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Component List

35 Delve Cards 33 Sneaky Goblin 14 Room Cards 6 Boss Cards 40 Standees


42 Seek Glory Cards 4 Room Layout 9 Sequence Cards 1 Sneaky Goblin 4 Hero Boards
Cards Character Card

4 Summon Undead 42 Boss Power Cards 28 Skill Cards 12 Treachery Skill 12 Adventurer Power
Cards Cards Cards

4 Teef Tracker 4 Energy 4 XP Tracker 4 Health 4 Treachery 3 Trap Tokens 11 Fire / Acid
Token Tracker Token Token Tracker Token Tracker Token Tokens

3 Energy 2 Healing 20 Plunder 8 Modifier 3 Resurrection 15 Wound 4 Hero Loot

Shrine Tokens Fountain Tokens Tokens Tokens

Head Token 6 Poison 1 Enervate 2 Durability 1 Hex Token 1 Totem Token 6 Egg Tokens
Tokens Tokens Token

4 Spiderling Fear Token 10 Custom 8 Owlbear Sneaky Goblin

/ Webbed Dice Nest Tokens Token

2 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

High up in the Blackroot Mountains lives a tribe of orcs. They are ultra-competitive with one another and the Chieftain
promotes this in his warriors. They occasionally team up in an uneasy alliance to plunder nearby caverns and
outposts. Many times these raids are purely to plunder them for loot while ridding the nearby area of nasty monsters
at the same time. Other times they are formed by the Chieftain to exterminate a specific target. To keep the peace
the Chieftain selects a warrior from each caste of the tribe. The Berserkers, the Shamans, the Headhunters and the
Cultists. You play one of the Blackroot orcs in this chosen raiding party taking on one of the roles in it.

Ravage - Dungeons of Plunder is a game for 1-5 players, with multiple ways to play.

Play through quests in co-op mode, with or without an Evil Overlord. See page 15

One player against the dungeon, trying to survive... See page 16

Every player for themselves. Play as an Orc and an Evil Overlord. See page 15

Setup 5. Place the Start Delve card in the centre of the table. The
room layout cards are needed for certain quests.
The following setup rules cover the Adventure mode of
play without an Evil Overlord. For Solo or Treachery, or 6. Take the Plunder tokens and turn them all face down, mix
Adventure mode with an Evil Overlord please see pages 15 them up, and create 2 piles to draw from during the game.
and 16.
7. Organise all the other tokens into piles, within reach of all
1. Choose a Quest: If this is your first game, we recommend players.
you start with quest one. Note any special setup rules in the
quest which may affect the following instructions. 8. Take a number of Resurrection tokens equal to the number
of players minus 1 and place them on the table. Return any
2. Separate out the Sneaky Goblin cards, shuffle them and extra Resurrection tokens back to the box.
place them face down as the Sneaky Goblin deck on the table.
9. Each player chooses a Hero board corresponding to the
3. Separate out the Seek Glory cards, shuffle them and place caste they want to play and places it dark side up in from of
them face down as the Seek Glory deck on the table. them.
Note: When you are first learning the game, we recommend
removing the Adventurers from the Seek Glory deck before
shuffling it.

4. Separate out the Delve cards and remove the Start card,
Boss Delve card and any room layout cards. Shuffle the Cultist Shaman Berserker Head Hunter
remaining Delve cards and place them face down.

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10. Each player takes a set of tokens including: Experience, 12. Each player places their Hero standee on an empty tile on
Energy, Teef, Health, and the Loot token corresponding to or as close as possible to the stairs of the Start card.
their caste. These tokens are placed on their board as shown
in the image, to indicate that the Hero starts with: 13. Each player draws 1 card from the Sneaky Goblin deck
and adds it to their hand. If its value is greater than 2 Teef,
• 0 XP (Experience Points) - See page 8
return it to the bottom of the deck and draw a new one.
• 2 Energy Repeat if necessary.
• 0 Teef
• 5 Health 14. The last person to have been underground takes the first
The Loot token is placed face down on the caste icon on the
Hero board.

For your first game we recommend using the

following skill cards:

Berserker: Hand Axe, Charge, Frenzy, War Cry,

Berserker Axe
Shaman: Crude Carving, Shape Shift - Raven,
Spiritual Shield, Spirit Wolf, Blood Wield
Cultist: Bone Mace, Enervate, Inflict Fear, Life
Drain, Summon Undead
Head Hunter: Hunter’s Bow, Improved Aim, Poison,
Flaming Arrow, Head Shot
11. Each player takes the Hero skill cards according to their
chosen caste and selects five of those cards, placing them on
their Hero board with the level 1 side face up. Return any
unused Hero skill cards to the box. Each caste has their own
unique ability listed on their Hero board.


3 5




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Sequence of Play
Players take turns in clockwise order. On your turn you perform the following 5 phases and then play passes to the next player:

1. Delve 2. Seek Glory 3. Ravage 4. Bloodshed 5. Gather Strength

Phase 1 - Delve Delve cards may not overlap each other. Black edges are walls
First, check to see if your Hero can Delve. and are impassable sections of the dungeon.
Check to see if there is at least 1 white
arrow on an existing Delve card which
meets all of the following criteria:
• The arrow is either the card you
are currently on, or an adjacent
• The arrow must not lead to an Resurrection Healing Energy Spider
existing Delve card. Circle Fountain Shrine Nest
• There must be space for a new Delve card to
be placed there. Some Delve cards contain special tiles. If one of
these is revealed, refer to the Appendix for more
For example, at the details.
start of the game, Boss Delve
when the Heroes are Card
on the Start card, Impossible Delve
there are 6 legal Very rarely you might encounter a bad Delve. If you pull a
arrows. Delve card but cannot place it on the table, put that card back
on the top of the Delve deck and skip the Seek Glory phase.
Later in the game,
if this is the Room Cards
situation... Some quests have room cards. When you draw a room card,
it will have a name on it. Separate all room cards with that
name from the room deck and arrange them as shown on the
In this image,
Delve card, connecting them to a legal white arrow.
there are 3 legal

If there is no
legal arrow
that can be
chosen, skip
the rest of this phase and phase
2. Proceed directly to Phase 3 - Ravage.

