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Materia Medica of the

Local Health Traditions of Payyannur

Unnikrishnan E

Discussion Paper No. 80

Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development

Centre for Development Studies
Materia Medica of the
Local Health Traditions of Payyannur

E. Unnikrishnan

Discussion Paper

Rights reserved
First published 2004
Editorial Board: Prof. S. Neelakandan, Prof. P. R. Gopinathan Nair, H. Shaji
Printed at:
Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development
Published by:
Dr K. N. Nair, Programme Co-ordinator,
Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development,
Centre for Development Studies,
Prasanth Nagar, Ulloor,
Cover Design: Defacto Creations

ISBN No: 81-87621-83-4

Price: Rs 40
US$ 5

KRPLLD 2004 0500 ENG


1. Background of the Study 5

2. Local Health Traditions of Payyannur - An Overview 11
3. Raw Drug - Collection, Procurement and Processing 21
4. Biodiversity Perspective of the Materia Medica 29
5. Controversy on the Identification of Raw Drugs 46
6. Sustainable Harvesting - Problems and Prospects 53
7. Expanding Horizons 64
8. Conclusions 70
References 73
Appendix I – Materia Medica: A Checklist of Raw Drugs
Appendix II – Alphabetical List of Raw Drugs (Vernacular Name)
Materia Medica of the
Local Health Traditions of Payyannur

Unnikrishnan. E

1. Background of the Study

At the dawn of the 21st century, biologists and social scientists have identified the loss of
biological diversity and erosion of traditional knowledge-system as issues of the gravest
concern. Both biological diversity and traditional knowledge are inextricably interlinked like
the two sides of a coin – and so, the loss of one leads to the erosion of the other. As village
economies open up and markets get globalised, the local institutions, which supported
traditional processes of livelihood, are breaking down. Ripples of these changes adversely
affect the income, employment and cultural milieu of the communities. In this process the
knowledge-base that has accumulated over generations also gets swept away into oblivion.
This vanishing stock of knowledge is invaluable in many respects. It not only forms a
locally available low input technology but also provides useful hints for future technological
development. Appropriate interventions in the form of policy inputs, training, awareness
generation, documentation etc. can, in most cases, revitalise local traditions. Local health
traditions in the Indian villages are very good examples of this. Traditional health-care
systems provide a spectrum of local variations such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, folk
health traditions etc. Kerala has a host of these traditions still playing a vital role in the local
health-care sector. However, these systems have not yet been studied in depth. For various
reasons, some of these streams are on the verge of disappearance. The present work is an
attempt to study the status, problems and prospects of traditional health care systems in a
selected region in the North Malabar.

Kerala has a rich tradition of indigenous medicine and health care practices. Besides the
classical Ayurveda, which is still popular all over India, a number of local health care systems
such as Marma Chikitsa, Kalari, Vishavaidyam and other ethnic health care practices are
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I wish to express my sincere gratitude to KRPLLD for the financial support
and to Dr K. N. Nair who evinced keen interest in the progress of the project right from its inception. I am
obliged to all at KRPLLD Secretariat in CDS. I am greatly indebted to Sri. M. Amruth for accompanying me
during field work and for creative contribution for the preparation of the report. My special thanks are due
to Sri. T. P. Padmanabhan and Sri. M. Jayarajan of SEEK for encouragement. My heartfelt thanks are due
to Dr Anandan, Dr Sathish Chandran Nair and Dr S. Santhi who went through an earlier draft and offered
critical comments on the language, presentation, and the content of this report. Last but not the least, I thank
the traditional healers of Payyannur for sharing information with me in the course of this research.

Unnikrishnan. E is High School Assistant, Govt. High School, Bekur, Kasaragod.

prevalent here. Most of these systems of knowledge are unique and are often known only
to a few individuals and communities. These systems of healing make use of many medicinal
plants, which are endemic to the region. These systems play a crucial role in the health
service sector in Kerala. But this stream of health care is on the verge of a major breakdown.
The root cause of this crisis is mainly the loss of knowledge-base relating to raw drugs.
The rate of knowledge erosion is even faster than the rate of resource erosion. In the
absence of required raw materials in the right quantity and quality at the right time, these
ancient sources of healing are slithering into oblivion.

The traditional health care systems, including Ayurveda, were transmitted from generation
to generation by ‘Gurukula’ mode of instruction. In most cases, the knowledge-base was
kept strictly within the family circle. The apprentices lived with and learnt at the feet of the
masters who maintained a conventional oral tradition. The disciples prepared the medicines,
administered them and nursed the patients according to the instructions received from the
masters. The texts were sacred, and most of the texts were learnt by heart. Only after long
years of learning and experience could the apprentices become practitioners themselves.
Knowledge and experience were transmitted gradually, but completely, at a pace determined
by the master. The disciples did not attend any formal schools or undergo a specific,
prescribed curriculum. Their claim to practice was dependent on the intimate knowledge
which was passed on for many years by the Guru while he was treating each individual
case to the disciple.

In Kerala, modern mode of instruction in ayurveda began with the establishment of an

ayurveda school in 1889. A Department of Ayurveda was also established in the same year
by the Government. Facilities for learning ayurveda existed at Thiruvananthapuram, Kottakkal,
and Thrippoonithura even in earlier days. Titles awarded differed; in Thiruvananthapuram
it was Vaidyakalanidhi; Thrippoonithura – Ayurveda Siromani and Vaidyabhooshanam;
and at Kottakkal it was Aryavaidyan. In 1957 the then Health Minister, A.R. Menon, took
initiative to streamline the subject content of Ayurvedic courses in the State. Following
this, ‘Diploma in Ayurveda’ was awarded to those who completed the course. In 1973,
when N.K. Balakrishnan was health minister, hereditary practitioners of Ayurveda were
given chance to appear for an examination and on passing the examination they were awarded
Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine (DAM). Subsequently ‘A’ class registration was awarded
to the DAM holders. As part of the streamlining of Ayurveda education at national level, a
degree course was introduced. Admission to the course was later limited to those who had
studied biology at pre-degree level. With this step, many who were genuinely interested in
Ayurveda but who did not have formal education up to pre-degree level, were excluded.
The last quarter of 20th century was a period when the very identity of traditional Ayurveda
practitioners was seriously questioned. During the past three decades hereditary practitioners
of Ayurveda were getting displaced by Ayurveda ‘doctors’ who had undergone a prescribed
curriculum in an institution. This was literally the end of the traditional Gurukula mode of
instruction in ayurveda in the State. Hereditary practitioners reacted to this derogation by
sending their children for formal training in recognised Ayurveda colleges while imparting
their traditional skills within the family. In Payyannur nearly 70 percent of the ayurveda
‘doctors’ belonging to the age group 40-50 are from traditional healer families. However,

among the children of these doctors, very few have chosen Ayurvedic practice as their

Degree holders in ayurveda were given ‘A’ class registration, but no decision was taken
about the case of hereditary practitioners. So, in the official records they were in effect
portrayed as frauds practicing as medicine-men. Preparation of Arishtams and decoctions
was brought within the limit of Abkari Act and L3 license was made compulsory to prepare
them. Though it is necessary to have a valid license to manufacture Ayurvedic medicines,
one can sell them without holding a license. The official non-recognition of traditional
practitioners and the ambiguity about the preparation of machines have resulted in the fall of
the local health traditions.

Gurukula tradition of instruction is extant in some families of hereditary practitioners. Here

Ayurvedic instruction by a single master is given at the teacher’s residence. However, there
is no provision for giving registration to these apprentices. If this continues, folk medical
practices of Kerala with all its material knowledge and acquired wisdom will soon sink into
the oblivion.

As a form of folklore, folk medicine has many texts and textualism. No system of instruction
based on a preset syllabus, instructors and cases can substitute the multiplicity of meanings
and potentials for innovation that a folk practitioner enjoys. The concept of a community
of stereotyped medical practitioners is a part of a monolith healthcare institution. Our local
health care traditions open up avenues for choice in selecting treatment for diseases. Now
they are rapidly disappearance in the quick-sands of modernity and development.

Objectives of the study

The major objectives of the study are the following:

1. To prepare a ‘Materia Medica’ – an inventory of raw drugs of plant, animal and
mineral origin employed in the traditional health care sector in the selected region.
2. To assess the status of the raw drugs and knowledge-base associated with it.
3. To prepare an Essential Raw Drug List (ERD-list) for the traditional healing system
of Payyannur.

Study area

Focus of the study is the raw drug market of Payyannur. Payyannur town and nearby
Panchayats representing all the landscape elements and ecological features of the region
were selected for studying the habitat requirements, resource catchments and market channels
of the raw drugs. Three revenue villages that constitute the Payyannur Municipality viz.
Payyannur, Vellur and Korom - were selected for intensive study. The Ezhimala hills and
reserve forests of Pulingome–Vayakkara Panchayats also proved to be an important part of
the raw drug catchment. Panchayats such as Ramanthali, Karivelloor-Peralam, Kankol-
Alappadamba, Eramam-Kuttoor, Kunhimangalam, Cheruthazham, and Thrikkarippur formed
a larger catchment of raw drugs for Payyannur market. Together these areas represent all

the significant features associated with low land, midland and high-land classification of the


The materia medica1 , essentially, is a compendium of information on the herbal and non-
herbal drugs, their collection, procurement, processing and administration in the traditional
systems of health care. In other words, this compendium will provide an account of the
material culture associated with these streams of knowledge base. This is expected to be a
major documentation on vanishing health care traditions providing details of the existing
prescriptions and practices. In the context of our eroding traditional knowledge-base this
attempt gains importance.

The ‘materia medica’ is basically a synthesis of information from primary and secondary
sources. Collation from primary sources is the main work done in the first phase of the
study. A checklist of medicinal plants, drugs of animal and mineral origin was prepared
from Ayurvedic texts and from folk texts and palm-leaf manuscripts collected from the
local folk practitioners. Details of nearly 400 materials were thus collected from secondary
sources including manuscripts and medical prescriptions, from Payyannur region.

Folk practitioners were visited for exclusive interactions and local raw drug markets were
explored by detailed surveys and interviews. An open-ended questionnaire was employed
in the interviews. Field trips were made to the various ecologically important locations
(hotspots) which represented different landscape elements of Payyannur. Transect walks
were undertaken to identify and to take stock of medicinal materials.

Local raw drug markets were visited once a week and a comparative study was made of
the raw drug material collected from various shops of Payyannur. The materials collected
from different sources were identified by reference to pertinent literature and by comparing
with authentic specimens in the herbal gardens of Troppical Botanic Garden and Research
Institute (TBGRI), Kottakal Arya Vaidyasala (AVS), etc. Photographs were taken and a
herbarium of medicinal plants was maintained. Information on medicinal properties was
collected from Ayurvedic and rural folk practitioners and this was supplemented with
compilations from Ayurvedic texts. A draft inventory of the raw drugs was prepared soon
after the completion of the study. This was modified by incorporating the suggestions of
the traditional healers, para-taxonomists and scientists.

In summery the surveys focused on the following two aspects:

1 Knowledge associated with procurement, processing, prescription and practice of
traditional medicine.
2 The availability, demand and source of medicinal raw drug materials.

Review of Literature

The history of medicine and usage of medicinal plants in India can be traced back to the

time of Rigveda.2 The Susrutha Samhitha, written 3000 years ago, contains an exclusive
and comprehensive chapter on therapeutics. Similarly, Charakasamhita written at about
the same period provides a remarkable description of the materia medica of ancient Hindus.
Ashtaanga Hridayam is another ancient classical Ayurvedic text3.

Brihathrayi itself has a number of versions and interpretations. Kerala has a regional version
of Ayurveda, apart from the classical tradition. This Kerala school of Ayurveda has unique
medicines, practices, texts and raw drugs. Texts such as Sahashrayogam and Sarvaroga
chikitsaratnam are popularly used by vaidyas4 of Kerala in place of classical source books.
A number of texts provide unique composition of medicines and are still in use. Most of
these texts are in palm leaf-manuscripts and are in the possession of hereditary practitioners.
A number of medicinal plants are mentioned in these folk texts as well as in classical texts.
But many of them still remain to be properly identified.

The Europeans who arrived in India during the early period of colonisation initiated scientific
and systematic study of plants of the region. Even before the publication of Species Plantarum
by Linnaeus in 1753, several important books on Indian plants were published. This invited
the attention of western scholars to the richness of the flora of south and south-east Asia
(Manilal and Sivarajan, 1982)

In 1678 Henry Van Rheede began publishing in Amsterdam his monumental, 12 volume
work Hortus Indicus Malabaricus – a detailed treatise on the economically important plants
of Malabar. The book gained international acclaim as this formed the basis of nomenclature
of Indian plants for Linnaeus. About 760 plants are described in this book with detailed
illustrations. The texts of this book were written by Itty Achuthan (a folk practitioner from
Shertalai) along with two Konkan Brahmins named Ranka Bhat and Vinayak Bhat. Manilal,
et al (1988) provides a detailed interpretation of the book in the light of modern taxonomical
insights. Missionaries from Europe also evinced keen interest in the traditional health
practices. In 1881, Basel Mission, Mangalore published a book titled ‘Five Hundred Indian
Plants- their use in medicine and arts in Canarees’ on medicinal and economic plants with
vernacular names in Kannada, Tulu, Malayalam, and Konkani. The book describes a total
of 523 plants and also provides scientific nomenclature and common names in English.

There are a large number of modern books on Indian medicinal plants. The monumental
work of Kirtikar and Basu (1935) titled ‘Medicinal Plants of India’ gives information about
Indian medicinal plants with detailed illustrations. Dutt (1979) provides information on
commercial drugs of India.

The state departments and institutions have also taken up documentation of the medicinal
plants. The Copuncil of Scientific and Research (CSIR) New Delhi published a glossary of
the Indian Medicinal Plants (Chopra et al, 1956). The ‘Wealth of India’ series is another
initiative of CSIR, which is an exhaustive compilation of information on the economic and
medicinal importance of Indian flora, fauna and minerals (CSIR, 1976). Indian council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi published a Dictionary of Economic Plants in
India (Umrao Singh, 1964).

Among recent publications is ‘A Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants’ prepared by Arya
Vaidya Sala, Kottakal (Warrier, 1995), which gives us a complete account of medicinal plants
used in the Ayurvedic system of medication in Kerala. Iyyankar, (1994) gives necessary
details of raw drugs whose their synonyms, morphology, colour, surface, odour, taste, source
and active constituents are described with sketches and photographs. Sivarajan and Indira
Balachandran (1995) give interesting information on the materia medica of ayurveda and plant
sources. ‘Medicinal Plants of India’ by C. K. N. Nair and N. Mohandas (1998) gives a
checklist of medicinal plants with a short description of each plant. The book contains more
than 700 colour plates which help us to identify our invaluable natural resources. ‘Healing
plants of Peninsular India’ is a recently published book that compiles vernacular names in
Indian languages and local uses with colourful illustrations (Parrotta, 2001).

All these studies deal with the qualitative aspects of medicinal plants and traditional healing
system. Studies on the quantitative aspects of the raw drug availability and extraction are
few in number. First of this kind was the report submitted to the Kerala government by a
survey team headed by the Director, Indigenous Medicine for identifying the forest areas
where the cultivation of medicinal plants could be undertaken on a scientific basis. The
report provides a description on important medicinal plants and minor forest products of
Kerala, and estimates the requirement of raw drugs. A list of Ayurvedic medicinal plants
and their annual approximate requirements are also attached to this report (Govt. of Kerala,
1976). However, it is not clear from the report how the research team arrived at the estimated
figures of raw drug requirements.

Report on a survey on the medicinal plants of Kerala forests, prepared by Kerala Forest
Research Institute (KFRI) in 1985, provides a description of about 250 species of plants
(Nambiar, et al, 1985). Two recent research reports from KFRI discuss availability,
collection, utilisation, marketing and ecology of the medicinal plants and other Non Wood
Forest Products (NWFPs) from Kerala state. The studies relate to the products that are
currently being extracted as well as those that have market potential. Nair (2000) provides
details of 160 plants, their nomenclature, local name, description, ecology and distribution
at global and state levels. Another study (Sasidharan and Muraleedharan, 2000) assessed
the consumption of raw drugs, their sources of supply and dependency on forests by
Ayurvedic drug industry in North Kerala. Tropical Botanic Garnden and Research Institute
(TBGRI) had taken up a similar study in South Kerala. The study has identified 23 species
of medicinal plants that are in short supply and has recommended measures for their
sustainable harvesting (Pushpangadan et al, 1998).

2. Local Health Traditions of Payyannur: An overview

Local health tradition is rather a vague term largely used to distinguish ancient and culture-
bound health care practices, which existed before the application of science to health matters
as in the official modern scientific medicine or allopathy. Some frequently used synonyms
for local health tradition are indigenous, un-orthodox, alternative, folk, ethno, fringe and
unofficial medicine/healing. While discussing the legal aspects, Jan Stephan (1983) interpreted
the term ‘traditional medicine’ in a broad sense as:

a. Formalised traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani, and traditional

Chinese medicine

b. The practice of traditional healers as defined by an African expert group in 1976 in

the following terms:

“A traditional healer is a person who is recognised by the community in which he

lives as competent to provide health care by using vegetable, animal and mineral
substances and certain other methods based on the social, cultural, and religious
background as well as on the knowledge attitudes, and beliefs that are prevalent in
the community regarding physical, mental and social well being and the causation of
disease and disability.”

c. The practice of chiropractic,5 naturopathy, osteopathy,6 homoeopathy and even

Christian Science (Jan Stephen, 1983).

The definition of Jan Stephan encompasses all streams of health care systems other than
the modern medicine i.e. allopathy - as traditional system. Though Bannerman uses terms
such as ethno, folk, alternative etc. as synonyms at micro level, in other contexts they
denote different schools of health care practices (Bannerman et al, 1983). This is especially
so in the Kerala context. This chapter intends to examine the scope and uniqueness of
various health care traditions prevalent in the State.

Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani are the three major streams of Indian health care traditions.
Ayurveda and folk medicine are the two systems of health care in Payyannur which use
natural products as raw drugs, available in the study area.7

Ayurveda is a scientifically codified and theoretically structured area of knowledge. The

folk medicine on the other hand is a set of practices handed over from one generation to the
next, most of which are unwritten or not codified. However in Kerala both the streams
function as interconnected and mutually complementing systems of knowledge. The legacy
of traditional health care in Payyannur is a result of the fusion of these two, mega and
micro, streams of medicine. The present study uses the term ‘local health traditions’ to
denote both these streams of medicines.

