect? * d. Patent foramen ovale
a. Cancer involving the inguinal lymph nodes e. Sinus venosus atrial septal defect
b. Lymphogranuloma venereum
c. Lymphatic filariasis 6. You are called to the bedside to see a patient with
d. Recurrent bacterial lymphangitis Prinzmetal’s angina who is having chest pain. The patient
e. Tuberculosis had a cardiac catheterization 2 days prior showing a 60%
stenosis of the right coronary artery with associated
3. You are evaluating a 65-year-old man who has a 15-year spasm during coronary angiogram. At the patient’s
history of nonischemic cardiomyopathy with a dilated bedside, which finding is consistent with the diagnosis of
left ventricle and an ejection fraction of 15%. Yearly Prinzmetal’s angina? *
echocardiograms over the past 5 years have shown a. Chest pain reproduced by palpation of the chest
severe mitral regurgitation. On optimal medical therapy, wall
the patient has NYHA class II symptoms. Today, he b. Nonspecific-ST-T-wave abnormalities
specifically asks whether his valve should be fixed in c. Relief of pain with drinking cold water
order to improve his survival. You should tell him: * d. ST-segment elevation in II, III, and aVF
a. “If you were to have high pulmonary artery e. ST-segment depression in I, AVL, and V6
pressures or develop new atrial fibrillation, we
would move forward with valve repair.” 7. A 29-year-old healthy woman with a past medical
b. “In patients like you, valve repair has never history of ARF as a child is seen in the clinic because her
been shown to improve survival” 12-year-old daughter has recently been diagnosed with
c. “We should consider valve surgery only if repair ARF. She is concerned that ARF may be running in her
is possible. Replacement would not improve family and that her 2year-old son may thus be at
your survival.” increased risk of having ARF. Which of the following
d. “While surgical methods have not shown genetic factors has been associated with the
survival benefit, percutaneous mitral valve development of ARF? *
repair has been shown to reduce mortality in a. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Class II alleles
patients like you." b. Polymorphisms of transforming growth factor-
e. “Yes, your valve should have been fixed years β1
ago.” c. Immunoglobulin genes
d. Certain B-cell alloantigens
e. All of the above
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

8. A 31-year-old man with a prior history of rheumatism in 12. What is the correct interpretation of this
every joint at the age of 15 presented to the emergency electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing? *
department complaining of pain in the left hip and right
knee. His physical examination revealed a systolic
murmur, loudest at the apex and radiating to the axilla.
Which of the following statements about the antibodies
that contribute to this rheumatic valvulitis is false? *
a. They target the N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine–
dominant epitope of the GAS carbohydrate
b. They recognize sequences in α-helical proteins
(eg, myosin and tropomyosin)
c. They are neutralized by appropriate a. Atrial fibrillation
antibiotic therapy b. Complete heart block with junctional escape
d. Their serum levels fall significantly after surgical rhythm
removal of inflamed valves c. Idioventricular sinus arrhythmia
e. None of the above d. Mobitz type 2 AV block
e. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia
9. Which of the following conditions will usually result in
right axis deviation in an EKG? 13. A 68-year-old man with a history of myocardial
a. Systemic hypertension infarction and congestive heart failure is comfortable at
b. Aortic valve stenosis rest. However, when walking to his car, he develops
c. Aortic valve regurgitation dyspnea, fatigue, and sometimes palpitations. He must
d. Excess abdominal fat rest for several minutes before these symptoms resolve.
e. Pulmonary hypertension Which of the following is his New York Heart
Association classification? *
10. Which of the following is most likely to cause the heart a. Class I
to go into spastic contraction? * b. Class II
a. Increased body temperature c. Class III
b. Increased sympathetic activity d. Class IV
c. Decreased extracellular fluid potassium ions
d. Excess extracellular fluid potassium ions 14. You are treating a patient with stable angina pectoris.
e. Excess extracellular fluid calcium ions She is a postmenopausal woman with refractory angina
despite therapy with metoprolol and isosorbide
11. A 69-year-old man with a prior history of type 2 dinitrate, as well as her other anti-ischemic medications.
diabetes and dyslipidemia was referred by his GP to the Past medical history is significant for coronary artery
cardiology clinic because of a heart murmur. He was a bypass grafting (CABG), chronic obstructive pulmonary
very active person without any cardiovascular disease, first-degree atrioventricular block, left bundle
symptoms. Physical examination revealed a holosystolic branch block, and dyslipidemia. A recent cardiac
murmur best heard at the apex and radiating to the catheterization showed coronary artery disease not
axilla. An echocardiogram was obtained demonstrating amenable to percutaneous intervention, and the patient
severe prolapse with loss of coaptation, LVEF of 63%, is not interested in redo of the CABG. Renal function is
and LVESD of 38 mm. According to the ACC/AHA normal. Her left ventricular ejection fraction is 15%, and
guidelines, which of the following statements does not she has New York Heart Association class II heart failure
justify prompt correction of MR in general? * symptoms. Blood pressure and pulse allow for the
a. Severe MR is not a benign condition addition of a calcium channel blocker to her regimen.
b. Surgical correction in patients with severe MR is Which calcium channel–blocking medication is
unavoidable appropriate for this patient? *
c. Patients with severe MR may or may not develop a. Amlodipine
symptoms b. Diltiazem
d. Mitral valve prolapse is almost always a c. Immediate-release nifedipine
repairable disease in reference centers d. Verapamil
e. The risk of operative mortality in mitral valve
repair surgery is, on average, only 10%
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