If there is at least 1 legal arrow, draw the top card of the

Delve deck and place it in whatever position and orientation
you choose as long as one of the arrows on the new Delve
card lines up with one of the legal arrows from earlier.

Other arrows on the new Delve

card do not have to match other
arrows already in the game.

For example: This Delve card

can be placed next to the Start
Delve card, even though it
now blocks one of the other

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Phase 2 - Seek Glory
Draw 1 card from the Seek
Glory deck. This may be a
Trap or a Monster.

If you draw a Monster
card, place its
corresponding standee on
any of the empty tiles on
the Delve card you just
Monster Trap

Use the standee that matches the illustration and level of the
Follow the instructions on
the Trap card. Traps are
often triggered by rolling
a Trap on the Trap Die. If a
trap is drawn that requires the
placement of a Trap token and
there is already a token on the
Hero’s tile replace the old token
with the new one and apply the
new effects.

Phase 3 - Ravage
On your turn perform up to
two of the following actions.
Put the Monster card in your Monsters Track (above your Unless otherwise noted, the
Hero board). If there are any Monster cards already in your same action can be performed
Monster Track, place new ones to the left of existing ones. more than once.

• Move
• Attack
• Pick up an item
• Trade an item
• Blood Tribute
• Search for Plunder (Only once per

For example, you can move and then attack,

or attack and then move, or move twice, or
attack and then pick up an item, etc.

Each movement action allows a Hero to move up to 4 tiles.
Orthogonal and diagonal movement is allowed. You can
move through tiles occupied by Monsters or Heroes, but
you cannot end your action on such a tile. If you are moving
through a Monster’s tile, then before you move onto its
tile, the Monster gets to perform an Attack of Opportunity
(see Appendix). If that Attack of Opportunity succeeds,
your action immediately ends. Otherwise, you can carry on

6 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

Attack (using wound tokens) on the Monster card. Once
During the game, Heroes will attack Monsters in order to a Monster has wounds equal to or greater than its
earn Teef. There are two types of attack. Health (depicted in the bottom left on the Monster
card) it is slain.
Melee Attack Example:
A Hero may make a melee attack against an You attack and roll 3 blue
adjacent Monster. dice. You roll 3 swords and
1 Energy. You gain 1 Energy
Characters are adjacent if they are located on tiles and deal 3 damage to the Monster unless it defends itself.
that are connected orthogonally or diagonally, not separated
by a wall. The Monster rolls 1 blue and 1 purple
die and rolls 2 swords. This cancels 2
Damage is shown on character, weapon and of the damage dealt resulting in the
skill cards under the sword icon in the Monster gaining 1 wound.
banner, detailed as a set of coloured dice.
When a Monster is slain, perform the following steps:
Your Hero has a base
1. Remove the Monster standee from the board.
attack, which is
detailed on the top 2. Collect the number of Teef listed on the Monster card.
left of your Hero’s 3. Return the Monster card to the bottom of the Seek
board. Glory deck.
If a monster is slain in a trap no Teef are awarded.
For example:
The cultist’s base attack is 2 Ranged Attack
blue dice. A Hero can make a ranged
attack if they have a Hero skill
A Hero can increase their that depicts the ranged icon.
attack dice by using their The number shown in the
Hero skill cards as described icon indicates the maximum
in the Appendix. distance in tiles of the attack.
Ranged attacks cannot be used on
The Hero then rolls all their adjacent targets.
attack dice and looks up the
results as follows. To make a ranged attack, you must have line
of sight to your target. This is determined by
For each Energy icon rolled, drawing an imaginary line
the Hero immediately gains 1 from the centre of your tile to the to centre of
Energy (up to a maximum of the target’s tile. If that line passes through
6 on your Tracker). any walls, line of slight is blocked. Monsters
and Heroes do not block line of sight.
Count the number of swords you
rolled. This is the amount of damage Apart from the changes
you have dealt. However, the Monster described above,
gets to defend itself! a ranged attack is
performed and
defended against in the
same way as a melee
1 Damage 2 Damage 3 Damage Energy
If a ranged creature
is cornered and cannot
The Monster then rolls its defence dice attack, he will move through the
according to its defence value in the banner Hero’s tile to an available tile if he
on its card. Each sword rolled cancels one has enough movement where he can
damage from your attack. Energy results are make an attack, ignoring the Attack
ignored unless they apply to Critical Defence of Opportunity rule.
(see Appendix).

For each damage that was dealt and not

cancelled, record that number of wounds
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Search for Plunder
You can only carry out this action once per

To search for Plunder, Roll the trap die. If you

roll a trap, take a random Plunder token and reveal
it to see what you found. For details of the Plunder tokens,
see the Appendix.

Phase 4 - Bloodshed
During this phase, all the Monsters on your Monster Track
are activated, starting with the one on the left and
proceeding to the right. When a Monster activates,
it performs a move action, followed by an attack
action. Monsters cannot move twice or attack

Energy and Experience Monster Movement

If the Monster has a melee attack, it
Some cards require Energy Points
will move towards you in an attempt
to use, such as Improved Aim or
to become adjacent to you so that it
Charge. The amount of
can attack. If it is already adjacent
Energy needed for these
to you when it activates, it does
is detailed on the top right
not move. If it cannot reach you
of the card. Energy is collected by rolling Energy symbols on
with its movement, it moves as far
your Attack and Defence rolls. You may also collect Energy
as possible towards you. Monsters
from Energy Shrines and other cards. Record your Energy
move 4 tiles and use the same rules
points using the Energy Tracker on your Hero board. You
as Hero movement.
may only collect up to 7 Energy.
Once Energy is expended, remove the points from your
Ranged Monsters will move as close as
Energy Tracker and add them to your XP Tracker. Any
is necessary to make a ranged attack.
expended Energy that cannot fit onto your XP Tracker that
turn is lost.
Monsters must use the most direct route,
crossing the fewest number of tiles to reach
Aggro their target. If there are multiple shortest
You can attack any Monster, even one on a another hero’s routes the Monster can take, you choose
Monster Track. If you cause a Monster to take 1 or more which one.
wounds, you have aggroed the Monster. Take the Monster
card from the other player’s Monster Track and place it in If the Monster is about to move through a
your Monster Track to the left of your current Monsters. The Hero’s tile, it performs an Attack of Opportunity
Monster now sees you as more of a threat and will come after against that Hero (see Appendix). If that Attack
you! is successful, the Monster ends its movement on
that tile and its activation is over. If the Attack of
Pick up an Item Opportunity fails, the Monster continues to its original
You can use an action to take a token from your current tile target but does not attack this activation (the Attack of
or an adjacent one, such as quest items, Energy from an Opportunity used up the Monsters attack this turn).
Energy Shrine, or Health from a Healing Fountain. See the
Appendix for details of these items. If a Monster makes an Attack of Opportunity against another
Hero, whether successful or not, the Monster card stays
on the original Hero’s Monster Track. If the Monster has a
Trade an Item ranged attack, he will move so that he is 2 tiles away from
You can use an action to pass an item (a Sneaky Goblin card
you (leaving a tile in-between). If it is adjacent to you when
from your hand or a quest or Plunder item, for example) to
it activates, it will move away as far as it needs to in order to
an adjacent player. Teef may not be traded.
perform an attack.