Ayurveda: The great tradition

Ayurveda is a way of life. This ancient science of life deals with the physical, mental and
spiritual health of an individual, animals, birds, and even plants. The basic philosophy of
Ayurveda is based on the theory of Panchamaha bhootha (i.e. theory of five elements).
From this theory emerges the concept of controlling forces or doshas; i.e. vata, pitta, and
kapha (motion, energy and inertia) which act on the tissues (dhatus) giving rise to various
metabolic products i.e. mala. Every thing alive is controlled by these three forces or
thridoshas. It is believed that good health results from the balance of three forces of vata,
pitta, and kapha in harmony with one another.

The fundamental doctrines of Ayurveda encompass all sciences such as physical, chemical,
biological and spiritual. Ayurveda has two major schools i.e. Atreyas and Danwantharis.
The first one is the School of Physicians and the second one is the School of Surgeons
(Danukar and Thatte 1996; Kurup, 1983).

Ayurveda has eight specialised branches as given below:

1. Kaya chikitsa (Internal medicine)

2. Salya tantra (Surgery)
3. Salakya tantra (Management of diseases of eye, nose and throat)
4. Kumarabritya (Paediatrics)
5. Bhuta vidya or Graha chikitsa (Psychological medicine)
6. Agata tantra (Toxicology)
7. Rasayana tantra (Geriatrics)
8. Vajikarana tantra( Science of Aphrodisiacs)

These categorisations of specialities testify Ayurveda as a theoretically founded field of

science. Ayurveda must be considered a science by the most rigorous standards from the
viewpoints of methodology, epistemology and sociology of science.

At present Kerala does not have this idealised version of Brihatrayi. Most Practitioners in
Kerala refer to texts such as the Sahasrayogam, Dharakalpam, Yogamrutham,
Chikithsamanjari that are written either in Malayalam or in Manipravalam (a mix of
Malayalam and Sanskrit languages). These texts are also used for Ayurveda instruction.

The regional school of Ayurveda in Kerala has made significant contributions in the areas of
therapeutic procedures and medicines. This includes oushadha gana (groups of raw drugs)
such as dasapushpam, raw drugs such as chethi veru (roots of the Ixora) and pacha puzhu
(‘musk’ of civet cat), processed drugs such as kompanchadi, dhanwantharam, kasthuryadi

vayu gulika etc. and the therapeutic procedures such as navarakkizhi, dhara, pizhichil,
talam, tala pothichil etc.

Ayurveda in Kerala follows two traditions: the elitist and the subaltern. Both traditions are
remnants of a rich legacy of ayurveda once prevalent in the period of Buddhism in South
India. A caste-based society was yet to evolve at that time. The proponents of the first
stream were Ashtavaidyas who trace their origin to Vedic lineage. Ashta- vaidya tradition
prevailed in central Kerala and had followers in Payyannur also. Kunhaman Unithiri and
Edakkanam Kesavan Vaidyar were trained under the Kuttanchery Moose who lived in the
19th century. Mekkat Unnikrishnan Namboothiri, disciple of Thaikkattu Moose is the last
living member in this line. Expert medical practitioners of the Thiyya and Ezhava communities
represent the second stream. They are also known for their knowledge of Sanskrit and
legends. Itty Achuthan who prepared the text of Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, Uracheri
Gurikkal who instructed Herman Gundart in the basics of Sanskrit, Uppot Kannan who
wrote interpretation of Yogamrutham and Cholayil Kunjumami Vaidyar are some of the well
known figures in the subaltern school of traditional medicine in Kerala.

The tradition of Ayurvedic knowledge in Payyannur is also connected with sacred groves.
In the ritual dance poorakkkali performed in the sacred groves owned by the subaltern
groups such as maniyani and thiya communities, a distinct session is called ‘marathukali’.
This is an intellectual debate where various aspects of traditional philosophy such as tharka,
vyakarana, ayurveda, jyothisham, niruktham, vaiseshikam, yogam etc. are discussed.
Panikkar of those communities performs this role. This confirms that like upper classes,
the thiyas of the North Kerala were also educated in Sanskrit.

According to a folk saying the Ashatangahrudayam of Alathur Nambi is ineffective north of

Valapattanam River. A survey on the source books revealed that vernacular texts are more
popular than the Sanskrit texts such as Ashatangahridayam among the traditional practitioners
of Ayurveda (Table 2.1).

Folk medicine: The little tradition

Folk medicine is a kind of folklore promoted by a collective. Unlike Ayurveda this stream of
health care does not claim any strictly codified theoretical foundations. Various forms of
folklores can be categorised into three classes: artefacts, mentifacts, and sociofacts.
Sociofacts include folk custom and professional folklore. Customs are traditional rituals
embedded in the beliefs of people. These beliefs form the foundation of folk medicine; so
folk medicine assumes the status of customs. The tools and drugs used for treatment form
the part of folk material culture or artefacts. All the oral traditions and ritualistic arts etc.
are mentifacts. In summery folk medicine is a folk epistemology that brings together all the
diversity of folklore. Jaggi (1973) categorises the folk medicine as tribal medicine and rural
medicine. Since the Payyannur area does not have any tribal group the folk medicine of the
area constitutes only rural medicine.

Table 2.1 Number of Traditional Health Care Practitioners Following Various Texts
in the Study Area

Name of Source Book Language No. of Vaidyas

Following This Text
1 Ashtangahrudayam Sanskrit* 24

2 Susrutasamhita Sanskrit 4

3 Charakasamhita Sanskrit 4

4 Ashtangasamgraham Sanskrit 2

5 Kasyapasamhita Sanskrit 2

6 Sarngdarasamhita Sanskrit* 3

7 Baishajyaratnavali Sanskrit* 6

8 Chakradattam Sanskrit* 8

9 Sahasrayogam Malayalam 28

10 Jotsnika Malayalam 4

11 Sarvarokachikitsaratnam Malayalam 9

12 Yogamrutam Malayalam 3

13 Yogaratnapradeepika Malayalam 4

14 Asavarishtamanjari Malayalam 3

15 Palm leaves, Manuscripts Malayalam, Sanskrit 13

16 Oral instruction from Guru only 7

*A practitioner usually refer to more than one text; among practitioners Malayalam
translations are popular than Sanskrit texts.

Scheduled caste population constitute nearly three percent of the total population in Payyannur.
There are 647 SC families belonging to 8 communities such as Pulaya, Malayan, Velan,
Vannan, Pulluvan, Kuravan, Valluvan, and Chakliyan. Among them, except for Chaklia
community, all others have indigenous health care traditions. Among them Vannan community
is known for their expertise in paediatrics. The women obstetricians of the Malaya
community and the experts of the Kuravar, Velan, and Pulluvar communities in treatment
of poisoning especially by snakebites are acclaimed far and wide. This tradition of ethno-
medicine8 is the most interesting facet of the health care tradition of the region.

Branches and specialisations of local health traditions, and diagnostic and treatment

Indigenous health care traditions have two distinct ways of treatment – natural and super-
natural. The natural stream is symptomatic whereas the super-natural stream is etiological.
The symptomatic way is characterised by identification of the disease by direct symptoms
and treatment by means of natural medicine. In Ayurveda this stream consists of three
approaches such as samanam (cure), sodhanam (cleansing) and salyam (surgery). Natural
stream of treatment is also known as ‘Yukthi Vyaparyashraya Chikilsa’.

The super-natural streams assign specific causes to diseases. However, the cause or etiology
is conceived different from that of the modern medicine. In the folk belief the cause of a
disease could be anything like wrath of god, evil spirits, sorcery, black eye, violation of
taboos etc. In order to uproot the cause of the disease certain religious and ritualistic acts
are performed. This approach is known as “Daiva Vyapashraya Chikilsa” in Ayurveda.
This supernatural and spiritual healing is adopted mostly in the treatment of mental disorders
and poisoning.

Due to the high degree of mixing up it is not easy to categorise traditional medical practices
of Kerala into classical Ayurveda, Keraleeya Ayurveda, and folk medicine. In view of this
complex situation, the attempt here is to briefly evaluate different streams of medical
practices and to analyse the natural and supernatural elements related to them.

Home remedies

Home remedy is a set of insights in the health care acquired through experience and spread
by practice. The practitioners are mainly aged women in the household. Knowledge is
acquired through direct observation of the daily situations in which their elders applied it in
and around the households. Home remedies are relatively simple preparations and are
mostly single drug prescriptions. Here, magic and medicines act simultaneously. The
combinations could be natural (only medicine), super-natural (only magic) and magico-
medicinal (magic and medicine). The aged persons who have acquired special skills perform
the magic. Here treatment is performed as a service without monetary compensation.
Most of the home remedies are intended to solve health problems arising in the day to day
life such as fever, head ache, tooth ache, cough, eye diseases, and constipation. Preparations
of tooth cleaning materials, herbal shampoos, medicated oils, nethranjanam 9 etc. also are
a concern of this branch of folk knowledge.

There is a tradition of having Marunnu Kanji (medicated rice-gruel) in Kerala households.

This is taken during the month of Karkatakam (July-August). It is believed that one
course of Marunnu kanji will provide one years’ immunity against most common ailments.
Consumption of kanji is still practiced in the households of Payyannur. Ingredients of the
kanji are as follows: raw rice, bark of the drum stick tree, Vitis quadrangularis, Desmodium

triflorum, Phyllanthus amarus, Earva lanata, coriander, pulses such as green gram, horse
gram, fenugreek etc. There is also the tradition of preparing Marunnu Kanji with the
Navara variety of rice in place of ordinary raw rice.

‘Vevumarunnu’ is another home made medicine that is popular in Payyannur. The medicine
is recommended for women who have given birth. The medicine is believed to be effective
against anaemia, backache etc. It is a lehyam prepared by boiling 18 ‘bazaar medicines’10
such as sathakuppa, ayamodakam, ajali, uluva etc. in Thengin Pookkula Kashayam. The
Vevumarunnu is prepared and administered in the month of Karkitakam like Marunnu
Kanji. Though generally the month of Karkitakam is considered as famine month with
low economic resources, the raw drug market is active in this period of year due to the
demand for raw materials for the above mentioned medicines. It is estimated that raw drug
worth Rupees 2 lakhs is being sold in the month of Karkitakam in the Payyannur raw drug
market exclusively for the Vevumarunnu.

Certain ritualistic acts done in the context of household also may be considered as home
remedy. Kudam pidikkal is important among them. Senior women in the households
supervise the act. The ritual is performed for treating indigestion of children. A tray filled
with Gurusi 11 water is placed in front of the child with swollen belly. A wick is light up and
placed over a stone kept in the Gurusi water. A mud pot is used for covering the wick as
the wick shuts off water from the tray enters the pot. The child is administered ginger,
chilly etc. accompanied by chanting. Here a simple scientific principle is enacted as a
supernatural phenomenon to gain the confidence of the patient. The ginger and chilly are
the actual medicines that are known to be appetisers that help quick digestion.

Thirambupidutham is a remedy for sprain on the back. Here also belief and medicine work
complementarily. The patient and the assistant of the medicine man hold two plantain-
sheaths on their hips.The medicine man pours an herbal extract over the sheath. The
sheath starts bending. As both the sheaths meet they are cut with a sharp knife. It is
believed that this will cure the sprain. The herbal extract is the actual medicine here.
Formerly, there was a ritual called Poyya edukkal that was performed to ward off fever.
In this the body from top to bottom is massaged and the fever is believed to be removed.

Experts in special areas (Ekaroga Chikilsakar)

In modern medicine and Ayurveda, specialisation is attained by gaining expertise in treating

diseases pertaining to certain organs or age groups, whereas in the Nattuchikilsa
specialisation is usually attained in treating certain specific types of diseases. These
specialists would have inherited certain ‘ultimate’ medicines for just one disease. Most
practitioners of this category consider treatment as a part-time profession only. For that
matter, their service is mostly available free of cost. In Payyannur such practitioners treat
diseases such as jaundice, boils (kuru) and erysipelas (chop or karappan). They are
reputed to employ some of the most effective medicines and medicated oils. Most of these
practices are not mentioned in the conventional Ayurvedic texts. Any number of examples

can be quoted: The most commonly used medicines in treating jaundice such as Kinattil
koova (Leginandra sp.), Kinattil thamara (Pistia sp.) and Kaithamula (stilt roots of Screw
pine-Pandanus sp.), Vattappalam (Clerodendrum infortunatum) that are used for opening
and draining the boils are not mentioned in the conventional ayurvedic texts.

Visha Chikitsa (Remedy for poisons)

Visha chikitsa tradition has two distinct branches in Kerala: one Dravidian and the other
Aryan. Among these, the Dravidian tradition is believed to have originated from two legendary
healers - Cherullippattar and Nanjunda Nathar. It was the Karatt Namboothiri who introduced
an Aryan legacy in vishachikilsa to public by exposing the text-jyotsnika. Until then this
text remained a monopoly of Brahmin practitioners (Menon, 1997). More than the classical
ayurveda-vishachikilsa-texts such as Agathathanthra in source books, it is the Kerala
texts of visha chikilsa, which is popular among the practitioners of Kerala.

Though vishachikitsa distinguishes poisons of animal and plant origin as jamgama visham
and sthavara visham and deals with all subcategories in detail, the emphasis is on snake
poison. There are two distinct streams in the vishachikilsa- visha vaidyam and vishavidya:
the first one is natural and the latter is supernatural. Until the first half of the 20th century
it was the supernatural stream that had prominence. Treatment of snakebites had assumed
importance from very early times in Kerala where one would have frequent encounters
with serpents. Services of traditional healers were necessary in remote localities were
modern antivenin treatment had not reached. The importance and high social status enjoyed
by the visha vaidyan is reflected in the local proverbs and sayings. Even now 20 percent
of the traditional healers in Payyannur are specialists of visha vaidyam. A vast majority, to
the tune of 80 percent, of the snake bite cases in the Payyannur area is treated at
Parassinikadavu Vishachikilsa Kendram. Here a holistic approach is adopted, where modern
antivenin based treatment and the practices of traditional vishachikilsa are combined. A
traditional centre for treating natural poisoning still functions in the Kangol-Alappadamba –
the neighbouring village of Payyannur.


Kalaris constituted an indispensable part of the traditional village system and were training
centres of martial arts. Popularity of the kalarichikilsa or marmachikilsa was due to
Kalari tradition. Origin of the marmachikilsa was as a package of medication and
physiotherapy to treat physical damages occurring during the practice of Kalari. Therefore
main practitioners of this mode of treatment were mainly instructors of kalari.
Marmachikilsa was especially popular among the communities such as Maniyani, Thiya
etc. who were the soldiers and guards during the feudal period. Expertise in kalari was
necessary for performing folk rituals such as teyyam and poorakkali. Special massaging
oils are used for straightening out dislocated joints and for loosening damaged tendons and
muscles by soft massage. Bone fractures are treated with green drugs and marmagulika.
In a special massage called chavitty thadaval, the massager, hanging on a rope tied to the
roof, applies pressure with his foot by stepping on the patient. This massage treatment

was indispensable for those who practice Kalari and perform kathakali - a classical dance

Now there is only one kalari in Payyannur. Chanthan Memorial Kalarisamgam at Annur is
now actively functioning under the leadership of C.V.Narayana Gurukkal. ‘Marma gulika’
made by Pullanjikkotte Gurukkal of Kandoth Kalari was famous. This Kalari was closed
following the demise of Gurukkal. At present, the daughter of the Gurukkal is selling this
home made medicine. Some of these kalaris have become temples. Some of the medicinal
plants commonly used for treating bone and ailments related to muscles in Marmachikilsa
are: Odayar valli (Rhaphidophora sp.) Mukkannan Peruku (Allophyllus serratus), Uppiliam
(Asystasia chelanoides), Elluketty (Lytsia sp.), Irachiketty (Hydyotis auricularia) etc.

Balavaidyam (Paediatrics)

Balavaidyas of north Kerala are mostly folk practitioners from peruvannan community.
They are mostly consulted for treating ailments of children such as bronchitis, epilepsy,
etc. One of the main components of the medicines used by these healers is medicated
ghee prepared with rare and powerful medicinal plants. It is this branch of traditional
medicine that makes maximum use of materials of animal origin such as: mother’s milk,
eggs of red ant, ant lion, earthworm etc. Some of the unique medicinal plants used by
these traditional paediatricians are: Pachilaperumal (Malaxis rheedi), Paramullu
(Lepidagathis keralensis), Chethi (Ixora coccinia) etc. Kulachammi (Spirogyra sp.) is an
alga used as medicine in treating epilepsy. However, its therapeutic properties are not
reported from any other region.

Unmadachikilsa (Psychiatry)

In Payyannur this branch is a mix of Ayurveda and folk tradition. Psychiatry called as
grahachikilsa in Ayurveda, is known as kirikachikilsa in the folk stream. Some texts in
palm leave describe 18 different kinds of mental disorders. Sankhupushpam (Clitorea
turnates), Sarpagandhi (Rauwolfia serpentina) etc. are the main medicines used in this

Mattuchikilsa (Animal husbandry)

Ayurveda has a separate branch that deals with treating of animal diseases. This is known
as Mrugayurvedam. In Payyannur this branch belongs to folk tradition. Most of the
seasoned farmers knew medicines for the common ailments of their cattle. Until a few
decades ago there used to be healers who specialised in treating ailments of household
animals. But now there hardly exists anyone who practices this stream of therapy. Some
of the medicinal plants used in the traditional animal husbandry are: Kotasari (Cassia hirsuta),
Thazhuthama (Borhaevia diffusa), Koval (Coccinia indica) etc.

A stream of supernatural healing existed in the traditional animal husbandry. Puzhuvilakku

is one among them. This is used for treating wounds on the cattle. In this, medicine is not

applied directly to the body of diseased animal; instead medicine is deposited in a pit identified
as the position of wound on the sketch of the animal drawn with knife over a mud wall.
The thick juice of the leaves binds the medicine to the pit. As the juice of the medicine
dries up, worms drop dead from the wound of the cattle and the wound heals. The medicine
leaves are collected in numbers five, seven and nine after circumambulation of the plant
three times. This trick has been tried on human also with positive results. Kodakkattu
Kannapperuvannan, the well known theyyam performer and folk healer, practices this healing
technique even now.

Peretuppu (Midwifery)

Peretuppu is a completely extinct traditional folk stream of midwifery, which is distinct

from that of the ‘care during pregnancy’-practiced by elderly women in the family.
Traditionally women from Malaya community acted as midwives. There are many traditional
midwives in Payyannur who have attended more than a thousand deliveries. These midwives
knew certain medicines such as Menthonni (Gloriosa superba) and Mayilosikha, which
are effective in dealing with complicated cases of delivery. Certain procedures using
Menthonni, known as lamgali prayogam, produce surprising results by smoothening
complicated deliveries. Such folk knowledge in obstetrics is now on the verge of extinction.