15. A 45-year-old man with a history of obesity presents to 18. A 38-year-old Bolivian man is admitted to the cardiac
the emergency department with dyspnea, fatigue, and intensive care unit with decompensated heart failure.
a nocturnal cough that has been worsening for the past He has no known past medical history and takes no
several months. He denies any chest pain or pressure at medications. He emigrated from Mexico 10 years ago
rest or with exertion. On evaluation, he has evidence of and currently works in a retail store. On physical
cardiomegaly with a displaced PMI and elevated filling examination, he has signs of congestion and poor
pressures with bilateral pulmonary rales and elevated perfusion. An electrocardiogram shows first-degree
jugular venous pulse. Echocardiography reveals a atrioventricular block and right bundle branch block. An
globally depressed left ventricular ejection fraction of echocardiogram shows dilated and thinned ventricles.
25% with a dilated left ventricle. Which of the following He has an apical aneurysm in the left ventricle with
tests is a Level I recommendation for further workup? * thrombus formation. You treat his heart failure
a. Cardiac MRI symptomatically and begin anticoagulation. A cardiac
b. Coronary Angiography catheterization shows normal coronaries without
c. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate atherosclerosis. Which statement is true regarding this
d. Serum iron and Transferrin Saturation patient’s prognosis? *
e. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Level a. Aggressive lipid lowering (low-density
lipoprotein <70 mg/dL) has been shown to be
16. A 75-year-old man goes to the hospital emergency beneficial in this condition.
department and faints. Five minutes later he is alert. An b. Calcium channel blockers will prevent
EKG shows 75 P waves per minute and 35 QRS waves progression of his disease.
per minute with a normal QRS width. Which of the c. Cardiac transplantation offers the only cure
following is the likely diagnosis? for this condition.
a. First-degree A-V block d. His cardiac function will improve over time.
b. Stokes-Adams syndrome e. Nifurtimox offers a reasonable chance for cure.
c. Atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
d. Electrical alternans 19. A 62-year-old male loses consciousness in the street,
e. Atrial premature contractions and resuscitative efforts are undertaken. In the
emergency room an electrocardiogram is obtained, part
17. The ECG most likely was obtained from which of the of which is shown below. Which of the following
following patients? * disorders could account for this man’s presentation? *

a. Hypokalemia
b. Hyperkalemia
c. Intracerebral hemorrhage
d. Digitalis toxicity
e. Hypo calcemic tetany
a. A 33-year-old female with acute-onset severe
headache, disorientation, and intraventricular
20. A 50-year-old man has a blood pressure of 140/85 and
blood on head CT scan
weighs 200 lb. He reports that he is not feeling well, his
b. A 42-year-old male with sudden-onset chest
EKG has no P-waves, he has a heart rate of 46, and the
pain while playing tennis
QRS complexes occur regularly. What is his likely
c. A 54-year-old female with a long history of
smoking and 2 days of increasing shortness
a. First-degree heart block
of breath and wheezing
b. Second-degree heart block
d. A 64-year-old female with end-stage renal
c. Third-degree heart block
insufficiency who missed dialysis for the last 4
d. Sinoatrial heart block
e. Sinus bradycardia
e. A 78-year-old male with syncope, delayed
carotid upstrokes, and a harsh systolic murmur
in the right second intercostal space
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

21. All the following may cause elevation of serum troponin 25. A patient with coronary artery disease has been doing
except * regular aerobic exercise on a treadmill. if the patient
a. Congestive heart failure fails to comply in taking prescribed beta-blocker
b. Myocarditis medication and continues to exercise, what potential
c. Myocardial infarction rebound effect could result? *
d. Pneumonia a. Increase in blood pressure and decrease in
e. Pulmonary embolism heart rate during exercise
b. Decrease in blood pressure and heart rate
22. You are evaluating a new patient in your clinic who during exercise
brings in this electrocardiogram (ECG) to the visit. The c. Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
ECG was performed on the patient 2 weeks ago. What during exercise
complaint do you expect to elicit from the patient? * d. Decrease in blood pressure and increase in
heart rate during exercise

