CIR vs. Santos

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Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) vs. Santos Appeals, we said that “plainly the Constitution contemplates that the inferior courts
(G.R. No. 119252, August 18, 1997) should have jurisdiction in cases involving constitutionality of any treaty or law, for it
speaks of appellate review of final judgments of inferior courts in cases where such
DOCTRINE: constitutionality happens to be in issue.” This authority of lower courts to decide
 It is inherent in the power to tax that the State be free to select the subjects of taxation, questions of constitutionality in the first instance was reaffirmed in Ynot v. Intermediate
and it has been repeatedly held that “inequalities which result from a singling out of one Appellate Court. But this authority does not extend to deciding questions, which pertain
particular class for taxation, or exemption, infringe no constitutional limitation to legislative policy.
 The Judiciary has no power to question the wisdom of the Congress in passing laws.
2. NO. Granting arguendo that the private respondents may have provided convincing
EMERGENCY RECIT: arguments why the jewelry industry in the Philippines should not be taxed as it is, it is
to the legislature that they must resort to for relief, since with the legislature primarily
lies the discretion to determine the nature (kind), object (purpose), extent (rate),
 Private respondents allege that taxes on non-essential articles as provided for in Sec.
coverage (subjects) and situs (place) of taxation. This Court cannot freely delve into
163 of the Tax Code were unconstitutional for being oppressive, using in their defense
those matters, which, by constitutional fiat, rightly rest on legislative judgment. As
a comparison of the tax rates of other Asian countries. The RTC ruled in their favor and
succinctly put in Lim vs. Pacquing:“ Where a controversy may be settled on a platform
declared provisions of the Tax Code unconstitutional and void. However, the Supreme
other than one involving constitutional adjudication, the court should exercise becoming
Court ruled that the courts had no power to question the wisdom of laws enacted by
modesty and avoid the constitutional question.” As judges, we can only interpret and
congress, all it could do was to interpret these laws. Hence, the reversed the rulings of
apply the law and, despite our doubts about its wisdom, cannot repeal or amend
the RTC and the CA.
it. The respondents presented an exhaustive study on the tax rates on jewelry levied
FACTS: by different Asian countries. This is meant to convince us that compared to other
countries, the tax rates imposed on said industry in the Philippines is oppressive and
confiscatory. This Court, however, cannot subscribe to the theory that the tax rates of
 A Regional Mission Order was issued to BIR officers to conduct surveillance,
other countries should be used as a yardstick in determining what may be the proper
monitoring, and inventory of all imported articles of several companies and to place the
subjects of taxation in our own country. It should be pointed out that in imposing the
same under preventive embargo.
aforementioned taxes and duties, the State, acting through the legislative and
 Pursuant to the order, the BIR officers went to the different establishments and did as
executive branches, is exercising its sovereign prerogative. It is inherent in the power
were instructed.
to tax that the State be free to select the subjects of taxation, and it has been
 On the same day, BIR officers were also tasked to examine the books of accounts and repeatedly held that “inequalities which result from a singling out of one particular class
other accounting records of the different companies for purposes of stocktaking for taxation, or exemption, infringe no constitutional limitation.”
investigation for excise tax.
 RTC: Private respondents Antonio M. Marco and Jewelry By Marco & Co., Inc. who
were affected by the mission order, filed with the RTC a petition for declaratory relief
with writ of preliminary injunction and/or temporary restrining order against herein
petitioners and Revenue Regional Director Felicidad L. Viray. They also questioned the
constitutionality of the certain provisions of the Tariff and Customs Code.
 Private respondents alleged that the taxes were oppressive comparing the tax rates to
other Asian countries nearby.
 The RTC ruled in their favor and also declared provisions of the Tariff and Customs
Code as well as provisions of its implementing orders unconstitutional and hence void.


1. WON the Honorable Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the petition. – NO.
2. WON provisions of the Tariff and Customs Code and it’s IRR which provide the CIR the
power to assign mission orders are unconstitutional. – NO.


1. NO. What we see here is a debate on the WISDOM of the laws in question. This is a
matter on which the RTC is not competent to rule. As Cooley observed: “Debatable
questions are for the legislature to decide. The courts do not sit to resolve the merits of
conflicting issues.” In Angara vs. Electoral Commission, Justice Laurel made it clear
that “the judiciary does not pass upon questions of wisdom, justice or expediency of
legislation.” And fittingly so, for in the exercise of judicial power, we are allowed only “to
settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
enforceable,” and may not annul an act of the political departments simply because we
feel it is unwise or impractical. This is not to say that Regional Trial Courts have no
power whatsoever to declare a law unconstitutional. In J.M. Tuason and Co. v. Court of

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