Daiva Vyapasrayachikilsa (Devotional treatment)

Curing the ailments by pleasing god is the essence of this mode of treatment. The core
procedure in this mode of treatment is making offerings and praising the deity by singing
hymns. A combination of the two major streams - devotional and rational treatments – is
some times practiced. These constitute the psychological interventions in folk medicine.

The concept of a cure deity is a unique feature of this tradition. Wrath of a deity is
identified as the root cause of the disease and it is believed that the only cure for the ailment
is pleasing the deity. Supernatural aetiology (folk aetiology) is attributed to all diseases and
magico-religious remedies are employed in treating them.

Payyannur has a strong tradition of cure deity worship. Cheerma who is the goddess of
small pox is the principal deity in most worship centres associated with sacred groves.
The Mariyamma worshipped by Chakliya community also is a cure deity. Traditionally
when small pox is reported in the village, oracle of the Cheerma visits each house to bless
the devotees by giving them turmeric powder. This tradition continued in the villages of
Payyannur until two decades back. That turmeric has anti-microbial properties is worth
remembering here.

Another tradition associated with smallpox epidemic was the performance of the Thee
Chamundi Theyyam – a folk ritual where the performers walk through a big heap of
burning charcoal. The fire heap prepared prior to the performance was usually a big
bonfire; the temperature of which was capable of sterilising the surrounding.

It is common that special offerings are promised by patients or their families to specific
deities for recovery from ailments. In temples at Meenkulam and Muthukattu sacred
grove, feeding the sacred fish is an offering observed for curing skin diseases.

Thoovakkadi is a kind of skin allergy. A mother goddess, Thoovakkali is believed to be

the cure deity for this disease. The traditional solution for this disease is to offer tender
coconut to the deity. Thoovakkaran, god of the Kottanachery Kavu at Vellur is also
believed to be a cure deity of this skin disease. Broomstick made of Choothu (Eriocolon
sp.) plant is the main offering here.

Infertility and skin diseases are attributed to the wrath of serpent gods. Half of the sacred
groves in Kerala are centres of serpent worship. Karippal serpent grove is one of the famous
groves in the vicinity of Payyannur. Childless couples conduct special prayers here.

Since these devotional remedies are carried out in temples, they can be called ‘sacred
medicines’. Sacred medicines indicate the holistic nature of the traditional ways of healing.
Temples, customs and the rituals associated with them also have health implications. Some
of these are consciously devised. The temple culture always had a hidden agenda of health
associated with it. It was the Vedic schools associated with temples that promoted Ashta
Vaidya families. Apart from supernatural ways of healing and emotional services, in some
temples certain medicines are also administered. The medicine given as prasadam at
Thiruvizha temple at Cherthala is believed to be an effective remedy against mental disorders,
leprosy, dropsy etc. Valiyenna is medicated oil prepared at Sastha temple at Thakazhi
using 84 bazaar medicines and 64 green herbs. This oil is believed to be a panacea for all
kinds of illnesses. Such rational treatments carried out in the spiritual background are
present in Payyannur also. Turmeric prasadam of the Cheemeni Mundya temple is believed
to be a panacea by devotees. Turmeric is effective against a broad spectrum of microbes.

Thachumanthram is a curative ritual practiced in the domestic environment. It is practiced

mainly to treat evil eye. Traditionally, magicians of Malaya community practice this. Main
ritual of the Thachumanthram consists of fanning the whole body with twigs of Nochi
(Vitex negundo). Some of the non-conventional treatment concepts such as Teliotherapeutics
, Spiritual Healing, and Universal Life Energy are being hotly discussed now. Mikao Usuui
known as the father of Reiki, a non-conventional mode of treatment which has become
popular even in western countries, was inspired by certain Indian traditions and Buddhist
sutras. In this context ‘irrationality’ in our primitive systems of supernatural treatments
needs to be re-examined.

3. Collection, Processing, and Distribution of Raw Drugs

The history of raw drug sales in Payyannur is less than a hundred years old. The first
shop was established by Narasimhan, a Konkan Brahmin, some 80 years ago. However,
the tradition of ayurveda can be traced back to several centuries. Therefore, it can be
guessed that a market channel for these medicines could have existed for many centuries.
In order to trace this history, we should study the old trade relations of Payyannur with the
east and the west coast.

Payyannurpattu - the ballad of Payyannur, believed to have been written in the13th century,
provides evidences for the commercial relations of Payyannur with the east coast. This
might have enabled the Vaidyas of Payyannur to procure raw drugs that were not available
locally. Merchant groups such as Kolanchiyar, Valanchiyar, Anchuvannam and Mani
gramam were also operating during this period. Kawwai, presently the 24th ward of the
Payyannur municipality, was the headquarters of the northern most Taluk of the British
Malabar. This was a preferred port until the beginning of the 20th century.

The migrating traditional healers and traders were instrumental in introducing many raw
drugs that were not locally available. Local names of certain drugs such as Seemakottam,
Cheenappavu, Bilathikonjan, Arabikunthirikkam etc. suggest their introduction from
elsewhere. The prefixes in their names such as seema, cheena, bilathi, arabi etc. indicates
the localities such as Himalayas, China and Middle East, suggestive of the trade relations
that existed with these regions. A two-century old palm leaf manuscript collected as part
of the present research work also deals with the medicines mentioned above. Before the
establishment of the raw drug market at Payyannur, traditional medical practitioners
purchased raw drugs from the Thalassery market which used to be the commercial centre
of the British Malabar and fresh drugs from the Vatakara weekly market fair which is
extant even now. At present there are eight raw drug markets in Payyannur; among them
three shops also sell fresh herbal raw drugs. These raw drug markets have an approximate
annual turnover worth Rupees 57 lakhs. This does not include sale of Ayurvedic medicines
manufactured and marketed by companies.

Raw drug market of Payyannur is monopolised by Konkan Brahmins.12 It might have been
these Konkan traders who supplied local traders of Payyannur with raw drugs through
centuries. Konkan traders might have arrived much before the arrival of the Portuguese in

Market channels

Permanent market channels were formed as better transportation facilities developed.

Products from Tamil Nadu, Himalayas, China and Seychelles Island are now sold in the
raw drug market of Payyannur. The exact route of these products and other details of
their market movements are not obvious. Before reaching the end user, each product
passes through a number of agents and middlemen.

Raw drugs may be categorised into four types, based on their location of procurement
1. Locally collected drugs
2. Drugs procured from other regions of the State
3. Drugs procured from other states of India
4. Drugs procured from outside India

1. Locally collected drugs

Nearly 84 percent of the drugs used in Payyannur are locally available. Nevertheless,
about 50 percent of the required drugs are procured from outside. Erosion of knowledge
of the availability of raw drugs in the locality is the reason for this. Originally, the
responsibility of collecting raw drugs and preparing medicines was vested with the family
members of the patient. This was done under the supervision and advice of the physician
who provided the list of raw drugs and quantity to be used and mode of preparation of the
medicine. Locally known plant collectors were also engaged to procure rare and hard-to-
get items. Now due to the erosion of knowledge-base, it is almost impossible to prepare a
medicine without seeking the help of the professional plant collector or the raw drug

2. Drugs procured from other regions of the State

These are locally non-available or inadequately available drugs procured from other districts
of Kerala. Most of these drugs are collected either from forestlands or from marginal lands
by plant collectors including tribal people. They reach raw drug market of Payyannur
through a network of drug collectors, traders, middlemen etc. In the Payyannur market
the major chunk of the green drugs consisting of roots of herbs arrive from the Wednesday
market fair at Badagara. Among the NWFPs collected from the Kerala forests by tribal
people, 80 are raw drugs. The medicinal plants collected through the tribal co-operative
societies are sold out through the apex body called ‘Scheduled Caste and Tribal Development
Co-Operative Federation’. However, this does not give a complete picture of the raw
drugs procured from the forest because tribal societies procure only those medicinal plants
that are included in the MFP list. The drugs that are not included in the MFP list are also
collected and sold to traders (Sasidharan and Muralidharan, 2000).

3. Drugs procured from other States of India

It is from neighbouring States that some of the locally non-available drugs are brought to
the markets in Kerala. One of the major catchments of such drugs is the Himalayas. These
drugs, originally collected by hill tribes, reach the Delhi-Amruthsar markets from where
they are distributed to different parts of the world. These drugs pass through the hands of
local collectors and traders of national and regional markets before reaching the end user.
No Information is available on these traders and the volume of the trade. Some of the
locally available drugs such as Jeevakam (Malaxis rheedii) are alleged to be traded in
national market before they reach local markets for sale.

4. Drugs procured from outside India

Aklarithenga (Kernel of Lodacia maldivica), Cheenappavu (Smilax china) Thakkolam

(Ilicium verum) are some of the raw drugs procured from outside India. Some materials
of animal origin also reach the local market from outside India e.g. Amber gris. See Table
3.1 for a list of exotic drugs and their original location.

Table 3.1 Some Exotic Drugs of Payyannur Raw Drug Market

Name of the raw Trade name Scientific name Collected from

Athividayam Atis Aconitum ferox Himalayas
Akilkaruka Akarkara Anacyclus pyrethrum North Africa
Aklarithenga Double coconut Lodacia maldivica Seychelles islands
Badam badam Prunus amygdalus Himalayas
Caralam Chir Pinus roxburghii Himalayas
Chinappavu Chobechini Smilax china China, Japan
Devadaram Deodar Cedrus deodara Himalayas
Erattimadhuram Liquorice Glycyrriza glabra Garhwal, central Asia
Ilippapoovu Mahua Madhuca latifola M.P., Orissa
Jatamanchi Jatamansi Nardostachys Sikkim, Himalayas
Kadurohini Kutki Picrorhiza Sikkim, Himalayas
Karkadashringi Kakra Pistacia chinensis North East, Kashmir
Kiriyath Chiretta Swertia chiretta Himalayas
Kottam Kuth Saussarea lappa Chenab Basins
Kumkumappoovu Kesar Crocus sativus Kashmir
Mahamedha Mahamedha Polygonatum Himalayas
Nanmukhappullu Nanmukhappullu Actinopteris Attappady
Peetharohini Mamira Pellitory Coptis teeta South Europe
Sikkim Himalayas
Salamishri Salap Orchis latifolia Central Nepal
Sambrani Salai Boswellia serrata M.P
Thakkolapputtil Illicium Illicium verum S.China
Vayambu Vacha Acorus calamus Sikkim Himalayas

Classification of the raw drugs

According to the Charaka Samhitha a raw drug or medicament is that substance which is
the causal matter of a product, or, in other words, it is that on which the medicine’s action
and properties are dependent. A medicine is prepared from a raw drug. It is this preparation
or purification or processing that converts a raw drug into a medicine. According to
Vagbhata there is nothing in the universe that cannot be used as medicine (Ashatanga
Hrudayam soothrasthanam).

Charaka has classified drug materials into three classes: Jamgamam (animal origin),
Oudbhidam (plant origin) and Parthivam (Mineral origin). There exist more comprehensive
classifications of the drug materials based on their pharmacognosy, morphology etc.
However, for the present study on the raw drug market, the Charaka classification is
found to be more relevant. The materials of plant origin are various plant parts such as
leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots, tubers, bark, heart wood, gums, resins etc. Materials
of animal origin include animal parts such as teeth, horns, faecal matter, milk, secretions,
shells etc. Materials of mineral origin constitute metals and minerals that are used as

More than 800 materials of plant origin obtained from 595 species are used as raw drugs
in Payyannur. Ninety-five materials of animal origin obtained from 60 species of animals
are also used as raw drugs. There are 40 different materials of mineral origin that find their
way into the materia medica of Payyannur.

Based on the availability, raw materials of plant origin are classified into three groups: wild
plants species, cultivated species, and exotics. There are 396 species of wild plants, 102
species of cultivated plants and 89 species of exotic plants among the raw drugs in the
materia medica of Payyannur. 17.5 percent of the medicinal plants are commonly cultivated
in the home gardens and 15 percent are exotic. 101 different raw drugs of animal origin
are obtained from 61 species (include 35 different substances such as milk, urine, shell
etc.). Among this, 90 percent is locally available. 90 percent of the drugs of mineral origin
are brought in from other parts of the country or from abroad.

The raw drugs of plant origin may be classified into dry and green drugs. The dry drugs
are locally referred as Angadimarunnu (bazaar medicine) or Pettimarunnu. Green drugs
are also called Parimarunnu or Pachamarunnu.

From the point of view of accessibility, raw drugs can be categorised in to seven groups as below:
1. Green drugs sold in the market (G)
2. Green drugs that are not sold in the raw drug market but collected directly from
immediate surroundings or from the vegetable market (C)
3. dry drugs procured from other regions (D)
4. Dry drugs that are locally collected (DL)
5. Semi-processed materials such as oil, powder, sago etc. (DP)
6. Substitutes for established raw drugs (S)
7. Adulterants (A)

Processing, storage and sale in raw drug market

Except a few items which are used as green drugs in fresh form, most of the drugs are
dried before sale. Majority of the dry drugs arriving in the market are sun dried rhizomes
and seeds. Some of the raw drugs are available in processed, semi processed and raw
forms, in the market. For instance, turmeric rhizome is sold in the market in five different
forms such as Pacha manjal (fresh rhizome), varattu Manjal (sliced and boiled form),
Unakka Manjal (Sun dried), Manjal podi (Pulverised form) and as sindooram (turmeric
powder blended with lime powder).

According to Parasuram (1981) nearly 50 percent of raw drugs are lost due to unscientific
storage. Bio-deterioration of the stored seeds is common under tropical climatic conditions
due to infestation of fungus and bacteria. Besides causing deterioration, fungus infestation
also results in accumulation of aflatoxins that are extremely harmful to living tissues. Thus
using seeds infested with microbes may not only reduce the quality and efficiency of
medical preparations but may also be harmful (Mohanan et al, 1981). Most of the plant
parts reaching the shops in fresh form will be dumped in the godown only to be infested
with fungus. Raw drugs in such unhealthy conditions are very often sold in the market.
Ayurvedic medicines, unlike that of the allopathic medicine, do not have any expiry period
before which it has to be sold. So efficacy of most of the raw drugs sold today is

Raw drug market of Payyannur follows certain traditions in sale of medicines which are
different from that of the markets in other areas of the state. Metric measures and weights
are not used. Instead old measures such as Kazhanju, Palam etc are still being followed.
In other localities, each component of a prescription is packed separately and the customer
needs to measure and apportion the drugs before preparation of the medicine, whereas in
the markets of Kannur and Kasaragod districts, all the raw drugs are apportioned ready for
preparation of the medicine and each dose is packed separately so that for a seven day
course of Kashayam seven Kashayappoti (raw drug packet) will be given. Similarly, all
bazaar medicines and fresh medicines are supplied to the customer in the ready-to-use

The process of apportioning raw drug is a job that demands high degree of concentration.
A properly cut hard wood bole is used as a platform and a specially made heavy knife is
used for cutting the dry plant parts placed over the platform. As each piece of drug has to
pass through the medicine man’s fingers, any wrong entry of raw drugs is easily identified
and eliminated. The advantage of the system is provision for standardisation of quality
and quantity of the drug packs. The disadvantage is that once different medicines are cut
and pooled, it is difficult to detect whether an item has been substituted, or excluded from
the list. In the olden days, the prevalence of a high degree of ethics in the traditional
medical field prevented such occurrences. However, experience shows that this is no
longer true in the case of Payyannur market.

There are 750 licensed and 1000 unregistered Ayurvedic medicine-manufacturing units in
the state. Kannur alone has 29 small scale, 6 medium scale and 3 large-scale registered
Ayurvedic medicine-manufacturing units. (Sasidharan and Muraleedharan, 2000). As in
other fields, Ayurvedic ready-made preparatory medicines are also sold in large-scale.
Annual turnover of ready-made medicines alone in the ten retail Ayurvedic pharmaceutical
outlets is to the tune of rupees two crores. As was common in the past, very few
practitioners continue to recommend home made kashayas or treat with their own medicines.
Mohana Shenoy (50), a seasoned raw drug vendor in Payyannur recollects that most
popular massage oils among the old generation of Payyannur were asana vilwadi and
asana eladi. People prepared their own massage oil. For that purpose every day at least
30 packets of medicine-mixes of those oils were sold in those days. Now hardly anybody
knows how to prepare Vaira thailam, and Pancha moothrarishtam - two highly effective
medicines against epilepsy. There were a number of reliable plant collectors here. Therefore,
it was possible to supply fresh green medicine to the customers. Today plant collectors
have to be engaged exclusively for collecting specific medicines because of which the cost
of medicine has increased. This happens because the plant collector usually demands a
full days’ wage even if the medicine collected is just a handful. Moreover, it is hard to find
experienced raw drug collectors now-a-days. There are only two plant collectors who
supply the requirements for Shenoy’s shop now. Krishnan (55) who has been working as
raw drug compounder in an important raw drug shop in Payyannur for the past 35 years
states that most of the medicinal combinations that were commonly prescribed until three
decades ago have now become very rare. This indicates the serious erosion of knowledge
associated with the raw drugs and their use over time.

Fig. 3.1 Approximate annual turnover of Ayurvedic shops

Thari marunnu 4%
3% Offerings
Pettimarunnu 28%
Prepared medicine

Annual requirements and collection of the Raw Drugs

An attempt to quantify annual requirement of the medicinal plants at state level was made
under the State initiative. The survey team constituted by the Kerala Government considered
it necessary to find out and locate the forest areas in which cultivation of medicinal plants
could be undertaken on a scientific basis. This team prepared a list of plants of medicinal
value in Ayurveda and estimated their approximate annual requirements. For preparing the
estimate, the report says “the total number of patients in the state as a whole is not available.
Figures are available with reference to government Ayurveda hospitals. The doctor to
patient ratio in government hospitals is considered applicable with reference to government
ayurveda hospitals. The doctor patient ratio in government hospitals is applicable in case
of private dispensaries as well. On this basis it is estimated that there will be 1,01,50,000
patients in Kerala resorting to ayurvedic treatment. The requirements of raw materials in
Kerala are worked out on this basis. Unregistered physicians and self-treatment at home
will not be covered by this estimate” (Government of Kerala, 1976). There are certain
other studies, which deal with the annual requirements of medicinal plants. There is wide
disparity among the figures given in various studies (see Table 3.2.)