26. A 35-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital with

malaise, weight gain, increasing abdominal girth, and
edema. The symptoms began about 3 months ago and
gradually progressed. The patient reports an increase in
waist size of ~15 cm. The swelling in her legs has gotten
increasingly worse such that she now feels her thighs
are swollen as well. She has dyspnea on exertion and
a. Angina
two pillow orthopnea. She has a past history of Hodgkin
b. Hemoptysis
disease diagnosed at age 18. She was treated at that
c. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
time with chemotherapy and mediastinal irradiation. On
d. Tachypalpitations
physical examination, she has temporal wasting and
appears chronically ill. Her current weight is 96 kg, an
23. A 29-year-old woman is in the intensive care unit with
increase of 11 kg over the past 3 months. Her vital signs
rhabdomyolysis due to compartment syndrome of the
are normal. Her jugular venous pressure is ~16 cm, and
lower extremities after a car accident. Her clinical course
the neck veins do not collapse on inspiration. Heart
has been complicated by acute renal failure and severe
sounds are distant. There is a third heart sound heard
pain. She has undergone fasciotomies and is admitted
shortly after aortic valve closure. The sound is short and
to the intensive care unit. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is
abrupt and is heard best at the apex. The liver is
obtained (shown below). What is the most appropriate
enlarged and pulsatile. Ascites is present. There is
course of action at this point? *
pitting edema extending throughout the lower
extremities and onto the abdominal wall.
Echocardiogram shows pericardial thickening, dilatation
of the inferior vena cava and hepatic veins, and abrupt
cessation of ventricular filling in early diastole. Ejection
fraction is 65%. What is the best approach for treatment
of this patient? *
a. Aggressive diuresis only
b. Cardiac transplantation
a. 18-lead ECG c. Mitral valve replacement
b. Coronary catheterization d. Pericardial resection
c. Hemodialysis e. Pericardiocentesis
d. Intravenous fluids and a loop diuretic
e. Ventilation/perfusion imaging 27. Which of the following conditions will result in a dilated,
flaccid heart? *
24. All of the following are classic definitional features of a. Excess calcium ions in the blood
the tetralogy of Fallot EXCEPT: * b. Excess potassium ions in the blood
a. Obstruction to RV outflow c. Excess sodium ions in the blood
b. Overriding aorta d. Increased sympathetic stimulation
c. RV hypertrophy e. Increased norepinephrine concentration in the
d. Tricuspid atresia blood
e. Ventricular septal defect
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

28. A 78-year-old man is evaluated for the onset of dyspnea 32. Which of the following statements regarding the
on exertion. He has a long history of tobacco abuse, pathophysiologic consequences of an atheroma is true?
obesity, and diabetes mellitus. His current medications a. An atheroma resulting in total vascular
include metformin, aspirin, and occasional ibuprofen. occlusion invariably causes infarction
On physical examination, his peripheral pulses show a b. An enlarging atheroma does not generally
delayed peak, and he has a prominent left ventricular encroach on the arterial lumen until the
heave. He is in a regular rhythm with a IV/VI mid-systolic plaque exceeds 40% of the internal elastic
murmur, loudest at the base of the heart and radiating lamina.
to the carotid arteries. A fourth heart sound is present. c. Most atheromas will eventually produce
Echocardiography confirms severe aortic stenosis symptoms in the patient.
without other valvular lesions. Which of the following d. Upon initial formation, the atheromatous
most likely contributed to the development of his plaque usually grows inward toward the vessel
cardiac lesion? * lumen.
a. Congenital bicuspid aortic valve e. Vessels affected by atherogenesis tend to
b. Diabetes mellitus contract and get smaller in diameter.
c. Occult rheumatic heart disease
d. Underlying connective tissue disease 33. Mr. George is a 52-year-old man with longstanding
e. None of the above hypertension and poorly controlled diabetes. He
presents complaining of several months of
29. In which phase of the ventricular muscle action breathlessness with exertion, acute episodes of
potential is the potassium permeability the highest? shortness of breath when recumbent, and lower
a. 0 extremity edema. On examination, he has an elevated
b. 1 jugular venous pulse and an S4 on auscultation.
c. 2 Echocardiography shows a left ventricular ejection
d. 3 fraction of 55% with a large left atrium. You suspect this
e. 4 patient has the syndrome of heart failure with preserved
ejection fraction (HFpEF). Drugs targeting which of the
30. Mr. Milsap is one of your longstanding clinic patients following have convincingly demonstrated mortality
who has a history of rheumatic heart disease. His last reduction for patients with HFpEF? *
echocardiogram noted a mean mitral valve gradient of a. Angiotensin-converting enzyme
11 mmHg with a calculated valve area of 1.3 cm2 at a b. Angiotensin receptor
heart rate of 60 bpm. He presents today complaining of c. Phosphodiesterase-5
worsening shortness of breath, and his ECG shows atrial d. Sodium-potassium-ATPase
fibrillation at a rate of 60 bpm. He has never had any e. None of the above
bleeding episodes and had normal hematologic counts
on his last check 2 weeks earlier. Which of the following 34. All the following patients should be evaluated for
options for thromboembolic prophylaxis is secondary causes of hypertension EXCEPT: *
appropriate? * a. a 37-year-old male with strong family
a. Apixaban history of hypertension and renal failure
b. Dabigatran who presents to your office with a blood
c. Rivaroxaban pressure of 152/98
d. Warfarin b. a 26-year-old female with hematuria and a
e. More information is needed prior to initiating family history of early renal failure who has a
thromboembolic prophylaxis. blood pressure of 160/88
c. a 63-year-old male with no past history with a
31. Sympathetic stimulation of the heart blood pressure of 162/90
a. Releases acetylcholine at the sympathetic d. a 58-year-old male with a history of
endings hypertension since age 45 whose blood
b. Decreases sinus nodal discharge rate pressure has become increasingly difficult to
c. Decreases excitability of the heart control on four antihypertensive agents
d. Releases norepinephrine at the sympathetic e. a 31-year-old female with complaints of severe
endings headaches, weight gain, and new-onset
e. Decreases cardiac contractility diabetes mellitus with a blood pressure of
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

