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SV Series Sensor Meter User Manual

⊙TC/RTD/Analog Signal Universal Input;
⊙Multi Display Units can be choosed;
⊙With Display, Alarm and Current Transmit function;
⊙With RS485 Communication Function;
⊙Power Supply: 100--240VAC

For your safety, please read following Notice Information carefully before you are using our product!!

1. Model
SV □ □ □ □ W W: Design Code
Input & Communication: 10: Single Input without RS485 Communication
18: Single Input with RS485 Communication (should be ordered)
Alarm: C: Two Alarm
Output Function: R: No 4-20mA current output; D: 4--20mA DC current output
Size(mm): 4: 48W×48H 6: 48W×96H 7: 72W×72H 8: 96W×48H 9: 96W×96H
SV Series Sensor Meter
2. Model Indication
Model Alarm 4-20mA current transmit RS485
3. Main Technical Specification
1. Whole Meter Parameters
Power Supply 100~240V AC/DC 
Total Curretn <30mA(220VAC/50Hz)
Analog Output 4~20mA current output,Load resistance 600Ωmax
Alarm Output Relay output load ability: 1A/230VAC
Auxiliary Voltage Output DC 24V/30mA
Dielectric Strength Dielectric strength between power supply terminal, Relay terminal and
Signal input termial over than 2000VAC 50HZ 1Minute
Communication RS485, Modbus RTU Protocol
Protective Level IP65
Working Environment 0~50℃ 45~80RH%
Storage Environment -10~60℃ 25~85RH%
2. Input Parameters
No. Code Input Type Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Input Resistance
0 K -50~1200℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
1 J 0~1200℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
2 E 0~850℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
3 T -50~400℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
4 B(should be ordered) 600~1800℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
5 R(should be ordered) 500~1600℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
6 S(should be ordered) -10~1600℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
7 N -50~1200℃ 1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
8 PT100 -199.9~650.0℃ 0.1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits (0.2mA)
9 CU50 -50.0~150.0℃ 0.1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits (0.2mA)
10 CU100 -50.0~150.0℃ 0.1℃ ±0.5%F.S±3digits (0.2mA)
11 0~50mV 0~50mV 1digit ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ
12 4~20mA 0~20mA 1digit ±0.5%F.S±3digits <150Ω
13 0~10V 0~10V 1digit ±0.5%F.S±3digits >47KΩ
14 0~400Ω 0~400Ω 1digit ±0.5%F.S±3digits >100KΩ

3. Unit and Code Reference Table

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


Unit M cm mm kg g mg Mpa pa ba Mba N W KW RPM Hz KHz mV V KV mA A KA Ω KΩ ℃ F

4. Panel Indication

AL1 Alarm Indicate Light AL1

PV Display Window
AL2 Alarm Indicate Light AL2

Parameter Display Window (Unit Code)

SET Function Key Increase Key

Menu Modify Key (SHIFT) Decrease Key
5. Operation Sequence
1. SET Key: Under measuring status, short press SET key to enter into primary setting menu, long time press SET key can enter into
advanced setting menu (press SET key again -long time pressing-can return back to measuring status), SET key should be pressed
after each parameter be modified.
2. (SHIFT) key: Under measuring status, short time press key, PV window will show Unit, then press ▲ key to choose the display

unit : M, cm, mm, kg, g, mg, Mpa, pa, ba, Mba, n, W, KW, RPM, Hz, KHz, mV, V, KV, mA, KA、Ω、KΩ、℃、F. When the input
signal is TC, Unit just can be choosed from ℃ and F, when modify the menu, short press key can let the value which need be modified

flash from right to left, when the value flash, press ▲ key and key can make change on the value.

3. ▲ / Key: Press ▲ key the value will increase, press key the value will decrease.
▲ ▲
4. If there is no operation for some time, the meter will return back to the measuring status automatically.
6. Operation →SET

Power On


Status Input Signal Type Address Unit Setting
Long time press SET

Alarm 1 Decimal Point Display
(TC/RTD input is useless)

Alarm 1 Hysteresis Lowest Limit of Input Signal

Alarm 1 Model Highest Limit of Input Signal


Alarm 2 Filtering Value


Alarm 2 Hysteresis
Display Lowest limit of Analog


Alarm 2 Model
Display HIghest limit of Analog


PV Modify Value
Baud Rate



7. Primary Menu Setting

Parameter Name Illustration Setting Range EX-Factory Setting

#1 Alarm Setting Value FL - FH 200

#1 Alarm Hysteresis Value 0 - FH 1

# 1 Alarm Mode: 1: Absoult Lowest Limit Alarm; 2: Absoult Highest Limit Alarm 1-2 1

#2 Alarm Setting Value FL - FH 600

#2 Alarm Hysteresis Value 0 - FH 5

# 2 Alarm Mode: 1: Absoult Lowest Limit Alarm; 2: Absoult Highest Limit Alarm 1-2 2

PV Measuring Value Modify -1000-1000 0

LOCK Key: LCK=0001, only modify alarm value;
0-9999 0
LCK=0010, all the parameters can not be changed (except LCK menu)

8. High Advanced Menu Setting

Parameter Name Illustration Setting Range EX-Factory Setting

Input Signal Type Reference Table K

Input Signal Display Low Limit Reference Table -50

Input Signal Display High Limit Reference Table 1200

Decimal Point Setting (display only for Voltage, Ampere and Resistance signal input) 0-3 0
Filtering Value. The larger for the vlaue, the slower for the change on the Meter; The smaller
0-255 255
for the value, the quicker for the change on the Meter
Display Value for the Analog Low Limit FL - FH -50

Display Value for the Analog High Limit FL - FH 1200

RS485 Communication Baud Rate 4800、9600 9600

RS485 Communication Meter Address 1-255 1

Alarm Function Table

Alarm No Alarm Type Alarm Output (AL1, AL2 mutual independence)