Table 3.2 Approximate Annual Requirement of Selected Medicinal Plants (All figures
in Tonnes)

Name of drug Annual approximate requirement (based on various reports)

Govt. of Kerala Nambiar Aryavaidyan Journal
(1976) (1986) (1992)
Kurunthotti 18100 800 3000
Sataveri 4670 125 2000
Palmuthukku 2360 425
Nellika - - 1500
Neeli - - 400
Chittamruth 10000 150 -
Kuvalam 5900 65 -

These studies also lack methodological rigour. There is no information as to how the
researchers have arrived at the various estimates on the requirement of the medicinal
plants. Recently Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) and TBGRI have taken up studies
for assessing the consumption of medicinal plants in North and South Kerala (Pushpangadan
et al, 1998; Sasidharan and Muralidharan, 2000) [Table 3.3].

Table 3.3 Annual Consumption of Raw Drugs by the Medicine Manufacturing Units
in Kannur (all figures in kg)

Name of raw drug Consumption Average

Kurunthotti 14591 384
Sataveri 9643 254
Nellika 12326 324
Adalodakam 5998 157
Kuvalam 5610 148
Chittamruth 11515 303
Source: Sasidharan and Muralidharan (2000)

Most researchers have pointed out the non-availability of data as a major hindrance in
arriving at the estimates of quantity of raw drug traded at the national and international
markets, their market share, economic value, etc. (Farensworth, 1988; Ved and Anjana,
1994). Farensworth observes: on a “… global basis it appears that the only consolidated
source of information on the monetary value of medicinal plants entering in global commerce
is that provided by the International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/GATT). The most recent
compilation of data from this agency involving medicinal plants and their derivatives was
published in 1982. However, this information must be considered as grossly incomplete.
UNCTAD/GATT compiled data on species; a survey of world markets and ‘Markets for
selected essential oils and oleoresins”. Since many species and essential oils have, in
addition to food uses, medicinal applications the problem of analysis of the global importance
of ‘medicinal plants’ becomes further complicated.” (Farensworth, 1988). Difficulty in
gathering data on the raw drug requirements on local level has been described by Sasidharan
and Muraleedharan (2000): “Non-tribes gather medicinal plants from homesteads and forest
areas and sell them to different traders. Further, some of the medicinal plants are obtained
from outside the state. Thus gathering information on total quantity of medicinal plants
collected from different sources directly is rather difficult”.

Information on the requirement of raw drugs at the local level can only be collected by the
continuous observation of the market and by sample surveys covering all the seasons. It
will be difficult to obtain exact price, profit and quality of the material, as the trader will be
reluctant to disclose trade secrets. Currently, nearly 60 percent of the locally used medicines
are not produced locally. In order to find the annual requirement of the raw drugs it is
necessary to find the quantity of local consumption of these medicines and then the total
quantity of each constituent thus consumed locally. To achieve this goal it is necessary to
find consumption of nearly 500 medicinal raw materials. Though theoretically possible,
such a task in practice is nearly impossible to carry out. Therefore, the present study
attempts only the quantification of diversity of raw drug materials.

4. Biodiversity Perspective of the Materia Medica

Biodiversity is the totality of the genes, species and ecosystems in a given region. It is the
variety of life and its processes. Even a casual observation of the raw drug market will
take one to the wonderful world of tropical biodiversity. It reflects not only the diversity
of plants and animals but also the diversity of practices and the richness of traditional
knowledge accumulated as a result of continuous interaction between man and nature.
Drugs of plant origins arrive from a spectrum of habitats including mangroves, sacred
groves, tropical forests, paddy fields, laterite hills etc. These include cultivated and wild
plants. There are parasites, epiphytes, carnivorous plants, pteridophytes, thallophytes and
gymnosperms belonging to about 125 families and 595 plants with a great difference in
variety and type.

Biodiversity can be divided into three hierarchical categories as ecosystem diversity, species
diversity and genetic diversity. One can observe high level of diversity in Payyannur at all
the three levels.

An ecosystem consists of a community of plants, animals and inanimate substances such

as air, soil, water, and minerals situated in their environment. Nearly ten distinct microhabitats
can be identified among the localities from where the drugs are collected for the raw drug
market of Payyannur. Conservation of the threatened species of medicinal biota can be
effectively done only if these microhabitats are protected. Majority of species in the
materia medica of Payyannur are indicator species of such microhabitats. A brief account
of the microhabitats follows.

Paddy fields

Paddy fields are the most threatened habitats today. More than 75 percent of the land area
of Payyannur was once paddy land. Paddy fields act as good natural flood reservoirs.
Extensive paddy lands of Puruvappadu, Annur vayal, Kanaram vayal, Eachilam vayal etc
have now given way to residential complexes and coconut groves. More than fifty varieties
of rice were cultivated here. Among them varieties such as Chennellu, Navara, Illichennellu
are known for their medicinal value.

Biodiversity of paddy lands has temporal and spatial dimensions. Paddy fields are a rare,
ever changing and self-rejuvenating habitat that harbours different biota in monsoon and
summer. Some medicinal herbs such as Kayyanni (Eclipta alba) Manga Nari (Limnophylla
sp.), Karingoovalam (Monochoria vaginalis) etc. appear in the paddy land only in rainy
season. Thelkkata (Heliotropium keralensis) appears only in summer. Azhukanni (Drocera
indica), which was a common carnivorous plant in all paddy lands until 15 years ago, has
now vanished completely from paddy fields. Paddy lands are the only habitat of water
snails (Pila sp.) which are used as an effective remedy for fistula. Traditional medicine
for burn was the fat of balloon frogs and bullfrogs (Rana hexadactyla and R. tigrina
respectively) collected from paddy fields.


Payyannur has more than 120 small and large ponds. Medicinal plants such as Ambal,
Thamara, Kula Chammi etc grow in ponds. The mud ponds are richer in terms of biological
diversity than stone walled ponds. Medicinal plants such as Palmudhukku (Ipomea
paniculata) and Chethi (Ixora coccinia) grow on the banks of such ponds. The leech
(Hirudinaria) that was found in the ponds and paddy fields was used for the Rakthamoksham
in Panchakarma. Now leech has vanished from Payyannur forever.


In Payyannur, remnants of mangrove forests survive in localities such as Kappadu of

Korom village, Chittarikkovval, Karamel, Kavvayi, etc. None of the traditional practitioners
make use of the mangroves as a source of medicine. However, mangrove associates such
as Othalam (Cerbera odollam), Puzhamunja (Premna latifolia), Kaitha (Pandanus sp.),
Adambu (Ipomoea biloba) etc have medicinal value. Samudrappazham (Bariingtonia
racemosa) is one of the locally endangered medicinal plants, which is also a mangrove

Rivers and Streams

Major streams in the locality include; midland streams such as Kanayi kanam and Muthiyalam
kanam and the man-made canals that drain the floodwaters from paddy lands to back
waters. Vellur puzha is a tributary of Kawwayi River and originates from Theyyottu kavu.
It forms the northern boundary of Payyannur. Puranakittam (Iron ore) is present in the
banks of Vannathippuzha that forms the southeast boundary of the study area. Medicinal
plants such as Kaitha (Pandanaus sp.), Thiruthali (Ipomoea separia) Muthil (Centella
asiatica), Neer koova (Lagenandra toxicaria) etc. grow on the stream banks.


South-western part of Payyannur is a backwater area and the point of confluence of rivers
Kawwayi, Ramapuram and Peruvamba. Medicinal biota such as Malanjil (eal fish),
Kakka (clam) etc. grow in the backwaters.

Marshy shores (Kaippadu land)

Kaippadu lands were once localities of luxuriant mangrove growth. These areas were
cleared for agricultural purposes and are being cultivated with paddy varieties that are
resistant to salinity. Marshy shores inundated by saline water in summer and fresh water
in monsoon are ideal habitats for Brahmi (Bacopa monieri), Meenankanni (Lippia
nudiflora), Neeraral (Marselia sp.) etc.

Sacred Groves (Kavus)

These are patches of wilderness conserved owing to their perceived importance attached
to a village deity. There are nearly 25 kavus in Payyannur. Several rare medicinal herbs
grow in these groves. Largest among these groves is Chamakkavu of vellur. Rare medicinal
plants such as Eezhal (Embelia tjeramcottam), Kutaluchurukki (Morinda umbellataum),
Ilippa (Madhuka longifolia), Vellappain (Vateria indica) etc. are present in this sacred
grove. In the Kanayi kolichar Veeran Kottam plants such as Ankolam (Alangium
salvifolium), Karimuthil (Geophila repens), Urithookki (Aristolochia indica) etc are found.
The rare orchid Valiya Orilathamara (Nervelia araguana) is found only in poomalakkavu
of Kanayi. Two other species of Nervelia, N.prianiana and N.infundibulifolia are used in
place of Orilathamara and they grow abundantly in Idayilakkattu kavu near Payyannur.

Laterite Hills

These are laterite hillocks in the midland - one of the richest habitats of medicinal plants.
Half the land area of Korom village and the Eachilam Vayal hillock of the Vellur village are
midland laterite hills. Hill slopes and valley bottoms have settlements with home gardens
and plantations of cash crops whereas the hilltops are barren laterite caps except for grass
growth. Medicinal plants such as Chethy, Ekanayakam, Paramullu, Satavari, Kattuzhunnu,
Kattupayar etc grow in the small crevices on the hill slopes where soil is available. Large
scale mechanised and unrestricted laterite mining is posing a great threat to these habitats
today. The midland hill Ezhimala, where the Naval Academy is located, is one of the
richest reserves of medicinal plants.

House and Homesteads

Payyannur is a densely populated locality. Until a few decades ago, most of the homesteads
here had a diversity of crops growing in different canopy tiers, all of which have become
monoculture plantings today. Coconut gardens and Areca gardens are ploughed every
year and hence regeneration of most of the medicinal plants is effectively prevented.
Kuzhiyana (Ant lion), Atuppin kallu (stone of the firewood stove) and Illittakkari (soot
accumulated in the chimney) are some medicinal materials associated with houses.

Marginal Lands

Poramboke of road and railways are considered as marginal lands where plants such as
Purusha ratnam (Hybanthes enayesperma), sivakranthi (Evolvulus numularis) etc. grow.
Barks of Avil (Holoptelia integrifolia), Eazhilam pala (Alstonia scholaris), Dandappala
(Wrightia tinctoria) are collected mainly from the trees on the roadsides. There is a
Somarachi tree (Croton oblongifolium) growing at Perumba near KSRTC bus stand in
Payyannur. Many plants normally growing in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are seen

growing in Payyannur, seeds of which could have been disseminated by means of rail and
road transportation. Exotic species such as vellantharam (Dichrostachys cinerea) and
Phoenix are seen growing on roadsides in Payyannur. Febrifuge capability of the roadside
weed, Parthenium, is well known.

Forest trees and sea as source of raw drugs

Forest and sea form two major sources of raw drugs to the Payyannur market. These two
habitats are not present within the boundaries of Payyannur municipality. Moreover,
excepting kadal nak (Bone of cuttlefish) no other raw drug of marine origin is procured
locally. Ramanthali and Thrikkarippur beaches are the nearest seashores. Eattachappu is
a plant growing on the beach known to be an effective medicine against fish poison and

Major forest types in the districts are west coast tropical evergreen forest, west coast semi
evergreen forest and southern Indian moist deciduous forest. Most of the species found in
moist deciduous forests are found in the laterite scrub forest, a retrogressed type, and on
the midland laterite hills in and around Payyannur.

According to a report published by KFRI, 44.94 percent of the raw drugs consumed by
the pharmaceutical industries of Kerala are collected from forestland (Sasidharan and
Muralidharan, 2000). However, only a small amount of medicinal plants is collected from
the forests of Kannur and Kasaragod Districts. Cooperatives, such as Tribal Cooperative
Society, are also absent here. “Kannur having less area under forests and hence only a few
items of NWFPs are collected from here. Kunthirikkam is a major item collected from
here followed by Chinikai. Kannavam Tribal Service Cooperative Society organises the
collection of NWFPs in Kannur district. The Society has 80 families as members and
about 80 persons are associated with the collection of these products” (KFRI, 1992a).
The quantity of NWFP collected in Kasaragod district is comparatively low. Total quantity
of NWFPs collected from the district during 1996-97 was 23,608 kg while it was 37,151
kg during 1997-98 and 34,440 kg in 1998-99. The collection charge paid to the tribals
increased from Rs. 1,86,150 in 1996-97 to Rs. 2,74,575 in 1997-98 and Rs. 3,02,417 in
1998-99. The collection is managed by Panathady Panchayat Scheduled Tribe Service
Co-op Society located Balanthodu (KFRI, 1999b). See Table.4.1 in the following page.

Apart from this, in the unorganised sector, raw drugs are being collected from Pulingome
forests (Thalipparamba forest range). Raw drugs of forest origin arrive at Payyannur
market mainly from Pulingome forests. People belonging to Cherava community procure
this. Main items collected from Pulingome forests are Chitteenth (Angiopteris evecta),
Perum kurumba (Chonemorpha fragranse), Maramanjal (Coscinium fenestratum) and
Kallurvanchi (Rourea aquatica).

Table 4.1 Raw Drugs Collected From Kannur and Kasargod Districts

1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999

Drug District Kg. Rs. kg Rs kg Rs.
Cheenikai Kannur 68835 6995575 69059 414357 6657 48598
Kasaragod 11838 115730 30865 185170 30597 183558
Kakkumkai Kannur 5375 22163 5538 27369 4417 21321
Kasaragod 6800 36350 0 0 0 0
Maramanjal Kannur 2000 17355 1183 10801 554 4986
Kasaragod 0 0 5082 50820 2205 22055
Urinjikai Kannur 1209 6113 1756 9758 11 55
Kasaragod 0 0 384 2307 330 16500
Kunthirikkam.I Kannur 323 12042 178 7120 84 3396
Kasaragod 95 3420 200 11000 2238 91627
Kunthirikkam.II Kannur 947 18198 2165 38633 354 10525
Kasaragod 550 14500 503 22635 0 0
Kunthirikkam.III Kannur 2587 33726 1511 19746 4685 75346
Kunthirikkam.IV Kannur 467 4670 133 990 1098 8788
Kunthirikkam. Vella. Kannur 147 3670 0 0 44 924
Kunthirikkam.Sp. Kasaragod 0 0 0 0 70 3500
Kurunthootti. Kasaragod 1700 11900 0 0 0 0
Pachottitholi Kasaragod. 0 0 384 2307 330 16500
Kazhanjikuru Kannur 9 131 95 575 31 462
Kudampuli Kannur 0 0 0 0 242 185187
Hony Kannur 0 0 02 41 174 7852
Pathiri Kannur 5 666 275 15521 82 5674
Total Kannur 81904 818309 81925 548973 18433 206114
Kasaragod 23608 186150 37151 274575 35440 302417

Source:K.F.R.I (1999a),K.F.R.I.(1999b)

Species diversity

A species is a group of organism genetically so similar that they can interbreed and produce
fertile offspring. The most commonly discussed level of biodiversity is at the species
level. Species diversity is commonly measured in terms of total number of species occurring
in the specific geographical area. More than five species of plants from each genus such
as Ficus, Phyllanthus, Sida, Solanum, Curcuma, and Piper are used as medicine in the
study locality (Table 4.2.).

Table 4.2 Species Diversity in Medicinal Plants

No. Genetic Name No. of sps. Locally available

1 Ficus 7 7
2 Piper 6 4
3 Solanum 6 6
4 Phyllanthus 6 4
5 Sida 6 6
6 Curcuma 6 6
7 Cassia 5 4
8 Vigna 5 5
9 Ipomoea 5 5
10 Sacharum 4 4
11 Syzygium 4 4
12 Ocimum 4 4
13 Cinnamomum 3 2
13 Nervelia 3 3
14 Hebanaria 3 1
15 Cissus 3 3
16 Oryza 2 2
17 Premna 2 2
18 Zingiber 2 2
19 Merremia 2 2
20 Kampheria 2 2

Genetic diversity

Genetic diversity refers to the genetic variations occurring within a single species population.
Ayurveda and folk medicine attach particular importance to the genetic variations. For
example, these practitioners differentiate individuals of a population solely based on a few
distinctions such as difference in size and colour. Twenty five species exhibit genetic
variation in various aspects such as height, colour of flower and stem, seeds, size of fruits,
shape of leaves etc. (Table 4.3.)

Table 4.3 Genetic / Morphological Diversity in Medicinal Plants of Payyannur

No. Local Name Botanical Name

No. of Variety, Sub sp.,
Forms Ecotype
1 Kunni Abrus precatorius 2 Seeds - red, white
2 Kuvalam Aegle marmelos 2 Size of fruits, leaves
3 Vasala Basela alba 2 Var.alba,var.rubra
4 Kumbalam Benincasa hispida 2 Kumbalam, Nei Kumbalam
5 Erikku Calotropis gigantia 2 Flowers: purple, white
6 Nitya-kalyani Catharanthus roseus 3 Flowers: rose, white
7 Shamku-pushpam Clitoria turnatea 2 Flowers:White, blue
8 Tengu Cocos nucifera 2 Nadan, Chentengu
9 Vellari Cucumis sativus 2 Chenthengu
10 Manikoova Curcuma oligantha 2 Var.oligantha, var.lutea
11 Ummam Datura metal 2 Flowers: blue, white
12 Tirutali Ipomoea sepieria 2 Leaves: plain, with brownish patch
13 Adampu Ipomoea pescaprae 2 Flowers: red, white
14 Mavu Mangifera indica 20 Puliyan, Olore Kadukkachi, etc.
15 Prasarini Merremia tridendata 2 Var.tridentate, var.hastate
16 Vazha Musa paradisica 3 Kadali, Mannan, Nendran
17 Tamara Nelumbo nucifera 2 Flowers: white, red
18 Nellu Oryza sativa 3 Navara (black and golden glumed)
Chennellu, Undanellu
19 Kaita Pandanus odaratissimus 2 Totumunda, Chakamunda
20 Vettila Piper betle 3 Karpoorakodi, Pancholi, Pandalkodi
21 Tippali Piper longum 2 Tippali, Kattutipali
22 Amruthu Tinospora cordifolia 2 Chittamruth, Pothamruthu
23 Utiram Urena lobatum 2 Var.lobatum, var.sinuatum
24 Nochi Vitex negundo 2 Var.negundo, var.purpurascens
25 Nochil Vitex trifolia 2 Var.subtrisecta, Var.simplicifolia

Genetic diversity/ variations are also apparent among certain animal species that is of
medicinal importance. This variation is a decisive factor, in the case of the raw drugs of
animal origin. In some instances milk for some prescriptions has to be collected specifically
from black cow. Ward and Conner (1906) mention black cattle of the country (Kavvayi)
as; “black cattle of the country is very diminutive animal mostly confined to the low
country”. From late 1960’s itself cross breeding of cattle stock began in Payyannur.
Local breeds began to completely vanish from the locality following the inception of
Integrated Dairy Development Project in 1984. Six diary farms and one milk-chilling unit
are functioning today at Korom, Vellur and Payyannur villages. More than 24 million litres
of milk, being processed here annually, mainly come from cross bred cattle. Pure line
local breeds have become almost untraceable, especially the black cattle described by
Ward and Conner. Population of buffalo and goat is also declining.