35. A 45-year-old accountant with no prior past medical 38. A 45-year-old woman with a prior history of diet-
history has experienced occasional fevers, symmetric controlled type 2 diabetes and chronic obstructive
arthralgias, and fatigue for the past 3 months. Two pulmonary disease (COPD) was referred by her GP to
weeks ago, she experienced the sudden onset of left- the cardiology clinic because of a heart murmur. She
hand weakness, which resolved within 1 hour. Multiple was very active and without any cardiovascular
blood cultures have been negative. Emergent symptoms. Physical examination revealed a soft late-
evaluation at her local emergency department included systolic murmur best heard at the apex and radiating to
a head CT that was unrevealing. Last week, she had a the axilla. An echocardiogram was obtained
transthoracic echocardiogram that showed a solitary, 2- demonstrating mild prolapse and leaflet thickening with
cm mass in the left atrium arising from the interatrial normal coaptation. Left ventricular function and
septum in the vicinity of the fossa ovalis that appeared dimensions are normal (ejection fraction 65%). Which of
pedunculated on a fibrovascular stalk. You are seeing the following is the best next step in the management
her back in clinic today. What is the most appropriate of this patient? *
next step? * a. Vasodilator therapy
a. Cardiothoracic surgical removal of the mass b. Beta-blocker therapy
b. Catheter-based biopsy of the mass c. Elective mitral valve repair
c. Repeat blood cultures and inform the d. Elective mitral valve replacement
microbiology laboratory to plate on special e. Observe with echocardiographic annual
media to evaluate for HACEK organisms follow-up
d. Serologies for antinuclear antibodies (ANAs),
anti-DNA, and anticardiolipin antibodies 39. Which of the following statements regarding the
e. Whole-body PET scan to evaluate for epidemiology of congenital heart disease (CHD) in the
malignancy United States is true? *
a. CHD remains extremely rare, complicating 0.1%
36. Which of the following conditions at the A-V node will of all live births.
cause a decrease in heart rate? * b. Given advances in surgical techniques and
a. Increased sodium permeability pre- and postnatal care, survival for a
b. Decreased acetylcholine levels neonate with CHD now approaches 90%.
c. Increased norepinephrine levels c. Given the declining rates of pregnancy in
d. Increased potassium permeability women with CHD, the incidence of CHD in
e. Increased calcium permeability neonates is declining.
d. The population of adults with CHD is declining
37. You are evaluating a 50-year-old woman with idiopathic given improved prenatal screening efforts.
pulmonary arterial hypertension. Her last transthoracic e. Women with CHD are at no increased risk for
echocardiogram noted severe tricuspid regurgitation in complications during pregnancy compared
addition to a dilated hypokinetic right ventricle and with the normal population.
estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressures
exceeding 70 mmHg. On your exam, she has lower 40. A 49-year-old man presents to clinic with pleuritic chest
extremity edema, hepatomegaly with a pulsatile liver, pain, myalgia, and fever. Which of the following findings
jugular venous pulse elevated to the mandible with is not a diagnostic criterion for acute pericarditis? *
marked c-v waves and a prominent y descent, and an a. New widespread ST elevation or PR depression
RV heave. She reports breathlessness with moderate on ECG
exertion. What is the best treatment for her severe b. Sharp chest pain that is worse on inspiration
tricuspid regurgitation? * c. Fever > 38°C
a. Diuretics and salt restriction accompanied d. Pericardial friction rub
by medical therapy targeting her elevated e. New or worsening pericardial effusion
pulmonary artery pressures
b. Percutaneous balloon valvotomy 41. Which of the following malignancies carries the highest
c. Percutaneous tricuspid valve repair relative risk of metastasis to the heart? *
d. Surgical mitral valve replacement a. Glioblastoma
e. Surgical tricuspid valve repair b. Hepatocellular Carcinoma
c. Malignant Melanoma
d. Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
e. Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