Blood Tribute If a Monster is within distance of 2 heroes for an Attack

Use an action to take 1 damage and gain 2 Energy. Reduce of Opportunity it will always attack the hero with the least
your Health marker by 1 (but not to zero) and gain 2 Energy health.
to a maximum of 6.
8 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2
Monster Attacks Draw 3 cards from the top of the Sneaky Goblin
When a Monster attacks you, first roll dice as deck and place them face up on the table. You
depicted on the banner of the Monster card. can purchase any or all of these cards if you
pay the purchase cost depicted in Teef in the
Count the number of swords rolled by the bottom right of the card.
Monster, this is the amount of damage it will
deal to you unless you defend yourself. Any items purchased are placed in your hand; reduce your
Ignore any Energy results Teef accordingly. Any items not purchased are placed on the
rolled by the Monster. bottom of the Sneaky Goblin deck in any order.

Apply the effects of any Critical

hits (see Appendix). Hero Death
If your Hero is reduced to zero Health, you are
Then, you roll your defence dice killed. Skip all remain phases of your turn except
as shown on your Hero board, the Bloodshed phase. If you were killed by a
which may be increased by Monster, place your Loot token on the Monster
using Hero skills card that killed you. If you were killed by a trap,
place your Loot token on the tile where you were
For each Energy you killed.
roll, gain 1 Energy (up
to a maximum of 6 on Randomly choose 3 Sneaky Goblin cards from your hand and
your Tracker). Each place them face down on the table somewhere near your Loot
sword you roll cancels token. Keep any remaining cards in your hand.
1 damage the Monster
would deal to you. Any A Hero can pick up a Loot token from an adjacent tile using
damage not cancelled is inflicted the ‘Pick up an Item’ action. When they do, they gain 2 Teef
on you as wounds; reduce your and also take the 3 cards that you placed as your Loot.
Health Tracker by 1 for each
wound taken. If you are reduced to If your Loot token is on a Monster, it is carried by that
0 Health, you are killed. Monster until the Monster is slain. The Hero who killed the
Monster immediately claims the Loot token and gets the 2
Hero Death - Teef and the 3 cards.
Bloodshed Phase
If you died that round any Resurrection
monsters on your Monster If you are killed, you can be resurrected if a
track that are adjacent to Resurrection token is available. You resurrect at
any hero will take an Attack the start of your turn by placing your Hero on
of Opportunity, any ranged any resurrection circle shown on the Delve
monsters will also make an cards, restore yourself to full Health and
Attack of Opportunity if within remove any Poison token you have on your
range. They will not move until Hero board you also retain all XP, energy
the hero spawns on the following and Teef you had previously. Then return a
round. Resurrection token to the box.

Phase 5 - If a Hero is killed and there
are no Resurrection tokens
Gather Strength remaining, the quest has
This phase consists of two steps. failed, and all players
immediately lose the
First, if your XP Tracker is full (you have 4 game.
XP), you may level up a skill card. Flip any
one of your Level 1 Hero skill cards over to
Level 2 and reduce your XP to 0.

Note: If you levelled a skill up you can not use its level 1
ability again. See Energy and Experience in the Appendix.

Second, the Sneaky Goblin has trinkets and traps to sell.

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Quest 1 - Bulga’s Relic along the way.

Tales of Bulga, the Crone in the Mountains have been passed

Collect all the treasure and all heroes must escape the
down through campfire stories for generations. The current
dungeon (end your turn on the start tile).
Chieftain believes that the Crone’s Relic is lying in a cave just
south of Raven’s Brook waiting to be found. Of course, no
one knows what the mystical Relic looks like so any plunder
will do but what if you were to actually bring back Bulga’s

Remove all the Adventurers from the Seek Glory deck, and
shuffle them into the top 12 cards. Count 3 cards per player
from the Delve deck and insert the Unearthed room card
below them. When the unearthed room is found take 4
Plunder tokens and shuffle them together then place them on
the chest on the unearthed room.

Once your hero has escaped the dungeon skip all phases
except the Bloodshed phase, your Monsters will continue to
chase you to the exit, making Attacks of Opportunity
10 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2
Quest 2 - The Serpent’s Pit Once the Hero with the head has
dropped it in the circle no more
The Chieftain has been listening to his Master Shaman. In Delve or Seek Glory cards will be
order to bring the tribe extra ferocity in the coming raids, played and they may now fight.
he requires the heart of a Cave Serpent for his ritual. The
Shaman knows of one hidden deep within a cavern under
Claw Spire. Your mission is to find and summon the Cave
Drop the head in the ritual circle.
Serpent and bring it’s heart back for the Shaman.

Count 3 cards per player from the Delve deck

and insert the Serpent’s Pit room card below
Quest 4 - The Vines of Galmera
You must find the serpent’s pit and
make an offering of 2 Teef per player Your Chieftan requires you and other tribesmen of the
to summon the Cave Serpent. Once a Black Root clan to collect a barrel of roots from the Vines of
player has made their offering they Galmera. They will be crushed and boiled to make our clan’s
will no longer draw any Delve or Seek traditional war-paint for the next raiding season.
Glory cards during their turn.