Agro-biodiversity in Materia Medica

Almost 18 percent of the medicinal plants in Payyannur are cultivated for food, medicine
and ornamental purposes. Though a lion’s share of them is natural species of the Western
Ghat region, their distribution in the wild habitats is poor. Vast majority belong to ‘extinct
in the wild’ category in the IUCN list13 . Campheria forms a very good example for this.
The genus Campheria is completely absent in the wild habitats but two species of Campheria
viz. C. galanga (Kacholam) and C.rotunda (Chengazhineer kizhangu) are considered as
extremely valuable medicines and are procured from homesteads. Though Spices such as
cardamom, pepper, ginger and curcuma are originally from the forests of the western
ghats, now their natural occurrence as wild plants is rare. Medicinal plants such as Munja
(Premna integrifolia) Chethikkoduveli (Plumbago indica) karinochi (Vitex negundo var.
purpurascens) Nanthyar Vattom (Tabernamontana divaricata) and Sankhu Pushpam (Clitoria
ternata) do not now have natural occurrence in the western ghats. These might have
become extinct in the wild when the lowland forests were converted into agricultural
lands. Some of the critical drug materials of the Kerala school of Ayurveda are actually not
native of Kerala. For instance, consider the cases of Koovalam (Aegle marmelos) and
Arayal (Ficus religiosa). The original distribution of Koovalam is in the eastern ghats and
central India whereas that of Arayal is Eastern Himalayas and South East Asia. The original
localities of distribution of some of the widely used medicines in Payyannur will be interesting
to note: Dadimam (Punica granatum) is from Iran; jathi (Myristica fragrans) is from
Indonesia; Pera (Psidium gujava) is from Tropical America; Cherunarakam (Citrus lemon)
is from South East Asia; Murik (Erythrina indica) is from Coromandel coast and the
Akathi (Sesbania grandiflora) is from tropical Asia. Betel leaves, an indispensable ingredient
of various rituals and the medicinal preparations, have more than three varieties here. Betel
leaf is native of Andaman. Arootha (Ruta graveolens) is used in the treatment of epilepsy
and asthma in the folk medicine. This plant is a native of the Mediterranean region. Some
plants such as Somalatha (Sarcostemma acidum), Changalam Paranda (Cissus
quadrangularis), Panikkorkka (Coleus aromaticus) and Neermaruthu (Terminalia arjuna)
that commonly do not occur on the western slopes of the western ghats are being cultivated

Major crops of Kerala are coconut and rice. Both have varieties that are medicinally
important. Among the rice varieties Navara, Jeerakasala Chennellu, Illichennellu etc.
have proven medicinal property. There are two varieties of Navara rice: black glumed and
golden-yellow glumed. Traditional healers of Payyannur in the past used the latter variety
for medicinal purposes but now black variety is also sold in the raw drug market.

According to traditions of health care, food itself is considered as medicine. Hippocrates,

father of modern medicine has said, “Thy food is thy medicine – thy medicine is thy food”
(Varma, 1981).

Medicinal properties of most food grains and vegetables were recognised by authors of
classical Ayurvedic texts centuries ago. Some of the prakaranas of these texts make
critical analysis of the nature of various food materials and their effects on the body.
There is mention of Sookam (grains) Simbi (legumes) and Sakam (leafy) vegetables.
Negative and positive effects of certain food items such as ash gourd (Benincasa hispida),
bitter gourd, snake gourd, sponge gourd, bottle gourd, egg plant, cucumber, amaranthus,
Indian spinach (Basella alba) drum stick tree, Sesbania, various legumes etc. are described
in Ayurvedic source books. According to Ashtangahrudaya “ash gourd is the best among
climbing crops”. Ash gourd that forms the major ingredient of Kooshmanda rasayana is
represented in two varieties here.

Cucumber has more than two varieties here. Kanivellari a golden coloured variety is used
as medicine and also as an offering material (kani) for vishu. A particular advantage of the
cucumber is its thick rind that allows storing for a considerably long period, up to one
year, without any special arrangement.The ashy hair of the ash gourd is used as an antiseptic
by locals on cuts and wounds. We have already forgotten the utility of certain plant parts
that are mentioned as edible in classical texts of Ayurveda. For instance Ashatangahrudayam
identifies Jevanthi (Holestemma adakodien) as an extremely good leafy vegetable but this
is not being used as vegetable any more.

Kerala, before being cleared for human settlements, was covered mostly by west coast
tropical evergreen forests. Most of the agricultural and medicinal crops are domesticated
varieties from these forests. Most of the indigenous agricultural varieties today are actually
surviving representatives of plants that have become extinct in the wild following habitat
loss and are purposefully conserved in the croplands owing to their utility value. According
to a categorisation of IUCN most of the agricultural varieties belong to the category-
‘extinct in the wild’. Villagers of the Vellur and Korom villages even today consume nearly
40 species of plants. These plants form the foundations of the food security that would
prove crucial in deciding our sustenance in future (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4 List of Edible Medicinal Plants

No. Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Habitat

1 Ponnam kanni Alternanthera sessilis Whole plant Paddy field
2 Kattuchena Amorphophallus Tender stem Midland laterite
palonifolius var.
3 Ayini Artocarpus hirsutus Fruit, Seed Homestead
4 Ondonpuli Artocarpus lakoocha Fruit Homestead
5 Sataveri Asparagus racemosus Tuberous root Midland laterite
6 Mula Bambusa arundinacea Young shoot, Homestead
7 Tazhutama Boerhaavia diffusa Whole plant Marginal land
8 Ana Pana Caryota urens Sago Sacred grove
9 Thakara Cassia tora Leaf Marginal land
10 Muthil Centella asiatica Whole plant Paddy field
11 Kurichulli Cosmostigma racemosa Leaf Midland laterite
12 Thakaram Cryptocoryne spiralis Tender stem Wet land
13 Manga Inchi Curcuma amada Rhizome Homestead
14 Inthu Cycas circinalis Seed Homestead
15 Cherukadaladi Cyathula prostrata Whole plant Homestead
16 Murikku Erythrina varigata Leaf Homestead
17 Akhori Flacourtia indica Fruit Midland laterite
18 Thuvakai Gnetum ula Seed Sacred grove
19 Cheri Pazham Grewia microcos Fruit Sacred grove
20 Nannari Hemidesmus indicus Root Midland laterite
21 Payicham Hibisus furcatus Leaf Home stead
22 Adapatiyan Holostemma adakodian Leaf Midland laterite
23 Elanji Mimusops elengi Fruit Sacred grove
24 Ampal Nymphaea nouchali Carpels Pond, wet land

25 Puliyaral Oxalis corniculata Whole plant Homestead
26 Kunnummanatti Perestrophe bicalyculata Whole plant Marginal land
27 Mottampuli Physalis minima Fruit Marginal land
28 Kozhuppa Portulaca oleracea Whole plant Marginal land
29 Marathal Remusatia vivipara Leaf Epiphyte in tree trunk
30 Munja Premna integrifolia Leaf Homestead
31 Puvam Schlechera oleosa Fruit Midland,
Sacred grooves
32 Manithakkali Solanum nigrum Fruit, Leaf Marginal land
33 Chunda Solanum sp. Fruit Homestead
34 Ampazham Spondias pinnata Fruit Homestead
35 Kurumkani Syzygium caryophyllatum Fruit Midland laterite
36 Njavel Syzygium cumini Fruit Home stead
37 Lantha Ziziphus mouritiana Fruit Marginal land
38 Churikotta Ziziphus oenoplia Fruit Midland laterite
39 Van Kotta Ziziphus gibbosa Fruit Sacred grove

All ancient cultures survived by domesticating wild cereals. Sustainable development of

the modern civilisation is also dependent on the conservation of the diversity of the
biological world. Survival of an organism depends on the extent of its distribution. The
greater the extent of distribution the greater will be the possibility of survival and vice
versa. The distribution of most plant and animal species of the world is restricted only
to certain bioclimatic zones. Rarely are they located in other habitats. This phenomenon
is called endemism. Most of the medicinal species used in Payyannur are endemic to the
western ghats (Table 4.5)

Genuses such as Hemidesmus and Molluva have only single species. If the Hemidesmus
indicus is a rare endemic, its market substitute Mahali (Decalepsis hamiltonii) is a pan-
Indian endemic that has become still rarer due to over exploitation (Nair 2000).
Nilamuchala (Gymnostaychyum febrifugum) is a febrifuge and is also used as an antidote
against viper bite. Its distribution is limited to Coorg, Brahmagiris and the foothills and
plains of Kannur district.

Table 4.5 List of Endemic Medicinal Plants

No. Botanical Name Local Name Local status Habitat

1 Artocarpus heterophyllus Plavu Common Homestead
2 Artocarpus hirsutus Anjili Common Homestead
3 Aporusa lyndleyana Vetti (Eachil) Rare Laterite
4 Holigarna arnotiana Cheru Common River side
5 Vateria indica Vella pain Rare Sacred grove
6 Hydnocarpus alpina Marotti Rare Riverside
7 Myristica malabarica Pasupasi Very rare Sacred grove
8 Memecylon malabaricum Kuvachecki Common Laterite
9 Hemidesmus indicum Nannari Rare Laterite
10 Moullava spicata Moullava Rare Laterite
11 Naravelia zeylanica Sutravalli Rare Sacred grove
12 Myxopyrum serratulum Chaturamulla Very rare River side
13 Ervatamia heyniana Kundalappala Common Sacred grove
14 Calamus rotang Vallichural Rare Sacred grove
15 Syzygium travancuricum Vatamkolli Critically River side
16 Lepidagathis keralensis Telkada Common Laterite
17 Gymnostachyum febrifugum Nilamuchala Rare Sacred grove
18 Begonia canarana Kal tamara Critically Laterite
19 Nervelia prianiana Orila tamara Very rare Sacred grove
20 Nervelia infundibifolia Orila tamara Very rare Sacred grove
21 Kaempferia rotunda Chengazhineer Extinct in wild Homestead
22 Geophila repense Karimuthil Very rare Sacred grove

Indonesia is the place of origin of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans). The endemic tree Myristica
malabarica shares many similarities with nutmeg. Aril of the later is available in the
Payyannur market in the name ‘pasupasi’ and the same has very good demand in the
Indian market and is known as Rampatri and Bombay mace (Ved&Anjana, 1999). Rampatri
is also used as an adulterant in Nutmeg. In Payyannur a few sacred groves have this tree
surviving in them (Unnikrishnan, 1995a).

The plant Lepidagathis keralensis was first collected from Madaipara near Payyannur by
a botanist from Calicut University (Madhusoodanan and Singh, 1992). But it was being
used for a long time as medicine by local healers, especially the folk paediatricians from
Vannan community who named the plant as Paramullu. The plant that was used as
‘Vrischikkali’ for centuries by the healers of Payyannur was locally known as ‘Thekkida’.
It was only in 1982 that this plant was identified and named as Heliotropium keralensis
(Manilal and Sivarajan, 1982).

The tree Syzigium travancoricum which was believed to be extinct due to over exploitation
for timber was rediscovered in 1981. Presently this rare tree species is found surviving in
the fresh water swamps of some sacred groves near Payyannur. Local healers use the
bark and leaves of this tree as Vatham kolli (Unnikrishnan, 1995b). Tribes of Wayanadu
use the same drug as Kollinjaval (Anilkumar, 2000). These examples show that the folk
knowledge of some plants is years ahead of the modern scientific knowledge.

The species prioritisation exercise in India is being conducted based on the IUCN criteria
by various agencies. IUCN has established conservation categories as extinct, extinct in
wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, low risk, insufficiently known and not
listed (IUCN, 1994). Botanical Survey of India and Zoological Survey of India have come
up with various red data lists for plants and animals. Recently the Conservation Assessment
and Management Plan (CAMP) workshop of the biodiversity conservation prioritisation
project also attempted species prioritisation in many taxa using the revised IUCN criteria
(Pramod and Gadgil, 2000).

Chances of extinction due to habitat destruction are highest among the endemics. Western
ghat endemics such as Begonia canarana and Syzygium travancoricum and Himalayan
endemics such as Coptis teeta, Aconitum ferox, Inula racemosa, Picrorrhiza kurrova etc.
are listed in the red data book. These species supply some of the materials in high demand
in the Payyannur drug market.

The Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Tradition (FRLHT), Bangalore has so far
assessed the conservation status of 139 medicinal plants of south India, following the
revised IUCN criteria and CAMP process. Of these four were listed as extinct, 17(12.8%)
as critically endangered, 33 (24.8%) as endangered and 49 (36.8%) as vulnerable. 74.4%
of the medicinal plants assessed in South India are threatened.

More than 50% of the source animals providing the raw drugs of animal origin are protected
under Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. Reptiles such as udumbu (monitor lizard) and
python come under schedule I of the Act. However, these are being hunted for food and
medicine in the study area. Wild animals such as rhinoceros, gaur, Nilgiri languor, musk
deer, civet cat etc. are protected by law. Moreover they are of restricted distribution.

Extinction could also take place in knowledge-base. All entries in the Hortus Malabaricus
were the medicines used by folk practitioners some three centuries ago. Only less than
half the medicines mentioned in this book are in use now. Among those in use, some are

of doubtful identity. The plant mentioned as ‘Molluva’ in Hortus Malabaricus is only now
identified as the small thorny shrub that bears red spikes seen growing on the rocky
hillocks of midlands known to the botanical world as Mollava spicata. Some of the
unidentified ingredients seen in the yogas mentioned in palm leaf manuscripts were identified
and located during the present study. They are Thruthuva, bark of Kanalmaram, Flower
of Karichil, Flower of Njeral, Adukku Vazhaver, Thel mani, etc. A collective disappearance
of valuable traditional knowledge is taking place now amidst reports of accelerated rate of
species extinction. Some of the extinct species are yet to be identified in relation to the
medical texts and manuscripts.

Biological curiosities in Materia Medica

Some drug sources are biological curiosities. Bishop beans (Entada scandens) is the biggest
legume in the world, a pod that grows to about two meters in length. The seed of the bean
is called ‘Kakkumkai’ locally. In folk healing tradition, paste of that seed is used for
treating petrifaction of male breast muscles at teenage. ‘Aklarithenga’ (Lodoicia maldivica)
is the biggest nut which has a diameter of 1.2 meters and more than 10 Kgs in weight.
Endosperm of this is used as medicine for curing diabetes mellitus in Unani and Ayurveda.
One kilogram of its kernel costs 12000 to 20000 rupees in the Payyannur market. This
could be the most precious raw drug in the market. One coconut costs approximately Rs.
25000. This huge and precious coconut is the native of Seychelles Island

Drosiera and Utricularia are two carnivorous herbs. Drosiera is known as ‘azhukanni’ in
Siddha medicine and is used in various preparations. This plant is used as medicine in
homeopathy also. Drosiera indica is commonly found growing on the midland laterite
plateaux. Drosiera is not used by folk practitioners of Payyannur.

Utricularia shares the habitat of Drosiera. The blue-black colour of its flower reminds one
of lord Krishna. So its name in vernacular language is krishnapuvu. The plant is used for
preparing certain hair oils.

Folk practitioners of Payyannur use two native Gymnosperm species – Gnetum ula and
Cycas circinalis - as medicine. Devatharam (Cedrus deodara) is probably the largest and
tallest tree in India. Ceralam (Pinus roxbughii) Thalis (Abies webbina) are Himalayan
conifers used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Non-flowering plants belonging to the groups such as algae, fungi, Pteridophyte etc. are
also used as medicines. Non-flowering plants account for 3 % of all plant species in the
materia medica. Plathadi (Ganoderma sp.) a Polyporus mycelium growing on jack trees
are used as curatives in treating mumps.

Nilamanga (Sclerotium sp.) is a puffball that is obtained from the foundations of old houses
when they are dismantled. Athuranthala is obtained from termitaria. It is a colony of
fungus tended by the white-ant colony. Nilamanga is a curative for stomach ailments and
Athuranthala is used in treatment of epilepsy. A type of fungus grown in black tea is used

in treating bronchial asthma effectively. Kulachammi (Spyrogyra) is used in treating certain
kinds of epilepsy. A list of Pteridophytes used as medicine in Payyannur is provided in
Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 Pteridophytes (Ferns) Used as Raw Drugs

No. Local Name Botanical name Family

1 Parotti Drynaria quarcifolium POLYPODIACEAE
2 Niraral Marsilia minuta MARSILEACEAE
3 Garudapacha Salaginella reserecta SALAGINELLACEAE
4 Pattichevi Hemionitis arifolia HEMINITIDACEAE
5 Putramchari Adiantum caudatum ADIANTACEAE
6 Poutramchari Chilanthus tenuifolia SINOPTERIDACEAE
7 Kutirakulamban Chittintu Aangiopteris evecta ANGIOPTERIDACEAE
8 Poluvalli(Naipalli) Lygodium flexuosum SCHIZEACEAE
9 Mayoora sikha Actiniopteris dichotoma ACTINIOPTERIDACEAE

Conservation prioritisation of local drug sources

Fifty-nine Indian medicinal plants that require urgent conservation measures are short-
listed by Biodiversity Conservation Prioritisation Project (BCCP). Seventeen Species from
these are widely distributed in the study area. Curculigo orchioides, Gloriosa superba,
Heliotropium keralensis and Syzygium travencoricum are some plants among them. The
first mentioned plant - Curculigo is a common weed in midland hills and also an essential
drug for Ayurveda. But Curculigo is not collected locally from its immediate surroundings.
In the raw drug market, it is a dry drug procured from other regions. Hence possibly it is
abundantly available elsewhere. However, laterite and sand minings are threatening the
local availability of Curculigo. Heliotropium keralensis is an endemic species which is
very common during summer in the fields along the coastal lands of Payyannur. This
shows that we should necessarily know the geographical range of the distribution of
medicinal plants locally, globally and the biotic factors which influence the existence of the
drug plants to conserve them.

IUCN categories are not completely applicable for assessing the status of drug plants/
animals in the study locality. A locally endangered biota may be very commonly present in
the national or international scenario and vice versa. According to the prioritisation list,
Gloriosa superba is an endangered plant. But it is very commonly seen in Payyannur. The
biota distributed in the study locality is broadly categorized on the basis of occurrence as
common, rare and extinct in wild. 40percent of local plants and 65 percent of animal drug
sources are rare and are locally endangered.