42. Which of the following phases of the cardiac cycle 46. A 78-year-old man is evaluated for the onset of dyspnea
follows immediately after the beginning of the QRS on exertion. He has a long history of tobacco abuse,
wave? * obesity, and diabetes mellitus. His current medications
a. Isovolumic relaxation include metformin, aspirin, and occasional ibuprofen.
b. Ventricular ejection On physical examination, his peripheral pulses show a
c. Atrial systole delayed peak, and he has a prominent left ventricular
d. Diastasis heave. He is in a regular rhythm with a IV/VI mid-systolic
e. Isovolumic contraction murmur, loudest at the base of the heart and radiating
to the carotid arteries. A fourth heart sound is present.
43. A 55-year-old woman with no prior cardiac history was
Echocardiography confirms severe aortic stenosis
referred by her GP to the cardiology clinic because of a
without other valvular lesions. Which of the following
heart murmur. She admitted to living a sedentary
most likely contributed to the development of his
lifestyle, and she denied overt cardiovascular
cardiac lesion? *
symptoms. Physical examination revealed a mid-to-late
a. Congenital bicuspid aortic valve
systolic murmur best heard at the apex and radiating to
b. Diabetes mellitus
the axilla. An echocardiogram was obtained, clearly
c. Occult rheumatic heart disease
demonstrating moderate to severe mitral valve
d. Underlying connective tissue disease
prolapse and regurgitation without flail segments. Left
e. None of the above
ventricular function and dimensions were normal
(ejection fraction 62%). Which of the following is the
47. You are seeing a 21-year-old woman for the first time
best next step in the management of this patient? *
today in the primary care clinic. She has never seen a
a. Exercise Doppler echocardiography
physician before because her parents did not believe in
b. Cardiac CT
Western medicine. On history, she states that she feels
c. Cardiac magnetic resonance
tired occasionally and feels like she could not quite keep
d. Nuclear perfusion scan
up with her peers in college physical education classes.
e. Cardiac catheterization
On examination, you note a systolic murmur in the left
44. Which of the following statements about cardiac muscle second interspace preceded by a presystolic click.
is most accurate? * Transthoracic echocardiogram confirms the presence of
a. The T-tubules of cardiac muscle can store much pulmonic stenosis with a peak gradient of 60 mmHg
less calcium than T-tubules in skeletal muscle and doming of the pulmonic valve without any
b. The strength and contraction of cardiac pulmonic regurgitation. What is her best treatment
muscle depends on the amount of calcium option? *
surrounding cardiac myocytes a. Diuretics and salt restriction
c. In cardiac muscle the initiation of the action b. No therapy needed
potential causes an immediate opening of slow c. Percutaneous balloon valvotomy
calcium channels d. Percutaneous pulmonic valve replacement
d. Cardiac muscle repolarization is caused by e. Surgical pulmonic valve replacement
opening of sodium channels
e. Mucopolysaccharides inside the T-tubules bind 48. Which of the following statements regarding blood
chloride ions pressure measurements is true? *
a. Systolic pressure increases and diastolic
45. A 47-year-old woman with a body mass index (BMI) of pressure decreases when measured in more
37 kg/m2 was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes distal arteries.
mellitus. As part of her patient education, you inform b. Systolic leg blood pressures are usually as much
her that which of the following is the most common as 20 mmHg lower than arm blood pressures.
cause of death in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus? * c. The concept of “white coat hypertension”
a. Coronary Artery Disease (blood pressures measured in office or hospital
b. Infection settings significantly higher than in nonclinical
c. Neuropathy settings) has been shown to be a myth.
d. Renal Failure d. The difference in blood pressure measured in
e. Stroke both arms should be less than 20mmHg.
e. Using a blood pressure cuff that is too small will
result in a marked underestimation of the true
blood pressure.
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

49. You are caring for a 42-year-old woman with a prior 52. A 34-year-old man with rheumatic mitral stenosis is
history of rheumatic fever and resultant mitral stenosis. referred to you for evaluation. He enjoys playing
Her valvular disease is currently moderate. You know recreational soccer and has no limitations or symptoms.
that mitral stenosis causes an elevation in left atrial His heart rate is 65 bpm at rest. Transthoracic
pressure, which over time can cause cardiogenic echocardiogram reveals a normal LV size and function,
pulmonary edema and pulmonary hypertension. All of a moderately dilated left atrium, a mitral valve area of
the following will result in an elevation of left atrial 1.7 cm2, and relatively thin noncalcified leaflets. ECG
pressure and potential worsening of lung function shows left atrial enlargement and sinus rhythm. On
EXCEPT: * exercise stress testing, his calculated pulmonary artery
a. Anemia systolic pressure at peak exercise is 40 mmHg. Which of
b. Isoproterenol the following treatment plans do you recommend? *
c. Metoprolol a. Metoprolol 25 mg orally twice daily
d. Pregnancy b. Percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy
e. Running on a treadmill c. Periodic cardiology assessments and
echocardiographic monitoring
50. A 75-year-old man presents to your emergency d. Sildenafil 20 mg twice daily
department appearing quite ill. His family says he has e. Surgical mitral valve replacement
not had his normal energy for the last 6 months, and
they noted he was confused and lethargic for the last 53. Your 57-year-old clinic patient is seeing you in follow-
day or two. As you take a history from the family, you up for chronic stable angina. He is a former heavy
palpate the patient’s radial pulse and notice a regular tobacco smoker who maintained an unhealthy diet and
beat-to-beat variability of pulse amplitude, although his exercise routine until recently. Since initiating a healthy
rhythm is regular. Indeed, as you later take his blood diet and commencing an exercise regimen, he has lost
pressure, you note that only every other phase I weight and improved his blood pressure control. A
(systolic) Korotkoff sound is audible as the cuff pressure cardiac catheterization 1 month ago showed two
is slowly lowered and that this is independent of the nonobstructive coronary lesions in the left circumflex
respiratory cycle. Based on this, you suspect this patient artery. He still has angina, which is reproducible with
has which of the following? moderate exercise that is fully relieved by one
a. Atrial fibrillation sublingual nitroglycerin. Which of the following factors
b. Cardiac tamponade is least likely to be contributing to his angina? *
c. Constrictive pericarditis a. Epicardial coronary resistance
d. Pulmonary embolism b. Heart rate
e. Severe left ventricular dysfunction c. Hemoglobin concentration
d. Diffusion capacity of the lung
51. You are evaluating a 65-year-old man who has a 15-
year history of nonischemic cardiomyopathy with a 54. A 28-year-old man presents to the emergency
dilated left ventricle and an ejection fraction of 15%. department for dyspnea on exertion. He had an
Yearly echocardiograms over the past 5 years have orthotopic heart transplant for non-ischemic
shown severe mitral regurgitation. On optimal medical cardiomyopathy 5 years ago and, in general, has done
therapy, the patient has NYHA class II symptoms. Today, quite well except for one cytomegalovirus reactivation
he specifically asks whether his valve should be fixed in within the first year. He reports that for the past 3
order to improve his survival. You should tell him: * months, he has noticed that with decreasing amounts
a. “If you were to have high pulmonary artery of exertion he has been having limiting dyspnea. He is
pressures or develop new atrial fibrillation, we adamant that he is experiencing no chest pain or
would move forward with valve repair.” pressure during these episodes. He has been perfectly
b. “In patients like you, valve repair has never compliant with his regimen of tacrolimus,
been shown to improve survival” mycophenolate mofetil, and low-dose prednisone.
c. “We should consider valve surgery only if repair Echocardiography reveals a normal LV function with
is possible. Replacement would not improve normal LV wall thickness. His resting ECG shows normal
your survival.” sinus rhythm at a rate of 80 bpm. Which of the following
d. “While surgical methods have not shown is the most likely cause of his symptoms? *
survival benefit, percutaneous mitral valve a. Antibody-Mediated rejection
repair has been shown to reduce mortality in b. Cellular Rejection
patients like you.” c. Coronary Artery Disease
e. “Yes, your valve should have been fixed years d. Endocarditis
ago.” e. Medication Side effect
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

