202221JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control)

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Organised by

FMM Institute (475427-W)

Penang Branch
10 CEP
JSA (Job Safety Analysis)
and HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk
Assessment and Risk Control)
1-2 November 2017
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Training Venue:
Olive Tree Hotel, Penang

SBL Scheme


The course is made to enable the safety and health officer, safety and health committees, and
employees to perform JSA and HIRARC efficiently. The scope of this course covers the basic
definition, JSA and hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control(HIRARC). The training
methodology will be presented in the form of lectures and interactive sessions to ensure the
content is presented effectively and exercise sessions will be conducted at the end of the course
to provide exposure to the exact way of preparing JSA and HIRARC.


2 Days


Workers, Safety Officers, Safety and Health Committee, Supervisors and Managers


At the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

 Identify Hazard in the workplace

 Conduct JSA
 Evaluate Occupational risk
 Describe recommended control measure to reduce risk
 Conducting HIRARC at the work place

Course Outline

Topic 1: Hazard identification in the work place

 Signage
 Definition
 Work process and Hazard
 Type of Hazards
 Job safety Analysis (JSA)
 JSA exercise

Topic 2: Risk Assessment

 Qualitative risk assessment

 Quantitative risk assessment
 Semi-Quantitative
 Severity
 Likelihood
 Risk

Topic 3: Recommended Control Measure

 Hierarchy of control
 Elimination
 Substitution
 Engineering Control
 Administrative Control
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Topic 4: HIRARC Exercise

 Hazard Identification
 Risk Assessment
 Recommended Control Measure
Program Agenda

Day 1

At the end of the session participant should be
able to :
Name 1 safety
signage that is Identify safety signage at the work place
8:30 Ice breaker popular to you

Identify Hazard in Explain the objective of the training and share

the workplace responsibilities to help other participant to
8:45 Objective Conduct JSA ensure the success of the training

Topic 1: Hazard
identification in
Input #1 the work place Identify Hazard in the workplace
8:55 Signage
9:10 Definition
Work process and
9:40 Hazard
Break time
10:10 morning
10:30 Type of Hazards
Job Safety Analysis
11:30 (JSA)
13:15 Break time Lunch

14:00 JSA Exercise

Break time
15:30 afternoon
15:50 JSA Exercise
Recap what participants have learnt the whole
Review: session
End of day 1
17:00 program
Day 2

At the end of
the session
should be able
to :
Identify safety
signage at the
Name 1 safety signage that is popular work place
8:30 Ice breaker to you
Explain the
objective of
the training
and share
• Evaluate Occupational risk to help other
• Describe recommended control participant to
measure to reduce risk ensure the
• Conducting HIRARC at the work success of the
8:45 Objective place training

Input #2 Topic 2: Risk Assessment risk
8:55 Qualitative risk assessment
9:10 Quantitative risk assessment
9:20 Semi-Quantitative
9:30 Severity
9:40 Likelihood
10:10 Break time morning

Topic 3: Recommended Control measure to
10:30 Input #3 Measure reduce risk
11:30 Hierarchy of control
11:45 Elimination
12:45 Substitution
Engineering Control
Administrative Control
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
13:15 Break time Lunch

Input #4 Topic 4: HIRARC Exercise HIRARC
14:00 Hazard Identification
Risk Assessment
14:30 Recommended Control Measure
15:00 HIRARC exercise in group

15:30 Break time afternoon

15:50 Individual HIRARC Exercise

Recap what
have learnt
the whole
Review: session
17:00 End of day 1 program

Trainer’s Biodata
Zamri Sahari, aged 45 years, hails from Kuching Sarawak. He graduated with a Degree in
Chemical and Process Engineering from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He also
possessed a Diploma in Manufacturing Management (OUM) and Diploma in Science

In 1997, he started his career as a Plant Engineer/HSE Engineer with an international

company, Hexza Neste Sdn Bhd. In 2005, he left Hexza to join Nestle Manufacturing
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd as a First Line Manager/Senior HSE Executive. In 2009, he later joined
F.D.Z Engineering and Consultancy as a Project HSE Officer for F.D.Z Engineering and
Consultancy where he was the lead trainer for NIOSH, Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturing Institute (FMM Institute), Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawak
(PPKS), CIDB, PSMB (HRDF) and many other organizations. In 2012, he joined Sapura
Kencana Petroleum as Lead HSE Counsellor until 2015. Currently, he is a full time HSE
Consultant and Trainer.
His capability as a trainer in HSE was publicly accredited when he was invited to present
his paper titled Safety and Health Officer or Superman at the 1st Borneo Occupational
Safety and Health (BOSH) on 8-9 June 2009 at Sabah and also another paper titled Public
Safety And Health at the Construction Site at the “Sarawak Construction Week 2010” on
21 July 2010, at CIDB Sarawak.
In order to improve his technical skills and know how, he acquired the following
competency licenses:

1. Competent Safety and Health Officer (License No: 2488)

2. Competent Chemical Health Risk Assessor.
3. Competent Authorized Entrant/Standby Person for Confined Space.
4. Competent Construction Safety and Health Officer.
5. Competent Safety and Health Assessor for Construction Industries (SHASSIC).
6. Competent Traffic Management Officer (TMO-JKR).
7. Competent Wireman (W2877-IEU).

Administrative Details

COURSE FEE RM980(FMM Member) / RM1080 (Non-Member) per participant

(The fee includes luncheon, coffee/tea breaks and notes)
Special Rate for Self Sponsored
Fee is Inclusive of 6%GST
DRESS CODE Office Attire

REGISTRATION Participation in the programme is based on a first-come-first-served

basis. Cheques made in favour of the “FMM Institute” should be
forwarded on or before programme date to the FMM Institute, Northern
Branch, Bandar Seberang Jaya. Participants who registered but did not
attend, will be billed accordingly. . Upon confirmation, kindly send us
the payment before the commencement of the programme.

CANCELLATION There will be no refund for cancellation within 2 days prior to the
programme,50%for cancellation between 3 – 6 days and full refund for
cancellation 7 days prior to the programme. Please inform in writing if
you intend to cancel. A replacement can be accepted at no additional

DISCLAIMER The FMM Institute reserves the right to change the facilitator, date and
to vary / cancel the programme should unavoidable circumstances
arise. All efforts will be taken to inform participants of the changes.
Upon sending the registration form, you are deemed to have read
and accepted the terms and conditions.

ENQUIRIES Ms Nazliza/ Norazwani/ Mohd Haffiz

FMM Institute
No. 2767 Lebuh Tenggiri 2, Bandar Seberang Jaya, 13700 Seberang Perai
Tel: 04-6302050/2 / 04-3992057 Fax: 04-6302054
E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected]/
[email protected]
Website: http://fmm-im.fmm.org.my (Northern Branch)

JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and HIRARC (Hazard

Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
25-26 October 2017
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Training Venue: Olive Tree Hotel,Penang

For further details contact Ms Nazliza Enclosed cheque / bank draft no.
Tel : 04-6302050/2 Fax: 04-6302054 ________________ for
Email : [email protected] RM__________________________ being
/[email protected] payment for
FMM Institute Penang Branch participant(s) made in favour of “FMM Institute”
1. Name :________________________________
Submitted by :
Designation : ____________________________
2. Name :_______________________________
Designation : ____________________________
3. Name :_______________________________
Designation : ____________________________
Email:__________________________________ Fax:_____________________________________
4. Name :_______________________________
Membership No. :__________________________
Designation : ____________________________ GST Number:________________________

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