1 HY
Absoult Low Limit Alarm
Temperature Decrease AL

2 HY
Absoult High Limit Alarm
AL Temperature Increase

9. Dimension and Installation

Side Face Size Mounting Size
Face Size C G +0.5 H

J +0.5


Size A B C D E F G H(Min) J K(Min)

4:(48*48) 48 48 97.5 3 94.5 45 45.5 25 45.5 25
6:(96*48) 48 96 97.5 3 94.5 89.5 45 25 90 25
7:(72*72) 72 72 97.5 3 94.5 67 67.5 25 67.5 25
8:(48*96) 96 48 97.5 3 94.5 44.5 90 25 45 25
9:(96*96) 96 96 97.5 3 94.5 91.5 92 25 92 25
80:(80*160) 160 80 96 13 83 75.5 155.5 30 76 30
16:(160*80) 80 160 96 13 83 155 76 30 155.5 30

10. Connection Drawing



Note: If there is any change, please refer to the drawing on the Meter!

11. Simple Problem Shooting
Dispaly Message Shooting Method

Display HHHH Input disconnect or over upper limit, please check input signal,FH value and ambient working temperature

Display LLLL Input disconnect or under lower limit, please check input signal,FH value and ambient working temperature

12. Communication
SV series Sensor Meter following Modbus RTU communication protocol, and it can run RS485 half-duplex communication.Read
function code is 0x03, write function code is 0x10, 16-bit CRC checking is applied. The coulometer can not return error message.
Data Frame flag:
Start bit Data bit Stop bit Check bit
1 8 2 None

1. Read Multiple Registers

For example: The host computer read the float number AL1 (The value of Alarm 1 is 14.5).The address code of AL1 is 0x0000,
for AL1 is float number (4bits), it will occupy 2 data register. Reference IEEE-754 standard the hexadecimal 16 result of the
decimal float number is 0x66667641.

Request from the host computer (Read Multiple Registers)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Start Start Data Data

Unit Address Function Code Length Lo CRC Code Lo CRC Code Hi
Address Hi Address Lo Length Hi
0x01 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0xC4 0x0B

Correct answer from slave unit (Read Multiple Registers)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Function Data 1 Data 1 Data 2 Data 2

Unit Address Data Byte No. CRC Code Lo CRC Code Hi
Code High byte Low byte High byte Low byte
0x01 0x03 0x04 0x66 0x00 0x48 0x43 0x8D 0xC2

2. Write Multiple Registers

For example: The host computer read the float number AL1 (The value of Alarm 1 is 60).The address code of AL1 is 0x0000,
for AL1 is float number (4bits), it will occupy 2 data register. Reference IEEE-754 standard the hexadecimal 16 result of the
decimal float number is 0x66667641.

Request from the host computer (Read Multiple Registers)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Unit Function Start Start Data Data Data Data 1 Data 1 Data 2 Data 2 CRC CRC
Address Code Address Hi Address Lo Length Hi Length Lo Byte No. High byte Low byte High byte Low byte Code Lo Code Hi

0x01 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x16 0x44 0xFD 0xFC

Correct answer from slave unit (Write Multiple Registers)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Start Start Data Data
Unit Address Function Code CRC Code Lo CRC Code Hi
Address Hi Address Lo Length Hi Length Lo
0x01 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x41 0xC8

SV Series Meter Address Reference Table

No. Address Name Type Read / Write Note

0 0x0000 # 1 Alarm AL1 float 4 R/W

1 0x0001 # 1 Alarm Hysteresis HY1 float 4 R/W ①
2 0x0002 # 1 Alarm Type AD1 float 4 R/W
3 0x0003 # 2 Alarm AL2 float 4 R/W
4 0x0004 # 2 Alarm Hysteresis HY2 float 4 R/W ①
5 0x0005 # 2 Alarm Type AD2 float 4 R/W

No. Address Name Type Read / Write Note
6 0x0009 Modify Value PS float 4 R/W

7 0x000A Input Signal Type INP float 4 R/W ②

8 0x000B Display Up Limit FH float 4 R/W

9 0x000C Display Low Limit FL float 4 R/W

10 0x000D Decimal Point DP float 4 R/W

11 0x000E Filtering Setting Value float 4 R/W

12 0x000F Analog Low Limit Value BRL float 4 R/W
13 0x0010 Analog High Limit Value BRH float 4 R/W
14 0x0012 Unit Setting float 4 R/W ③
15 0x0013 Baud Rate BUAD float 4 R/W

16 0x0014 Address ADDR float 4 R/W

17 0x0015 Lock Setting float 4 R/W

18 0x0016 Menu Shield float 4 R/W
19 0x0032 Measuring Value float 4 R
20 0x0033 # 1 Alarm Status float 4 R ①
21 0x0034 # 2 Alarm Status float 4 R ①

R: Read Only R/W: Read / Write

For Each Parameter’s Setting Range, Please Refer to The Operation User Manuel
Note ① Alarm Mode
Alarm Type Low Limit Alarm High Limit Alarm Alarm Status ON OFF

Reference 1 2 Reference 1 0

Note ② : Input Signal (Input parameter meter)

Note ③ : Code and Value reference table (refer to unit code reference table)

Acquiring Schedule of 16 units CRC code

unsigned int Get_CRC(uchar *pBuf, uchar num)
unsigned i,j;
unsigned int wCrc = 0xFFFF;
for(i=0; i<num; i++)
wCrc ^= (unsigned int)(pBuf[i]);
for(j=0; j<8; j++)
if(wCrc & 1){wCrc >>= 1; wCrc ^= 0xA001; }
wCrc >>= 1;
return wCrc;


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