Table 4.7 indicates that a variety of animal groups supply the raw drugs for the local health

Table 4.7 Diversity of Raw Drugs Belonging to the Animal Kingdom

Animal Groups No. Of Species

Mammals 23
Birds 5
Reptiles 5
Amphibians 1
Arachnidae 1
Fish 1
Mollusks 7
Insects 11
Corals 3
Annelidae 2
Non-insect Arthropod 2

Institutional mechanisms for conservation

A debate of considerable significance pertains to the ownership of knowledge related to

biodiversity. The United Nations Convention on Biodiversity concluded that wherever the
utilisation of the knowledge, innovations and practices of local and indigenous communities
leads to benefits, such benefits should be equitably shared with the holders of such
knowledge, innovations and practices.

It was two Kani guides who transferred the indigenous knowledge about Arogyappacha
that it is capable of providing a sudden flush of energy and strength. The Kani-TBGRI deal
in Kerala on Arogyappacha was the first step for equal benefit sharing on traditional
knowledge. Unfortunately this endeavour, that should have formed a model, invited
controversies. Government agencies such as KIRTHADS’s and State Forest Department
have criticised commercialisation of the traditional knowledge. Some Kani settlements
also disagreed with these benefit-sharing mechanisms in the deal. KIRTHADS view on the
issue was that the only way to sustain tribal medicine is by preserving its original form and
premises; otherwise it is open to misuse as a convenient resource base for other systems
of medicine. Forest Department was afraid of pressure from other outside commercial
interests that may cause rapid depletion of the resource base. Kanis are no longer a single
cohesive unit or community. All these factors contributed to the failure of this experiment.
Like Kanis, most tribes of Kerala have already lost their traditional institutions. Village
communities of Payyannur also do not have any community-based collectives. All critical

issues connected with Kani-TBGRI experiment are relevant in most analogous situations
involving rural communities of Kerala. The question here is whether it is ethical for a
person to transfer community information for his personal benefit.

Only a small group of Kanis refer Trichopus as Arogyapacha; majority of them know it
only as Chathankizhangu. But the difference in name does not make any change with in
its use. This project’s materia medica of Payyannur also takes into account these differences
in names and the similarities in use of raw drugs. Thottia siluquosa, which is known as
Kodasari in Payyannur, is known by different names in different localities: it is known as
Kurukonthi among Kanis, vishappacha among Mudugas in Attappady, Kattukarppooram
in Wayanadu, and Alpam among village healers of Tiruvananthapuram. It is used as a
remedy against snakebite in all localities. When this medicine is commercialised by making
use of the traditional knowledge of any one tribe, will sharing of benefit take place in its
complete sense among all the other tribes who share this knowledge?

Studies show that most of the tribal medicines are being used either in the same way or in
a different manner by codified systems of health care such as Ayurveda (Madhavan Kutty,
1989; Vijayan et al, 1993; Unnikrishnan, 1995b). Tribal medicines of Attappady such as
Palai kizhangu, Neervekku, Sippitty ottu, Cherandai, Kevre, and Nikaty are the same as
what established medicines of Ayurveda use such as Jeevanthi, Satavari, Koduveli,
punarnava, Edampirivalampiri, and Pata.

Following the signing of GATT treaty, multinational monopoly interests are working out
strategies for appropriating the traditional knowledge and for obtaining monopoly rights
over the biological materials. Possibilities of bio-piracy are all time high on the knowledge
base of local health traditions. The ideas of community biodiversity register and other
documentation strategies are considered as possible ways of defence in this regard. This
strategy seeks to document knowledge of occurrence, practices of propagation, sustainable
harvesting and conservation, economics of biodiversity resources that reside within India’s
local communities (Gadgil, 1996)

Biodiversity registry of Pattuvam was dedicated to the Panchayat in April 1997. With this
the people of Pattuvam have declared their exclusive right over the biodiversity of the
village. By doing so, the people of the Panchayat have become a model for the rest of the
world. Following the path of Pattuvam, similar biodiversity registries have been prepared
in Panchayats such as Kangol-Alappadambu and Kalyasseri. The registry of Pattuvam
accompanied by the declaration of right over the resources is a “closed registry.” Registries
without such provisions of exclusion may prove to be useful databases for multinational
interest groups. UN Convention on Biodiversity offers protection only to that knowledge
which is kept secret. So biodiversity registries can themselves become tools of bio-piracy,
if outsiders could bribe local people to reveal the secret knowledge about each entry in the

5. Controversy Regarding Identification of Raw Drugs

Vedic dictums and Ayurvedic source books give essential morphology and characteristics of
raw drugs. Charakasamhita describes about 1800 raw drugs and Sushrutasamhita provides
details of 573 drugs. In the era of the great gurus who acquired knowledge directly from
nature - the golden age of Ayurveda – it was free from controversy and there was no
misidentification of raw drug. Controversy regarding identification of raw drug might have
been a serious problem during the 10th to 13th centuries. Unlike the source books such as
Brihatrayi, the Ayurvedic texts, mainly the Nighandus written during the middle ages, were
only compendiums of Ayurvedic preparations. Authors of such compendiums shared an
apprehension regarding identification of raw drugs. The author of Dhanwandari nighandu
advises the healers to approach the shepherds for correct identification of raw drugs. The
controversy snowballed by the time of Bavamishra, the author of Bavaprakasam. He
recommended substitution of unavailable drugs with available ones. In between the period
between Brihatrayi and Bhavaprakasa, we see not only the erosion of knowledge on raw
drugs but also the erosion of practical knowledge about them. [# As long as there is no
commonly accepted mode of classification of any data, there would always be controversies
about identification of items in the data set, especially when there is a big time gap. The
problem here is not in the erosion of knowledge-base. It is in the inability to evolve a
commonly accepted set of classification. I feel that any recommendation to substitute
unavailable material with available material, provided it does not affect the efficacy, is
advancement in knowledge – not erosion of practical knowledge! Ed.]

Most medicinal plants have synonyms; and, at the same time, there are many instances of
different species being referred to by a single name. This is the root cause for the controversy
over the identity of the raw drugs. A number of examples may be quoted to illustrate this.
The Sanskrit name Shyama indicates twenty-five different species of plants including
Tinospora, Hemidesmus, Ichornia and turmeric. Sahachara is a green drug mentioned in
ancient treatises which is effectively used in the treatment of rheumatism. But in Kerala
nearly twenty different species of plants are used as Sahachara. There are three different
species –Barleria montanum, Calacanthus dalzelliana and Nilgirianthus ciliatus that are
referred to as Sahachara. The names in regional languages are also confusing. There are
four different plant species, Syzygium travacoricum, Crinum asiaticum, Justicia gendarussa
and Aphanamixis polystachya, which are used as Vatamkolli. More than three species of
Hedyotis are used as Parpitakappullu. Parushakam or Chittinthu which is an ingredient
in Drakshadi kashayam. Phoenix pusilla is known as Chittinthu in South Kerala. But in
Payyannur, a fern Angiospteris evecta is used as Chittinthu. Cinnamomum fruits are given
as Elavalukam in the study area; while a plant belonging to the family Apiaceae, Heraclium
rengens is considered as the Elavalukam in Thiruvananthapuram market. Heraclium rengens
is being used in Payyannur markets, not as Elavalukam but Chittelam, the famous drug in
Elayugma (Ela twins) i.e. Chittelam and Perelam. The terrestrial orchid Malaxis rheedii
and an unidentified bazaar medicine imported from Amritsar market are used as Jeevakam
of Ashtavargam.

According to the market sources of Kerala, Tippali has five types: Cheru Tippali, Valiya
Tippali, China Tippali, Jala Tippali and Athi Tippali. The first three drugs are Species of
pepper (genus Piper). Two different plants Balenophora fungusa - a terrestrial root parasite
and Raphidophora pertusa – an epiphytic climber are used as AthiTippali in North Kerala
by various physicians. Phyla nudiflora–a semi aquatic plant is mentioned as Jalatippali in
various materia medica. But in the study locality the same plant is referred to as Meenamkanni
whereas, in Central Kerala, another plant Scoparia dulsis is known as Meenamkanni. In
Kannur, Scoparia is called Kallurukki, but Kallurukki is not Scroparia but Pouzolzia zeylanica
in other parts of Kerala. Pashanabhedi is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Malayalam name
Kallurukki. Ayurveda and siddha practitioners of Kerala use three different species of
plants Earva lanata, Decalepsis arayalpatra and Rotula aquatica as Pashanabhedi. In
North India, it is Colious aromaticus which is called Pashanabhedi.

Causes for the controversy

Identification of the raw drugs mentioned in the Sanskrit source books, or their substitutes
with similar properties in the immediate vicinity where it was practiced, was the most
significant act that helped Ayurveda to spread its roots on the highly heterogeneous Indian
soil. Most vernacular languages attained capability for handling traditional Ayurvedic
knowledge. Some centuries ago, Ayurvedic practitioners were forced to use material names
in vernacular languages as the local markets as also patients required prescriptions in local
languages. The local practitioners developed expertise on raw drug materials mainly by
referring to the Brihatrayi interpretations prepared by Sanskrit scholars who hardly had
any exposure to actual practice of Ayurveda. So, for the same material there were different
names in the different languages and their dialects. Even within a single local dialect,
variations in names can be observed now. For instance, two different plants – Hugonia
and Capparis - are used as karthotti in Payyannur. Karthotti is a major ingredient in the
Kottam Chukkadi Thailam, which is one of the most widely used massage oil in the State.

Manufacturing and distribution of drugs are not confined to the local level. The
pharmaceutical industry has now a wide distribution network covering the national and
international markets. From the foregoing description about the confusion surrounding
the identity of the ingredients, one can easily guess the gravity of controversy which arose
when the Delhi made ayurvedic combinations were marketed in the South Indian markets.

The plants Centella asiatica and Evolvulus alsinoides are used in North India as Brahmi
and Sankhupushpi respectively. However, for Ayurvedic practitioners of Kerala, Brahmi
and Sankhupushpi are Bacopa monnieri and Clitorea turnatea respectively. The Centella
and Evolvulus are known by different names in Kerala – as Muthil and Vishnukranthi.

The controversy over the raw drugs was aggravated by the migration of medical
practitioners. Most of the available interpretations of the source texts in Ayurveda are
prepared by experts from South Kerala. The names of the raw drugs thus used in these
books were mostly unfamiliar to the practitioners of North Kerala (see Table 5.1). There
were folk and Ayurvedic medical practitioners among new settlers who migrated to the

north from Central Travancore in 1940s and 50s. In the post-independence period
government established a large number of ayurvedic hospitals. Most of the physicians
appointed were from South Kerala. The prescriptions by these physicians were in vernacular
names used in South Kerala. This resulted in large scale mixing of the names of the raw
drug materials. This mixing up of drug names turned out to be beneficial in the sense that
it helped standardisation of the drug names.

Table 5.1 Difference in Local Name

Botanical name Vernacular name Region

Alangium salvifolium Ankolam Payyannur
Azhinjil South Kerala
Alpinia galanga Chittaratha Payyannur
Kolinchi Trivandrum
Alstonia scholaris Ezhilam pala Payyannur
Poliyanthara pala Kasaragod
Aristolochia indica Uri tuki Payyannur
Eswaramooli,Garudakkodi South Kerala
Karalayam Trissur
Asystasia chelanoides Uppiliyam Payyannur
Maittal Kasaragod
Bridelia scandens Cherunichal Payyannur
Cherupanachi South Kerala
Kanji kottam Trichur
Desmodium triquatrum Adakkapannal Payyannur
Choppan orila Trichur
Stereospermum colais Kariya Payyannur (Some practitioners)
Pathiri Standard name
Helicteres isora Kayyula Payyannur
Edampiri valampiri Standard name
Kevra Attappadi
Mimosa pudica Thoduladi Payyannur
Thottavadi Standard name
Pavetta indica Kametta Payyannur

Pavetta Standard name
Pongamia pinnata Pongu Payyannur
Ungu Standard name
Rauvolfia serpentina Chuvanna amalpori Payyannur
Sarpagandhi Standard name
Sida cordata Nilapparuthi Kasaragod
Valli kurunthotti Payyannur
Thespesia populnea Chentamari Payyannur
Poovarasu Standard name
Wrightia tinctoria Inchipala Payyannur
Dantapala Standard name

Two other factors that aggravated the controversy are adulteration and substitution. The
material used as a substitute or adulterant in due course of time is mistaken for the genuine/
actual raw drug. Thus the real drug is also mistaken for adulterant.


A number of raw drugs mentioned in the source texts were not always readily available in
Kerala. To substitute for these, the practitioners of Kerala used alternative materials that
which, according to them had similar action and medicinal quality. Bhavamishra, an authority
in Ayurveda, who lived in the 16th century, had justified the use of certain substitutes when
minor ingredients of preparations were unavailable. However, he had forbidden the
substitution of major ingredients. These directions are not closely followed while preparing
medicines by most market oriented manufacturing units. These units prefer substitution
especially when the substitute is cheaper than the prescribed drug, even when the latter is
available. “Nonavailability of genuine drugs, mistaken identity, indiscriminate naming, biased
interpretation of Sanskrit names, lack of expertise in identifying raw drugs and increasing
price are the main reasons for substitution and perhaps adulteration. A recent trend noticed
is sale of different qualities of the same drug due to the absence of standardisation”
(Sasidharan and Muraleedaran, 2000).

Three factors were considered for correct identification of a raw drug in our study.
1. Whether it has been referred in proclaimed materia medica and source texts of
2. Wide acceptance in Kerala.
3. Whether it has all attributes mentioned in the source book.

The third factor has not been adopted completely in this study for want of clinical expertise.
Ashtavarga, the famous group of medicament, which has rejuvenation and aphrodisiac

potential, is substituted with multiple doses of local drugs Sataveri, Vidari, Aswagandha
and Nilappana since they also have the same properties. Some substitutes have got
established through decades of experience of practitioners. Our work, Materia Medica of
Payyannur, also accommodates such unique substitutes even though they are not mentioned
in classical texts. (See Table 5.2)

Table 5.2 Substitutes of Raw Drugs Used In Payyannur.

Name of raw drug Drug widely used Drug used in Payyannur

Riddhi Hebanaria edgeworthi Atylosia scarabaeoides
Vriddhi Hebenaria intermedia Vigna pilosa (Kattupayar)
Sariba (Nannari) Hemidesmus indicus Decalepsis hamiltonii
Pushkaramoola Inula racemosa Graptophyllum Sp.
Takaram Valeriana jatamansi Cryptocoryne spiralis
Marikunni (Vriddhadaraka) Argyreia nervosa Bouhinia Sp.


At present there are no mechanism and machinery to implement quality control in dry raw
drug and Ayurvedic preparatory medicines. Adulteration is prevalent in Ayurvedic preparation
as well as in raw drug sales. Any use of substitute that is not recommended, any deletion
of recommended ingredients and any variation in quantity of an ingredient other than the
recommended one are all considered as adulteration.In some lehyas such as Chyavanaprasam
addition of extra quantities of molasses and arrowroot powder is done to increase taste and
weight. This is also a form of adulteration.

In the case of raw drugs, substitution of materials that do not have any equivalent or
desirable medicinal properties is the common form of adulteration. Adulteration is carried
out while collecting, storing, and distributing the raw drugs. Lack of material knowledge
in all these stages may also cause unintentional adulteration of raw drugs. A list of adulterants
commonly used is given in Table 5.3 below.

High cost of the original drug also leads to substitution or adulteration. Vamsalochana
(Bamboo manna) is a rare raw drug derived from the bamboos that are in bloom. But only
synthetic manna is now available in the Payyannur markets. “There may be ten to twenty
times higher prices of natural manna in comparison to the artificial or the synthetic manna.
Synthetic one comprises of hard rocky crystals while the natural bamboo manna dissolves
in the mouth immediately” (Koushik and Dhiman, 2000).

Table 5.3 List of Commonly Used Adulterants

Drugs Adulterants
Chappangam Caesalpinia sappan Rajamalli Caesalpinia
Chittamruth Tinospora cordifolia Kattamruthu Tinospora
Kanchavu Cannabis sativus Dry leaves of cajanus
Gorochanam Gall stone of cow Turmeric powder
Kuvalam-root Eagle marmelos Kattunarakam Atlantia
Asokam –bark Saraca asoca Aranamaram Polyalthia
Nagamara tholi Musua
Cheruvazhutina Solanum melongena Brinjal root
Velutha chunda Any Solanum sp.
Naikurna parippu Mucuna pruriens Mucuna hirsute, Mucuna gigantia
Navara Other varieties of paddy
Pacha karpooram Natural camphor Synthetic camphor
Mulam karpooram Bamboo manna Synthetic manna
Chinapavu Smilax china Rhyzome of Four-O’clock plant
Puranakittam Iron ore Iron powder
Kattikombu Horn of Gaur Horn of buffalo
Kuvanuru Arrowroot powder Maize powder
Verukin puzhu Anal secretion from civet Palayankodan variety of Banana
Vanthen Honey Molasses
Cheruthen Honey from Small bee Vanthen

The real arrowroot (Koovanuru) had been processed from Kuva (Curcuma angustifolia)
collected from marginal lands by Kidarans, an artisan community of North Kerala. The
biggest Kidara settlement is in Mathil-Alapadambu panchayath, in the neighbourhood of
Payyannur. But now not a single household is engaged in arrowroot making. Kuvanuru
now available in market is actually the powder of maize.

Puranakittam is a raw drug of mineral origin; the technology associated with its purification

is adopted from the folk technology of iron preparation. A number of Uthalas (furnaces)
functioned in Payyannur until a century ago. Puranakittam used to be collected from
those abandoned Uthalas. Presently, Puranakittam is abundant in the banks of river
Vannathipuzha towards the eastern end of Payyannur. However, Rakupodi (Iron powder)
obtained from lathe work-shops is being widely used as substitute of Puranakittam.

6. Sustainable Harvesting: Problems and prospects

Classical source books of Ayurveda clearly specify the preferred place and time for collecting
raw drugs. The most preferred locality according to Ashatangahrudayam is the place that
is well-watered, open land with sweet water, alluvial soil, and grass growth of Kusha and
Rohisha. It further describes the places unsuitable for collection of raw drugs: cemetery,
platform built around Peepal tree, public road, slaughter house, temple, public meeting
places, flower garden, anthill etc. Collection of plants damaged by worm, poison, knife,
sun, fire, water etc. is discouraged. The plant should have been nourished by shade, water
and sunlight. There is difference in opinion about the seasons for collection of drug
material (Table 6.1.).