55. Acute hyperkalemia is associated with which of the 61. You are evaluating a new patient in clinic. On cardiac
following electrocardiographic changes? * auscultation, there is a high-pitched, blowing,
a. QRS widening decrescendo diastolic murmur heard best in the third
b. Prolongation of the ST segment intercostal space along the left sternal border. A second
c. A decrease in the PR interval murmur is heard at the apex, which is a low-pitched
d. Prominent U waves rumbling mid-diastolic murmur. Sustained hand-grip
e. T-wave flattening increases the intensity of the murmurs. The murmurs
are heard best at end-expiration. There are also an S3
56. A 30-year-old man has an ejection fraction of 0.25 and and a systolic ejection murmur. The left ventricular
an end systolic volume of 150 ml. What is his end impulse is displaced to the left and inferiorly. Radial
diastolic volume? * pulses are brisk with a prominent systolic component.
a. 50 mL Blood pressure is 170/70 mmHg, heart rate is 98
b. 100 mL beats/min, respiratory rate 18 breaths/min. An
c. 150 mL electrocardiogram (ECG) is obtained in clinic. Which of
d. 200 mL the following findings do you expect on the ECG tracing
e. 250 mL for this patient? *
a. Diffuse ST-segment elevation and PR-segment
57. A 37-year-old male with Wolff-Parkinson-White depression
syndrome develops a broad-complex irregular b. Inferior Q-waves
tachycardia at a rate of 200 beats per minute. He c. Left-ventricular hypertrophy
appears comfortable and has little hemodynamic d. Low voltage
impairment. Useful treatment at this point might e. Right-atrial enlargement
include *
a. Digoxin 62. Which of the following is most characteristic of atrial
b. Amiodarone fibrillation?
c. Propranolol a. Occurs less frequently in patients with atrial
d. Verapamil enlargement
e. Direct-current cardioversion b. Ventricular heart rate is about 40 beats per min
c. Efficiency of ventricular pumping is
58. Which of the following events occurs at the end of the decreased 20 to 30 percent
period of ventricular ejection? * d. Ventricular beat is regular
a. A-V valves close e. Atrial P wave is easily seen
b. Aortic valve opens
c. Aortic valve remains open 63. A 54-year-old male is brought to the emergency
d. A-V valves open department with 1 hour of substernal crushing chest
e. Pulmonary valve closes pain, nausea, and vomiting. He developed the pain
while playing squash. The pain was improved with the
59. In the tracing below, what type of conduction administration of sublingual nitroglycerine in the field.
abnormality is present and where in the conduction His ECG is shown below. Emergent cardiac
pathway is the block usually found? * catheterization is most likely to show acute thrombus in
which of the following vessels? *

a. First-degree AV block; intranodal

b. Second-degree AV block type 1; intranodal
c. Second-degree AV block type 2; infranodal
d. Second-degree AV block type 2; intranodal

60. All of the following are associated with a high risk of a. Left anterior descending coronary artery
stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation except * b. Left circumflex coronary artery
a. Diabetes mellitus c. Left main coronary artery
b. Hypercholesterolemia d. Obtuse marginal coronary artery
c. Congestive heart failure e. Right main coronary artery
d. Hypertension
e. Age over 65
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