Once all players have made their Count 3 cards per player from the Delve deck and insert the
offering, the Cave Serpent is summoned. Vines of Galmera room card below them.
Place the Cave Serpent in the pit. The last player
to make their offering encounters the boss first. Once the Vines are revealed you may only attack the Heart of
the Vines of Galmera shown below to deal damage.
Summon and defeat the Cave Serpent.
Defeat the Vines of Galmera and exit
the dungeon.

Quest 3 - The Head of Zurbag

Zurbag was a brave warrior until caught in the Chieftain’s
harem. Unfortunately, during the chase, it was the tribe’s
Headhunters who caught him. Despite all the trouble,
the Chieftain would like Zurbag’s prominence on the field
of battle honoured, so his head is to be taken to Skull’s
Rest, deep within the cave, and placed on the ritual circle.
Honour his memory by slaying all the monsters that are
summoned during the rite.

Count 3 cards per player from the Delve deck

and insert the Ritual card below them, and
designate a Hero to carry the head token.
That Hero cannot attack or pass the Head to
another player. If the Hero carrying the head
dies, the head is considered part of his Loot
and may be picked up by another player.

You must get the head to the ritual card. Once it is revealed,
draw 2 Monsters per Hero from the Seek Glory deck. Place
each Monster on the edge of their assigned Hero’s tile.

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Place one spider nest Delve card per
player every 5 cards from the top
of the Delve deck.

When a nest is revealed, place 2

egg tokens on the nest. On Each
player’s turn, in phase 4, one of the
eggs will hatch. Turn it over and if its a
Spiderling see Spiderling Rules. Stand
adjacent to a nest and use 1 action to
set it on fire, then place the fire token on
the nest. The nest cannot be attacked if
occupied by a Spiderling.

Once all nests have been destroyed, the Spider Queen

appears. Place her next to the last nest destroyed.

Once the Spider Queen appears, do not draw any

more Delve or Seek Glory cards for the rest of the
Quest 5 - Let it Burn
Monsters have been attacking the tribe’s camps. The Objective
audacity of their actions must be due to the corrupted Defeat the spider queen.
energy Shrines in the glowing cavern over in Black Tusk
Pass. The Chieftain has had enough! Set off to the glowing
cavern and destroy the energy Shrines that you find there!

Place one Energy Shrine Delve card

every 3 cards down per player in the Quest 7 - Bloodgast Beer Belcher’s
Delve deck up to a maximum of 3. The
Shrines do not yield any Energy for
Famous Brew
this quest. Bloodgast’s beer is known throughout the tribe as the
strongest, and he needs ingredients to make a batch. He has
You will need to set fire to the entrusted you with some of his secret ingredients. Snake
Shrines and flee the dungeon. Set Warriors for Zing, Spider bile for that stickiness, Skeleton
the Shrines on fire by rolling a trap head for stock, Blackened Imp hearts add an earthy tone
on the trap die, as an action. On and the flight feathers of a Harpy.
success, place a fire
2 player - Bold Feather Ale: 1 Spider, 1 Skeleton level 2 or
Objective above, 1 Imp, 1 Harpy.
All Shrines must be destroyed. Then the
first Hero to exit is the winner. 3 player - SpittleDung Stout: 2 Spiders, 2 Skeletons, 1 Imp, 1
Harpy level 2 or above.

4 player - Voodoo Brew: 2 Spiders, 2 Skeletons, 2 Snake

Warrior level 2 or above, 1 Imp, 1 Harpy.

Quest 6 - Spider Lair Objective

Enter the dungeon and don’t return till you have all the
The venomous Blackroot Spiders are becoming a nuisance. ingredients.
We can’t eat them and their webs get everywhere. They have
even started taking our cubs for food! Get yourselves down
to the caverns below Skuttle Valley where the Spider Queen
dwells. You’ll probably have to smash a few nests in the
process to lure the Queen out.

12 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

Quest 8 - Nesting Owlbear The Next wave of Monsters will not appear until you have
killed all Monsters on the board.
“Our honoured Beast-master has told me of a creature If no Resurrection Circle available on the map you may not
that is part owl and part bear! She has entertained me resurrect.
with stories of great warriors riding into battle atop these
fearsome beasts. As your Chieftain I can no longer sit still Players may choose to Delve. If they do they must draw a Seek
thinking how much glory a mount of this stature will bring Glory card too.
our clan. The Beast-master has tracked down a lair nearby,
she believes the Owl… Bear is nesting in the caverns to the
south of Gilvag. Go grab me that egg so I may raise the
mighty beast personally!”

Remove the Energy Shrines from

the Delve deck and place them
back into the Delve deck every
3 cards down per player.
Shuffle the Owlbear Nest
tokens all face down. Once an
Energy Shrine is revealed place
2 Owlbear Nest tokens face down on the
Shrine. You may use an action to check
for eggs on your turn.

Once you find the egg the Owlbear

appears on the nearest unexplored
arrow. You immediately pick up the
egg on discovery. The egg must be kept warm
and cannot be put down. You may only use 1 move action
per turn when carrying the egg and cannot fight.
You may pass the egg to an adjacent player
using an action.
You will be attacked by 3 waves of Monsters.
If the player that is carrying the egg is killed,
the egg is dropped and the quest has failed. Wave 1: 1 Monster per player plus 1 Monster.
Wave 2: 2 Monsters per player plus 1 Monster.
Wave 3: 2 Monsters per player plus 2 Monsters.
Find the Owlbear egg, defeat the boss and escape. After the 3rd wave, the Hell Demon appears. Place him on a
tile next to a white arrow near an unexplored edge.


Quest 9 - Hell Awakens

The Sneaky Goblin overheard rumours of demons in the lost
caverns of Blood Grove. They have been corrupting the more
powerful Orcs tribes in the neighboring villages that have
been sent to deal with the threat. The chieftain now believes Quest 10 - Limited Supplies
you are ready.
While on an expedition, you meet up with the Sneaky Goblin.
He’s been running for a while and when you catch up with
Place the Summoning Pit room in play and place your heroes him you find out that he’s exhausted, after being chased
as indicated. Then place a Delve card on each of the exits down by the inhabitants of this dungeon. He’s still up for a
where shown. trade though and while negotiating the best Teef price for his
wares, the denizens are forgotten about. That is until they
During this quest skip the Delve and Seek Glory phases. catch up with him and you. Protect him!

