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Memorial Writing for Dr.

Tetsu Nakamura

On December 4, 2019, in Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province, located in the eastern part of Afghanistan, Dr.
Tetsu Nakamura, a Japanese medical doctor and the local representative of a non-government
organization (NGO), Peshawar Association, was attacked and killed by an armed group. This news was
widely broadcasted to the world with great impact and reported daily in Japan. We were all sad to learn
of Dr. Nakamura’s untimely death before reaching the pinnacle of his career. We express our
condolences to Dr. Tetsu Nakamura’s family.

Dr. Nakamura, as is well known, worked as a medical doctor in Peshawar and Afghanistan in
northwestern Pakistan since the mid-1980s. During this time he witnessed the hardships the people went
through when Afghanistan was hit by a major drought. As a result, he devoted his life to agricultural
development by maintenance of reservoirs and agricultural irrigation canal as humanitarian aid. These
activities have been highly acclaimed both domestically and internationally, and Dr. Nakamura was
awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award, which is recognized as the Nobel Prize in Asia. He learned the
technique himself while being a doctor and worked as an irrigation drainage engineer in the field.

Dr. Nakamura has been associated with our Society for many years and we would like to express our
grief for his death by listing out his achievements as a member of our Society.

In 2014 Dr. Nakamura received an international award from the International Society of Paddy and
Water Environment Engineering (PAWEES), at its Kaoshing Conference in Taiwan, for his exceptional
and valuable contributions to the advancement of paddy and water engineering with the execution of
“Green Earth Plan to deliver life water to Afghanistan-Construction of Malwa Reed Canal System”.
Going through the material available with our Society, we learned that in order to proceed with the
construction, Dr. Nakamura learned the design and construction technology for irrigation canal
construction based on the land improvement project plan design standards of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. He visited the agricultural irrigation facility, understood the wisdom
embedded in the masonry of Yamada weir existing in the Chikugo River, adopted this method, and
finally completed the intake weir after trial and error in accordance with the site. Nakamura had
accumulated the same technical study and experience as those of agricultural and rural engineering
researchers and engineers.

Photograph Dr. Nakamura at the 2014 PAWEES International Award (fourth from the right)

Dr. Nakamura flew in from Afghanistan to accept his award and in his lecture at the award ceremony.

He introduced the recent drought situation due to climate change in Afghanistan, the mechanism of the
Slanting Weir learned from the Chikugo River weir in Japan, its application in the field, the development
of drainage channels, and the results of agricultural development. With the development of agricultural
water, the results of the local irrigation project, which took about 10 years and was reborn from desert to
green land, were well understood. What is surprising here is that the scale of the business is comparable
to that of large-scale irrigation projects deployed overseas.

He went on to say that the business uses the labor force of local people, Japanese traditional methods,
various materials, and construction machinery, and is not at all inferior to the business performed by
professional engineers. The success of agricultural development through irrigation and drainage project
by a doctor from a private organization is not only a matter of technical skills, but also the ability to
practice the project, such as management. It is extremely alarming.

In addition, at our conferences in 2009 and 2018, the book “Doctors, pioneering irrigation canals,” and
the DVD “Planning and production of ‘grace and peace carried by Afghan irrigation canals,’”
respectively were awarded the Agricultural and Rural Engineering Society Award.

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to Dr. Tetsu Nakamura.

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