64. A 59-year-old woman with a prior history of depression 68. A 30-year-old male is transported to the emergency
and childhood asthma was referred by her GP to the room after a motor vehicle accident. He is complaining
cardiology clinic because of a new onset atrial of moderate chest pain. He becomes hypotensive, and
fibrillation. During the visit, the patient denied any his blood pressure pattern reveals a pulsus paradoxus.
cardiovascular symptoms. Physical examination The heart sounds appear distant. An examination of the
revealed a holosystolic murmur best heard at the apex neck veins fails to reveal a Kussmaul’s sign. An
and radiating to the axilla. The ECG showed atrial electrocardiogram is unremarkable, and a chest x-ray
fibrillation with a controlled ventricular response. An reveals an enlarged cardiac silhouette. A right heart
echocardiogram was obtained demonstrating severe catheter is placed. Which of the following values is
mitral valve prolapse with loss of coaptation, LVEF of consistent with this patient’s diagnosis? *
66%, and LVESD of 36 mm. Which of the following is the
best next step in the management of this patient? *
a. Vasodilator therapy
b. Exercise Doppler echocardiography
c. Elective mitral valve repair
d. Elective mitral valve replacement
e. Observe with echocardiographic annual follow-

65. During auscultation of the heart, the therapist hears S1 a. A

and S2 heart sounds. During early diastole the therapist b. B
also hears a low frequency sound of turbulence. What c. C
suspected abnormal heart sound should the therapist d. D
record? * e. E
a. S4 sound
69. A 60-year-old man’s EKG shows that he has an R-R
b. S3 sound
interval of 0.55 sec. Which of the following best explains
c. Heart Murmur
his condition? *
d. Pericardial friction rub
a. He has fever
b. He has a normal heart rate
66. Which of the following is most likely at the “J point” in
c. He has excess parasympathetic stimulation of
an EKG of a patient with a damaged cardiac muscle?
the S-A node
a. Entire heart is depolarized
d. He is a trained athlete at rest
b. All the heart is depolarized except for the
e. He has hyperpolarization of the S-A node
damaged cardiac muscle
c. About half the heart is depolarized 70. 55-year-old man complains of 6 months of shortness of
d. All of the heart is repolarized breath. He has new dyspnea on exertion and three
e. All of the heart is repolarized except for the pillow orthopnea. Lung auscultation reveals rales 2/3
damaged cardiac muscle bilaterally. He has 2+ pitting lower extremity edema.
Jugular venous pressure is estimated to be 14 cmH20
67. A 67-year-old man with a prior medical history of measured at a 45° angle. Chest radiograph reveals
hypertension and atrial fibrillation was referred for pulmonary infiltrates and an enlarged cardiac
cardiac consultation following a 2-year history of chest silhouette. Electrocardiography shows low-voltage in
discomfort on minimal exertion. His physical the precordial and limb leads. An echocardiogram
examination revealed a late peaking 3/6 ejection shows a dilated left ventricle, ejection fraction of 20%,
systolic murmur with a soft and single S2. An echo was mild mitral regurgitation, and a small pericardial
obtained showing left ventricular hypertrophy with an effusion. Which finding on cardiac examination would
EF of 62%, moderate right ventricular dysfunction, be consistent with this patient's diagnosis? *
moderate mitral regurgitation, a calcified aortic valve a. Absent S2
with a mean gradient of 29 mm Hg, and AVA of 0.7 cm2. b. Narrow pulse pressure
Which of the following parameters may not be a c. Paradoxical splitting of S2 with inspiration
contributor to paradoxical low-flow, low gradient severe d. Pulsus bisferiens
aortic stenosis? *
a. Hypertensive heart disease
b. Atrial fibrillation
c. Right ventricular dysfunction
d. Occult aortic regurgitation
e. Mitral regurgitation
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

71. New York Heart Association Classification (NYHA) * 74. A 65-year-old man was referred for cardiac consultation
following a 2-year history of dyspnea on minimal
exertion. He had a coronary angiography in the past
that revealed normal coronaries. His physical
examination revealed a 3/6 systolic ejection systolic
murmur across the precordium. An echo was obtained
showing left ventricular dysfunction with an EF of 38%,
a calcified aortic valve with a mean gradient of 29 mm
Hg, and AVA (aortic valve area) of 0.9 cm2. Which of the
following is the best next step in the management of
this patient? *
a. SAVR after coronary angiography
b. Left and right cardiac catheterization
c. Exercise treadmill testing
e. Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE)