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Place the Delve cards and Goblin token as shown
below. Place Heroes anywhere on these four cards.
Quest 11 - Warlock Returns
Place an additional Delve card per player on
each exit, as numbered below. Draw cards from The dreaded Warlock of Blackroot Mountain has returned!
the Seek Glory deck until you have 2 Monsters He’s no good for the area. We drove him out once before but
on each of these new Delve cards, and place the he thinks his power is great enough to stay this time. We
monster cards next to the Goblin, as his Monster can’t have him blighting the crops that we need to steal from
Track. Discard any cards drawn that are not Monsters. the lowlanders! If he is not killed, the Humies will be drawn
These monsters are all Aggro’d towards the Goblin. You need here in great numbers and may discover our camp.
to turn their attention to you.
Start by placing the Delve cards as shown below. Then place
the Warlock on the Boss Delve card, and the fire tokens as

In the Seek Glory phase of your turn, draw a Seek Glory card
regardless of whether you are near a playable edge. Draw
cards from the Seek Glory deck until you draw a Monster.
Discard any other card.

After the 6th round, skip phases 1 and 2 and kill all remaining
Monsters. Use the Tracker above to track how many rounds
have elapsed. The Goblin’s turn is at the end of each round.
He cannot attack but may move up to 4 tiles. His monsters
activate on his turn. He skips the Delve or Seek Glory phases.
Each turn a Delve card will be placed and a Seek Glory card
drawn, regardless of whether you are within 2 cards of a
Kill all Monsters. The Sneaky Goblin and you
playable edge. The Boss activates after the first round.
must Survive for 6 rounds.

Defeat the Warlock and escape.

14 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

Alternate Game Modes
Evil Overlord Mode During phase 4 of a players turn the Evil Overlord can
activate up to 3 Monsters per turn to move and attack any
You can play the Co-Op version of the game
players on the board.
with an Evil Overlord. The following rules are
changes to the standard rule set:
If a Monster kills a player they will level
up. Roll the trap die if a trap is rolled the
During phase 1 of a player’s turn the Evil
Monster gains an attack bonus; add a +1
Overlord will place a Delve card as near to active player as
attack token to the Monster. If no trap is
rolled a defence bonus is granted; add a
+1 defence token to the Monster.
During phase 2 of a player’s turn the Evil Overlord will draw
a Seek Glory card. If its a Monster he will place it on the last
Bosses - the Evil Overlord holds the AI
Delve card placed. If its a trap it activates on the current
cards in his hand and can use them in any order discarding
player, and if its a potion or item place these as Loot on any
them when used. Only when he has used them all can he
Monster on the Evil Overlords Track.
shuffle and replenish all his AI cards.

Treachery Mode Monsters

Back stab your way to leadership. You play a Hero and an Evil Any Monsters that you draw, you control and
Overlord in this mode. are placed on your Monster Track. Use them
to kill your opponents or other Monsters. You
Use the reverse side of the Hero board and the Treachery may choose to kill your own Monsters if you
Sequence of Play cards. Also use the Treachery skill cards wish. Monsters you own will not use Attack
instead of the standard skill cards, they look like this. of Opportunity against you, but they may
use it against other Monsters or opponents.
Disregard the rules for Aggro in this mode.

Any Traps that are drawn from the Seek Glory deck are
immediately played on an opponent.

If you kill a player with
a trap or a Monster, gain
one promotion . Use the
Treachery Tracker to keep
track of your kills.
Use the Treachery Tracker token to keep score starting at
peon. Sneaky Goblin
On the Gather Strength phase
Attacking of your turn, take 1 Sneaky
You cannot engage the other players Goblin card for free. You may
in direct combat. You must use the also buy more cards if you can
dungeon traps and Monsters to afford it by choosing from the
slaughter each other. top three cards.

Delve Death
Delve cards can be placed on ANY Resurrections are infinite. If you die place your
playable edge on the map. Use Loot token.
them on your opponents to pull
as many Monsters to them as Objective
possible. Kill the other Heroes. Each kill earns you a
treachery point. Gain 5 kills (promotions)
to become the War Chief.
Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2
Solo Mode Objective
This is a one player mode. Play the dungeon Defeat the Boss and exit the
and try to survive 10 rounds and defeat the dungeon to win.
The Hero does not to get to resurrect in this If you like a challenge, add the
mode. Remove the Adventurers from the Seek Adventurers back into the Seek Glory
Glory deck. deck.

Place the Boss Delve card in the Delve deck 10 cards down.
When the Boss Delve card is revealed, select a card at random Solo Quest Mode
from the Boss deck. Place the Standee on the Boss Icon on You may play the Quests solo-able, but you would need to
the Boss Delve card. play as 2 heroes.

Credits Paul Naylor, Charilaos Bacharis, Logan Schofield, Dan Mott,

Chris Dickson, Tim Hill, Nathan Dowdell.
Game Design: Ian Schofield

Development, Additional Design: Nathan Tamblin, Special Thanks

Tony Strongman The many people on BGG, Reddit and Google+ who helped
me through various design and rule book issues that cropped
Writers: Tony Strongman and Ian Schofield.
Stephan Beal for refining the 1.2 rules, Keeper-of-Balance
Illustration, Graphic Design: Ian Schofield thanks for the Grog. TheMoonIsFurious - thanks for the trap
inspiration. Roger Dumas thanks for picking locks with me.
Rules Editing and Proofreading: Slawomir Wojcik for ranged creature advice. The GeekLab
Ian Schofield, Andrew Ulysses Baker, Eamon, Nathan in Taunton thanks to Ben & Lydia Smith, for all your help
Tamblin and the many people on BGG, Reddit and Google+ and playtest evenings. Also to Kevin Young, Stuart Garside,
Caezer Al-Jazzar
Rules Consultant: Paul Grogan
Thank you Mick for all your help with the Pledge Hammer
Lead Play Testers: Nathan Tamblin, Jay Moore, Tony rewards, I owe you some Jamaican ginger cake I know its
Strongman, Bob Blaker, Dan Amos, Dan Brown, Phillip your favourite.
Scutter-Cairns, Jonny Davey, Sam Jones.
Thanks to my brother. Every time he left the house I snuck
into his room and read his Dungeons & Dragons red box, and
Play Testers: Chris Perry, Julian Mellor, Sean Berry, Mick played Dungeon Master on his Atari ST.
Alexander, Andrew Ulysses Baker, Jon Abbiss,
And thanks to my wife for putting up with me, and letting me
pursue a dream.

