Past Simple Vs Past Continuous Test Grammar Guides Tests - 84131

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Past Simple vs. Past Continuous (test)

4) Complete the sentences with
the correct verb forms: past
simple or past continuous.
Total: _________ /
100 1. When Jim _________ (arrive) home,
Delia ___________________ (wait) for him.
Complete the sentences. Use the past
2 The students _________________ (chat)
simple form of the verbs in brackets. when the teacher ___________________
(come) in.
3 While Nick __________________ (drive)
home, he_____________ (see) an accident.
1. Eric __________ (post) the letter yesterday. 4 Mary _______________ (read) a magazine
2. My friends ___________ (go) to see a tennis when her phone __________________
tournament two days ago. (ring).
3. They ______________ (not have) dinner at 5 The lights _________________ (go) off
home last Sunday. while Sarah ________________ (watch) a
4. Why ________he __________ (miss) school film.
last week? 6 It _______________ (rain) when John and
5. ________you ________ (do) the washing-up Mary _________________ (go) out.
last night? 7 My little sister ____________ (eat) three
biscuits while our mother
6. Who _________ he _________ (come) to the
__________________ (not/ look).
party with?
8 The sun _________________ (shine) one
1 morning, so they _______________ (decide)
2 to go to the park.
2) Complete the sentences. Use the 34p
past continuous form of the verbs
3)Fill in the gaps in the text with the
Total: Total: 60
verbs in past simple or past
1. Ann (stand)__________________ next to the continuous.
dog when it bit her.
We were all at the beach last Sunday at half
2. Ted (not/work) _________________ because it past three. Our friend Mark was in the water. He
was a holiday. ____ _________ (swim) in the 800-metre race, and
3. Could you repeat that, please? Sorry, I he was in first place. Lots of his schoolmates
(not/listen)________________________________ _____________________ (watch) the race and
. they ________________________ (shout) his
4. We (swim)_____________________ near the name: ‘Mark! Mark!’
beach when Jane saw a shark. Suddenly, he _____________________
(realise) they ____________________ (say)
5. Which programme _________ she
something different. It _______________ (sound)
_______________(watch) on TV?
14 like ‘Shark! Shark!’
p He _____________________ (look) over
his shoulder and _________________ (see) an
enormous shark. Then Mark really
_______________ (swim) fast! He thinks he
__________________ (break) the world record!

Exercise 1)
+ed : looked, played, worked +d : danced, lived, loved, liked
y ied : carried, tried, studied, cried double consonant: robbed, nodded, stopped,
irregular verbs: buy-bought, lie - lay, wake – woke, fly - flew, cut - cut

Exercise 2)
1–d 2 – id 3 – t 4 – id 5–t 6–t 7 – id 8–d

Exercise 3)
1 posted 2 went 3 didn’t have 4 did he miss 5 Did you do 6 did he come

Exercise 4)
1 was standing 2 wasn’t working 3 wasn’t listening 4 were swimming 5 was she watching

Exercise 5)
We were all at the beach last Sunday at half past three. Our friend Mark was in the water. He 1 was
swimming in the 400-metre race, and he was in first place.
Lots of his schoolmates 2 were watching the race and they 3 were shouting his name:
‘Mark! Mark!’Suddenly, he 4 realised they 5 were saying something different. It 6
sounded like ‘Shark! Shark!’ He 7 looked over his shoulder and 8 saw an enormous shark.
Then Mark really 9 swam fast!
He thinks he 10 broke the world record!

Exercise 6)

1 arrived, was waiting

2 were chatting, came in
3 was driving, saw
4 was reading, rang
5 went off, was watching
6 was raining, went out
7 ate, wasn’t looking
8 was shining, decided

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