75. What is expected hemodynamic response for a patient

on a beta-adrenergic blocking agent during exercise?
a. Heart rate to be low at rest and rise
minimally wit exercise
b. Heart rate to be low at rest and rise
continuously to expected levels as exercise
intensity increases
c. Systolic BP to be low at rest and not rise with
d. Systolic BP to be within normal limits at rest and
72. A 65-year-old former factory worker with a past medical progressively falls as exercise intensity
history of rheumatoid arthritis presents to your primary increases
care clinic complaining of fatigue. She also states that
she has the following symptoms: constipation, 76. You are evaluating Mr. Estevez, a 67-year-old owner of
constantly feeling cold even when the thermostat is set a wildly successful chain of sushi restaurants. He
on 80°F, brittle hair, and some lower extremity swelling. complains of shortness of breath with exertion, lower
You expeditiously measure her thyroid-stimulating extremity edema, and awakening at night feeling
hormone, which is greatly elevated at 79.4 mIU/L. In acutely short of breath. You wish to assess his volume
regard to the present condition of her cardiovascular status, and know that jugular venous pulse (JVP)
system, you expect a decrease in all of the following assessment is the single most important physical
measurements EXCEPT: * examination measurement to aid you in this component
a. Cardiac output of your evaluation. Which of the following statements
b. Heart rate regarding JVP measurement is true?
c. Pulse pressure a. If done properly, the angle of inclination
d. QT interval matters little to the measurement of JVP.
e. Systolic Blood Pressure b. In normal patients, the JVP rises with inspiration
due to the augmented volume loading of the
73. Mortality after mitral valve repair in patients with right heart
degenerative disease correlates with age, with an c. Measurement of the elevation of the top of the
average risk of 1% for patients below 65 years, 2% for JVP and the sternal inflection point (angle of
those aged 65 to 80 years, and 4% for octogenarians. Louis) will provide a highly accurate
Which of the following is not an independent predictor measurement of central venous pressure.
of postoperative survival? * d. The external jugular is preferred over the
a. Severe symptoms (NYHA class III or IV) internal jugular vein due to its ease of visibility.
b. LV dysfunction e. Venous pulsations above the clavicle in the
c. A regurgitant orifice area ≥ 40 mm2 sitting position are abnormal.
d. A large color Doppler jet appearance
e. The presence of long-standing atrial fibrillation
Week 1 – Cardiac Disease

77. An 80-year-old man had an EKG taken at his local 81. Which of the following is correct regarding the normal
doctor’s office, and the diagnosis was atrial fibrillation. anatomy and physiology of the pericardium? *
Which of the following statements are likely conditions a. It allows great distention of the cardiac
in someone with atrial fibrillation? chambers and increased cardiac filling
a. Ventricular fibrillation normally accompanies b. Congenital absence or surgical removal of the
atrial fibrillation pericardium is fatal
b. P waves of the EKG are strong c. The human pericardium consists of two
c. Rate of ventricular contraction is irregular distinct layers, the inner serosa and the
and fast outer fibrosa
d. Atrial “a” wave is normal d. Most of the innervation of the pericardium
e. Atria have a smaller volume than normal occurs via the vagus nerves
e. All of the above
78. All the following ECG findings are suggestive of left
ventricular hypertrophy except * 82. You are working in a rural health clinic in Northern India.
a. (S inV1 + R in V5 or V6) > 35 mm You evaluate an 8-year-old boy who has never seen a
b. R in aVL > 11 mm physician. His mother tells you that he is unable to keep
c. R in aVF > 20 mm up with his peers in terms of physical activity. On your
d. (R in I + S in III) > 25 mm initial examination of his skin, you notice clubbing and
e. R in aVR > 8 mm cyanosis in his feet, but his hands appear normal.
Without any further examination, you suspect that he
79. In the cardiac care unit, you are caring for a 69-year-old has which of the following congenital abnormalities? *
man with an inferior ST-segment elevation myocardial a. Atrial Septal Defect
infarction (MI). He has undergone successful urgent b. Dextro-Transposition of the great arteries (TGA)
percutaneous coronary intervention and is recovering. c. Patent ductus arteriosus with secondary
Later that day, he complains of shortness of breath and pulmonary hypertension
orthopnea. His vital signs show blood pressure of d. Tetralogy of Fallot
118/74 mmHg, heart rate of 63 beats/min, respiratory
83. A 45-year-old man is admitted to the intensive care unit
rate of 20 breaths/min, and oxygen saturation of 91%
with symptoms of congestive heart failure. He is
on room air. Lung examination shows crackles
addicted to heroin and cocaine and uses both drugs
bilaterally. On cardiac examination, the jugular venous
daily via injection. His blood cultures have yielded
pressure is elevated. There is a grade III/VI musical
methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus in four of
systolic murmur heard at the base of the heart with a
four bottles within 12 h. His vital signs show a blood
crescendo-decrescendo pattern. The intensity of the
pressure of 110/40 mmHg and a heart rate of 132
murmur does not change with respiration. The murmur
beats/min. There is a IV/VI diastolic murmur heard
does not radiate to the axilla. A two-dimensional
along the left sternal border. A schematic
echocardiogram is requested. Which of the following
representation of the carotid pulsation is shown in the
echocardiographic findings is most likely? *
figure below. What is the most likely cause of the
a. Eccentric mitral regurgitant jet
patient’s murmur? *
b. High frequency fluttering of the anterior mitral
a. Aortic regurgitation
b. Aortic stenosis
c. Respiratory variation in velocity across the
c. Mitral stenosis
mitral valve
d. Mitral regurgitation
d. Systolic anterior motion of the aortic (anterior)
e. Tricuspid regurgitation
mitral valve
e. Ventricular septal defect

80. What is the most common cause of obstruction to left

ventricular inflow? * 84. A patient with angina pectoris has been instructed to
a. Congenital mitral valve disease use sublingual nitroglycerine in case of acute anginal
b. Cor triatriatum attack. What are the primary effects of this medication?
c. Infective endocarditis with large mitral valve *
vegetations a. Vasoconstriction of the peripheral vessels
d. Mitral annular calcification b. Vasodilation of the coronary vessels
e. Rheumatic mitral disease c. Increasing myocardial oxygen consumption
d. Increasing the left ventricular end-diastolic

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