Kickstarter Backers
Nick Welford, Onyx, Keith Schleicher, slickerdrips, Thomas
Muys, DaveMann812, Simon O’Hagan, MrJuggles, Hannah
Javid, David Hunt, Ceri Schünmann, Martyn poole, Richard
Stephens, Servus, Ana Crisan, Juben Dayis,
Den Karaffa,

16 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

Mark Schreiber, Steve “Polyhedron-Collider” Tudor, Obstacle
Kid, Tom “palfrey” Parker, Maik Prilop, Shahin Bahrani, Tony
Strongman, Fabian Roth, John “AcesofDeath7” Mullens,
Dave Hickman, Hilde. Vandierendonck, Xander Panteli,
Ian Greenfield, Jérôme Quelin, Paul Creaser, Njawl, Boring
Sid, Paul Taylor, Oz Locke, RobboCod, Dan Heath, Daniel
Laccohee, William J Shaw, David E. Dalton, Daniel T. Bender,
Rubber Duck, Nathan Tamblin, Jim O’Sullivan, Peter Prince,
Brickmeistet, Kubuś Panda Caban, Ken Staples, Michael Koerbis,
PreacherMan05, Mathew Hill, Nik Bradley, Julen Martínez, Joe
Sulkin, Nathan Rucci, Vegard Farstad (Simplicatus Games),
XDGStoltz, GutrotUK, Julien LE DALL (Erckmul), Phillip
Pheeney, Gustavo (Guz) Forster, korrekturratte, MAP, Rick
Schneider, Philip Williams, Ciaron Lynch, Markus Ljudvåg, Steve
& Vicki Baylus, Ryan Zecman, CinderellaMan, Joe VanSchaick,
Matt Finney, Roger Trombone.

Hesta Nesta, Karsten Schulmann, James Jones, DynamicGuy,

Ryan Harlow, Azulpilar316, Ross Richards, Jordan Hutchins,
Mighty BakuDan, Robert Schutter, Joel Siragher, Jonathan
Rodgers, Vhenom, Chris Bekofske, Wrighty, Brenda L Gray,
Snoops, Paul Mansfield, Thomas Ebert Hansen, Rodney Crain,
Happy Otter Games, Aldermac, Thaddeus Croyle, Lou Bajuk, Joe
Schelin, Thomas Burgett, Heckmac, Joshua D. Wolfert, Mark
Lyon, Joachim Heise, Ed LeBarron, Jamie Manley, Mo, Andrew
Womack, Steven Fisk, laresgod, Sal Zavala, Thomas Milazzo, James V. Humphries, Ratty Vermin, Carlos José Arias Bandry,
Jennifer Wilson, Stephen D. Gardner, Charles Pearson, James Joe DeAngelo, Robert Short, NallePops, Dan Roberts, Sébastien
Freimuller, Salvo, Dave Clarke (Sinister Fish Games), E1Prime, Dubois, Michael (Rooster) Cardona, “Justachu” Dietz, Michael
Realshantheman, Josh Herreshoff, Drake, Tyler Panetta, Johan Thompson, Daniel Tran, Mark Trombino, Ed Kowalczewski,
Lundqvist Mattsson, Banaan, Stefan Ettengruber, Colin Jackson, AceAboveKings, FUCHS Nicolas, Chris Goodbourn, David
Marcus Thornton, Llywelyn Gale, Holger Presch, Steffen SMYR Hughman, GrumpySquid, Mark Ellmann, Ron Burroughs,
Meyer, Kellie Nesto. Richard Holt, Brian Thompson, Bill Wang, Richard Price, Jared
Michrina, Ian Woodley, Freddy HALIPRE, Allan Bray, Chris
Board Game Trading & Chat UK, James and Helen Wilson, Silk, Maxbeauzoo, Pat “R3D” Eadie, John Burkett, E. Schofield,
Melissa Mae, Jacqui Macgregor-Pahl, Mark Pond, jake the Howard Benensky, Alex Altman, Wil Baye, ArcDice.
boardgame robot from the future, Brian J. Clark, Mark
“Aproximo” Fadden, Roger Hicks, Gareth Knowles, Scott Torsten Stelling, Paul Oliver, Eric Matthew Walker, Sebastian
Maynard, Brian J McDonald, JoeBubber, DaNurse84, Nate Beck, Joe Dalloz, Tul Dean, Charles S. Luxor, David Foster,
Nash, Andrew Southern, Noah Sheola, Steven Gerrish, Jack Stephen Slotten, Alex “Dungeon Pastor” Morris, Karl Bibby,
Gulick, Fuwjax, Paul Lenkic, El Ocho, William Creighton, James R. Cole, Balazs Varga, Kenneth Jensen, Timothy A. Hunt,
Jackyphoenix, oathbreaker, Price “Gwydion” Lawrence, Jason Wolf, 72DR, Andreas Rocha, Aaron R. Cioffi, Angelique
JudgeJacket, Bill Allison, Andy S, Michael Storf, Tehral, Gramps, Krencius, Stefan Pohl, Chareos the Blademaster, Saturn Green,
Rob keywood, David Smith, Loki Mackay, Unlucky_chubby, James Rayner79, Stephen Holloway, V.B., A McFadden, Stuart
Asmodeus, Artur Pacholec, Chris “Grimtooth” Colborn, Bora Maynard, Toby, Andy Mullington, Nerdstorm!, Richard Crump,
Dreadlord, Per Hornstrup, Louise Dann, Paul Dean, Ricardo David Russell, Monika Kitel, Jeremy Wasik, Matthew Quayle,
Borring, Bellylint, Ark, Robert “Jefepato” Dall, Ilja, Nixxin, Stephen ‘Zelda’ Bowyer, Spouwny, David Fedson, Mike Richardt,
Jaime Rivera, Stephen Patchett, Rachel LeClair, Pulp, John Jeff La Belle, Alexander Schäuble, Stephan G. Beal, Stuart Day,
Petersons, Christian Wolff, Dave ‘Rogue’ Wilson, rcambrj, Ann Nick Jones, Clive Mills, C David Ross, David Sceviour, Grange
G, Patrick Ortner, Andrew Orel Live Gaming, Dani Louis Bloom, Tom Geraghty, James Duffy.