Table 6.1 Seasons for Drug Collection

Part Used Seasons

Source Charakasamhita Rajanighantu
Twigs Monsoon, Spring —
Leaves Monsoon, Spring Summer
Roots Sisira —
Barks Autumn (Sarath) —
Rhizomes Sarath Winter (Hemantham)
Latex Sarath —
Flowers Flowering seasons Spring
Fruits Flowering seasons Spring

It will be seen that the autumn season is recommended for collection of rhizomes. As far
as the Himalayan herbs are concerned, good quality and minimal moisture content is assured
in autumn. However, now-a-days, such as Jatamansi, are harvested in summer. For
traditional drug collectors this makes perfect sense as a full rhizome could be easily pulled
out of the soil in summer. The soil disturbed in this process would get washed away in the
following monsoon thus causing soil erosion and damage to the fragile Himalayan ecology.
Besides, medicines collected from the Himalayas during summer months have more chances
of getting damaged by moisture and fungus. Nearly 20 drugs arriving in the raw drug
market of Payyannur are from the Himalayas. But in Kerala where seasons are less
pronounced and the rainy season lasts about five months, such stipulations are not valid.
Most annual herbs, especially those in which the root portion forms the drug material, are
collected mostly during the rainy season. Here also wet soil makes pulling out these roots
easy as in the case of rhizome harvesting in Himalayan environment. The drug collection
procedures tend to cause similar ecological problems by precipitating soil degradation.

At Payyannur rhizomes such as Satavari‘, Adapathyan, Nannari, Palmuduk, Kattupayar
etc are collected in rainy season. Vegetative portions of these rhizomes above ground dry
up in summer and grow again in rainy season. Maximum collections of these rhizomes are
done in the months of June-July. They are harvested before they bloom and bear seeds.
Some of the harvesting methods adopted endanger the survival of the plants. For example,
branches of gooseberry trees are chopped for harvesting fruits. In case of cheevakkai, a
big bon-fire is maintained under the climber to facilitate early harvesting of the pods.
Extensive debarking is done in the Canarium strictum trees for collecting black dammar.

Some of the conventional harvesting methods are intended for ensuring sustainability. For
example ,in the case of Koovalam and Orila, their roots running northwards are preferred
for medicine. This restriction is intended to avoid total uprooting of the plants. Specification
of the localities from where collections of plants are banned helps in conserving them in
those localities. Collection of plants from temple precincts is discouraged to enable their
use for devotional purposes, and planted herbs in gardens. Total removal and ring bark
removal etc. were not practiced while collecting barks of trees. There were remedial
measures such as plastering the area from where bark was removed with cow dung and
mud if extra quantity of bark was to be collected from a tree. Traditional medicine collectors
used to replant herbs after they collected roots of munja, koduveli etc and Satavari and
tubers of Palmuduk. These ethical practices have become non-existent now.

Unlike most plants, the rate of reproduction among animals is slow. So, the issue of
sustainability assumes special importance when it comes to the harvesting of materials of
animal origin. Most drugs of animal origin are obtained from endangered animals. Moreover
collections of most of these drugs are done at the expense of the life of these animals. 56
percent (45 out of 80) of the materials of animal origin arriving in the Payyannur market
can be collected only by killing the source animals. For example horns, tusks, antlers of
the animals such as rhinoceros, elephants, python, wild boar, black buck, sambar and
musk from musk deer are collected by killing these animals. Verukin puzhu or secretion
from the anal gland of the Civet cat is a valuable medicine. In the past Small Indian civet
cat was reared for this material. But enforcement of wild life protection act discouraged
rearing of these animals. As this medicine is scarce now, testicles of civet cat are used as
a substitute obviously by killing them. Poachers supply this substitute in the market. A
medicine-yielding cousin of this animal, the Malabar large spotted civet cat, is feared to
have become extinct due to poaching. There is no guarantee that the same fate will not
befall its lesser cousin.

Kasturi or musk is a critical ingredient of the Kasthuryadi Vayu Gulika, which is an important
preparation in Kerala tradition. Kasthuri is collected by killing the musk deer - an endangered
species. Only 15-20 grams of kasturi is obtained from a deer. Disappearance of Kasturi
from Kerala market is almost complete by now. (However, kasthuryadi tablets are prepared
even now.) However, as Kasturi is not an essential drug, its scarcity will not affect the
local health care systems. But scarcity of verukin puzhu has adversely affected the treatment

of epilepsy.

Loss of habitats is the main reason for shortage of medicinal plants. The habitat of most
rare medicinal plants was the homestead. These plants became rare when most homesteads
were converted to monoculture of coconut or areca nut. As tilling becomes frequent,
survival of medicinal plants is impossible in these plantations.

Out of the 111 non-wood forest products recorded from Kerala, 80 are raw drugs.
Unscientific mode of collection has endangered the survival of some of the source plants
of these drugs. Some creative measures have already been taken to achieve sustainable
harvesting. Non-timber forest management order is one such step. As per this order Vana
Samrakshamna Samithies (forest protection committees) will be formed to monitor
collection of MFP. According to this order, each tribal hamlet will have its own local
NWFP processing unit and a store at range level. Once the streamlining of collection of
MFP through VSS is completed, it is expected that better collection procedures involving
local value addition and efficient marketing could be arranged (G.O (Rt.) No. 40/2001/F8
WLD (G) Dept. dated 2.2.2001.)

According to Charaka, materials used as medicine should have some essential qualities
such as Bahutha (abandance), Yogyatha (aptness) Bahukalpam (variety of application)
and Sambat (effectiveness). Most materials used today do not possess all these qualities;
some qualities may be lacking while others are present. In such conditions sustainable
harvesting becomes difficult. A treatment package needs to be developed where only
materials that posses all the four qualities could be used. Experts in the field already have
mooted such proposals. According to a famous Ayurveda physician Raghavan
Thirumulpadu, “most of the preparations used now were originally prescribed at a time
when the raw materials were available in abundance. The need of the hour is to develop
new combinations with minimum number of available materials”. Use of tincture and
powder of drugs for treatment has to be encouraged. According to the chief physician of
Gona Sasthaya Kendra , Ayurvedic Division, Dr. M.R. Vijayan, most common ailments
can be treated with less than 50 drugs. He has developed a method for substituting leaf
extract in place of roots and bark of the plants so that the issue of sustainability while
harvesting bark and root is taken care of (Dr. M. R. Vijayan’s personal communication.)
Such alternative processes are a route to sustainability. It is in this context that an essential
drug list from the perspective of local health tradition assumes importance.

An essential drug list for the local healing traditions in Payyannur

Unlike the lists for modern medicine, essential drug list for the local health tradition does
not include manufactured drugs. Instead the list would contain those raw drugs that are
either used directly in treating an ailment or as a crucial ingredient of any preparatory
medicine. This list would essentially reflect the interests of the healer and patient rather
than those of a pharmaceutical company. A raw material considered important by a

manufacturer might not be a necessary ingredient from the viewpoints of the healer and
patient. So a different criterion has to be developed for identifying essential drugs. This
criterion should also take into account the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the
drug market and the needs of raw drug materials by local health traditions other than
Ayurveda. Such a criterion is spelt out in the paragraphs below dealing with the procedures
for selecting raw drugs for inclusion in the list. A list of this kind is necessary for facilitating
activities such as medicinal plant cultivation and their sustainable harvesting and marketing.
It could ensure involvement of local bodies which could initiate steps for standardisation
of raw drug materials. The present attempt to prepare an essential drug list for Payyannur
is carried out taking into account these limitations and possibilities.14

The essential raw drug list of Payyannur contains two parts - part A and part B. Part A
consists of a list of raw drugs selected on the basis of their importance measured in terms
a. Their appearance in prescriptions of healers and
b. Their appearance in products that are in high demand.

Part B consists of another list of raw drugs selected on the basis of their importance
measured in terms of:
a. Uniqueness of application and specificity of drug due to its non-substitutability
b. Its indispensability for practicing in certain areas of specialisation

Procedure for selecting raw drugs to include in Part A of the Essential Drugs List
1. Largest sold medicated oils and medicinal decoction in the Payyannur branch of
two important Ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies in Kerala were identified.1
2. A list of most essential Ayurvedic oils and decoctions were collected from 10
Ayurveda doctors and 20 folk healers.
3. Most frequently required medicines were identified by ranking the products with
high volume of sales on the basis of number of prescriptions.
4. A list of raw drugs was prepared by examining the ingredients of these top-ranking

Procedure for selecting raw drugs to include in Part B of the essential drug list

1. Existing specialised branches of medicine and key practitioners of those branches

belonging to conventional Ayurveda and folk traditions were identified.
2. Names of drugs, which were most indispensable and yet which were required
infrequently and whose demand was less than the commercially sold species, were
3. The drugs that are repeated most frequently in the texts of specialised branches of
Ayurveda and folk medicine were collected.


Collection and Utilisation of Raw Drugs – Rough Rules for Sustainability

1. All materials should be collected without causing any damage to the source plant

a. Roots of the plants should be collected only after the seeds have attained
b. Girdling and total removal of bark should be discouraged. Fresh collection
of bark should not be performed till the fully covered by fresh bark.
c. Plants that have vegetative propagation should be collected in rainy season.
After harvesting roots and tubers, the remaining portion of the plant should
be replanted immediately.
2. The practitioners and patients must attempt to reduce use of raw drugs of animal
origin because harvesting them is unsustainable. They must be encouraged to
use plant substitutes for such materials.
3. Some trees should be exclusively maintained as seed trees. Such trees and
plants can be identified in the sacred groves and protected. Their seeds can be
collected subject to restrictions and can be used for regeneration of the species.
4. Encouragement should be given to the use of raw drug materials which possess
qualities such as abundance, aptness, effectiveness and wide variety of
5. Domestication of wild plants and the cultivation of medicinal plants that are
consumed in large quantities are possible strategies for ensuring sustainability.
Generating incentives for local communities for setting up micro-enterprises for
producing value added primary health care products might help ensure
sustainability. Village women and farmers should be trained in propagation methods
and post-harvest technologies such as drying, sorting, pulverising etc. Similar
programmes for training drug collectors and sellers on sustainable extraction,
identification and storage of materials should be conducted.

Table 6.2 Essential Raw Drug List –Part.A
List of Ingredients in Top Ten Prepared Medicines

Name of medicines and No. of prescriptions.

Rasnerandadikashayam 13
Pindatailam 9
Gulgulutiktakam 8
Balarishtam 10
Danwandaramkashayam 12
Abhayarishtam 13
DanwandaramTailam 10
Saraswatarishtam 9
Kottamchukkadi 11
Asanavillwadi 8
No. Raw drug Bot.Name Sanskrit name R G D DT K P B A S As Total
13 8 12 10 11 9 10 13 9 8
1 Chukku Zingiber officianalis Sundi * * * * * * 6
2 Chittamrutu Tinospora cordifolia Amruth * * * * 4
3 Kuruntotti Sida rhombifolia Bala * * * * 4
4 Devataram Cedrus deodara Daru * * * * 4
5 Satakuppa Anethum graveolenlens Satapushpa * * * * 4
7 Tatiri Woodfordia fruticosa dataki * * * 3
8 Sataveri Asparagus racemosa Sataveri * * * 3
9 Chittaratha Alpinia culcurata Rasna * * * 3
10 Manjatti Rubia cordifolia Manjishta * * * 3

No. Raw drug Bot.Name Sanskrit name R G D DT K P B A S As Total
13 8 12 10 11 9 10 13 9 8
1 Chukku Zingiber officianalis Sundi * * * * * * 6
2 Chittamrutu Tinospora cordifolia Amruth * * * * 4
3 Kuruntotti Sida rhombifolia Bala * * * * 4
11 Amukkuram Withania somnifera Aswagandha * * * 3
12 Kadukka Terminalia chebula Abhaya * * * 3
13 Elathari Elettaria cardamomum Ela * * * 3
14 Tannika Terminalia bellarica Vibhitaka * * * 3
15 Vayambu Acorus calamus Vacha * * * 3
16 Njerinjil Tribulus terristes Aswadamshtra * * * 3
17 Eratti maduram Glycyrrhiza glabra yashti * * 2
18 Palmutukku Ipomoea mouritiana Vidari * * 2
19 Adalodakam Justecia adathoda Adarusha * * 2
20 Vizhalari Embelia ribes Vidanga * * 2
21 Kuvalam Aegle marmelous Bilwa * * 2
22 Kattu mulaku Piper sp. Chavyam * * 2
23 Ati vidayam Aconitm heterophyllum Ativisha * * 2
24 Nellikka Emblica officianalis Datri * * 2
25 Grambu Syzygium aromaticum * * 2
26 Karinkurinji Barleria montanum Sahachara * 1
27 Kodithuva Tragia invalucrata Duralabha * 1

No. Raw drug Bot.Name Sanskrit name R G D DT K P B A S As Total
13 8 12 10 11 9 10 13 9 8
28 Kaippan padavalam Trichosanthus anguina Patola * 1
29 Muthanga Cyperus rotundus Mustha * 1
30 Cheru vazhutana Solanum melongena Brihati * 1
31 Ven vazhutana SolanumSp. Brihati * 1
32 Veppin patta Azadirachta indica Nimpa * 1
33 Prasarani Merrimia tridantata Prasarani * 1
34 Ramacham Vettiviria zizanoides Useera * 1
35 Brahmi Bacopa monnieri Brahmi * 1
36 Medha Polygonatum cirrhifolium Medha * 1
37 Mahamedha Poligonatum verticillatum Mahamedha * 1
38 Kakoli Fritelleria roylei Kakoli * 1
39 Ksheera kakoli Lilium polyphyllum Ksheerakakoli * 1
40 Chandanam Santalum album Chandana * 1
41 Naruneendi Hemidesmus indicus Sariba * 1
42 Takaram Cryptocoryne spiralis Tagara * 1
Valeriana jatamansi
43 Uluva Trigonella foenum-graecum Kalanusari * 1
44 Karakil Aquilaria agalocha Agaru * 1
45 Muringa tholi Moringa olifera Sigru * 1
46 Tazhutama Boarhavia diffusa Punarnava * 1
47 Narumpasa ? Vararasa * 1

No. Raw drug Bot.Name Sanskrit name R G D DT K P B A S As Total
13 8 12 10 11 9 10 13 9 8
48 Kattuzhunnu Vigna radiata Ssp.sublobata Mashaparni * 1
49 Kattu payar Vigna pilosa Supyaparni * 1
50 Elavangam Cinnamomumsps. Lavangam * 1
51 Pachila Pogostemon paniculatum Patram * 1
52 Mundiri Vitis viniferrra Draksha * 1
53 Ilippa Madhuca latifolia Madhuka * 1
54 Kothambalari Coryandrum sativum Danyakam * 1
55 Kattu vellari Cucumis sp. Indravallari * 1
56 Elavin pasa Bombax malabarica Salmali * 1
57 Nagadanti Baliospermummontanum Danti * 1
58 Adapatiyan Holostemma adakodian Jeevanthi * 1
59 Arenukam Arenuka * 1
60 Trikolpa konna Operculna turpethum Trivid * 1
61 Tippali Piper longum Pipali * 1
62 Veluthulli Allium sativum Lasuna * 1
63 Karthotti Capparissp. * 1
Hugonia mystax
64 Kaduku Brassica nigra Sarshapam * 1
65 Puliyila Tamarindus indicus Cinch * 1
66 Chenchallyam Canarium strictum * 1
67 Venga katal Pterocarpus marsupium Asanam * 1
68 Jeerakam Cuminum cyminum Jeeraka * 1
69 Vayalchulli Hygrophilaouriculata Kokikaksha * 1
70 Kumbil Gmelina arborea Karmarya * 1

? marks denotes Species with unknown identity
Table 6.3 Essential Raw Drug List –Part- B

List of Drugs Exclusively Used By Folk Practitioners

No. Local name Botanical Name Main use

1 Sarpagandhi Rawolfia serpentina
2 Kurumulaku Piper nigrum Snake poisoning
3 Karalayam Aristalochia indicum
4 Anachuvati Elephantopus scaber Sprains, Bone setting
5 Maithal(Uppiliyam) Asystacia chelanoides
6 Tumba Leucas aspera
7 Tulasi Ocimum tenuiflorum Home remedy
8 Manjal Curcuma longum
9 Mukkutti Biophytum reinwardtii
10 Tengin pookula Cocus nucifera Gynacology
11 Cheru kadaladi Cyathula prostrata
12 Vallippala Tylophora Astma
13 Mavintalir Mangifera indica Aruchi
14 Kattuchena Amorphophallus sylvaticus
15 Avil Holoptelia integrifolia Piles, Fistula
16 Kudakappala Holarrhena antidysenterica
17 Nandiyarvattam Ervatamia diverica Eye diseases
18 Poovamkuruntila Vernonia cineria
19 Ekanayakam Salacia reticulate Diabetics
20 Kizharnelli Phyllanthus amarus
21 Neerkoova Leginandra toxicaria Jaundice
22 Kayyanni Eclipta alba
23 Kaita mula Pandanus odorottissimus
24 Kazhanjikuru Caesalpinia bounduc Hernia, Hydrosile
26 Uzhinja Cardiospermum helicacabum
26 Muyalchevi Emelia sonchifolia Tonsilites
27 Chethi Ixora coccinia Dermatopathy, Skin diseases

28 Malam takara Cassia alata
39 Navara Oryssa sativum var. Muscle empowerment
30 Parpidakam Hedyotis sp. Febrifuge
31 Naikurna Mucuna prurience Aphrodisiac
32 Kallurvanchi Rotala aquatica
33 Kallurikki Scoparia dulsis Antilithic
34 Cherula Earva lanata
35 Nila amari Indigofera tinctoria Alexipharmic, Poison
36 Ummatham Datura metal Arthritis

7. Expanding Horizons

Potential of medicinal plants in other alternative systems

So far we have discussed the possibilities and issues related to the compilation of a materia
medica of the local Ayurveda and folk medicine health traditions of Payyannur. These two
traditions mainly depend on the natural raw drug materials of Payyannur. However, other
streams such as homeopathy, unani and naturopathy also depend on the locally available
natural materials


Homoeopathy is the science of therapeutics based on Nature’s Law of Cure, i.e., a drug
producing disturbances in a comparatively healthy body is capable of relieving or entirely
obliterating similar disturbances in the sick person. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician,
discovered this law and created a materia medica for its practical application. Homeopathy
administered the doctrine of single remedy; the medicine is used singly or in combination.
As in Ayurveda, the sources of the remedies used in Homoeopathy are from the three
kingdoms of nature – vegetable, animal and mineral. Jan Stephan who defined traditional
medicine has considered homeopathy also to be part of traditional medicine.