Robin Fordham, Andrew Frazier, Neil Thomson, TeamAD, DwarvenTaz, Gub, Phlio, Steve Rideout, Terry F. Oldsman,
Greg Murphy, Mark Kidwell, John Roberts, Mitch Rockidge, Herbert Seifert, Astor Sigma, Charles Rhoden, Daron Brechbiel,
Jean Ferreira, Dylan Russell, Philip ‘cheese steak’ Davey, Philipp Becker, Jason Seddon, WeAreGeek, janklow, Zlurpcast
Tommy108168, Sean, Pete Gerasia, Patrik Broden, Damon Studios, Jason MacMillan, Joshua G Burt, Jay T, Oren Douek,
Schünmann David Cornelius, Malrik, Stefan Stoeckl, Thomas Mazzitelli,
Sebastian WERENOTWIZARDS, Beck, Orolan Stormbringer, Geoff Bland, B. Ernesto Johnson, Clayton Gerrian, Nicholas
Zamslam, Hubert Põldsam, Paul Kellett, Lord Morbo, Joel Berg “Ziggy” Elsey, Kevin Harvey, Kevin Clark, John ‘johnkzin’ Rudd,
von Linde, Scott M Petty, John Fink, Marco Pacchiarini, Mark Joshua Rios, anty jerome, Shane Williamson, Brad Culbertson,
Rodriguez. Tanuki McFuhao, Jason Dettman, Aaron Dalton, Jon T Robson,
Martin Gallo, Eva Regine Schäfer, Herr Unterdampf, Dean
Kirkpatrick, James Patrick Parks, SlashAxl, LaRon Roberts,
Ryan Orr, Roger Guest, Thupamart, David, Mareike, Charlotte, James Bieneman, Jim Bailey, Garvin Tam, Luke Sharp, Rillaith,
Katrina, and Malia, John Humpage, Joshua D. Sliker, Luke adel10, Chris McConnell, BardicKnowledge, x-treeme, Thom
Allport, Sasria, Maxim ‘Chompy’ Sucharski, Timothy P. Mann, Baguley, Mark Jonny Konrath, Dennis Reed, Heath Robinson,
Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2
Dan Kearns, Ollie Fournier, Stefan Bettels, Marco Gapp, Sir Thomas DeLong, Jason Flowers, Jeff Coquery, Andrew
Jonathan Ovenden, Gentleman Baxter, Martin Towell & Jamie- Morris, Jen Smith, Klibos Cgy., Mark Platte, Ron Silva,
Lee Wilcock, The Blackchapel, Ryan Maxwell, Hans De Rijk, everjammin, Steven Sartain, Jonas Pauquet, Nelly & Nicolas,
Nikko & Mel Psychlone, Josh and Maria Wheat, Joshua Kim, Mathias Uldack, Don “Quixote” Eisele, Tezza, Josh Henderson,
Toni Rautio. Michael Miles, Robin Lange, Stephen Bilyeu, Daniel Daly,
Richard Burris, Samuel “Ramon” Tissier, Savas Ziplies, Steve
Ruth Roulston, Rory J. Somers, Samuel Parton, Nicole Winter, Irvine, Andrew J. Mellor, Fx ‘Alliora’ Martin, Yeenaru, Erik
Justin Martin, James Froude, Gray Board Gamer, DC and Volkert, CPTDR34D, Eric Reithel, Rami the Chihuahua, Peter
Jess Carl, Paul Martin Böer, Will Stephens, John L. Vogt, Scott Gibbons, Egg the Dragon, Bob Patterson, Matthew Brown,
Dan Procaccini, Smorpheus Games Laboratory, Jason Horne, Martin Tomov, Jonathan Hunter, Tom Pettigrew, Zach Stephen
Michael & Elsa Bagur, ionas, BoneManPlaya72, Tomasvdv, Coote, Joshua Hebert, Daniel Arvidsson, Christopher Pearson,
Carlos Rosa, Ben Head, Paulius Pankevicius, Kirk “Mr. Tayters” Sorescott.
Huber, Cheri Fuller, Victor Sanchez Jr., Peter F. Guenther,
Stefan Lütjen, Michael Jones, Wade Beidelschies, Adrian Owens, Ryan Sharp, Han Marshall, Gregory Prowse, Axaireutos,
C. Vedovato, Matthew Fausto, Raimund Ruppel, Dalton Ozmun, Kogline, Colin Oaten, Cristovão Neto, Gareth J. Coster, Tom
Erin Patterson, Peter Knebel, Nutmeg, CNL Weaver, Neil Moore, Musco, Elathril, Jim Depies, Daniel Andres, Robin Mayenfels,
Alex Cross, Mike Houser, James Jarrett, Edwin Polese, Jason Craig Campbell, Scott R., HaiKulture, Roboticus, Barry Eye,
Connerley, Stay_Frosty75, Anthony Balkwill, DennisP, Malifer Strahleo, Steve Bodnum, Nick Brooker, George M.F. McLeod,
San Tommaso da Bologna, Daniel Pablo Lopez Rodriguez, Jesse
Chris Westerkamp, Shane Parfitt, Furymaniac, Jan-Dominic Bingham, Wyvernsrose, The Naturat, Dave Bennett, Brian Hunt,
Virgien, Enamel Robo, Steve Lord, Chris M. Jacobson, Peanut, Stocky, Tor Egil Solberg, Arguset, Munuel, Jacob and Keith
Nicolas CHAMONTIN, Toby Morton, peter knowlden, Tan (SG), Shree Madavan, Thomas Neidigk, Ben Croton,
Alec Martin, Jeremy Norton, That Dude Billy Y. from Kapl0w, Galen Monticue, Barry Buchanan, Christian
Plymouth., /dev/null. Balk, Oscar & Charlotte Allen

Raúl Peña Fernández, Trevpb_101, Nate R, Luke

Cardellino, Zweiblum, Robert Kamphaus II,
Björn o Lars Lagerström, Paul Wood, Michael
J. Herring, Sagar Patel, Ronny Thiericke, D.
M. Rohlmann, BlaBlubBoy, Mark Turner,
Clayton Culwell, Michael Sallustio, Ryan
Croson, Mathias Grunwald, Bill Dverning
Lewis, Danny Black, Bump Olson III, Jode
MacKay, Cole Nedzlek, Mdichoo, Vietti,
Adam, Benjamin Guinane.

18 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

Creature Energy Shrines
A Creature is a Hero, Monster, Boss Place 1 Energy token
or Adventurer. on the Shrine. If you
stop adjacent to or
Critical Attack / Defence on this tile, you can
If the dice depicted at the base of the use an action to take the
Monster cards are rolled, a critical hit token and gain 3 Energy.
is triggered. Follow the actions on the
card as well as inflicting wounds for Fire / Poison Tokens
that roll. If a creature moves onto
a tile with fire, or any
Wandering Heroes venture into dark
creature is standing on
places too. These adventurers will
fire at the end of their turn,
move once and attack once per turn.
immediately take 1 damage.
However when they roll Energy on
attack or defence you track this on
If a creature moves onto
their card. When an Adventurer has
a Poison Tile, or if any
2 Energy they will use a power attack
creature is standing on
card instead of a standard attack on
Cure Poison Poison at the end of their
their next turn. When an Adventurer
Drink this at any time. If turn, they must roll the
enters the dungeon, they will use a
adjacent to another creature trap die. If a trap is rolled,
power card on their first attack. they become Poisoned and take 1
you may cure them instead.
Attack of Opportunity
If a Monster passes through a Dropping Items
Hero’s tile, they will make an attack It does not cost an action to drop an Flying
item. Creatures with flying ability can avoid
of opportunity. If the Monster has
movement left after the attack it will certain traps.
continue on its path. A Monster will Durability Token
only make 1 attack of opportunity per Use this to keep track of the Healing Fountains
turn and is counted as an action. number of times you have When revealed, place 1 health token
used your modifier cards. on the tile. If you stop adjacent to or
Bosses on this tile, you can use an action to
Bosses will move and attack Egg Token pick up the token and gain 2 Health.
every player turn, and attack If a Spider nest Delve Card You cannot heal beyond your
before any other Monster. is revealed place an Egg starting Health. You
Shuffle the bosses unique token on it. During your cannot take the
power cards and play 1 each next Bloodshed Phase flip Health to use
turn as its attack. When all the the token over. If its a web remove at a later
cards have been used, shuffle the the token, if its a Spiderling see point.
Spiderling rules.

Elite Monsters
Elite Monsters have special Health Potion
attacks detailed on their Cure 1 health point on yourself
cards. or on an adjacent creature.
Play this token anytime in or
Enervate Token out of your turn. This is not counted
See Description on Cultist’s as an action. Discard after use.
Enervate Skill Card.

deck and repeat until it is dead. If a Energy and Experience

Boss is Poisoned the effects only take See pg 8.
place once per round of heroes.

Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

Hero Skill Cards or a Monster are Poisoned, take a tiles and attack. When Spiderlings
If you spend Energy Poison token and place it on your are adjacent to a Hero they deal 1
to use your weapons Hero Board / Monster card. At the damage which cannot be defended.
or spells, add the beginning of your turn, if you ares still A Hero may use 1 action to step
dice listed on the poisoned - lose one Health. on an adjacent Spiderling to kill it.
card to your Hero’s Spiderlings cannot be targeted with
base melee dice. Whilst under the effects of Poison ranged attacks.
you cannot be Poisoned again. The
only way to cure Poison is with a cure
Spider Nests
Poison potion or the Shaman’s ability,
Place an egg token on the
or if you die and are resurrected.
nest and reveal it in your
next Bloodshed phase.
Take the top card from
the Sneaky Goblin deck Summoned Undead
immediately. The Cultist’s Summoned Undead
characters each have their own
Monster Track, which activate during
Pressure Plate -
your Bloodshed phase.
Unstable Pit Traps
You can decide if Monsters
run over Pressure Plates, Trapped Chest
Unstable Pit Traps or avoid Take one damage
You may only use one weapon or spell
them. These activate immediately.
at a time unless otherwise stated on
the card. Designate which weapon or Teef
Unstable Pit traps do not trigger when Teef are the currency you earn by
skill you will use before each round of
revealed. defeating Monsters, or by Looting
combat - See Combat section.
other players. They can be used to buy
Pushed back cards from the Sneaky Goblin!
Hex Token If a character is pushed
See Description on back, move their standee the Totem Token
Cultist’s Hex Skill Card. required number of tiles. See Description on
Shaman’s Totem Skill
Instantaneous Card.
You may play these cards in or
Rank Token
Use this to keep track
out of your turn, providing you Webbed Token
of your promotions in
pay any associated cost with it. Place a web token on the
Treachery mode.
This does not count as one of Hero. They can only use
your 2 actions in your turn. their actions to attempt to
Resurrection Circle break free by rolling a trap
Knocked down If you die you can
on the trap die. Another Hero may
If a character is knocked choose to start on any
cut you free by using an action while
down, place their standee on resurrection circle.
adjacent to you.
its side. They must use an action
to stand back up on their next turn. Scuttle Wound Token
Creatures with scuttle Used to keep track
Modifier Token ability can avoid certain traps. of wounds inflicted on
These add +1 to your Monsters.
attack roll or add +1 to Spiderlings
your defence roll. When a Spiderling is +1
revealed it only activates Add an additional point to your roll.
Poison if it is within 4 tiles of a
Some traps and Monsters Hero on any Bloodshed
deal Poison damage. If you phase. It will move up to 4

Copyright Beardy Brothers. No part of this product may be reproduced

without specific permission.
Published by Beardy Brothers & Co-Published by Modiphius Entertainment.

20 Copyright Beardy Brothers - - v1.2

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