The neem bark, known as margosa bark, is the best known medicinal ingredient used in
homeopathic treatment of a number of ailments, especially those of the eyes and skin.
Fresh leaf juice of peepal tree mixed with an equal part of alcohol is very effective for
treating haemorrhages and menorrhagia. An alkaloid obtained from the bark and seeds of
Strychnos nuxvomica, Brucinum (C23 H26N2O4) is used against head ache and paralysis.
The red powder obtained from trilobed capsules of kamala tree (Mallotus philipensis) is a
well known homeopathic medicine for treating tapeworm infection. Neela amari (Indigofera
tinctoria) is used as remedy for epilepsy and diarhoea. Food materials such as onion
(Allium sepa) and asafoetida, raw drugs such as Cannabis sativus, and Inula racemosus
are homeopathic remedies. Different species of Eupatorium, Artemesia, Passiflora,
Breyonia, Asclepias, Lobelia, Berberis, Lycopodium, Agaricus, Ailanthus are used as
medicine both in homeopathy and Ayurveda.

Homeopathic materia medica includes some materials of animal origin, which are also used
in folk medicine. Lac canninum (Dog’s milk) is used for treating diphtheria in homeopathy.
Local health tradition of Payyannur has not used dog’s milk as a remedy but its scat,
which is known by a secret name Mukkoottu kizhangu, is used as a prophylactic against
cholera and as a purgative to cure poisoning due to Glory Lilly (Glories superba). Bone of
cuttle fish is known as Samudra Phenum in classical ayurveda and kadalnaku in folk
medicine. It is used in several preparations in local health care tradition. Homeopathy uses
sepia - the ink of cuttlefish which is ejected when threatened by enemies as an excellent
remedy for menstrual and menopausal problems. It uses musk gland of the musk deer -

Moschus - for treating hysteria. Ayurveda and folk medicine also use the same substance
in treating mental disorder and indigestion.

Table.7.1. Comparison of Drug Sources in Homoeopathy and Ayurveda / Folk


No Source Material used in Homoeopathy Material used in Ayurveda/

Folk medicine
1 Spider Poison Silk
2 Honey bee Tincture made from honey bee Honey, Wax
3 Musk deer Musk (Moschus) Musk
4 Dog Milk (Lac Caninum) Dung
5 Cobra Poison Cuticle
6 Cuttle Fish Sepia-Inky secretion
of the cuttle fish Shell
7 Sponge Tincture made from sponge ——-

Calcarea carbonica is an important homeopathic medicine, which is made from the powdered
translucent inner layer of oyster shells. This is used for treating different disorders relating
to bones and teeth. Ayurveda also uses oyster shells (Muthu chippi) as the main source of
calcium carbonate to treat various disorders in bones and teeth. Antimony, sulphur, mercury
and aurum are mineral substances used both in Ayurveda and homeopathy.


In nature cure plants with high nutritional value are used as medicine. The choice of
medicine is based on the Vedic dictum. According to the Yajurveda,
“Annam hi bhuthanam jyestam thasmat sarvaushadam muchyatae”15
meaning food stands senior-most to all living beings and hence it is the supreme medicine.
A list of plants used in naturopathy is given in Table 7.2.

Potentials of medicinal plants in modern medicine

The chemical basis of 40 percent of all the allopathic medicines used globally is alkaloids or
glycosides present in the tropical plants or are imitations of them. Alkaloids of plant origin
are extracted from plants that constitute merely two percent of the plant diversity in the
world. We are yet to understand the chemical worthiness of a vast majority of the plants
species. Out of 2,50,000 flowering plants occurring in the world only 50,000 plants are
screened for their medicinal properties. Most wonder medicines in allopathy were
‘discovered’ by making use of folk pharmacognosy. The Digitalin and Digitoxin – two
medicines widely used for treating epilepsy and cardiac disorders are extracted from fox

glove plant (Digitalis purpurea). This discovery was based on information obtained by
Dr. William Withering from a lady folk healer of England.

Table 7.2. Medicinal Plants Used in Nature Cure

No. Local name Botanical name Use

1 Kutakan Centella asiatica Child hood ailments
2 Muringa Moringa olifera Asthma(with ash gourd juice)
3 Cherula Aerva lanata Kidney ailments
4 Tazhutama Boarhavia diffusa Peptic ulcers, Piles,
Blood pressure, Epilepsy
5 Muthanga Cyperus rotundus Juice of grass is highly health-
promoting. Roots: childhood ailments
6 Tumba Leucas aspera Leave juice: Acidity, Ulcers
7 Kariveppila Murraya Koenigi Stomach ailments
8 Manithakkali Solanum nigrum Autolysins tumors
9 Malli Coriandrum sativum Rashes, Pimples in skin, Decolorisation
10 Karuka Cynadon dectalon Juice: Nervous troubles,
Regain memory power
11 Kuvalam Aegle marmelos Leaves: Diabetes

Source: Varma (1981)

Table 7.3 Materia Medica of Payyannur: Potential in Modern Medicine

No. Botanical Name Local Name Drug/Active Clinical use Distribution in

constituents study area

1 Adhatoda vasica Adalodakam peganine oxytocic Hedge plant, common

2 Agave sp. Eroppakaita Steroidal hormones Antiarthritic, hormonal Hedge plant
3 Anamirta cocculus Polla kai Picrotoxin Analeptic Wild, common
4 Andrographis paniculatus Nilaveppu Andrographolide Bacillary dysentery Cultivated and wild, common
5 Areca catechu Adakka Arecoline Antihelminth Cultivated, common
6 Azadirachta indica Veppu Azadirachtin Insecticide Cultivated, common
7 Berberis aristata Maramanjal Berberine Anti-hepatic toxic, Bazaar medicine
non specific diarhoea
8 Boswellia serrata Sambrani Beta-boswellic acid Anti inflammatory Bazaar medicine
9 Capsicum annum Mulaku Capsicum oleoresin Cultivated, common
10 Capsicum frutescens Kantari mulaku Capsicum oleoresin Cultivated, common
11 Carica papaya Papaya Chymopapain Proteletic Cultivated, common
12 Catharanthus roseus Nityakallyani Vinblastine Anti cancer Cultivated as
Vincristine Ornamental, common
13 Centella asiatica Muthil Asiaticoside Vulnerary Wild, common
14 Cinnamomum camphora karpooram Camphor Rubefacient Bazaar medicine
15 Cinnamomum zeylanicum Karappa Eugenol Bazaar medicine
16 Coffia arabica Kappi Coffeoine CNS stimulant Cultivated,

17 Commiphora mukaul Gulgulu Guggul saponines Hypolipidaemic Bazaar medicine
18 Coscinium fenestratum Maramanjal Berberine Anti-hepate toxic, Wild, endangered
Non specific diarrhoea
19 Curcumc longa Manjal Curcumin Choleratic Cultivated, common
20 Datura metal Ummam Scopolamine, Sedative Wild, rare
tropine alkaloids
21 Dioscorea spp. Kachil/nuran Diosgenin Contraseptive Cultivated, wild
22 Glycyrrhiza glabra Erattimaduram Glycyrrhizin Expectorant, Bazaar medicine
23 Gossipiumherbaceum Paruthi Gossypol Contraceptive Cultivated as hedge plant
24 Papaver somniferum Aveen, Morphine, Muscle relaxant Not available in
karuppu papaverine open market
25 Plantago ovata Isabgul Seed husk Laxative, Purgative Provision shop
26 Psoralea corrylifolia Karkokil Psoralin Leucoderma Bazaar medicine
27 Rauvofia serpentina Sarpagandhi Reserpine, Antihypertensive, Wild
rescinnamine tranquilliser
28 Ricinus communis Avanakku Castor oil Laxative As a weed
29 Strychnos nuxvomica Kanjiram Strychnine CNS stimulant wild

In 1835 aspirin was extracted from medow sweet (Filipendula ulmaria), a plant commonly
used by European folk practitioners for treating fever, flu and rheumatism. Steroids such
as Cortisone and Diosegenin were discovered from wild Diascorias of the North American
Native Indians. Cinchona, the source of Quinine, is a febrifuge used by South American
tribes. Researches on the medicinal properties of rosy periwinkle were prompted by
information that Jamaican tribes used it for treating diabetes.

Some medicinal plants of Indian origin are also being used globally. Rauvolfia is such an
Indian plant. Serpent root of Rauvolfia has been widely used in India as an antidote to
insect and snake bites, as a febrifuge and as a sedative. R.J.Vakil noticed its action against
hypertension and found that it has a marked hypertensive action (
Sarpagandhi contains 24 alkaloids including Reserpine, Deserpidine and, Rescinnamine
which are now widely used as ahypotensives and tranquillisers. Senna leaves (Cassia
angustifolia) are used as a laxative in Ayurvedic preparations. Sennasoids, the glycoside
derived from senna is used as a purgative in modern medicine.

Some essential oils and terpene derived from medicinal plants are identically used in Ayurveda
and modern medicine. Cinnamon leaf oil is used as a source of Eugenol and Isoengenol
and oil of Cinnamomum comphora is a source of natural camphor. Many pharmaceutical
preparations in the markets, such as cough syrups, pain balms etc., have natural essential
oils as their active ingredients. Mints and basils are basic ingredients of dental care products
(Maiti, 2000).

About 3000 antibiotics including Penicillin, Cyclosporin and Tetracycline are derived from
micro-organisms and fungi. Modern health care system looks at biodiversity for discovering
remedies of killer diseases such as AIDS. The hope of the future depends on the knowledge
handed over from one generation to another, as in Ayurveda and folk medicine. The new
world order, which bestows monopoly rights even on the life forms, has begun to threaten
the very existence of traditional knowledge embedded in folk medicines. The medicinal
quality of turmeric and neem, which were patented in US, were a common legacy that
symbolise the thousands of years of Indian health care experience. But now multinationals
attempt to steal that knowledge and make it their monopoly. As bio-piracy becomes the
rule of the time and the transparency of the UN Convention on Biodiversity is clouded, we
will have to face the challenge of legally protecting our genetic wealth. It is in the midst of
such worries that the need for a Biodiversity Law which prevents bio-piracy, ensures
equity to the owners of the knowledge, protects biodiversity of both agricultural and wild
medicinal plants and which is free from loopholes, becomes most pertinent.

8. Conclusions

It is evident from the study that most of the raw drugs brought in from outside for sale in
Payyannur drug market are actually locally available. However, this fact has escaped the
attention of practitioners and vendors indicating their ignorance of local field conditions
and the ecology of the materials they handle. This situation closely resembles the
circumstances that led to the preparation of legendary work on the flora of Malabar –The
Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. This first documentation of the floral wealth of Malabar
was done by the Dutch. Originally the medicinal preparations for the ailments of Dutch
soldiers in India were imported from Europe. It was the realisation that most of those
drugs and their ingredients were available locally which made Van Rheede compile the

Local health traditions of Payyannur have two distinctive strands –the first one is the
codified conventional system of Ayurveda and the second stream is the uncodified folk
health care system. Both have two streams of treatment - subclassified here as ‘rational’
- which is based on medicines - and ‘devotional’ - which is mainly based on spiritual

The codified stream of traditional healing system has evolved out of the classical Ayurvedic
system to form a distinctive Kerala school. The Payyannur branch of this school of
ayurveda refers mainly to source books written in Malayalam such as Sahasrayoga instead
of original Sanskrit Brihatrayi and the like. They also use certain unique raw drugs or
endemic combination of raw drugs like Dasapushapam, Kombanchathi etc. Drugs used
by this school include local substitutes of the raw drugs for certain ingredients. Presently,
the rational stream of healing has gained prominence and the devotional stream plays only
a relatively insignificant role in the treatment of ailments.

The uncodified folk stream of health care tradition encompasses a variety of practices.
Both the rational and the devotional streams play important roles in this system of healing.
The knowledge-base for this system is mostly inherited, though certain rare procedures
are preserved in written form. The folk medicine is enriched by the health care techniques
of ethnic communities such as Vannan and Malayan. Most of the devotional procedures
of healing are related to sacred groves and theyyam worship. Some of the devotional
procedures that have become extinct such as Thachu manthram resemble, to some extent,
the new streams of alternative medicines such as Reiki. This highlights the fact that
devotional procedures of healing may still have their own importance.

Originally both the streams of healthcare traditions had a high degree of dependence on the
local raw drug market. But now the Ayurveda stream has ceased to depend exclusively on
the local raw drug market. It is the demand from practitioners of folk medicine and their
patients that sustains the raw drug markets today.

The numbers of patients and practitioners who prepare their own medicines have now
become negligibly small. Most of them depend on company prepared medicines. It is

estimated that the total annual sale of Ayurvedic preparatory medicines in the shops in
Payyannur at present is approximately worth two crore rupees, whereas the annual sale
figure of raw drug is less than Rs. 60 lakhs.

Raw drug market of Payyannur is less than a hundred years old. Products from Tamil
nadu, Himalayas, China and Seychelles Island arrive in the raw drug market of Payyannur.
More than 735 materials of plant-origin obtained from 587 species, 95 materials of animal-
origin obtained from 60 species of animals and 39 different materials of mineral-origin are
used as raw drugs in Payyannur.

It is the diversity of the landscape elements and presence of diverse habitats such as
wetlands, forests, grasslands, streams, paddy fields, etc. in Kerala that is reflected in the
surprisingly rich biological diversity in the raw drug market. It is extremely significant to
note that the traditional health care system and associated raw drug market of Payyannur
is a classical example for sustenance of knowledge and biological diversity founded on
cultural practices.

Sources of most raw drugs of biological origin have been identified to be belonging to
vulnerable and threatened categories. However, current conservation/survival status of
some of these species is yet to be assessed. The first step in sorting out a strategy for the
conservation and sustainable utilisation of the species is the conservation-prioritisation of
raw drugs. The essential raw drug list prepared as part of the present study is an initiative
in this direction. A list of this kind is necessary for facilitating activities such as cultivation
of medicinal plants, their sustainable harvesting as well as their marketing. The involvement
of local bodies for their preservation must be ensured. Steps must be initiated for
standardisation of raw drug materials. The present attempt to prepare an essential drug list
for Payyannur is carried out realising the limitations of such a study and the possibilities of
its use and improvement.

Medicinal plant collectors, who were seasoned and experienced individuals who could
recognise, locate and collect medicinal plants acted as a vital link between the natural
habitats of plants and the drug market. In other words ‘they bear a resource map in their
mind’. Till recently a number of medicinal plant collectors were active in Payyannur for
meeting the market demand of medicinal plants. Now the situation has turned grave. At
present, the green drug stores of Payyannur depend exclusively on less than five plant
collectors. The implications of the erosion of this knowledge-base associated with the
vanishing tribe of medicinal plant collectors are unfathomable. Nearly half of the fresh
herbal drug species that used to be sold two decades ago in Payyannur are no longer sold
now. As a result, some of the famous Yogas or medicinal compositions have also disappeared.
The present attempts to conserve medicinal plants and to revitalise local health traditions
are limited to cultivation of medicinal plants and to documentation of medicinal preparations.
But these attempts are not only incomplete but also inadequate. The more important
activity required would be to conserve the knowledge-base at the field level. But such
conservation attempts are not forthcoming. Consequently, now the erosion of knowledge-
base is much faster than the erosion of the material base.

1 The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1990) provides following definition for materia medica: materia
medica /mtr medk/ n. phr. pl. M17. [mod.L tr. Gk hule iatrike healing material.] The remedial substances
used in the practice of medicine; (treated as sing.) the branch of medicine that deals with their origins
and properties.
2 The period of Rigveda is assigned as 4500-1600 B.C
3 Three Major source books of classical ayurveda such as Charaka samhita, Susruta samhita
and Astanga hrudayam are together called Brihathrayi.
4 Traditional practitioners of ayurveda or folk medicine.
5 The word Chiropractic originated from two Greek words Kheir which means ‘hand’ and praktikos
which means ‘practical’. It is used to relieve pain by manipulation and to correct any problems that are
present in joints and muscles especially in the spine. No medicine is used in this system.
6 This practice was originated by an American doctor named Andrew Still (1828-1917). This therapy
aims to pinpoint and treat that is of a mechanical nature. The body’s frame, activities and movements
depend on it.
7 Though there are practitioners of unani who are mainly Muslims their prescriptions and practices are
not much different from that of ayurveda and folk medicine. So this study does not consider unani as a
distinct health care practice of Payyannur. Popularity of siddha is limited to the southern districts of the
State, which is proximate to Tamil Nadu, the place of origin of siddha. Some researchers consider siddha
as a branch of ayurveda.
8 Ethnomedicine is the medical system of the primates which has evolved in their own cultural milieu and
recognized as the method of diagnosis and treatment which may include natural or supernatural elements.
It includes all the body of beliefs, therapeutic practices including the pharmacopoeia which they use for
curing diseases even if they attribute the cause of natural or super- natural forces (Hughes,1968)

9 Collyrium - An oily home made pasty kohl used as eye make-up and as eye ointment.
10 These medicines are usually bought at the raw drug at the bazaar so usually referred as Angadi
Marunnu which literally means Bazaar medicine. Angadi Marunnu are usually dried plant and animal
parts and minerals including honey. The fresh herbal medicines needed for the preparation of medicines
are usually collected locally. So they were not sold in the traditional raw drug stores. However, now
fresh herbal medicines are also being sold in the stores. This indicates the erosion of the popular
knowledge-base on the medicinal herbs that generated a market demand for these fresh herbal medicines.
11 Gurusi is a solution of turmeric in the milk of lime with a characteristic, natural, blood red colour. In
folk rituals - especially in demon worship, incantation and blood cults - this is taken for blood and
blood sacrifices.

12 Their connection with traditional health care is not accidental. It was two Konkan Brahmins namely
Appu Bhatt and Vinayaka Bhatt who helped the Dutch Governor Van Rheed in preparation of Hortus
Indicus Malabaricus (Manilal et al, 1988).

13 World Conservation Union (formerly International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources –IUCN) is responsible for the publication of the Red Data Book, which provides the
conservation and survivorship information of the plant and animal species world wide. Species are
graded and categorized into groups such as threatened, endangered, critically endangered, extinct etc.
14 All the raw drugs listed in the ERD list are available in the raw drug Market of Payyannur. Roughly
10 percentage of the materials listed do not have any market value in India in general and the other raw
drug markets of Kerala in particular. Locations of collection of many raw drugs reaching the market
from other regions are also not clear. Botanical identity of certain materials such as Narum Pasa,
Arenukam etc. could not be established.
15 Varma (1981)


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